

Abrupt change in the computer: Is it real?

Thomas F. Stocker* and Olivier Marchal

Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland

Models suggest that dramatic changes in the ocean circulation are responsible for abrupt climate changes during the last and may possibly alter the relative climate stability of the last 10,000 years.

mong the archives recording past cli- the air–sea fluxes of heat and freshwater. In freshwater balance of the North Atlantic. By Amate and environmental changes, ice the Pacific there is no such circulation, be- discharging freshwater, the thermohaline cores, marine and lacustrine sediments in cause the surface waters are too fresh: even circulation reduces or collapses completely, anoxic environments, and tree rings have if cooled to the freezing point, they would but the response depends on the location, seasonal to annual resolution. Changes in not acquire enough density to sink down and amplitude and duration of the perturbation dust level (1), snow accumulation (2), sum- establish a large-scale THC. This is caused (11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18). All three responses mer temperature (3), and indicators of the by a combination of several factors, includ- shown in Fig. 1 can be generated in such productivity of marine life (4) suggest that ing reduced evaporation in the Pacific, models, albeit at different threshold values. some of the climate changes have evolved on fresher surface waters flowing northward, The cold event (12,700– time scales as short as a few years to decades. and a different basin geometry (8). 11,550 years before present) is the most Such changes appear abrupt in comparison The Atlantic THC is a self-sustaining recent and best documented of the family of with the classical view of . phenomenon and thus prone to instability. abrupt climate changes of the past. Large The understanding of the mechanisms re- If the northward flow of saline tropical amounts of freshwater entered the ocean sponsible for abrupt change has long relied waters decreases (e.g., by increased river before Younger Dryas (19), which may have on qualitative reasoning. However, climate runoff, ice melt, changes in precipitation, triggered this cold event. Models indicate research now increasingly makes use of nu- etc.), the density of high latitude waters is that a full stop (10) or a reduction of the merical models as a tool to interpret and reduced so that these waters are no longer water flux associated with the THC to Ϸ integrate results. Projections of anticipated able to sink: the circulation stops. The result 20% of the modern value (11) both pro- climate change also rely on such models. is a very cool and fresh northern North duce a drop in sea surface temperature in Ϸ Abrupt climate change, as recorded in many Atlantic. This process, first described by the the North Atlantic of 8°C and a substantial paleoclimatic archives (5), provides a chal- late Henry Stommel (9), is now well under- cooling over Greenland of 4–10°C. Al- lenge to these models. Their task is to stood and found by most climate models though the resolution of these coupled elucidate the processes that are involved in (10–12). The can ocean–atmosphere models is still coarse, abrupt change. If validated by the past, these thus exhibit more than one stable equilib- there is quantitative agreement with recent models may be able to quantify the likeli- rium, a feature that is typical of a non-linear paleoclimatic estimates of temperature hood of future surprises in the climate physical system. changes during that event (20). system. The concept of hysteresis illustrates the Climate models provide much additional possible responses of the ocean–atmosphere information if they also predict changes in Ocean Circulation and Abrupt Change. Ocean system to perturbations in the surface fresh- the global . Recently, results currents cause significant geographical dif- water balance. More freshwater in the sink- from a climate–carbon cycle model have ferences in the supply of heat to the atmo- ing regions reduces the THC (13–15) (Fig. been directly compared with paleoclimatic sphere (6). Regions around the North At- 1). The system is stable and reacts in a linear data of the Younger Dryas (21). In response lantic Ocean have a mean annual surface air fashion as long as threshold values are not to a meltwater pulse (Fig. 2a), the model temperature that is 5–7°C warmer than crossed (Fig. 1a). An abrupt change with an simulates a collapse of the THC in the those at the same latitude in the Pacific. This amplitude that no longer scales with the Atlantic and a cooling whose timing agrees is due to the thermohaline circulation perturbation occurs if threshold values are well with the Greenland record (THC) of the which is mov- crossed (Fig. 1b). If the initial state of the (Fig. 2b). The amplitude of the cooling is too ing warm, saline tropical waters northward; ocean–atmosphere system is a unique equi- small by a factor of 4 because of the zonal averaging of the model. Slight warming dur- the Gulf Stream is part of this basin-scale librium, the system jumps back to the orig- ing the northern cold event is simulated in circulation. These tropical waters then give inal state once the perturbation has ceased: the far south, evidencing the ‘‘bipolar see- off their heat to the atmosphere north of the abrupt change is reversible. However, if saw’’ (22, 23) between northern and south- Iceland, become denser and sink to the other equilibria exist, the perturbation ern hemispheres (Fig. 2c). The atmospheric abyss, and flow southward in the form of a causes an irreversible change (Fig. 1c). Hys- CO concentration increases during the deep western boundary current (7). The two teresis is well known in climate models, but 2 abrupt event, but the amplitudes do not major locations of deep water formation in its structure is highly model-dependent (16). exceed 30 parts per million by volume (Fig. the Atlantic are in the Greenland-Iceland- A burning question is, Where are we now on 2d); this corresponds well with the CO Norwegian (GIN) Sea and in the Labrador the hysteresis, and what is its structure? 2 changes measured on ice cores (21, 24). Sea, both of which contribute to the forma- tion of North Atlantic Deep Water. The Where Models Agree with the Climate Record. THC is driven by differences in the density Abrupt change is triggered in almost all *To whom reprint requests should be addressed. E-mail: of sea water and therefore is controlled by climate models by perturbing the surface [email protected].

1362–1365 ͉ PNAS ͉ February 15, 2000 ͉ vol. 97 ͉ no. 4 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 Fig. 1. The ocean–atmosphere system is a nonlinear physical sys- tem that can exhibit hysteresis behavior (13). The upper branch of the hysteresis is characterized by warm North Atlantic sea sur- face temperatures (SST), the lower branch by cold sea surface temperatures. A given perturba- tion (indicated by the blue and red arrows) in the freshwater bal- ance of the North Atlantic (pre- cipitation ϩ runoff Ϫ evapora- tion) causes transitions from an initial state 1 to states 2 and/or 3. Three structurally different responses are possible depending on whether threshold values (dashed line) are crossed: (a) Linear, reversible response. (b) Nonlinear, reversible response. (c) Nonlinear, irreversible response.

The stable isotopes of dissolved inorganic because surface waters rich in 13C no longer surface to the abyss. Because the THC carbon in the ocean (␦13C) are further im- sink to depth. This is in agreement with contributes to this transport, a collapsed portant variables in climate models that can marine records that have sufficient resolu- THC would result in an accumulation of 14C be directly compared with the paleoclimatic tion to identify this event (25). By contrast, in the atmosphere. The paleoclimatic data record. In the deep North Atlantic, the ␦13C changes in the Southern Ocean are show the expected increase of 14Catthe climate–carbon cycle model simulates a de- minor, again in agreement with the few beginning of the Younger Dryas, but 14C crease in ␦13C when the THC is reduced available records (26). decreases already a few centuries later, long It should be noted that the simulated before the end of the event. This early changes to a given freshwater flux pertur- decrease could be attributable to a signifi- bation are strongly model-dependent, and cantly reduced production of radiocarbon in mixing parameters like vertical diffusivities the stratosphere or a substantial increase in in the ocean models appear to be most deep water formation in the Southern influential (16). Ocean or elsewhere. No is able to simulate this 14C decrease at present. Where Models Disagree with the Climate Third, a full sequence of abrupt climate Record. Models still have substantial difficul- change such as seen in the Greenland ice ties in simulating important aspects of core record (29) has not yet been simulated abrupt change when confronted with the with climate models. Here the problems are hard evidence from the paleoclimatic ar- twofold: (i) the initialization of such a model chives. All current models respond instan- is an unresolved problem; and (ii) models of taneously to a large perturbation in the continental ice sheets, which will supply freshwater balance, such as that used in Fig. freshwater pulses, are only now being in- 2. Yet, the sea level records tell us that the corporated into comprehensive climate first meltwater peak during the models. This field of coupled climate occurred Ϸ1,000 years before the onset of modelling is basically uncharted. the Younger Dryas cold event (19). Little information is available about the locale of ‘‘Idealized’’ Abrupt Events. The increasing PERSPECTIVE the freshwater discharge, and it may well be spatial coverage of, and new advances in, that the first meltwater pulse occurred synchonizing paleoclimatic records have around , far away from the most provided a clearer picture about how vulnerable places with respect to the Atlan- abrupt changes evolve. Ice cores from tic THC (27). Some melting must Greenland exhibit a sequence of 24 mil- have occurred in the North Atlantic region, lennial events, the so-called Dansgaard/ too, because ice rafted debris layers can be Oeschger events (D/O events) during the

Fig. 2. Simulation and comparison with paleocli- found right at the onset of Younger Dryas in last ice age (10,000–110,000 years before SPECIAL FEATURE matic data of the Younger Dryas cold event (shaded) high-resolution sediment cores from this basin present) (29). They are abrupt warmings using the climate–carbon cycle model of Marchal et (28). More detailed information about the followed by gradual coolings with temper- al. (21). (a) Freshwater perturbation applied in the timing and location of meltwater events is ature changes in Greenland of Ϸ10–16°C North Atlantic. (b) Reduction of surface air temper- ature at 72°N. Note that the duration of the event required for a comprehensive evaluation of (Table 1). Comparison with the marine and the time scales of the cooling and warming agree model simulations of the Younger Dryas record suggests that the longest of these well with the record from the Greenland ice core event. D/Oeventsareprecededbyso-calledHein- (blue), but this is strongly dependent on the little A further disagreement with the paleo- rich events (H events) defined as ice rafted constrained freshwater input and therefore tunable. climatic record is illustrated in Fig. 2e. Ra- debris layers in North Atlantic sediments (c) Warming in the south consistent with isotope data diocarbon (14C, half life 5,730 years, pro- (28). The synchronization of Greenland from the Vostok ice core in Antarctica (blue). (d) duced in the stratosphere from cosmic rays and Antarctic ice cores suggests that a H Change in atmospheric CO2 consistent with residual 14 and oxidized to CO2) is commonly used in event and the subsequent long D/O event CO2 values as measured on Byrd (red). p.p.m.v., parts per million by volume. (e) Change in atmospheric geochronology. In addition, changes in the form a unified sequence with associated 14 radiocarbon activity (⌬14C) showing disagreement atmospheric C activity, as recorded in tree global climate signals (24, 30). We call with residual ⌬14C values from data of the Cariaco rings or annually laminated marine sedi- this sequence a ‘‘Heinrich-Dansgaard/ Basin (green). Details of the simulation and refer- ments (4), can be used to estimate how Oeschger tandem’’ (H-D/O tandem). ences to the data are given in ref. 21. efficiently the ocean transports 14C from the There are at least three, and likely five,

Stocker and Marchal PNAS ͉ February 15, 2000 ͉ vol. 97 ͉ no. 4 ͉ 1363 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 Table 1. Characteristics of Dansgaard͞Oeschger (D͞O) events and Heinrich (H) events Dansgaard͞Oeschger event

Characteristics Original definition Abrupt change of ␦18O ratio in Greenland ice cores during Unusually high percentage of lithic fragments in coarse last glaciation size fraction (thick IRD layers) in North Atlantic sediments during last glacial Time scale A few hundred to 2,000 years More than 1,000 years Recurrence time About 2,000 years About 7,000 years Structure Tend to come in bundles of three to four with decreasing Single event, precedes long D͞O event recurrence time and duration, first in the bundle is significantly longer Further indicators Polar ice cores CH4 CO2 (Antarctica) Marine sediments Thin IRD layers (North Atlantic), index of anoxia (Santa Relative increase in faunal species indicating cooler Barbara Basin), gray scale (Cariaco Basin), alkenones (Alboran conditions (North Atlantic); warming indicated by Sea), magnetic susceptibility, and faunal abundances (Faeroe faunal species (South Atlantic) Margin) Terrestrial records Loess record (China) Pollen abundances (lake in Florida), dryness index derived from pollen profiles (Colombia) Spatial extent Strongest in North Atlantic region, signals in entire northern Strong in North Atlantic but signals global, antiphase in hemisphere, weak or absent in southern hemisphere southern hemisphere Further climatic changes Temperature in North Atlantic region ߛ Rapid warming (within decades), gradual cooling (within ߛ Cold centuries) North Atlantic Deep Water formation ? Reduced or sites shifted (e.g., GIN Sea stopped, Labrador Sea ? Completely stopped active) before D/O, rapid switch-on of deep water formation in GIN Sea at D/O onset Low-latitude hydrological cycle ߛ Wetter conditions North Atlantic Deep Water Export to Southern ? No significant change ? Stopped Ocean Southern Ocean heat balance ? No significant change ? Heating Bipolar seesaw ? Not active ? Active Antarctic temperature ߛ None ߛ Slow Warming

The climatic changes marked with a check (ߛ) are supported by paleo-data. The changes marked with (?) are still under debate and must be verified or falsified by additional data (see text). IRD denotes ice rafted debris.

examples of H-D/O tandems during the not large. The partial shutdown, however, Why do the H-D/O tandems have a last glacial period (31). would be sufficient to induce a substantial significantly longer recurrence time? We H-D/O tandems are distinctly different cooling in the North Atlantic region. Be- speculate that after a number of D/O from D/O events (Fig. 3). Only the former are cause deep water formation is still active at events the accumulated meltwater caused associated with climate signals detected in Ant- other locations the changes in the THC are a that was sufficient to arctica, which suggests that these events are of too small to activate teleconnections with destabilize a large number of marine ice global extent and that there must exist an the southern hemisphere (11). These events shelves (32). Once these shelves have bro- interhemispheric teleconnection mechanism would thus go largely unnoticed there. ken loose, they would free the ice streams that operates only during the H-D/O tandem (30). Furthermore, changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration occur only during H-D/O tandems but not during D/O events (24, 31). The CO2 changes are clearly correlated with the temperature changes recorded in the Ant- arctic ice cores (31) suggesting an important role for the Southern Ocean in influencing atmospheric CO2. Based on this, we propose the following scenarios of idealized D/O events and H- D/O tandems (Fig. 3). Before a D/O event, Greenland temperatures are cold. This im- plies that the THC is reduced and that probably deep water formation in the GIN Sea is largely reduced or stopped but it may continue elsewhere (south of Iceland and the Labrador Sea). D/O events would then be attributable to an abrupt switch-on of the Atlantic THC by resuming deep water for- mation in the GIN Sea. The warming would enhance the melting of the surrounding ice sheets leading to a subsequent reduction of Fig. 3. Schematic view of a series of idealized Dansgaard/Oeschger events (Left) and an idealized Heinrich- the THC and associated cooling. The rela- Dansgaard/Oeschger tandem (Right) and as indicated in temperature changes in Greenland and Antarctic ice tively short recurrence time of D/O events cores. Heinrich-Dansgaard/Oeschger tandems occurred at 14,500 years before present (H1, Bølling/Allerød and small ice rafted debris layer thicknesses warming), 36,000 years before present (H4 followed by D/O event 8), 45,000 years before present (H5 followed suggest that the amount of meltwater was by D/O event 12), and probably at two earlier times (31).

1364 ͉ www.pnas.org Stocker and Marchal Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 behind them and a much larger meltwater changes in the THC, triggers and deter- gaps and shortcomings in our ability to discharge, an H event can be triggered. mines the patterns of abrupt climate change simulate abrupt climate change. The short- This would kill the THC completely and with remote effects as far as Antarctica. On comings fall in two classes: (i) insufficiently cause a massive cooling in the Atlantic the other hand, the tropics are the Earth’s known state of the before region. Because the THC stops, heat is no heat engine and major supplier of water and during these events, including forcing longer exported from the Southern Ocean vapor, the most important . functions; and (ii) limited model resolution and a gradual warming occurs in the It is where most of the energy from the sun and representation of climate processes. south. Therefore, an interhemispheric is taken up and redistributed in the climate They both need attention: first, by increas- teleconnection via the Atlantic THC es- system. The role of the low latitudes for the ing the paleoclimatic database and aiming tablishes a climatic change in antiphase dynamics of abrupt change has hardly been for high time resolution; second, by synchro- with the north. This is the bipolar seesaw investigated (33). One low-latitude process nizing the various records to better than 500 years; and, third, by developing an appro- (22, 23) which is also simulated by climate with global teleconnections is El Nin˜o/ priate climate model hierarchy. models (10). According to this scenario, Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Tempera- Can current models simulate abrupt the warming in the south (event A1 in Fig. ture anomalies during a strong ENSO can climate change? Our answer is a partial 3) is synchronous with the H event in the easily reach 6°C as far distantas Central yes. The necessary physics are in these north. The change in the south is not North America (33). ENSO also changes models and allow for thresholds and abrupt because of the large heat capacity the surface freshwater balance of the Atlan- switches of the THC. However, their lo- of the Southern Ocean. After a few cen- tic Ocean and could thus influence the THC cation on the hysteresis now and in the turies, the freshwater anomaly in the (34). Whether ENSO was present during the past and the likely evolution of the THC in North Atlantic has been mixed away, sea glacial period or how ENSO was modified the future are unknown because we do not surface density has increased, and the because of an altered seasonal cycle of solar know whether there are additional stabi- THC resumes. Models suggest that this radiation, lowered sea level and large con- lizing or destabilizing processes that we switch-on is rapid. This would be regis- tinental ice sheets is unknown. Simulations must take into account. Improvement is tered as an abrupt warming in the north with simplified models suggest that ENSO likely by the increase of grid resolution representing the D/O part of the H-D/O was active with unaltered spatial structure and better process representation in these tandem. Heat is carried again northward but modified frequency (35). Therefore, models which is a natural development in by the Atlantic THC, and the temperature changes in the solar forcing would not affect step with the rise in computer power. trend in the south reverses. Because of the the non-linear dynamics of the system but The lessons from the past are important for large loss of ice mass at the H event, there would influence the recurrence time of par- the future. Model simulations indicate the hy- would be several millennia of reduced ticular regimes (36). The latest generation of drological cycle gains in strength in a warmer melting activity. The D/O event of H-D/O three-dimensional ocean–atmosphere mod- climate (40, 41). Although the large continen- tandem lasts, therefore, longer, and it els exhibit promising representation of tal ice sheets have long ceased to threaten the would takesome time until the next meltwater ENSO (37) so that earlier hypotheses re- Atlantic THC, changes in evaporation and event occurs initiating the next bundle of D/O garding the role of the tropics for abrupt precipitation are likely to influence the THC events. Abrupt events during the glacial would climate change (38, 39) can be quantitatively and may be triggers of large ocean–atmo- sphere reorganisations in the future. thus be reversible: Once the density anomalies investigated for the first time. caused by the meltwater event are removed, Comments by R. Alley are appreciated. Finan- the THC resumes (Fig. 1b). Conclusions. It should be stated clearly: De- cial support of the Swiss National Science The proposed scenarios are based on the spite the many qualitative and sometimes Foundation and the Swiss Federal Office of premise that the North Atlantic, through quantitative agreements, there are serious Education and Science is acknowledged.

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Stocker and Marchal PNAS ͉ February 15, 2000 ͉ vol. 97 ͉ no. 4 ͉ 1365 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021