2A. Governance: Are You a Governance Guru? CAPLAW 2011 National Training Conference Thursday, June 16, 2011 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. Minneapolis, MN Ms. Anita Lichtblau, Esq. Ms. Patricia Steiger, CCAP Emeritus Executive Director & General Counsel Management Consultant & CAPLAW Former Executive Director, 178 Tremont Street National Community Action Boston, MA Management Academy 617-357-6915 (main) CAPLAW Vice President
[email protected] [email protected] Handouts: 1. Putting Governance Into Practice – Case Studies CAPLAW GOVERNANCE CASE STUDIES PREPARED BY JACK B. SIEGEL, ES Q ., CPA. © Copyright 2008 Community Action Program Legal Services, Inc. CAPLAW Governance Case Studies Introduction There has been a great deal of discussion during the last five years over the role that boards should play in overseeing nonprofits and their activities. Some argue that too many boards are passive, failing to provide adequate oversight over scarce resources. These critics can point to all too many board failures that have resulted in fraud and mismanagement. Others are quick to respond that many boards are filled with volunteers, who want to do right by their nonprofits, but who face time constraints, limited knowledge, and other limitations. Many who serve on boards aren’t even clear as to what their role is. Should they come to the monthly meetings, enjoy the coffee and doughnuts, and serve as cheerleaders? Or, are they supposed to take an active role in managing the nonprofit, possibly coming in on Saturday to clean the office, reconcile the checkbook, or stack cans of food in a warehouse? Many know that they should be asking questions at board meetings, but what questions? Some board members who have taken their roles seriously have asked for training or board orientation.