Cultural Mediation: Creativity, Performance, Display
Cultural Mediation: Creativity, Performance, Display. Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context", University of Heidelberg, 08.10.2014–10.10.2014. Reviewed by Marlène Harles Published on H-Soz-u-Kult (June, 2015) From 8 to 10 October 2014, the Cluster of Ex‐ And what are the risks of and stakes in media‐ cellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" tion? held its 6th Annual Conference “Cultural Media‐ In line with the Cluster’s objective to establish tion: Creativity, Performance, Display” at Heidel‐ the concept of transculturality as a basic ap‐ berg University. The conference was organized by proach in the humanities and social sciences, the the Cluster’s Research Area B “Public Spheres”, opening keynote lecture by ERIKA FISCHER- and revolved around the topic of "Cultural Media‐ LICHTE (Berlin) aimed at a better understanding tion". Two keynote lectures and twelve panels, of cultural dynamics in the feld of theatre studies comprising 45 senior and junior researchers, ex‐ through the introduction of the term ‘interweav‐ plored the various ways in which cultural practice ing performance cultures’. Fischer-Lichte thereby is transculturally communicated, negotiated, and distanced herself from ‘intercultural theatre’, a contested. While established concepts such as term coined in the 1970s and 1980s as a way of ‘contact’, ‘relation’, and ‘influence’ risk a deper‐ reinterpreting the concept of ‘culture’ in the con‐ sonalized approach to cultural mediation, the con‐ text of postcolonialism. ‘Intercultural theatre’, she ference endeavored to apply a frame of reference critically argued, refers exclusively to the transfer that would do justice to both the position of indi‐ between West and Non-West, often resonating vidual mediators and the material and political with an underlying distinction between the mod‐ conditions from which they operate.
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