The 1857 Dutch Reformed Separation

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The 1857 Dutch Reformed Separation 49 A DENOMINATIONAL SCHISM FROM A BEHAVIORAL PERSPECTIVE: THE 1857 DUTCH REFORMED SEPARATION Robert P. Swlerenga The reasons for ecclesiastical schisms often consideration, they fail to explain why only some seem plainly obvious to participants, but scholars church members followed dissenting clerics or struggle for generations to comprehend their ori­ why only some parishioners were theologically gins. Theological dissension, historic, cultural or astute. To help answer the "why" question, a prior ethnic rivalries, and personality clashes usually question is necessary-which Dutch Calvinist im­ enter into these tragedies in varying degrees. migrants in North A!llerica seceded in 1857? Were Admitting the complexities of such events, it is the the Separatists of, /1857 in America a remnant or obligation of historians to search for underlying faction of the Af~heiding of 1834 in the Nether-· patterns of thought and behavior that might illu­ lands? Secondly, were CRC members from differing minate the causes. social and cultural backgrounds in the Old Country? For Dutch Calvinists in North America, the schism of 1857 within midwestern immigrant congrega­ tions of the Reformed Church in America (RCA), out of which the Christian Reformed Church (CRG) Before answering these questions, it is neces­ emerged, is one of those major turning pOints that sary to describe the historical context of these demand continual re-examination. This is now pos­ denominational divisions. The roots of the Reformed sible because new sources have become available. Church in America (RCA) run deeply in the American Some fifteen years ago, the Committee in the East past. It was founded in the New Netherlands on Historical Documents of the Christian Reformed colony in 1628 under the jurisdiction of the Clas­ Church obtained from public archives in the Ne­ sics of Amsterdam of the Netherlands Reformed therlands copies of the official lists of immigrants Church. In 1792 in response to the changed poli~ for the years 1847-1877. These records include tical climate of the revolutionary era, it declared specific biographical information on each family or ecclesiastical independence from Amsterdam and single adult, including occupation, religious affili­ adopted its first denomination constitution. The ation, family status, social class, and place of denomination numbered 116 churches and 40 residence. When these emigration records are ministers in 1791 and was heavily concentrated in linked to the church membership records of the New York state and northern New Jersey. During pioneer Reformed congregations in North America the next fifty years, the RCA became increasingly (now being collected by the Heritage Hall Archives Americanized and grew steadily, until it totaled 274 at Calvin College, Western Theological Seminary, churches and 33,000 communicants by 1845. The New Brunswick Seminary, and Herrick Public li­ final Dutch language service was held in 1844, brary in Holland), it is possible to learn much about only two years before the beginning of the great the Old Country backgrounds of the RCA and CRC Dutch migration of the nineteenth century. The churches and to discern possible differences be­ process of Americanization had been hastened by tween them. When the Reformed immigrants were the Dutch tendency for Anglo-conformity, the af­ forced to make a decision in 1857, or subsequently, finity of the Reformed religion with the "Puritan to join the Seceders or not, their family traditions, legacy", and the very low rate of Dutch immigra­ life histories, and cultural differences, emanating tion in the post-Napoleonic decades. Until the mid- from the Netherlands, invariably provided the con­ 1840s, immigration averaged only 100-200 per­ text for such decisions. sons a year. Such a small influx was obviously Traditional interpretations are far simpler. The insufficient to slow the pace of assimilation of the RCA apologists B. DeBeij and A. Zwemer in their old Dutch. 1871 publication, Stemmen uit de Hollandsch­ While the RCA was undergoing change, an up­ Gereformeerde Kerle in de Vereenigde Staten van heaval occurred in the mother church in the Ne­ Arnerika (Voices from the Dutch Reformed Church therlands that had major repercussions in the in the United States of America), charge that no United States. In 1834, a largely rural, pietist more than twenty miscreant leaders were respon­ group, led by a few university professors and their sible for the 1857 secession. Conversely, R. T. students, separated themselves from the Hervormde Kuiper, an early CRC defender, took his stand on Kerk and were indifferent to historic Reformed ortho­ theological principle rather than on idiosyncratic doxy. The Separatists also rejected King Willem I's personalities. In 1882 Kuiper argued in Eene Stem structural reorganization of the national church in uit Amerika over Arnerika (A Voice from America 1816, which had abolished the historic localistic about America) that the 1857 split was a culmi­ form of church government and replaced it with a nation of the struggle against theological liberalism centralized structure in which the monarch ap­ begun in the Netherlands in the 1834 Afscheiding pOinted all key officials in the Hervormde Kerk. (Separation) from the Hervormde Kerk. Within a decade the Christian Separatists num­ While these early explanations are worthy of bered over forty thousand adherents throughout 50 the Protestant northern and western provinces of who came to the middle west in the nineteenth the Netherlands. century were Afgescheidenen." Bruins was merely Dutch authorities at first tried to check the echoing the views of R. T. Kuiper, who stated the Separatist movement by levying stiff fines on dis­ traditional wisdom already in 1882: "The first immi­ senting clerics and banning worship services. Some grants that came here were mostly out of that employers refused to hire Separatists. Such ha­ church." One can easily gain this impression, given rassment created an emigration mentality and the fact that one-half of all Seceders who emi­ when the potato blight struck in 1845 and 1846, grated before 1880 did so in the early years before entire congregations of Seceders departed en 1857, whereas Hervormde Kerk emigrants depar­ masse for North America. The "Groote Trek" was ted at a steadier pace over the entire period. But led by a half-dozen Seceder clergymen, notably the fact is that the 1834 Seceders comprised only Albertus Van Raalte and Hendrik Scholte, who 13 percent of the total emigration in the years each took a thousand members of their congre­ 1835-1880, whereas Hervormde Kerk emigrants gations to Holland, Michigan and Pella, Iowa, re­ totaled 65 percent. Indeed, Hervormde Kerk emi­ spectively. Other thousands of Seceders soon fol­ grants outnumbered 1834 Separatists in every lowed. In the years from 1846 through 1850, year, even in 1847, the peak year of Separatist eighty of every one thousand Separatists departed migration (see table 2). The fact is, therefore, that the fatherland, compared to only four per thou­ numerous Hervormden were found in the mid­ sand among Hervormde Kerk adherents. western Dutch settlements in the first struggling Since the Secession of 1834 was a series of years. locally-organized reformations, rather than a cen- Another perennial misconception is that emi­ 1rally-organized movement, it developed into sev­ grants of Hervormde Kerk background were more eral factions. According to the Dutch scholar, prosperous, whereas Separatists represented the Cornelis Smits, there was a rural and conservative "kleine leiden." Given the largely rural composi­ "Northern party" led by Hendrik de Cock and tion of the Separatists and the ostracism and Simon Van Velzen, which was centered in the pro­ distress that they suffered from the Royal Govern­ vinces of Groningen, Friesland, and Drenthe, with a ment, the assumption seemed natural that Se­ related group in Zeeland, led by Cornelis Vander ceders were at the bottom of the wage scale. I n the Meulen. The other major faction was the more words of Albertus Pieters: "More than any other urban and liberal "Southern party", led by Antonie element of the population, the numbers of sepa­ Brummelkamp, Van Raalte, and Scholte, which rated churches suffered from these conditions [i.e., was concentrated in the provinces of Overijssel severe poverty], since they were mostly from the and Gelderland, with lesser contingents in Noord poorer classes, and since the general contempt in and Zuid Holland, Utrecht, and Noord Brabant. which they were held hindered them in securing Among the Separatists who emigrated in the employment and in every form of enterprise." Al­ very significant early period of the 1840s when though the picture of harassment is doubtless cor­ entire congregations left for America, there was a rect, if somewhat overdrawn, and the Separatists much stronger southern, urban element than in the who emigrated in 1846-1847 may have been later years when the northern contingent predo­ pitiful, yet in this decade and the next they were not minated. For example, 93 percent of all Seceder the poorest group among the emigres. This diS­ immigrants from Utrecht province between 1844 tinction belongs to the Jews, of whom 29 percent and 1877 departed before 1857. Comparable fi­ were in the poverty class. The Separatists, in fact, gures for other southern provinces in these early were the least poor (Table 3). Between the years years are Gelderland 71 percent, Zuid Holland 80 1835-1857, only 19 percent of the Separatist percent, and Noord Brabant 72 percent. (See emigrants were in the poverty class, compared to Table 1.) In the northern farming province of Gro­ 28 percent of the Hervormde Kerk emigrants. Of ningen, on the other hand, the rate of Seceder the well-to-do emigrants, the Separatists again migration increased over the years, from 20 per­ were far more numerous than the Hervormden (18 cent in the early period to 32 percent from 1858 percent compared to 9 percent).
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    Explorations in Economic History 50 (2013) 69–87 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Explorations in Economic History journal homepage: Retail development in the consumer revolution: The Netherlands, c. 1670–c. 1815 Danielle van den Heuvel, Sheilagh Ogilvie ⁎ Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9DD, United Kingdom article info abstract Article history: The Netherlands pioneered an early modern ‘Retail Revolution’, facilitating the Consumer Received 14 March 2012 Revolution. We analyze 959 Dutch retail ratios using multivariate regressions. Retail density rose Available online 29 August 2012 with female headship everywhere. Density was high in Holland, but moderate in intermediate provinces and low in Overijssel. Differences in retail density between large and small settlements JEL classification: were trivial in Holland, moderate in intermediate provinces, and prominent in Overijssel. Retail L81 ratios stagnated everywhere across the eighteenth century but rose sharply after 1800. The Dutch N33 Retail Revolution did not unleash ineluctable growth, we conclude, but varied significantly with N43 agrarian structure, the institutional powers of guilds, and female autonomy. N73 © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. N93 R12 Keywords: Retailing Consumer revolution Netherlands Women Guilds Agglomeration economies Agrarian structure 1. Introduction The ‘Retail Revolution’ is increasingly viewed as a key component of economic growth in early modern Europe.1
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