Hi kids & parents!

I hope you had an incredible Christmas! Lots of moments of being together and honoring ! But just because Christmas day is over does not mean the story is finished! Sometime after Jesus was born, He was visited by a band of wise men from the east. They followed a star that led them to . They offered Him gold, , and – gifts fit for a king! They recognized that this little boy was worthy of their worship.

Start with prayer followed by watching The Journey Today video lesson with your children, Bible reading and questions. We have also included a worship song, We Three Kings.

Lesson Video

We Three Kings Song

Here is a snapshot of the lesson details for this week:

Bible Story: Wise Men Worship the King of Kings Big Idea: Jesus is the King of Kings and worthy of our worship. Memory Verse: “They asked, ‘Where is the child who has been born to be the king of the Jews? We saw His star when it rose. Now we have come to worship Him.’” Matthew 2:2 (NIrV)

After the video lesson and music, you can use the attached materials to help take your family deeper into the lesson:

Family activity guide Coloring page for kids GO! Home guide for kids Bible verse sign

Jesus is worthy of our worship. He is still the King of Kings. Let’s begin this new year with a sense of awe at who He is and what He has done for us. Let’s be humbled by Him and grateful to Him. And let’s keep worshiping Him. We pray God’s greatest blessings on each of you starting with a greater knowledge of King Jesus!

For His Glory!


Discuss as a family: In today’s story, the Wise Men brought Jesus a bunch of differ- ent gifts. What were they and why they were so special? (Answer: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. These were gifts people used to honor a king. It was the Wise Men’s way of saying that Jesus was the King of the Jews and Savior of the world.) But they brought another gift to the baby King Jesus and that was the gift of worship. Play a game right now that will help us think about different ways that we can worship Jesus.

Directions: Give a paper plate and one marker or pen to each family member. Put the plate on top of head and draw each thing while the plates are on your heads. Take the plates off of your heads and show drawings to each other. The drawings will most like- ly be hilariously bad. That’s okay—have fun with it! Finally, ask the questions below, but follow the corresponding directions that indicate who gets to answer first.

Drawing Instructions: Draw a line for the ground. Draw a cactus on the ground. Draw a star in the sky. Draw a camel or horse on the ground. Draw a Wise Man on the camel or horse. Draw a gift in the hands of the Wise Man.

Question: One of the ways we can worship Jesus is through singing. Do you have a favorite praise or worship song to sing? What do you like about it? (A cactus can’t grow if it’s not in the ground. Allow kids who have their cactus touching the ground to answer first.)

Question: Another way to worship Jesus is through prayer. What kind of things do you pray for the most? (Touching a cactus can hurt! Allow kids who have their cactus NOT touching the Wise Man or camel to answer first.)

Question: We can also worship Jesus by reading the Bible. What is your favorite sto- ry from the Bible and why? (If you drop your gift it will break. Allow kids who have their gift touching the Wise Man to answer first.)

© 2020 David Rausch. All rights reserved.