Congressional Record—House H6284

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Congressional Record—House H6284 H6284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 21, 2011 Equality Caucus, I am pleased that the tional emergency unless, prior to the SECTION 1. USE OF EMANCIPATION HALL FOR tireless work of our congressional col- anniversary date of its declaration, the EVENT TO AWARD THE CONGRES- SIONAL GOLD MEDAL. leagues, the administration, and the President publishes in the Federal Reg- (a) AUTHORIZATION.—Emancipation Hall in LGBT community resulted in the end ister and transmits to the Congress a the Capitol Visitor Center is authorized to be of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. notice stating that the emergency is to used for an event on November 2, 2011, to Although this is a remarkable step continue in effect beyond the anniver- award the Congressional Gold Medal, collec- forward, we still have a long way to go sary date. In accordance with this pro- tively, to the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd to attain full equality. Lesbian, gay, vision, I have sent to the Federal Reg- Regimental Combat Team, and the Military Intelligence Service, United States Army, in bisexual, and transgendered people ister for publication the enclosed no- recognition of their dedicated service during continue to be targets of discrimina- tice, stating that the national emer- World War II. tion in our policies, our laws, and our gency with respect to persons who (b) PREPARATIONS.—Physical preparations society. I have always said that dis- commit, threaten to commit, or sup- for the conduct of the event described in sub- crimination is un-American, and we as port terrorism is to continue in effect section (a) shall be carried out in accordance a Nation must continue to fight for beyond September 23, 2011. with such conditions as may be prescribed by the Architect of the Capitol. policies that bring us closer to ful- The crisis constituted by the grave filling the principles we espouse. acts of terrorism and threats of ter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ant to the rule, the gentleman from I encourage all of us to stay com- rorism committed by foreign terror- Mississippi (Mr. HARPER) and the gen- mitted to ensuring that sexual orienta- ists, including the terrorist attacks on tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. BRADY) tion and gender identity are no longer September 11, 2001, in New York and each will control 20 minutes. a cause for inequality. Pennsylvania and against the Pen- The Chair recognizes the gentleman f tagon, and the continuing and imme- from Mississippi. diate threat of further attacks on GENERAL LEAVE HONORING LATINOS IN THE United States nationals or the United MILITARY Mr. HARPER. Mr. Speaker, I ask States that led to the declaration of a unanimous consent that all Members (Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- national emergency on September 23, have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- fornia asked and was given permission 2001, has not been resolved. These ac- tend their remarks. to address the House for 1 minute and tions pose a continuing unusual and ex- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there to revise and extend her remarks.) traordinary threat to the national se- objection to the request of the gen- Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- curity, foreign policy, and economy of tleman from Mississippi? fornia. Mr. Speaker, this week I intro- the United States. For these reasons, I There was no objection. duced House Resolution 404, a resolu- have determined that it is necessary to Mr. HARPER. I yield myself such tion honoring Latinos in the military; continue the national emergency de- time as I may consume. and I rise today to recognize all the clared with respect to persons who Mr. Speaker, this resolution honors great contributions and service that commit, threaten to commit, or sup- those brave and courageous Japanese Latinos have given to this country. port terrorism, and maintain in force Americans who served in the U.S. In fact, Latinos have fought in every the comprehensive sanctions to re- Army’s 100th Infantry Battalion and United States military conflict that we spond to this threat. 442nd Regimental Combat Team, as have had, and today nearly 163,000 BARACK OBAMA. well as those who served in the indis- Latinos—and Latinas—serve in the reg- THE WHITE HOUSE, September 21, 2011. pensable Military Intelligence Service. The 100th Infantry Battalion fought ular components of the Armed Forces. f The contributions and sacrifices that valiantly in the treacherous Italian they make to defend our Nation are ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER campaign, earning their nickname the often overlooked. So I encourage the PRO TEMPORE Purple Heart Battalion because of their Secretary of Defense to increase pro- bravery and sacrifice. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The 442nd Regimental Combat Team motion opportunities for Latinos in the ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair was formed in 1943 from Japanese Armed Forces. will postpone further proceedings Americans living in relocation camps. It’s my firm belief that the military today on motions to suspend the rules A week after D-day, the 100th Bat- should invest in outreach to minority on which a recorded vote or the yeas talion and the 442nd were merged into communities and to work to mitigate and nays are ordered, or on which the a single unit, which fought heroically the barriers that hinder more Latinos vote incurs objection under clause 6 of in Europe, as seen in their rescue of the from advancing up the career ladder in rule XX. famous ‘‘Lost Battalion’’ in France our Armed Forces, because our Armed Record votes on postponed questions near the German border. Forces need Latinos. Latinos, like all will be taken later. those who serve, continue to sacrifice b 1240 f their lives daily in Operation Iraqi These Japanese American units suf- Freedom and Operation New Dawn. We AUTHORIZING USE OF EMANCI- fered enormously high casualty rates have lost lives of Latinos also, 539. PATION HALL TO AWARD CON- and received over 18,000 individual I salute the dedication of our Latino GRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL decorations, including 9,486 Purple Hearts. For their service in eight major servicemembers. Mr. HARPER. Mr. Speaker, I move to campaigns in Italy and France, the f suspend the rules and concur in the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd CONTINUATION OF NATIONAL concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 28) Regimental Combat Team earned eight EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO authorizing the use of Emancipation Presidential Unit Citations. TERRORISM—MESSAGE FROM Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for Members of the Military Intelligence THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED an event to award the Congressional Service were Japanese Americans who STATES (H. DOC. NO. 112–57) Gold Medal, collectively, to the 100th served this country by intercepting Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- radio messages, translating documents, Combat Team, and the Military Intel- writing leaflets encouraging opposing fore the House the following message ligence Service, United States Army, from the President of the United troops to surrender, and helping our in recognition of their dedicated serv- forces understand the enemy we were States; which was read and, together ice during World War II. with the accompanying papers, referred fighting. In fact, according to General The Clerk read the title of the con- MacArthur’s intelligence officer, to the Committee on Foreign Affairs current resolution. and ordered to be printed: Charles Willoughby, the efforts of the The text of the concurrent resolution Military Intelligence Service ‘‘short- To the Congress of the United States: is as follows: ened the war by 2 years.’’ Section 202(d) of the National Emer- S. CON. RES. 28 Mr. Speaker, Second Lieutenant gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- DANIEL INOUYE, who received a battle- for the automatic termination of a na- resentatives concurring), field commission in November 1944, was VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 Sep 22, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21SE7.024 H21SEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE September 21, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6285 one of these brave men. Gravely The recognition of these Americans military, despite the fact that their wounded in April 1945, Lieutenant is overdue, and Emancipation Hall is a wives, their parents, their brothers and INOUYE received the Distinguished befitting place to bestow this award for sisters are in prison behind barbed wire Service Cross. It is fitting and proper the sacrifice and dedication that was fences in these relocation camps. that our distinguished colleague in the shown in the face of discrimination. As a result of such volunteerism, two other body sponsored this legislation, Join with me today in supporting combat units, the 100th Battalion and and I’m honored to speak in support of this concurrent resolution, and I re- the 442nd Infantry Combat Group, were it here today. serve the balance of my time. organized and immediately sent to I ask my colleagues to support this Mr. HARPER. I continue to reserve fight Nazi Germany in Europe. resolution authorizing use of Emanci- the balance of my time. In my humble opinion, history pation Hall in November for this Con- Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. speaks for itself in documenting that gressional Gold Medal ceremony. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the gen- none have shed their blood more val- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, tleman from American Samoa (Mr. iantly for our Nation than the Japa- COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION, FALEOMAVAEGA). nese American soldiers who served in Washington, DC, September 19, 2011. (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA asked and these two combat units. These units Hon. JOHN BOEHNER, was given permission to revise and ex- suffered an unprecedented casualty Speaker of the House, House of Representatives, tend his remarks.) rate of 314 percent.
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