
Application No: S/04/01037/REM

Date Registered: 18th June 2004

Applicant: Transform Schools Office 4 Business Centre G69 9DQ

Agent Antoni Rybarczyk Boswell Mitchell & Johnston 18 Woodlands Terrace Glasgow G3 6DH

Development: Erection of Joint Campus Primary Schools, Nursery, Public Library and 7-A-Side Floodlit Multi-Purpose Synthetic Pitch for Dual Use with the Community

Location: Land At St Patrick’s Primary School And Adjacent Land To Rear Coronation Road East

Ward: 5: New And Councillor Helen McKenna

Grid Reference: 275953659228

File Reference: SIPLl51351LM

Site History: Site occupied by school since before 1948.

Outline planning permission granted 21st July 2003 for primary school, nursery, public library and 7-a-side all weather pitch for dual use with the community (App No S/03/00436/0UT)

Development Plan: Northern Area Local Plan 1986, Policy HI (Established Housing Area) and Policy El (Green Belt).

Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft (Modified June 2001) - Policy CS2 (Established Community Facilities) and Policy ENV6 (Green Belt).

Contrary to Development Plan: In Part

Consultations: Countryside And Landscape Manager (Comments) Director Of Education (No objections) Early Years Section (No objections) S.E. P .A.(West) (Comments) British Gas Transco (Com ments) Scottish Power (Comments) SportScotland (Com ments) Police (No objections) Scottish Natural Heritage (Com ments) Head Of Protective Services (Com ments) Scottish Water (Objections) PLANNING APPLICATION NO S/04/01037/REM 52 REPRESENTATIONS IN ERECTION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL, NURSERY, TOTAL. 25 OUTWITH AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY AND 7-A-SIDE FLOODLIT MULTI-PURPOSE SYNTHETIC PITCH FOR DUAL USE WITH THE COMMUNITY

LAND AT ST PATRICK'S PRIMARY SCHOOL AND ADJACENT LAND TO REAR CORONATION ROAD EAST MOTHERWELL A * Representation Area: 1.62 ha Representations: 122 Representation Letters

Newspaper Advertisement: 25th June 2004


This reserved matters application is for new joint campus primary schools, public library, nursery and associated leisure facilities on the site of the existing St Patrick's primary and adjacent woodland ground. The site is 2.65 ha in area. The pitch is to be located at the southern end of the site adjacent to the woodland with the school, nursery and library in the centre and the parking to the north adjacent to Coronation Road East, further details of the proposals are contained in the attached report. 122 letters of objection have been received following neighbour notification and advertisement in the press, 68 of these have no address given. No objections have been raised by any of the consultees, although Scottish Natural Heritage and NLC Community Services have recommended conditions relating to the limitation of the development to avoid encroachment of the woodland.

Recommendation: Grant Subject to the Following Conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started not later than 21 July 2008.

Reason: To accord with the outline planning permission.

2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of all external materials to be used in construction, including walls, roofs, windows, doors, gutters and downpipes, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

3. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail

4. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a report describing the soil and ground conditions prevailing over the application site (including details of the nature, concentration and distribution of any contaminants), shall be submitted to the Planning Authority and the works required in order to remove or render harmless these contaminants, having regard to the proposed use of the site, shall be agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, and development shall not be commenced until these works have been completed.

Reason: In order to ensure that the site is suitable for the development hereby permitted.

5. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping, including boundary treatment, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, and it shall include:- (a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfing; (b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted, such planting shall consist of native, non- invasive species characteristic of the local area and any shelter belts shall be at least 5 metres in width; (c) an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows, plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

6. That within one year of the occupation of the school hereby permitted, all planting, seeding, turfing and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the terms of condition (5) above, shall be completed and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased, within two years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the site and adjacent residents.

7. That no trees within the application site shall be lopped, topped or felled and no shrubs or hedges, shall be removed from the application site, without the approval in writing of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of the conservation value of the site and the visual amenity of the site and the adjacent residents.

8. That before the development hereby permitted starts, tree protection measures in accordance with British Standard BS 5837 shall be erected along the drip line of the trees and shall not be removed without the approval in writing of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to afford adequate protection to those trees that are to be retained

9. That before the development starts, full details of the location and design of the drainage scheme to be installed shall be submitted to the Planning Authority for written approval, and these shall include full details of the location and design of the surface water drainage scheme, and for the avoidance of doubt the scheme shall comply with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency's principals of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the area and to ensure that the proposed drainage system complies with the latest guidance on SUDS.

10. That before the development starts, the applicant shall provide written confirmation to the Planning Authority that all the requirements of Scottish Water have been fully met in respect of providing the necessary site drainage infrastructure to serve the development.

Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory site drainage arrangements.

11. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a Flood Risk Assessment Report, (prepared by a Chartered Civil Engineer or equivalent) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. For the avoidance of doubt, the report should demonstrate that the development proposals will not increase flood risk; will not result in the proposed buildings and access routes to those buildings becoming susceptible to flooding; and will not adversely impact on the sensitivity of the overall drainage system to flooding for a range of storm events including a 1 in 75 year and 1 in 200 year storm events. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to fully consider this aspect of the development.

12. That the football pitch shall be for community use as well as school use and the pitch and associated floodlighting shall not be used after 9:00 pm; unless otherwise in writing by the Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of the local recreation and residential amenity.

13. That notwithstanding the details shown on the approved plans, no approval is hereby given for the "outdoor classrooms" and before any work starts on the formation of these full details of their siting and of the works included in the formation of these features, including removal of vegetation, construction of any fences and any drainage, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail and to assess their acceptability.

14. That before the development hereby permitted is, all the parking and manoeuvring areas shown on the approved plans, shall be levelled, properly drained, surfaced in a material which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the start of surfacing work and clearly marked out, and shall, thereafter, be maintained as parking and manoeuvring areas.

Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian access facilities.

15. That before the development hereby approved is brought into use a scheme of traffic calming measures which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the start of the work, shall be completed on Coronation Road East and a mini-roundabout, in accordance with the specifications of the Roads Authority, shall be provided at the junction of Park Street and Kings Drive.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

16. That before any part of the development hereby permitted is brought into use a scheme of directional signage, which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the start of the work, shall be installed and thereafter retained on site.

Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian access facilities.

17. That before any development, including demolition works, commences upon the site a detailed bat roost survey, of the existing school buildings and the mature trees within the development site shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified person and the report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. This report shall include details of mitigation measures for the protection of any bat populations identified.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

18. That prior to any works, including demolition, commencing upon the site any mitigation measures identified in the report submitted under the terms of condition (17) above shall be completed, in consultation with the Planning Authority and SNH.

Reason: To ensure that no bats or their roosts are harmed or destroyed

19. That notwithstanding the requirements of conditions (5) and (7) above, any tree, shrub or vegetation removal shall take place outwith the bird-breeding season, which normally is April to August, inclusive.

Reason: In the interests of nature conservation and to minimise the risk to protected species.

20. That notwithstanding the details submitted on drawing no. B17-P-L(90)0-003, no approval is hereby given for the proposed alterations to the site levels and before any development, including demolition, commences upon the site further plans shall be submitted which show that there will be no alterations to the existing ground levels within the roof zone and the trees which are to be retained around the perimeter of the site.

Reason: In order to protect the trees within and adjacent to the site in the interests of nature conservation and landscape impact.

21. The before the development hereby permitted starts details of a scheme to include provision for nesting swifts within the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in the interests of nature conservation and the enhancement of local biodiversity.

22. That before the development hereby permitted is brought in to use, the scheme approved under the terms of Condition (21) shall be in place.

Reason: In the interests of nature conservation and the enhancement of local biodiversity.


If granted this application will require to be referred to the Scottish Ministers in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) () Direction 1997 in view of the Council’s interest in the site.

Background Papers:

Application form and plans received 14th June 2004

Memo from NLC Transportation Section received 5th July 2004 Memo from NLC Geotecnical Section received 27th July 2004 Memo from NLC Community Services received 14th July 2004 Memo from NLC Education received 2nd July 2004 Letter from British Gas Transco received 25th June 2004 Letter from Scottish Power received 8th April 2004 Letter from SportScotland received 5th July 2004 Letter from Strathclyde Police received 5th July 2004 Letter from Scottish Natural Heritage received 2nd July 2004 Letter from NLC Protective Services received 6th July 2004 Letter from S.E.P.A.(West) received 3rd August 2004-08-24 Letter from Scottish Water received 17'h August 2004

Letter from Mrs C Anderson, 4 Coronation Road East, , Motherwell, MLI 4HX received 21st June 2004. Letter from N Garden, 6 Earl View, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4LA received 23rd June 2004. Letter from B McBride & L Hart, 9 Blair Athol Wynd, Carfin, Motherwell, MLI received 23rd June 2004. Letter from J Murphy, 65 Woodside Street, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4JY received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Mrs Maureen Rodgers, 1 Wright Way, New Stevenston, MLI 4LB received 23rd June 2004. Letter from G Gallagher, 8 Woodside Street, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4JT received 23rd June 2004. Letter from James J Miller, 19 Burn Crescent, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4NF received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Rosemary Foley, 31 Woodside Street, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4JT received 23rd June 2004. Letter from L McKendrick, 29 Sherry Avenue, , Motherwell received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Owen McFadden, 64 Queens Crescent, New Stevenston, Motherwell received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Mary J Barr, 36 Coronation Road, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4JD received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Mrs McFadden, 5 Alder Lane, New Stevenston, Motherwell received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Mrs Marie Sweeney, 13 Holm Street, New Stevenston, MLI 4HA received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Michael McBride, 6 Earl View, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4LA received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Mary McBride, 26 Carfin Street, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4JL received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Linda A Glancy, 6 Asquith Place, , ML4 2RL received 23rd June 2004. Letter from J Glancy, 6 Asquith Place, Mossend, ML4 2RL received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Niall Canon Hayes, St John Bosco, 91 Street, New Stevenston, MLI 4JS received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Catherine Smith, 14 Rowanden Avenue, , ML4 3EW received 23rd June 2004. Letter from J McFadden, 5 Alder Lane, New Stevenston, Motherwell received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Jim Heeney, 14 Beech Avenue, New Stevenston, Motherwell received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Patrick McQuaid, 43 Woodside Street, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4JT received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Owner/Occupier, 26 Carfin Street, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4JL received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Gerard McCluskey, 140 Coronation Road, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4RE received 23rd June 2004. Letter from James Connor, 14 Coronation Road, New Stevenston, Motherwell received 23rd June 2004. Letter from lsobel Connor, 14 Coronation Road, New Stevenston, Motherwell received 23rd June 2004. Letter from Mrs Elizabeth Bandoni, 91 Stevenston Street, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4LT received 24th June 2004. Letter from Stephen A Kearn, 2 Wrangholm Drive, New Stevenston, Motherwell received 24th June 2004. Letter from Tracey McCluskey, 140 Coronation Road, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4RE received 24th June 2004. Letter from Ms Elizabeth Quinn, 155 Jerviston Street, New Stevenston received 25th June 2002. Letter from George Tiffney, 86 Wrangholm Drive, New Stevenston, received 25th June 2004. Letter from Angela Meekison, 71 Sherry Avenue, Holytown received 25th June 2004. Letter from Ms Mary Ellis, 33 Hillhead Avenue, Motherwell, MLI 4AF received 25th June 2004. Letter from Mrs Susan Walsh, 6 Bracken Street, New Stevenston, MLI 4LP received 25th June 2004. Letter from George & Margaret Tiffney, 6 Alder Lane, New Stevenston, Motherwell received 24th June 2004. Letter from C Blue, 84 Carfin Street, New Stevenston, Motherwell, MLI 4JN received 25th June 2004. Letter from Mr C Fallan, 3 High Coats, received 28th June 2004. Letter from Mrs Patricia O'Neil, 3 Rowan Lane, New Stevenston, Motherwell received 28th June 2004. Letter from Mr Danny O'Neil, 3 Rowan Lane, New Stevenston, Motherwell received 28th June 2004. Letter from F Hendry, 92 Draffen Tower, Motherwell received 28th June 2004. Letter from Mr P O'Neil, 1 Stevens Lane, New Stevenston, ML1 4LH received 28th June 2004. Letter from Mr Kieran O'Neill, 3 Rowan Lane, New Stevenston, ML1 4LQ received 28th June 2004. Letter from Mrs P Clark, 4c Kelso Quad, Summerlee, Coatbridge received 28th June 2004. Letter from B Gallaghan, 138 Stevenston Street, New Stevenston, MLI 4LT received 29th June 2004. Letter from Sarah O'Connor, 15 Culloden Avenue, Mossend, ML4 2AX received 29th June 2004. Letter from Frankie O'Connor, 15 Culloden Avenue, Mossend, ML4 2AX received 29th June 2004. Letter from Owner Occupier, 20 Queens Crescent, New Stevenston, ML1 4JA received 29th June 2004. Letter from Mr & Mrs David McKeown, 11 Rowan Lane, New Stevenston, Motherwell, ML1 4LQ received 29th June 2004. Letter from Owner/Occupier, 26 Coronation Road, New Stevenston received 29th June 2004. Letter from James Callaghan, 140 Stevenston Street, New Stevenston, received 30th June 2004. Letter from Mr Ronald Murphy, 2 Coronation Road East, New Stevenston received 30th June 2004. Letter from A S Lang, 2 Kings Drive, New Stevenston, Motherwell, ML1 4HY received 5th July 2004.

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Lorna McCallum at 01698 302090. APPLICATION NO. S/04/01037/REM


1. Description of Site and Proposal

1 .I This reserved matters application is for the erection of joint campus primary schools, a public library, a nursery and a 7-a-side size floodlit multi-purpose synthetic pitch. The proposed development will be for dual use with the community. The new schools will replace the existing New Stevenson and St Patrick’s primary schools. All accommodation will be in one building located in the centre of the site. The building provides only one floor of accommodation but varies in height. The bulk of the building will be between 5 and 6 metres in height but it rises up to just under 11 metres over the gym and dining area. It is proposed that the building will be finished in a mix of facing brick, render and timber panels with a grey metal roof. There will be a single main entrance to the facilities on the front of the building and separate direct pupil entrances to each of the new schools within the joint campus. Vehicular and pedestrian access would be taken from the existing site access onto Coronation Road East.

1.2 The development is proposed on a 2.65 hectare site which incorporates the site of the existing St Patrick’s primary school and adjacent semi-mature woodland lying to the south of the school. The site is surrounded to the north, east and west by residential properties. To the south of the site is further semi-mature woodland. The boundaries of the existing school site are lined with mature trees. The site is generally flat at the southern end but slopes gently to the northern boundary.

2. Development Plan

2.1 The proposed development raises no strategic issues in terms of the Glasgow & Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000.

2.2 On the Northern Area Local Plan 1986 the application site is shown as being occupied by the existing school within an area covered by policy HI (Established Housing Area) and the woodland is designated (Green Belt). Policy HI seeks to protect the residential amenity of housing areas. Policy El restricts development to that required in connection with agriculture, forestry, outdoor sports and open space uses.

2.3 On the Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft (Modified 2001) the site is covered by Policy CS2 (Established Community Facilities) and policy ENV6 (Green Belt).

2.4 Outline planning permission for the erection of a primary school, nursery and a 7-a-side floodlit, multipurpose, synthetic pitch was granted in July 2003 and establishes the principle of these uses on the site.

3. Consultations and Representations

3.1 Summaries of consultation responses are as follows: -

Strathclyde Police: No objections. Scottish Environment Protection Agency: No objections in principle subject to the foul drainage being connected to the public sewer. They request that surface water from the site be treated in accordance with the principles of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Sport Scotland: Have no objection subject to the pitch having a synthetic surface. They recommend that the internal sport provision and changing facilities be provided in accordance with their recently published “Primary Schools Sports Facilities Design Guidance”. Scottish Water: Object to the proposal. Whilst there is existing sewerage and water apparatus to which the development can connect, the applicant will require to bear the cost of any increase in capacity to this infrastructure in order to accommodate the development Scottish Power: No objections. NLC Community Services: Have reservations about the extent of tree loss within the southern end of the site. They request that a sustainable edge be provided alongside the pitch and that fencing is positioned to minimise tree removal and retain a natural edge. They also request assurance that level changes are avoided within the rootzone of the surrounding trees. However, they welcome the inclusion of the nature conservation measures proposed about the encroachment upon the woodland. They recommend that wildflower areas be appropriately managed. Scottish Natural Heritage: Have no objections to the proposals but recommend conditions be imposed on any grant of planning permission. Such conditions concern the following; - 0 the retention and protection of the mature trees around the perimeter and the woodland along the western boundary of the site; 0 restriction on timing of tree removal to avoid the bird breeding season; 0 replacement planting to be of native non invasive species and shelter belts or hedgerows should be at least 5 metres in width; 0 the requirement to undertake a detailed bat roost survey of the existing building and trees within the site and the need to undertake any required mitigation works. NLC Education: No objections to the application. NLC Early Years Section: No objections.

3.2 The Transportation Section: The proposals have maximised the provision of parking within the site at the expense of pedestrianlvehicular segregation. However, it is considered better to accept the higher vehicular provision and to manage conflict within the site rather than leaving the vehicular provision to the surrounding streets where its management would be virtually impossible. If, as is believed, the TA has underestimated the amount of trips then some parent parking will occur in the local streets. It should be noted that even if 100% provision was available within the site is expected that an element of such parking would still occur outwith the site. Nursery parking is insufficient, however use could be made of the library parking area which should have differing peaks of use. Off site traffic calming is required on Coronation Road East and a mini-roundabout should be installed at the junction of Park Street and Kings Drive.

3.3 The Protective Services Section: Has no objections but indicates that a site investigation report will be required to confirm that the site is free from contamination. It is indicated that the construction works should be limited to certain hours. They advise of the legislative limits that should apply to any air conditioning or ventilation to be installed and recommend that best practical means be adopted to control dust emissions from the site.

3.4 The Geotechnical Section: This redevelopment of an existing school site will result in increased surface water run off unless there is attenuation. There is no nearby watercourse to receive surface water runoff. The drainage philosophy indicates that several SUDS measures are proposed to address surface water drainage management. The Sewers for Scotland guidelines require the stormwater drainage system to be designed to ensure that no part of the site will flood from a 1 in 30 year storm event. This is recognised by the drainage philosophy. In addition the entire surface water drainage system should be checked to determine the consequences of a more extreme storm event. The possibility of playground and parking areas becoming unusable in wet weather should be investigated and if necessary the drainage design revised.

3.5 A total of 122 letters of objection have been received following neighbour notification. All but two of these take the form of a standard letter, 68 of the objection letters have no address given. It should be noted that four of those parties whose address was included contacted the Department on receipt of an acknowledgement to indicate that the correspondence was not from them. The points of objection may be summarised as follows: -

The additional facilities proposed at the site will significantly increase traffic, associated pollution, noise levels and on street parking. These will adversely affect the amenity and safety of residents and will worsen existing problems in the surrounding streets. Access should be from Jerviston Road avoiding the residential area. It is pointed out that access to the site already conflicts with traffic travelling to funeral services at the Church nearby. It is suggested that a traffic management scheme should be introduced. Disturbance from the development will extend beyond the current school hours and term time. Disturbance will occur during demolition and construction works. The development will reduce the value of adjacent properties. Opposition to the shared main entrance to the building. Separate accesses should be provided to the separate identity of each school to be retained, reduce congestion and promote safety and security. Shared displaylgallery areas will limit the ability to display materials of a religious nature. The shared use of facilities, in particular the gym and dining area, will result in limitations and compromise and are a reduction over existing use of such facilities. Varied meal times will also affect school crossing patrols and compromise safety. The siting of the RC staff room outwith the main school area fragments identity. The proposed siting of the access to the public library close to the nursery compromises security. The relocation of the library from its present site is undesirable. The position of the library at the far end of the car parking area is not desirable from a personal safety viewpoint, particularly on winter evenings. There has been a lack of consultation and clarity from the Council over planning deadlines and the transition period and there are concerns over the decanting of children from the existing school.

4. Planning Assessment

4.1 The principle of the acceptability of the proposed uses at this location has already been established by the approval of the outline application by the Council in consultation with the Scottish Ministers. The assessment of this application must consider whether the proposal complies with the terms of the outline consent and whether the proposed layout is acceptable in terms of the impact upon the site and the surrounding area, particularly the residents of that area.

4.2 Most aspects of the development comply with the outline consent. In particular conditions of the outline permission restrict the location of the pitch; require developers to retain the existing trees, unless otherwise approved, to retain a buffer of woodland along part the site boundary and to make suitable provision for pedestrians and cyclists. These points of detail have been addressed in the proposed layout. The only significant exception is in relation to the provision of segregated pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular access. There are also concerns regarding the parental drop off facilities at the site; these matters will be discussed in further detail below.

4.3 In terms of the consultation responses, if permission is granted, conditions or notes to the applicant can be attached to deal with the matters raised by, SEPA, SportScotland, Scottish Water, Community Services and Protective Services. The issues raised in relation to parental drop-off facilities and vehicular and pedestrian access are noted. The submitted plans have been amended in order to achieve the best possible site layout. The only acceptable vehicular and pedestrian access to the site is from Coronation Road East as per the terms of the outline permission. This restricted access does not permit segregation of pedestrians and vehicles. As indicated in paragraph 3.1 above site management will play an important part in ensuring the safety of pedestrians. It has to be accepted that there are limitations both to what can be achieved on site, if all elements of the development are to proceed as planned, and to the control of actions of drivers off site. Consequently, if approval is given then there is a likelihood of on street parking associated with this development. Although this is an issue at the existing school and it would ideally be able to be avoided in such a new development this is a concession that would have to be accepted if the development is to proceed on the basis of the submitted proposals.

4.4 In terms of the points of objection I would comment as follows: - a) The concerns raised at points a), b), c), and d) above were considered at the outline planning stage. The concerns are discussed in paragraph 4.3 above in relation to lack of parking and parental drop off/pick up facilities. The school will be responsible for implementing any traffic management scheme, however, a condition is proposed requiring the provision of directional signage. b) The concerns raised at points e), f), g) and h) are matters relating to the internal arrangements and are outwith the planning remit. I am therefore unable to take these into consideration. c) Concern at the relocation of the public library has been raised by only two of the objectors and this issue was not raised at all at the outline stage. By the granting of the outline consent it has been accepted that the library will relocate to this site. The library forms part of the new building and it is not possible within the constraints of the site and the requirements relating to other matters to reposition it. Details have been submitted indicating that the site car parks and footways will be lit during opening hours. The site landscaping will take cognisance of its intended use and will take personal security into account. I am therefore satisfied that the layout of the site is satisfactory in this respect. d) In addition to neighbour notification the proposals were advertised in the local press, both of which indicated the associated time periods for commenting on the application. The correct procedures have been followed in relation to consultation of the public over the planning application. The other concerns relate to matters that are outwith the scope of the planning process.

5. Conclusions

5.1 The proposals involve the provision of new and updated joint campus schools, a public library, nursery and recreational facilities. These modern facilities are to be welcomed. The development is to be shared provision serving both education and the community. The new community facilities will be valued assets and they will enhance local recreational activity.

5.2 The access and parking issues raised above are undesirable however, these can to an extent be resolved by site management. It is considered that the level of on street parking is not likely to be excessive in this case. In this instance I do not consider that the deficiencies justify the refusal of this application and it is recommended that permission be granted.