OLIVER R. GOODENOUGH ADDRESSES Academic: Home: Vermont Law School 18 Golf Avenue 164 Chelsea Street Woodstock, VT 05091 South Royalton, Vt 05068 802 457 4627 (home) 802 831 1231 https://olivergoodenough.com/
[email protected] [email protected] Business: Skopos Labs, Inc. 802 356 7946 (cell)
[email protected] ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH AFFILIATIONS Current Affiliations: VERMONT LAW SCHOOL, South Royalton, Vermont. Research Professor, 2019- ; Professor of Law, 1996-2018; Associate Professor, 1993-1996; Assistant Professor, 1992-1993; Director, Center for Legal Innovation, 2013-2018; Director of Scholarship, 2008-2013. Member VLS Dean Search Committee, 2011-2012; Chair, Curriculum Committee, 2012 – 2013, 2016-2018; Chair, Curriculum Innovation Working Group, 2013; Member, Strategic Planning Committee, 2015-2016; Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees, 2015-2016. https://www.vermontlaw.edu/directory/person/goodenough-oliver STANFORD UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL, CODEX CENTER FOR LEGAL INFORMATICS, Palo Alto, California. Affiliated Faculty, 2015- . CodeX Insurance Initiative; Legal Specification Protocol project; Sabbatical research projects (2015) included computational contracts and the application of computation to law more generally. https://law.stanford.edu/directory/oliver-goodenough/ GRUTER INSTITUTE FOR LAW AND BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH, Portola Valley, California. Research Fellow, 1994- ; Planning and Programming Committee, Chair, 2000- ; Member 1997-2000; Co-Director Education and Outreach Program, MacArthur Foundation