CHIPLEY FOILS ROYALS’ PERFECT SEASON PAGE B2 FOUR Santa Rosa’s Press F R E E 6015935 Santa Rosa County Fair TICKETS With Every New Subscription Gazette Drop By Our Office For Details Tweet us @srpressgazette and like us on Saturday,.March.22,.2014 F i n d . b r e a k i n g . n e w s . a t . 75.cents Navarre Beach owners must pay tax County property appraiser, who Those who did not now will have taxes owed from 2006 until 2013, change the process if they cannot $10.8.million.owed. spearheaded this change, said all to pay big bills. with penalties and interest, total pay their taxes. land and improvements are now Stan Colie Nichols, Santa Rosa $10,872,740. “Someone else can purchase By PAMELA HOLT taxable to Santa Rosa County. County tax collector, said he is Nichols said the county will their certificate, and if they want 623-2120|.@pamelaholtpg Before now, Navarre Beach relieved to finally have a conclu- meet next week to iron out pay- to immediately file for the deed,
[email protected] residents were required to pay sion on the matter. He said the ment options, but he said resi- they will only have a few months taxes on their buildings, not land. Supreme Court deemed the resi- dents have received tax notices to raise the money. Taxes for 2013 In conclusion of a longstand- Unsure how their court battle dents on Navarre Beach to have and are well aware how much are delinquent on April 1,” Nich- ing legal battle, Navarre Beach over property taxes would turn equitable ownership — all the they owe.