PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PROVINCIAL MUSEUM of NATURAL HISTORY and ANTHROPOLOGY Report for the Year 19 4 9 VIC'l'ORTA, B.C.: l'rlni ..-.U hy DoN M cDJAnl\no, Printer to the King's r\ f n~t Excellent Mnjesry. 1950. To His Honou1· C. A. BANKS, Lieutenant-Governor of the PTovince of BTitish Columbia. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: The undersigned respectfully submits herewith the Annual Report of the Provincial Museum of Natural History and Anthropology for the year 1949. W. T. STRAITH, Minister of Education. Office of the Ministe1· of Education, Victoria, B.C. !'}) PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY, VICTORIA, B.C., May 5th, 1950. The Honourable W. T. Straith, Minister of Education, Victoria, B.C. SIR,-The undersigned respectfully submits herewith a report of the of the Provincial Museum of Natural History and Anthropology for the calendar year 1949. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, G. CLIFFORD CARL, Director. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. The Honourable W. T. STRAITH, Minister·. F. T. FAIREY, B.A., LL.D., Deputy MinisteT and Super·intendent. PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY. Staff: G. CLIFFORD CARL, Ph.D., Dir-ectm·. GEORGE A. HARDY, Geneml Assistant. CHARLES J. GUIGUET, B.A., Assistant in Biology. WILSON DUFF, B.A., Tempor·ar-y Assistant in Antht-opology. MARGARET CRUMMY, B.A., Secr-etarial Stenogr-apher·. BETTY C. NEWTON, Ar-tist. SHE:LA GRICE DAVIES, Typist. E. J. MAXWELL, Attendant. PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY. OBJECTS. (a) To secure and preserve specimens illustrating the natural history of the Province.
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