• Get in touch with o Ocean Robbins, o Stacey Murphy [email protected]), o Dutch Green Business Group, and introduce them to the idea of pay-it-forward, donations, commissions, and a nonprofit organization, Mother earth news: I am reaching out to see if you would be interested in a partnership with my organization. We are creating a paradigm shift that will convert this world from a Money- Based Economy to a Cooperative Resource-Based Economy. With its concentration of green technologies, your organization has the potential to be the prime moving force in creating a cooperative resource-based economy. Is there someone in your organization to whom I can present my ideas? o Seed banks: bb74acccfb07260e8&pq=seed+banks&cc=US&setlang=en- US&nclid=189E011C7DC12AB5A549A6EAB522EBC0&ts=1592834048312&wsso=Moderate • Get in touch with gutter companies and see if we can work together to design an aquaculture garden that can go into all apartments, houses, businesses Etc • The aquaculture/organic-hybrid Co-op will feature locally grown kenaf (Bob Lawrason | Facebook), moringa, duckweed, and tilapia • Convert pools into aquaculture Gardens for entire neighborhoods • Create the Virus Victory Homestead set up teams. They will consist of BioAirCrete, hydrochlorous acid, and gutter people. • A Plan for Food Self-Sufficiency: livestock/self-reliance/food-self-sufficiency- zm0z12onzkon?utm_source=wcemail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MEN%20GFSS%20eNews %2006.05.20&_wcsid=E88143E648CEC95CDFD4A3EC1C7F6F89B6DCD28DEADEEF80

• Organic Farms will create co-ops that are linked to a nonprofit Farm education organization. And they will mentor/train others to create organic farms in exchange for a donation to the nonprofit. • Try electrolysis of a HOT, 5% to 8% sodium chlorite (bleach) for use as an

All of the seeds, grains, nuts, and root are storage and reproduction units. And these storage units frequently contain starches and oils, which the used to start the seeds the next year. Since primitive- man had no way to store food, they would eat whatever was available in their immediate environment. Also, they lived in tropical or semi-tropical climates with year-round food availability.

Thrival Gardens have a water section, and in the water section, there will be information about duckweed

Most, if not all, Americans will turn their yard/Sun Room into a hydroponic/ garden or building a Hobbit Hole (BioAirCrete construction). They will produce food, energy, oxygen, Carbon sequestration (binding) as Biochar, and using the Biochar and the nitrogen from the poultry/fish will revitalize the soil.

Biochar incorporated into ALL stages of the Thrival Garden • Make from kenaf growing in the yard and excess duckweed o Also used to make BioFuel • • Duckweed troughs to convert the ammonia from the fish into nitrate/nitrite

TMS (Total Mineral Solution for the plants (Duckweed), It would create the ideal balance of minerals for healthy plants, fish, and people. aquaculture

• Aquaponics:

• duckweed, o Buying- o Composting, ▪ Central tower composting • The composters will have crisscrossing fenestrated pipes o Fish Food ▪ ▪ ▪ o Human Consumption ▪ duckweed-could-become-a-source-of-protein-and-omega-3-beyond-South-East-Asia ▪ Aquatic potential: Why duckweed could become a source of protein and omega- 3 beyond South East Asia ▪ 12-Jan-2017 By Gary Scattergood ▪ Duckweed has long been consumed as an inexpensive protein and source of omega-3 in three South East Asia countries; now, researchers question if South Asian and even Western consumers can adopt it. ▪ o • Wolffia microscopica has a high potential for practical applications in human nutrition. o Biofuel ▪ biofuel/ ▪ ▪

• You could have a fish tank and make it Aquaponics.

o They would be housed in a separate room since fish are HIGHLY sensitive to ClO2. o Raise vegetarian fish ▪ Two Fish – • Minnows to run the Aquaponics o Minnows could be the only fish in small establishments • In larger establishments, you could feed minnow-meal to the tilapia along with the duckweed; this will increase the Omega-3 oil content of the tilapia o It has been shown that even though tilapia is herbivorous, they will eat a small amount of fish meal if it is introduced to them while they are young o Cull the pubescent males and the older adult females to eat bones and all. ▪ They could be used in making pet foods ▪ They could be a fish meal fertilizer added to the outside gardens o Biochar bed for converting ammonia into nitrates/nitrites ▪ Spent Biochar goes into the vermiculture and compost o Use the worms from the vermiculture feed the tilapia in addition to the duckweed ▪ Alternatively, the worms could be used to feed chickens o Grass carp + duckweed pet food

• BioAirCrete o To make the Tanks, o the hydroponic rafts out of sealed BioAirCrete, o the pipes, o And the duckweed growing troughs ▪ THESE COULD BE AS LARGE AS BERMS/MOATS AROUND THE BUILDINGS; USED FOR WATER ENTRAINMENT, FLOOD PROTECTION, AND GROWING DUCKWEED Victory Gardens: Personal/Dorm room units

They can be combined to create a food supply for more people, basically one unit per person. • Turntable growing towers in a hexagon pattern • LED grow light tube at the center of the hexagon • Make the grow Towers out of BioAirCrete

Intro vertically integrated, green machines similar to the documentary version (Click on the link to download the video).

The main difference is that EVERYTHING is low tech and VERY inexpensive.