Mixing Context Granularities for Improved Entity Linking on Question Answering Data across Entity Categories

Daniil Sorokin and Iryna Gurevych Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP) and Research Training Group AIPHES Department of Computer Science, Technische Universitat¨ Darmstadt www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de sorokin|gurevych @ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de { }

Abstract what are taylor swift’s albums ? The first stage of every knowledge base question answering approach is to link en- Taylor Swift Q462 album Q24951125 tities in the input question. We investigate entity linking in the context of a question INSTANCE OF PERFORMER answering task and present a jointly opti- mized neural architecture for entity men- Red, 1989, etc. tion detection and entity disambiguation that models the surrounding context on dif- Figure 1: An example question from a QA dataset ferent levels of granularity. that shows the correct entity mentions and their relationship with the correct answer to the question, We use the knowledge base and Qxxx stands for a knowledge base identifier available question answering datasets to create benchmarks for entity linking on question answering data. Our approach for question answering (e.g. DBPedia Spotlight1, outperforms the previous state-of-the-art AIDA2). However, these systems have certain draw- system on this data, resulting in an average backs in the QA setting: they are targeted at long 8% improvement of the final score. We fur- well-formed documents, such as news texts, and ther demonstrate that our model delivers a are less suited for typically short and noisy ques- strong performance across different entity tion data. Other EL systems focus on noisy data categories. (e.g. S-MART, Yang and Chang, 2015), but are not openly available and hence limited in their us- 1 Introduction age and application. Multiple error analyses of QA systems point to entity linking as a major external Knowledge base question answering (QA) requires source of error (Berant and Liang, 2014; Reddy a precise modeling of the question semantics et al., 2014; Yih et al., 2015). through the entities and relations available in the The QA datasets are normally collected from the knowledge base (KB) in order to retrieve the cor- web and contain very noisy and diverse data (Be- rect answer. The first stage for every QA approach rant et al., 2013), which poses a number of chal- is entity linking (EL), that is the identification of lenges for EL. First, many common features used entity mentions in the question and linking them in EL systems, such as capitalization, are not mean- to entities in KB. In Figure1, two entity mentions ingful on noisy data. Moreover, a question is a are detected and linked to the knowledge base ref- short text snippet that does not contain broader con- erents. This step is crucial for QA since the correct text that is helpful for entity disambiguation. The answer must be connected via some path over KB QA data also features many entities of various cat- to the entities mentioned in the question. egories and differs in this respect from the Twitter The state-of-the-art QA systems usually rely on datasets that are often used to evaluate EL systems. off-the-shelf EL systems to extract entities from the question (Yih et al., 2015). Multiple EL sys- 1http://www.dbpedia-spotlight.org tems are freely available and can be readily applied 2https://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/yago-naga/aida/

65 Proceedings of the 7th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), pages 65–75 New Orleans, June 5-6, 2018. c 2018 Association for Computational Linguistics In this paper, we present an approach that tackles 0.4 3 . the challenges listed above: we perform entity men- 0.3 0 25 tion detection and entity disambiguation jointly in . 0 23 . 0 22 22 . a single neural model that makes the whole pro- . 0 0 cess end-to-end differentiable. This ensures that 0.2

any token n-gram can be considered as a potential 16 . 15 0 . 14 0 . 13 0 entity mention, which is important to be able to . 0 link entities of different categories, such as movie 08 08 08 . . titles and organization names. 0.1 . 0 0 07 0 . 06 06 0 . ratio of the entity type . 05 0 0 . 05 . To overcome the noise in the data, we automat- 0 04 0 . 03 . 0 0 02 . 02 01 . 0 ically learn features over a set of contexts of dif- . 0 0 ferent granularity levels. Each level of granularity is handled by a separate component of the model. event person thing location product A token-level component extracts higher-level fea- organization fic. character professions etc. tures from the whole question context, whereas a character-level component builds lower-level fea- NEEL WebQSP GraphQuestions tures for the candidate n-gram. Simultaneously, we extract features from the knowledge base context of Figure 2: Distribution of entity categories in the candidate entity: character-level features are ex- the NEEL 2014, WebQSP and GraphQuestions tracted for the entity label and higher-level features datasets are produced based on the entities surrounding the candidate entity in the . This infor- mation is aggregated and used to predict whether 2 Motivation and Related Work the n-gram is an entity mention and to what entity it should be linked. Several benchmarks exist for EL on texts and news articles, such as ACE (Bentivogli et al., Contributions The two main contributions of our work are: 2010) and CoNLL-YAGO (Hoffart et al., 2011). These datasets contain multi-sentence documents (i) We construct two datasets to evaluate EL for and largely cover three types of entities: Location, QA and present a set of strong baselines: the Person and Organization. These types are com- existing EL systems that were used as a build- monly recognized by named entity recognition sys- ing block for QA before and a model that uses tems, such as Stanford NER Tool (Manning et al., manual features from the previous work on 2014). Therefore in this scenario, an EL system noisy data. can solely focus on entity disambiguation. In the recent years, EL on Twitter data has (ii) We design and implement an entity linking emerged as a branch of entity linking research. In system that models contexts of variable gran- particular, EL on tweets was the central task of ularity to detect and disambiguate entity men- the NEEL shared task from 2014 to 2016 (Rizzo tions. To the best of our knowledge, we are et al., 2017). Tweets share some of the challenges the first to present a unified end-to-end neural with QA data: in both cases the input data is short model for entity linking for noisy data that and noisy. On the other hand, it significantly dif- operates on different context levels and does fers with respect to the entity types covered. The not rely on manual features. Our architec- data for the NEEL shared task was annotated with ture addresses the challenges of entity linking 7 broad entity categories, that besides Location, on question answering data and outperforms Organization and Person include Fictional Charac- state-of-the-art EL systems. ters, Events, Products (such as electronic devices or works of art) and Things (abstract objects). Fig- Code and Datasets Our system can be applied ure2 shows the distribution of entity categories in on any QA dataset. The complete code as well the training set from the NEEL 2014 competition. as the scripts that produce the evaluation data can One can see on the diagram that the distribution be found here: https://github.com/UKPLab/ is mainly skewed towards 3 categories: Location, starsem2018-entity-linking. Person and Organization.

66 Figure2 also shows the entity categories present on QA data. Guo et al.(2013b) have created a in two QA datasets. The distribution over the cate- new dataset of around 1500 tweets and suggested a gories is more diverse in this case. The WebQues- Structured SVM approach that handled mention de- tions dataset includes the Fictional Character and tection and entity disambiguation together. Chang Thing categories which are almost absent from the et al.(2014) describe the winning system of the NEEL dataset. A more even distribution can be ob- NEEL 2014 competition on EL for short texts: The served in the GraphQuestion dataset that features system adapts a joint approach similar to Guo et al. many Events, Fictional Characters and Professions. (2013b), but uses the MART gradient boosting al- This means that a successful system for EL on ques- gorithm instead of the SVM and extends the fea- tion data needs to be able to recognize and to link ture set. The current state-of-the-art system for all categories of entities. Thus, we aim to show EL on noisy data is S-MART (Yang and Chang, that comprehensive modeling of different context 2015) which extends the approach from Chang et al. levels will result in a better generalization and per- (2014) to make structured predictions. The same formance across various entity categories. group has subsequently applied S-MART to extract Existing Solutions The early machine learning entities for a QA system (Yih et al., 2015). approaches to EL focused on long well-formed Unfortunately, the described EL systems for documents (Bunescu and Pasca, 2006; Cucerzan, short texts are not available as stand-alone tools. 2007; Han and Sun, 2012; Francis-Landau et al., Consequently, the modern QA approaches mostly 2016). These systems usually rely on an off-the- rely on off-the-shelf entity linkers that were de- shelf named entity recognizer to extract entity men- signed for other domains. Reddy et al.(2016) have tions in the input. As a consequence, such ap- employed the Freebase online API that was since proaches can not handle entities of types other than deprecated. A number of question answering sys- those that are supplied by the named entity rec- tems have relied on DBPedia Spotlight to extract ognizer. Named entity recognizers are normally entities (Lopez et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2016). DB- trained to detect mentions of Locations, Organiza- Pedia Spotlight (Mendes et al., 2011) uses doc- tions and Person names, whereas in the context of ument similarity vectors, word embeddings and QA, the system also needs to cover movie titles, manually defined features such as entity frequency. songs, common nouns such as ‘president’ etc. We are addressing this problem in our work by pre- senting an architecture specifically targeted at EL To mitigate this, Cucerzan(2012) has introduced for QA data. the idea to perform mention detection and entity Throughout the ex- linking jointly using a linear combination of man- The Knowledge Base periments, we use the Wikidata3 open-domain ually defined features. Luo et al.(2015) have KB (Vrandeciˇ c´ and Krotzsch¨ , 2014). Among the adopted the same idea and suggested a probabilis- previous work, the common choices of a KB in- tic graphical model for the joint prediction. This is clude Wikipedia, DBPedia and Freebase. The essential for linking entities in questions. For exam- entities in Wikidata directly correspond to the ple in “who does maggie grace play in taken?”, it is Wikipedia articles, which enables us to work with hard to distinguish between the usage of the word data that was previously annotated with DBPedia. ‘taken’ and the title of a movie ‘Taken’ without Freebase was discontinued and is no longer up-to- consulting a knowledge base. date. However, most entities in Wikidata have been Sun et al.(2015) were among the first to use annotated with identifiers from other knowledge neural networks to embed the mention and the en- sources and databases, including Freebase, which tity for a better prediction quality. Later, Francis- establishes a link between the two KBs. Landau et al.(2016) have employed convolutional neural networks to extract features from the doc- 3 Entity Linking Architecture ument context and mixed them with manually de- fined features, though they did not integrate it with The overall architecture of our entity linking system mention detection. Sil et al.(2018) continued the is depicted in Figure3. From the input question work in this direction recently and applied convo- x we extract all possible token n-grams N up to a lutional neural networks to cross-lingual EL. 3 At the moment, Wikidata contains more than 40 million entities and 350 million relation instances: The approaches that were developed for Twit- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special: ter data present the most relevant work for EL Statistics

67 x = what are taylor swift’s albums? (DCNN). Strubell et al.(2017) have recently shown that DCNNs are faster and as effective as recurrent

Step 1. consider all n-grams models on the task of named entity recognition. N = ngrams(x), i = 0 We define two modules: DCNNw and DCNNc for processing token-level and character-level input respectively. Both modules consist of a series of i < N , convolutions applied with an increasing dilation, as n = |N[|i] described in Strubell et al.(2017). The output of wikidata i = i + 1 the convolutions is averaged and transformed by a fully-connected layer. Step 2. entity candidates for an n-gram Full text C = entity candidates(n) Context Components The token component search corresponds to sentence-level features normally Step 3. score the n-gram with the model defined for EL and encodes the list of question pn, pc = M(x, n, C) tokens x into a fixed size vector. It maps the tokens Step 4. compute the global assignment of entities in x to dw-dimensional pre-trained word embed- G = global assignment(pn, pc, n, x n N) V d | ∈ dings, using a matrix W R| w|× w , where Vw is ∈ | | the size of the vocabulary. We use 50-dimensional Figure 3: Architecture of the entity linking system GloVe embeddings pre-trained on a 6 billion to- kens corpus (Pennington et al., 2014). The word certain length as entity mention candidates (Step 1). embeddings are concatenated with dp-dimensional 3 dp position embeddings Pw R × that are used to For each n-gram n, we look it up in the knowledge ∈ base using a full text search over entity labels (Step denote the tokens that are part of the target n-gram. 2). That ensures that we find all entities that contain The concatenated embeddings are processed by the given n-gram in the label. For example for DCNNw to get a vector os. a unigram ‘obama’, we retrieve ‘Barack Obama’, The character component processes the target to- ‘Michelle Obama’ etc. This step produces a set of ken n-gram n on the basis of individual characters. entity disambiguation candidates C for the given n- We add one token on the left and on the right to the gram n. We sort the retrieved candidates by length target mention and map the string of characters to V d and cut off after the first 1000. That ensures that dz-character embeddings, Z R| z|× z . We concate- ∈ the top candidates in the list would be those that nate the character embeddings with dp-dimensional x dp exactly match the target n-gram n. position embeddings Pz R| |× and process them ∈ In the next step, the list of n-grams N and the with DCNNc to get a feature vector on. corresponding list of entity disambiguation candi- We use the character component with the same dates are sent to the entity linking model (Step 3). learned parameters to encode the label of a candi- The model jointly performs the detection of correct date entity from the KB as a vector ol. The param- mentions and the disambiguation of entities. eter sharing between mention encoding and entity label encoding ensures that the representation of a 3.1 Variable Context Granularity Network mention is similar to the entity label. The neural architecture (Variable Context Granular- The KB structure is the highest context level ity, VCG) aggregates and mixes contexts of differ- included in the model. The knowledge base struc- ent granularities to perform a joint mention detec- ture component models the entities and relations tion and entity disambiguation. Figure4 shows that are connected to the candidate entity c. First, the layout of the network and its main compo- we map a list of relations r of the candidate en- nents.granularity level. The input to the model is a tity to dr-dimensional pre-trained relations embed- V d list of question tokens x, a token n-gram n and a list dings, using a matrix R R| r|× r , where Vr is ∈ | | of candidate entities C. Then the model is a func- the number of relation types in the KB. We trans- tion M(x,n,C) that produces a mention detection form the relations embeddings with a single fully- score pn for each n-gram and a ranking score pc for connected layer fr and then apply a max pooling each of the candidates c C: pn,pc = M(x,n,C). operation to get a single relation vector o per en- ∈ r Dilated Convolutions To process sequential tity. Similarly, we map a list of entities that are input, we use dilated convolutional networks immediately connected to the candidate entity e

68 c =Taylor Swift Q26876

Entity Labels Context KB Relations Labels Context KB Relations Context

l T a y l o r ... t r1 r2 r3 ... rn r1 r2 r3 r4 ... rn

xr1 xr1 xr1 xr1 Z, Pz c1 p1 c2 p2 c3 p3 c4 p4 c5 p5 c6 p6 ... cn R xr2 xr2 xr2 xr2

xr3 xr3 xr3 xr3 W W W W

DCNNc fr

frl KB Entity Context KB Entities Context

c e1 e2 e3 e4 ... en od ol orl or oe

g p c o f c c e s E pn ot os om gn

os on



W , Pw w1 p1 w2 p2 w3 p3 w4 p4 ... wn pn Z, Pz z1 p1 z2 p2 z3 p3 z4 p4 z5 p5 z6 p6 ... zn pn

x what are taylor swift ... ? n t a y l o r ... t what are taylor swift’s albums?

Token-level Context Character-level Context

Figure 4: The architecture of the Variable Context Granularity Network for a single n-gram and an entity candidate. The output vectors (oc,ot) are aggregated over all n-grams for the global assignment

to de-dimensional pre-trained entity embeddings, max pooling on O to get a single summary vector V d using a matrix E R| e|× e , where Ve is the num- s for all entity candidates for n. ∈ | | ber of entities in the KB. The entity embeddings To get the ranking score pc for each entity candi- are transformed by a fully-connected layer fe and date c, we apply a single fully-connected layer gc then also pooled to produce the output oe. The em- on the concatenation of oc and the summary vec- bedding of the candidate entity itself is also trans- tor s: p = g (o s). For the mention detection c c ck formed with fe and is stored as od. To train the score for the n-gram, we separately concatenate the knowledge base embeddings, we use the TransE vectors for the token context os and the character algorithm (Bordes et al., 2013). context on and transform them with an array of Finally, the knowledge base lexical component fully-connected layers into a vector ot. We con- takes the labels of the relations in r to compute catenate ot with the summary vector s and apply lexical relation embeddings. For each r r, we another fully-connected layer to get the mention ∈ detection score pn = σ(gn(o s)). tokenize the label and map the tokens xr to word tk embeddings, using the matrix W. To get a single lexical embedding per relation, we 3.2 Global Entity Assignment apply max pooling and transform the output with The first step in our system is extracting all possi- a fully-connected layer frl. The lexical relation ble overlapping n-grams from the input texts. We embeddings for the candidate entity are pooled into assume that each span in the input text can only re- the vector orl. fer to a single entity and therefore resolve overlaps Context Aggregation The different levels of by computing a global assignment using the model context are aggregated and are transformed by a scores for each n-gram (Step 4 in Figure3). sequence of fully-connected layers into a final vec- If the mention detection score pn is above the tor oc for the n-gram n and the candidate entity c. 0.5-threshold, the n-gram is predicted to be a cor- The vectors for each candidate are aggregated into rect entity mention and the ranking scores pc are a matrix O = [o c C]. We apply element-wise used to disambiguate it to a single entity candidate. c| ∈ 69 N-grams that have pn lower than the threshold are #Questions #Entities filtered out. WebQSP Train 3098 3794 We follow Guo et al.(2013a) in computing the WebQSP Test 1639 2002 global assignment and hence, arrange all n-grams selected as mentions into non-overlapping combi- GraphQuestions Test 2608 4680 nations and use the individual scores pn to compute the probability of each combination. The com- Table 1: Dataset statistics bination with the highest probability is selected as the final set of entity mentions. We have ob- for entity disambiguation. As described above, we served in practice a similar effect as descirbed by also incorporate different context granularities with Strubell et al.(2017), namely that DCNNs are able a number of key differences: (1) we operate on to capture dependencies between different entity sentence level, word level and character level, thus mentions in the same context and do not tend to including a more fine-grained range of contexts; produce overlapping mentions. (2) the knowledge base contexts that Francis-Lan- 3.3 Composite Loss Function dau et al.(2016) use are the Wikipedia title and the article texts — we, on the other hand, employ Our model jointly computes two scores for each the structure of the knowledge base and encode n-gram: the mention detection score pn and the dis- relations and related entities; (3) Francis-Landau ambiguation score pc. We optimize the parameters et al.(2016) separately compute similarities for of the whole model jointly and use the loss function each type of context, whereas we mix them in a that combines penalties for the both scores for all single end-to-end architecture; (4) we do not rely n-grams in the input question: on manually defined features in our model.

L = ∑ ∑ M (tn, pn) + tnD(tc, pc), 4 Datasets n N c C ∈ ∈ n We compile two new datasets for entity linking where t is the target for mention detection and is n on questions that we derive from publicly avail- either 0 or 1, t is the target for disambiguation and c able question answering data: WebQSP (Yih et al., ranges from 0 to the number of candidates C . | | 2016) and GraphQuestions (Su et al., 2016). For the mention detection loss M , we include a WebQSP contains questions that were originally weighting parameter α for the negative class as the collected for the WebQuestions dataset from web majority of the instances in the data are negative: search logs (Berant et al., 2013). They were man- ually annotated with SPARQL queries that can be M (t , p ) = t log p α(1 t )log(1 p ) n n − n n − − n − n executed to retrieve the correct answer to each ques- tion. Additionally, the annotators have also selected The disambiguation detection loss D is a maxi- mum margin loss: the main entity in the question that is central to find- ing the answer. The annotations and the query use C identifiers from the Freebase knowledge base. ∑i|=|0 max(0,(m pc[tc] + pc[i])) D(tc, pc) = − , We extract all entities that are mentioned in the C | | question from the SPARQL query. For the main where m is the margin value. We set m = 0.5, entity, we also store the correct span in the text, whereas the α weight is optimized with the other as annotated in the dataset. In order to be able to hyper-parameters. use Wikidata in our experiments, we translate the Freebase identifiers to Wikidata IDs. 3.4 Architecture Comparison The second dataset, GraphQuestions, was cre- Our model architecture follows some of the ideas ated by collecting manual paraphrases for automat- presented in Francis-Landau et al.(2016): they sug- ically generated questions (Su et al., 2016). The gest computing a similarity score between an entity dataset is meant to test the ability of the system and the context for different context granularities. to understand different wordings of the same ques- Francis-Landau et al.(2016) experiment on entity tion. In particular, the paraphrases include various linking for Wikipedia and news articles and con- references to the same entity, which creates a chal- sider the word-level and document-level contexts lenge for an entity linking system. The following

70 P R F1 emb. size filter size d d d d d DCNN DCNN α Heuristic baseline 0.286 0.621 0.392 w z e r p w c Simplified VCG 0.804 0.654 0.721 50 25 50 50 5 64 64 0.5 VCG 0.823 0.646 0.724 Table 3: Best configuration for the VCG model Table 2: Evaluation results on the WEBQSP devel- opment dataset (all entities) lap with the correct mention. QA systems need at least one entity per question to attempt to find the are three example questions from the dataset that correct answer. Thus, evaluating using the main contain a mention of the same entity: entity shows how the entity linking system fulfills this minimum requirement. (1) a. what is the rank of marvel’s iron man? 5.2 Baselines b. has held what ranks? iron-man Existing Systems In our experiments, we compare c. tony stark has held what ranks? to DBPedia Spotlight that was used in several QA GraphQuestions does not contain main entity systems and represents a strong baseline for entity 4 annotations, but includes a SPARQL query struc- linking . In addition, we are able to compare to the turally encoded in JSON format. The queries were state-of-the-art S-MART system, since their output 5 constructed manually by identifying the entities in on the WebQSP datasets was publicly released . the question and selecting the relevant KB relations. The S-MART system is not openly available, it was We extract gold entities for each question from the first trained on the NEEL 2014 Twitter dataset and SPARQL query and map them to Wikidata. later adapted to the QA data (Yih et al., 2015). We split the WebQSP training set into train and We also include a heuristics baseline that ranks development subsets to optimize the neural model. candidate entities according to their frequency in We use the GraphQuestions only in the evaluation Wikipedia. This baseline represents a reasonable phase to test the generalization power of our model. lower bound for a Wikidata based approach. The sizes of the constructed datasets in terms of the Simplified VCG To test the effect of the end-to- number of questions and the number of entities are end context encoders of the VCG network, we de- reported in Table1. In both datasets, each question fine a model that instead uses a set of features com- contains at least one correct entity mention. monly suggested in the literature for EL on noisy data. In particular, we employ features that cover 5 Experiments (1) frequency of the entity in Wikipedia, (2) edit dis- tance between the label of the entity and the token 5.1 Evaluation Methodology n-gram, (3) number of entities and relations imme- We use precision, recall and F1 scores to evaluate diately connected to the entity in the KB, (4) word and compare the approaches. We follow Carmel overlap between the input question and the labels et al.(2014) and Yang and Chang(2015) and define of the connected entities and relations, (5) length the scores on a per-entity basis. Since there are of the n-gram. We also add an average of the word no mention boundaries for the gold entities, an embeddings of the question tokens and, separately, extracted entity is considered correct if it is present an average of the embeddings of tokens of entities in the set of the gold entities for the given question. and relations connected to the entity candidate. We We compute the metrics in the micro and macro train the simplified VCG model by optimizing the setting. The macro values are computed per entity same loss function in Section 3.3 on the same data. class and averaged afterwards. 5.3 Practical Considerations For the WebQSP dataset, we additionally per- form a separate evaluation using only the informa- The hyper-parameters of the model, such as the tion on the main entity. The main entity has the dimensionality of the layers and the size of embed- information on the boundary offsets of the correct 4We use the online end-point: http://www. mentions and therefore for this type of evaluation, -spotlight.org/api we enforce that the extracted mention has to over- 5https://github.com/scottyih/STAGG

71 Main entity All entities P R F1 P R F1 mP mR mF1 DBPedia Spotlight 0.668 0.595 0.629 0.705 0.514 0.595 0.572 0.392 0.452 S-MART 0.634 0.899 0.744 0.666 0.772 0.715 0.607 0.610 0.551 Heuristic baseline 0.282 0.694 0.401 0.302 0.608 0.404 0.330 0.537 0.378 Simplified VCG 0.804 0.728 0.764 0.837 0.621 0.713 0.659 0.494 0.546 VCG 0.793 0.766 0.780 0.826 0.653 0.730 0.676 0.519 0.568

Table 4: Evaluation results on the WEBQSP test dataset, the m prefix stands for macro 95

P R F1 . 0

1 91 91 . . 0 0

DBPedia Spotlight 0.386 0.453 0.417 82 . 0 79 . 0 75 . 74 74 . .

0.354 73 VCG 0.589 0.442 0

. . 0 0 8 0 0 67 . 65 0 . 0 62 . 0 58 . 0 Table 5: Evaluation results on GRAPHQUESTIONS 54 .

0.6 0 5 . 0 38 . 36 . 0

dings, are optimized with random search on the 0 33

0.4 . 0 F-score per class 28 . 27 26 . 26 0 .

development set. The model was particularly sen- . 0 0 sitive to tuning of the negative class weight α (see 0 14 13 . 0.2 . 0 Section 3.3). Table3 lists the main selected hyper- 0 parameters for the VCG model6 and we also report the results for each model’s best configuration on event person thing location product the development set in Table2. organization fic. character professions etc.

5.4 Results S-MART Simplified VCG VCG Table4 lists results for the heuristics baseline, for the suggested Variable Context Granularity model Figure 5: Performance accross entity classes on (VCG) and for the simplified VCG baseline on the WEBQSP test dataset test set of WebQSP. The simplified VCG model outperforms DBPedia Spotlight and achieves a re- sult very close to the S-MART model. Considering We further evaluate the developed VCG archi- only the main entity, the simplified VCG model tecture on the GraphQuestions dataset against the produces results better than both DBPedia Spot- DBPedia Spotlight. We use this dataset to evalu- light and S-MART. The VCG model delivers the ate VCG in an out-of-domain setting: neither our best F-score across the all setups. We observe that system nor DBPedia Spotlight were trained on it. our model achieves the most gains in precision The results for each model are presented in Table5. compared to the baselines and the previous state- We can see that GraphQuestions provides a much of-the-art for QA data. more difficult benchmark for EL. The VCG model VCG constantly outperforms the simplified shows the overall F-score result that is better than VCG baseline that was trained by optimizing the the DBPedia Spotlight baseline by a wide margin. same loss function but uses manually defined fea- It is notable that again our model achieves higher tures. Thereby, we confirm the advantage of the precision values as compared to other approaches mixing context granularities strategy that was sug- and manages to keep a satisfactory level of recall. gested in this work. Most importantly, the VCG Analysis In order to better understand the per- model achieves the best macro result which indi- formance difference between the approaches and cates that the model has a consistent performance the gains of the VCG model, we analyze the re- on different entity classes. sults per entity class (see Figure5). We see that 6The complete list of hyper-parameters and model charac- the S-MART system is slightly better in the disam- teristics can be found in the accompanying code repository. biguation of Locations, Person names and a similar

72 Main entity All entities P R F1 P R F1 mP mR mF1 VCG 0.793 0.766 0.780 0.826 0.653 0.730 0.676 0.519 0.568 w/o token context 0.782 0.728 0.754 0.812 0.618 0.702 0.664 0.474 0.530 w/o character context 0.802 0.684 0.738 0.820 0.573 0.675 0.667 0.404 0.471 w/o KB structure context 0.702 0.679 0.690 0.728 0.576 0.643 0.549 0.427 0.461 w/o KB lexical context 0.783 0.732 0.756 0.807 0.617 0.699 0.643 0.454 0.508

Table 6: Ablation experiments for the VCG model on WEBQSP category of Fictional Character names, while it has vious best system used for EL on QA data. The a considerable advantage in processing of Profes- results further verify that modeling different types sions and Common Nouns. Our approach has an of context helps to achieve a better performance edge in such entity classes as Organization, Things across various entity classes (macro f-score). and Products. The latter category includes movies, Most recently, Peng et al.(2017) and Yu et al. book titles and songs, which are particularly hard (2017) have attempted to incorporate entity linking to identify and disambiguate since any sequence into a QA model. This offers an exciting future di- of words can be a title. VCG is also considerably rection for the Variable Context Granularity model. better in recognizing Events. We conclude that the future development of the VCG architecture Acknowledgments should focus on the improved identification and This work has been supported by the German Re- disambiguation of professions and common nouns. search Foundation as part of the Research Training To analyze the effect that mixing various context Group Adaptive Preparation of Information from granularities has on the model performance, we Heterogeneous Sources (AIPHES) under grant No. include ablation experiment results for the VCG GRK 1994/1, and via the QA-EduInf project (grant model (see Table6). We report the same scores as GU 798/18-1 and grant RI 803/12-1). in the main evaluation but without individual model We gratefully acknowledge the support of components that were described in Section3. NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the Titan We can see that the removal of the KB structure X Pascal GPU used for this research. information encoded in entity and relation embed- dings results in the biggest performance drop of almost 10 percentage points. The character-level in- References formation also proves to be highly important for the Luisa Bentivogli, Pamela Forner, Claudio Giu- final state-of-the-art performance. These aspects of liano, Alessandro Marchetti, Emanuele Pianta, and the model (the comprehensive representation of the Kateryna Tymoshenko. 2010. Extending English ACE 2005 corpus annotation with ground-truth links KB structure and the character-level information) to Wikipedia. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop are two of the main differences of our approach to on Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources the previous work. Finally, we see that excluding at the 23rd International Conference on Computa- the token-level input and the lexical information tional Linguistics (Coling). Beijing, China, pages about the related KB relations also decrease the 19–26. http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W10- 3503. results, albeit less dramatically. Jonathan Berant, Andrew Chou, Roy Frostig, and Percy 6 Conclusions Liang. 2013. Semantic Parsing on Freebase from Question-Answer Pairs. In Proceedings of the Con- We have described the task of entity linking on ference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Seattle, WA, USA, pages QA data and its challenges. The suggested new 1533–1544. http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D13- approach for this task is a unifying network that 1160. models contexts of variable granularity to extract Jonathan Berant and Percy Liang. 2014. Seman- features for mention detection and entity disam- tic Parsing via Paraphrasing. In Proceedings of biguation. This system achieves state-of-the-art 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Com- results on two datasets and outperforms the pre- putational Linguistics (ACL). Baltimore, MD, USA,

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