Chancellor High School, Fredericksburg, VA The Lightning Bolt Celebrating 26 Years of Thunderous News at Lightning Speed! Volume 26, Issue 5 | January 2014 “We Bring the Thunder to Chancellor” Features- Top 10 People of 2013 Opinion- World The Cup vs. Olympics Charger Sports- Basketball Basketball Update team leaps to new News- Larkin, heights in coach of the the new Year year. Cover By Megan Church & Neil Schubel Editoral The Lightning Bolt 6300 Harrison Road of 2014, you will find a wide not least, the Features sec- By Meghan Hannifin Fredericksburg, VA 22407 variety of topics to read about! tion provides a preview of the Editor-in-Chief
[email protected]. Take a peek at the News sec- upcoming spring musical and We’re back, Chargers! After tion to read about the latest our take on a list of 2013’s a two-week break, school is Red Box shows, All County most interesting or influential back in session, alarm clocks Band, and recent school clos- people. Volume 26 are back to their unkind 6 AM ings. The Sports section fea- So welcome back, every- Issue 5 routines, and cars are back tures winter updates and a one! I hope you had a terrific in the parking lot. Which, of not-to-be-missed article on break, and you enjoy the first course, also means that The Mr. Larkin’s coaching award. 2014 issue of The Lightning Lightning Bolt is back in circu- In the Opinion section, you will Bolt! EDITOR-IN-CHIEF lation! find the second installment of Meghan Hannifin In this very special first issue our new food column.