PUBLIC ACCESS INFORMATION As a security precaution, public access to the meeting will be provided in real time via live streaming on Youtube. If the stream becomes unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, the City will first use its best efforts to reconvene the meeting. To the extent that is not possible, a recording of the meeting will be posted to the City Website and Youtube within 24 hours of the meeting. The live stream will be available here at the start of the meeting: Should a member of the media or an individual petitioner of a current agenda item wish to be on the Zoom Meeting, please contact Taylor O’Brien via email at
[email protected] to request an access link. SUBMITTING A COMMENT Submit any public comments about agenda items via email to:
[email protected] Please include your name, address and the agenda item (number or title) to guarantee that your comment will be addressed at the designated time during the meeting. You must be a Danbury resident or taxpayer. CITY OF DANBURY DANBURY, CONNECTICUT 06810 DEPARTMENT OF POLICE PATRICK A. RIDENHOUR, CHIEF 375 MAIN STREET SHAUN J. MCCOLGAN, DEPUTY CHIEF (203) 797-4614 October 22, 2020 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Mark D. Boughton Members of the City Council From: Patrick A. Ridenhour, Chief of Police Subject: Police Department Monthly Report October 2020 I submit this report of the activities of the Danbury Police Department for the month of October. Personnel Department Strength: Sworn Personnel 146 Injury/Extended Leave 5 Sworn Personnel in Police Academy 2 Effective strength (as of 10-21-20) 139 *0 pending retirements Community Services (See attached) Training ***Many training events were canceled for the month of October due to COVID19 concerns*** 10/9, 13, 14 Human Trafficking – Mandated for all personnel 10/12 Less Lethal Instructor Training/Armorer – Sgts.