Macro Photography Beyond Flowers and Butterflies An introduction to the fascinating world of close-up and macro photography Reinier Munguía email:
[email protected] INTRODUCTION This publication will help you get there’s only one way of doing out the door. Research plays a big started in the amazing world of things, but in reality you can ac- role in successful photography. macro photography, its challenges complish the same effect using Preparing yourself to what you and the techniques I use to over- different techniques. Problem might encounter will increase your come some of these challenges. solving in the field will depend on chances of capturing that unique Although not a complete guide, it many factors including the weather, image. provides you with the knowledge your equipment limitations and Obviously, equipment is a limit- required to take beautiful images. your subject. That’s the reason why ing factor in how close you can get You’ll learn useful techniques that I there isn’t a single and specific so- and the quality of the image you have learned over the years, sav- lution to most macro photography obtain. We’ll discuss some of the ing you time and frustration when questions. My best advice is to most commonly used equipment, shooting small creatures. familiarize yourself with your gear, their advantages and how to prop- Most people entering this fasci- learn as much as possible about erly use them to get the best they nating field of photography think your subject, even before you get can provide. Basic photographic techniques such as depth of field, focusing and exposure will be discussed in terms of their applica- tions in macro photography.