2666 38: Azu-/E (E.G4s Cz776erzazz
(No Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet 1 T. C. EBER HARD, ENGRAVING MACHINE, No. 415,450, Patented Nov. 19, 1889. () a 841 uo 11 for -2666 38: Azu-/e (e.g4s CZ776erzazz/ r. Washington, D.C. (No Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet 2. T. C. EBER HARDT, ENGRAWING MACHINE, No. 415,450, Patented Nov. 19, 1889. V 928) it vesses s 3v-uovot sy - ZAeop/lavas CZ76erzorae, PETERS. Photo-lthographer. Washington, D.C. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THEOPHILU'S CHARIES EBER HARDT, OF (UERO, TEXAS. ENGRAVING-MACH NE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 415,450, dated November 19, 1889. Application filed December 21, 1888, Serial No. 294,296, (No model.) To all u?ion it inctly concern: transversely on the under side of the platen Be it known that I, THEOPHILUS CHARLES at a suitable distance from the outer end EBERHARDT, a citizen of the United States, thereof, and has notches or rabbets N in its 5. residing at Cuero, in the county of De Witt ends. and State of Texas, have invented a new and O represents a clamp, which is also arranged liseful Improvement in Engraving-Machines, on the under side of the platen, and is pro of which the following is a specification. vided at its ends with right-angled arms P, My invention, relates to an improvement that fit in the rabbets N. From the upper in engraving-machines; and it consists in the side of the clamp O, at the center of the same, O peculiar construction and combination of de projects a stem R, which extends through a vices that will be more fully set forth here central opening in the platen F, and on the inafter, and particularly pointed out in the outer end of the said stem is pivoted a lever claims.
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