r. - . . 1 ,, fr' ,. - 33-- ' , ifciwaJ A tw2- ,-

j " i, i i-i-i . -' -. "tlT--- Bv- M cSliscdlaiicoMs V4. kVER DAM SPRIiNGS, . ABE IN BKKXO COCXTT, TENS., eery rl-- r. MEMPHIS DAILY API a anat.L . oe--k of par and faag water, to a dtatety ehafcd pm wa.r the THE4 aadawaea -- .1 lafe S. lu water, eaaal u not lata. asSaar aaiaaae Speaags, BY AffiMPHIS, ft!yl C tan jarlary,&..on. Calyeeate ana aeeeral at la. ESS M'CLANAHANj & CO. MORNING, JULY 8, 1'857. Fiea-sto- HUTTON TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY ,saJwld.il ta lae w--at Taksaf a 1 vm. NUMBER m. , lagetker, ta ktitaMtatlaUH so Mh. sery fh.t aatertiNC piac. la the sutnt i - it van Metsc.tr miles west sf Niaeta. froe tMati'iia, aearly halt aad th bst-- e (Saris- U-- business - Cotton factors. justness Caris. xafmomi oXariis. e t nad ta Teaats., atasM thirty fata f oa. ti . TBBse tear, aad tweat- - -- iw. tram '". oa rt-- r, I i atiy u Tsrae e yoa a o iii.uEAUj,Tii-KjustuAK- D when icd wjiEEXT.Br x. ar. c. . J0Hi Z.11TDE.. ..t.ALTX. HACACtAT. Jack a. AT WHOLESALE ! J. F. UIVTIIICU9I & CO., K0uiti....D. waxti.... J. liaxoara. CHAAGE OF FIRM. EDWARD FICHETT, Jr., Jl . sua. Haataaadaa, r LsaaaO-- Goad J . B. K'CLAXAHAJf, LEOHIBaJ TBOUgBALE, MOHUISS, WARD Ik SANXGNER, JOHX E. HYDE CO., WIKO Is a chaac an oar Bra oa the 39th Jun, next. ATTOxNEr At LAW. Miophaa.TB. OaMe, sj aad .ha,taa a a 4 hatal Bear ay aad ,. it vy w are offtrlsc oar slock of BrUway the Poet OSes BaBdlor. LK .f Beaady Wsae aad Case's BsSUrd Taatea, w ox, WnoX-tlAL- f eollrt it bsjejajctn r. rm, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. Z AID XtTAIL OCALXXJ IX re tmr huh Cotton Factors CoBualsslaH & FervrardlH Merchants. Jsn3:wrtwlr MaAhej, as4 ataap .ava'i-- r sta tvr exer.tse. STTXJE AXD AND Ol'tH TBS riJUt 0! Oul; atnek la u departmast QgitJLo I amiiMa-- ppa are awaers are - ZT'oroisii AOEarn rox tox SUM.1TIER CLOTHING, arty i arau' 35Xa- SAXtX3NTr3 H'CTsANATTAN, HTJTTON CO., li bom large aaa csapht u vaica re. GENERAL COMMISSION 3IERCHAXTS, Xom JOH.V f. UALSTO.V, asd e,e;m y .asiied ta eialt liu pue. 1 & luctfcBTcaUtBt atteouoa af ittrctuBU' MempLls Orleans Line, AT LaW.Baklxt. Sheet, cianty, Teaa. wb AXD ALL OMTS and Packet S Goods, ATTORNBI I WBDM T WHOM LXTTEBJ OS ScelSXt. OB CTHE&- - Ttioaa Odd FrtieaV Han. E a , Saai'l Walk Mrs H lU 'otilr. lujtur f r caaa. or aaUifactorrva- TEAX. UJKT T?S P. r. Was. Picl.li WBDNTI aiEniPIIIS, K w. Vtl C. SHUCLDBE AEBREiXXD. per. at abott Aitca. It ta Ihrlr ta - goods AX Ktrxa TO P. KsadrUx, Wsynesbarasth, I'Mary and Br Leftwtclt, wh tlat iatcrnt bar via xlm 'aJCatMt., between Adini aad Jefiar. Tenn.; ov thhm WRDI& AND m a call opi miTInt ttttr ikkuki, AmCS,K- Hats, Caps, Ilootf Shoes, &c, aa.fe--1 hnto. Baadla Hocaa, Btcaavaa, Ky.s Gea. c. AST NORTH, af " aaa, OTrr Usoptr ueaxe. y 8- - PRICE OF S.UBSCR1PTIOX, 1 'ITh4tiJ Pjm vpaulra. -t nureof It 0. 295 liUIN STREET, COS. Tf s5 Oo.'a Praxtr. Dr W. Iwxh. 8. T Watson. Xh V m. Deny, per annum.. TZs.Br ec taal3lBw' Xew phis i Jstia Trttt, Bs;lf, LtttI Seek, Art. I w O W.ala- - ta advance, ...... 310 00 nicts, axdeksok. (One door eoata Hoarse,) Through Line of Orleans, AT COST UNTIL THAT TIME. ef PACKETS, SHIRTS erford. Ban.. Mapateoa. Ark Jaal3-daa(- joltaat " " " e 00 KaSUXataitrat, MOBILE AND ALABAMA RITXB XBLLKB a. JOHNSON, aiie...... ;.;;.';..;;.:;;;..: p.jhc iTIcmphis and CharIe4on 1 ipS-air- Ophite Court lfrapiu. G. V. KOBINSON & CO., aplS-t- a MXMPms, TBKH. .jsaeei t an, Xial rearfy at CUataUa o dteaaic. vyy, ' " " - miW-dl- n No 3 Block. 1. X. c take Weekly n &r, Ko. 00 Poydras Qtroet, Clark's karU. xxowx,. w. rXAXEX. Tie win be furnished to Clubs of Tw Hernando. Memphis. tSaiiatt. -- J, JiUHT ISAAC XCTtlX. A. J. CCXXIXOKAM. and a)) wards at 1trrM each ; payable limUilr Is XEW ORLEAXS, L.U NEiF Sl'KING AND SUMMER GOODS, A'HIS TO ATLANTIC CJTItS. anee. inn every Caeb ta be mxae cp at one cmoe JJ.MES cono & co., C07 TON FACTORS, XEVILL & CUMVIXGIIAM, and personal attention tlren to tlx BROWX & FRAZER, EJ AS art taaxi and a new one wBl be taken PABTICULAB Goods. A TTOBNBTd AT LAW. Offices No 323 Main street. S3 60 Real Estate and General igents, at each. WHOLESALE GROCERS, DEALERS IN SLAVES, JtefersaccaMsssr. a. xrrea. Hancock, POH, 18C7. rX orer Benaon'a Masic Sure. Memnhu. Teas . sad RAILROAD, E3" In w cam wBl the paper be sent to new subscri- Shirley av STREETT & CO., Uerasndo, DeSotoceuaty. Miss. WlU attend nramDtir Cofibediae MEM PHIS, caatiaaiigs B9M3 AX 221 tareodoors Kcrtb of Adama. Qarkav Co , LaraEette, C-o- J. J. Marphy, JAS. A. Uy IVuilvouvl Cairo r of ber. osUu tha order tat th aaaa U atUsded Tttb tba NO. MAIN STREET, Ko. I7f Vain Street, . to aB collect Ions and baslaess entrusted to them In West troiu Eaa.. Chaa Potter Cast. O.B. Chorea. J. Bawiists, 1 ODD FELLOWS' 71 ritiwsy, trrut CoaiflHSSIOX MEKCnAXTS, WK hare thirty IlkHr Xetroea for aa!, m NO 3 MAIN'S?., OPPOSITE BALL, Teeaesaee aad Netta MUstssiprL Cilee9 Dtrtcl ta Sixtern Heurt. trtf ionf Brtat . 3e Memphis, Tenn. pyI4.m CBaao Carl NASHTII All DafiTaE&acrtTitla&s wSI liafUu! r.i and KO. 3 HOTAiO'S BOW, HiPHlS, TXSK. Mr And arm aeepresatictty oa hand a sort mp-- jnst opeeiaf a cheie ILxk af FANCT and 8TA KErsx TO TruKt, ara. av Go , roBsdaeeeta ; Croata. tfOuogttr of or Bfjjt LE. CHAJtLBSTOsV, -- ' ii DaraMe bl t nartr la liuntt JnolT dat3ta p!r at nkel Mecroei, cacaltticx of oen. beyv7f J. LAWTO,.. M. BBXAXZa, ABE GOODS, which they oflar W far eaah, or II erx thai a. Sears. Walter . StesWeia, X. T. w B. BBANCK PRO CSX7BIUA IS NOW PlNtSfiED, CHATTANOOGA, WILMIWCTOW, n. j "- ta-- raracom terau ffl am ; , arid hand! and aoaia aertaata - the asusl tlm to proatri eaaueaers Wa Icrtu at- -t MBIer. Janes. Brewa A Co.. V. J. Webb &. O . Msm- - Taa sbamawng the uaw ta to t itrlctlr rUittr X V'nd (iru, Fromcrly of LawtontBle, S. 0 Of Charleston, 8, C. tte sateea har caet.ro. KNOXVl,LK, JOItx w X.I01CTTSB, L. LZCatTTtX, reasonable coaatry hayersto LiTfCHMHIG, jiiapui. Harrlaborr, Man. ef which win hi told oa terms, aad (ally taaf ntlontf ctly and call aud cxamia Phls. eoaaecuag wjgh Mseasgaa Ceatrai Care ATLAJIIA, PElatrkSTORqi, aattid. & our stock befoe parchaslaf euewhere. Oar alack con ATChlesta, saaaa Bepat, Defeats, Niagara Falat, DAILY RATES FOR ADTERriSISO. Sell oa commission. LAWTON CO., part of rteh Dres SUka. Silk Tisane, L. Q. C. max e. n. atOTT. fw AUGUSTA. "W. & CO., Wiwn aba Board anil Ketroes, lists la Brerea, la Kasatsiar, Albany, New Talk, Botlan, a4 all Baatera JttCHMOrtD, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, JOHN LEDBETTEa bentwellpreeliidforthatbaslia ap3t-daw- ly Ortaoaiea, jrrben uaatanca, uwas, rreacn, cajush LAMAR & flIOTT, Oary tw MoX rGOM ER y, Upland Sea a,e AT aadAttaatiC CRsn caaafe te Om tram and Island aad American P rials . Gnzhams. . Ac. LAW, Bally Sprkts. MbslsasaaL Calea Niagara, max A Per i aqaaro of tra Uaea or Ifaa. oae lnrrtloB...$l 60 lnA-- Z. If. ATTOBNETS ta and three Cairo is Athaay, aad COLCMBCS, B LTIiMOMC, a J. B, T XITE. COTTON AND BICE FACTOR?, ALSO, SUk TUiee, Berece. Orxan.ll., Jacaaett and rr-ra- vimarai inwrttas of xb bo Trtinks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. COTTON FACTORS, MACO.N, Lawn Babes o. the newest da. 12a j Lac Shawls and ! tarts-Bi- PHILABgaVItlIA, AXO Tori . aaatea. Paea aa Saw. aad amlitt mil. WHOIiBSAIiE ASD BETAIL. Forwarding & ComaisslOB Merchants, MaatUlas, new aad fterim style. W. G. WEATIIERFORD. er. taaa by aay aeher roula. Pssseagss are SAVANNAH, ABW YOftX. i J. B..SHAEPE&CO., LAW, Baal lULaW iarsTh ? are receipt an CO-'- ptOUNSELOBAT aad Ageat, Napo. late arrival, ta f klod at Book, C03IMIS8IOX UERCniNTS, NO. 3 EAST BAT AND BOTCE It S WHaBF, Family Purnisoing Materials, nor saBSeeted ta the aalaya caMaaeat I ta fisaaem BT aad BlU. that art new aad desirable, maktne TTHOLXOALE. KS jeea, atk Tt mt BtwagB Through TlokeJs, C. Meaa-oh- chaatby KM iji1. lrXsini aad r S part and t and (Co-to- oae af the larreat aad beat atocki ef Cae catoa oade . Xo. Ir Front Row, ClUBLESTO., Conilftint In of Liaeo Cotton Sheetlst. aB Bafer A Wrftht. Esq., Oat. R. G Pays, Otus. ta taa aau North. MVpeoevJ alt at ail beast sen widths and qualities. rtUow Case Lteena. double and aaa. Jadg B. L Carathers, SapresM Oaart; B. O. at a dvoe work far retail trade ta be foetid la Jiemp&la. Prior &. FACTORS, gotten. Bice, Flear, Wheat, Corn, Mrs Aba, caaaeetaar at CMcaaa wtth Michigan Seata-r- raadTaAattiaSce, Mil la ta 1. TOBACCO x. will 04 low for Caaa. aee. OVER HANNAH SHANKS, WILL fce. tie Dimait Twe ciotas, KSpkins. unpen, D. jwt. Eastaaa, Bs., NathTtttc, O. A. Beery, OUrU-f- TraBts, lee psmsaad, the Hg3lll9,TKl , iwt Ik Saassad Bapat Call and an , Geo. T. Baaktrx, aad East, wtsh Lake it TUCKS, TEBRT & ANDERSON, ITompWa, Ho. 23 Front Bow, n.Tlce an exnerknee of twenty flee years In tnslnesi. Cartaia Matertsl ef deaerlplloes. Mar Teas and B. Floaiaay,lr Dnha aa.. Ark. ShMeBsit"wad aad ra Mtlwaake, Tvaaas Mtsapatt daJy at (is lstasl. Term. seines Quilts aa Coaaterpanes , &e atiin Ik'Imh, aawtag ansa all .Vans-r-a a.at.. 1.1 5 0 8 OO.'IO 00' 13 16 00 SO 00 Xo- - 346 Main atreet, -. KSUPniS, TKfN., we cnsraalee salltlsctioa to an wao paironixe na. Dlsltle. aotewgaa, Ac, aad wtaa a .pliadtd Lose f PrrMCMt. l..nm atd issas.. M ! PARTICSLA- ATTEXT10.V paid ta tbe aala to Bleaeeed and Brewa Kheetlax aad Bhlrtlar. Plata and narSMIr, Oppoalla Court Square, AlmphU. Promot. sersoaal attention glrca th forwardlnz! asssTa far Sia.t Si Marts, Lak aay-rts- rnstss n lfjWj2ind blpn t af Oottoa. Bactiac aad Bope and oriera fined with the uenuine Aniae at Striped usaabaift. ax, Tlcktat, Striprd CvUenadea, CHAS. D. FOSTAI.VE. Through to Nashville in 2f3bojrs. 4 60j S 00 tw 0012 oo;i6 ooiis so jo no EILLS prices. One hundred different department. LAW, Pcaiatw, wfB waart. Taeaato. Ixe. i h.nj at market price. Apron Checks, Ftaaaela. !lc i White Good., cno-- Mis., attend l- -.f J- - & uebweit BErEBXXCEa Uuo. B. D. TterCIe, BxLlent. Got. Je.as. ATTOBNETAT prafeasawial xa least Gaar Beery Mmtag aad Xeeatag aa fol- rsstMHssask tats fajam laeasahu A. WALT PO., Bg0-w4- m brand conrtaaily 00 hand. Shepherd 4s of Plain Ftrared, sad Checked Swiss Book In hattaes wMeh msy a new r4, 00 8 09 M OMra 0)1 IS 0.430 OO! 00 J. B. Shepherd. Baa, . of the Bra of sHtlat rntnuLrd to him aay ef lows t 3" (al y eqaspved wtB i i 003 40 irnoLtxAij: asz sxtaii, rar3-o- al Hon. dia. MulL ax : Emhrelde ries s4 Luea. ta ta Coaru of Mnh Mtset aataistsg SN, . js a. 3 T. TATS, Jaa. Tupper, Kkj.. Master Is Sjcliy! W. tiPpt. feh ly : A. if., Chaasfo aad DaaSeHh Bxpress, Sasdajs icoata.e.. m .ad Irsaai p)sseagss ear. MOSTOOMUT, t. Es-- 8. Uandsome Wurked Setts, Colters, Brand, .Infants' won io oojii e 14 OOfiO OSilS OO'tl ss S7 601 60 00 Of Urmphia. Late of TatesTlUe."!! III. J. Grayioo, Exollector and C, Charleston, ic 'is., aaa a HiBsisoa aaash F. L. M A yi r, Barnwell, S. Worked Robes, Plata and Baorotdtred naalkarchlsn. a l & O. Bar. n D. Duncan. Gen. A. MOOX, , NELSON NEWELL, McDonald. T Stocks, E Glore. Iloslery, Fancy Belts, Fans, Perfumery, Small J. TraBsmu sttMcac with New Tart Light-- uk Tau3t M sTj!s oaxf """" is oajis oo IS OOtU 00 30 00iJ7 &l! 46 00) 60 09 axo xx it.t. xtnu or M0NTGtOMEllYH& TATE, IX C. Got. C. J Jndfe Georslt. AV LAW. General GowaeHaa: and Lead err. suuu WHO LIS ALE DEALER! . Dr. B. O. Msyi, Florida, Joseph Ware. c. ATTOBNET 4 I G. Jaadon. Kk-- the Northern and Eastern Centers of J- - Memphis, Is ear Icteatlae to Dry Goods th Itidjivx fea- ! ortei oo, 601 DO Banter, Bsc,., Iran. W Dane, Tenn. It ake DBS ooln oom ji oou 7S S3 ?0 UPPER COUNTHY PRDDUCEf 01 business, eaa rely open Arkaaaas, ABO, ABE. Tats Tram abo al with n SAqiiors majj-dl- y ture aad ear friend aadias; at fewBjudawly caneu 8tateai Otle aad Ua a.sCe ntt.Y -- C0TT?0N FACTORS Foreign an limes a raH aaa osniespie aMartmeat. taslaripyt sar a. Laws, aad Ttaatant.; at I oaUt IhJmmM 01 OEM 14 OSIfiS anutm venter i laiaaBa ualea sta Rrat uLZJLlfTZt; ri 0030 0903 00,10 OttiO 60 60 00 I t AXO . W. ALEXAXDEX. x. J. EAXtrso. Paaa, wtth Trataa tt th. tars law, AUoa aad St. Ntrtacl itl --r aTllr d joucrms, tests.. TOBACCO, CIGARS, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. L. O. RIVES, BaBraa. tee LaawssU. d Cinca- - etI ! AND OOUNSKLO& ladlaas. Tr arty ii 6j!8 olm ssln o)te iS SS(7 90 00 alwaji on faxsd a wtli and careiaUj aelecUd COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ALEXANDER & LANSING, Stock in this Use asaaaf astarad aader oar owa saper- - ATSOBNKr AT LAW, Mempbtt, aatl;Lt as Deaatar. wata Xata Lias Basraas sr Hates, AZZTl'T a. ka' -I- - HAVE BOURBON AND RYE WniSKT, la ta Bashttag. 1 at artlUea la Itelx line, wMca ttey wlU ! at OLD Ttaien. Pt 0ae Daiatsa; the tatter caw art tag with Trauat ta Baslag-- tat Corni.: --' 00-1- 3NTo. JVXeic2i30rx.-fit.- l r i ool M W3S 001 ft OWSO 00C! 00t75 Oft! 1 00 f ue tewesi cuxxeua prices. 13. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, All hastBe.seMratted to hu car win rxaire prtmpt. i nirtln IPOATt-TitnCa-., sad faHhfal attentssa. Odlertesas pi aaa, ley aude , 7 CJ" Onbr prcapllr Saed with dUpatcb. Between Front Row and Main, 33to. 6 STBKET, Soots and Shoos, Hats and Caps, te la s:ra r. as., .wsw lata asoeaas, saiitravty exaaaaos-- aal3-datw- KOS. J AND LOCUST turroaodiag eouaHea X3 Oue Kure, rcanraala wertlj, prrannam, $0 110 UmhreOss, Farasoa, Trsnks, Carpet Bits, 6 c, f West Tennessee, Mississippi and " Wg aaly at laaparlaas Svalssas. escept a Sapsaf, ' ' .w. " SO MEMPHIS, TENN. atAxorACTcxEX or lrhaaaas. ."7 " iwica a week, 00 SoiZAt XsotuLs, ZkTo. apt 3a aoaawetlac Kb KaM Las-- BaVSas- e- fr--a. u "I WTLKA;8 vilwVUtlA Q Two aqetro, reaewaVe wecklr, pwaaooai, CO 00 A IX Cotton a&lpped to m, or at. re by a after Itran - Domestic Liquors and Rectified Whisky, saalllawly aiaSUi, aa artum. taago D.tr aaatiStust. Xi.TaI.wmVecoTerdbyopeapoHeyor I a atce. oa l it I r K. .JL "T."? - " .. " " trleetnct. " 80 03 V. REFERENCES. Upper MUaB-tp-pi. ws ., B- T - J. FUSSED, janl-d-1- y MAIN STBKKT, OH3 DOOB SOUTH OP UNIOK, Cook fc Co., Mempttls ; the - ' t5- AB a4rcUaM&u reqidred U br txft oa accond aotherwhte latrorted. J 3. Murphy, Memphis J raer. . .a. racssa Spring Summer suii Mamahai c Tcdd a. and wwna jssaae.a ta t... . M a S- uQ Gojer, Card. Pafa, CHASOEO Al SCW CASK DAT, 3i t&lra fafe, TEXX. Bsmett ft Walker. " ' SAMUEL UILSEBT, SB., haa Mtoraed t ht M Caaastn. saatnr ta teas osi La arrteal ar TJVSt.. . ' .c - - SM w MEMPHIS, feb6-6- " an a rata . COMMISSIOgJIERCHANT (ABxirrr aaABix toas xuu. Charles DR. aiwa- vaa..aaaa, A iTaBeovr alalel Porter. " A-- sear Mesphtt, aad reopens d Ma 13 ns-ar- y, a.,l.ii. a. o.- -i - "T tC.B. it. ... M AimtiMen-a- u dtreetod tCtpIarrd, c art In la Stare T aaa.l.l- - CaMtaaaraa i Usiiaa. W. at A. B. B . 23 tbe IB ILL, HAVE T npny fc Co., Braod lea ; and wiH reaaln peraioeaay. He treaU the fttw-n-g lor Jsaesvtst sad OesArtl and Eastern aaa- . Je! GRAUATI & ploea OUrd, T H - Wtscaaiaa, - W laray couzad ratra. St- X. X. IIABTET. Piltss Ejsntujr. a T R 'nn. C - HABTET E. Chraalc Diseases Caaeera, ScreeTUa, WM a Swsaaag, sect Fseaport it 8. 8 jK . sociu I 3 - " PlueCCnUUou Co., Brandies; it with Truss la Betstt aad JaaeastUe. aa K She C7 Taarlj adrcrtlwra in be axtra far occa-- General getits SIMON & SEESSEL, Tubus and Wins, without S leal operatrtss. Re aim. sax ta Beauot. B T 4. V B. B. la apace aand Bqr.plpes " C. M. HARVEST & CO., , art frsas thenar ta MadstaB aad Central sad alnosrn B. BVtsssissLra.asa'(. v .SN orer contract, and wb la&OE la re- " treats aB OhroaleFemaleol-aae- langstandtBg, t. B. . Cotton. C - Henersey, .f B....!"""" 1 be ttti oc3a-- LrstSas'X ta BatkaUhr, X. S. paired to used, r the kept oa tf Factosst MERCHANTS, B. . adeerttKEieot laalde of ME31FIIIS, TEWS. COMMISSION & FORWARDING Tetter, Rheumatism, Syphilis, aad aB fotms of Merrailal Th Mas aad Charts tadacatasg B.. T Commision & Groceiy Menhants, 10 " casks Port Wine ( MAXUFACTURERS OF MEXS' the Gesat Csatrsl Bartssale ta Bxksaaaat, B . B. " pirr. AXD aBmions. 3 in! ssfche and & BIH;""!'; . ax 8 Mad ISO GRATIKR-ST- ., 0BLEAN3. Bars East ar aa exact tfaaasrlpt of fUaaaaaad Aqars B. St Taartr adTertltera wH be ckarxei? extra at regular " " NO. NEW Dr O. deem uaaecearsry ta ssy lir-n- g la l'r ... P. p b. 76 JOHN" B. AO. 9 FKONT ROW, 4 OM Sherry Wine J It me, as he tit vallaa' Mspaf the bailed state, aad pasatnaen are Creek b"" calea fw Vaali. m , XaaiaTala, Cepartnersalp BOTTO, " " Aaata Io WaaaaMaaa, . Ms. Bonrbcn Wbbky -- r OUB personsl attentloa wUoesse of BH .access tram Mala M Oreeea. reqstatU to laaaMit this rvsue as wttt a taa rvnalsg a ., Imaii H 7a WEMI'HIS, TC.l.t. 1001 OH ,R99aak. U CLOTHING, declt-daw- - Gotcaee, ttc 1 ly -- wiuoegiTen lAgiiLfs.'jr.' UU Itaaeaard of ta BasdVi, aad t Txaxjiest adv zz rox TTE prepared to oil orders for Baeoo, 60 " ' Kj " iuotow itn n aastlB; Jwlaafartswas-- Battastsee ta PVHad. Htaas, p. w. A S !j" rxniixo mr aib BOOT AND ire bow V Fotwarding of "eods or. . vmLniir nrirr.i setae aa ta tkeaarrsctaesaaf ths abase The Iha-p- Bit" m SHOE s, nal'-a- 300 Becttaed 7r; Col-e- , " lUswau. U ta New fctMSfToor, Sncara, Ilolaasea, Oaaoln, nnsigned Xa our JAMES peatagaf Tflssiii ) Tk. 0. A. R. W Kaft'lT-xlltrTa- ral 13 TV 100 cases GtartrTTlre; Produce tituLito cuu Arjr uooas, M. JHURPHYt the Ceatrai BABrsed rram Cam ta ry wlfl appear Ie the Weeilj paper MAKCPACT E IV, 'SLliAvxa, Whlaky,Slt, Blln r, Eope and Twine, We will contract Freight oa the . Chwaga. fsvatsag speedy i aaiBSbzSrpse'a-jooaUa- il. Groc-ik- t. JOOb.UAlej Sr address BOOTS. SHOES AXD PLASTERS' GOODS. Tin-tacJ- aad th s aad dtreet atsaa ef a ' TMaL.... with ceoeral stock of aou-- e , . - -- Groxxoxrtd f2.soxa.t. Xo. G6 $00, 000 assorted Clears ; iot . xrjB -. year being we wiiimaaliainii betwaea the I'aoer Lakes aad Btvess, aad MttBOhtt Saw C3'lBTiUietaeau U be laaerted la the 'Wrektr paper Front Bow, tfe are also A.enta far tbe sale of the Xanafactnres faeUItt- thla of such a oatare sr. JAOESONPOBT, AXSL the Lower Misssitipn, aaaras ta tae pteatae la la. k Ss. edr, hr aVlrrrsaUr iaterraia la ettber of the paper, ail SIGHT OF THE BIO BOOT, of the Mezaphli CeUon Mills, and efiirr at low prices tht Ir 75 boxes Oee Vlrtlsia Tobacco. V. Jf enabled our Spring and Summer .lock, watt trateier, Osatral Kaa' Tacether with a lance and earied assortment of toods tofr TTTILL attend prsatBy to she loeataac at Swaaap Land a wail a ta hasiatis sua, attxactasas aad rnsllllii Savtsg by Mali, beebaijed $l7trtliaare far crtry lafertMa. Osaabares, Ootum Tarns and Jeans and linsey. respect- inThe MerSarSse VV Scrip and Warraata the Hetaa srrraeaesg ' th pats! ABSwetajcBldate County In our fine, la which the attention of tbe trade la hitufrpstsor at J.rrsanpsrt aad lae North aad Ba.t, which sarpass shaaeaf Slate, and BOOTS Also lake orders for the Star Cotton lira. apsO-di- - MstricU, setusg Laad paytag say 3 iLKKracsoeiaBnTeaaaBO. solicit 1 sad Tax. oehsr raa waaisvii. Th twaiamilslaios far-- AiV- - XT $E tMt, to be paidtt la adraace erery m GRAUAX 6; HILL. fully dlci U to can and BaltcB u ia. JtA. la SHOES, of als owa make, alio of !5aS.' k-- Sckf: partlealearnestlytZ.'?rejne.ted nsttidbytheCsBspaay tor the caaseateaee taetrav--ti- a BB...... 99 ',1 af Alia ata to Aazusts, H bum. v manufacterera, lie kerps, alro. Beferences. pstnle. the pwtsaiieaey cf th read aad ssractaea, R B CJ-- AH for CaarlUa Inrtttntteci, . A. fAatPUC....M. K. MITCHELL J. M. SAMMX. PEESCOTT & CO , SIMON at SBBSSBL. 3 Front Bow, B. Graham. Mtmshts.Tecc: A. S. Haar. Utas Back: AaaTssta ta BltgaeSBs, S. O. B. M. 'Jl'...... ' adeemwaeeta and Upper, Calf Skin. French Co. J. P. A. O. SMITH.. ..X. T. atrrHKIE....OEO. J. XOWLAXD. ., taa stuauia aad atsgstef at taaBaajtaa aad Cas,atas-asta-d 7 Tire anafaUraSjrard. PttWtc m kleaphti. Late ef Ahereetn. LaU of ronlotcc Comer Jeawrsoe-st- under Commercial BteL B. C Brlsxny, " Msj T. MafL Mfa.; - stsMtna ta wiietiaaiaa. Taint, aad other Keeetac, American Shoe Fiwttafi, Trunks. Carpet Ba acdVa-Hae- a, taeasMtv ta taoae who desire ra trteatio- aaeeaf. R...... 1,1 MANUFACTUBBBS marlO-daw- tf W. M. awlwrB, Norton & Oa., N. O . , . . . . - . . ss w ir.ill.i.Sc sr. B. all af wMeh he wl'l sell aa cheap any OP SMITU, GUTHRIE & CO., " J. -- ., B ' a la tall MITCHELL. & CO., Lane Oo , A. ' .tsaisi -- p. R CJ JCarrtasea aad IVatka are patetebed as new ; bat market. Oira sua a can before percbaaiaxelaewhert. SAMPLE, r. it " J, Roseau. LsGraa, It. M 1 OalWi rtaTrHgte. ef Bupect aad Faaeral ISTttaUeas rgnZZiZT?? iT"'' Psterahasg ia .r,Bichsaaad, B. P. a.. decl he i. B..... 32 a other Commission ilcvclmnts WIIiIaIAM POOLiEY, had at Memphis, adTerttaemrnta. AXO The ACCOMMODATION TRAIN fa Masxaafct Ty AS trcti and Traaefcst AdrertliemeaU TrtB be Factors, Allen Part. Pa i WA1S.X tsaesps a Cotton ED OIL, WILLIAM MOB1N. Ageat. ts t.js) at l:st p. aar JaaswAaa w C. W. st.. ebanead ay tbe latertlaa. (tomnutaon. Receiving, and Forwarding WHOLESALE GROCERS, MercJiant Tailor, Board, Jaekasapert; Pool k WaOaaaekMapart the Mwstwtapi ial aad Taaaesse -- 7" - - D. PANTE & CO., SOAP AND CANDLES, dec37-l- y MBPhis. Teas Ca Qsaasn ,,, rj- Sdltortal Notice- la Local Oateaa wlB be ctxrxtd BEALEXtiXX lyTYTTV 3 - perMaa. 187 ST., 1S4T. Oil, ., 1S1T. Lard Soap and Candle MADliO.-.-ST- THIBD OOOB XAST OP UNION BANE, Foot or Jefferson Street, Under Wo rsham House. SOTTT2EE33.3Kr ritiiiisnisv..o ntsh t 3t i n'KadedacliscorTarlaUaairci be sale freia tte Foreign and Domestic Liquors, thebegs NOTICE. tcic-t- kt aebscrtber 'vsee to aaneaace to hit SAUNDERS' easce at J. M. Drag ratu. MAITOFACTIJISERS, MEMPHIS, TEXX. MEMPHIS. TENN. AXD AOEXT FOB TBE SALE (If THE and the ettiv of Memphis he has return- DB. SMajtO.'s VcOTOXAHAlf. HCTTOS' k CO. which w ni that aesr the Past Ofiee. Btar3--tf SUPPLY of best Battier and Hope always ta store. alto krep on hand CHITON SEED OIL, Virginia Kentucky Tobacco, ed from New Task wtth a rail assortawatof most splen- FREIGHT LINES.:S3SjaS5ar-- I4i: Main street, lerapliis. Tenn. snap prices. WEguaranty to answer sB purposes for which Lard and did which h prepared up on highest raarket pricea paid tor roach and rendered A Orders lor rs nHed at the lowest cash Good, is to make tor ca.h DOCTOR W. C. CAVENAUGH, if We Geo. W Oil Is used. We bare certificates from competent Jndres 684 Main Street, between Second and Third, shor notice. rep$-I- r VMaBlg9aiB THE Lard and Soap Grease. aor3-I- y are alas Atenta fer the sale af Wlmsn'a X. perm.aenity Isotlid IB kit si pats, aaers hi m J'wamfl V laalsmlrnil wwB Canbass. Dauhle Geared Port able Threshers snd Wheat Fans, to this effect. We can sell It fea percnt tAfapertban Janlt-l- y L0U1STILLB, ET. HAVING tijjc a ,30.3m ta aU the braaehe sf has ,refill Itn ta has watch are snperUr to anythlar; ef the klad erer ofiered Lard OB. ettJieBS ef Meapals aad VKtatty. aSIh.iaVilTLta.ar A. & CO., to the planter, belns cheaper, nor- - darable, and Vrss lia- C. N. 03toeaMMUreet,(WettsaJ httwiM Adaat aad THBOTJQH BATES CP TTfRTflTTT --V" . ,t than., v. PUBLIC SPEAEI.G. STREET ble ta cet oat of repair, and may be esed with eqnal ao AVEEILL, Summer 'Httafs. 7?, ,' sr ih. ttuhje r""aad OwasBailrsad Mae. KAXUFACTCBEBS OF ALL KINDS OF 06? Sj Xi Washhsston atreets, ta IMeveawafs BaWatasji. apiassa TBOM m atta froai M.tat. at a, The aaadiiatfBcd, ta'ntMates far Ceacrui, wB address raataae la either On Hen e er SeM mySdly Moil I,: Eecehing, Fotwarding -- and Cmuniision , Drs. Jones XEW YORK. & PHILADELPHIA - live pevffe aa fattasrs : RAILROAD CARS, CARTS, Q. rLODRSOT... T. COOI-EX- &. W. LEASE. illarablc, xTr!Jf!lpw-- " JI. RED SULPHUR SPRINGS, ornCEtox Ta) PATOBABLlt Vaoaa, lladtMa eaaaty, ..Vaaday, JBBC33 ABBAJtMMMa cSjc, jtSTT, ADAMS STRBST, OPPOsiTB W0KSHAM HeWSB. staBMV wuhah hrrs My Jnafoa. xaeaa. ...Taeay, WAGOH8, JONES' restdeace. Seoaad iaahAiladsawBsaBssaa aaarr Is Wednesday, Peplar, between Second MEW FIRM. (SCCTESSOX TO SVEXHOCSE 6t (O.,) HARDLY COUNTY, TEXX. street. Bear ta Past TUSCUMBIA AND MweaB New Tare P.H.O-!si- tyOmOfnt, XaaUaaa... J!aic asd Streets, to announce Spring and Summer AGET. DR. Dr ressseac, street, MEMPHIS, Barraaaats, CSssnett aadersbrsed beslesTe to their friends Msrahte's Heraaawa Sasaaaah. Ic. aad Maaiph... KaaVoa...... TasHsdsy, TUB NO. 4 HATNB STBBET, CHABLXSTON, S. C. destctac to these Springs, i JaaUy 14--41 New ueksaaa. jisfis ausMpms, texx. th' pablic that Ibey base formed a THOSE el.it betweea Vaaee aad UneVa. west side. my si BT aadaB Si. ImZ rk, Ksaiua ..FrMsy. ship, the purpose of GosdertlsE a wholes! John CaMwtlt President S. C. B, R., for 'heir aedkctaal Ttitacs, wgl And that ' laapMtaatia.ata.aaajthwaai ica 3 fer wUI be asade by the New Tork aad rliiMeipiiia StcttBtasiipLiares, --aar. mat r.psi easastsrse I Jarkua, MaeaMB ,.JaiBrday( GOODS. REFEBENCXS C; Col. J. A. Whltesides, and H. W. eserytfbrt Proprb tors to make their HOMEOPATHY. m ssisaha th" aHwsad, Hsywaed ...... Maadar, TFVET. SBbscrieer takes pleasure In announcing to his stsy rresitot aad agreeable Aa host wHl EDMONDS, M D , savesaerHaae WhirrMirrtcaSi,lt aeaaw JIIIjIjMM, Grocery and Forwaiding Business, Hiurn rale, Chattanooga, Tens-- Ger.'W. T7haau& attestlre XXT A. (late af HopUawvUas, By., VIA CRABLBB W THE and the public generals, he has Jail proTia VV HjdriiaanVIC Pay-Kta-a, A.BBtM, MeaspBs. H Oael!e, Raiweed ...... Tatsy. th.t Oo , Charleston, S C ; Chst. N. Andersoo. G.aeral thtta with saw aad eig.xnt eaMas, camfertaale . Hamesaetart sad tewdert tota . naui...... IreOBeaday, X At Memphis, Tennessee, In the hone recently occupied opene. bis and carefully selected stock cf bTAPLE beds, good a. daac A nauaaa ia IB BSBtawata. Ji. Laell H.I Jair by ism Agent, NashTlUe, Tenn.: Wm. Tailor b. Co., Montgom a tsb aad a.a.1 tat ta earefai has prafssssaaal service to the cttlaeB f langhri CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH . "SI SStl ' ....Thareday, z 3oforsozi Stroot, Messrs. Oarkleon, BUU i. Blair, No. IK Main atreet. and KANCT GOODS smltd to the Spring and Summer 1 f otftHl Sir CO 'I? weodeii.e, Bayed...... her--it ery, Alabama. iistkt wl b la attendsttc at th stables, whkh are aa. RestdeBce kadiaoa street, aex to the Ptaatag MUL Miaairis, X tkt eccapud formerly 6j Jfra Jlompioa, seasens, which are oa sale low to cesb or prompt psyug FIRST CLASS sn wqa BeawaisM. Haywrad...... rrtMy, They tap by strict attention to business to merit and glren to or surpassed roro asfart and eotiaenleaca. Offlee Madeson strati, aietataa; taa .Bet. Pun rU., to Ta ZT J y Aaaawa, i.stl.s a d c -- HAS ratareed with custeeaers. ladles Eugenia, Marearette, Gren Particular attention the skttlejieat by wsy Adult Basks, sassasy. Basts, Mwa,d an I. '""tm tttk-- Daaoratw Bayw.ad...... ISoaaUf, rtw the Saest and heat recelre a llbsral share of palroeare. Forth FBEIGUTS, and for lost and damaged Goods by ressels. VitBors Bali ael fear aa detention ss Caaehes Befars to MoOosaa . Trior, J. Tarlaa & Sea. W J. Win, TSasaMi. Xsms. ... r abrctaas. s,. Caaaiataaraee, rayeUe .Taeadsy. 1 ..I stock ofJteaU' aad lades' BOOTS and SHOES, Uraera nued lowest ra es, and en as cood for adlne. Organ ly, B rsge and MnaHa Robes J beautiful andUaaswtst,MUrtaelttat Jaae, befoead waitlag aaa w. r,. Uqaaes, OUa, Ac , Is soSUm a " at tenni, Organdtea, p3I dly uavte u nioa. aAdSamiaTsTpsadas tZj waleane, H.romaa...... tredaesday. 8 I beV wh ch, beinc selected etpresaty lor tht market, cash, a If the parens er ware present. Quick ailea and plain and fancy Poult .la Lot, Lawns. Berates. lh arriril of the Cars at BarasvUe Slatoo. oa the '..pawls. f HaraVma: he warrant, late style. MnsHna Ginghams and rich Lace, Silk, and ta harreaa; Craatts;, Cats., ck-d-taf J"'"9f Betenaaa Taa Tard It lor darabslitr aad itail' pr ets will be our motto Call and examine our Prints; Bespit! tad Chariest oa Xat road, aad passraers, from Dr. Bveaue s aB - n lasng,' 1 - R. L. LA8KI, (siat Pney Gtare Charca, Hardemaa. ..Toady. 14 At the saaie tlate, he te dera Ma thanks to Ma old na slocE beiere purehaslne. No trouble to show grccerles. Embrsi- ered Salsa Mantles ; sets neaiton. Maltese Point I.AIVD ettaer direetfsa, by the morning laeias, will reach the StafTPhysieeaB Dt sad 6iaawre, I'Ksrs, ia na BaHaje wui sa raern-- d hopes ; Bugle, Glrapure, AGENCY. aad rector sf several Iseapttsf Chsek". n I sax saiatij. Ba saar. Hardeana...... 16 trass far past tarara. aad tut t libera pairasace In We miend to mak It to the interest of city dealers aa and Mnslln Sleeres and CoBars Thread SprtBf In the attetaaaa ef the taate dty. LATE avather of OiSerent Meritcal Sacsttie e.te5 Oaaesetssaavs. Bach pasaraarr wiU he atlawadesst 16 cew to, wBl be Bftbous, Dress Trimmings, Osttea Dry as Bas- 11. J ssaas's 9aJaVty. Haraesna ...... Tearxday, the at.ad jast rentared vhere he always weKaacaantryBierchanU to tire as a shire at their and ether Laces; JhI-8- OOXB Proprtelert. New Task, haa laeated of Memphis, of- Caru, .i'ls - T Bailnad; a sevtste . & SOS, CUPfa a ia the cits aad es ; '' hat tt .avw q Miswamn, Baeaeaaaa Friday. 17 iady to attead ta any work in his Use at the earnest no. patrenar. FLOUBNOT, COOP KB LBAEB. Gloves, Baslery, Skirts 01 B kinds, Ladlea' UmbreUss SAM'L MATTHEWS fers server ta aa aad hJe Draga. Frast. Pratt aa ia aa i. bis the pabiic Paystoaa, A trencher, T- Mas-a- ciTitduiBuat that aat laiHiai St. aha ass- - as EUlJ-dtwewX- and a - aa . P aihaaast Mardaeaasi..,...... Saterday, 18 lice. Aa early call sjHeited. m Paraials. etc. General to Buy, Stll and Locate Land sad far all aperatiaa sa S irtary. sad Baraihuj, Fata. 4 ta. pt.eeaa.-r- Ia eaar af Is, asa l 30 ipS-J- 1TX. A large of Read?-Mad- e Clothing, Cloth 1, Calltaeres, Jcnft WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Saeds. Looking tin ss ta, sad j Lawraase. Paretic.... Uaadsy, MILLBB. let in Ike HUtitiippi Bottom. 3 Osee oa Waahtagtaa ateet, between Mala aad Xoaesw. Fafetaa...... 31 J3Baletln piease copy. C. MOUXT...... T. J. Boots, Shoes, lists, Osasbarg., Mesehed and brown 3eoaad. tag Luitsxluss Platei, (at asrBers ISHtlWO. .Wsejdov t. ..1. rowLirx. DrBIs, Cotton-air- s, Count)'. , Mama Fayrtte -- 33 nmiii. Sal ttaga asd Sheetin.s, Liaeas. Llaea attention It paid to the selection of Hardin Tenn. nak Sfstsrs ia aaaa aad ftsseaeraRr-aeeHe- d topatthaseTllhiath-ltii- ), ...... MODXT & CO., word erery dry goods line. PABTICULAB 1m (SECOND SEASON UND8R THE MANAGEMENT OF aaasBrry, Tia aad Js, Hkkare Kwha, Payetae...... Taamday, St FOWLK.ES, and In a thmc la the no the Internal DBS. JIOOR3IAN & BROWX. Brtttaata Was, terta the eajs, .a a.e af . tsss. Oatnaaidia, FaHay, 31 C. JAOOBI & CO., Country .Merchants are offered great Inducements. proeeewnt and Chickasaw School Lands THE PBUPB1BTOB.) Taa. aad pse la $3 13 $3 30 Ni ,i,aal Fayette...... J. a Adams stieet, la rear af Jaaaa. Brawn & ?! sitiis, whoa traaeimat iliai , mail Base apamaB. BaaMertrie. saearaay, 36 (No. 393 Main, bet. Union and Giyoto-sta- .) Call and examine my stock. No charge far .bowing Several rears eroerlence enahlea them to Eire satisfac WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS will be opened ec OFFICE Mam street, BBCO.VD CLASS. gMawasa. to s, Br Maarasaas mkhaie aa -- watch tasy are to sa, g r'Pte C. BLAIR, sa SSjoM sadaaaeifr AflrfairTT T'tw a 37 ctor good A. tion. Terms easy. THE aocoatniodatian g xceptriich ss spattxad taay ar-- Staabr . CottonFaAXD 1st JaBeae.t, tor the of ta, chili street, betwaaa Vaaas aadBUssttltresa. hat ta sr sr tasy win a VmJ. -- aat apa-- tf 377 west Caffis d. rirasd. , Taaeatey. 28 Importers and Mannfaeturcrs ol No. Miln atreV. side. Address Plesiant Mount, Panola county. Miss." pantsc targe saar35-t- a Ohau, MtUa. at atrrt-- Hek- -t ivi . I 99tstowTB- iby frteada aad the I hire a lee ljat tall litis isj, Na will be ssM them, aer wB ahsy ha SpaMarw 3 I aptUditwim Psnarn Latsars ta hartass sad - afcfikrA Wedaeaaay, & COMMISSION MSB CHANTS, . lor ab exceiVBl Bead af Matte will be la atiesdaace tie- ca t, turn larlr aaaar sr sassA as pee--. ,t OOwVaV 38 HAVANA DOMESTIC JEFFBBSON-ST- ., Depot wtt Barea-rlll-e, Taltim ta Ltafaar ctda ta- ShCaaaaf ...... Tharaday, POST OFFICE BUILDING, dariag the ea Ire Ta. be at R. G. PAYNE, ip. ha, ar iasaa ta - 1 Aarat aad C ar etV-- r & CO., J. aim. --ht ShHay. . .. rrafsy, " 31 A. VACCARO a. riTieEXAU...CHA. c. bill woodwobtu. a the MtaapbM aad Oharieston BsBswad. A TTOBNBT AT LAW, Meaiphis. Tsna. Ones ta the la rails aad bexs, Out at Susau sasvaB to vaach fee of 1 MEMPHIS, TEXX. WW W ..1, W . . w V. . aad rates, Cruet- - ry rasinaar. FsaaaretB.. SaeaVy...... Satarday, Ant. CIGAES TOBACCO. DEALEBJ IX BA. X Ca I bar s4 arraagemeats wHh Mr. J. T. Chtdester. tx. Past OfBoa Batsitas:, Jetfteassi street, maratly aad P C. ABMs, Oeaer.l SspartwueKsM MD .QTOBX COTTON In a f Warehouse. Inis. aXAuLliAaiss SW., ,f Depot. aad ssaaa. Baas, JUleiJS Seeeby ...... Monday, 3 who wtB Bate ylMy oa Oaches at Al ,1 B. ATBBe, aa hand. Utxs assortment at that most 26 per cent any bouse the city. (Suceenort to Part, Simpson tr Co.J tit y Waiting r-- WM. T. AVBST, CONSTAXTLT 1 O mat le than la GBOCEKIES, eaa rely on gstac tbreast arect tte same day lii-- Veare A. AXOERSOXT i itltiasi ,ad Saaerlr.tee). ,at sf VM. H. STEPHENS. at mai'erate ptleea. In store placed under Insurance asless In Meatphlt. wtj Bassrte iBdOarrlagei TTOBNBT J.AT LAW, Mag Copper, per lew la 1M 1 93 Meaiphis s r 3OottaI V.. ( . ProtiHCC Sa alsahaTea.e phis, Taas. OSes ta CI si, nB B Junes loaW. iaaxj.y Unvt In Eoreign and Domestic Liquors, Grocers, Dealers, at th Spttag. A Walkera BaOdtag, ov.r Miniaald'a Brag Stars, THISli CLAaxt axss. Baa, i I'aTSS.lSST. to gvd steam, aDd ! Spades, Bps JCotton ronslfned nson kel COMMISSION & FORWARDING ME1CTLANT3 r!5-la- n GEO. SHALL. Mala street, saW-l- y at ra.. lruas. aad T T. ATDLETT...... j. c. DooontnTr, fistuatseuTtTec be enr open policy of inseranee, unless TIB PUBLIC SPEAKIG. Ji 3XrtaJUs. Wines, Cigars, Fruits, &c.,. ia as Orlttti. ata-rw- is expresaea nuioc Laainc. ., No. 92 Front Row, Memphis, DR. WM. HEWITT Vscet, ca.ta at Csuua asd Isast, Th 1 aaaVrsaBB Candidal far Sena tor, la the Dlsirtet KO. 293 MAIN-ST- MEMPHIS; TENN. fflemjihis Ohio T. P. ATDLETT & CO., C? Orders far BAGGING. BOPX AND FLAXPA' ABB ITfMLL practice Bssatctne, sa the Brlaeipte that tsar ta Maairra aad Cat Cat Base. CM and saatiaaedai the eeeitfeeal FayHte asdSheehy, wltt ad TIuN SUPPLIES solicited from our patrons. JACKSOXPORT, ARKAXSAS. VV gaed la atl s,trBts. aad Bane all sajMilial Oaket foe, heavy C ..lisgt, MB Gevhg, sale celebrated Tay- oo Bollsasg, tataswwtrtsea at Ateats for the ef tht Premium julyg-daw- ly Jawrsa atrast, la th Past OfSaa isaiad Ornaae Spriags aad Axels Bat- l- dm lor Cot tears manufactured by demons, Brown H & Joearfiwai the PSat Osree. Fi.iisare an th samer -- raad WaaaU aaaii. miar.tiiElr ....Uedneaday. 1 COTTON FACTORS la," .BRADY DAVIES, f sad koati.aiasii Jr 3 3t Co. . Ctdaatbos, Georgis, CP. af. XOLAHD. Heraaade and Bttlatt ttrrrtt. epstea, aaat Bssib ia barral. per waafaJlaaai.lll'ltr TtU.f, We bar. supplies of Tsrteus sixes In store, and will GENERAL C03I31ISSION MERCHANTS, IWih eg ftUMA, 8M-k- F.Hiy, 1 FORWARDIXtJ MERCHAXTS, BEFBBBNCBB: j 171 RAILROAD. tskc pleasure la ahowtsg them to tbote In want of a SPBQIAs. 8aaseratWMaeafeeswity iMaaoiy, Main Street, LouisTille, Ely., lVOJLiAITD & CO., 6L J. B. Stantsn. N. Adaau, Baq., Haywasd oaaaly. BATBS Bess - Xew Arrangement, XO. 88 GRATIEEST., XEW ORXEAXS. Gin. Planters would do well to callaHl examine thete Agents for Machine Bope, Bag- - p. B Bland, Br. J. B. MaoHa, Fayette asay. Hits a p. M before Rt. Caret-- - Ommtatimtc THORSDAT, MB;. 8 Gins purcbaint elsewbe. MANUPACTUBSB'S lan33-I- y B. SoastrvUe. Btq., F P. Madia, Fsrastare sad sated, Joe S6, We esteem sera Ac Esq.,Ttpa8aauay. Tfiytbe, Fayrtte, Tcaraday, DOUGHER3T & ATDLETT, them the bert Gin tre hive erer In GENERAL AGENTS J. Weeh, J. B. Ashe, Mestphls. sad ar latai itjcte aattaa. Stak qsaltles most Tlx: speed, light draught and L BHtat-- ; Two Daily Trains Each it Faaette.. rrtlay. 10 desirable. fehsMtsoa as. Car af Ae-- Waf. If Oaaaarali, snaking a superior sample of Cotton. N. B. FOREST, DTOsTLA-P'- S at wSB 4b and arseff TBUBSBAT, Jaae 36, Trahs B Bsaaaat, Fayette...... Saiarday, II WHOLESALE GEOCEES tas ar has ChBileal, ta wtlnc.ita sfasday, ' II myl 44m FO WLKB3, MOUNT 4t CO. SMITH P. BANkhHEAD, cBATaadctaal wesiBt, hat at IwBews: Ptaatataata , P.y ASI 1SAbj11. IK glAVES, A TTOBNBT AT LAW, Memphis, MsB Paatexaar Traea wW leave Wall, Fayette ...... Taeediy. II CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, Teaa. Oehas la the diahla First Classrate, par taw BsrsvtBeaaJtasBri. IS COMMISSI-Or- v rXLIX WAX.SXB,. x. C. IXIDEB, Xo. ST Adams-s- t, Memphis, Oolleotors,LITTLE ROCK, ARK. ri. Post oae Hock, over Aydtett A Oa., thtrl stary. It 3d 4 M l.y. at e'easck a. at., sad arrive st Jvassiis lUrta. Fayette...... Vedana', MEBCH Ten., tt II 1 AXT8, New Olleana, La. CoSerrille, Miss. TO Enox Walker, Mile Owen and Capt BOLIVAR, pt Tae ah rates ever all eapaa faasi Tatk aad a at. LaSraas., Fayette.. ... Taanday, ' SJ BOW, a, HAS Just tree! red from North Carolina,- -, J. NEAR Nw BataXBSBf s Mtasssasa Feraay. 17 NO FBOirr MEUPHI3, REFER Church. lebT-l- y ntUadetaMa ta Meatpht aad Twanathta. N Csa- -a Lsav at 4 o'cistX r. M std Maeaaw, FawtV...... & twenty dee likely younr negroes, to which be -- ads aaces oa OA teat or other Pro--V WALKER SXIDER, jrt 13 It. F. LOOXEY. Brat.xa or Whariaa rteat at BiaaiiBt at r M. ajaaatetwane, SoeJbr suaaty.. ..Satsraay, 18 TX7TLL make cash alt 2 desire to call tbe atbstlon of purchasers.9 Hardeman County, Tennessoo. A TTORNET AT LAW. Obc C. W. Cherry 4 taa. at sthsr Cailettai. 76 - 30 V dace shipped to T. P. AydleU do Haw vr ar tavsaath aid Aa Aoneaiaiislsissa Tsasa wB teas 1 iiahlii jlsjj .Moada,, k Orlax. will be In the regultr receipt of DrgraesJu iTLOa-'- s laa-- tf es ocs-l- y lSne LOUISVILLE MILL rJ-Ga- A-- D at at . 31 s Ne- PAPER 15tU ta all stOeM sn the MBNPRI3 ,aadi,t 7:l3lsk a. aSv Taesy, or from North and South Carol erery month. Ilia Will he Opened of June. BnwnsvBteat p. M , M at i Cotton AB9 Ja r. CHABLBSTON BOtD a .: eenactllsg at sieslwX-J- 3S Fact witxrnaHAM.... beecbbb. ar saasthai is Ihsaagh sates; ah State, StiiHT .arseeday, gro Depot is one of 'he most complete and commodious id.a ; Vaeha S. WILDS TEBX0S, I J W. A. XBTAX, Bader signed, hoeing recently pnrchssed the share Bast . Tuseomhla a af Hist, par Cavnirtsa. Shelby .Thanatay, 31 country, a-- ease's t wilt be ch treed Trs-h- t. PMerfCb, D. C. WILLIAMS, ( Xf. X. XBTAX, Commission Merchants, eatabtltbsmta of the kind in the Southern C. & A. V. DuPONT, THE knoirn wa'eria rAsee, la now reattiac tba aame WICKERS HAM & BEECHER, raves, all potat BatarBksg BreweivwSe at 3 p. xe sraestw 31 and systnastlc, clean Hn ess, neat I. aad sf Memphis rate. Lett. sad F'tdir. ' Late ol PaDois, Miss. Late of LsG range, Tezn. hit regulations exact and puttiBg toe baildlag, gtoaads, ctc la aa oomplete A TTOBNBTS AT LAW, Xeaspals, Teaaasaee. OfBe. Wt-. st Mimahln at cl r. at .Sataedsy, No. 123 Canal Street, ty se at--d MANUFACTUBBBS OF DIRECTIO.V- SHrrUe.KaMi, Meatpbas, aaesar. nets and cnatort being strict oh reed enfoirefl order aa any Springs a 'he soathwtat. The soeatlaa be- No 31 Jwerson street Mil-t- r FOB SUIPPIXG. By lhl steal, patfl. Betas ea the Beee Gayaaa, 90 .Maadty, 37 InlylS-dawl- y NEW to A. 1 an. t. by - rris tt (ear 0BLEAN3.JA. Ills aba li to famish castotreri serranli NEWS AND BOOK PRINTING PAPER, ing la the healthiest pert ten of Tennessee. Bd easy of Saods Savannah b toothiBed to A seat Osa- ta, aavtec haistui la Miusahss. eaa east d.we SB ta H DOUGLASS, field hands, sound and perfect la body and mind. Ne sect eotmtry Is beneved X. T BICnABB,X..W. w m. A K irai saa atara-- ei Ageat V K. .ratag, hare or tear t TOT0IY,ERTAIT&C0. BOONE, 1st of LonlsrBe, By., haa become access frotu all loot of the it that wheatlxt. 63. MiiTaa.'. car s lass heam sshsad Salt,aad i KKOX WAIXEK. MR.O.G. groea takes on commission. Isn31 AND DEALERS IN these Sprints will, the cooaisx season, present to th B . 6a." MBCB is tee sveaisw. Cotton Factors, Commission and with us in the Grocery and Commission Richardson, Wheatley & Hirers, Saoi ry The fer Belter, far Taataa, FayeHe, and dstlng from tbe 1st instant. seeker of pleasure and health attractions seeuad to no A TTOBNBTS AT LAW Offlee a th corner of Sesaad Chaitttoa seoM he to Aserd 7WBTSHi TieZETS. CiaMit" Forwarding; Basinet, TAPERS OF ALL KINDS, 'she Bais aUUraas. sad Faaaase t attead. & others la tbe Union water it of the best quality. CX. tad Caart stratts, Mraiphit, Tea. ssll-l- y SthOa marked "Care - SaMtay. i"l "aar Jartted MASO.Y, XORVELL & BOOXE. CHANDLER CO., poaseMkng dnecaratleeqaaHtles, snd tbe proprietor wBl Ate- -t S. C KX,i harVwoa, 3. C." rj- Thrf Ttshil. far the MstwSsc niieet u h. spare neither palas nor expvose in readeriag hit guests GEO. DIXON. J3 Hv etwry p.tk plstnty marked, wtth nsme toaa-- d ef P M. Patsassaa Sl Bra,, f imrrltl aVskL y. : PUBLIC SPCAKI5Q. MERCHANTS, Druggists and Apothecaries, 47T Main-Stree- t, Louisville, Ky. comfortable dariag their so.earn with him. A TTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Memphts, f r.aiuaa. aasltaslian. aad at pat of dsHv-r- AS vtx dec30-daw- ly easy OfBes, side aa door statioa to this S eatRRTviiLi. a l aaadMiiea tor Ftaater, ftarn the ceaa X. 6 Frsnt Ettr, arer Meacaam k Galhralth, COTTON IACT0RS, ilcln ttreet, next lorn to Odd frCotss UaO, The mean, of acce.s to these Spring is eery they IX Teaa. sotth of Oaart Saaare, deuvtry Te ', txingsKasteddirecilyon ibeTUUroad from Messphl to west of Walatee's Auction Hase, ap stair. and misoootisseaeats. THSENTOX, Mea Tlaaaa, Faaatae aad Shelay, their MBMPHI3. TENN. MEMPHIS, TENN. ad BoUrar. Boilrar, and sixty from Mem- feb6-d- CASaWLLE, attention paid to Storing, Shlpplnt T7. -- 3H aBe trim 11IROUGII KATES FR03I CUARLESTOX as ul T-.- ; MLE14RbVIILS, faxawsc PABTICULAB Chin" oa oesta per Vale. r. u q X2X tgliUiiierj (goota phis. The cost of reaching Item from Memphl. la eely BEX. AXD S.l VAX .NAIL, eawa Wedny, JSlyl GROCERS, three dadars. Pertoat Tisltlag tae Spring can 1.1 rr SHERROD, PersHBs Shlppiaasy SsN Veetet. ar tSCT. r3'ABeatoBseattoatwliibcoTered Jtlinrarce, & FURS DRUGS AND MEDICINES, AT LAW, Oovtagtao. Taaa. AB btslneta Prvfaaars fram WBfJlje .Taireday, " 3 unless otherwise Instructed. aucTt Commission Forwarding Merchants, MempMsb the ntamtsgand reach them by nn; aad ATTOBNET BaliiaMre. New Tork, Bot.B and Ph UaeSpMa wax sbast am. FraLy, 3 Fancy Goods, lease aftemoen sBd rearh Memphis for tapper to has care wan receive prompt atteacics. huntingtssk, sna " Main-St- ., Surgical Instruments, la tae he fall aeaext af eaatractaataae wtth saeh ve.., 101 CHEMICALS. luljlS-t- sn-- Oaotwaaiau ...... A ...'....l....Mnday, No. Memphis, Tenn. window Glass, Patent and Botanic J. C BADtLMAN, PraprleUr. f asd by eoailtatat thstr Bnea ts th steal ar the Saoth The bee Trssat slo eeaaset at fit as. .Tar-day- . Bail-sa- - " 7 B. fflERRILLi SAGGING, Bepe, Jean., TJnseys, and a general stock of Medicines, Gardes Seeds, Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars, NO HTJMBTJG. P. 3 la saaitlon ta th other attraetl st of the plsee, D M. DUBOSE, Carartaa d at Caarl ttas er CeBr BaiNaad at Hacka aad 3Ug- ts tHaatart, Jckta, eta. hand MUSIO PoranraaaJe . . ... v. wady, 8 Plantation Supplies const antlyVui hand. ar.23 Brandlea and Wine. there wBl he kept a fine of to entteea tie TTORNET AT '.AW, Measaats, Tenn. Office on east Sataaaah tasy vM he lotwtrdid Jrte of CenvOoiOM BBNRT COFFIN. Maatfi'alt-p-- a represented, guests. C. faBawiag : .Ttn!dr, " COTTON FACTOR X3 Beery article sold by ns warranted J. S. CX. tMe af Main street, betweea JeSersan aad Adams. at ta isUs Frliay, " AXD C wfcUW I wt . , hflT majS-daw4- MempMi Jt Ohio . R 3d, Mast. Biacardli , r. M COPCLAKD. W. ESMOXDS E. W. CALDWELL ti. he .tni '. i. la Selling off at Cost! Refer ta P. TKas, McBwes, Harris at MeNeat, 3. D. T TutmmH. To UrmAfii. , Jaae .SiVonUr, " II Otass Eetlataait .. COM3IISSIOX MERCHAXT, A XAXE CHAkCE FOt LADIES TO rCXCSIASE WrtBema, W. B. Miller and Milea Owed. Mrmrbtt.Tl-nn.- j First Per Ma I., racradasg yjaaday, I n. Gtraiaatawa " COPELAND, EDMONDS & CO , tivm THn. fc flrt KwO-Va- tanlS-t- f MU $1 38 $1 64 iflissisippi and Tennesirre , 14 No. 5 Monroe Street, Row &Main, .laetday, bet Front RICH AXD SEASONABLE GOODS, Second Otsss Per 144 stats. i 09 1 34 .nTidrnsaay. 15 Dealers In Fin WH0LE3ALB ( Store and galoons, fcr TTaerd Pes ...... " (aOUIS SIDE,) 1 AT TBE tata Par paaadt, ...... 37 ISO Maw .Tajataaay, le fern Spestal Bales Par Ibtkt Brads, per L.rM ...Flti, 17 Memphis, Tennessee. fig ansuaantta haaan-- t paaadt 3 78 , M Sataeday, 18 paid to sale ahlpmentof EMPORIUM OP FASHIOIV, aeae-a- MaM...... PARTICULAR alteatioc and HEINEIGK & BRO., Stesmers are hat Mo say q.tei er than Prspet nnaatitaaai ...... TaMday, " 3t Predaee Llqoors (t C'gsrs j jriiuux.t.o, oTttoT. P. H AXD lrs. aad Iresa tws ts ' here da qattker taaa SaUrag TToe-da- y, 33 i RAILROAD.and TUESDAY, Waah'a Si --re " Baggmg, Bape aad Plantation Snrplles fumlihed at 1XSURANCE COMPANY, Vessels frost New Tark aad Pht'adetphla. aad tthar alter Jaw Meh. tewT. tae j. y Ladies' General Furnishing and Epperson HOME .Thar-4a- Springs - 31 prices. oct38 aa-- estBadatsinTriawqheiaisaiBiiaasd. TaaPrea FaaaerefK !orest mtrlrt county. , Ba. parts ta Chat'! t Savaaaaa. Aad where t " S COMMISSION MERCHAXTS, CONFECTIONERS,. Mantilla Establishment, sucatrd In Maoan Teas oa th alters af OP MEMPHIS, TENN. a few days tttae not aa ooject, rrem twenty rraat wiH mate Ml warily seta, vtx : SBMA1 s. Fdf. TvrA-nv- r ABE Creek, roar esst af the turnpike trifl- is to forty CBBNIODATS wom Maad.y. 1 g1Mt li'X-- m!M I GUABA sas-lr-ed poeaat can h aad SATtJBDATS. rattan- asti g.1nmad...... mjS-- U NO. It FRONT BOW, MEMPHIS. 297 299 MAIN STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN. Ey., and wdi AUTHORIZED CAPITAL NTT CAPITAL ernlt ter saved y shtpsisgst. ' 58 RUCKBR, TXTHOLESALB and retsH dealer la Fancy And nam ing from Gallatin, Teas., to Scatter Pe, neo. th etaas of vessels .avtag MemaBM at CJS a. at., aad atrtvtsf at s. .Twdy, B. W. WE receltlng and opening, for the be prepared reception aad Invalids by See.ootj. $ioo litter 11:39 St. it VSHrrST. Weawertay. " 2 V Ca'.dlea. Cskes. Finits, Preacnres, JeDles, etc. We at for the of visitors Legiristure sf T nBet see. Session,' CHABLBSW. A NB BR SON, a Sxirveyor JXO. T. STBATTOX...... EX10AB 2ICDAT1TT. inspection .ha ladles, one of the moat, May. This place has already acquired a rep bt the Leaves 1 p. Kaaday, Aac 1 and Draughtsman, hare fltu 1 up our fin of th 10th of CHAKWRKj to make Fire, Life and Maria lasaraaea Janf-l-y general Ageat far th 3aoAhwet. Betai si:-- Sardts at at. !VeTak. Duxscoaia -- - faahionab-- stocks French Mil tine ty aad widely Chir- Beatphia m. .Te0.y, 4 his lerrtces to tee puttie and wBl tree T--t a r- of utatlen circulated for the highly Btedidnal at f e HtmpM,.,.. 0FFXB3 aay n i T raacy Dry Goods erer brought to this dly. Alto, a eery ac ot watera, different vaiietiea, snd are now and to caase themselves to he when deemed t B F LOOXET, attention ta business connected with hi irnn in ler Its four view of they have arranged with Th Saadas Pi..raver TraB wtB leave yiinslli ,r may found on STEATTON, McDAVTTT & CO., 1 UtH.iLiVl diLiUUlN. select assortment of Dresa Goods, SUki, B iregee, Chal being visited by very many Hvmg remotely, who go la sipeeaeBt la whleh Washington, New 7 14. amstag Saeata t II. B. BATE. vocation. Be be tt hts Bce the wrt li, ,Tl lh,l the leHowiBx Gsmpanie, by maana of For Baltimore, at leS6 side of Main street, south of Untan, (Caaaean't B tBd. aM I. Ih. mmIIr. tn.nHM lies. Organdies, Grandees. Tissue Bob, p'sln and dotted arch of a healthy and do lahifai aamaser retreat; not, ale far BetaratBg Lrate SatdU at 1:30 p St. , sad ant- - e ! us a call. u. aiVl-U- a Muslins, W particular attention to our lnva(ld pieatare, healthy pastime, spea xaasrvs: York, Philadelphia. &,c at POBLIC SPEAKING. lug,) No. U(, nkirli absent t a pr rfesslanal tmslnesi. sTf Jf?.rrs-rm- t r.re 6tc call the bat th seeker after CapHal COIMMO 4S6 r at taivtegthee thst to and sport; wi a BrHtth Cseanrrcil', LssaaB $3 ilteaii bhsM eaadMatea repreeeat eaaaty there brier bin short rrd frost the - 1,000, OCO "Through Lino the vtrWaa Charcaaa alaag th Baa f sead, a Tar wAersltaeeH tf SoBr BEFEBENCXa Millinery Department, Springs a place where deer Is frequent ly sen, aad itresa: BqoMahl Fire, Direct for the East! pportsaily te do to. Chadtrtek, Henry G. Smith, Eng- 1st Life, 3,600.000 a txt Latistatere, win addresi Ut fact iws: J. & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Consisting of an styles of French Bonnets, Leghorn, aooaadiBC trout and other kind ot Use S besides, vari- raatlwal jaais-dtw- tr M PATBICZ, la M. prertse, Kaoensan Tpp, GROCERS la Caiekerbocker Lift, United SUtes, " SOJ.oVO s -- I. lish Straw, Neopalltaa Bugenlea and Glptlee, P.owera ous wild squirrels, wild cats, Kabtaii . .yeaday, Ja!r B PhBlp H. Tnompea, nlmsls, faxes, r.balts, 360 609 ' B WaddsB, CBEAjM and Blbboaa. Fit thousand dollars worth of fine French wild tortus, Ac. CasHdated Fire " Baltimore and Ohio MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL AXD Ha4 'Waste'... - Teday, S. OUybrooc. feb6-l- m Xo. 70 ICE SALOONS election on Tuesday, lOih the Ti- - John Front Row, Embroideries. Ylenc!nea, Glmpnre, Bonbon, Point Lace DeBew oae of the proprietors, having ed At the annual the ...... Wsdaiiday, " Dr former fatsewlag cesetod AESSEE frmaBA.if. AXX Ctantilly Lace, tater-- Springs, h assoctatrd Dtaeolors aad Sommhtee were for the OaHIrTt.l- - --...... Taanday " MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, sells, t enUie ia th J BaaMiar). PTiaaynttht" with him his son WUIiau, well known to sH wba vlsUed asajEgyesr: Meah.4X4Bac ! W1LL store kb& eeB Cotton at rererty.flre RESTATIEANT, Embroidered Silk Mantillas, Spring ss i'svlng gone a esnsideraM xnxxeroxt. GreaBoitaau...... --..- . Taetdsy, " O per consigned LADIES the Saaaier B. THORNTON, DU7BEB, ...... Wedaeaday, T CO' cents bale. Ottan ta them for Lace Basaaiae. Dress Trtmmlngi of all stylet Parasols, cxpens In redttla sad ealsrglng oar mettns ot accos- - JAMES L J. RAILROAD - - " BAG WHOLESALE Bead mas trees Wheenac to Baltimore, (JTi tierttie rehlameat will be forwarded at City tenlfper Q Laces, Ac. GEO R. GRANT, THIS McABAB, Ij O Pans, Impure mod . we natter sarsenet, we wm Be ante to sod U & J8 ...... Thtueday, " itin' MBLfe-BD- . THIS and to Washington, (400 aad preseaw II - - H. mile,, ITfrom Janet ma wi a rVr- TThisI Mori4Sa...... & Em port am Fashion, Dresa and MastlSa may STBPBBNB.CUBTU, J " aad Hi -. .--- Sara day, " ConfcctloBery Candy Mannfactory, Also, at the of to the comfort ot ah who raver ns with a ha fullest advantages both aa a freight aao OPEN 0k1 Joee- hare$80,000.ta store and ate com Unity recejetex the 'XS' Agents for Gnswold's celebrated Gin Stand's. Making aa to HBNBT S. KING, JOS BABBlEXS,Jr4 pasteagei KhbssIs Narth at Eeervsr. awl Wtaaata .aara...... an') " dose, guaraatjlng satisfaction atylcaad visit, having d .ring th past winter put swsy near one It ran tbfvaaa wild and rocaaniK regssaa th. WB ceebteVd brands of TOBACCO frwnYInwa." laaxj-siwi- Maduon Street, betweea Mala and Second. use we JAMES BOKO. Ba. sf tevea mBea Ssath st Jacksaa. Teaa. Oatw. Taar.y, " ahapa. hundred thousand pounds of veiy ice bar had ABeghaalt i ; aBd being solklly constructed, rnmnlrlrn AND Eeatocky and MlniMl, whkh we aetj at maanfaeturer' Mourning cood a'wayi en hand, and on'erS promptly built, 17 additonal bnfrooms, besides a large on C9 by PITTANCE COMMITTEE. PAaSBNGaB MAIL TBA IN bum fleaast Jay e Sheww Pet---- alaadir. " tat B. H. eqalpped aad caretnUy maaaged. Is one of the most lea daBy 16 at , or an prices. We wtuvl esXattenttento tt4 faHawtiit teds SPEOUT, attended to. Th ladle, art nost respectrtlly tented to 30 feet, lattice on each sW. to affard air. In which the S. CURTIS. L. J. DfJPBBE. 3. USO. it at a. arrival at inn nits, a tat 31 ahiassiTlaV ...... BVdnnday, " Eoxxlfand BeaiyTwiaf ' "TTATINGJ0 3E3?Hremered trom theoM sund tohU new house, iltdwal ExamHtr G O B. GRANT, 1 . D, traosreeaB safest Kaiareaas tn to uauea states. TV raia freat MeasaM.. eaasaetin; at Meewa Tiotfe's A. 21. HOPIOIVS & can and onr gooda before tmrchatlng e!tew here. ample wtth IV'vl.'i Cs, examlae lovers of pleasuro snd social enjoyment will find Central Ohio Railroad, from Columbus ZaaesvlB Na-hv- Asa "' d,r. begs thitmedlum to return hit thanks Attorney J- - THORNTON. Esq. sad tt ia af Coaches see c.'s Jaeksea - - Pice's " " ( Suceenort to PotceQ r Co.,) XI dTI Lust A ft av w., B. SB aad .. .. Satarday, Aes. R. loom for recreation. Wheetbag, this raid with pot liens S, M'Baawls tGajw)... Walker k. ta thedtlsens ef Memphis and surrounding country for Auittedoy S. P. BANSHEAD. Esq. aaitas of th Wui sad by wsy Lei iajt-i-i. OHftsa, wa-aosu- .Taday, C.'a " aplS 3M Main street, Meeiphls, Tenn. t - Uh .. .V. . , numerous testimonials of their hgh appreciation cf his The medlcna! character of th severs! Spring bare And at a meeting of aew Directory ot VedseMsr, sad Sehwet. Keaat PVaasast, aad treat rprtsz Hill by- W. C. BON-LA- HBand'. Bxtra.FancakoJ the th i MeJucan.'pcuBCA; Whtt TuntUll, poenfx ; serrtees snd moat respectfully solicits a conllnuaoc of been so often pubiUbed it Is thought needless to do so the Uth ibsL, th foiloainc odors were ttcaon for ths The oxlt Thxosob Iicxzts txom Mempfiii ad Alahan.a BaNfetd. G. W. BAT.VK. Cotton AXD th-- lr assuring his eflor a to Room and Accommodation now, from tba faet Prof. Safford, oar State Geolo- Lodijville aad ST. Levis to tbe Me Factors ktad paticnsge, them Betamjig, leave Medea p. Pocahontas " Satan Adams that that year: Natioxal at 130 St., rtinnrrtais KISfO, will be assiduoni as they been hercfore. His FOB FITS HUNDRED 8TRANGER1I AT THE gist, haa been esgaged In th examination of some f THORNTON, Prejirfrnf. THOroLU, as tM by this raad, which rant dtreet tt Junction eveaeag it Bigg " H. John's " iraaRcnAiVTS, please hare JAMES B daisy Irind with null trsla bate Meeaat a. JaMlC,lSK. H. D. SMALL. cosnnssioi Iheta water, snd design to tompleta the whole upon the GEO B. GRANT, Pica Waahtagtaa withoat the of pasilac thrsugh 1511 trrtviag at 7:46 Parkins ' Staherfta's ' h-- t Prttidnt. amy res baggage during summer, when the sum Bwre. It ta also the by whteh can R- art Pert Ian Ssuusg Tobacco. XO. OXIOX STREET, Ladies Restaurant, or rAS;tII0N! prcalses, this of THOS. MeADAM. Secrefcry. ' - P. Najmr. S-- Is now open, where Meals wiH be serred up at all hours, bazaar snaijtls whl be given to ths puhtV in coanecUsa with Bow. to WasWaftaa Iran lae Ohio river. PUBLIC SrEASIB. aepIT-t- y 0 FFIOE No. S, Madlaoa street, corner root NBW ORLEANS. LA. 223 MAIN STREET, MKMPHfS. report by I the MAIL SOXTE froai Meatpht, take themal OH5T V TrEranT, candidate far Coecresa, wffl ad' febSlm Madison stnet, two doors fromJfsln. with the act lbs market can aaord, prepared In Ameri- NO. this notice er embrseed In s made ont himself fehl7-dl-y J3"BT can style. dishes to order Booms considered only necessary to chronic atfec-t- ky steaBsers, 1 sttalsg dairy tor LaaittBea. eaaaeetiBX then Serenlh Oastnsalesa) District at or French Extra for ramlllea to sty, room In our Store anl Show It Is as), thst dnas the p"ejef t JG. M. AFFERSOX & CO. Particular attentloa pat in riratsning wauouiiis, THATIs for fir hundred strangers, whoa w can a of anrof the mors Important organs, exhibit th District Inspector wtthntsBsteaasaraorJeatesaavtUe Baifroad far Otncta I the faBawtacpUees, K PABTIES, BALLS and DINNEB3. Ills accommodate with the finest and fsablonabie Bon effcaeyofth Snrlnc, particularly those of female. In STEAMBOATS, Steamboat rtoUers, and Steambost Bail, wheT they arrrea so aa ta osaaect wtth tht cara 10 icje: je: nets andMantlllas; rich Silks andwtFancy Dress Goods case of diseased Kian ys ana otsascrs, cnuaeona at -- OFMachaaery, under tbe prevision er th Acts of Can LttMa Miami Bsilsaod lor Ostaaaaa. csaneetar taer ...... Thnrsday, Jane r ciw. DAtcian tr.. TTATINGcemple-iedra- icb:MAMMOTH I0BicHOttSEas COTTON FACTORS, Ice Creams and Confections, iudlgettloa, diepsy, a..., Ibey hare in very many trett t,f IS33 sndlSlS. OsVe, 8 Madlsoa street, with Ceatrai OM Railroad, times Newark and Tr rv HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNA-lESTA- Ssttraay, 13 Embroideries, Blobons, Trimmings, ana outer nnr eases, u' s. iecaiar.., i XX. Beal street, near th earner Shelby, w are now in mart THOMAS Impectar. vlHe, to Wheeiiag. By she cxpres e DsiBrras, of & Forwarding Recommend themsd res. His Fancy Goods which are nsoally kept In the most fashion-ab- le cases acted Hkea charm, and la B hav sffaided reHf. MeADAM. ma ef this fiafo VJ5we'. Stare, Lvca nr.. It artban to earaitbanr frteada and eoatoDera with ICE Commission Merchants, th Ura frsas Cwstsiaill to filtisntre sad to WnhtBgtnr en 16 establishments, which wo will dlsios ef at Terr Ample Uttlmaay is to these facta coakl be aiCirded It PAINTING, DECORATING, & ..J.Welaay, " ONE CENT FEB PODNB. AB orders for packing wW AXD DEALERS XX Soda Is less taaa 37 hoars. ?SVTbJcLn." ....Thrirsday, 17 al Water, moderate prices. Persons Tltlting Memptils at thla In- necessary. TENNESSEE 1I- - . Bentoa.... promptly carefuBy r-- ftMUVf, ....Sataesey, .4 je, be and attended to la all .eatons of GEOCTEBXES, It manuf actured bt himself In the only porcelstned foun teresting time, win please girt u a call. Dr. DeBow wm take pleasure ta giving such advice to sars to ask far tttzets ay she BaMsnor aad Ohlc W. rkWIC. WerW. Basahrejt... "the year at lowest B AGGING.BOPE, &C may, Indulge It 3S MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE CO. Baussad Route. H. PASSMORE r ,H ,...... Maaday, 34 ra't. tain In this city. Petsons therefore. la BUU it. BlfllBM SS lU- - Invalids and othett stalling her ss an experhnce of this method , Me-- CrHTlPi . 1 j Ja.C alrtH'. aaifh The eomsiBE. ty msy arpeaa span our ppiytnE them so. s rJio.vrj.oir, ouf jeffebsos-st- without fear, the add can hare any contact with 33 years may enable him give, aa will be always from Mespat gstag East thnaga St TABES laloristl attUeiMsf i ... .TCaaesdsy, " 53 -- that or t teat se haa perataaeatry MB93n.tBe Perrr wt'h Ice at th abore rite. It Is out Intention jo keep XSMPHIS,3ENN. copper or any other metals. Received,. present shockl hi profi sslonal services h required. He Of Nashville, Tenn. Lasts, caa hay Taraash Tickets by the BsMIovhs aad OhK t seated MmsrII h s. a xr y raVS.efWi...... ",34 Just among Uy i eai ry ea the ah Tr haaiaets, aad aasarea PAtru....M. price, wlthla means of the as well as rich. XZPBESS, flee hundred BONNETS, which avaUs hlmielf of this method to return his numerous CAPITAL, 8150,000. Bauraad. This rsate throagh Traeeaaes, Terra Haute y thae. a u BIataB....Salrdy. Wharf-Koa- paid to Shipping and favec htm with patraaape 'S rj--A orders left at the t, at tbe Matn- - attentloa Storing; Ladies and Gentlemen, PEB Neapolitans and tne Straw Eutenlas ; Frtnch hearty thanks for liberal laaxanapafi, etc, te Wheetaag, ever the new Ohio aa their saat aB werk . rtl B5-n- , IS PABTICULAB friends and visiter his their JOSEPH VAULT pres'L...Jl. W. ECTLBB, Secy. ta htes win aava as PergAceilke, rnctn Ice noue. or at BarneU a; Walker's, (19) Main SPECBT Inrltes you to him Chip BonneU ; Neapolitan, English ana Swiss Straw same, :::::: MIoeissipBi snd coBsiB-ctt- Roads. These ssrsst PBB6eN.L ABBE hi blandest manner. Ith cnnaretitn aver - xlk.lliif 30 In tire patronsg, and again ask a cootlnaince ot the a ta tae select ioa aad prrpaiatiee. DrdBttli'- Lnrl...Tha. 1 street.) BI be promptly fated. call. one hundred. Shaker Hoods, all of which wa will will spare D1BXCT0X3: are aB atreet, aad the time trofa St. Lost to BartaBer. of ta Btator j. S . . . - ...Inwrsdsy. JaV PRATT'S COTTOX GINS. a Alt, the assurance that neither of ns either ttm or Tim . il ' , aan. 14 mirU-S- ai DUVAL. ALGEO It CO Agenla D. S. Wholesale Dealer are particularly requested to sen tow. m. ct- , John M PilQ, Alex. AOisaa. Thotsp-o- n Anderson, orWaahlaaOi'alahaAaaut 43 hewn. Throagh it asi is lb. ri.ealaMi of ts work. Xacxr-ie- a f 1 WE are for the tale of PBATTS celebrated P saaiaua lu. paint to render aB eomf ortsbt who may sojourn wtth a Tleket tparea , ValertlBe, Iljraaef'te . come se for as his manufactory cannot splO No. 333 Msln street. Jamt Cortsy, B. H. Gardner, P. A- - Oven, by this rsate Buy be had ot the Ageat, aader aUlhs hit part to lie. tattsttstiaa .1U, S.. .Jonday, fi COTTON GINS which hare been sofsvorably known for and thentselres, tn future. the Plan .levM-- .. Joseph : thwe,k ihurosthry, aast the Mm NewberraaPalaoki. Oil's... years. Ve excelled. secured W. W. Peterson, the G. M. Fogg, Vaulx, Jame Ells, ler Haas, at the fuBosint rale rram St. Louis U at time u is TrenghSptiog.Cdes... 7 the last number of Parsons wishing to purchase Btslng th services of ..v fsitlMsas. Lyaaritt the country promptly attended to. Opening a hearty ch-e- r In N. K ABoway, W. 3. Baxla. BsMaut $36; to WashiagtaB $33. are requested to call and examine them. AB Gins ar Orders trota Grand pubic msy V snored of th dlnbat Brs long warrsass ham Apptaafs Store, Lawrrae. ani Htntris'trg. a cnaranty. fir hundred new styles MANTILLAS, eornpeslBg too M be well attended to. Our DRANC3 on Cargoes PrvlghU raadn At Wheeling the paatenacr takes the tapericr car os bt isjau faat Is Ltwfeaeeeare, ...... Sitardar, to mrjerg sold under full mi33 room. Osf ItaMe MABINB IN? snd eatraesa wm h 0aBtp'.d with to the --aelssaes, Trsag Liwreaoe.. m variety from the cheapest to the most iplendid -i Ae'Usnep sad OMo BaltrasI, whseh Mare three taaes eatr 13 marl6-- B. M. APPEBSON k CO. 0P charge will be as low si th tims snd aessens will ad- open or sped- policies. Inland Transports Bisks al. lb. f the who may pal, Henrrrsise. Lawrence ...... Usntfsr. " R- w wUI eU very on tii w scuta has. Thy stay AP iX tZ- - fTaite Snrtnei. hilaa.- - TlmM I OrenMl.. Ufa. . - VTORSHAM HOUSE CONFECTIONERT. brought oa, which at a small sdeanc Merchandise, by rxllreads, or landcaxrlagii; dally t Ballnaor, WashtBgtiti, Philadelpals and Nea alse r tl AsMaad, vrsrr;- - wcao-dt- rt B. BABIKD3 & CO., mit of. tlx: steamboa's, asm red thai aay w,ek aaaerUkea. ay atm wax be asaaat 1 publican; Panola, Mils . HunueUle, Ala., Adro-- WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DXALEB IN cost. BegrJar Boarders, or those remaining one week, or on and to or from aay part of Trk. Thtaagh in K or 17 laars, tacraiBBf toppsge. v. WaytteabaeV, Wayne...... Thurrlay, 16 Sun spSO For al, haaarda rivers laxel ooadaeted. II cata, TnscumttVa, Aia., snqutreri Brownartiie, Tenn., 333 Main street. mote, wsslitog extra. 31 per day the , Per safety, speed, regalarity. btaaty of the aaaatry. and j Soibr, Wayne Pr east, " It B. HOWCOTT, general ceaxf.irt. this raad ia seaaad to aaaa ha qaalateatlestt, he begs leire to rale-- She. l,Sat IT JsurnaL copy six months, t ad send hi Js to this office. Plain and Eancy CandieB, Children of lOyeirt of ago aad under, and servants, P1BB INSURANCE ox, huBdtngs, dwelling or other the Union. Fr at Bsraan.B, Fltrstn .SaMrday, " FREIGHTS- - Tail etespalty paasesse Bcperesas: Cast C B Charea. Caps. T. Xwwvat M - 1 DENTIST, Wor-sha- m DBESS GOODS. hat Ice. Ilers'S tOc. p r day. senses, goads tn store, furniture. town sr eotmtry the larxrst r. "eadtr, cotsplt and t pt Ac, la or say Bail road Uatted W. Pa.tta, Cast, J. Haw,. Ospt. nsatktt'ra. Hir'in Adams Street, under tbe slock is cow te, xmprlses sa rxtenslve s be charged 60 eentt per meal, or eqatpmeat la the States, aad Is , i' MaKairy ...... WasWdsy, 31 tVCCEStOK TO DX. X. HOWCOTT. T. B. XORMEXT, OUB Transleat Tltlte-- win rfrNegro! insured against tht canters cf the rivet. SBOP-- K..t , Sheitoa . BrW Graeal Hll. " of Silk Bobes. .Orrsdtei, Grensdlnes aad ie prepared to da aa imnttnse Hulae ia traasportothsB. SjT nSst. Thursday, " 33 prepared mysXf well to pracUe House, from $t 0 to I per t.y. For extra service reasona-h- J. O. IONSDALE, Agent, Pnray, MeNstry Iratlstry TTZEPS coBstanUy on hand s large assortment cf Green Bareg Bobes, cf the richest and latest style. We call per JeO-a- sa The read makes sBBtedute cvaaectiaa tho wharves aad ...... Satarday, 34 HATWG resfectfully sutidt the patrunsre of charge will b mad. Washing, Iron tag, in. $1 031c street, Memphis. tt at i, MNtry ..... I X and Dry Fruits, FrulU in their .wn Juice, Jellies, particular attention I thla department, sa they were se- Ironing dres se tor Isdies, half ta tho rtreet. of Bai.uuore with tae Railroad to Fbitadei, scc, ail who Sitd tsyerrtees tbe D.ntal Mae. and bind Cotton Oys- doxen. Forpresslag or ifiiuoiwrioss, la Factor Spired Pickled great having lerg New tteamer son mir Preserrr. Sirdlner, Lobsters, and lect with care, and a slock on hind, mrSO-twl- n phis and Tsrt, sf Eric. and laittet. Mkrhetd Bant let, Oaptl.ls ttPFJLKIXG. myteif to perform all operation an tbe Teeth, aid Insert an price. Insorance Company, by Balti BiassBht. 1 PUBLIC C0J1Q1ISSI0H" ters. Pickles. Cardials, Syrups, Wines, Brandies, all wa win clot, them ont at very low prices. Tbe Mutual Life soxx STEAMtutr Line, Canal and Sea to New 1 for far i he 4 BVr.st Orarrt aat St-- tr, teeth In the most apprsred style as a en as MERCHANT, by new 'urv. The asderrtBSMd,, caadiiatei far Stele Seciter, wHl artificial it kind Nuts, he B. BABINDS CV OF NBW TOBIU Tork, and Merchant' and atinert' Line to Boston, tors, F.n Caps, Trnr. Ctatera Valve, ieoa'se. w can be don la tell or any other country HUli'TS In connection with Ibis establishment, hare fitted a? apXS 333 Msln 3eeL & FLOWERS' steamers tu Norfolk, Charleston, Savanaah, Pat ts. Stairs. WhsA,w Linula, Iraa taepeaptsot atHhe fahewlng time Is a MOSBY & NEW BLOCK; i FPEESE at. BsvaOation K. addrees thellislrret All the refertBC I wish to glee fair trill of xty sn particulars, se freight ttritt, copies of which may ba had VeetHiatora.IraB seaataiBM, - I Accumulated Fund,3,O00,O00. aad aB that tart f tat and plaars: work. Up Stairs, 17 1-- 2 Front Row, COLLEGE THB rate adopted by this Company sr based upon tho of the Forwarding House 19 the West, ore J. B. Ppxts, aad te order a, ta,' rt estahsishsaeala a on street, crposlt Wbrshasi Heme. ICE CREAM SALOOX. Einbreidcries, NEW MERCANTILE Policy holders get sH ta raa A nnrhimrfl e concr...Te.4jr. July 7 OSee Main MESIPillS, TEXX. For th accommodation of cttiaras snd thertslttcgpubUe. AtALao. most nrrect observations. the xitot Eecsivlnx sad Forwarding Aleut st WheeHn;. Stau. JOHV L NOH0AN, ArvJateet Laersa!e myl-6- ni s purely mtrtnal, having crtf-- r my38-- ...WttttMsday, 8 myS-dt- l! Snor a. p. BBICTaTTTQ. TBIaOCINGS, No. oos atreec, of tho Ctmpany, It It bo WM. S. WOUDSIDB, Waaaer's Stock. M.mpatt Taasa, Btriy.... (lock of Bagging and Bope always oa hand. main capital to ptsCis Bathe SnWges.. ...TMrsday,' t ALaBGE PARASOLS, Bet. Union sad Gayoso, redstoexor other tazaUtt IrstfrnlUot Mister of Transportation, Baltimore. ' ' PANS. from the Insured. Wood ease Hsywaiid ...Prldsy, .i i t.!TtyT f-- THROUGH T1CKITS, slow lug the hoMers to atsn at & IFootorei, tolco SiToxioo. PBBFUBEBTBS, vyi i- l".sr TJLlUSTJST., I Any sersjn wishing insmxnceoa his or her llf wlU re-- WOOD PEEOT, Lavr.eat.Ma... " .MSstsroay; - II SURGEKJ.Surgical leased th spacious Cotton any point, aad resume their seal st pleasure, may he CagsrOle " ...Maaday, " IS rZNNBB attends exetoalrely to Disease, CUDDY, 3R0WN & 00., TaBtuylerslgnrdhselng . etcustc, fer th reception t Students. Bverythllg celre all Information, totether with th requisite forms ti , DR. FBea, In Strlelurea, Ston la Monma and Third street. of kind to by caning sn u. LONSDALB, tu. wmpjuj VKKr. SIO. JO, JCIXerSB Ornamental Iron Works ?..Taesdy,- - - as Flsruha An, At th Biriir ot rashloa. B. BABINDS CO., that Is taught In any Inttltntlon a similar application, J. iaiao3 doors iaCoinsHr-l- al BroarnsTtBe.... " It Ulcers, C Tumors, Pelyrns, lately ecu oVdby Messrs. Chspnun fc Go., are prepared ri be coarse Agent Lit Insurance Catipany, ttreet, Saat f Hotel. Memphis ...Wedaeaday, 16 EUdder, steers, Dtesed sptO 333 Mslni street. the United States can. learned here. The Mutual ly WM PHllADIlJ?mA. I)tijIHe...... " .Hair-Li-p, COTTON to Uutton, sugar ana jtercnanau g, Penma-shi- pi -- M0R1N Agent star wnisty, 11- ...Tuesday, SI Bones and Joints, Deformities rrcm Bares, FACTORS salt, Single aad Double Entry Oct -1 r Qgc J.V"rara lrrr. S rrrprii.. tT7Barsw-- ta ...... ' Bye-lid- upon Wwao Tendon trom lots of Lips, Cheek, s, AXD CE5EBAL generally, farorast term Cofflmercta) Law, Commercial Forma snd Calcsla-tlo- u. V V and vary law otieet. aX otaars B antes ...Maaisoa ...Wednesday, " 33 Contracted No, 13 01 tAJ, ar srsBt aU dla-- ae fehl-- w. h. t U.N.I NEW STORE! Whol-t- al Commission, bn MaSM'sjCrerr.. " " S3 6tc Otesed Jaw SallTatloa, and ether Banking, sad Retail, Cemett rles, PnhHc S)mre. aad Pre Tard Peneet. s1"a, 'a5s-- ' '1I .Tharrday, Ml Surgical CommissioH MerchaittSj Be. TRAVELING PUBLIC . . , , rptigCesl. " ...Prtdey. " 34 and derorrmUe reaulrtng aid. PARIS HOUSE CONFECTIONERY. Steamboat, Manufacturing. a,..,,na,wi ar saw ovttga. re a . ...Sstarday, " 3 lt JS C1MP STBBET, XEW ORLEANS. 9tai-nt- a are not taught In classes t they are Instructed LOOK. TO YOUR INTEREST. Stairs, circular and tlrixat. Paswsdw, jettes. . J.ct ivn.. " ip so he no i rhu Coltan " ...Moaday, ' 37 tdraate mad on all Cotton or other irodnce Individ hairy sad fpaiately I tiers win detentkJi Tree Boxes, Tabpa. Aaiatala, StaSaary, sad deascau Grere.. . filSTI THE subscriber would Terpectiulry sn wecaa com ...T-.edsy- SS conslrned' a snore, by MI LBS OWEN. stock: oa account of aasaes. taxes out a raw ta THROUGH TICKETS iron. work generally Meitoa. " " Wholesale and Retail natmc to ladlea ot Memphis snd sur- it FIRE REDUCED -- m jf the course. Being in the centre of Iran oasl-M- -i. n.Wednesdsr. 33 iftvVi? BAIR. jlanll-a- pMotha the sad coal Denmark " EIlVS Diseases By rounding country, that na ta now opentng s will ho frcen .... M., and Carriage Factory, TO GRENADA 60. necessary B. H MUNFOBD, FENNEB alio attends to all ti the MANUFACTORY, The hours of tnstrcctlon a. anderslgned bsv opened a Carriage Factory ex where th matertsl caa h a tl at ta hrwv t DR. Bar, and Is precared to Board Patients from a .. W.LOTntO. CANDY complete fresh .lock at PABIfl MILLINER T, to S at. Also. Evening Lessons from T to 3. TO CABROI LT9N 9 00. prtcea, aad being ihe A. B. BEID. I, XEAtLZT Jl. BMBBOID-BR1B- frostS P. THB OJa. I FANCT DBT GOODS. LACES. S atreet, between Washington sad Adama TO BLACK 10 60. r dlstaaoel No. 07 Front Bow. prepared Ba- HAXK...... buseef thtkwdrii is-- nstry, wa are thse to pretv a assortment LADIES TXBMS: streets, where they are to Manufacture and TO LEXINGTON. - t FUULIC SPEAKIXG. OXet os MAls street. In Walkrr's Bnttllag, rest BEASLEY k LOVING, THANKFUL hU friends pnbUe srd trnersl of 13 00. tX work at lower tale- taaa aay atataitltara. Htv g Xy to and th GOODS, 1 For full course, time unlimited.... tssoc pstr Carriages at the shorten notice. AM wort don by deace oa ttreet. aepSOdtwawtylns FANCT which he prepsred to sell st the 31 CO TO CANTON is 00. appointed Mr RO-K- PLBTCBEB. AreleHeat, Tbe traders lrned, candariatea to represent the county of Court Factors, CoRHlssIei Merchants for th rery Ubersl patnnag extended to very lowest prices Forpartlal course...... , ..... , va s sua, o r Cottoi foresth. locos will as v. yuutia nuvuI VIA aavnt at Mempts, T-- . w aB pertoaa agreed opon AXXJ itm for the last eight years, H. LOUIS BON mate For Penmanship, time unlimited...... JO solicited. luiwis THB refer Beast s llirwfKxl J" tbe tuxlStatii Leglilature, bar AOklAdtof MILLINEBT to order attheshortesi work, to him tor all nesrtssry IsiesmiHvn for haa DR. JOHNSON'S IXFIRMJiRT, TEDONICO begs lean to nform ttnctlxen notice. WM. jror " twenty lessons...... 1 S. BTTBA at CO. and t aFpolstmeaU address their keep on SILBEBBEBG, Memphis and Charleston st destgna, embrartag an aaBTuaMy large vartety p. Uito8owtes t. FOB DISEASES GrooorB) of Memphis snd vicinity that lie win constantly No-S- Mala street, door Dr, For rurtner parucoiaxs, auoress and tr - OP TBE 13 third store Lehman's GonoralNO. FRONT BOW, MEMPHIS' hand a large aatortsent of tne nest tmportea wines FBXBSB & PLOWEBS, terns, swi woe is satastis a to test stl work UHlm' t Good Hons. msrta GREAT SOUTHWESTERN Mississippi Central Railroads, board I Bope Bagging always oa hand. Madeira, Al and rrhlO-C- a Protejeton. en at veasals at PhJadetphla ha Wednesday, July 16 A'LABOBilock'sf sad Claret, Port, White, ic; also, Scotch CONNECTING south or Holly "prints, th Talla. it hwet Wsedtswa per bsls. all other Produce st London Porter. st peipntapricn. WIMKJ it FXBBT. Tonrsoay, 1C EMPORIUM1. Vy hiUMs river, with 'h DA1LT SOUTHERN MAIL EJ-O- Woodtkse...... EYE AND EAR, races, strmiy apeycu, wua piaupi M. XoxTBSOxxcoslwxyt keep oo band great T9 TIE LAMES AND GENTLEMEN OF CARRIAGE la wsiker's Block, No. 16, third ttalrs. 14 Friday. 17 s--; t- g nnal isstmcuons L 1 JAX'Y. 1S5T. LINK to Ntw Orleans, vis Jackson,Jll. , th chesprst. na,30-i- m Preoaaet Nsr. T3 -C A TVT1S , Produce Insured, unless otherwise In Candles and Toys, sn ssaortnrat of stick PHILADELPHIA, . Satutday, 18 'IT ill variety Ttnneutt, ilUrittlppi end .trtamttt sna qnes rout to tn soove-sss- LanrseM ...... - TBUMPBTS. sugao CAwiy and Grapes, every To Dealer! In J. M. "WIS'WELL CO. nostpwsssnt it , ... SELFUPPOBTINa BAB structed. Randr. Prune In Jar Boxes. Balslns, - ClJ9arwle ...... Morda,, JAMES. MILLSON, formerly af Clnct-n- ,im- v..M.l,ul.litlIK.vnnM. k points. kind of Fruits and Nuti, Pickles, Lobsters, Sardines, THIS extenslv coaUnnea st CLINTON PLACE EOl'EE," Orpttt Clinreb...... Tnerday. " 3t aBBBBsrsu, unto, wouia res section,; ssacunoa to (jKsALB BUSINESS in this city, and beg lasv to Invite extaaHshment stitlrg and ths best road. Th cirs wtB soon be .WIT. T. BOWABX). French and English Mustsrd. Sogar loaf snd -- Cherry . Wednesday, " S3 ARTaTICTIAL EYES, &c; WABOLAW BOWABO..... CUees, la eltlxen ot Memohls he baa ooened at the old stand on CeUa bet l.'.n at Oxford, at IB short tec this rate boxes, Marshlao, Old Wines. Ginger, Pre-sm- rX. the thst your stteaUon to sa tr, rute. BROADWAY, Alan's ScbMl Heete... Thursday. " S3 NO. 15 JEFFERSON STREET, Sc Caraca. s BLBACHINO aad PBE38ING SstssilshSKat on Union Main and Second, where msy he found a Traveler srlBlook to, ttslr comfort snd pockets. A Friday, 34 W. IIOWARB CO., Kitsnasi. New Tork snd Boston Prrserrrs, - fine assortment ot Carriires. B ex or Eighth WeHwotsl ...... Msccs-jtn- street, near DeScto, where Booneta, Fists, Gtiisey- and EXTI.RE XEW STOCK. Terr word to the wise u sufficient. Corn Street, New York. Two E;ist Comraerclal Sauce, Chocolate, Cordials, Srmpl, L ts Beckaways. Be. sf thetrowaraanufactnre: They or apply SIMS THIS llrys School norei. ... Saturday, s5 Doors of Hotel, Cotton Factors, CsmmlssioH. rhsI Clgsra. ami great Gents' Hats 1J he docs ia O best styl for thoaa who it ty For Tickets tnforaitlon to Jt C0 1 btaeVersl Beiet haa hnt been epeaeB'-- ...... Muday, 37 Teraiicelli, the best Havana a patronage. ukl this method of returning lhauti for past fsvors, Ticket th Earopeaa plsa. Stojt w OeMatawt GroTe.... " MEMPHIS. TCXX. ForwardiaH, cutty articles, too numerous to mention, cow offered favor him with their Also, Bonnets dyed sad Afnis,atiaoKsiirosaaaiagesai ostntacs ut. rram seara. a School ... Tnetday 53 tmyl-da- Merchants, her pressed .teres, low prices. p and tnvlta thest wishing to bay ta exunln their stock flee, Cooiraerciaf notet. ma,13-d-ir Itghtedand tea Hated from 60 cents to $( r V runt's niue " :rr . T'T f UT 1 T TAXI TimTT ar E .rxiTTTCr f eery low, either by wholessls or retail. for st Bro-gaziS- ssmg MeftTja. ... Wednesday. 33 ,1U. X1UITAA1 4 liuilj 1UUUU11IU. tor aala rjest giva una s can, en emeu street, near Desoto, before porch elsewher. spll ly day. SuHssf rotsssfwramata. tt M ia am ., Ko-J- expense, secured Ut servlors of two ...... Thursday, A BALTIC?t BartintEope. Ttrlne. Snrir, CcJte, J HsTlcg, at much marts-I- n day. Q. Wesgey...... if DEXTI5TRT. "7 ta experienced workmen ever in- city. h ABS FIXE V WINST it Dnc-TT- e 31 PIobt, Bacon, Mackerel, Salt, of the most this n.aTHVEO"VaV.ZiTHE M.. SIDNST KOPMAN, Prrar. DBS. CHIDSET 6i LEWIS' weold U laase, Bice, Lard. bo surpass I arranging & A. "WOODRUFF, or Ut of the Smttasonisa PrectnVtXo. 1 .... raUrday. Aug. London Porter. Ale. Wine. Whisky. Vinegar. Guano. fatter hlmseif that he cannot In J House, would b hippy t see the attentlaa of th pttMlc u their new decorating weddings, wun MAXVEK8, AETD his friends st the abvra Browns rClt-- ...... Monday. ' Lima, LaadVPlaeter, snd Grocer In generally. A good and tables for Parties se, M'LLE rarisienne, BOOS SHOES, . laal-TT- t. rjeiaoaai inserunt AKTIPIOItL TE2STH, to ana cts customers, speaks English fluently, withes to'giro lessons CARRIAGE REPOSITO.RY, NEW DRUG STORE. Hoc. H. S BRADFORD by which the nstnral txpresniea stock bow oa hand, and far sale st rataoaabl price. honor htaueif satisfaction u WHq tn Massachusetts, New WE Tito picture la Informmx tho cttlxene of DOUGLASS. if the I detft-t- f , the French snd Spanish Language,' and also In Dtract from tin Xanursctartes N03. S & 4 Exchange Buildings, nENBT face-I- s rVCash sdrances mad on Cotton In store, for sale r irr-e- r. believing. long Memohls and the public generally that wa hav re restored. Persona ta want of full tela of Teeth, Vocal Musis. Mile Xavtlss vttW be rJaxt tostund adPinnrrivan at and with otr MEMPHIS. T3NNC Administrator's Notice. P.latea, are rtbtpment. AB Cotton insured unless otberwlsa tastract-- Estrays-Ske- lby STOCK moved our stock sf Drugs to the corner of Mala and ualer.lgsed hatiae: taken st L'ttrt of adssca. Artificial crttanantatiifaelory wdi Intl. Ceaaty. schools, or give prlvaU lessons. Mil M. brings, trail. experience and superior facilities, onr for i THE we ed. uar types rpucy or insursnca oortrs si loucb con-- your custom-er- i, CONSTiNTLTott hand Urg sisort Untan street, act wiBUte pleasure ta apa eh kits e f fibs. 1st Tho. X. tedUesBa'a Are that w4 W. B, NHmb, thetthdsy rrem cet i pesonagea ta country TOUR TRADE, and fer th tttlsf tetkn of IM-st- ad t!r .s. Oateum &c . r lEBcd to n by watcrt also, th risk of Fire while la TAUNnpbr in motuais us nit tnia CARRIAGES, rrem th datmx ail who may favor ns with a caB. roll, all persons tq said Estste ar. InonlaaiU tanofyirB.-- : gaIj3mrV ) solicit CALL of ,heI Pr.atStret,lfewToik, jr 6. JL V . 1837. BAT MULB. fourteen hands signed by President Pierce, Got. Aiken; SexsteT cannot ti lUrpassod, wo AN El BIT erst aBer-dHa- rs COOPKB tlCO.rta store, nxless otherwise Instructed. Our price tor storing gtkaaa of Jon. io masufa-torle- t, W are also ia receipt ot afstl supoty of rresa asd tsakeptyaeatt sad taereof are liUOIi.M.OinTH. year a Butler, Cot. JtSertoa which will be hap- when yon corn to t&ls city. In lis Halted SUtes. xaciab aTjTlBpctouliStret-Ne- Orlesra, and. selling Cottons, the tarn as w hive charged for Inch high, about eight eld, blsct Ssrls, kc, she ana wora Draga, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Ax. ptesenl, their dabns, wMata the period pretcrlsed la, , arirfor aale a tuB , . , . across th I boulders snd along the hack I py to exhibit, Tours respectrully, JOS. S. LETETT & CO., Carriages turn to enter run. PxesertpUons j Jnst.RecciTed. " " pa unr eewcarr Diel rnirw aSSil! dotjewlth. nestnej Pa tltaUr attention paid to filling or st OtacTwise uiey wit oa earrv. fi, ,. TarrcbBots. try Xxtra A BXLS. Sweet OfSer, - ,.rs ! Ntlxotx reside la the 14th Civil Apply st Mt. Bulkier!, Hernando street,.lsfjsexi .door la No. 133 Msrket itreet, third store trom South. gnsrsntlol. AH kinds sf Bapsirtsr venttiaaid sal A br ' valued st $90. Th ssld mflA easst-- . " ail of day snd sight. BLhBA 3. OABB8LL. Aesrfr i Jtew Toik orNrw 7 JI. H. PimSH, bsrrelt Xi. l'MoUeses, A. S," THOMAS, mayoruairoit's recisesoe, or st in S. lata of Memphis. V' !" hrs rtferrtkBD. tWlretahle la Ortenu 4U tot sal br 'District mutate atuxscsur.- JoiErn Levitt, dsUl-- tf JO INKS, X CO. JssLSnt ' la S. a. Xtls-l- L, 13 FirXT tpIS-dtwit- o- PACT, 8TXCX3ZT, Boston. Jan TsBMnt , k . It 13317 iw Ecrth "fTorihtm Hoas. HANCOCK, CLABX it CO. JbbII Banter, ef r -- v