Minutes of the Meeting of the Council Held at Wymondley JMI School On Monday 14th October 2019 at 8.00 pm

Councillors Present Also Present Mr M Alcock Ms C Kerby (Clerk) Mr T Dean County Cllr Mr R Thake Mr C Jones 3 members of the public Mr G Seller (Chairman)

Item Action 073 To receive and accept apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Foster and Gilbert (out of the country); Cllr Griffiths (training course); and District Cllrs Davies and Tyler (NHDC meetings). Mr Hawkins also sent his apologies in relation to Agenda Item 087. 074 To receive declarations of interest on items on the agenda The Chairman reminded councillors that where they had a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in ‘any contract, proposed contract or other matter’ they must disclose it and take no further part in the relevant proceedings. None were declared. 075 To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public Mr Carter had several points to raise regarding the Community Orchard and Garden, which were covered at Agenda Item 081.

Ms Ward mentioned that there was overgrown vegetation in Priory Lane,

which blocked drivers’ view from the left when they were turning right

into the Lane - and which appeared to be a matter for Herts Highways.

Mr Howard enquired whether there was anything that could be done about large HGVs using Priory Lane, as there were issues over the Railway bridge height restrictions; and an incident that day where one got stuck under an oak tree in Tower Close. Again, these were matters for Herts Highways in relation to signage and weight restrictions on similar roads in the vicinity. County Cllr Thake advised that vehicles were entitled to use the Queen’s highway and could not be denied access for legitimate purposes. HCC therefore had limited powers to act; and the police dealt with obstructions. 076 To confirm the Minutes of the last Council Meeting, held on 9th September 2019 It was unanimously resolved that the revised Minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings, and duly signed by the Chairman.



077 To receive a report on actions agreed at the last Council meeting (158) Mr Hawkins to advise the Clerk on timing of the Council’s Mr Hawkins letter on Local Plan/Green Belt issues to Bim Afolami MP: Carry Forward Cllr (034) Cllrs Griffiths and Jones to provide the Clerk with a pdf copy Griffiths of their passport, proof of address and a photo of their signature,

so that they could be added to the list of bank signatories: Cllr

Griffiths’ information was still awaited. Carry Forward

(040) District Cllr Davies to raise residents’ concerns over breaches District Cllr of the Todd in The Hole premises licence with NHDC’s Licensing Davies Panel: This had not been done. (See Agenda Item 086 below.) Closed. (045) Mrs Ullah to provide the Clerk with scheduled dates for the Community Garden clearance working parties: This was awaited. Mrs Ullah Carry Forward

(047) The Environment Group to obtain quotes for clearing the fly Env Group/ tipped items on the Tower Close Green; and the Clerk to contact Clerk UK Power Networks about clearing the track to the electricity sub- station: Carry Forward. (047) Cllr Alcock to set up and arrange maintenance of the planting Cllr Alcock scheme for the Great Wymondley Village Sign for the first year: Carry Forward

(048) The Clerk to recirculate the legal advice she had previously received from NALC regarding sponsorship of the Little Wymondley flowerbeds: This had been done. The Council did not accept the advice, or her explanation of it, and she was asked to seek further clarification from NALC on whether the Council could publish a Clerk statement or notice saying, e.g. “[Name of business] had paid for these flowers.” Carry Forward (058) The Clerk to e-mail County Cllr Thake about delaying the closure of Road for railway bridge works: This had been Clerk done and the work rescheduled for November. Closed

(059) The Clerk to set up an account with Affinity Water in the New Clerk Year, to monitor Community Orchard water usage: Carry Forward (064) Cllr Dean to seek quotes for removal of the barbed wire at the Cllr Dean Little Wymondley Recreation Ground: Carry Forward

(064) Cllr Seller to pursue matters with Affinity Water, regarding repairs to the track leading to the Recreation Ground: Affinity Water had got the go ahead to implement repairs and a site visit with Cllr Seller Cllr Seller was pending. Carry Forward (065) Cllr Gilbert and the Clerk to fix a litter-pick date: this was scheduled for the 2 November. Closed

(065) The Clerk to write to Cooper’s regarding the less than Clerk satisfactory state of the Little Wymondley flowerbeds during the year: Carry Forward (065) The Clerk to order a supply of salt once the HCC calling note Clerk had been received: This had been done on 24 September and delivery would be in November. Mrs Ware had been informed and her contact details provided to HCC. Closed



(065) The Clerk to investigate whether the terms of the lease precluded the current Little Wymondley Children’s Playground site from being used as a car park if the playground was relocated: Clerk Carry Forward

(067) The Clerk to apply to NHDC on behalf of the Council to review

the Todd in The Hole premises licence; and Cllr Jones to arrange

an exploratory meeting with the organisers: The Clerk would await Clerk/ the outcome of the exploratory meeting before pursuing a review Cllr Jones application. Cllr Jones would provide the Clerk with a copy of his letter

to the festival organisers.

(068) Messrs Carter and Howard to provide the Clerk with a draft letter on Air Quality Monitoring for submission to District Cllr Tyler: This had been done and the Council was asked to approve the final draft at Agenda Item 088 below. Closed (072) The Clerk to e-mail District Cllr Tyler regarding dissatisfaction over the service provided by some NHDC Planning Control Team staff: This had been done on 12 September, but no response yet received. Carry Forward 078 To receive the Chairman’s Announcements (for information only) There were none. 079 To receive the Clerk’s report (for information only) The Clerk’s report had earlier been circulated to the Council and covered the following items: Consultations: HCC was consulting on a proposal for a new Intalink Bus Strategy and Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme. The consultation ran from 16 September to midnight on 10 November 2019. See: www..gov.uk/intalinkpartnership The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) was leading a joint consultation with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) on extending 5G mobile provision in rural areas. The consultation document could be downloaded here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/proposed-reforms-to- permitted-development-rights-to-support-the-deployment-of-5g-and- extend-mobile-coverage The Police were consulting on the use of mobile fingerprint scanners on the streets - which enable them to definitively identify an individual and compare against the Police National Computer. (This helps in situations where they need to identify individuals that are suspected of offences or may have fallen ill and suffered a serious injury.) Views could be provided via: https://pro54337768.meetingsphere.com/2h7aftkkrkcy. The Hertfordshire Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Team: had been reorganised, with the result that Nicholas Maddex was no longer dealing with Wymondley and other parishes in North Herts. His colleague Andrew Burton had taken over that patch, together with Graveley and . The Hertfordshire Rights of Way Map, showing over 2,000 miles of rights of way in the county, was now available on Googlemaps at: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/rowmap Launched in September, it is believed to be one of the first developed in the country, and the map can be loaded onto a smartphone - making it easier for users to follow their



position on the map as they go. It was developed by HCC’s CROW and Web-team and will make the county’s rights of way much more accessible and help promote them to new digital audiences. It supports the goals of the new Local Transport Plan with its emphasis on active travel - and is intended to encourage more people to improve their health and well-being by getting out and active in the countryside. Footpaths: Bushes and brambles have been cut back along Footpath 8, (Buck’s Head to Little Wymondley Recreation Ground); and the regular mowing contractor would shortly be strimming the surface through the field. Footpath 23 (Arch Road to Grimstone Road) had been surfaced in line with the Council’s Parish Paths Partnership (P3) grant request, and feedback from users had been very positive. Grimstone/Siccut Road Parking Issues: For some time, the Clerk had been involved in exchanges between County Cllr Thake, Cllr Griffiths and the Highways Liaison Officer (HLO), regarding potential plans to remedy parking and over-run problems in the vicinity of Grimstone/Siccut Roads. A site meeting to discuss options for possible Highways Locality Budget (HLB) funding was scheduled for 10 October; and County Cllr Thake advised that there were funds available to undertake, (by March 2020), work proposed by the HLO to resolve over-run issues. This related to the triangular island at the junction of Siccut and Grimstone Roads; and aimed to formalise the over-run area for large vehicles (e.g. the local bus, refuse vehicles etc). The cost would be around £4,900. Proposals for any further work were aspirational - and would be dependent on the availability of practical solutions and funding; and the results of consultation. One option might be to move the bus shelter nearer to the retirement bungalows, if the bus company agreed. Finance report: this was circulated at the meeting, for information only. Miscellaneous information: She had received newsletters and other bulletins from: Active Places Data Platform; Sport England; NHS Clinical Care Group; Hertfordshire Public Health Service; CDA Herts; and Groundwork UK which were available if councillors wished to see them. 080 To formally note the outcome of the external audit and associated auditor’s report The external audit by PKF Littlejohn LLP of the Council’s 2018/19 accounts had been completed and the Clerk had circulated the External Auditor’s Report and Certificate 2018/19, which formed part of the Council's Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for that year. The auditor had found that, on the basis of their review of Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR, in their opinion the information those Sections contained was in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters had come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory practices had not been met. No other matters were drawn to the Council’s attention. The Clerk advised the Council that, as Responsible Finance Officer she was legally obliged to publish the External Auditor Report and Certificate and the Notice of Conclusion of Audit on the parish website by 30 September, and to make the AGAR available for public inspection. The notices had been published on the noticeboards and website by the due



date. The Council formally noted the outcome of the audit and the associated report; and thanked the Clerk for her related work. 081 To receive an update on Great Wymondley Green Spaces issues Community Orchard: Mr Carter reported that there had been a site meeting with representatives of Orchard East; advice on soil conditions etc had been provided; and fruit trees, (including heritage varieties, some of which dated back to medieval times), had been ordered for delivery in January. He and his wife had visited Orchard and the Potten and Apple Days. They also planned to attend free pruning courses, (with a view to perhaps running a pruning course in Great Wymondley, to raise funds). Apple pressing, grafting training and interpretation boards were also planned. The water trough offered by County Cllr Thake had now been delivered. Mr Carter would prepare Mr Carter and circulate a report for the Parish Council archives. Great Wymondley Garden Plots: NHDC had approved WPC's nomination of the Garden Plots as an Asset of Community Value, although it had excluded the access paths and roads as it did not consider that there was any evidence that they furthered social well- being or social interests. The landowner (Settle) had 8 weeks from receipt of the notification to apply for a review. On behalf of the plot- holders, Mr Carter thanked the Clerk for her work on the application. 082 To decide whether to sign up to the Tree Charter; and to agree the way forward regarding introduction of a formal risk-based Tree Inspection and Maintenance Policy for the Parish and appointing a contractor to undertake the work The Clerk had earlier circulated details of the Tree Charter, which NALC was encouraging all parish and town councils to sign up to. She had also circulated information about HCC’s highways tree inspection and maintenance policy; and advice and guidance from the Health and Safety Executive and Forestry Commission, regarding tree maintenance, inspections and policies.

There needed to be some sort of risk-based, proportionate inspection

and maintenance regime in place, to ensure public protection,

particularly as the Council’s trees were mostly in high risk locations.

They had already been mapped and tagged by a qualified arboriculturist,

who for the last five years or so had annually inspected them and

subsequently recommended a programme of risk-based remedial work,

which he had reliably carried out as necessary. (County Cllr Thake

advised that had a similar system in place.)

The Council unanimously agreed to sign up to the Tree Charter; and to formalise its established procedures by introducing a formal risk-based tree inspection and maintenance policy for the Parish, with the current contractor continuing to undertake the work. The Clerk would produce a draft policy document for consideration by the Council. Clerk 083 To receive a report from the Recreation Grounds Committee Cllr Dean advised that the new grass cutting contractor had done a first Clerk cut of the Recreation Grounds etc; and had been asked to undertake hedge trimming to deal with encroachment on the pitches. He had not yet been asked to provide a quote for the removal of the barbed wire fencing, and the Clerk was asked to arrange this.



084 To receive a report from the Environment Group The Group had not met since the last meeting, so no formal report was available. 085 To receive a report from the VE Day Commemoration Group Cllr Griffiths was unavailable, but had earlier advised the Clerk that he had booked bell ringing at 7.00 pm on the 8th of May 2020 at St Ippolyts Church and St Mary’s, Little Wymondley; and the “street party” at the Bucks Head for the 9th May. He had not yet booked the VE Day commemorative church service, (which he was leaving to the Rev. Ginni), or the “Cry around the world” - which required an official cryer. He intended to organise a meeting shortly, to plan out the days themselves. 086 To receive a report from the Planning Group and agree responses to planning applications and other issues arising since the last meeting Cllr Alcock had circulated his schedule of planning applications to the Planning Group in the usual way. There had been four applications since the last Parish Council meeting:

1) Case Ref No 19/02227/FP: an application for Full Planning

Permission for siting of an events marquee for a temporary period of

five years at Needham House, Blakemore End Road, Little


2) Case Ref No 19/02258/FP: an application for Full Planning Permission for retention of a side extension to existing agricultural building and agricultural farm access track on Land at Wymondleybury Farm, North-east of Farmhouse, Church Path, Little Wymondley; 3) SBC Case Ref No 17/00862/OPM: an amended application for erection of 800 residential dwellings, creation of a new local centre, provision of a primary school, provision of landscaped communal amenity space including children's play space; creation of new public open space together with associated highways, landscaping, drainage and utilities works on Land to the North of Stevenage, Herts SG1 4DE. This application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement; and

4) Case Ref No 19/02374/FPH: an application for erection of a rear extension following demolition of an existing single storey extension at Rosemary, Church Path, Little Wymondley. NHDC had also granted conditional permission in relation to Case Ref No 19/01532/S73: an application to vary Condition 2 attached to planning permission granted on 21 November 2018, (Case Ref No 18/02269/FP) on Land Adjacent to Little Orchard, Todds Green.

The initial application from Needham House had been refused for reasons related to the Green Belt and noise. Needham House had advised NHDC that it would be removed from the Green Belt if the Local Plan proposals proceeded. The Council unanimously agreed that objections should be lodged by the end of November, on the same basis Clerk as before.



Cllr Seller had visited the Wymondleybury site - and advised the Council about unlawful Green Belt development there; the presence of a construction company operating out of the site; and the installation of additional areas of hardcore near the barn and access track. The Council unanimously agreed that while there were no grounds for objecting to the planning application, representations should Clerk nevertheless be made to NHDC regarding the unlawful development.

In relation to the amended application for 800 dwellings, the Council

unanimously agreed that the Clerk should object on the same basis as

before, referring to the Neighbourhood Plan, the declared climate Clerk emergency and air pollution issues etc.

In relation to the extension at Rosemary, the Council agreed that residents should be leafleted in the usual way and, if there were no objections, the applications should be accepted. 087 To consider the future of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee As the Wymondley Neighbourhood Plan (NP) had now been formally made, the question arose as to whether there was still a need for the Neighbourhood Planning Committee. (Mr Hawkins had offered his resignation at the previous meeting.)

The consensus was that members’ wealth of knowledge should not be

lost, and a way should be found to incorporate it into the Council, e.g. by

co-option as councillor or, as County Cllr suggested, as an “Associate

Councillor”, dealing only with NP issues as and when needed. The Clerk

advised that she had never herd of an “Associate Cllr, and that if co-

opted onto the Council it would be as a full councillor. County Cllr Clerk suggested she consulted HAPTC on the matter.

Cllr Seller suggested there could be an ad hoc group, to meet perhaps once a year to review matters. Ms Ward, (who was prepared to help and give the benefit of her knowledge), advised that the NP covered years ahead - and that all planning applications would need to be tested against its policies. (There would also be the matter of Parish representation at the next NHDC Local Plan Examination in Public.) She stated that her colleagues were all prepared to be a “sleeping dragon” and act when needed. It was agreed that the NP Committee’s Terms of Reference would be reviewed at the next meeting, to fit with the Council’s requirements once established.

The Council unanimously agreed to accept Mr Hawkins’ resignation; and agreed the Clerk should write to him formally, accepting his resignation Clerk and thanking him for his work. 088 To approve a letter to NHDC regarding Air Quality Monitoring The Clerk had earlier circulated a draft letter, prepared with the assistance of Messrs Carter and Howard, for submission to District Cllr Tyler. The Council unanimously approved it, to be sent by the Clerk. Clerk 089 To approve a Parish Newsletter The Clerk had earlier circulated a draft Newsletter, which the Council unanimously approved for distribution.



090 To agree payments and donations in accordance with the budget (see Appendix) The Clerk had previously circulated a list of payments for approval; and details of income received. All were unanimously agreed by the Council. 091 Any other business Cllr Alcock mentioned that he although he had reported to Herts Highways the state of the uncut grass verge near the Green Man, it remained uncut. County Cllr Thake advised that it would only be cut seasonally, to safety standards, to which Cllr Alcock replied that it was not being cut at all.

Cllr Alcock also mentioned that the felt there was an accident risk at the

Little Wymondley pinch points, due to the marker poles being black and

therefore virtually invisible with dipped headlights and in the dark. (Ms

Ward added that she had recently been involved in a hit and run Clerk accident there.) County Cllr Thake asked the Clerk to e-mail him on

these points; and (in the light of a recent e-mail to the Clerk from the

contractor regarding planned gas main replacement works in Great

Wymondley in the New Year), to forward her recent e-mail to the HLO

regarding Temporary Road Orders in Little and Great Wymondley.

Cllr Seller mentioned an e-mail exchange with Mr Hawkins over Green Belt issues, which he would circulate to members. He had also e-mailed Herts Highways, and received an unsatisfactory response, regarding water ponding in Todds Green. He had also received a letter from Mrs Norledge, seeking help from the Council in rejuvenating the Little Wymondley Village Hall Committee. This was passed to the Clerk for circulation. Clerk

The meeting closed at 09.50 pm. The next meeting will be held at 8.00 pm on Monday 25th November 2019 at Wymondley JMI School.

Chairman…………………...... Date………………………………
