UNIVERSAL ALGEBRA Abstract Approved _____MMEMIIIMI Norman Franzen
AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF JUNPEI SEKINO for the MASTER OF SCIENCE (Name) (Degree) ,, in MATHEMATICS presented on () t ,{, i >_: ¡ ``¡2 (Major) (Date) Title: UNIVERSAL ALGEBRA Abstract approved _____MMEMIIIMI Norman Franzen In this paper, we are concerned with the very general notion of a universal algebra. A universal algebra essentially consists of a set A together with a possibly infinite set of finitary operations on. A. Generally, these operations are related by means of equations, yield- ing different algebraic structures such as groups, groups with oper- ators, modules, rings, lattices, etc. This theory is concerned with those theorems which are common to all these various algebraic sys- tems. In particular, the fundamental isomorphism and homomorphism theorems are covered, as well as, the Jordan- Holder theorem and the Zassenhaus lemma. Furthermore, new existence proofs are given for sums and free algebras in any primitive class of universal algebras. The last part treats the theory of groups with multi- operators in a manner essentially different from that of P. J. Higgins. The ap- proach taken here generalizes the theorems on groups with operators as found in Jacobson's "Lectures in Abstract Algebra, " vol. I. The basic language of category theory is used whenever conven- ient. Universal Algebra by Junpei Sekino A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 1969 APPROVED: Assistant Professor of Mathematics in charge of major Acting Chairman of Department of Mathematics Dean of ra uate c ool Date thesis is presented ( ;( Typed by Clover Redfern for JUNPEI SEKINO ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to acknlowledge my gratitude to Mr.
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