FSGW Concerts Rely on Volunteers: See the “Details” Page of a Concert on the Calendar at Fsgw.Org to Sign up to Volunteer at That Event

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FSGW Concerts Rely on Volunteers: See the “Details” Page of a Concert on the Calendar at Fsgw.Org to Sign up to Volunteer at That Event Volume 55, Number 3 NEWSLETTERfsgw.org November 2018 FSGW Cosponsored W/ Focus Music Alexandria, VA Nordic Fiddlers Bloc Sunday, November 4 • 7 pm A joint presentation of Focus Music and FSGW, this trio brings together Olav Luksengård Mjelva from Norway, Anders Hall from Sweden, and Kevin Henderson from the Shetland Islands, and they promise you will be “enthralled but at the same time dumbfounded that the sound only comes from three fiddles.” They have toured North Amer- ica, the British Isles, and Europe since 2009 and released two CDs; Folkworld writes, “Pure fiddle doesn´t get much better than The Nordic Fiddlers Bloc.” At the George Washington Masonic Nation- al Memorial, 101 Callahan Drive, 22301 (Metro: King Street). $20/ $18 members with membership card or in advance at www.focusmusic.org. Inside: FSGW FSGW Concert Alexandria, VA Board Members/Meetings, and Editorial Policy ................2 Newsletter Submissions Policy ............................................2 Concerts: Fri., Nov 9: DC Ambiance continue .....................................3 Sat., Nov 17: Cider Week Virginia .......................................4 Dances: Carpe Diem Contra Dance .................................................13 Challenging Contra, Sun., Nov 25 .....................................13 Chesapeake Dance Weekend ..................................... 16–18 English Country Dances ......................................................12 Family Dance, Sun., Nov 11 ................................................12 Glen Echo International Folk Dancers ...............................14 DC Ambiance Great American Square Dance Sat., Oct 20 ....................14 Friday, November 9 • 6–8 pm Greenbelt International Folk Dance ..................................14 Channeling Django Reinhardt, Stéphane Grappelli, and the New Year’s Eve Contra Dance ............................................15 Sunday Night Dances ..........................................................11 legendary Quintette du Hot Club, DC Ambiance is a “Gypsy Sings & Storytelling: Gospel Sings ........................................................................25 jazz” quintet bringing together talent from Puget Sound to Open Sings ..........................................................................25 Song Circles .........................................................................25 Yale to Sarajevo. Buco Cavar (guitar) studied jazz guitar under Storytelling ..........................................................................27 Upcoming Events (FSGW) .....................................................27 Tony do Rosario and Alfonso Ponticelli; Cyndy Elliott (bass) of Listings by Type Swingtopia has performed at the Kennedy Center and throughout Classes ..................................................................................31 Concerts & Lectures .............................................................5 the United States, Europe, and Asia; Suzanne Gekker (clarinet) Dances ..................................................................................19 Jams ......................................................................................22 has music degrees from Yale and the Cincinnati Conservatory and Open Mics ...........................................................................23 Participatory Performing Groups ......................................24 has performed with the National Philharmonic and Washington Sings .....................................................................................26 Storytelling ..........................................................................27 Upcoming Events ................................................................28 Continued on page 3. Venues .........................................................................29 & 30 ISSN 0015-5950 Sinéad Walshe, editor Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 55, No. 3 —————————————————————— November 2018 Go to GREAT Concerts for FREE! Go to great concerts for free! Most FSGW concerts rely on volunteers: See the “Details” page of a concert on the calendar at fsgw.org to sign up to volunteer at that event. You get in for free and you get a pass for free admission to a future FSGW event of your choice (except those listed as “no passes” or “suggested donation”)—or to bring a friend. HOW TO SUbmIT A LISTING TO THE FSGW NEwsLETTER 1. Please look at this Newsletter and determine under what category your listing should appear. When submitting copy by email, put that category in the subject line, followed by the month. E.g., Classes [Month], Concert [Month], Dance [Month], and so forth. Putting the category in the subject line makes it easier for the editor to retrieve groups of events. 2. Please submit all listings in FSGW format. All information should be submitted in the following sequence: Event Title • City, State Abbreviation Day of the week, Date • start time - end time One or two sentences only. Location (+ zip code for GPS). Ticket prices. Info: Contact Name at Phone number or email/website. NB: The city and state appear in the header; do not repeat them in the body, but in this age of Droids and GPS units, you need to include the 5-digit zip code—it goes right after the street address. Submit entries to [email protected] FSGW Newsletter Editorial and Advertising Policy The Folklore Society of Greater Washington endeavors to print copy it deems relevant to its membership and purpose as stated in its by-laws: “The main purpose of the Society is to further the understanding, investigation, appreciation, and performance of the traditional folk music and folklore of the American people.” • All copy must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] in text format in the body of the e-mail by the 8th of the preceding month. • All listings must be submitted in the format set out in the “How to Submit” Box above. The format is also on our website (fsgw.org). Just click on Newsletter and look for a paragraph in green. • The Editor reserves the right to edit or omit copy as necessary. Ad content must be approved by the Editor. Basic Ad charges: 1/4 page ads (3.4” x 4.5” or 7.25” x 2.5”): $65 for one month, $120 for two. Commercial business: $8 for 10 words. Noncommercial and individual: $4 for 10 words. 25% discount for any single ad placed in 11 consecutive issues (one year) and paid in advance. We will work with you on larger ads. Copy, with check made payable to FSGW, must be received by the newsletter deadline. Mail to FSGW, P.O. Box 323, Cabin John, MD 20818. Sinéad Walshe, Editor • [email protected] Design & Layout: Jennifer Woods GRAPHICS • Silver Spring, MD FSGW Board 2018–2019 Charlie Baum, President [email protected] 301-587-2286 April Blum, Past-President [email protected] Ingrid Gorman, Vice President [email protected] Jerry Stein, Treasurer [email protected] FSGW BOARD MEETING Kim Gandy, Secretary [email protected] uesday ovember Penelope Weinberger, Dance [email protected] T , N 6 • 8 Pm Mike Livingston, Programs [email protected] The monthly FSGW Board meeting will be Sinéad Walshe, Publications [email protected] Jen Furlong, Membership [email protected] held in Classroom 201 Arcade Bldg. at Glen OPEN, (in need of volunteer) Publicity [email protected] Echo Park, MD. All FSGW members may Members-at-Large Jerry Blum [email protected] attend. If you wish the Board to consider OPEN [email protected] a particular matter, please contact the Kenneth Mayer [email protected] appropriate Board member, or Charlie Mini-Fest Coordinating Committee Baum by e-mail, [email protected], or April Blum, Mini-Fest Chair (Logistics/Dance) [email protected] 301-422-0292 Charlie Baum, Mini-Fest Co-Chair (Programs) [email protected] 301-587-2286 call him at 202-334-1701 (work) or 301- 587-2286 (home) in advance of the meeting. Washington Folk Festival Coordinating Committee Dwain Winters [email protected] 301-657-2789 Molly Graham Hickman [email protected] 301-646-4166 2 ————————————————— Deadline December 2018 Newsletter: THURSDAY, November 8, 2018 Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 55, No. 3 ————————————————————— November 2018 FSGW Concerts See Frequent Venues (page 30) for many location addresses. Visit fsgw.org for audio samples of performers Reminder: Unless otherwise noted, all FSGW concerts are pay-at-the-door, no advance ticket sales, no reservations needed. There will be enough seats. For house concerts, you must RSVP in order to get the address, but for all other concerts, just come! This is one of the ways we keep our production costs low and keep concerts so cheap for you while paying performers well. DC Ambiance continued from the front page. National Opera, among other classical and jazz ensembles; Bill Parmentier (guitar), influenced by DjangoFest Northwest, studied under jazz guitarists Robin Nolan and Lollo Meier in Europe; and Randy Stein (concertina) has performed at Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall and on John Lennon’s last album, Double Fantasy. Cosponsored by the Office of Historic Alexandria and FSGW, this is the June concert in the Alexandria After Work concert series held in the heart of Old Town Alexandria at 6 pm on the second Friday of each month. Take the free trolley that runs every 15 minutes from King Street Metro station! At Lloyd House, indoors or outdoors depending on weather. $15 suggested donation; cash bar. ENT M E S DVERTI A AID P Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 2 ——————————————————————————3 Folklore Society of Greater Washington
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