2014 National History Bee National Championships Bee Round 1


1. This band behind the 1999 album sang "I feel like I owe it to someone" and coined the phrase "let my freak flag fly" in the pro- anthem "Almost Cut My Hair." Three members of this group sang about "purple berries" after a nuclear apocalypse in "." A song on their album Deja Vu, which claims "we are stardust, we are golden," is called "Woodstock." With a Canadian, they sang "Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming" in response to a 1970 shooting. For the point, name this rock group who protested the Kent State shootings in the song "Ohio." ANSWER: Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young [or Crosby, Stills, and Nash] 104-13-94-19101 2. JEDI and Chewco were two holding companies formed by this corporation. Sherron Watkins tried to alert this company's CEO of irregularities. This corporation was the subject of the documentary The Smartest Guys in the Room, and Andrew Fastow was its Chief Financial Officer. This company's founder Kenneth Lay died while on trial, and the scandal surrounding this company resulted in the collapse of the accounting firm Arthur Andersen. For the point, name this Houston energy trading company that was brought down by a massive accounting scandal in 2001. ANSWER: Enron Corporation 030-13-94-19102 3. Journalist Walter Duranty notoriously denied that this event occurred. An eyewitness account of this event appears in Arthur Koestler's part of The God That Failed. Robert Conquest's book Harvest of Sorrow brought worldwide attention to this event, in which the inept twenty-five thousanders replaced the kulaks at the kolkhozes. On its seventy-fifth anniversary, Viktor Yuschenko attempted to garner worldwide recognition of this event. For the point, identify this 1930s event, also known as the Holodomor, a man-made catastrophe that killed millions in the bread-basket of the USSR. ANSWER: Ukrainian famine [or equivalents; or Ukrainian genocide; or the Holodomor until it is read] 020-13-94-19103 4. This man succeeded Dave Beck, and the McClellan Committee's investigations into his activities were the subject of the book The Enemy Within by this man's critic Robert Kennedy. The 1964 master-freight agreement brought most North American truckers under his organization's purview. The Machus Red Fox restaurant was the last place this man was seen alive, and a search for his remains in Oakland Township, Michigan in 2013 did not shed light on the mystery surrounding this man. For the point, name this leader of the Teamsters who disappeared in 1975. ANSWER: James Riddle "Jimmy" Hoffa 030-13-94-19104

2014 National History Bee National Championships Bee Round 1 Page 1 of 8 5. The newly opened London Shard and Gaius Cestius's tomb are examples of these structures. The winning general at a battle fought within sight of some of these structures encouraged his men by saying "forty centuries look down upon you." That battle was fought in a country where a stepped structure of this kind at Saqqara was built by Imhotep. For the point, name this type of building that was used as the main entrance to the Louvre by I.M. Pei and as a tomb by Khufu at Giza. ANSWER: pyramids 153-13-94-19105 6. Relations between these two countries soured when one of them bombed the other's embassy in Belgrade during the Kosovo war. An incident between these two countries was set off by one offering asylum to a figure who gave a speech to his alma mater about democratization. Max Frankel won a Pulitzer for reporting on a summit between these two countries. These two countries engaged in "ping-pong diplomacy" after the leader of one of them visited the other. For the point, name these two countries whose leaders, Richard Nixon and Mao Zedong, met in 1972. ANSWER: The United States and The People’s Republic of China [order not important, but do not accept or prompt if only one answer is given] 048-13-94-19106 7. Annemarie Selinko wrote a mock autobiography of a woman who nearly became one of these people before changing her name to Desiderata. One of these people was injured by an "infernal machine" that exploded in the rue Saint-Nicaise. One of these people eloped with Count Adam Albert von Neippberg to Parma, and another was said to be loved but not respected. These women included Marie Louise of Austria, and a Martinique-born woman who kept the surname "de Beauharnais." For the point, name these women, such as Josephine, who put up with an egocentric French Emperor. ANSWER: Napoleon's wives [or obvious equivalents] 020-13-94-19107 8. This belief system was praised as moving beyond the "rag of superstition" by Flinders Petrie. This system led to James Henry Breasted proclaiming its founder to be "the first individual in history." This belief system was described as leading to neglect in state affairs in the Amarna Letters, and it is linked to Judaism in Freud's Moses and Monotheism. It was abandoned by Tutankhamen. For the point, name this religious belief pushed by Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, which represented a shift to monotheism and is symbolized by Amenhotep's adopted name. ANSWER: Atenism [or the Amarna heresy until "Amarna" is read; or worship of Aten; prompt on worship of the sun, etc.; prompt on monotheism, etc.] 052-13-94-19108 9. Enemies of this man kidnapped William O. Jenkins to show how ineffectual his government was. Under his presidency, his country adopted a constitution whose article 27 made the state the original owner of all land and resources, allowing redistribution in the form of ejidos (eh-HEE-dohs). This Constitutionalist leader was asked to resign by the Convention of Aguascalientes, which he refused unless Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa were exiled. For the point, name this Mexican president from 1914 until the end of the Mexican Revolution. ANSWER: Venustiano Carranza de la Garza 121-13-94-19109

2014 National History Bee National Championships Bee Round 1 Page 2 of 8 10. TIME magazine drew criticism for a front-cover picture of this man captioned "An American Tragedy." Kato Kaelin testified against this man, as did Mark Fuhrman, who was subsequently convicted for perjury. This man claimed that he was "Absolutely, one hundred percent, not guilty." Christopher Darden requested that this man try on a bloody glove, which prompted Johnnie Cochran to say, "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit." For the point, name this man who was acquitted in 1997 for the murder of Ronald Goldman and his ex-wife Nicole. ANSWER: Orenthal James "O.J." Simpson 190-13-94-19110 11. This set of laws resulted in Thomas Hutchinson being replaced as governor. A law in this group was criticized as the "Murder Act" for allowing soldiers charged with overreaching their power to have their trials moved. An act that permitted free practice of Catholicism and expanded the range of Quebec was passed alongside this set of laws, which assigned a royally appointed governor to Massachusetts and closed Boston Harbor. For the point, name this set of acts passed by Britain that imposed sanctions on the American Colonies following the Boston Tea Party. ANSWER: Intolerable Acts [or Coercive Acts] 140-13-94-19111 12. In September 2013, Thomas Frieden announced that these organisms would be classified as "urgent," "serious," or "concerning." CRE is classified as an "urgent" one. A class of these organisms has developed the mecA gene in a common example of microevolution. Another class of these organisms has evolved beta-lactamases. Many hospital infections are caused by MRSA, one of these bacteria of species Staphylococcus aureus. For the point, give the term used to refer to bacteria that are immune to drugs like ampicillin or penicillin. ANSWER: superbugs [or antibiotic-resistant bacteria; prompt on MRSA until it is read; prompt on Staphylococcus aureus until it is read] 190-13-94-19112 13. One side in this battle attempted to conceal their numbers behind the Wolf Mountains. One side of this battle fell back from Medicine Trail Coulee to Calhoun Hill on Battle Ridge. Captain Frederick Benteen led troops down the side of a river in this battle, in which the strategic edge was lost following Major Marcus Reno's retreat. Gall is credited with luring one side in this battle into an indefensible position. For the point, name this 1876 battle in which a force of Northern Plains Indians led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse wiped out the 7th Cavalry of George Armstrong Custer. ANSWER: Little Bighorn [or Custer's Last Stand until "Custer" is read] 030-13-94-19113 14. The Green Guide was written after several people died in this kind of building in Ibrox. The Black and Tans massacred a group of people at one of these buildings named Croke in 1920. The Taylor inquiry investigated the destruction of one of these buildings in Hillsborough. An uncompleted "German" example of one of these buildings was inspired by one of these known as the Kallimarmaro in Athens, and was designed by Albert Speer to hold the Nuremberg Rallies. For the point, name these buildings which include one named for the suburb of Wembley in London. ANSWER: stadium [or soccer stadium, soccer pitch, etc. until "Kallimarmaro" is read] 048-13-94-19114

2014 National History Bee National Championships Bee Round 1 Page 3 of 8 15. One of these events was made possible after a civil war started by the Confederation of Bar. One of these events was precipitated by the adoption of the May 3 Constitution, which led to Russian intervention at the request of the Confederation of Targowica. The last of these events followed an unsuccessful uprising led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko. These events occurred over a twenty-three year period between 1772 and 1795. For the point, name these three events by which Austria, Prussia, and Russia made agreements that eventually wiped an Eastern European state off the map. ANSWER: partitions of Poland 023-13-94-19115 16. This man regained his throne in the Rout of Winchester after being captured at the Battle of Lincoln. He was advised by Waleran de Beaumont, and he once gained freedom by being exchanged for the Earl of Gloucester (GLOSS-ter). His forces were opposed by Thurstan of York at the Battle of the Standard. This man's accession to power was aided by William Adelin's death in the White Ship disaster. His civil war against Empress Matilda was called the Anarchy, and he was eventually succeeded by Matilda's son, Henry II. For the point, name this English king from the house of Blois (BLWAH). ANSWER: Stephen of Blois 192-13-94-19116 17. This opera's lead female character has a dream that she relates to the villain in the aria "Einsam in truben Tagen." That woman in this opera asks the title character the forbidden questions of his name and origin following the bridal chorus that is now excerpted as "Here Comes the Bride" at weddings. This opera made such an appeal to King Ludwig II that he named Neuschwanstein (noysh-VON-shtein) Castle after a character from it. For the point, name this opera by Richard Wagner about a "Swan-knight." ANSWER: Lohengrin 140-13-94-19117 18. Henry Jaffa compared a speech by this man to "a speech within a drama" in A New Birth of Freedom. Garry Wills won the Pulitzer Prize for a book on that speech, which Wills compares to Classical funeral orations. He delivered "Dedicatory Remarks" at an event following Edward Everett's oration. He emphasized the word "people" three times in a sentence asking that a form of government "shall not perish from the earth," and opened that speech with the line "four score and seven years ago." For the point, name this President who delivered the Gettysburg Address. ANSWER: Abraham Lincoln 121-13-94-19118 19. This man's reign called for "aggiornamento," and he issued the first encyclical that addressed all men of good will rather than just Catholics. This man said, "Let us say what we are for rather than what we are against" in issuing that encyclical, Pacem in Terris. He once introduced himself to Jewish visitors by stating, "I am Joseph your brother," and he convened a meeting that called for the use of vernacular languages in place of Latin for mass. For the point, name this Pope who reigned from 1958 to 1963 and convened Vatican II. ANSWER: John XXIII [or Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli; prompt on John] 030-13-94-19119

2014 National History Bee National Championships Bee Round 1 Page 4 of 8 20. Hantaro Nagaoka proposed a model of this structure based on Saturn's rings. A static, cubical model of this structure was introduced by G.N. Lewis. An early twentieth-century model of this structure satisfied the Rydberg formula and used quantized radii. Another model of this structure had corpuscles randomly arranged in a positively-charged sea, was formulated by J.J. Thomson, and was named for a plum pudding. The current model of this structure includes wavefunctions called orbitals. For the point, name this basic unit of matter. ANSWER: atoms 190-13-94-19120 21. The army of this country had a popular marching song in which the narrator sees a flower that shares a name with his beloved Erika. A song from this country is "the rotten bones are trembling." A song used by this country whose official name was "The Flag on High" was named in honor of Horst Wessel, a member of a paramilitary group that wore brown shirts. For the point, name this country whose songs included the Panzerlied of the Wehrmacht and the anthem of the Hitler Youth. ANSWER: Nazi Germany 153-13-94-19121 22. Henry Carey supported the use of these objects in letters to Schuyler Colfax. Their use was declared unconstitutional in Hepburn v. Griswold, but that decision was overturned in Knox v. Lee. Supporters of these objects tried to overturn the Resumption Act of 1875. The Ohio Idea suggested using them to repay war bonds, and earned proponent George Pendleton the ire of August Belmont and other bankers. James Weaver was nominated by a party supporting the use of these before he ran with the Populists. For the point, name these dollars not backed by gold. ANSWER: greenbacks [or fiat money; or paper money; or United States Note] 121-13-94-19122 23. This man briefly earned money by writing testimonials for Darby's Prophylactic Fluid. He and Robert Toombs led the Southern Whigs' support for Zachary Taylor before Taylor announced his position on the Compromise of 1850. Lincoln refused to see this man after the Union victory at Gettysburg, and he was one of three representatives to discuss peace on the steamboat River Queen. He claimed his government was founded "upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man" in his Cornerstone Speech. For the point, name this vice-president of the Confederacy. ANSWER: Alexander Hamilton Stephens 121-13-94-19123 24. The definitive biography of this man was written by Ernest Jones, who helped establish him in London after he fled from the Nazis. Early in his career, he used a woman codenamed "Dora" and the example of "Irma's Injection" to support his theories. His daughter Anna expanded on one of his concepts in the treatise The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense. His first major book was The Interpretation of Dreams. For the point, name this Austrian psychologist and founder of psychoanalysis who formulated five stages of psychosexual development. ANSWER: Sigmund Freud 014-13-94-19124

2014 National History Bee National Championships Bee Round 1 Page 5 of 8 25. Prior to the 2011-2012 season, this college team brawled with the Bayi Rockets during a goodwill trip to China. Behind star Sleepy Floyd, this team ended Syracuse's fifty-seven-game home winning streak in 1980. Congressman Henry Hyde played for this team, which lost to number eight seed Villanova in the biggest upset in a national title game. This team is currently coached by John Thompson III, and its famous alumni include and Roy Hibbert. For the point, name this college basketball team that plays in Washington D.C. and is known as the Hoyas. ANSWER: [or Hoyas until it is read] 052-13-94-19125 26. Edward Dmytryk cooperated with this group, which alienated Dmytryk from Lester Cole, Samuel Ornitz, and Ring Lardner, Jr. Edwin Willis was the last chairman of this group, and its immediate predecessor was chaired by Martin Dees. It was renamed the Internal Security Committee before being disbanded in 1975. This group investigated the Hollywood Ten, and Richard Nixon first gained national prominence while investigating Alger Hiss as a member of this group. For the point, name this Congressional committee that investigated alleged Communist operations in the United States. ANSWER: House Un-American Activities Committee [or HUAC; or Internal Security Committee until it is read] 030-13-94-19126 27. This structure is the site of the two bronze Winged Figures of the Republic by sculptor Oskar J.W. Hansen. J.G. Tierney died while scouting the eventual site of this structure, whose construction workers originally lived in Ragtown before the building of Boulder City. Frank Crowe oversaw construction of this structure in Black Canyon for the Six Companies. A picture of Joe Kine was the model for a monument at this structure depicting a high scaler. For the point, name this structure on the border of Arizona and Nevada that created Lake Mead on the Colorado River. ANSWER: Hoover Dam [or Boulder Dam until it is read] 023-13-94-19127 28. Benjamin Williams was honored for valor during this battle, which took place in the state Williams later became governor of. John Macleod repelled the 1st Maryland regiment after being attacked in the woods by William Washington's forces during this battle. As it began, Banastre Tarleton fought Light Horse Harry Lee near the New Garden Meeting house. This battle slowed British advancement in the South and was thus a Pyrrhic victory by Cornwallis over Nathanael Greene. For the point, name this Revolutionary War battle fought near Greensboro, North Carolina. ANSWER: Battle of Guilford Court House 192-13-94-19128 29. This man wrote a poem inspired by the execution of Charles Thomas Wooldridge. A letter he wrote was published by Robert Ross and was intended for Alfred Douglas. A poem he wrote protesting the treatment of prisoners included the line "Yet each man kills the thing he loves." This writer spent two years in jail, during which time he wrote De Profundis. For the point, name this Irish writer who got in trouble at the end of the nineteenth century because of his homosexuality, and who earlier wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray. ANSWER: Oscar Wilde [or Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde] 023-13-94-19129

2014 National History Bee National Championships Bee Round 1 Page 6 of 8 30. Following the fall of the Berlin Wall, Leonard Bernstein conducted a performance of this symphony, replacing one of the words in the text it is set to with "freedom." The second movement of this symphony is in the form of a scherzo-trio-scherzo and begins with a descending dotted quarter-eighth-quarter rhythm in the strings. At its premiere, the composer of this symphony had to be turned around by a singer to see the standing ovation. For the point, name the final symphony by Beethoven, which uses text from Schiller's "Ode to Joy." ANSWER: Beethoven's Ninth Symphony [or the Choral Symphony; or Symphony No. 9, etc.] 140-13-94-19130 31. The Sherley Amendments were added to this act after U.S. v. Johnson. This act was introduced by Weldon Heyburn and was advocated for by Harvey Washington Wiley. An attempt to enforce this act resulted in a case in which the defendant was "40 Barrels and 20 Kegs of Coca-Cola." This act required that alcohol and morphine be listed on ingredients labels. For the point, name this act that banned traffic in adulterated medicine, inspired by Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. ANSWER: Pure Food and Drug Act 048-13-94-19131 32. A character in this series has a dog named Tatlo and a horse named Steps High; another disdainfully calls weaving a "sitting-down kinds of thing." The historically earliest title character of this franchise is a Nez Perce named Kaya. Former teacher Pleasant T. Rowland devised this collection, whose focal characters include the fugitive slave Addy Walker. Another of its products, Felicity Merriman, comes dressed in an outfit from colonial Virginia. For the point, name this Mattel franchise in which historical fiction novels are tied in with eighteen-inch dolls. ANSWER: American Girl 104-13-94-19132 33. The HMS Lively spotted one of these constructions being designed by Richard Gridley under William Prescott's supervision. Two of these constructions, labeled "9" and "10," were taken at the end of a line of them near a Virginia river by French and American columns to clinch the battle of Yorktown. For the point, name this type of defense built on Breed's Hill in 1775, a walled fort on high ground which the British built quickly during American Revolution battles. ANSWER: redoubts [or forts; or garrisons] 104-13-94-19133 34. An early creation using this technology was Charles Hulsmeyer's telemobiloscope. Chain Home used this technology to direct RAF resistance to the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain. This technology at the center of the Battle of the Beams uses the difference in wavelengths caused by the Doppler effect. For the point, name this technology that is able to detect and give the range of objects using radio waves. ANSWER: radar [or Radio Detection and Ranging] 153-13-94-19134 35. John Gaddis wrote a 2011 biography of the architect of this policy. This policy was advocated in a report written by George Elsey and Clark Clifford, and it was developed by a group called the "Wise Men." A committee chaired by Paul Nitze authored a document supporting this policy, called NSC-68. An early application of this idea was the Truman Doctrine, and the Long Telegram and the X Article were written to advocate this doctrine by George Kennan. For the point, name this Cold War-era policy of preventing the spread of communism. ANSWER: containment 232-13-94-19135

2014 National History Bee National Championships Bee Round 1 Page 7 of 8 Extra Question

36. Jesse Hawley gave detailed explanations on how to construct this project while in debtor's prison. Canvass White and James Geddes were among the amateurs who learned how to lay out this project while setting its route. The construction of this route was heavily supported by DeWitt Clinton, leading to its nickname of "Clinton's Ditch." Completed in 1825, this waterway allowed for the development of agriculture in the Midwest. For the point, name this project in New York, which linked the Hudson River to the waterways of the midwest. ANSWER: Erie Canal 140-13-94-19136

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