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Yale University Catalogue, 1861 Yale University Yale University EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale Yale University Catalogue Yale University Publications 1861 Yale University Catalogue, 1861 Yale University Follow this and additional works at: http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Yale University, "Yale University Catalogue, 1861" (1861). Yale University Catalogue. 55. http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue/55 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Yale University Publications at EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yale University Catalogue by an authorized administrator of EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS IN YALE OOLLEG E, WITH A STATEMENT OF THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. 1861- 62. NEW HAVEN: PRINTED BY E. HAYES, 426 CHAPEL ST. 1861. THE GOVEB.XOR, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, A:iD SIX SENIOR SENATORS OF THE STATE ARE, ex officio, MEMlll!.'RS OF THE CORPORATION. PRESIDENT. REv. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D. FELLOWS. Hrs Exc. WILLIAM A. BUCKINGHAM, NoRwicH. Hrs HoNOR BENJAMIN DOUGLAS, MIDDLETOWN. REv. NOAH PORTER, D. D., FARMINGTON. REv. JEREMIAH DAY, D. D., LL.D., .NEw HAVEN. REv. JOEL HAWES, D. D., HARTFORD. REv. JOSEPH ELDRIDGE, D. D., NoRFOLK. REv. GEORGE A. CALHOUN, D. D., CovENTRY. REv. GEORGE J. TILLOTSON, PuTNAM. REv. EDWIN R. GILBERT, WALLINGFORD. REv. JOEL H. LINSLEY, D. D., GREENWICH. REv. DAVIS S. BRA lNERD, LYME. REv. JOHN P. GULLIVER. NoRWICH. HoN. ELISHA JOHNSON, HARTFORD. HoN. ANDREW B. MYGATT, NEw MtLFORD. HoN. ELISHA D. WIGHTMAN, STONINGTON. BoN. JOEL IVES, NEw HAVEN. HoN. ISAAC JOHNSON, BozRAH. H~. FRANKLIN P. AMBLER, TRUMBULL. ' (\_()C)~\ SECRETARY. YLLYS WARNER, f. A. TRE URER. EDWARD C. HERRICK, M.A. 3 .11 acult!! aulJ lntJtt.uttottJ. REv. THEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D. PRESIDENT. (117 N.) 128 Church st. llENJAMIN SILLIMAN, M.D., LL.D. Professor of Cltemistry, Mineralogy and Geology, Emeritus. 10 Hillhouse Av. Dwight Professor of Didactic Theology. JONATHAN KNIGHT, l\f. D. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. 90 Church st. REv. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D. Lecturer on Homiletics. 23 College st. HoN. THOMAS B. OSBORNE, LL.D. Professor of Law. (45 Church st.) 85 Crown st. HoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL.D. Kent Professor of Law. (2 L.) 123 Crown st. CHARLES HOOKER, M.D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. 31 Olive st. WORTHINGTON HOOKER, M. D. ProftJuor of the Theory and Practice of Physic. 20 1\le:ulow st. REv. WILLIAM A. LARNED, M. A. Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature. (183 Lye.) 1 St.John Place. ELIAS LOOMIS, LL.D. .Munson Professor of Natural Philosophy and .Astronomy. (105 N.) N.H. Hotel. REv. NOAH PORTER, JR., D. D. Clark Professor of "ftforal Philosophy and .Metaphysics, and ]Ttstruclor in Didactic Theology. (170 Ath.) 7 Hillhouse Av. WILLIAM A. NORTON, M.A. Professor of Civil Engineering. (S. IL) Prospect st. JAMES D. DANA, LL. D. SiUiman Professor of Natural History. 8 Hillhouse A v. THOMAS~ THACHE~ ~~ Professor of th.e Latin Language and Literature. (182 Lye.) 86 Cro\\-n st. 4 OFFICERS. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, JR., M.D. Professor of General and Applied Chem ·~try. 12 Hillhouse Av. REv. CHESTER S. LYMAN, B. A. Professor of Industrial Mechanics and Pliysics. 23 Whitney Av. REv. JAMES M. HOPPIN, M.A. Profe.~so'r of the Pastoral Cliarge. (133 D.) 58 Wal111t. PLINY A. JEWETT, M.D. Professor of Obstetrics. (Tontine.) 3 Wooster Place. JAMES HADLEY, M. A. Professor of the Greek La11guoge and Literature. (121 N.) 30 Elm st. JOHN A. PORTER, M. D. Professor of Orga11ic Chemistry. (S. H.) 14 Hillhouse Av. WILLIAM D. WHITNEY, PH. D. Professor of Sanskrit, and Instructor in Modern l...anguages. (153 D.) 126 Church st. REv. GEORGE P. FISHER, M.A. Professor of Ecclesiastical History. (150 i>.) 116 Chapel st. HENRY H. HADLEY, B. A. Professor of the Heb·rew Lunguoge and Literature. 135 D. REv. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, M.A. Professor of Sucred Literaturt. (152 D.) 58 College st. CHARLES A. LINDSLEY, M. D. Professor of .Materia Medica and Tlierapeutia. 5 St.John st. HUBERT A. NEWTON, M.A. Professor of Matl,ematics. (89 l'f. M.) 28 College st. GEORGE J. BRUSH, M.A. Professor of Metallurgy. (8. n.) 23 Grove st. DANIEL C. GILMAN, M.A. Librarian. (Library.) 5 Hillhouse Av. SAMUEL W. JOHNSON, M.A. Pro[es:Jor of Agricultural and Analytical CMmistry. (s. H.) ~5 Wall st. LEBEUS C. CHAPIN, 1\f. A. Tutor in Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. (101 N.) 108 Crown st. REv. \VILLIAM HUTCHISON, M.A. Tutor in Greek, Mathematia and Rhetoric. (21 s.) 70 High st. LEWIS .R. PACKARD, M.A. Tutor in Greek. 102 N. WILDER S:\HTH, 1\1. A. Tutor in Latin. 37 S. II. OI'FICERS. 5 GEORGE A. NOLEN, M.A. Tutor ill Mathematics. 5 s. HENRY S. DEFOREST, M. A. 1'utor in Latin. 70 N. M. ARTHUR M. WHBELER, B. A. Tutor in Greek. 53 S. H. MARK BAILEY, M.A. Instructor in Elocution. (171 Ath.) 76 College st. GUSTAVE J. STCECKEL, Instructor in Vocal ~Music. 75 York st. LOUIS BAIL, Instructor in Drawing in the E11gineering School. 72 Park st. LYMAN B. BUNNELL, B. A. Instructor in Gymnastics. Gymnasium. 6 Q!~eologiral IDtp arttntnt. FACULTY. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PRESIDENT. REV. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D. REV. NOAII PORTER, D. D. REv. JAMES ~I. HOPPIN, M.A. Rsv. GEORGE P. FISHER, M.A. HENRY II. ITADLEY, B. A. REv. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, M.A. B.ESXDEKT LXOENT:IATES, ATTENDING LECTURES. George Henry Coffey, B. A. Albany, N. Y. 154 D. George W. Colman, s. A. Un. New Haven, 130 D. John S. Hanna, New York City, 158 D. John Lawrence Mills, M.A. Norfolk, 144 D. Edson Rogers, 1\I. A. Ravenswood, ( L. I.) N.Y. 70 N. 1\1, Edward Franklin Williams, M.A. Uxbridge, Mass. 131 D. SENIOR CLASS. William S. Dutton, Milford, 140 D. William Moore Gay, M.A. Pittsfield, Mass. 154 D. Samuel Henry Lee, B. A. Sprague, 134 D. Charles Northrop Lyman, B. A. Manchester, 138 D. Henry Upson, B. A. Kensington, 1!18 D. MIDDLE CLASS. Joseph Leonard Daniels, B. A. East JJ1edway, Mass. 156 D. Henry Lewis Hall, B. A. Guilford, 142 D. William Kittredge Hall, B. A. Boston, JJiass. 139 D. John Haskell Hewitt, B. A. Preston, 137 D. THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS. 7 John D. Jones, B. A. Ham. Utica, N.Y. 38 Washington st. Horatio 0. Ladd, B. A. Bowd. Kingston, Pa. 143 D. Selah Merrill, Westfield, Mass. 136 D. John Moses Morris, B. A. Wethersfield, 141 D. JUNIOR CLASS. James Henry Bradford, Mclndoes Falls, Vt. 136 D. Clarence Eddy, B. A. Waterford, N. Y. 157 D. Ebenezer Porter Hyde, Youngstown, N. Y. 145 n. Henry Norton Johnson, B. A. West Meriden, 160 D. Nathan Tibbals Merwin, B. A. Milford, 159 D. David Juds<tn Ogden, B. A. New Haven, 142 D. George A~tin Pelton, B. A. Great Barrington, Mass. 157 D. William H~nry Rice, B. A. Bethlehem, Pa. 134 D. THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS, 27 ° - 8 .taro ll.ep artm.ent . FAC ULTY. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PnESIDDT. , RoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL. D. RoN. THOMAS B. OSBORNE, LL.D. ST UD EN TS. Ebenezer Andrews, B.A. Chicago, Ill. 21 West Water st. Simeon Eben Baldwin, B.A. New Haven, 115 Church st. Samuel Taylor Birdsall, New Haven, ..72 High st. Edward Foster Blake, M.A. New Haven, 41 Elm st. Horace Atwell Brown, New Haven, 361 State st. Lyman Benham Bunnell, B.A. Burlington, College Gymnasium. Henry Champion, B.A. New Raven, 35 Church st. Edwin Bathurst Cross, New Orleans, La. 87 Orange st. William Frederick Croswell, New Haven, 114 Crown st. Henry C. Dodge, New Raven, Law Building. William Downes, New Have-n, 147 George st. George Austin Fay, Marlboro', Mass. 72 High st. William Edward Foster, B.A. New Haven, 19 Elm st. Charles Holt Fowler, LL.B. East HQ'lJen, 4 Law Building. Carleton W. Miller, &n Francisco, Cal. Chapel st. Joseph George Morton, .1Vew Haven, 26 York st. Henry Rogers, North Branford, 87 Orange st. Eugene Schuyler, PH.D. Ithaca, N. ¥. 28 Elm st. William Konigmacher Seltzer, Ephrata, Pa. 8 Law Building. Charles Mortimer Shelton, New Haven, Law Building. John A. Tibbetts, New London, Law Building. Lucius Bement Tuttle, New Raven, 49 Green st. Theodore Woolsey Twining, B.A. New Haven, 10 Elm st. William Clarke Tyler, New Haven, 93 York st. Roger Sherman White, B.A. New Haven, 32 Orange st. Eugene Willoughby Whitehouse, Vassalborough, Me. 8 Law Building. Charles P. \Vbittemore, Galva, Dl. 3 Law Building. Frederick Alvin \Villoughby, New Haven, 3 Street Building. LAw STUDENTs, 28. 9 JUt bicnl Jl1 tp nrtmtnt. FAC ULTY. REv. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PRESIDENT. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, M.D., LL.D., Emerit·us. JONA THAN KNIGHT, M.D. CHARLES HOOKER, M.D., Dean of tlte Faculty. WORTHINGTON HOOKER, M.D. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, JR., M.D. PLINY A. JEWETT, M.D. CHARLES A. LINDSLEY, M. D. EXA M :INE B.S. ln addition to the Medical Professors, the following persons chosen by the Fellows of the State Medical Society are members of the Board of Examiners. A.SHBEL WOODW A.RD, :M.D., PRES. MEn. Soo., Pres. ere officio, FTanklin. SAMUEL B. BERESFORD, M. D., Hartj(Yfd. JOEL CANFIELD, M.D., Guilford. WILLIAM WOODRUFF, M. D., Plymouth HollOtD. HORACE BURR, M.D., Westbrook. MILTON BRADFORD, M.
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