The Traveller's Guide to Agra, Containing an Account of the Past
tf ,0f ~(Q , - . " TRAVAVELLER'S GUIDE TO AGRA T CONTAINING I'N! OF THE PAST HISTORY, THE ANTIQUITIES, - TIIK A 1'KINCIPAL SIGHTS OF AGRA, TOGETHER FTII SOME INFORMATION ABOUT AGRA AS IT IS BY VA CHANDRA [MUKERJI, M.A., VAKIL, HIGH COURT, N.-W. P. 1892. SEN & Co., Delhi. e -A ' . r^ . A, THE TRAVELLER'S GUIDE TO AGRA CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF THE PAST HISTORY, THE ANTIQUITIES, AND THE PRINCIPAL SIGHTS OF AGRA, TOGETHER WITH SOME INFORMATION ABOUT .AGRA AS IT IS BY SATYA CHANDRA MTJKERJI, M.A., B.L., M VAKIL, HIGH COURT, N.-W. P. 1892. SEN & Co., Delhi. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. THE present book has been prepared with a view to render by it every assistance as to reliable information that the traveller to Agra might re- quire. The first part of it deals with the past history of Agra, and although it might seem almost redundant to the educated native of India to whom the facts there related are sufficiently well known, it is hardly so in view of the fact that the travellers to Agra comprise citizens from the remotest parts of the civilised globe, and to the majority of those in whose hands this book might be placed Indian his- tory might not be a familiar study. We have in the other chapters attempted to describe the principal architectural monuments of Agra and of the neigh- bourhood with all their details and quotations from the most elegant descriptions given of them by emi- nent writers. We have described Agra as it is, with 868633 11 an account of the principal features of administrative detail that might be interesting to the new comer.
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