
www.hillsdalecollegian.com B1 29 Sept. 2011


(Chuck Grimmet/Collegian)


Roxanne Turnbull 5HED$QGHUVRQDQG0LUDQGD Arts Editor $EQHUWKHLUPDWFKLQJWDWWRRVRI a combined Christian cross and &KULVWLDQ¿VKV\PEROVWDQGIRU both their friendship and faith. The words on my foot are ³,DGRUHHYHU\LQFKRIKHU´ a line of random Greek letters $EQHUVDLG³6KH¶VEHHQWKHUH to people who don’t know me. for me when I’ve made awe- To me the words “freedom VRPHDQGEDGGHFLVLRQV>DQG@ before death” are not a political VKHGRHVQ¶WMXGJHPH´ statement or even a personal $QGHUVRQODXJKLQJDJUHHG philosophy. Rather the words ZLWK$EQHUDQGDGGHGWKDWWKH are an epitaph for the remark- tattoo represented her faith and DEOHIULHQG,ORVW¿YH\HDUVDJR relationship with God. My tattoo holds special mean- “It’s a personal reminder LQJWRPHDQGLWVSHUPDQHQFH RIZKR,EHORQJWR´$QGHUVRQ UHPLQGVPHQHYHUWRIRUJHWWKDW VDLG³.QRZLQJ0LUDQGD,¶YH DPD]LQJJLUO JRWWHQWRNQRZVRPXFKPRUH Tattoos are part of an about my faith.” Art Prize in Grand Rapids, Mich. allows for all artists to submit their incredible artistic culture that has existed 6HQLRU-LP$OOHQDOVRJRW (Joe Buth/Collegian) works of art for the chance at winning $10,000. (Joe Buth/Collegian) for centuries world-wide. On a tattoo that represents the ties WKH+LOOVGDOH&ROOHJHFDPSXV of friendship between him and KRZHYHUWKHDUWIRUPLVXQ- VLGHRIWKHFRXQWU\7RPHWKDW KLVEHVWIULHQGIURPKRPH%LOO LVZKDWWKHHDJOHUHSUHVHQWV,W¶V FKDUDFWHULVWLFDOO\XQGHUJURXQG $EDQGZUDSVKDOIZD\DURXQG Students often cover up their ink ZKHUHP\IDPLO\LVIURP>7KH $OOHQ¶VXSSHUDUPZLWKDFURVV WDWWRR@LVDERXWWKHIXWXUHDQG RUSXUSRVHO\JHWWDWWRRVZKHUH in the middle. A fresh look at an ancient tradition others cannot view them. about my past.” “Most people won’t see my Not everyone responds posi- WDWWRR´VHQLRU$QGUHZ.XLSHU “It’s not a symbol of WLYHO\ZKHQWKH\QRWLFH%XOOD¶V VDLG³,JRWLWLQDSODFHZKHUH rebellion so much as a WDWWRRVKHVDLG Sarah Anne Voyles Landes said she draws inspi- PHQWVDLG/DQGHVLVH[FHOOHQW I would have to intentionally symbol of expression. ³7KHUHZDVDJLUODWWKH Collegian Reporter UDWLRQIURPDYDULHW\RIVSKHUHV ZLWKFRVWXPHVHVSHFLDOO\ show someone. I’m more com- welcome party this year. She LQFOXGLQJDUWDQGKLVWRU\ FRUVHWPDNLQJ IRUWDEOHVKRZLQJVRPHRQHP\ It has become JUDEEHGP\DUPDQGVDLGµ,V She pointed to art nouveau $Q\RQHFDQVHZFORWKHV tattoo where I can also talk to that real?!’. She just stared at and art deco as some of her +XJKHVVDLGEXWFRUVHWVDUH something so much 3DUWFRVWXPHGHVLJQHUSDUW them about it.” more artistic.” it for a minute. I could tell she favorite art periods and listed MXVWVRPXFKPRUHLQWHUHVWLQJ 1HYHUWKHOHVVHYHU\WDWWRR didn’t like it.” DUWKLVWRULDQDQGSDUW-DSDQHVH $OSKRQVH0XFKDDVRQHRIKHU “She makes these inter- KDVDVWRU\EHKLQGLWDPHDQ- — Andew Kuiper $OWKRXJKDQXQGHUJURXQG DQLPHEXIIVHQLRU9LFWRULD favorites. HVWLQJGHVLJQV6KHSLFNVWKH LQJLPSRUWDQWHQRXJKWRFODLP FXOWXUHRQ+LOOVGDOH¶VFDPSXV /DQGHVLVUHYLYLQJWKHDUWRI /DQGHVDOVRJDLQHGDQDS- fabric and sews them all by a part of someone’s body for WKRVHZLWKSLHFHVDJUHHWKDW FRUVHWPDNLQJ preciation for history by travel- KHUVHOI´+XJKHVVDLG WDWWRRLQJLVDQDUWIRUP)RUWKH The history major points to a LQJWRPDQ\GLIIHUHQWPXVHXPV Landes is humble when OLIH.XLSHU¶VWDWWRRUHSUHVHQWV “In part it’s culture and DORQJVWDQGLQJKLVWRU\RIWKH moments that matter and will -DSDQHVHLQVSLUHGJUDSKLFQRYHO WKURXJKRXWWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV it comes to her talent. She KHULWDJH,QDQRWKHUSDUWLW¶V QHYHUFKDQJHFHUWDLQLQGL- VHULHVFDOOHG³3DUDGLVH.LVV´ Some of her favorite muse- GHVFULEHGPDNLQJWKHFRUVHWVDV FKXUFKDQGEDSWLVP7KHLPDJH LQÀXHQFHGE\WKH%RRQGRFN of a skull with the Latin words viduals make the decision to for her love of corsets. ums were the Cranbrook Insti- easy if you can sew a curve. 6DLQWV,WZDVNLQGRI%LOO¶VDQG SUHVHUYHWKHVHWKRXJKWVDQGIHHO- $QGDOWKRXJKVKHGLGQ¶W WXWHRI6FLHQFHWKH*UHHQ¿HOG 0DNLQJDFRUVHWLVDSURFHVV “Memento Mori” or “Remember P\WKLQJ´VDLG$OOHQ³2YHU Death” is tattooed on his left LQJVIRUHYHU,WZRXOGEHVXUSULV- VHZKHU¿UVWFRUVHWXQWLOVKH 9LOODJHDQGWKH+HQU\)RUG WKDWWDNHVPRQWKVDQGDJUHDW ZLQWHUEUHDNZH¶UHJRLQJWRJHW LQJLILQ\HDUVRUVRDOPRVW ZDV/DQGHVDOZD\VKDGDQ Museum. GHDORISDWLHQFHKRZHYHU shoulder. LWJRLQJDOOWKHZD\DURXQGDQG ³,WPHDQVDORWRIWKLQJV´ SHUFHQWRIWKHSRSXODWLRQ H\HIRUGHVLJQVDLGKHUPRWKHU “We spent a lot of time at Landes takes the time and the cross shaded.” GLGQRWKDYHDWOHDVWRQHWDWWRR 0HOLVVD0F%ULHQ WKRVHSODFHVDVVKHZDVJURZ- effort just as a painter spends .XLSHUVDLG³,¶YHDOZD\VKDGD 6RSKRPRUH+DQQDK%XOOD GDUNDHVWKHWLFZKLFKVXUSULVHV .XLSHUVDLG “She always had a very LQJXS´0F%ULHQVDLG PRQWKVSDLQWLQJDPDVWHUSLHFH bears a less conspicuous tat- “It’s not a symbol of rebel- VWURQJVHQVHRIZKDWVKH Landes has woven this love 6KHLVZLOOLQJWRPDNHWKHFRU- people. Mortality doesn’t just WRRRIDQHDJOHIHDWKHURQKHU mean death. It means you’re lion so much as a symbol of ZDQWHGWRZHDUDQGKRZWR of the past with her skills in the VHWVRQFRPPLVVLRQEXWZRUNV forearm. H[SUHVVLRQ´.XLSHUVDLG³,W FRPELQHFRORUVDQGWH[WXUHV´ present. with her clients individually. OLPLWHGDQG\RX¶UHQRW*RG ³,W¶VDERXWJURZLQJXSDQG 7KHUHLVQRWKLQJLQWKHZRUOG KDVEHFRPHVRPHWKLQJVRPXFK 0F%ULHQVDLG She worked at the Cran- Her work is not found online. EHLQJLQFKDUJHRIZKDW¶VJRLQJ more artistic.” Landes learned to sew when brook Institute of Science with $IWHUJUDGXDWLRQ/DQGHV that can satisfy. There has to be RQZLWKP\OLIH´VDLG%XOOD³, VRPHWKLQJLQ¿QLWHDQGWRJHW [email protected] VKHZDVVHYHQIURPZDWFKLQJ museum curators to repair the SODQVRQZRUNLQJDWWKH+HQU\ ZDVERUQLQ2UHJRQDQGOLYHGLQ her mother. silk in ancient Samurai armor to )RUG0XVHXPDQGVKHKRSHVWR there I have to die.” :DVKLQJWRQEHIRUHPRYLQJWR For juniors and roommates “She has always been prevent decay. EHDFXUDWRUKDQGOLQJDUWLIDFWV Tennessee. I really like the west interested in any type of project :RUNLQJZLWKIDVKLRQ from ancient Greece. ,ZDVZRUNLQJRQ´0F%ULHQ DQGUHSDLULQJFORWKLQJLVQRW [email protected] said. VRPHWKLQJQHZWR/DQGHV6KH /DQGHVEHJDQVHZLQJE\ worked with costumes at Hill- SXWWLQJSLHFHVRIIHOWWRJHWKHU VGDOH&ROOHJHWKHDWUHSURGXF- ZLWKDEOXQWQHHGOH6KHJUDGX- tions. DOO\JUDGXDWHGWRRWKHUIRUPVRI -XQLRU/DXUHQ+XJKHVZKR VHZLQJLQFOXGLQJHPEURLGHU\ works in the theatre depart- and needlepoint.

(Joe Buth/Collegian) (Matthew Noble/Collegian) 29 Sept. 2011 B2 www.hillsdalecollegian.com ARTS IN FOCUS reader as a child. If you are “I feel very, very lucky to a deep reader, you eventually be learning from him. He is a have to play with the idea of powerful artist, and a thought- Mark Richard: being a writer,” he said. ful one. He extends to his BAILEY In fact, Richard did not begin students his clarity to reach the writing professionally until he heartbreaking story of being ! had reached 30 years of age. human,” Luthi said. PRITCHETT laureate of Up until then, Richard held a 6HQLRU6HWK-DPHV¿UVWKHDUG myriad of jobs: working on of Richard in one of Somer- FRPPHUFLDO¿VKLQJERDWVUHDO ville’s upper level English language estates, and as a reporter. classes. “I was immediately Richard moved to New York struck by how he uses the STAY YOUNG, Abi Wood University of California, and and began writing, not just for second person so well. It is just Copy Editor instructive comments about magazines like Esquire, but really beautiful. That kind of writing in general. DOVRIRU¿OPVDQGWHOHYLVLRQ second person writing, if used “It is important to be playful shows. correctly, makes writing much EXPRESS YOURSELF in your work,” he said. “Avoid Richard worked on multiple more personal,” James said. He stood in front of the being rigid. The worst thing shows and movies, and his “His prose is kind of unsettling group, reading from his short that can happen to a writer is most recent script is for the but incredibly beautiful.” story “A Gentleman’s Agree- Ten miles from my house in Olympia, Wash. lies for them to lose their playful- upcoming television show Richard was a well of advice ment”, with casual precision. Evergreen State College, one of the many acknowledged ness.” “Hell on Wheels”—a western to young authors, inspiring His hybrid accent, hinting liberal arts colleges on the West Coast, mostly for its He laughed and said he was following the life of a vengeful students as he spoke of all sometimes of Tex. and then curriculum that “promotes engagement and collabora- hardly a ‘people person’, but Confederate veteran. they could achieve through the again of Virg., was a comfort- tion, rather than competition.” Due to Evergreen’s large that there was a difference be- Richard’s writing has written word. “But don’t rush able tide for his stories, often role in environmental studies in the community, Olympia tween being a ‘people person’ touched many different people it,” he said about becoming set in the south of his child- residents coined a term for this student body. and being interested in people. across the country. One of a writer. “You are young and hood, to ride upon. “Greeners” have quite the reputation in my hometown “As a writer you have to have Richard’s students from UNC need time and distance. For Every once in awhile he for reasons other than their local involvement. Primar- at least an interest in these and former Hillsdale College now you should be reading and would glance over the edge of ily it’s their style that earns them this title. As one can people—a writer is naturally student, Susannah Luthi, spoke exploring and traveling.” the book from which he read already assume, a greener (mind you, a unisex term) often curious,” Richard said. of the impact Richard had had [email protected] at the audience of students and appears as follows: hairy legs, fringe vests, dread locks, Somerville said Richard’s on her life in the workshops professors, all of which were legion facial piercings, feather extensions, explicit tattoos, style could be called “southern she’d participated in. listening attentively, captivated and pants made from bamboo (or something like that). grotesque”, reminiscent of by the way such simplicity I acknowledge that this style is not limited to my home- authors such as Barry Hannah could be woven into something town greeners nor is the judgment cast upon them limited and Flannery O’Conner. “His so beautiful. to me and my fashionable conservative Olympians back stories come out of his personal The short story genius I DWKRPH7KHVHVW\OHVDQGFULWLFDOUHSHUFXVVLRQVÀXUU\HY- experiences so they’re not that speak of is Mark Richard, HU\VRFLHW\+RZHYHU,¿QGWKDWWKHVHQHJDWLYHUHYLHZVRI far removed from the truth of accomplished author and the the free-spirited are unnecessary. My greener friends are things, as unusual as they are,” featured writer in the Visiting merely capitalizing on a freedom that the young people of he said. Writers Program lectures that America often overlook. Somerville compared Rich- took place Sep. 26 and 27. Freedom of expression is practiced in many forms, but ard’s book, “House of Prayer Richard chose, per request it is rarely positively acknowledged when it regards one’s No. 2”, to Augustan’s famous by Associate Professor of day to day appearance. Especially if that appearance “Confessions”. “It is a version English-Briggs Chair John incorporates vintage clothes with ample wear and tear or of a spiritual autobiography,” Somerville, to read his short hairstyles that require zero maintenance. he said. “In terms of memoirs story “A Gentleman’s Agree- Too many students feel like they must embrace adult- of autobiographies it is now ment” on the 26th and to read hood in order to be taken seriously. And that is often one of my favorites.” from “House of Prayer No. 2” UHÀHFWHGLQWKHLUZDUGUREH$QGWKHIXQQ\WKLQJLVWKDWLW Richard did not begin with on the 27th. is more off putting to see a 19 year old in a pair of Jimmy a desire to write. He struggled Richard wrapped up each Choos in my Spanish class than the feather extension with illness as a child, and in of these readings by taking beauty sitting right next to her. the long recuperation periods student’s questions and answer- We need to take advantage of the leeway youth allows after various hip surgeries he ing them in a clear, insightful us. There is plenty of time to dress conservatively and would read. “I don’t remember manner. He shared about his sport the $100 skirts. I still believe in dress for success. being interested in writing, but Visiting writer Mark Richard reads from his short work as a writer for televi- But while I’m at it, I might as well make like a greener I do remember being an avid stories. (Greg Barry/Collegian) and sport those pants made of bamboo. Our culture has sion, his work with students at given us young people a little more time to be, dare I say it, young! [email protected] Students learn through anime Despite his teenage absorption, his interest in anime declined James Block RQFHDJDLQXQWLOKHUHGLVFRYHUHGLWZKLOHWHDFKLQJD¿OPFODVVDW Collegian Freelancer Hillsdale. “I was looking for movies to show to the class and decided BE INSPIRED... to include a few anime movies,” Brandon said. “After watching The reach of anime into American culture spreads far beyond them, I realized the real power they have and regained my love for Saturday morning cartoons for kids such as common staples like the genre.” Roxanne Turnbull Pokemon or Yu-gi-oh!. Dr. James Brandon, theatre and speech pro- He wanted to share this love with the students of Hillsdale, so Arts Editor fessor at Hillsdale College, wants people to know that anime has a DIHZ\HDUVDJRWDXJKWKLV¿UVWVHPLQDUIRFXVHGHQWLUHO\RQDQLPH much wider role in both Japanese and American culture. He decided to offer the seminar again this year. One student in …by going to Art Prize “Anime has inspired many American movies. One example is the seminar, sophomore Sam Stoneburner, didn’t have much prior in Grand Rapids, Mich. Go The Matrix, which was largely based on an anime movie called experience with anime. However, he has come to understand the ahead and take a trip up to Ghost in the Shell,” Brandon said, paging through one of his large genre. WKLVPDJQL¿FHQWFLW\WRVHH collection of books about anime. “In fact, seven of the highest “I’ve been exposed to a little before this class, but I had seen the beautiful and bizarre art grossing movies in the Unites States have been anime or anime only a few movies and a few episodes from a couple of TV work people have submitted inspired.” shows,” Stoneburner said. “I like it because it’s different… I this year. Duct tape, sculp- Dr. Brandon speaks of anime with a combination of scholarly appreciate some of its entertainment value, but what I really like ture, glass, paint, drawings, knowledge and childlike enthusiasm. He has had an on/off interest about it is how the different paradigms make it easier to see deeper live action, singing, dancing, in anime since he was a small child. meaning. So much American entertainment falls into a relatively sand, photography, wood, ³:KHQ,ZDV¿YHRUVL[,VDZRQHRIWKH¿UVWV\QGLFDWHGDQLPH small set of formulas, patterns, and themes. While those concepts metal, recycled materials, shows on the Saturday morning cartoons,” Brandon said. FDQVWLOOEHGRQHZHOODQLPHGH¿HVPRVWRIP\H[SHFWDWLRQV´ legos. There is art in every His interest waned until his teenage years, when he saw a movie Indeed, anime does seem to defy the assumptions and expecta- medium of which you could that changed the anime world. tions of those unfamiliar with the genre. As Dr. Brandon’s experi- possibly conceive. ³$NLUDZDVRQHRIWKH¿UVWDQLPH¿OPVSURGXFHGIRUDQXUEDQH ence shows, anime is not only child-focused entertainment, but a adult audience. When I saw it, I realized that anime could be more widely accepted, wildly popular form of art. (Joe Buth/Collegian) than simple entertainment. Since that time, many critically ac- [email protected] FODLPHG¿OPVKDYHEHHQSURGXFHG´

the scripts very well. Some of The opening piece, “Freckle 10-minute plays: the plays offered a wider range Music,” also seemed to suffer than others, such as the hilari- from an overly-poetic script ous and unexpectedly heartfelt without enough background a review “Storm on Storm,” and “Famous information. As the actors later and directors. This decision Tory Cooney — Small F.” But several of those informed me, the girl with the Copy Editor initially gave me pause, hav- ing always considered tech the with less variation, most notably red umbrella was actually a mystical source from which the the horrifying and emotionally ghost. Had I known that pivotal The festival of student- magic of theater springs. Would provoking “Fugue” still man- detail, the entire scene might directed 10 Minute Plays was the performances really hold up aged to draw out the characters have made some vague sort of a pleasant way to spend the without lighting elements? With and the situation to pull in the sense it sorely lacked. evening, offering a wide variety no set beyond an assortment of audience. The Roxy was a fantastic of material--ranging from the suggestive geometric blocks? Unfortunately, a couple of venue, providing a casual and comedic and heart-warming to With costumes pulled from the particularly obtuse scripts, espe- colorful atmosphere, and I hope the confusing and downright actors’ closets? cially the disjointed, semi-poetic more Hillsdale College perfor- disturbing. They certainly did, and prob- “The Illuminati in Drama Libre,” mances will take advantage of it Technical elements were kept ably fared better because of it. didn’t manage to either impress in the future.

to a minimum, so as to draw the Each of the performances or amuse. I’m sure there was [email protected] something vaguely artistic about audiences’ attention to the char- took advantage of the minimal (Chuck Grimmet/Collegian) acterization achieved through tech aspects and played the it, but couldn’t make heads or collaboration between the actors range of emotions available in tails of the convoluted dialogue and dancing about the stage. art events in theaters upcoming Now-Sunday Oct. 2— Porter Friday Sept. 30- 9 p.m. “Thor” One Design Exhibit, Daughtrey Gal- showing on the quad (pending rain) Coldwater Cinemas: lery, Sage Center for the Arts Saturday Oct. 1- 2 p.m. at Contagion (PG-13) arts Checker Records. The Medeira (Dr. I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG-13) Pongracic’s band) will perform Spy Kids: All The Time In The World (PG) Tuesday Oct. 4- 8 p.m. Film So- The Lion King 3D (G) music ciety showing of “Cool Hand Luke” Straw Dogs (R) in Philips Auditorium Next Issue Oct. 22--- Hillsdale Collge Sym- Premiere Theater Hillsdale: phony Orchestra, 8 p.m., Mcnamara Abduction (PG-13) Rehearsal Hall theater Dolphin Tale 3D (PG) Oct. 5-9--- Samuel Beckett’s Moneyball (PG-13) Theater Premiere “Waiting For Godot” performed by The Help (PG-13) the Tower Players, Markel Audito- rium www.hillsdalecollegian.com B3 29 Sept. 2011 SPACES FAIR !From B4 LETTERS HOME Fiske’s fries food has been a fair delicacy in local diners past 10 a.m. But if you are thing and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with for 80 years with the Fiske family running willing to meet them on their level, you will your neighbors while you’re at it. the operation every step of the way. gain a great appreciation for this town. The Most Popular Fair on Earth, indeed. LEAH “It’s been here so long it has to be good,” There is no better place to do this than at John White of Hillsdale said. the fair. You can watch a sheep giving birth, Phillip Morgan grew up in Jackson, Mich. Alfea Thompson, 64, of Pioneer, Ohio, get your hair cut, buy a rabbit, hold a baby He has been going to the Hillsdale County ! BERNHARDSON agreed, saying Fiske fries were the best. tiger, eat fried anything, and throw horse Fair since his childhood. With a plate full of shrooms, she couldn’t shoes at a poll for money. You can do any- help but speak highly of the fried mushroom stand. Dear Family, “They’re really good,” Thompson said. “You’ve got to get them right out of the Birthdays at Hillsdale College are quite fantastic. fryer.” Though initially apprehensive about turning 19 without all After mowing down fried butter, fried of you around, I have to say that Hillsdale is making it pretty kool-aid, fried cheesecake, fried mush- incredible. rooms, fried cookie dough, french fries, and fried snickers, I felt like the Bubba Gump of To begin, my friends have been great about saying fried foods. “Happy Birthday!” I think the constant reminders I keep put- Before entering into a food-induced ting out there might help. Oh well, I still feel loved. Addition- coma I strolled to Nichols Bandshell, the ally, my RAs put a lovely “Happy Birthday” sign on my door. artisan hub of the fair. Forget Josh Turner. It’s pretty hard to miss. I found an excellent seat at The Unforget- tables, an a-capella group of middle-aged The gifts from back home are really great too, thank women. you! I must say though, you know me too well. It was prob- Listening to their covers of ‘50s and ‘60s ably a good idea to include the instructions forbidding me to classics made me yearn for a day with no open the package early. It does, however, still irk me that you more guitars, bass, or drum sets, but maybe anticipated such a move. Just so you know, I followed the that was the fried mushrooms talking. instructions to a “t.” Shaking packages, weighing them, and Surrounded by senior citizens cud- trying to develop x-ray vision does not really count, does it? dling on park benches took me to the good ol’ days, when high school seniors drove The crowning achievement of my birthday, though, is my American-made pickup trucks to drive-in once again being mistaken as younger than I actually am. At theaters, gave their steadies their varsity my birthday dinner, it took us quite a while to convince the jackets, and ordered a single milk shake waitress that I was, in fact, in college. Nearly every other with two straws at the soda fountain. freshman is shocked when they hear I’m turning 19. I think Following The Unforgetables was Pure there is a rumor going around that I am, in fact, a very smart Energy Cloggers. They are essentially a lo- 12-year-old. I’m not really sure if I prefer reality. cal version of Michael Flately and his river- dancing troupe. These lords of dance had I’m off to bask in my birthday glory. I love you, miss you, roughly 20 members, mostly female, and and am extremely grateful for your gifts! WKH\PRYHGZLWKVWXQQLQJÀXLGLW\GHVSLWH their old age. Every night of the fair, Nich- ols Band Shell hosts similar performances. The amount of local talent is something to All my love, behold, and I encourage everyone seek them out. No visit to the Hillsdale Fair is com- Leah plete without a ride on the ferris wheel. Sadly, my new rabbit was not allowed on. From the top of the ferris wheel, staring out across the muddy track, the barns, and car- nival games, I began to understand the place this town occupies in my heart. For the most part, Hillsdaliens are good, Chocolate hard-working people and they deserve re- spect. This doesn’t mean you can’t laugh at (Shannon Odell/Collegian) them. I know they laugh at us when we read Macadamia books, go to the dentist, and eat breakfast Nut Brittle BLUE RIBBON BRITTLE from Joseph Garnjobst ½ cup water 2 cups sugar Next year, Garnjobst plans coffee, black, dark chocolate, Emmaline Epperson 1 cup white syrup to enter brittle again in the fair. and even black pepper. Collegian Reporter He hopes to have more time to “You can taste every wave of 2 cups macadamia nuts (roughly chopped--halved or quartered) make test batches and will go ÀDYRU,WLVPHDQWWREHVD- 2 Tablespoons butter back to his roots by entering vored,” said Garnjobst. oseph Garnjobst’s desk and Garnjobst trusted their 2 teaspoons baking soda is piled high with books instinct. peanut brittle. *DUQMREVWXVHVXQLTXHÀDYRUV Jand papers. In the middle He received 1st place in While Garjobst may be LQKLVWUXIÀHVLQFOXGLQJFXUU\ 1 teaspoon vanilla extract known at the fair for his brittle, ancho chili, and cinnamon. of his desk sits a trophy, which the division, but not the entire 11.5 oz bittersweet chocolate chips (one package) describes its winner as “most candy division. DURXQGFDPSXVKLVWUXIÀHVHQMR\ :KLOHKHGHYHORSHGWKHWUXIÀH aggressive.” Garnjobst, as- Senior Kirsten Block was greater popularity. recipe himself, he comes up sociate professor of classical one of the greek students given A friend of the arts since with the different variations by Directions: studies, has promised that the the opportunity to try the brittle. 2000, Garnjobst has donated trying different foods and read- student with the highest grade She said it was “amazing.” DERXWVL[GR]HQWUXIÀHVWR ing old recipe books. Bring water to boil in a pan. Add sugar and syrup and stir until in introduction to Greek will The total prize money for Sigma Alpha Iota’s Charity Ball Garnjobst began to hone his the sugar dissolves. Boil until the mixture spins a thread (238 for the past nine years. At the cooking skills while in college. receive the trophy. ¿UVWSODFHLV F). Add nuts and cook slowly over low heat until golden brown Perhaps Garnjobst himself “It isn’t about the money, it’s event, they are placed out at “It’s adult survival. You eat deserves the trophy, however, about the bragging rights,” said intervals because they disappear out or do it yourself,” said Garn- (35 to 45 minutes). Remove from heat, add butter, vanilla, and so quickly. jobst. “I decided I wasn’t going for his dedication to continuing Garnjobst. soda. Stir quickly and place onto a well-buttered cookie sheet. his award-winning streak for Garnjobst remains motivated “They are divine. They are to be the guy to live on mac and best nut brittle at the Hillsdale by more than just the competi- so smooth and rich,” said junior cheese. You might as well enjoy Once it has cooled, melt chocolate and spread evenly over the County Fair. tion. “Who wouldn’t want to Ayn Gates. Gates is the SAI what you eat.” top of the brittle and allow to harden. This year marks Garnjobst’s participate in the most popular philanthropy chair and was re- third year entering different fair on earth? You get a little bit sponsible for the Charity Ball. [email protected] types of candy in the fair. Two of everything down at the fair. 7KHWUXIÀHVIURPWKLV\HDU¶V years ago, he entered a pistachio There is a slice of all of Hills- Charity Ball had a plethora of brittle, but did not receive any dale County,” he said. ÀDYRUVDOPRQGSHDQXWEXWWHU awards for it. Garnjobst uses his grand- mother’s peanut brittle recipe, DQGPRGL¿HVLWZLWKGLIIHUHQW kinds of nuts. The recipe calls for corn syrup, sugar, vanilla, and a nut. “I think it was too much for the pistachios. I couldn’t taste the difference from the peanut brittle,” said Garnjobst. +LV¿UVW\HDU*DUQMREVWHQ- WHUHGWUXIÀHVEXWWKH\ZHUHQRW received well. He noticed, how- HYHUWKDWSHDQXWEULWWOHWRRN¿UVW prize. He took note and changed his strategy the next year. “I’m a little competitive,” said Garnjobst. Entering a cashew brittle, Garnjobst won the entire candy section and an opportunity to enter his brittle at the state fair. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the state fair was cancelled and Garnjobst was not able to move on. The next year, Garnjobst continued to innovate with his brittle. “I thought someone might try to go over me with a better type of nut. So I tried to go over myself, with macadamia nut and dark chocolate brittle,” said Garnjobst. To achieve the best results, Garnjobst enlisted the help of his upper level Greek students in a taste test. They were to decide between light and dark chocolate. They chose the dark, www.hillsdalecollegian.com B4 29 Sept. 2011 SPACES A DREAM COME TRUE

Martin Petersen spent his Thursday afternoon with the likes of (clockwise from top left) Tigers first baseman Miguel Cabrera, Tigers pitcher Don Kelly, Fox Sports Detroit host and reporter John Keating, and Tigers radio announcer Dan Dickerson. Petersen won a contest to be the CALL-SAM Sports KidKaster. (Courtesy of Kathy Petersen)

“The day itself was just a lot of fun,” Martin’s “It was really nostalgic for me,” Aaron said. “I reporter John Keating, and Tigers radio announcer Shannon Odell father and the Dean of Men Aaron Petersen said. got to meet Tom Brookens who was a third base- Dan Dickerson. Spaces Editor “I don’t know of a better way to put it.” man for the Tigers in the early ‘80s, and Martin dreams of being a play-by-play analyst Martin said when he arrived, they went right [member of the Hall of or sports reporter. GRZQWRWKH¿HOGZKHUHKHJRWWRLQWHUYLHZ7LJHUV )DPHDQGIRUPHU7LJHUVULJKW¿HOGHU@DQGJRWWR “It was a great experience, just being able to artin Petersen dreams of being a pitcher Don Kelly. Martin said he didn’t get to meet the players warming up.” EHRQWKH¿HOG´0DUWLQVDLG³(VSHFLDOO\DURXQG sports reporter. And on Thursday, pick the player. He didn’t know who he was go- “The best part was to see Martin take in the a great game like baseball, all its players, it was MSept. 22, his dreams came true for an ing to talk to until they picked someone in the whole experience,” DeMeuse said. “Although, great just getting to see some of the people you afternoon. clubhouse. The interview aired on television that sometimes I wasn’t sure who was more excited: VHHRQ79DOOWKHUHSRUWHUVDQGWRPHHWDOOWKRVH Martin, 14, was the winner of the CALL-SAM night. Martin or Dean Pete,” DeMeuse said. JX\VWKDWKDYHLQÀXHQFHGPH´ Sports KidKaster Contest, a contest hosted by “I felt pretty calm and collected,” Martin said. The highlight of the afternoon for Martin was “It’s Martin’s dream,” Kathy said. “It’s a dream The Sam Bernstein Law Firm. Martin traveled to “I wasn’t too nervous. I thought I handled it pretty PHHWLQJ7LJHUV¿UVWEDVHPDQ0LJXHO&DEUHUD of his to be a sports journalist or a sports caster in Detroit, Mich. with his parents well.” “That was the most excited I’ve been in a someday. So to see him take part in something and friend, junior Eric DeMeuse. As part of the Martin came prepared with questions about the while,” Martin said. “It was really sweet to meet that is so close to his dream, and to meet all these prize, Martin interviewed pitcher season and postseason. him because he’s one of the most recognized baseball players that he listens to every night, Don Kelly, met current and former players, toured “I asked him what he thought the turning point players in baseball. Just to shake hands and get a was just great. He just enjoys sports in general, the Fox Sports Detroit production truck, and then of the year was, if he was ready for the postsea- photo with him was pretty sweet.” but loves baseball and loves the Tigers and it was stayed for the evening game against the Baltimore VRQKRZLPSRUWDQWLVKRPH¿HOGDGYDQWDJHDQG “I think it was a surreal experience for every- such a great opportunity for him to meet all those Orioles. what his favorite player growing up was and one,” DeMeuse said. “You get excited before the SOD\HUVDQGWREHGRZQRQWKH¿HOGIRUEDWWLQJ “It was a once in a lifetime experience,” said why,” Martin said. time, and then you’re there and wondering if it’s practice.” his mother Katy Petersen. “He handled all the publicity and press very real. You wonder: was that Al Kaline the hall of For Martin and his parents, it was an afternoon 0DUWLQ¿UVWKHDUGDERXWWKHFRQWHVWRQ79DQG well,” DeMeuse said. His interview “got right to famer walking past me, or Miguel Cabrera, or they won’t soon forget. KLVHQWU\YLGHRZDVRQHRI¿YH¿QDOLVWVFKRVHQ the point. He seemed pretty calm, cool, and col- -XVWLQ9HUODQGHUZDONLQJSDVWPH"´ “It was an incredible experience for all of 7KH¿YHHQWULHVZHUHSRVWHGRQOLQHDQGYRWHGRQ lected throughout the whole day.” $IWHUKLVWLPHRQWKH¿HOG0DUWLQJRWWRVHH us,” Kathy said. “We kept saying, ‘Are we really by the general public from Sept. 3-12. Petersen After conducting the interview, the Petersens the Fox Sports Detroit production truck. KHUH"¶´ was announced the winner, and the countdown to and DeMeuse watched batting practice and got to “It was like a spaceship,” Martin said. Thursday the 22nd began. meet both current and past players. He also got to meet Fox Sports Detroit host and [email protected] The greatest fair on earth: a new perspective

Phillip Morgan Staff Reporter

Every September the Hillsdale County Fair offers a great opportunity for Students to see an intimate side of Hillsdale. Unless you hang out at Wal Mart past 2 a.m. on weeknights, the old saying “It’s the People” never rings more clearly. I am admittedly guilty of spending my past nights at the fair playing games like “Find the Normal Person,” but this year I decided to do some- thing different. Instead of looking outward for the normal person, I looked inward for the weird person. In the end, I walked away with a new perspective, a belly full of fried oddities and a furry friend. Few people can help you understand the nuisances of Hillsdale better than a person that shares her room with 200 guinea pigs. Amy Newberry, 41, of Quincy, Mich. has been showing rabbits and guinea pigs at the Hillsdale fair since she was 6. “I wanted a horse but they got me a rabbit,” New- berry said. With the goal of immersion in mind, I impulsively decided to buy one of Amy’s rabbits. For $20 my friend, junior Christian Mull, and I purchased a 7- week-old, brown Mini Lop. Mull aptly put the transaction in perspective. “You could eat Subway four times or you could get a rabbit.” We made plans to pick up the rabbit later in the ZHHNDQGGHFLGHGWR¿QGVRPHWKLQJWRHDW/XFN\ for us, the Hillsdale Fair is a mecca for the culinary arts, particularly in the fried food genre. We went out looking for the best fried food offered. I recommend four staples: Fiske fries, fried cookie dough from the

elephant ear vendor on the east side and fried mush- rooms close to the rides. ! (Shannon Odell/Collegian) See SPACES, B3