Stress and Inflammatory Skin Disorders: a Review of Non-Pharmacologic Treatments
JAOCDJournal Of The American Osteopathic College Of Dermatology Volume 26 pg. 12 Stress and Inflammatory Skin Disorders: A Review of Non-Pharmacologic Treatments Also in this issue: last modified on September 24, 2013 1:07 PM JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC COLLEGE OF DERMATOLOGY Page 1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC COLLEGE OF DERMATOLOGY 2012-2013 OFFICERS PRESIDENT David L. Grice, DO, FAOCD PRESIDENT-ELECT Suzanne Sirota-Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Rick J. Lin, DO, FAOCD SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT Alpesh Desai, DO, FAOCD THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT Editor-in-Chief Karthik Krishnamurthy, DO, FAOCD Karthik Krishnamurthy, DO IMMEDIATE PAST-PRESIDENT Bradley Glick, DO, FAOCD TRUSTEES Danica Alexander, DO, FAOCD Reagan Anderson, DO, FAOCD Sponsors: Mark A. Kuriata, DO, FAOCD Daniel Ladd, DO, FAOCD Bayer John P. Minni, DO, FAOCD Bryan Sands, DO, FAOCD AuroraDx SECRETARY-TREASURER Medicis Jere J. Mammino, DO, FAOCD Ranbaxy EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Marsha A. Wise, B.S. JAOCD Founding Sponsor AOCD • 2902 N. Baltimore St. • Kirksville, MO 63501 800-449-2623 • FAX: 660-627-2623 COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION: Written permission must be obtained from the Journal of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology for copying or reprinting text of more than half a page, tables or figures. Permissions are normally granted contingent upon similar permission from the author(s), inclusion of acknowledgement of the original source, and a payment of $15 per page, table or figure of reproduced material. Permission fees are waived for authors wishing to reproduce their own articles. Request for permission should be directed to JAOCD c/o AOCD, PO Box 7525, Kirksville, MO 63501.
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