Fifth Edition Fantasy #3: the Pillars of Pelagia
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THE pillars of pelagia BByy Chris Doyle • CCoverover AArtist:rtist: Ben Wootten • EEditor:ditor: Tim Wadzinski AArtrt DDirectorirector: Jeremy Mohler for Outland Entertainment IInteriornterior AArtists:rtists: Shannon Potratz, Aaron Palsmeier, Pedro Figue CCartographer:artographer: Keith Curtis • DDesign:esign: Edward Lavallee GGraphicraphic DDesign:esign: Jamie Wallis • PPlaytesters:laytesters: Lisa Doyle, Alec Doyle, Eric Jessup, Mark Fortin, Devin McCullen, Steve LaBun visit us online at: Get digital updates and corrections free! Use the coupon code below on this title at www.rpgnow. com to receive a free digital copy of this module plus any updated editions as they are published. Th is printing of Fift h Edition Fantasy # Th e Th e following text is the property of Wizards equipment, magical or supernatural abilities creation and/or You have suffi cient rights to version of this License. Pillars of Pelagia is done under version of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 or eff ects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; grant the rights conveyed by this License. 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include 1.0 of the Open Gaming License, and the Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All and any other trademark or registered trade- 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must a copy of this License with every copy of the System Reference Document by permission Rights Reserved. mark clearly identifi ed as Product identity update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion Open Game Content You Distribute. from Wizards of the Coast, Inc.Designation 1. Defi nitions: (a)”Contributors” means the by the owner of the Product Identity, and of this License to include the exact text of 11. 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(e) “Product Iden- 3.Off er and Acceptance: By Using the Open used in Open Game Content shall retain 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE © 2015 Goodman Games, all rights reserved, tity” means product and product line names, Game Content You indicate Your acceptance all rights, title and interest in and to that Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, visit or contact logos and identifying marks including trade of the terms of this License. Product Identity. Wizards of the Coast, Inc. [email protected]” dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration 8. Identifi cation: If you distribute Open System Rules Document Copyright 2000 Fift h Edition Fantasy #Th e Pillars of Pelagia storylines, plots, thematic elements, dia- for agreeing to use this License, the Con- Game Content You must clearly indicate Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan is copyright © 2015 Goodman Games. 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You may use any Fift h Edition Fantasy #Th e Pillars of Pela- makes no claim to or challenge to any trade- spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, If You are contributing original material authorized version of this License to copy, gia, copyright © 2015 Goodman Games, all marks held by Wizards of the CoastTM. personas, likenesses and special abilities; as Open Game Content, You represent modify and distribute any Open Game rights reserved, visit www.goodman-games. OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a places, locations, environments, creatures, that Your Contributions are Your original Content originally distributed under any com or contact [email protected] FIFTH EDITION FANTASY THE pillars of pELAGIA 1 The Pillars of Pelagia By Chris Doyle Th e Pillars of Pelagia is an adventure designed for use with erful kraken sorcerers for their own diabolical schemes, the 5th edition of the fi rst fantasy roleplaying game. It is was an immense ebony stone capable of enshrouding a intended for four to six 3rd-level characters and can be fi ve-mile radius of the surface world in constant dusk-like completed in a single session. Depending on the number conditions. One year after her victory, a band of adven- of characters and the challenges overcome, the characters tures led by the paladin Valinus destroyed the Shadow- should gain one level by the end of the adventure. A va- stone and routed the drow armies of the Devil-Lich. Th is riety of character classes is suggested to tackle the chal- short adventure is the story of how Chalychia (before she lenges presented herein, and since investigation and de- embraced undeath) acquired the powerful relic, and how duction are paramount in this adventure, a strong sword a band of fl edgling adventures discovered the secret to de- arm might not be the ideal solution to a situation.