Congressional Record—House H6284
H6284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 21, 2011 Equality Caucus, I am pleased that the tional emergency unless, prior to the SECTION 1. USE OF EMANCIPATION HALL FOR tireless work of our congressional col- anniversary date of its declaration, the EVENT TO AWARD THE CONGRES- SIONAL GOLD MEDAL. leagues, the administration, and the President publishes in the Federal Reg- (a) AUTHORIZATION.—Emancipation Hall in LGBT community resulted in the end ister and transmits to the Congress a the Capitol Visitor Center is authorized to be of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. notice stating that the emergency is to used for an event on November 2, 2011, to Although this is a remarkable step continue in effect beyond the anniver- award the Congressional Gold Medal, collec- forward, we still have a long way to go sary date. In accordance with this pro- tively, to the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd to attain full equality. Lesbian, gay, vision, I have sent to the Federal Reg- Regimental Combat Team, and the Military Intelligence Service, United States Army, in bisexual, and transgendered people ister for publication the enclosed no- recognition of their dedicated service during continue to be targets of discrimina- tice, stating that the national emer- World War II. tion in our policies, our laws, and our gency with respect to persons who (b) PREPARATIONS.—Physical preparations society. I have always said that dis- commit, threaten to commit, or sup- for the conduct of the event described in sub- crimination is un-American, and we as port terrorism is to continue in effect section (a) shall be carried out in accordance a Nation must continue to fight for beyond September 23, 2011.
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