The Korean Peninsula, and Was Dashing Madly Across the Southern Tip in a Race for Pusan
35th INFANTRY REGIMENT KOREA By 19 September 1945, with the close of WWII, the first echelon of the Regiment was on the way to Japan for occupation duty. The original home base was in Nagoya, Japan. In January 1946, the regiment moved to Otsu, Japan, on Honshu Island, where the Regiment’s mission was occupation duty and keeping combat ready. The regiment remained here until 5 July 1950. June 1950 On 25 June 1950, the North Korean "People’s Army" swarmed across the 38th Parallel in an unprovoked, surprise attack on the Republic of South Korea. Across the Sea of Japan, the atmosphere was laden with mounting tension, and all eyes were turned, with a look of grave concern, toward the enigmatic little peninsula lying to the west. At this time, the 35th Infantry "Cacti" Regiment was stationed in South-Central Honshu on occupation duty. The implications of this invasion were brought home to the members of the 25th Division as they assisted in the processing of civilian evacuees brought to Japan from Korea. One thousand forty- four (1,044) of these civilians were provided billets, transportation, clothing, and medical or financial aid, if needed. The United States 24th Infantry Division, then occupying the southernmost Japanese Island of Kyushu, was ordered to Korea to intervene in the fighting. On 1 July 1950, the order to move was received and the 2nd Battalion of the "Cacti" set out for the city of Kokura, on Kyushu, to form the 25th advance group. As the units of the 24th Infantry Division departed for Korea, the 35th moved into positions they vacated.
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