Fermanagh Fracking Awareness Network Fermanagh Fracking Awareness looking deeper into shale gas and hydraulic fracturing Issue 1 May 2012

EVENTS Minister 'cautious' over fracking http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-/alex-attwood-cautious-over-fracking-16146158.html Fundraising event for FFAN need to extract the gas of the process. This re- and can it be done safe- port has been unfortu- 18 May ly?” nately misinterpreted at suggest that fracking is a Charlie’s Bar safe process - it is not.” “I will consider this latest report, noting that its content is limited to the In reference to the bene- A night of bands… issue of earth tremors fits fracking would have and does not address to Northern Ireland he Joy of 6 other issues and con- continued to say that The Bootleggers Minister, Alex Atwood cerns around fracking. I ”Such a high-tech Indus- Setting off Sirens has said that a rush to have always said that all try actually requires mini- introduce the controver- appropriate planning and mal manpower and the £5 admission sial fracking method of environmental standards expertise required will be will strictly apply on the imported in by the com- natural gas extraction in Doors open at 8.30pm Northern Ireland would issue of fracking. As plan- panies involved as we ning and environment simply don’t have people be ill-judged. minister this approach training and skilled to will not be compro- take on these roles so MEETINGS The UK’s Department of mised.” it’s clearly an empty Energy and Climate promise.” FFAN Community En- Change has given the gagement Co-ordinator green light for fracking to Green Party MLA Steven is supporting local resume after commis- Agnew also criticized the Read the full article at groups to become active sioning a report into report, saying “This re- http:// in their areas and hold earth tremors recently port only investigated the www.belfasttelegraph.co. potential for fracking to uk/news/local-national/ meetings in community experienced in Blackpool. cause earthquakes with- northern-ireland/alex- venues throughout Fer- out looking at the bigger attwood-cautious-over- managh. Environment Minister picture and the even fracking-16146158.html Alex Atwood said he more detrimental effects would study the report’s You are invited to a findings but he added FFAN networking that “to simply adopt an Fermanagh Fracking Awareness Network meeting on approach that if gas ex- 6 June at 8.30pm in ists in this form under- Who are they? ground, for example in Community Fermanagh, it should be What do they do? Centre extracted, is a risk. This Come along and find is a narrow approach. Read all about FFAN on page 2 out what is going on

The right approach is to and ask questions Contact FFAN details on page 4 ask do we want to or Page 2 Fermanagh Fracking Awareness


Fermanagh Fracking Awareness Net- Fermanagh Fracking Awareness Network is a constituted organisation with a Man- work (FFAN) is a rapidly expanding agement Committee that that seeks to promote the aims of the Network. network of people seeking to find out and share information about shale gas Our vision is for to be an inclusive, progressive and vibrant county extraction using hydraulic fracturing where its people and resources are respected, regenerated and sustainably managed. We (‘fracking’). We want to know about want communities in Fermanagh to be prosperous and healthy, and a great place to bring what is happening and likely to happen up families, in a clean and unspoilt environment. We want this vision to be sustainable for in Fermanagh and about how it may affect our lives and those of our neigh- the generations that follow . bours, friends and children. The Aims of Fermanagh Fracking Awareness Network are to: FFAN is a cross community network of individual Fermanagh residents. It is a) Raise awareness of shale gas exploration and extraction in Fermanagh and not affiliated to any political party or wider areas, and undertake advocacy and research work in response to other organisation but works with a emerging needs; broad range of groups and individuals b) Encourage the safeguarding and sustainability of public health, agriculture, who are concerned about the risks of tourism, waterways and the natural environment. hydraulic fracturing. c) Help establish and support the development and empowerment of local affil- iated groups, and liaise with appropriate national and international networks. FFAN seeks to achieve its aims through the activities of a central Man- agement Committee and supports local groups to become active in their areas. The Management Committee meets on a regular basis to discuss and co-ordinate the work, and also meets with Statutory Organisations, Local Government, Non-Government Or- ganisations, Voluntary Bodies and Communities to raise awareness of fracking and seek support. Photo: Children at a local primary school participating in a presenta- tion on fracking In the Community...

Local Groups In April FFAN also hosted public infor- • Primary School March and April saw the formation of mation meetings in both Boho and Der- • St Columban's Primary School, two new groups, in Belcoo and rylin. Belcoo Cashel. • Killyhenna PS, Boho Young People Learn About • St Patrick's PS, So far the Belcoo group have taken Fracking • Derrygonnelly PS part in the Belcoo-Blacklion St Pat- Most of all it is young people who will • St Michael's College, Enniskillen rick’s Day Parade and the Cashel have to live with the potential risks of group recently hosted a public meeting fracking if it goes ahead. Therefore Worksheets including crosswords and aimed in particular at the farming com- FFAN believe it is important they are puzzles on fracking are also available munity. given the opportunity to learn about for teachers. If you would like to get involved with how fracking could affect them. either group please contact: Getting Involved Belcoo—Tom White: Pupils at the following schools have re- If you would like help setting up a pub- [email protected] cently received presentations about lic meeting or local group in your area, fracking: contact FFAN’s Community Engage- • Cashel—Patricia Gallagher St Mary's High School, Brollagh ment Co-Ordinator Bridie Sweeney: • [email protected] St Martins Primary School, Garrison [email protected] Issue 1 Page 3

Garrison & Lough Melvin Anglers Association vs Fracking

Lough Melvin is designat- the Lough. Proposed tive Roogagh river. The ed an Area of Special fracking operations in Association are now Scientific Interest and a these areas would beginning to see the Special Area of Conser- most likely alter water results of these schemes vation which is the high- tables and pollution of with record numbers of est protection rating in the pristine spawning spawning redds in the the EEC. streams would be diffi- streams and increases in is specifically mentioned cult to avoid. salmon numbers report- in the schedule. ed in the Lough, thus All Melvin waters in attracting anglers to the The Lough is the only Northern Ireland are area. tourist/angling attraction controlled by Garrison in the remote village of and Lough Melvin An- The Association has Garrison and supports a glers Association and involved their governing unique population of after many years of body, The Ulster An- game fish including Artic neglect, the Associa- gling Federation to fight Char, Atlantic Salmon, tion has recently in- their case against these Brown, , vested £131,000 in operations. They have Sonaghan and Ferox river enhancement also written to various trout. Sonaghan are works to improve the politicians voicing their unique to Lough Melvin, spawning streams for concerns to fracking probably originating the fish population. A which will most likely from sea trout which Salmon Enhancement have an adverse effect became land locked after Programme has also on the pristine waters the last ice age. They been undertaken in of Lough Melvin. The have survived for the last association with the Association will contin- 10-13,000 years by run- local Erne & Melvin ue to object to these ning to spawn in their Enhancement Company operations which could local streams which run with approximately result in the demise of to the hills and moun- 47,000 salmon fry the unique wild fishery tains in the hinterland of stocked into their na- of Lough Melvin. Photo: The Sonaghan trout is unique to Lough Melvin Tell Your Local MLAs to ‘Get in the Game’

Minister for the Environ- development charities to know your concerns ment, Alex Attwood, has unions, faith and commu- about fracking and its announced he will bring nity groups. potential contribution on forward a bill with chal- climate change. lenging targets during this Assembly. But there They have organised a Booking is essential for are still decision-makers mass lobby at Stormont this event. For more who see climate change from4-6pm on Tuesday information contact Niall as low priority or who 8 May to give local peo- Bakewell on: favour modest, voluntary ple an opportunity to tell their MLAs that a strong targets offering no guar- [email protected] Photo: The ‘Get in the Game’ mass Climate Change bill antees of real cuts. lobby takes place at Stormont on 8 should be a priority and May. ask them to sign a rugby Stop Climate Chaos is ball as a gesture to show coalition made up of their commitment. It over 100 organisations would also be a good from environment and opportunity to let them Fermanagh Fracking Awareness Network

Frack Free Future: the Co-Operative Join the Anti- Fracking Campaign

Recently the Co-Operative ers at the event included Frack Free Future to sup- have got involved in the anti Green Party leader Steven port the campaign. During -fracking campaign in Agnew and John Woods their visit to Northern Ire- Northern Ireland. In partic- from Green New Deal and land, Richard and Sarah ular they have been focusing audience members were visited counties Fermanagh on the UK’s carbon emis- given an opportunity to and Leitrim. Members of sions targets and the fact discuss how fracking could FFAN, Lough Melvin An- that the UK cannot realisti- affect people both positively glers, Belfast Not for $hale cally expect to meet these and negatively from a local, and other groups were in- targets if fracking goes national and global perspec- terviewed for the film. ahead. tive. For more information visit: In March the Co-Operative Also at the event were Sa- http://www.co- hosted a screening of Josh rah Woods and Richard operative.coop/join-the- Photo: A member of the audience Fox’s critically acclaimed Gott from As One Produc- revolution-old/our-plan/ speaking about their concerns documentary Gasland for tions. They are currently around fracking at the Co-Operative’ Environment/Fracking/ event in Belfast. their local members at the working with Co-Operative Black Box in Belfast. Speak- to produce a film entitled

Also in the Media... Gas ‘Fracking’ Gets Green Light—The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/apr/17/gas-fracking-gets-green-light?INTCMP=SRCH Why Fracking is Still a Hot Topic—Belfast Telegraph http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/opinion/news-analysis/why-fracking-is-still-a-hot-topic-16148556.html#idc-container Fracking in Fermanagh—The Gateway http://thegatewayonline.com/articles/energy/fracking-in-fermanagh Fracking—the Health and Environmental NGO Position http://www.greenpeace.org/eu-unit/Global/eu-unit/reports-briefings/2012%20pubs/Pubs%202%20Apr-Jun/Joint%20statement% 20on%20fracking.pdf

CONTACT FFAN To get in touch with us, find out more or ask a question please use the following email contacts: Carroll O’Dolan – chair – [email protected] Fiona Leary – press & public relations officer – [email protected] Bridie Sweeney – community engagement coordinator – [email protected] Donal O’Cofaigh – political liaison coordinator – [email protected] Marius Leonard – tourism coordinator – [email protected] Janie Crone – fundraising coordinator – [email protected]

Tanya Jones – website editor and legal coordinator – [email protected] NEWSLETTER CONTACT and for other enquiries please use [email protected] To receive a copy of this newsletter or to contribute information for the next issue, Website: www.frackaware.com please contact the editors Fiona FermanaghFrackingAwarenessNetwork and Janie on [email protected]
