आति वसूली शाखा ASSET RECOVERY BRANCH Janmangal, 4th Floor, 45/47,Mumbai Samachar Marg,Fort,Mumbai-400001 जनमंगल, 4ठी मंजजल,४५/४७, मंब ई समाचार मागग, फोर्ग, मंब ई-४००००१, र्ेलीफोन /022- 22630884 ई-मेल/Email
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[email protected] Zonal Office: Mumbai Zonal Office, Janmangal, 45/47,Mumbai Samachar Marg,Fort,Mumbai-400001 जनमंगल,४५/४७, म ंबई समाचार माग,ग फो셍ग, म ंबई-४००००१ प्रधान का셍ााल셍: लोकमंगल, 1051, जिवाजीनगर, प ण0े - Head Office: LOKMANGAL,1501,SHIVAJINAGAR,PUNE-5 Sale Notice for sale of immovable properties E-Auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 read with provision to Rule 8 (6) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002. Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower (s) and Guarantor (s) that the below described immovable property/ies mortgaged/charged to the Bank of Maharashtra, the physical possession of which has been taken by the Authorised Officer of Bank of Maharashtra, will be sold on "As is where is,” “As is what is” and “whatever there is” basis. Lot Borrowers/Guarantors/Name & Description of Property. Reserve Price Earnest Money No. Address: Deposit 1 Borrower: M/s Pinrap All that piece and parcel of Rs. 2,88,37,000/- Rs. 28,90,000/- Packaging Pvt. Ltd. at- Shop 224, Industrial Shed/ Structures Second Floor, Dimple Arcade along with Land bearing Premises Co-op Society Ltd.