Two-Loop Fermionic Corrections to Massive Bhabha Scattering
DESY 07-053 SFB/CPP-07-15 HEPT00LS 07-010 Two-Loop Fermionic Corrections to Massive Bhabha Scattering 2007 Stefano Actis", Mi dial Czakon 6,c, Janusz Gluzad, Tord Riemann 0 Apr 27 FZa^(me?iGZZee ZW.57,9# Zew^/ien, Germany /nr T/ieore^ac/ie F/iyazA; nnd Ag^rop/iyazA;, Gmneraz^ Wnrz6nry, Am #n6Zand, D-P707/ Wnrz 6nry, Germany [hep-ph] cInstitute of Nuclear Physics, NCSR “DEMOKR.ITOS”, _/,!)&/0 A^/ieng, Greece ^/ng^^n^e 0/ P/&ygzcg, Gnznerg^y 0/ <9%Zegm, Gnzwergy^ecta /, Fi,-/0007 j^a^omce, FoZand Abstract We evaluate the two-loop corrections to Bhabha scattering from fermion loops in the context of pure Quantum Electrodynamics. The differential cross section is expressed by a small number of Master Integrals with exact dependence on the fermion masses me, nif and the Mandelstam arXiv:0704.2400v2 invariants s,t,u. We determine the limit of fixed scattering angle and high energy, assuming the hierarchy of scales rip < mf < s,t,u. The numerical result is combined with the available non-fermionic contributions. As a by-product, we provide an independent check of the known electron-loop contributions. 1 Introduction Bhabha scattering is one of the processes at e+e- colliders with the highest experimental precision and represents an important monitoring process. A notable example is its expected role for the luminosity determination at the future International Linear Collider ILC by measuring small-angle Bhabha-scattering events at center-of-mass energies ranging from about 100 GeV (Giga-Z collider option) to several TeV.
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