ATS Is" Backing the Pro-Weetem "Now That the First Bomb Has .!Ennedy Regime to Recognize Ference Before He Leaves Office Next F Rl^ Y
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r /. •-I ■v: . BhSDNESDAY, JANUARY 11^1961 ' Th« WMther Averavt Dhily Net Ptmw R«n PAOB.t'^^ENTY Peraeaal of t . S.'Weathar BM iilt' ..A Ewttttt0 l?wai^l Par the Waidi Eaded • -------- 1- , J . » V Doe. n . 1M8 Ihlr nad aoMar. tsMght. 13,314 18. Ihlr aad Httte About Town Ibmber af tha Andit • ehaaga Prtday. High la 80a. B m ah a» Orwilattan M tmche$Ur— A Cit^r o f Village Charm ■Tte Piddic H«anh Kursincr for ■inritBid xnothen will resume MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY,’JANUARY 12, 1961 an Page 18) PRICE PIVE 18 » t * lun. In the iniblic YOla LXXX,, NO. 8S (TWBNTY PAGES) oonfeireiKse room sit Man- p - ‘ Meanoiial Hospital. Any- itad n a y enroll by public Maltfa office. I ^ lb s . 'W llb^Uttle, 19S Spencer 8U i^MfaiUtawbOcEalnnan ofthe m at district and vinlt of the C ites XJ, S. i n 8 Y e a r s ABMricaa Lieglon adamaiy. Is at- toaffinf tha New KnglMrf area lahabUltation conference «A jn er- Open ThurSi jrmit l^^ion Auxillarlea ab. the Shanton-BUtmore Hotel in Proyl' dnoa, today through Friday. till H m Manchester Laague of Wom an Voters wiU meet tonight at 8 at the home of Mrs. John Hyde.. 11 Meadow lane. Guest speaJter EN DAILY wm be Caiester la n gtiy. deputy |9:30 a.miNto 5:45 p.m. director of public works for the | Town of Manchester. He'will dls- j YOUR STORE OF VILLAGE CHARM... cuss tft road btillding program. VS. Supplied Planes' Space Lag t-vvii W O M EN 'S, State News Last Message Lists H m Manchester Association for H a^ o f Retarded Children wUl C riticized meet tomorrow at 8 pjn. at the LaptiauT Pilots Boi Roundup Bonce Center. A business meeting MISSES' - MEN'S JACI Unsolved Problems will be ftjUowed by a social tour. In R ep o rt OCfloais will be elected at a ji and meeting at the Veterans of World) and SUBURBAN Pro-] Speeding Car Washington, Jan. 12 (i<P>—Piwrident Eiaenhowsr Will M k « War I of the USA, Manchester |*alm Beach, Fla,, Jan. 12 ,^a farewell address to the nation next Taesday Biglit. 96er Barracka, and ladies’ auxiliary. JUNIORS' regularly $50.00 <? study committee re- ^radio and television. ; - Sunday at 2 pm. at the VFW ) Crashes Kill K)rt sharply critical of the Home. w idduu.., jm . tian government auppoeed The White House announced today that EiafinlMsrac Rill State Department offlciahi down and let the Communist walk Sisenhower administration’s speak at 8:30 p.m. (EST) from his office. Instructora for natural history and $55^.00 ■ ■aid today the United States over them?" in Stale lace program calls on the In addition, Eisenhower plans to hold a farewcttiMMl MB- and art classes to start Saturds}’ COATS is" backing the pro-weetem "Now that the first bomb has _.!ennedy regime to recognize ference before he leaves office next F rl^ y . The tfane luiB |nt at Luts Junior Museum will be | •ATS been^ dropped," a BritHh diplomat Westbrook, Jan. 12 (^P)— America’s prestige is at stake ’ Mfa Madeline McAwley. new di-; government of Laos in its use yet bfcen set. v of aircraft as weli as ground comment^, "no town or village Two young men were killed In in the race with Russia. ractor of the inuseum. for natural In Laos will be eafe from Sir st- history, aitd ssi— Carol Moses and WMUMMia to defend itself separate auto accidents in this The report, made public by Washington, Jan. 12 {/F)—President Eisenhower told < ]^ Miss Roberta Dick, art classes. R ^ , tack.” President-elect John F. Kennedy against S9viet.8upported reb- The Laotian jSIote made their vicinity last night, one in last night without comment, says gress in a farewell State-of-the-Union message todfiy 'unt' Westbrook and the other in the odds are ’heavily against the America nas forged ahead in foreign and economic pMMyvin AO ofBcena circle and conunit- (Continued on Page Bleven) tee chairmen' of South Methodist j S 4 9 . 9 9 X Preaa officer Lincoln neighboring Deep River. United Stotes beating the Soviet the eight years, but still confronts grave probleiBiu Church WSCS are to attend ani White said yesterday titot Both mishaps involved high Union in the contest to put a The retiring Chief Executive cjted the continuing C~~ executive committee meeting to *^these (planes) are not U.S. speed coUislons with uUUty poles. manned apace ahip in to. orbit hist menace to Berlin, in Cuba, and elsewhere in tho morrow at T:45 pm . in Suaaimah Victor Bouchard, 22, Bellstone around the earth.' fighters nor arc they manned Nikita Favors Aye. Westbrook, was killed in The committee, appointed by And he spoke of intermitte'nt declines in economic activity Jit Weriey HaU. by U A personnel.” Today of stantly, State Police said, when the Kennedy, urges . determined ef home which he said leave “little room for complacency.” .' ficials said White’s comment car he was driving went out of con fort apd the spending of more “I do not closti this message implying that ail is w dL-tiiit Cambodia Gall trol on Route 1. overturned eev- money on the Space exploration all problems ar# solved,” Eis^hower said. “ For progrewf tta- did not mean the trainers ersl times, and slammed into a ATLAMnO would not be used as attack program generaUy—and parti plies both new and continj^ng probldma and, unlike president cularly OB development of more FURNACE OIL planes. It was clear the Unit For Laos Talks ^H enry Molyneux, 41, of 33 Main powerful rocket thrust for launch tial administrations, problems rarely have terminal dates; Aiitsamtlw Oeavery ed States knew they would be. St., .Bhwex, Who was IdentUled as a ing of ^cecraft. Abroad there is the continrtag^ LT.WOOD CO. Moscow, Jan. 12 Soviet passenger In the vehicle, was ad ’The group mentioned no spe- (kimmutiist threat to the froedom Vientiane, Laos, Jan. 12 (/P) mitted to Grace-New Haven Com eitie figure In ealling for addi of Berlin, an exploalve altuatim in Phone Ml 8 -lltt Ukiion ennouheed today that Pro' munity Hospital for treatment of Laos, the problems caused by OMm Rusk Expects .^Laotian pilots flying hastily tional spending. munist penetratlMi in Cuba, aa well mier Ntidta fOmuhdi^ “regards head and ffiternal Injuries. His con- Tha current Russian advantage armed U.S. - made trainer favorahiy"' Oambodla’s proposal ditlcm was termed not serious. as the many problems connected Fameui Brands by Later, p few miles away, tragedy in Rring vehicles into Space stems with the development of the new Support from pligies strafed and bombed for an international conference on from', superior booster rockets. prd-Communist rebel forces overtook two cars returning from nations in Africa. ’These areas, in • M cGRESOR the Laotian crieie. an Explorer Scout meeting. TheNitudy committee asserted particular call for delicate han yesterday and today in? the there lit> "overriding necessity to Tue, the Soviet news agency, Slate Police said the accident dling and ‘constant review. Bowles, Adlai HOWARD • l a k e l a n d first air raids of the civil war, reported that IQiruahchev. in a provide h t^ . efficient slid effec- "At home several conspicuous occurred when a caj, driven^by tive'Ieadermp”' for' the U.S. Space British, French and other Bu message Jan. 7 to Prince Norodom Kingman A. Snow, 33. Mafo St. problems remain: Promoting high ’Washington, Jan. 12 (A^ ■— Dean ANDREWS > ropexn diplomats in the Laotian Sihanouk, the Cambodian chief of Centeibrook, a section of Ess^ effort. \ er levels of employment, with Rusk, secretary of atate-deslgimta, capital expreated grave concern state, suggeateid that the confer passed the-other car at high speea President Biaknhower has stated clal emphaala on areas in which said today he expects to bo the the aid raid—first reported in the ence .be held in Canfobdia. on Route 144Tn Da«P repeatedly that'^America's pres heavy unemppymant has persist' new President’s chief " foreign Building S-year-old Civil war—would trig The U.S. State Department said Snow’s car veered wildly Mter tige ia hot at atakt in the Space ed; continulniy..t9 provide for policy adviser without backstage Were 17.95 to 49.95 ger a retaliatory action by, the yeetei^day that it w u giving eWddlng on sand at the right exploration race. ’The Kennedy steady economic’ grovrth and pre mteiference from Adlai Stevenson* Contractor Soviet Union or Conomuniit. China. "earnest consideration” to Sihan shoulder of the highway, then ccmipittee'e bepprt said: serving a aound currencx; bringing Chester Bowles or others. our balance of payments into more Bealdential—Bemodeling "What are we-—or the TstoUana ouk’s proposal for a 14-nation slammed broadside »gal*«l * P®!*’ "Space exploration and exploita Rusk expressed firm ooafldqnoe, Alteratlona —aupposed to do7” asked a top conference that would include the Eklward HelnhoM, 16, Edgewood have Captured the imagination of reasonable equilibriuln and continu however, that he ■ could VWfc American official. "Let the Rui- nations that attended the .1854 tijw peoples ef the world. During ing a high level ot confidence in smoothly and effectively tilth Full Insuraace Covetage Rd., Ivoryton, a section of Esb«. our national and international siaiia keep pouring, their guns and was in the right front seat He the next few -years the praeme Stevenson, Bowles, and tonn«r Bto- 8 Middto Tnmpike West eoaraunltion lit? And once the (Oontinned e» Page'Ten) imaj eUminating heavily MI S-144S was killed in the crash.