8 December 2016

I wonder if you and the rest of the association could help me?

I'm currently serving at RAF Akrotiri as the TG8 Fire Section training manager and have become involved with the refurbishment of the Units heritage centre.

We are looking for photos and stories from individuals who have served at Akrotiri since it's formation. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Kind Regards

Chris Dooley Flight Sergeant RAF Fire & Rescue Service Membership Number 1019

Chris Dooley [email protected]

10 November 2016

Your Winter edition of Flashpoint is at the printers awaiting publication and hopefully arriving some time in December.

With the hope that someone might take on the role I am still keen to receive any contributions for inclusion of any future Flashpoint and I would keep them and then pass them on to the future editor, by doing this it would save any delays in again appealing for articles and at least the new editor would have a head start.

I am optimistic that someone will volunteer again its up to you the members to decide.

Stephen Harrison [email protected]

25 October 2016

Message from the Chairman:

Please be advised that Dave Hughes is no longer running the shop. Items from the shop are with certain members and should anyone wish to purchase anything please contact me on 01252 492111 to discuss your requirements.

Certain items have been donated to the Museum but not any clothing.

Neil Slade [email protected]

Chairman & Membership Secretary

25 September 2016

Due to unseen circumstances there will be no summer edition of the Flashpoint magazine. I have stepped in as temporary editor and hope to produce a winter edition. As you all know I was co-editor with George Edwards and it is always a constant struggle to produce a magazine without contributions but I am willing to give it a go again, as I believe Flashpoint is the corner stone of the association and is still the only contact that some members have with the association

So I hope you will try and make an effort and contribute to your own magazine. If you sent any articles to Adrian Tearle for inclusion recently please redirect them to me please. [email protected]. My other contact details are on page 2 of Flashpoint under co-ordinator.

Stephen Harrison [email protected]

31 August 2016


Is there anybody out there who served at El Adem between 1967 and 1968. Surely you haven't all shuffled off the mortal coil.

Neil Mallon [email protected]

7 August 2016

I have been redirected to your web site in my search for information about my late dad. Dad died recently and we are trying to find memories of his time in the RAF. The information we have found is from his discharge book. and reads as follows:

James Will Cameron

Number - T428590

Trade - Senior aircraft man. He was training to be an airport fireman

dates 1966-1968


Wing Commanders name on the discharge book is ER Simmons

Dad told mum something about him being at Catterick, but his book says Leconfield.

Dad was discharged under ill health.

I hope you can help us in our search for photographs or any other information.

Thank you in advance

Lisa Turnbull

Lisa Cameron [email protected]

14 July 2016

Dear Members

I need to pass the shop on ASAP or at least at the next reunion. We have moved to Somerset and the village is several miles from a full time post office. Also we have nowhere near the same storage space as previously so I cannot offer a decent service to the membership. There must be some members who are retired and have time on their hands who could take it on. Please ring 01823 401376 if you are interested and wish to find out more.

Kind regards

David Hughes [email protected]

Shop Manager

2 July 2016

Following recent resignations, the Association is now in urgent need of a Treasurer and an Editor for Flashpoint. If you can help please get in touch.

Neil Slade [email protected]

Chairman & Membership Secretary

1 June 2016

RAF Fire and Rescue Service Memorial Fund.

In the Spring issue of Flashpoint, I informed you that the total of the RAF Fire & Rescue Service Memorial Fund stood at £11,015. Earlier Totals:- Feb 2015 £9548, Feb 2014 £6,333.

The latest bank statements show that in March £155.00, April £285, and May £546.65 were added. I also received a £60 donation from Vic Golding, a member of RAF&DFSA, making a total of £1046.65. As at 1st June 2016 the account stands at £12,061.65.

Included in these figures were two donations of £195 and £245 from RAF Akrotiri and one of £216.65 from Ft Sgt Steve Pickston, Tac at Fire from Brize. I would also like to thank Steve Barrick, the only member of the RAF Fire Service to make monthly contributions by Standing Order (SO).

A 9.9% increase in the last three months, which is brilliant, and I would like to thank all those members of the RAF and the Association who have contributed to this success.

Going forward, it will be the small regular contributions by Standing Order (SO) that will make the largest impact on this worthy cause.

So, If you would like to contribute a small amount each month and set up a SO please contact me on 01923 331975 or e mail [email protected] whether RAF, RAF&DFSA or DFS and I will forward a mandate to you.

Thank you all

Trevor Hayes

Treasurer of the fund.

Trevor Hayes [email protected] Tel: 01923 331975

28 May 2016

My name is Damian Smyth, I’m currently working on a history of RAF Leconfield from 1936-2015 with a view to publishing very soon. I have been working on this project for a number of years now. Just to give some background. I no longer live in the area of Leconfield but have been working on a history of the station for a number of years now (If not longer). Having been born and lived in near by Bevereley and Leconfield for most my early life.

My father arrived at Leconfield when he was an airframe fitter with 72 Squadron at the time, having just arrived from Church Fenton in 1959 and spent a lot of his service life at Leconfield as part of 60MU as we did as a family. We were posted away in late 1975 to RAF Valley.

I’m trying to obtain as many personal memoirs as possible for inclusion in the book. People have been wonderful with their time on this subject so far. Of course I will be including the RAF fire service at Leconfield from the 1930s until the station closed in 1977 any help from your members would be much appreciated.

I set up the face book page a year or two ago.... https://www.facebook.com/RAF-Leconfield- 158533137511108/ Base around the new book.

Thank you for time on this issue

Kind Regards

Damian Smyth [email protected]

16 May 2016

Just to say hello to anyone who knows/knew me when I was with the fire section (Odiham, Akrotiri, Troodos, Upavon). Good times especially up at Troodos with Mo Broadbent and the lads.

Take care all.

Ian Harrison [email protected]

6 May 2016

Due to new security measures any member wishing to take part in the Remembrance Parade at the Cenotaph please contact me with their name address date of birth by the 1st September, only members who have passed this information to me will be given a ticket. I have to pass all this on to RBL before they will issue tickets All tickets will have members name written on it and proof you are the person holding the ticket will be checked before being allowed on to Horse Guards Parade. No tickets will be available after this date.

My contact details are on this site and also in Flashpoint

Ron Brown 294 - Parade Organiser.

Ron Brown [email protected]

9 April 2016

Hi I'm Steve Parry ex Brize Changi Fairford Wildenrath and Leconfield, just to say hi and wish all who knows. Me well served from 1967/1976 loved every minute saw this after looking at Changi fire write up 1970


Steve Parry [email protected]

7 February 2016

Hi, does the name Michael "Mike" Chamberlaine ring any bells? He was my half brother. He was an RAF Fireman and possibly stationed at RAF Halton (1989) and RAF Stanbridge (1973), he was also stationed in Düsseldorf, Germany (1977) he also went to the Falklands. Sadly Mike died in 2010 he was 60 years old.

Unfortunately Mike and myself were not bought up together and I would very much like to know more about him. Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Chris Lane [email protected]

29 December 2015


I am wondering if anyone would know my partner's dad. Although he has never met him, we have been given the names of Crisp or Trevelyan, first name Simon or Steve He was a fire-fighter at St Mawgan circa 1991 which was when my partner's mother fell pregnant with him. Her name was Reed. If anyone has any information that may help please get in touch.

Many thanks

Rebecca Chatwell [email protected]

21 December 2015

May I wish all Members and their Families a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

Neil & Jan Slade Chairman & Membership Secretary

Neil Slade [email protected]

10 December 2015

I am trying to discover the whereabouts of Terry & Yvonne Rowe. My family and I lived next door to them in Tobruk from November 1966 to late in 1967.

They were I believe last posted to RAF Locking in the West Country.

Any information would be gratefully appreciated.

Sincerely yours.

David Daymond

David Daymond [email protected]

24 October 2015

Can anyone give me an address for Gerry Fielding wife of the late Mick Fielding. We used to have it, I even passed to someone on here once. She still sends us Christmas cards which we are unable to return.

Please send it to [email protected]

Many thanks

Mal Ray [email protected]

23 October 2015

Down Here in New Zealand

I am happy to say that once again my old mate Donkey Dick commonly known as AP 957 or Alen Price will be here with us again from UK. I would be only to happy to hear from anyone who remembers (Spike Lynch) and even happier to put ex water rats up, especially old Sutton on Hull men if there are any still around. My mail is [email protected]. Anyone know the whereabouts of the following Tom Scanlon Bob North John Lightfoot Paddy Piggott.

Arthur (Spike) Lynch [email protected]

17 October 2015

I have 2 or 3 spare (returned) tickets for the Cenotaph Parade in London on Sunday 8 November. If any RAF&DFSA members who served at Changi, Seletar, Tengah, Butterworth or Penang would like to march under the banner of 'Units of the Far East Air Force' please get in touch.

This will be the first time the Units have marched together and we might attract a little extra coverage on the media.

Many thanks,

A L PARRINI, MBE Chairman RAF Butterworth and Penang Association

01228-674553 or 07809-154999

Tony Parrini [email protected]

10 October 2015

Message from our Treasurer:

The real cost of each issue of Flashpoint

Printing by Focus 4 Print - 550 copies with 1,260.00 24 pages Stationary, Envelopes, Paper, and 100.00 Inks National postage 650.00 International postage 52.00 Total: £2,062.00

This is the cost to have each issue posted through each member’s letterbox, not to mention the weeks of work it takes Ade Tearle, our editor, to prepare and get each issue to the printers, or the number of days it takes me to prepare for posting.

In the last issue we had 3 wasted pages due to the lack of articles received from members, these were:-

• 1. A crossword. • 2. Remembrance Day Parade advertisement. • 3. David Hughes’ RAF&DFSA shop.

Ron’s Remembrance article and Dave’s shop could be included in each issue as a flyer for about £25.

£2,062 divided by 24 pages per issue = £86 per page x 3 wasted pages per issue = £258 each issue x 3 issues per year = £774 a year that is wasted because of the lack of articles.

We could reduce Flashpoint by 4 pages from 24 to 20 saving no less than £1032 a year but Ade, our Editor, does not wish to compromise our Association flagship magazine.

What Ade really needs is far more articles and photographs of interest from you, each member of our Association.

As we have over 430 members, I cannot understand why we have a problem with articles of interest for your Flashpoint that we all enjoy reading so much. Just one article from each member would keep Adrian busy for years.

So, please support Ade and Flashpoint and put pen to paper or preferably your finger to the keyboard and send by e mail to Ade at :- [email protected] All it will cost you is just a couple of hours of your time. His snail mail address is 76, Longway, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LA13 0DP.

27 September 2015

Would all members attending the reunion and AGM please bring a gift for the raffle.

Many thanks

Neil Slade [email protected]

25 July 2015

Does anyone know of anyone who might have info on Mk12 and photos please?

Mark Corfield [email protected]

17 July 2015

I have just spent a few hours looking at your page and saw so many names I know. I joined at Sutton-on-Hull 1957 and retired 1987. I did Akrotiri twice, Marham, , Episkopi, Staxton Wold, Rudloe several times, Upavon and Rheindahlen JHQ with dear old Pete Lee, bless him. My eldest son ended up WO in Signals and my grandson is in Signals also. I feel privileged to have spent those wonderful years and i am very proud of everything i accomplished.

Paul Townsend [email protected]

9 July 2015

Flashpoint Information:

Flashpoint will be going to print in late July. Please could I ask members to submit articles for inclusion in the next edition by Friday 24th July.

cheersAdrian Tearle

Adrian Tearle

Flashpoint Editor

Adrian Tearle [email protected]

24 June 2015

Kath Penfold (widow of Keith, our late Honorary President)

Message from Keith's family:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the Association who came to Keith's funeral and for all the cards and messages of condolence received.

The money collected in his memory amounted to £510.00 and this has been donated to the RAFA Wings Appeal.

Thank you from Kath, his wife, and all his family.

23 April 2015

Please take a look at our Facebook page for Operation Sabre . We are desperately looking for usable Firefighting equipment to take out to Eastern Europe on our next trip in June Please get in touch if you can help.

Kind regards

Craig Jackson [email protected]

7 April 2015

Members are invited to attend The Late Sir John Sutton KCB RAF Retd Service of Thanksgiving on 22 May 2015 at 1300 hours at St Michael and All Angels' Chapel, College Cranwell, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 8HB, Followed by light refreshments in College Hall Officers' Mess.

Those wishing to attend please contact Neil Slade Chairman on 01252 492111, email [email protected] with name and vehicle registration before the 20 April 2015.

Wives and Partners are also invited, please state if you will be accompanied.

Please read the letters of appreciation from John's family.

Letter 1

Letter 2

Neil, Chairman.

Neil Slade [email protected]

30 March 2015

A message by email from our good friend George Edwards:

Dear all,

As I make my final preparations for my next hospitalisation can I ask for one favour; each time I have been in hospital my dear Anne like all carers is left to get on with things while I get pampered by beautiful scantily clad nurses answering to my every whim (in my dreams) can I ask one favour When Anne. returns home from a hospital visit there is usually she quite a few messages on the answer phone enquiring about my health obviously Anne makes every effort to reply to each message but it can be late sometimes when she gets home and she may have grand kids to look after therefore her time becomes precious and responding to loads of request's can become all consuming for her. Besides she doesn't do Emails I have a system in place with my SSAFA and RAFA colleagues whereby we have one point of contact for Anne to call and that person will pass on any news. . This way Anne gets a chance to take a breather unwind and relax before her next hospital visit I have spoken with my long standing good buddy steve( silver fox) Harrison and his and his lovely wife Liz are quite happy to act as the point of contact for my RAF and association friends . Anne will keep Steve updated . I am expected to be in hospital about 2 to3 weeks on my return home we will answer the phone and I will check my e mails as normal. I go into hospitals this coming Tuesday will spend two days getting prepared for the operation stomach and bowel drain and then on Thursday it's the operation. Anne is happy to take any calls but bear in mind she doesn't know how to access my computer and she may not be able to answer every call caller promptly. We do however thank each and every one who has sent me get well wishes I would like to think I am raring to go once more into hospital but I seem to be more anxious this time probably because have been there

25 March 2015

Help sought after:

My colleague has a group of WW2 medals for a Jack Pearson who was a firefighter (chemical) and who served in India. Can anyone explain what it means by "chemical"? Is it as per CRBN nowadays or some other speciality?

Dee Boneham via Facebook

10 March 2015

This is for Ray Hill, and Sam Newhouse. Both were at RAF Bawdsey with me in 1979/1980, now in U.S.A..

Please get in contact by email

Mick Pearce [email protected]

23 February 2015

Flashpoint will be going to print in early April. Please could I ask members to submit articles for inclusion in the next edition by Friday 27th March.


Adrian Flashpoint Editor

Adrian Tearle [email protected]

18 February 2015

I have just had a call from George Edwards who has passed on the sad news that after all the pain that he has suffered over the years, his cancer has returned to his stomach.

George is one of the most decent, brave men that I have ever had the privilege of knowing and I would ask any one that has served with, or known him, to offer support or prayers for his recovery.

Brian Ford [email protected] Membership Secretary

I would just like to add my support for Brian's message. George has been a cornerstone of the Association throughout my involvement, and he has worked tirelessly both behind the scenes and on Flashpoint. My thoughts are with you and your family George hoping you can once again rise above adversity and this evil disease.

Dave [email protected] webmaster

10 February 2015

Stephen Findlay, ex RAF Fire now Leicester Fire, is wondering if there is anyone I know out there. Stationed at Northolt, Cottesmore then Wittering.

Stephen Findlay via Facebook

9 January 2015

I found a photo of my father, Corporal Walter Stelling who died in 2006. He served with the RAF in the Fire Service on many RAF Stations. This photo was taken at RAF El Adam about 1959/60 just before he trooped by 'SS Nevassa' to RAAF Butterworth, with his family. He was posted back in 1963 via RAF Warton to Catterick 1965/6, RAF Kinloss in 1966/7, RAF Episkopi (112 Sqn Bloodhounds) 1967/70, RAF Church Fenton,1970/3, RAF Masirah 1974 and finally to RAF Brize Norton.

Ann Roberts [email protected]

5 January 2015

Please sign the e-petition opposing the closure of St Georges Chapel of Remembrance Biggin Hill, seehttp://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/73191. For more information about the Chapel go tohttp://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/please-dont-close- st-georges-raf-chapel-remembrance-biggin-hill.html.

John "Brummie" Yates [email protected]

23 December 2014

On behalf of all Committee Members, Area Co-ordinators and Adey our Flashpoint Editor, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I thank you all for the support this year.

Neil and Jan, Chairman.

Neil Slade [email protected]

5 December 2014

To all members. Flashpoint is due out next week. Any member who has moved, changed phone/mobile numbers and email address, and not informed me of their new details Please email so Trevor Hayes can send you a flashpoint to your correct address. Thank you.

Neil, Chairman.

Neil Slade [email protected]

21 November 2014

I am trying to trace the following paid up members as I do not hold correct addresses or have any other method of contacting them. They may be still serving and moving around.

775 Christopher Thistlewood

821 Brent Inglis

781 Pete Manley

577 Patrick Boone

745 Michael Caffrey

If you know these members, please ask them to contact me with all their contact details so that Flashpoints can be sent out to them.

With thanks

Trevor Hayes [email protected] Tel: 01923 331975

21 November 2014

Hi chaps, I drove from Adelaide to Melbourne last week (9.5 Hrs.) whilst there having a coffee at the Lake at Craigieburn I met another ex. Fireman doing the same thing his name was Frank Goldsworthy told him about your site so he may be in touch - he was trained at Sutton 1955-56 I'm just letting you know he is still alive and kicking and to remind you all to listen to the songs I sing on YouTube get me at Al Evans or MrFlameouts - I visit your site every week to get to know the latest "Gen" also I was in the U.K. in August and caught up with my old pal Chick Bebb he and Kay have had some health issues but are getting on with life, like most of us oldie's

All the best to you all , including - Tom Sellers, Pete Hutchinson and all from Swinderby, Edinbrugh Field, Gaydon, Tern Hill, Tawau (the sharp end) ,


Allan Evans [email protected]

17 November 2014


I was stationed at RAF Cranwell in 1964/65 and was friends with a guy from the Fire Service.

His name was Vince Lundt and he originated from the London area.

I have not been able to trace him since Cranwell and I was wondering if any member of your association could help, please.

Kind regards

Peter Swaine peter.swaine@.be

11 November 2014

Message from Sir John:

7 November 2014

Searching for information about RAF Fireman Brian Murphy who was awarded the George Medal for his conduct at a fire at Coningsby in 1957. His medals were auctioned at Spinks earlier this year, see https://www.spink.com/lot-description.aspx?id=14002000009, and they are naming a new SLAM Block after him at Coningsby. (that's the modern equivalent of a barrack block but is more in keeping with a Holiday Inn Hotel).

If anyone has any info regarding Brian or his heroics please get in touch.

Many thanks Dave.

Dave Kirk [email protected]

25 October 2014

Ron Brown has two tickets spare, anybody wishing to attend please contact Ron ASAP and send a SAE for ticket. Days are getting few.

Neil, Chairman.

Neil Slade [email protected]

25 October 2014




CONTACT:- DAVE "TAFF" AUSTIN, tel:- 01978 710678. or E-Mail:- [email protected] or CONTACT:- JOHN "ADMIRAL" FLEET, tel:- 01773 719454. or E-Mail:- [email protected]

Dave Austin [email protected]

23 October 2014

Greetings All,

I’m still on the NHS merry go round had four hospital appointments last week sometimes I get the idea that I am being used to train junior doctors but I’m still standing ( with the help of my crutches . recovering now from a hip replacement operation over the worst I hope but I should never say that as one never knows what’s round the corner.

George Edwards [email protected]

29 September 2014

Please don't forget to bring raffle prizes for the evening gala dinner.

See you all on Friday night.

Thank you,

Neil, Chairman.

Neil Slade [email protected]

23 September 2014

For the Gala Dinner Menu Selection. These will be in the mail on Wednesday.

I of W Tours are also putting an email address on the form for those of you who wish to reply by email.

See you all on the weekend of the tenth

Neil, Chairman.

Neil Slade [email protected]

20 September 2014

Would like to to welcome all my former work mates from Scotland at Kinloss back into the arms of Great Britain, and remind them there are still British so do as your told. ha ha ha

Eddy Bell [email protected]

20 September 2014

I would like to hear from anyone who may remember me RAF July 1960--April 1963 then at RAF Eastleigh Niarobi until February 1965

Bill Sanders [email protected]

23 August 2014

For those Members attending the Reunion at Derby in October,Talks with IOW Tours and the Hotel Chef are taking place and the menu choice will be mailed to you within the next 21 days.

Neil, Chairman.

Neil Slade [email protected]

23 August 2014

Just missed Flashpoint publication date so members will not know that we have a RAF FIRE SERVICE Poppy badge in stock @ £5.00 each + P&P.

Marilyn Brooke [email protected]

19 August 2014

Shop report. Please click to view 2014 Shop Report

Marilyn Brooke [email protected]

06 August 2014

RAF Fire & Rescue Service Memorial Fund

Some years ago, The Royal Air Force Fire and Rescue Service decided to raise funds for a Memorial to be erected at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire as a tribute to all firefighters of the Royal Air Force. At that time, the estimated cost of the Memorial was in excess of £20,000 and it was understood that this would take several years to achieve.

The funds that had been raised were held in a bank account that was managed by a serving member, WO Mark Gray, who had moved stations and the bank had lost contact with him and had no way of tracing him. Therefore, no bank statements were sent out.

I managed to trace WO Gray and suggested that, for stability, I, as treasurer of the RAF&DFSA, would be willing to manage the account on behalf of all serving and retired members of the RAF Fire Service, and he agreed to this.

The control of this fund was transferred from WO Mark Gray to me, as Treasurer of the RAF&Defence Fire Service Association, early this year.

The fund has been held in an account with Holts, Military Banking, Farnborough Branch, a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Scotland, for some years, and will remain so.

This account is totally independent of the RAF&DFSA and will remain so until it is required to pay for a Memorial to all RAF Fire Fighters some time in the future. Only one cheque will ever be issued on this account, and that will be in payment for the Memorial. The RAF&DFSA Accounts are held with Barclays in and are totally separate from the Memorial Fund.

On taking over as custodian of the account I found it was held in a savings account attracting only 0.01% interest. This was quickly changed, The account was transferred to Holts, RBS Liquidity Manager 95 day Notice Account. This account is now attracting 0.6%. Not a lot, but the best they offer.

On the transfer of the account to my control the funds stood at £7,328.96. Since taking over the account earlier this year a number of additions have been made including interest.

From the RAF & Defence Fire Service Association ( RAF&DFSA ) £735.80 from raffles held at last October's AGM and this year's Social Weekend in March. £630 as a donation from the friends and family of the late Ken Bowden and £220 from the family and friends of the late David Stevenson.

On 30th June 2014 the Memorial Fund Account balance was £8,935.66. ( an increase of 22.1% this year alone).

Full accounts will be available for viewing at every RAF & DFSA AGM. If anyone wishes to view the bank statements at any time, this can be arranged with me at the address below. Accounts will also be included in each edition of Flashpoint magazine.

The Association already has many serving members and we welcome new members, either serving or retired.

5 August 2014

It was really nice to find this page and see an old photograph of my granddad Bill Williamson. I have a few old photos that he took and will try and dig them out to share with you all.

Erin Williamson [email protected]

5 August 2014

I received a email from Danny Kington:

Dear Mr Slade,

I am writing on behalf of the Chairman of Mid Sussex District Council, Councillor Gordon Marples, to invite the members of RAF Fire and Defence Fire Services Association to participate in a Military Parade on Saturday, 13th September 2014 through the town of Haywards Heath, to mark the historic granting of Freedom of Entry to Mid Sussex District to the Royal Yeomanry of the Army Reserve and also the signing of the Armed Forces Community Covenant between Mid Sussex District Council and the Armed Forces and ex- service community.

These ceremonies coincide with Haywards Heath’s Town Day, featuring many attractions, entertainment and activities including a funfair. We also have the televised Tour of Britain cycle race, passing through the town at around 12:30p.m. All this should ensure good crowds, a good atmosphere and an enjoyable, action-packed, family day.

If you are able to provide any estimate of numbers, and whether your Standard(s) will be attending, I would be grateful. I would also be grateful if you could advertise the Parade on your website, newsletter and with your branches and related organisations covering Mid Sussex. Full details are attached below but please feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to Haywards Heath on the day.

Yours sincerely, Daniel Kington Senior Member Services Officer Legal Services Mid Sussex District Council

Neil Slade [email protected]

4 August 2014

Gents/Ladies, I still have 9 empty pages to fill for the August edition of Flashpoint. If any members have anything for inclusion please email to [email protected] asap

Adey Tearl [email protected]

4 August 2014

Would to contact anyone who served at RAF Gutersloh Germany 1959 to 1961

Roy Catlow [email protected]

3 August 2014

Bit lonely down here in New Zealand . Do you know if theres a NZ branch or other ex members here

Thanks in advance.

Arthur "Spike" Lynch [email protected]

31 July 2014

I received a email from Steve Hodkinson. He is seeking info on his father Dennis Costello. Dennis joined around 1951/3. He served in Gan, Cranwell, South Cerney, Akrotiri and was demobbed at Abingdon around 1974/5. If anybody has any info please get in touch.

Many thanks Neil Slade Chairman

Neil Slade [email protected]

28 July 2014


I am researching my father in laws family history, his name is Richard Eric Townsend, he was on the island with RAF fire crash crew, I am trying to find out if there is anyone who remembers him or has old photos

Many thanks


Dawn Pollard [email protected]

1 July 2014

I wonder if anyone can help me please, I'm trying to contact Jim(Dimetrios)Cooper, he served at Bishops Court, NI, 83/86 ish.

Thanks in advance.

Jim Wattling via facebook

19 June 2014

I wasn't a member of the Fire Service (LTechTC) but I'm trying to contact Derek Fairhurst who served at RAF Gibraltar in the mid 70's. Does anyone know where he is (perhaps on here?) I have tried RAF mates - Where are they now but as yet to no avail. Can anyone help? Thank you.

Stan Acaster [email protected]

13 June 2014

Ladies & Gents, Flashpoint goes to the printers at the end of August, please could members let me have any articles for this edition by 25th July, thank you"

Cheers Ade

Adey Tearl [email protected]

11 June 2014

Sorry to have missed daves and ken Bowden funeral, pauline and I went on a cruise and didn't get backs till the 9th june. then before we could unpack I had a series of arythmia attacks, putting me out of action , my ICD implant saved my life , so now I know it does work.. finished up back in st barts hospital ..back home now but can't do much, no driving for awhile. Hope dave had a good send off, have a dram tonight to toast his life, cheers..

Ben Zaccardelli [email protected]

9 June 2014

Hi all,trying to trace the whereabouts of Roy Bennet we served together at Rudloe Manor 72/74 I know he come from Buxton in Derbyshire,was wondering if he and his family retuned there.Roy was later to Sqn Ldr. Would be great to get in touch again.

Dave Roach [email protected]

31 May 2014

Donations for the Late Ken Bowden

Hi all,

As you are probably aware, Ken Bowden, member 412, passed away on 11th May 2014. There was a wonderful service to celebrate Ken's life in Peterborough on Wednesday 28th May. There were over 20 Association members in attendance. The Association Standard and Escort party led the funderal cortege into the Crematorium and all the members of the Association lined one side of the hall for the full service. After the service a Guard of Honour for all Ken's family and friends was in place at the exit.

The family requested no flowers but any donations should be made to the RAF Fire Service Memorial Fund.

£600 was donated on the the day and I have received those cheques from Ken's son, Steve, today.

If any of our members would like to make a donation in memory of Ken, please make your cheque payable to the

RAF Fire Service Memorial Fund and forward to me at :-

2, Gypsy Lane Hunton Bridge Kings Langley Herts WD4 8PR

01923 331975

Kind regards

Trevor Hayes Treasurer

Trevor Hayes [email protected]

13 May 2014

R.I.P. KEN BOWDEN------Les Herbert, ex R.A.F. Fairford.

Leslie Herbert [email protected]

13 May 2014

I reckon all the guys I served with from June `58 to April 65 have `gone on` as I have only seen 1: Sgt. Furmage,Aden 62-64.IS ANYONE OUT THERE?

Norman "Norrie" Payne [email protected]

10 May 2014

Served as MT Fitter on the Fire School RAF Catterick 1960-62 Great time!!!!

Brian Lesdson [email protected]

18 April 2014

Just a quick note to say I will be away on leave until 10 May so apologise in advance for any delay in getting messages or any other input onto the site.

Happy Easter All

Dave Kirk [email protected]

18 April 2014

Just read Don ""Taffy"" Davies story in the Biography section. It brought back memories for me when he mentioned about the time he was involved in a fatal accident whilst on a Mk 6 course at St Athan. I was the other course student and also the driver on that day. I can remember trying to get our truck out of the way as the TK came around the corner on our side of the road, but there just wasn't time or room to do a lot. It testifies to the build of the old Mk 6 that we are still around to recall it as the TK was full up with gas cylinders and must have weighed quite a bit. After the RAF I served at Luton Airport and in Bedfordshire and London Fire Services. I went to a lot of RTA's on the M1 and other places as well as bombings and rail crashes with many casualties, but, after all those years, my own experience is the one that I remember the most

Dave McBain [email protected]

16 April 2014

Message from Margaret Wright

My husband Donald Wright left the RAF and defence fire service in 1966. He served in Akrotiri , and Aden prior to that. He is now approaching his 80th birthday and is suffering with Parkinsonism and Dementia and has had to move into a residential care home. The doctors have said that any input from his past would be very helpful. So, please if anyone remembers him and served with him please contact me. I am his second wife so I have no memories of these days to share with him, and want to help in any way I can.

Thank you

Margaret Wright

(sent via Facebook)

16 April 2014

The RAF and Defence Fire Services Association(RAF&DFSA) AGM and Reunion is to be held at the 4* Mickelover Court Hotel, Derby, over the weekend of 10th to 12th/13th October 2014. If you are interested in attending this fantastic weekend, meeting old friends, making new ones, or joining the Association, contact the Chairman and present membership Secretary, Neil Slade on 01252492111 or e-mail [email protected] for further details.

What will be available at this AGM and Reunion:-

Price per person on half board accommodation £124 for 2 nights, £159 or 3 nights.

All rooms en suite with hospitality tray and colour tv.

Sole use of function suite for AGM & Gala Dinner.

Wine reception on Gala night.

1st Class entertainment on Gala night.

Free use of leisure facilities.

Small number of single rooms with no supplement available on a first come, first served basis.

Optional Excursion on Saturday to Buxton & Bakewell £6 per head.

Optional Excursion on Sunday to the National Memorial Arboretum 11 April 2014

Just spoke to Paul (Theo) Theobald and he told me the sad news about John. Shocked and stunned to say the least. Theo was spot on in writing what he did in the Obituary column re JJ, he was indeed a maverick and an alright bloke . God Bless John....

Cheers to all who were at Kinloss mid 80’s.

Gary Bishop [email protected]

1 April 2014


Unfortunately for health reasons I have no alternative but to stand down as editor of Flash Point Magazine. I have just received the first draft of the spring edition so I intend to complete that within the next couple of days. We will need a new editor for the summer edition however.

Sorry to let you all down.

Cheers Dave

David "Stevie" Stevenson [email protected]

28 March 2014

To all RAF Fire-fighters reading this if you can use catch up on your TV why not have a look at the Heir Hunters programme shown on BBC 1 on Thursday the 27th March at 9.15am. The programmers were trying to find the next of Kin of a Bill Green who was an ex wartime RAF Fire-fighter. . The film crew pitched up at the RAF Fire Service Museum at Scampton and interviewed Steve Silver fox Harrison who gave a very elegant and professional presentation about life as a RAF Fire-fighter during WW two. I know Steve is a very good mate of mine but all credit to him he really did a marvellous job and was a great credit to our old trade



George Edwards [[email protected]]

28 March 2014


All posts regarding reunion venues have been moved to our Facebook Group, which can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/491839910848081/.

Please feel free to make your opinion known there.

Many thanks

Dave Kirk [email protected]

13 March 2014

Please follow the hyperlink to see names, numbers and dates of joining of new members that have joined since the 2010 AGM and have not previously been mentioned in Flashpoint or on our web site. It's on the Membership Page. New members are always welcome, please get in touch with the Chairman,

Neil Slade

29 Orchard Close. Ash Vale. Guildford. Surrey. GU12 5HU.

Telephone: 01252 492111

Email: [email protected]

Or complete an Application Form.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Trevor Hayes [email protected]

10 March 2014

Flashpoint is going through its editing stages with the printers and our Editor Dave Stevenson. Dont forget our AGM and Reunion is on the weekend of Friday 10th of October 2014. It will be held at The Mickleover Court Hotel in Derby. Flyers will be in next Flashpoint. Re the Social weekend, the trip to the Museum at RAF Scampton will now leave at 0915. Please remember prizes for the raffle on Saturday night.

Many thanks Neil Slade Chairman

Neil Slade [email protected]

2 March 2014

Hi All,

Ex RAF Fire-Fighters son Carl Bell requires help. Carl is a volunteer at the Museum of RAF Fire Fighting and wants your help with memories of his late father. Another volunteer Gareth Jordan some time ago was trying to get information about his late father Gary Jordan, and it turned out that association member Terry Wright was one of his mates in . Gareth found out that Terry only lived just 5 miles away from his mum. Let’s hope Carl has the same luck.

Here is Carl’s message:

I wanted to see if anyone could help me out, I am looking for pictures of my Dad that may have been taken through his service life as an RAF Fireman, he joined up when he was 16 and did 25 years service, coming out in '91. Unfortunately a lot of the photos we had of him were water damaged, his name was Colin 'Dinger' Bell and he sadly passed away suddenly in 2001, also any memories would be great, thank you. Carl

Colin served at AFCENT, Odiham, Wildenrath, Scampton, Bishops Court and Rudloe Manor. Any information can be passed on to Steve Harrison @ [email protected]

Stephen "Silver Fox" Harrison [email protected]

27 February 2014

For Dave Stevenson:-

Dave , the photo of the Laarbruch fire section 78/79 has already been posted on to Laarbruch memories page by another serving member at that time.


Alan "Tich" Wardle [email protected]

19 February 2014

Hello Gentlemen,

Would all Area Co-ordinators please send me their mug shots either by snail mail or as e-mail attachments to me at their earliest convenience.

Many thanks

Howard Harper [email protected]

17 February 2014

Hello Gentlemen,

I am trying to find information about Flt Lt Zeleny who did a short Fire Officers course at Sutton on Hull in 1955 and was stationed at Debdon and El Adam thereafter. It is for my latest book, please see http://cz-raf.hyperlink.cz/ for details of my work.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Pavel Vancata [email protected]

12 February 2014

I am trying to trace ALAN who I think maybe a former Member, ALAN and I sank

quite a few pints together whilst stationed at Middleton-St-George 1961, I lost contact

with Alan when I was posted to El-Adem in 62, but I was told via the grapevine that he

married one of the Naafi Staff by the name of ANN, I think he was later posted to

Christmas Island station at RAF KIRIMATI during 1963. Would love to make contact

and talk of old times...Please get in touch.

Dave Austin [email protected]

12 February 2014

Hi Guys, I am trying to find where I can get a couple of pairs of the plastic insoles, which i can wear with my work boots!! All ideas will be welcome.


Steve Cadogan [email protected]

8 February 2014


Just come across your site, wow, its fantastic I am interested in the History of the R.A.F. Fire service, loved seeing the old fire trucks (W.W.II) I now live in Australia, and been all night looking at our site, I still collect fire things, I loved your models, will have to get some of them one day, hope you will bring out some of them used during W.W.II, keep up the great work,

regards Paul.

P.S. I will be back.

Paul Greenwood [email protected]

3 February 2014

Hi all, just to let you all know my book (A Journey Through My Life) is no longer in print, Allan Brookes may have some for sale though

Best regards

David "Stevie" Stevenson [email protected]

31 January 2014

Of interest? in Classic & Vintage Commercials Mag - Feb 2014 - page 80 FOR SALE - Bedford OYD Chassis Ex-WD 1942. ""Unique Body"" Looks too me like forerunner of the Green Goddess style.!! 1700 ono. If I had the money and space !!! Looks historic!!

Ian Lisseman [email protected]

30 January 2014

I think the web-site is excellent and very informative. Please keep up the good work. It's especially great to see the items from the 60's and 70's. Did I really drive fire engines like that?

Very many thanks.

Rod Webb [email protected]

29 January 2014

I am looking for my granddad who was Norman weavers .…the jordy he was married to Laura ...I never got to say goodbye as being in foster care was no excuse !!! My granddad had 2 grandchildren Paige and eve and then 8 days before he passed away he had another great great grandchild eve and Erin have never met there great great granddad !¡ we love you and I love you and I am sorry for all the hurt !!!

Sarah Kenedy [email protected]

26 January 2014

Hi all,

The photo of Wyton circa 1982 the person next to Sgt Foster is David Thomas and the person on the right hand side is me Paul Mansfield

Paul "Dobbin" Mansfield [email protected]

6 January 2014

Hi, I'm trying to trace Geoff Cook who was at Bruggen, a big 5 penny piece fan and folk singer. Can anyone help please?

Ralph Wilson [email protected]

4 January 2014

I am trying to trace Brum Yates served in El Adem 1961-62 do you remember me.

John "Admiral" Fleet [email protected]

25 December 2013

To all Members, and their families and to all those serving away from home at this festive time. Jan and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We would love to see you at our social get together in March.

Neil Slade Chairman

Neil Slade [email protected]

27 November 2013

Reference the message left by Gavin de Vine on the 10th. November, I am please to report that I was reunited with my RAF Beret at Baker Street Lost Property Office to day (26th. Nov). My thanks to Gavin for handing it in at Croxley Green Station.

John Dicks [email protected]

25 November 2013

I have been going through all the messages my name is Paul Townsend I joined 1957 and left 1987 I remember lots of names and have fond memories of every station i was on

Paul Townsend [email protected]

15 November 2013

Hello John Ferguson

Hi John, I joined 1957, did training at Sutton on Hull Jan. l958 - first posting Swinderby then to Oz Dec1958. Were you on duty with us Display September 1958 at RAF Syerston when the Conway Vulcan came down - controller & fireman Killed on crash one at the caravan ? I was sac then on the Mk 6, I have never met any of the crew since that day, Flt/Sgt Berlitze was in charge I think (buggered up the transmission - drove all the way back to Swinderby with PTO engaged) it got jammed in while producing foam on the wreckage. Interesting to know if you were there, a week later a Vampire nearly hit us at Swinderby on crash one at the caravan doing X wind overshoot missed us by a couple of feet, Cpl Bowden was out first my axe jammed in the door release but I managed to follow him! - the student pilot sent his apologies to us and the runway controller- he must have known we three had wet starts - very very close !

Taff "Mr Flameouts" Evans [email protected]

13 November 2013

Would all members please note, my book "A journey Through My Life" is no longer available from me, as the Publisher has ceased printing it.

Regards Stevie

Dave "Stevie" Stevenson [email protected]

12 November 2013

Fabulous day on Sunday, meeting up with fellow members. The waiting got to most of the ""oldies"", include myself in that group, but the march-past was better than last year and the crowds were so magnificent with their applause and banter the whole way round. Another very memorable day.

Best wishes to all members and their families

Vic Golding [email protected]

10 November 2013

Hi there

At 10 am on the 10/11/13 I found a blue serge beret size 58 with a RAF crash and fire rescue badge on it in Croxley tube station car park. I've handed it in to lost property at the station. I assume likely one of your members lost it on way to the Remembrance day parade so hoping you may be able to publicise this

Gavin de Vine

Cavin de Vine [email protected]

10 November 2013

Still alive and kicking, anyone else out there.

Gordon "Timber" Wood [email protected]

29 October 2013

Hi John Ferguson

I was stationed at RAF Swinderby 1959 to 1962,from training at Sutton on Hull & Weeton as a Fireman Driver. Posted from there to RAF North Front Gibraltar Mid 62, we must have met.

All the Best

Rolland "Rolly" Blades [email protected]

26 October 2013

Hi Ron and Dick,

I was also at Fairford when handed over to USAF in 79. never forget was also PBX operator on nights as well ha-ha seems like yesterday. Dick was doing my tats as my first crew commander and after 20 years service never came across you again?

Trevor "Spud" Pye [email protected]

25 October 2013

On behalf of his granddaughter, Jenny Oag, I'm appealing for information about an ex AFDFS Fireman Kenneth Frederick Fisk who served from 1967 to 1984 when he died at the age of just 59. As yet nothing is known of his time in AFDFS though in later life he lived in Sandleheath near Fordingbridge so may have worked at an establishment in the Salisbury area. He is buried with is wife in Fordingbridge and I've posted a pic of the headstone along with one of Kenneth below.

16 October 2013


Rick "Lurch" Armstrong [email protected]

16 October 2013

To members, wives and partners, thank you for making the weekend so special and also your kind words. Please go to the reunion page for photos and, if you have others to add, please send them to Dave Kirk our webmaster. For those members who went on the trip to RAF Cosford, just to let you all know Graham Kennedy was back home on Sunday evening and is recovering well, Dorothy sends her thanks to everyone for looking after him and special thanks to Shirley Winn.

Neil Slade Chairman

Neil Slade [email protected]

14 October 2013


I joined the RAF in 1957, becoming a fireman in January 1958,I did my training at Sutton on Hull then i was posted to RAF Swinderby. In 1961 Iwas posted to RAF Steamer point and then to RAF Lecondfield. In1965 i went to Akrotiri for 3 years and finally finished my service with a year at RAF Scampton. If you knew me then please say hello.


John "Fergy" Ferguson [email protected]

3 October 2013

Annual Subscriptions

For those not already aware, please note that the annual subscription is now £16.00 due on 1 September. Would members please check their standing orders have been changed accordingly.

Many thanks

Trevor Hayes Treasurer

Trevor Hayes [email protected]

23 September 2013

Hi there Ron, Yes its the same Dick Williams that you knew at RAF Fairford all those years past! Good to hear from you and hope you are keeping well. Memories tend to fade over the years but since discovering this site many a subscriber like yourself have brought them flooding back. Please feel free to keep in touch.

Dick Williams

Warren "Dick" Williams [email protected]

22 September 2013

Hi there Reg, Nice to hear from you and thank you for those kind words. The last time we met I believe was in 94 whilst you were on a course at RAF Manston - hard to believe that was 19 yrs ago. Hope you are keeping well and thanks for making contact, keep in touch

Dick Williams

Warren "Dick" Williams [email protected]

19 September 2013

Hi I'm trying to link in with anyone who knows my dad Garth Furmage who was last stationed at Finningley anyone out there know him please get in touch dad celebrated his 70th birthday this week

Michelle Furmage-Archer [email protected]

7 September 2013

Sorry the last few messages were posted late, I've been been away this last week.


Dave Webmaster

7 September 2013

This is for Kevin Mason, 1027, at least I am hoping it is the right one just to say hello again hope you and the family are well long time since we spoke . Hope to hear from you soon??

Best Regards

Dave Roach [email protected]

7 September 2013

Welcome back John G. See you at Derby in October


Neil Slade


Neil Slade [email protected]

7 September 2013

Am looking for Elaine Donnellan, nee levett, Married RAF fireman Pete Donnellan in late 80's early 90's, believe they met at High Wycombe and then went to St Mawgan.

Lorraine "Loz" Tilston-Brookes [email protected]

7 September 2013

Is this the same Dick Williams who was at RAF Fairford when we handed it over to the USAF in 1979?

Ron Brown [email protected]

29 August 2013

Dick Williams, Nice to see your message on here Dick. You were believe it or not a great inspiration to me, something I never had the chance to thenk you for. Please feel free to contact me.

Many thanks Reg Metcalfe

Paul "Reggie" Metcalf [email protected]

29 August 2013

Thanks for putting me in touch with Jim Guy. Had great conversation, sorted some things out and will be keeping in touch. Anyone else out there who served at Heath I would love to hear from you.

Cheers Ian

Ian Lisseman [email protected]

19 August 2013

This is for John Johnson ,as I was browsing through your photo at Akrotiri 1970s, and I know a few names which might be of interest, From L-R Jim Brogan, Tom Pitblado, Jim Currie, Doug Carstairs , John Raynor ?,myself, Ginge Costello, the two possibly hidden could have been George Fryer, Alan Hunter, & Harry Mcglauglan, hope this helps you out mate.

Best Regards

Dave Roach [email protected]

17 August 2013

So sad to hear of Ernie Fishers passing. Ernie and I go back a long way as we were both on course 247 at Sutton on Hull Feb to April 1956.

RIP old mate.

Ron Brown [email protected]

12 August 2013

To Jim Guy.

Hi Jim, My house stands on the site of RAF , from your article in Flashpoint you know it quite well.

Would you please help with some queries I have as a member of Martlesham Heath Aviation Society. The control tower is our museum of RAF MH, I'm researching the fire section RAF and USAAF of WW2. I think you can help me - please.

Regards Ian

Ian Lisseman [email protected]

11 August 2013

First of all to say hello to you Dave Kirk and what a great job you are doing, I was looking in the memories page and come across Gibraltar 1980 (B) crew, swing that lamp. Anyway for the benefit of any one who wants to contact me they are more than welcome hope to meet up with you soon. cheers for now.

Dave Roach

Dave Roach [email protected]

9 August 2013

Summer Flashpoint just dropped through the letterbox. Big thanks to George & Steve for their brilliant work - not just because our surname is on the front cover - but it is exciting !!

Cheers lads,

Lisseman Family

Ian Lisseman [email protected]

8 August 2013

Hi All,

Re the Reunion Dinner menu. Well the menu missed the Flashpoint deadline so its back to square one. They will be posted to you.


Neil Slade


Neil Slade [email protected]

6 August 2013

Trying to get in touch with Mickey Jinks - if anybody can help please ring me on 07960062290


Dave Shaw [email protected]

4 August 2013

Hi a great site-only just came across it by chance. Saw a photo of my mate Pete Lee - Waddington 1978 by Trevor Waugh - does anybody have contact with them please-07960062290


Dave Shaw [email protected]

3 August 2013

Hi All,

Re Menu for Reunion Dinner. Whilst on holiday things have changed, they are now going to be put in Flashpoint by Trevor so I am informed.


Neil Slade


Neil Slade [email protected]

31 July 2013

Extremely good web site and although not a member would like to add my comments. Trained at RAF Sutton on Hull early 1958 and after 37 years service completed my career in February 2005 as WO at the School of Fire Fighting RAF Manston.

Warren "Dick" Williams

31 July 2013

Seeking info on old pal Dave Watson, F/man Last seen Wildenrath Jan 1966 any help appreciated,

Thanks, Harry.

Harold "Spam" Blunden [email protected]

11 July 2013

This is very belated for which I apologise. On June 13th 2013 our Group, Martlesham Heath Aviation Society visited RAF Scampton and the Museum. Well worth the visit and special thanks to Richard Tasker who took the time to take me to the storage hanger where I met up again with an Alvis MK6 of the sort my Father drove at RAF Pershore. Left a bit of a lump in the throat but a real thrill.

Thanks Richard. Well done to all the volunteers for a Great visit.

Ian Lisseman [email protected]

26 June 2013

Hi All,

I am looking for information about 2 Army Fire Service goddess's which were transferred to the RAF and sent to with reg no's 14AG27 AND 28. Any info about any more of their history or photos would be welcome.

Cheers Steve Harrison

Stephen "Silver Fox" Harrison [email protected]

25 June 2013


I'm trying to trace a family friend. He served alongside my father with West Mids Fire Service during the 70's and 80's in Handsworth. The person in question then got a transfer to the MOD Fire as a Station Officer based in Hildesheim, West Germany. His name was Richard Banks. Any ideas how to get hold of him for a family reunion?

Dave Carney [email protected]

24 June 2013

Hi All,

A change of details for the AGM and Reunion, Isle of Wight Tours will mail those members who are attending with the menu details.

Neil Slade,


Neil Slade [email protected]

24 June 2013

Stationed at Northolt 1956 - late 59, and also in Gibraltar.

Looking for fellow ex fire & rescue members. I also took the photo on the Northolt site off the Crash crew with the fire wagon.

I was the CPL in charge of the crew in the picture at Northolt.

Michael Alsopp [email protected]

Webmaster note: Thanks for that Michael, if you have a better copy of the photo, please send to [email protected]

23 June 2013

Just a reminder to those members who are attending the Reunion and AGM in October. If you have not sent your form back to The Isle of Wight Tours can you please do so as the next Flashpoint is due out soon and we will be including the menus and other details, so I am told.

Many thanks.

Neil Slade


Neil Slade [email protected]

14 June 2013

Any one out there have the contact details or know the whereabouts of the following ex RAF Firemen all of whom served at RAF Stanley Fire section over the period late 1984 early 1985.

SAC Gill known as Pudsey

SAC Lenegan

SAC Walton known as John Boy

SAC Lucock

SAC Jackson

Trying to organise a get together at the RAF @DFSA October reunion at theMickleover Court Derby over the weekend of the 11-14 October 2013.

The following from that period are attending SAC Steve Hollis now WO Hollis of Afghanistan 1012 fame

Steve Silverfox Harrison and my self George Edwards

Still waiting for confirmation that the following might be attending

Clive Wade Sean Boland. Any ex RAF Stanley Fireman from that period are more than welcome to attend.

Please contact me at [email protected] and I can arrange for the details to be sent to your home

George Edwards [email protected]

11 June 2013

Trying to make contact with Mal Lee; if anyone can help, please ask him to get in touch.

Kind regards

Kevin Mason [email protected]

8 June 2013

Do you have a co-ordinator for Australia? if not I would like to offer my services, I live in Perth WA.

Terry Monaghan [email protected]

31 May 2013

Like to Keep inside with my friends, please get in touch

Brian "Bill" Bailey [email protected]

15 May 2013

I trained at Sutton on Hull January 1959. Posted to Cranwell then Linton on Ouse to 1961 then to Khormaksar Aden till end of service.

Brian Wroe [email protected]

14 May 2013

Hi I am trying to contact a Steve Holden who served in the RAF fire service.

I went to school with him and played in the same football team . If you have any contact details for him please send him my details

Nigel Jones [email protected]

6 May 2013

Hi, I'm not a member of the association but I look on the website regularly and John Rowe’s entry inspired me to say it’s nice to hear comments from other fire fighters that I’ve met and heard of. I left the RAF in 2001 and although I’ve been a police officer for 12 years I still miss the friendship, humour and at times eccentric side of military life.

Derrick "Noddy or Delboy" Rodwell [email protected]

30 April 2013

Not a member & just went onto the site for curiosity. Was in the RAF Fire service for 36 years. Was Pleased to be reminded of so many good times but saddened to read of so many old friends who have passed away

John Rowe [email protected]

29 April 2013

Sad to hear of the passing of Nev Tortice i have nothing but the greatest respect and fond memories of this man. Please accept my heart felt condolences to Nevs wife and family

Steve Barron [email protected]

28 April 2013

I have been extremely happy to make contact with Firemen I worked with in the RAF in the late 70's. I would still like to make contact with others I served with and those I worked with after Demob who we're also ex-RAF. If anyone has info on any of these people, I would be really appreciative. RAF; Andy Cooper, Al McCartney, Les Boulter. Ex RAF in Saudi; George Brown. Ex RAF in Sinai; Denis Kane. There are many more, I just don't remember their names right now.

Thank you

John James [email protected]

18 April 2013

I was an RAF fireman/driver at RAF Waterbeach June 1960-April 1963 then at RAF Eastleigh Nairobi April 1963-February 1965 and would like to hear from anyone who may remember me.


Bill Sanders [email protected]

18 April 2013

I would like to send a sympathy card to the family of the late Mick Fielding, we served together at Cottesmore. If anyone has the details please contact me on 01207504649

Thank you

John Telfer Tel: 01207504649

10 April 2013

John Savage MBE

Just 2 say i enjoyed your column in flash point and 2 say i left RAF Binbrook when we were taken over by fighter command 1961 you could have had my bed i thought all 3 sqd of canberras went i remember the 1st lightening landing trying us out regards


Terry Wrexham [email protected]

1 April 2013

Any of you old boys know the whereabouts of a Johnny Lightfoot served at Finningly (no dates) he was from Hull, Springbank area. Spike Lynch over in NZ is trying to contact him.


Stephen "Silver Fox" Harrison [email protected]

19 March 2013

Hi just found your great site I was a fireman driver for 12 years 1959/71 Looking through the site and saw a Members name David Sturges. Wondered if it was the same chap I was in Gibraltar with 1962/64

Rolland "Rolly" Blades [email protected]

18 March 2013

Elaine and I would like to thank all who arranged the reunion in Huddersfield. The Hotel and entertainment was wonderful.

Thanks again

John "Chalky" White john.white469

18 March 2013


Just been looking on your website and seeing if there was anyone I knew. Saddened to hear that Al Ward died recently. I haven't seen him or Bernie since I left the mob in '81. I was on his crew many a time at Cranwell and we always had a good laugh.

My condolences to his family.

Paul Mellor [[email protected]]

17 March 2013

If anyone who knows me wants to get in touch pls feel free.

Eddie Bell [email protected]

10 March 2013

Hi Guys,

Hope all is well with everybody. I have just joined our association and looking to hook up with any of you who remember me. Manston 92, Wyton 92 and Cottesmore 92-98, Chivenor 98-02.

All the very best to you all

Mick Westlake [email protected]

8 March 2013

I would like to hear from anyone who knew me at RAF Waterbeach July 1960 to April 1963 then at RAF Eastleigh Nairobi April 1963 to February 1965

Bill Sanders [email protected]

8 March 2013

May I record my thanks to those members who attended my wife's funeral on thursday the 7th of March at Cambridge city crematorium, and also for the cards and messages of support and sympathy to both my daughter and myself.

It is comforting to have such good friends at a time like this.

Howard Harper [email protected]

Area co-ordinator Cambs and Suffolk

16 February 2013

Hi I'm Alin Selby now but was Allan Soule years ago (long story don't ask!). RAF fire,1990 - 95... St mawgan,Falklands 92,Belize 93/4 not sure!,Colchester nick 95! Would be proper made up to hear from anyone who knew me.

Many thanks

Alin Selby [email protected]

9 February 2013

On the Malta Historic Vehicles facebook page there is a photograph of two Carbon Technochloride hand pumped extinguishers. Does anyone know when they came into service and when they were removed from service due to their toxicity? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=193424377466460&set=o.1 92751874062&type=1&theater

Thanks Very Much David Rose RAF Commcen 1965-78

David Rose [email protected]

Webmaster note: I don't know the exact answer, but would guess around 1969/70. Can anyone elaborate?

6 February 2013

Attention ! Attention !! Attention !!!... Where are you now ?

Seeking all former RAF Fire & Rescue personnel who served at

Royal Air Force El-Adem anytime during 1961 - 1964... Reunion

" Natter & Nosh" at Burton on Trent on Wednesday 10th April 2013,

followed by a wreath laying ceremony at The National Arboretum in recognition and remembrance of the victims of the XB268

which crashed at RAF El-Adem, 50 years ago on the 13th April 1963.

Interested?....Pickup the phone and ring:- DAVE (Taff) AUSTIN on

01978 710678 or E-Mail:- [email protected]

Dave "Taff" Austin [email protected]

6 February 2013

Aeroventure (South Yorkshire Aircraft Museum) are staging another 999 Event for the 4th year running and we would like you to join us if possible for the day.

The date is Sunday 26th May, contact me for an entry form if you are bringing an exhibit, even just an information stand.

Look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advanced for taking the time to read and reply to my email

Kind Regards

Callum Blagden

Aero fire & Rescue Based At: Aeroventure (South Yorkshire Aircraft Museum), Dakota Way, Airbourne Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN4 7FB Email: [email protected] Web: www.aerofireandrescue.co.uk Tel: 07789357714

Callum "Blagwa" Blagden [email protected]

4 February 2013

Proposed Book chronicling the RAF Fire Service Then and Now.

For a for years now I have been attempting to put together a collection of stories about RAF Fire-fighters and publishing those stories in a hardback book. With one thing and another little progress has been made although stories have been coming in on a regular basis. Two months ago Dave (Stevie) Stevenson contacted me and asked if he could help produce the book. Dave is a recognised author himself with a very interesting autobiography (A Journey Through my life) on the market. Since Dave’s offer of help great progress has been made and at the last count we have put together over 250 pages of fascinating RAF Fire Service stories from forty different contributors; some no longer with us but I’m sure their families would like to see their stories recorded for posterity. There are over thirty pages of awards and commendations some going back to World War Two and more recent incidents like the two major RAF Service incidents in Afghanistan. There is a chapter on the RAF Fire Service in the Falklands and a chapter on the history of Warrant Officer Steve Shirley’s Museum complete with high quality photographs. Since Dave volunteered to take the lead role in the production of the book his wife Dianne has also joined the production team and like Dave has done an outstanding job. Other members of the production team include Steve (Silverfox) Harrison and Dave Kirk (the Association web master. We have requested quotes for publication from two of the major military book publishers (Pen& Sword and Woodfield); check out their websites. Although we have enough material to fill a hardback we are still accepting contributions and would particularly welcome stories from younger members of the trade. If you have a story /anecdote or photo to share please forward to George Edwards at 8 East Close Eccleston Park Prescot Merseyside L34 2RA tel 01514265093 email; [email protected] Don’t leave it to late we expect to publish later this year in time for Christmas and so don’t miss this opportunity to have your story published in a high quality book. If the RAF Police and RAF Regiment can produce their own books isn’t it about time the RAF Fire Service did the same

Book production team.

George Edwards [email protected]

2 February 2013

Please help.

I'm trying to trace the whereabouts of Barry Bywater. He was a Cpl when I last knew him at RAF Odiham in 1976.He had previously served in Singapore and Madera. Any information on Barry would be greatly received.

Many thanks

Bill Bates [email protected]

2 February 2013

I am trying to find the names of the two airmen that died on the Beverly that crashed RAF EL ADEM on the 13/04/1963 anyone able to help.

Many thanks

John "Admiral" Fleet [email protected]

2 February 2013

Still trying to find Martin and Joan King last seen laarbruch 1985 can any one help i know Joan's parents lived in Barnard Castle co Durham

many thanks steve barron

Steve Barron [email protected]

29 January 2013

Hi there - I am writing on behalf of my Father, Bernard Roche who is interested in tracing any of his old mates from his service days. Here are some details...

He joined the Fire Service in 1958 and was in until 1962 when failing eyes sight forced him to leave. He trained at Bridgnorth and in Humberside(?) and took up boxing as you got better rations! Nick named 'Rocky' he went on to serve in Goch in Germany, Lossiemouth, Kinloss and finished at St. Mawgan in Cornwall.

We would be delighted to hear from anyone who knows him!

Shaun "Rocky" Roche [email protected]

23 January 2013

Happy New Year to all at Flashpoint. Since the loss of mum and dad, intentions prove hard to keep. Roy and Jean valued their get-togethers with you all and your meetings were an important part of their year in their good health days.

All the best for 2013, and good health to all.

Best wishes daughter's and sons Tony, Des, Kevin and Martin n families. Xxx

Denise Friel [email protected]

21 January 2013

I am trying to trace anyone who remembers serving with my father Michael (Mike) Allsop from 1956 to 1961

He was in the fire service at Northolt and Gibraltar.

He is very much alive but hasn’t joined the technology revolution and has asked me to do this for him.

He would love to hear from anyone who knows him.

Please contact me on [email protected]


Trevor Allsop [email protected]

19 January 2013

I would just like to pass on my thanks to Archie, Dave and indeed all members for their support recently. Our Chairman, Trevor and Pat, George and Steve for attending Dean's Service. The warmth and support from the members has been of great comfort to us at this sad time.

Regards, Steve, Mel, Ken and Families xx

Steve Bowden [email protected]

17 January 2013

Hi my name is Malcolm lee, I was RAF fire fighter 24 years Joined 1970 until 1993. Looking to join.

Regards Mal

Mal Lee [email protected]

29 December 2012

Very sad and distressed to hear of the tragic death of WO Steve Bowden’s son, Dean, in a road traffic accident. My sincere and heartfelt condolences to all the family at this crushing time

Archie Carter [email protected]

Webmaster comment: I'm sure I speak for everyone in the association in sharing Archie's sentiments. It is indeed the most tragic news a parent could possibly receive, and my heart goes out to Steve, his family and friends of Dean. My thoughts are with you Steve


24 December 2012

On behalf of all your Committee Members, George and Steve our Flashpoint Editors and Dave our Webmaster, wish all Members and their Families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Special seasonal greetings to all those serving away from home.

From Neil and Jan

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

23 December 2012

I would like to wish all Association members, all the best for Christmas and a happy new year.

Many thanks

Gordon Smith [email protected]

11 December 2012

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Ken Maddra last seen 1973 at RAF Gutersloh?

Ron Brown [email protected]

11 December 2012

It's small world isn't it. Went to Ireland to visit Mum in nursing home. Went out Saturday night with old mate from pre RAF days. His sister in laws brother joined us for a drink and apparently his 88 year old Dad is an ex RAF Fireman called Kinch so I sent my regards and told Frank to give his Dad the website info.

David Hughes [email protected]

5 December 2012

If anybody is in contact with Bob Plum can you please ask him to get in touch with me.

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

4 December 2012

I was at ex RAF Old Sarum last weekend, there is a museum there now ex Boscombe Down aircraft; also they are going to try and do a display of RAF Old Sarum. They need pictures of Old Sarum and any information during its time as an RAF Camp.

Alan Beasley [email protected]

1 December 2012

Gentlemen, I received a phone call from George this morning saying all Flashpoints have been posted. Happy reading.

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

1 December 2012

Just wanted to say that I appreciate all the work the staff does in keeping this site and the members up-to-date.

John James [email protected]

29 November 2012

Rest in Peace John Jolley. An old school DFS Officer that I always had the fullest of admiration and respect for.

Archie Carter [email protected]

28 November 2012

Hi All,

Anyone know whereabouts of Pat Hampsey? Pat and I went through Swinderby, Catterick and first posting to Oakington in 71. A photo on the Catterick site shows a course BR1/71. I’m pretty certain my course at Catterick was BR1/71. Along with Pat and myself there was Norman Tarring and our course Sgt was Jack Lamb and Cpl was Maurice Reaney. Pat went to Bruggen and I went to Malta. Just before he finished his time he was the driver of the Mk9 at Bruggen that hit the rear cab of the Mk7 which cut across him going to a shout probably about 74/75ish. He visited me at St Athans on his way to de mob with his new wife and bairn but I never got an address.


Archie Carter [email protected]

28 November 2012

Hi All,

I collected Flashpoint from the printers in York on Monday. I then set off to Louth to meet up with Steve. On leaving York, the road conditions left me thinking should I be doing MPH, KPH or Knots. Flooded roads and several slow down signs saying road flooded which were half visible. At the toll booth for the Humber Bridge I did ask for a rebate as the view was thick fog. Nice view I think not, Reply came back its a lot cheaper than the Seven Bridge as I handed over a £10 note, she gave me my change £8:50p all in coins. Strangely the weather changed at , out came the sun all the way to Steve's house.

Steve and George will be posting copies to UK members and I will be posting to the BFPO, RAF Stations and overseas members.

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

20 November 2012

Wildenrath 56-58

Bill "Arby" Arbuckle [email protected]

18 November 2012


I am searching for information on the Thornycroft Mk5 4x4 Crash truck for a restoration project. Anything would be appropriate from user manuals, maintenance manuals to photographs. Any informative help would be gratefully recieved.

Thank you

Gareth Jordan [email protected]

18 November 2012


I am searching for anyone who may have photos or information on my late father Gary Jordan, who served in the RAF Fire Service early to late 1950's. I know he was based at RAF Luqa, Malta for some time around 1954.

Thank you.

Gareth Jordan [email protected]

11 November 2012

Paul Theobald (Theo) where are you me old Essex mucker?

Gary Bishop [email protected]

10 November 2012

To all members.

Your Flashpoint should arrive in the first week of December. George and Steve have done a sterling job in producing this bumper edition. On behalf of the Association I thank both of them.

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

7 November 2012

I would like to congratulate Dave on the way he has improved the web site, I started it back in 2000 and took it as far as I could but felt that someone else could take it to a higher level and am very pleased to see that Dave has done just that.

Keep up the good work Dave

Ron Brown [email protected]

7 November 2012

Hi to you all,

I am looking for an old friend BOB HOW who i served with if anyone can help please contact me.


Ken Godfrey [email protected]

5 November 2012

Just had an email about Ian Priestley passing on.. he was a friend who will be sadly missed. My condolences to his family, .one of a kind

Ben Zaccardelli [email protected]

4 November 2012

Hi all.

Further to my last message, I've added a group to with our Facebook page which can be found at http://www.facebook.com/groups/491839910848081/


Dave [email protected]

3 November 2012

Looking for any information / photos/recollections from any ex RAF Firemen who may have completed the four month detachment to RAF Sydenham ( Belfast). During the detachment we were billeted on HMS Maidstone berthed in Belfast Dock. Those detached came from Brize Norton or Fairford Fire Sections. Despite completing the detachment I have no photos and cant remember many of the lads names I served with

George Edwards [email protected]

26 October 2012

More should be done to keep the site up to date maybe say what has been talked about at the last reunion

Brian "Bill" Bailey [email protected]

Webmaster's replay:

Thanks for that remark Bill. You will notice that like all information received, your comments have been promptly posted. In recent weeks I've spent a lot of hours creating new pages for vehicles and locations which together with new navigation tools has dramatically speeded up the surfing experience at www.rafanddfsa.co.uk . If you're referring to the membership list, I do not delete lapsed members names as I feel the more ex-firefighters there the better.

The new Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/RafAndDefenceFireServicesAssociation?ref=hl (which is also very time-consuming) is proving very popular and can only be good for the Association.

I have asked the chairman for a summation of the AGM decisions and hopefully that will be on the pages soon.

If there is anything else that appears to you to be out of date please send just the details to [email protected].

Thank you.

Kind regards


23 October 2012

It is with great sadness that I have just learnt of passing of WO Jim Barons. We emigrated to New Zealand in 2007, after I completed my 22 years service in the . I had the great pleasure and honour of working with the then Flt Sgt Baron as part of the newly formed, Joint Harrier Force, based at RAF Wittering in 2000. Coming Direct on Promotion to Petty Officer Aircraft Handler (POA - AH), I can remember Jim making me very welcome (WO & Sgt's mess bar) and warmly remember his support and guidance in helping me tranition into the RAF Lifestyle. To his wife and family, my late condolences, RIP Jim the worlds a lesser place without you

Andrew "Admiral" Harmon [email protected]

18 October 2012

Hi all.

My Brother Pat who Is still alive did his National Service at RAF Kenley 1947/48 can anyone remember him his name Is Patrick Dummer and he was a fireman there

Many Thanks

Harold Dummer [email protected]

18 October 2012

Hi all.

I am trying to contact rhonda McFadden who was last heard of at the fire service at RAf Aldergrove but cannot get any contact number for the fire service at Aldergrove


Derek "Elvis" Pressley [email protected]

10 October 2012

Hi all.

I've just opened a Facebook page for the association. The aim is to get more members, more traffic on the site and more publicity in general. So anyone who uses facebook, please join the group and keep it going.


Dave [email protected]

9 October 2012

I see the lads at Camp Bastion have got good review comments on Facebook. Strange when the Taliban attacked the camp they were never mentioned. We should raise our glasses to them at the Dinner on Saturday Night.

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

Webmaster's note - please follow this link for full story: http://www.raf.mod.uk/news/archive/raf-fire-fighters-08102012

8 October 2012

Calling all model makers:

Hallo! I wish to convert a willy's jeep plastic kit into a RAF Crash Rescue like in your pictures. Anybody so kind to let me know more about equipment and colours?

Nice of you, dedox

Marco "dedox" De Dona [email protected]

4 October 2012

Hi all,

I've just returned from a holiday in Dubai and Malaysia and would like to share this little discovery I made in a small restaurant in Penang:

The top left plaque is a genuine RAF Fire Service one and the restaurant/cafe is called "The Living Room" in Batu Ferringi, a popular resort on the north shore of the island. Any ideas how it got there?


Dave [email protected]

7 September 2012

Seeking any firemen who were stationed at RAF BRAWDY from 1974 to 1978 especially Gary Tibbs who was RAF Benson in 1982


Gary "Spoofer" Hatchell [email protected]

6 September 2012

Great news have met Gerry Palmer Today Thursday 6th inst

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

5 September 2012

All, there is a vacancy within the Sellafield Limited Fire & Rescue Service. Deputy Chief Fire Officer (Group Manager). The salary starts at £46,361 rising to £56,597, 37 hrs per week. Sellafield is the UK's Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and resides in West Cumbria. I can confirm that the training and general support is better than anything I have come across in the UK and is getting better by the week post Fukushima!! If you're interested click on the Sellafield web page and follow the link. Oh, National Park, cheap as chips to live and monster views!! Good networks and easy to get to. Check out the house prices compared to down south!!

Andy McDonnell [email protected]

3 September 2012

Help is required in tracking Gerry Palmer. Last time I saw him was at RAF in 1975 along with Dave Lambourne who I have made contact with.


Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

29 August 2012

Just going through the RAF Fire Service Group site very interesting well worth a look at still looking for anyone who served with me as a RAF fireman at RAF Waterbeach 1960-1963 or RAF Eastleigh Nairobi 1963- 1965

Bill Sanders [email protected]

22 August 2012

Hi Guys,

I'm looking for anyone that is willing to pass onto me( tag ) any Fire service tenders. (all types ) onto my facebook site. I once found some before, on the RAF FIRE SERVICE SITE, but I was unsuccessful, getting them... Thanks.

Steve. ( If your going to the Bash, see you there)

Steve "nagodac" Cadogan [email protected]

30 July 2012

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Don "Taffy" Davies, ex RAF & Cardiff City Fire Service?

Also looking for anyone else Fire involved in Exercise Bersatu Padu, and can remember Taffy and Peter Eves, now DFRMO Group Manager.

Pete Eves [email protected]

27 July 2012

1955-1959 Thorney Island 55 to 57 . Khormaksar, Salalah, Mukeiras Radfan, South Cerney"

Terry "Davey" Davies [email protected]

26 July 2012

Hello trying to find a Colin Drew or Drury that was firefighter at Binbrook about 1985ish was from Grimsby area

Ann Redpath [email protected]

13 July 2012

Please may I convey my very grateful thanks to all those who responded to my request for a copy of a photo of RAF Marham fire section 1981, for my Mother-in-Law. Many remembered Fred Canham, her husband, with great affection and respect and I thank you, on behalf of the family, for your kind remarks. We now have a number of photos and we thank you for those too.

Chris Pope [email protected]

13 July 2012

Hi I'm currently looking for my fathers missing brother Anthony Bailey (Tony), born in Notts 1941. There mother died at a young age and so they were fostered/adopted and he joined RAF Regt in March 1959-1964 RAF West Raynham we believe he was a fireman there and was demobbed March 64 at the age of 23yrs. Please any info on him would be appreciated, thank you.

If anyone knows this ex fireman or his whereabouts, please contact Michael Sharples 01392 272235 or 07867 502313 or ring Trevor Hayes (treasurer) 01923 331975.

Mark Sharples [email protected]

4 July 2012

To all my fellow members as you are aware their are 3 positons on the Committee which become vacate in OCT ( Chairman, Vice Chairman and Gen/Sec ) time is moving on it is now July and i hav'nt received any volunteers for the mentioned positions, so if you have a sence of adventure or are looking for a challange please send me your nominations no later than the 12th SEPT.


Garry Gen / Sec RAF & DFSA

Gary Hatchell [email protected]

19 June 2012

It was with great sadness I heard of WO Derrick Moscrop Passing. I to served with Derrick at Wildenrath, then briefly at st Mawgan when he took over as the WO. He was an RAF Firefighter through and through, He was a gentleman and first class boss. My thoughts go out to his family. RIP Derrick

Martyn Davis [email protected]

19 June 2012

Just been surfing the North Wield airfield site, and note they have a volunteer fire crew. Was wondering if anybody might know if some of them are ex RAF? They seem to have a decent crashline!

Andy Gaskell [email protected]

5 June 2012


would be interested to hear from any of the fire crews serving RAF Honington 75 80 esp Brum Yates Ken Slade mick rich in fact any one who remembers me. wish i had taken brums advice and signed on instead of leaving the best crew chief i ever had also all those who went on fire strike from Honington to Stockton on tees, can not remember you all.


Robin "Jonhah" Jones [email protected]

3 June 2012

I just found a picture of my late father Bill Williamson when he was in Sharjah. Amazing, he past away aged 59 years, I am now nearly 58 years old. seems a life time ago, but still here him laugh when I do some thing daft.

Nigel Williamson [email protected]

1 June 2012


I am leaving BAE on July 11th to start my own business and would appreciate any leads for work from members, my website is www.trainade.co.uk


Adey Tearl [email protected]

28 May 2012

HI, Trying to trace a Barry Hall (one time FSO 1?), wive Viv. if he is still with us and a member of your association I'd be grateful if you were to pass him my email address.


Bill King [email protected]

27 May 2012

I wonder if any one remembers those long nights at RAF, Sutton on Hull on camp patrol my NCO, was Cpl Menzies (Jock) or Duty fireman with axe and belt to the camp cinema. What about trailer pumps 350 to 500 or hose reel drills where are the old fireman drivers?

Arthur "Spike" Lynch [email protected]

26 May 2012

Hello, very interesting site,

I am about to purchase a Bedford RL crash tender with Army Fire Service titles on the side and I am looking for find out any information about the vehicle. The civilan Registeration is CYY426C, and is the same sequence as my ex Home Office Austin Gipsy LWB crew bus, which I have in Auxiliary Fire Service colours. I would be grateful if you could get back to me with any history of the Bedford or put me in the direction of people who might know. My mobile is 07767 265910



Paul "Blashers Sutton [email protected]

22 May 2012

How is the Memorial Fund progressing?, there never seems to be any updates or even direct appeals, with membership ageing and numbers likely to decline, maybe a push now is needed ?

How much is needed? How close to placing an order? Any projected time scales?

A Dedication Day at the National Memorial Arboretum I feel sure would be well attended.


Les Herbert [email protected]

22 May 2012

I am still hoping to find anyone who may remember me i am an ex RAF fireman/driver, at RAF Waterbeach 1960-1963 then at RAF Eastleigh Nairobi 1963-1965 i was lucky to find John Irwin who i grew up with never on the same RAF station together we keep in touch very happy about that hope someone else will remember me keep well everyone.

Bill Sanders

Bill Sanders [email protected]

21 May 2012

Looking for any information on Veron Hunt, who has finally left the RAF & MOD Fire Service after ? years. Looking at having a function 7 July (date to be finalised) any takers? if you have see or speak to Vern dont let him know. More info Steve Kerr, St Athan Fire Station 01446 798390

Trevor Keech [email protected]

15 May 2012

Does anybody know the whereabouts of Mary and John Cord?

Neil Mallon [email protected]

26 April 2012

Dear Chick

I have just posted a picture on flicker under Clevedon Motorways of us on a tour of Holland and saw your name on this site!

Thought I would see how you are doing.

Best wishes

Chris Langson [email protected]

26 April 2012

Does any member have the current address for member 789 Mr T Farrell, if so will you let Gordon Smith know, for Flashpoint mailing.

Many thanks

Gordon Smith [email protected]

Association Chairman

25 April 2012

Fantastic site. Many blasts from the past here. Feel free to contact me and pull up a sandbag or two. Joined in 81 and went to Cranwell and then did my bit in Stanley 84, went on to St Athan in 85 and then finished in 90. Leaving to join local authority and I am Currently Watch Manager with South Wales Fire and Rescue.

Take care and all the best.

Neil Byrne [email protected]

24 April 2012

I am looking for the postal addresses for the following if you can help please contact the Chairman, Gordon Smith . 904 J Richards, 706 A Pilton, 611 P Banham, 578 J Baker, 504 J Stevens, 191 J Henry, 184 A Heaps, 56 R Mason, 43 T Pearce.

Many thanks

Gordon Smith [email protected]

Association Chairman

19 April 2012

The Posting of Flashpoint

Our issues of Flashpoint are printed in York.

The Association is in need of one or two reliable members to pick up the magazines in York and arrange for them to be posted to members three times a year.

One member at least must have a computer and be on-line. If you are interested, please contact Trevor Hayes, Treasurer. 01923 331975

Trevor Hayes [email protected]

18 April 2012

Very nostalgic. Saw a George Edwards photo of my late husband Mick at Brize in 1973 stood with all the crews in front of the fire engines

Jan Phillips [email protected]

18 April 2012

I was an RAF fireman driver 1960-1965 i was at RAF Waterbeach near Cambridge 1960-1963 then at RAF Eastleigh Nairobi 1963-1965 anyone who remembers me i would like to hear from you Bill Sanders.

Bill Sanders [email protected]

7 April 2012

WILLIAM (Bill) Fraser Watson GOUGH

My name is Gee Trundle and I live in Australia. I personally have no connection with the RAF.

I have been trying to trace Bill for about 2 years now, and constantly keep coming up against a brick wall. All the sites I have visited let me go only so far then block me, requesting a fee, which at this stage I'm reluctant to do, as I don't know if they are legitimate sites, and if they are, whether they have any information regarding Bill anyway! If I was in the UK, it would be so much easier, and I'd be willing to try going down that track, and even try other avenues....but it is a wild search.....I'm so far away, and I don't want to throw money at searches that will only end up in dead ends, frustration and upset. I have no leads and don't know where to go next.

I came across your site, and it seemed to be the only one that didn't just deal with war vets., so have taken the chance that someone in the RAF Fire Service stationed at Wildenrath in the 1950,s may have known, or even better, may know where he is now and how I can contact him.

I don't have much information on Bill....too many years have gone by and peoples memories have faded....so much has been forgotten, including his birth date, though he would now be approximately in his mid to late 70's. He came from a small village in Dunfermline Fife, Scotland....either Blairburn (think that's correct spelling) or Culross. Bill was stationed at Wildenrath NATO RAF base nr Wassenberg, West Germany during the 50's, and was demobbed about 1955. I don't know what division he was in or what rank. I do have a very tiny photo of him in his uniform, but as yet have no idea how to get it on the computer...... did say I wasn't good with computers...already typed much of this out once, then somehow lost part of it and have had to redo...!!!!!! When my son or daughter next visit I'll try to remember to look for it and send it. As I mentioned, it is very tiny and may not help....but it's worth a go.

I hope I will get some leads. He may already have passed away....I am hoping so much that this is not the case.....and if he's still alive...then sadly the time I have to locate him is running out......

I hope that what little information I have will somehow be of help.


Gee. 1 April 2012

Nice one, I’d forgotten about that jacket…. Hope all is good with you? Yes where is John Pimlott, and a few other Kinlossies?

Off to me cot now mate, another busy night on shift in Chav-essex!!

Take care


Gary Bishop [email protected]

29 March 2012

Great site, names from the past Graham Bennet, Gary Bishop, Dave Stenhouse, Broadbent and more. Served Kinloss 1986 - 88 TQF 1988-91. By the way Gary still got your blue crash jacket. Where is John Pimlot ex Kinloss ?

Dave Vaughan [email protected]

27 March 2012

I would like to remind all members who do not pay their subs by Standing Order that subs are due on the 1st September each year.

It is now almost April- 8 months since 1st Sept 2011 and I am still having to write to and ring members to remind them that subs are overdue and were due to be paid on the 1st September 2011. Please give me a break, help to make my life as treasurer a little easier, and pay your subs on time this coming 1st September 2012 ,or arrange for me to send you a Standing Order Mandate, then you will not have to remember the 1st September each year and that your subs are due on that date. Again subs are due on the 1st September of each year. Have I made it too obvious? Did I mention that subs are due on 1st September annually????

Thank you

Trevor Hayes Treasurer 01923 331975

Trevor Hayes [email protected]

25 March 2012

I am trying to trace the following members for whom we no longer hold the correct addresses or telephone numbers. Any information would be most helpful.

326 Malcolm Byron, 884 John Allan, 611 Paul Banham, 771 Arthur Elton, 935 Donald Elliott, 981 Sean Green,

984 Lawrence Jackson, 1012 Colin Johnson, 898 Ken Mc Aulay, 1006 Peter Mitchell, 903 John Richards,

988 Michael Richardson 830 Mark Watson, 985 Stuart Weyman 273 David Crowe, 990 Martyn Davies, 936 Daniel Connelly

812 Quentin Eaton, 566 Robert Brearley, 350 Ken Gard, 650 Brian Grevatt,

688 Arthur Gurnhill, 976 Keith Gibson, 981 Sean Green, 393 Brian Harris, 614 David Hall, 850 Geoffrey Hancocks,

665 Dennis Isles, 56 Ron Mason, 706 Alan Pilton, 367 George Reilly,

903 John Richards, 103 Tom Sellers, 504 James Stevens, 967 Peter Fowler, 498 Donald Witte,

638 D Hughes 478 Robert Hutson 586 Larry Moulton 781 Pete Manley 933 D Tolley 775 Chris Thistlewood 401 Terence Matson

542 Geoffrey Stock 184 Alan Heaps 685 Keith Herring 440 John Johnson, 821 Brent Inglis,

482 Robert Parr, 655 Anthony Lee, 780 Henry Gordon, 817 Stewart Bundy, 714 Bob Lovett,

With thanks

Trevor Hayes [email protected]

Association Treasurer

12 March 2012

My name is Bill Sanders i grew up with a Brian Collacott in Combe Martin North Devon and knew him well but since he joined the RAF i think as a Fireman i lost any connection with him i was lucky enough to find a John Irwin ex RAF fireman from Combe Martin in the last few weeks when we met up he also asked me if i had any knowledge of Brian i am an ex RAF fireman 1960—1965.

I’m sorry i could not be more helpful.

Bill Sanders [email protected]

4 March 2012

Cottesmore crash crew 1959 to 1961 I wonder if any of the lads are still around

Bill "Tom Dooley" Hooley [email protected]

3 March 2012

For the attention of all members, if you have moved house within the last 10 months will you please ensure that you have informed the membership secretary, I am having mailed Flashpoint's returned to me as members not known at this address. Many thanks for your assistance.

Many thanks

Gordon Smith [email protected]

Association Chairman

29 February 2012

Just received an e-mail from Gerry Schofield if anyone knows the whereabouts of Ron Simms and family. Ron served with me and Gerry at RAF Changi 70/71. If you are out there Ron contact me and I will let Gerry know as he spends half of the year in Malaya, his other home.

Alan Wardle BEM

Alan Wardle [email protected]

28 February 2012

Flashpoint has been mailed out, if any member has the addresses for any of the following will you contact Gordon Smith: Mr John Richards 904, Mr Charles Chivers 686, Mr David Hall 614, Mr Richard Callanan 52, 665 Mr Dennis Isles, 184 Mr Alan Heaps, 85 Mr Roy Hammett, 56 Mr Ron Mason, 578 Mr John Baker.

Many thanks

Gordon Smith [email protected]

Association Chairman

23 February 2012

Do any members have a crash kit, fat bloke (Dave Rose size) and a pair of crash boots (9) for sale? Ideally blue but green ok if that's all that's on offer

Adey Tearle [email protected]

13 February 2012

Message from the Treasurer:

Direct Debits v Standing Orders- Do you know the difference?

Many people believe that standing orders and direct debits are the same, but they could not be more wrong.

A direct debit is controlled by the beneficiary and can be altered by the beneficiary in amount, date and frequency. You probably pay your Gas, Electricity, Council Tax and Water rates by this method on a monthly basis. The beneficiary is in control and to cancel these payments, you have to write to the beneficiary as well as informing your bank.

A standing order, on the other hand is totally different in that YOU, the account holder, has full control of the amount, date and frequency of payments from your account and YOU dictate when and how much and how often payments are made. Standing orders cannot be amended in any way by the beneficiary. It is like arranging for a post dated cheque to be paid at a set date for an amount that you have agreed.

In the case of the Association, on 1st September each year, and only on that date, when subscriptions are due, and only the amount agreed by you, the account holder, standing orders will be taken from your account, on your instruction by your bank. Once a standing order is set up by you, to the Association, it will be paid each 1st September until YOU either amend or cancel it. If the amount changes, YOU will need to notify your bank. The treasurer cannot amend any part of a standing order that you have set up with your bank.

Any fear that you have about regular payments from your bank account should be directed towards direct debits, where you have only limited control, and not standing orders, where you have full control as the account holder.

The Association only deals with Standing Orders.

What a Standing Order saves You, the Treasurer and the Association.

Paying your subscriptions by standing order saves you having to remember when subs are due. At the moment, only members who have standing orders are paying their subs on time.

You do not have to make the time to write out cheques and envelopes and incur the cost and effort of posting , and risk them getting lost in the post, and you then having to stop the cheque and re issue.

3 February 2012

The date for the next reunion is 12-14th October 2012, paperwork will be mailed out with the next Flashpoint, this is due from the printers anytime now.

Gordon Smith [email protected]

Association Chairman

3 February 2012

Now in contact with Davy Thompson, a mate from Machrihanish 1977. Looking forward to a few beers. One left! George Brown GSM, ex Machrihanish, West Drayton, Jeddah. Originally from Ardrosson. Spoke to Smeash at Glasgow Airport who's filled in some gaps, thanks.

Alisdair Stewart [email protected]

1 February 2012

Just discovered this site. I enlisted in the RAF in 1955 and served until 1985 at the following Fire Sections:

1956-58 - RAF Butterworth

1958-60 - RAF Martlesham Heath

1960-63 - RAF Butterworth

1963-64 - RAF(H) Hall

1964-66 - RAF Khormaksar (up country)

1966-67 - RAF Finningley

1967-70 - Episkopi (112 SAM Sqn)

1970-73 - RAF Biggin Hill

1973-76 - RAF Saxa Vord

1976-77 - RAF Rudloe Manor

1977-80 - RAF Kinloss

1980-81 - RAF Careers Information Ilford

1981-84 - Retrained as MT Tech due to hearing posted to RAF Odiham

Retired Feb 1985

John Walker [email protected]

30 January 2012

Hello all you ‘Water Babies’

Just to inform you that the spring edition of Flashpoint is now at the printers. Thanks to all who sent in contributions. As ever George and I are already working on the summer edition and again we are asking for any stories, anecdotes. Don’t forget it is your magazine and we need your contributions.

In the spring issue we are trying out a couple of columns: ‘Desert Islands Discs’ were we are asking for your favourite 3 records and the memories that they bring back from your RAF days. Also we were asked to do a ‘Where are they now’ column for those members who do not have the internet to search for them and other members who have could always help. One more is ‘Recommended Books’ mainly books with a military slant but if you have book you wish to rave about let us know.

Steve Harrison & George Edwards, co-editors Flashpoint

30 January 2012

I am trying to make contact with an ex RAF Fireman by the name of Joe Labouchardiere.

We met at Sutton Hull in 1958 and we were both posted from Sutton to RAF Duren Germany and then to RAF St Mawgan. We arrived at Duren on the 5 November 1958 along with Johnny Bleakley who I think came from the Manchester area. At the section when we arrived were Jock Thompson Ralph Coomes and Sgt Bill Slattery. Duren was a cushy posting no flying just a large bomb dump supplying the whole of 2nd TAF. At first my friend Joe and I didn’t get on well he didn’t like being in the same billet as me and complained about the racket I used to make when I returned from the NAAFI after consuming a few beers. We really were two opposites he was an Anglo Indian and a Roman Catholic I was a Northern Island Protestant from the Shankill Road Belfast. However after many hours spent lying on our pits talking Joe and I became good friends. I remember telling Joe that when I travelled to school I had to run through two very un friendly areas of Belfast. Joe said when he travelled to and from school he walked past the Taj Mahal Palace. Yes Joe and I had some great times together. However Joe married a German girl by the name of Rose Marie Peters; I was best man at Joe’s wedding and he was best man at my wedding. If any one has any gen on him I would be grateful to hear from you

Jimmy Newell




NP 23 4TL

26 January 2012

On the OLDIES section are 2 pictures of a WoT1 with a Somerset registration and i wondered if anyone had any information as to where they were taken (my thoughts are Yeovil airfield), or who supplied the pictures.

The photos are,10th line from the top, the right hand picture, and 14th line from the top, left hand picture.

They appear to be the same vehicle taken from different angles.

Thank you.

Bob Vandereyt [email protected]

25 January 2012

Would all members please check that their membership subscription is up to date, if you are unsure please contact the membership Secretary or the Treasurer. Your help in this matter is appreciated.

Gordon Smith [email protected]

Association Chairman

24 January 2012

Trying to get in touch with Andy Morrison and Martin (bucket) bailey. e- mail or call on 07538126734

Tim "Brooksy" Brooks [email protected]

22 January 2012

The Flashpoint editorial team we are looking to include an article on RAF West Kirkby in the next edition of Flashpoint if any member has any interesting stories or information about this base please send them to George Edwards: [email protected]

George Edwards [email protected]

31 December 2011

Good evening all,

Hope you are all keeping fit and well, and had a very good Christmas.

If you are in at your local newsagents at any time, try and get a look at the newly issued RAF Review Nagazine 2012, it's a bit pricey at £4.99, but it's got a brilliant article on page 86 about WO Steve Bowden, and well worth buying for that alone lots of other interesting reports as well). Steve has done our old trade group proud.

All the very best for the New Year and hope to see you all again soon.

Geoff Varley [email protected]

17 December 2011

Wishing all the association members and all who view this site all the best for the festive season and a happy new year for 2012. We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2012 AGM and reunion in Oct, details will be out in January

Gordon Smith [email protected]

Association Chairman

25 November 2011

The long wait is over. I have made contact with Dave Lambourne thanks to my wife. So after all that who wanted to make contact with Dave?

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

24 November 2011

Job opportunity with BEA Systems in Saudi Arabia. Please read attached document for details of an attractive employment opportunity.

Adrian Tearle [email protected]

20 November 2011

For the information on John Hanley's funeral please see the link posted on the Obituaries Page.

Many thanks.

Gordon Smith [email protected]

16 November 2011

Great site which has brought back some good memories of my time from 1980 to 1986, from Newton, Ascension, Belize and finally Waddington.

Martin Turner [email protected]

15 November 2011

In memory of John Hanley

I would just like to add my respects to John Hanley. A true one off who will be sorely missed. Deepest sympathies to the family.

Rest in Peace

Archie Carter [email protected]

14 November 2011

I am trying to get any information about the RAF firefighting school at Hull in the second WW my father was there from 1943-1945 i have several photos of staff ECT if anyone is interested

Peter Rout [email protected]

From webmaster: Thanks for that Peter, we'd love to have your pictures for the Sutton on Hull section, please send [email protected]. For your own info, check out this web site http://www.17balloons.co.uk/pages/page-16.html

12 November 2011

Spent a great evening looking up old names and boring my family with old stories!! Great to see this site going strong. Would love to hear from ex colleagues

Liegh "Corky" Corke [email protected]

7 November 2011

Attention all ex RAF El Adem firefighters 1962/63. Possible reunion in Buxton next April, contacts already being received. For further details ring Dave (Taff) Austin on 01978 710678 or email [email protected].

Dave (Taff) Austin [email protected]

4 November 2011

Seeking ex RAF Firefighter Stanley Derick Raymond Oakley. Joined the Service in 1950’s, left early 1970’s, served at Akrotiri and Henlow. Any information contact Paul Oakley [email protected]

Paul Oakley [email protected]

31 October 2011

Will any ex association members who have Flashpoint come through their letterbox please inform the association chairman so we can remove you from the mailing list. Your help with this matter is appreciated.

Gordon Smith


Gordon Smith [email protected]

29 October 2011

Any one who knew me just a small message I am retiring on the 1st November, send us a mail back Mr Broadbent

Mick "Chirpy" Chapman [email protected]

27 October 2011

I am looking for the new address for William Bill Lorrimer, who has moved from Scotland to Northumberland, so I can mail his Flashpoint. Email address to [email protected]

Gordon Smith


Gordon Smith [email protected]

25 October 2011

Hi to flashpoint supporters. I am coming back to life as hard as it is, happy memories with you all keep me going. see you all soon and i will dig out Changi memories. thanks to Pauline and Ben for being there through my hard times. its a rough road at the moment but I'm still here, lots of love jean and family

Jean Friel [email protected]

17 October 2011

Hi all, good to see some familiar faces and old friends around. Great work on the site.living over in Nova Scotia, Canada and working offshore as a Safety Advisor. look forward to hearing from you all - take care and best wishes

Ewan "Rab C" McArthur [email protected]

14 October 2011

A vacancy for the position as a Fire-fighter as arisen at Colerne Airfield Wiltshire. If any one is intrested in applying for this position Please go to Babcock Group Website.Closing date 11 November 2011.

Job Vacancy at Colerne

Chris Wilson 1EFTS-BUAS-Fire Station Mngr (Wilson Christopher Sub Off)

[email protected]

8 October 2011

Help Required.

For the next (Winter) edition of Flashpoint there is to be a tribute to the Harrier. In April,1965 at RAF West Raynham a Kestrel crashed. Was any Association member on crash duty at the time? If so I would like to obtain a story of the incident from you.

Steve Harrison Co-editor Flashpoint

Steve Harrison [email protected]

28 September 2011


I can't believe I have just come across your site. What wonderful old pictures which has brought back great memories of RAF life in Changi, Gutersloh, Kinloss etc. I will dig some of mine and send them on. A big hello to all who might remember me


Gerry Schofield [email protected]

23 September 2011

Just let friends know that email address had to change due hotmail address cheers Bobbeing hacked

Bob Ewing [email protected]

21 September 2011

Just came on this site; have served Binbrook, Coningsby, Waddington, Falklands & Belize. Recognise some old friends on this site. Served from 1976 to 1987

ps hi Smudge please contact me if u know me

great site :-)

Frank Porter [email protected]

18 September 2011

Hi folks,

I recently joined the Association, and browsing through list of members I found a few whom I had the pleasure of serving with in the distant past.

I would welcome any response to this short message, and will reply to any and all.


Len "Paddy" Mooney [email protected]

14 September 2011

My wife is still in contact with jean Friel, after the sad death of Roy, more misery for jean, she has been told she has cancer and is now in hospital having an operation. My wife Pauline called the hospital this evening and they said jean was comfortable. Haul away lads and give jean our support.

ciao ,

Ben Zacc [email protected]

13 September 2011

Looking for 70's dance sensation Dave Thompson. Ford Cortina MK3, 8track etc .Block 12, 1977-79 Machrihanish.

Alisdair Stewart [email protected]

13 September 2011

Just nosing around on the 'net and found the site. Great work. So sad to hear the news of John Arnolds passing. He was my first boss at Brize in '83 and a top bloke. My sympathies to his family. My regards to all who know me.

Mike "Tiny" Cantor [email protected]

13 September 2011

Just been informed that the government is withdrawing the subsidy from National Coaches at the end of October, prices will rise by 50% any member intending to use National coaches to attend the Remembrance Parade in November would be advised to buy their tickets before October 31st

Ron Brown [email protected]

11 September 2011

Great site.....I am an ex airport fireman at Teesside Airport, then Teesside Fire Brigade (now Cleveland)

Barrie "Bazza" Green [email protected]

7 September 2011

The funeral for ex RAF Fire Service Cpl Pete Bolland will take place on Friday the 16 September at Mansfield Crematorium at 15.15 hrs. No flowers has been requested by the family. Pete passed away in the early hours of Saturday the 3rd. I served with Pete at RAF Coningsby, Pete also served at RAF Cranwell, RAF Bawdsey Manor and in Germany. Any RAF Firefighters who remember Pete please if you can attend to pay your respects to a great fellow firefighter. God bless you Pete.

Gordon Smith [email protected]

1 September 2011

Fantastic Site and recognize some familiar names. Seeing myself in the Falkland Pictures brings back some cherished memories....

Ian "Smeesh" Smith [email protected]

1 September 2011

There is to be a sunset parade at Wootton Bassett Wednesday 31 August 2011, it is to commemorate the efforts made by the good people of Wiltshire in bringing home our lads & lasses after they have paid the ultimate price in order that we may live our lives the way we do. The union flag will be lowered after a couple of speeches from the mayor and the like and will finally be lowered around 7:50 PM, before it makes its way to Oxfordshire. All are welcome!!!!

Richard "Taff" Whiting [email protected]

23 August 2011

Our thoughts, as i am sure go to the wife of RED 4 and the selfish act that Jon took in saving the local populace and buildings a true hero in my book

Richard Cook [email protected]

21 August 2011

Hi Chaps,

Just to let you know I am still alive and living the Aussie dream. I am a Area Manager for a Fire Protection company in Perth WA, and doubling up as a Trainer Assessor for the same company. Life is good but miss my family and friends in blighty so drop me a line and let me know all the gossip from TG 8. If anyone is ever in the perth area and needs a place to stay drop me a line, already met up with Gorden Ball and Rob Townsend when they came to Perth. Got to dash the beach is calling me......

Terry Monaghan [email protected]

7 August 2011

Just came across this site. Served In Salalah 1966 - 1967. Friends with Paddy Mongey RAF Fireman. Does anyone know what happened to him as I lost contact with him.

Great site

Best wishes

Stewart Harrison [email protected]

1 August 2011

Query Re: John Sweeney[memb.no.293],

Is this Jock Sweeney ex-R.A.F. Bassingbourn 67/69, if so please do make contact. I misplaced your tel no., refound it but no luck making contact, no longer in use.

I owe you a big apology and explanation, I have some other contacts that may interest you.

Cheers ,

Les Herbert.

PS Anyone know the whereabouts of Keith Knight {Scouse], ex- Fairford + Bruggen 1968/73?

Les Herbert [email protected]

28 July 2011

If you require a contact for Saudi Arabia I will be more than willing to help

Rick "Lurch" Armstrong [email protected]

23 July 2011

No RAF Gütersloh in memory section

Michael "Hicko" Hicks [email protected]

Reply from webmaster: Please let me have your memories Michael and I'll gladly post them in Gutersloh slot

21 July 2011

My father, Walter (Wal) Lilley, sadly passed away a couple of years ago. He served in the Fire Section from the early 50's until 1967. Places he was stationed at included: Sandwich, Tangmere, Thorney Island, Sharjah, St Mawgan, with North Front Gibraltar being his final posting. I suspect a number of his peers are no longer with us, but it would be greatly appreciated if anyone who knew him could get in contact - I would particularly love to see any photographs in which he appeared. Thank you.

Mel Lilley [email protected]

12 July 2011

Hi all,

Just a quick note to say thank you to all the lads down in Royal Wootten Bassett today for Scott McLaren's repatriation who made me feel welcome. I (and a colleague) turned up in Essex Fire Service uniform and was approached by one of the members, when it came apparent that I had been in the RAF Fire Service we had a good old chat and the association members asked if we would stand with them. We had a good old exchange of stories, I got told to pull my thumb out and join this association, all saluted as the coffin went past and then went on our way. We were made to feel welcome by all.

I must admit, I didn't know about this site, I will now be visiting it a lot more.

Dan Kirk

RAF Fire Service 1999-2005

Dan Kirk [email protected]

9 July 2011

Hi there Mr Flameouts here I am an old crash bay singer from way back (Taff Evans) or Bluey to some - visit my YouTube site for some old songs, I am 72 now so don't expect too much the echo is not as good as the crash bays at FTS Swinderby 58 or Gaydon, Edinburgh Field, Tawau Borneo, Tern Hill. Living in Oz since 1970 after serving 12 year stint, really like your pages and I always check in. Any boys about that were with me at the Vulcan crash at Syerston Sept 20th 1958 (Air Show) would be nice to hear from you - there is a good film clip on YouTube you should have a look at it.

Check out my songs I need numbers.

Cheers Boys,


Allan "Taff" Evans [email protected]

5 July 2011

Fire Section RAF Western Zoyland Somerset

August 1956 to about June 1957

Norman Fowles [email protected]

30 June 2011

Is there any members that knows the whereabouts of Neil Morrell that has just come back to UK, can they get him to contact Gordon Ayles on the numbers below please

Gordon Ayles Fire Safety Advisor Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Tel: 01302 796197 Fax: 01302 796003 Mob: 07876560783

Gordon Ayles [email protected]

29 June 2011

Anyone interested in a TACR2 in good running order?

I haven't got time to enjoy it. Stored in a barn in Beaulieu, Hants


David Hughes [email protected]

27 June 2011

To The Chairman and Secretary,

Reading a national newspaper today, I was shocked to read that Members of our Forces who have tragically lost there lives defending our Country, they are to be taken to Oxford from RAF Brize Norton out of a back gate. Members of the Association have stood in Royal Wooton Bassett in deep respect of our lost comrades. May I ask the Chairman and or Secretary to write to H.M. The Queen showing our protest of this order that the cortege be diverted away from Carterton.

These mandarins who have decreed this order should hang their heads in shame.

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

25 June 2011

Could do with a chat about old times any Sutton on hull men left?

Arthur "Spike" Lynch [email protected]

25 June 2011

To John Struggles'

John were you at RAF Hemswell basic training in May 1966. And if I remember your father was based at RAF Abingdon. Please get in touch.

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

25 June 2011

1959/1968.raf gutersloh.60/62.cotesmore.62/65.el adem.65/67.plus other places.any of tou old smokies left.??

Michael "Hicko" Hicks [email protected]

7 June 2011

Thank you to Ron Brown for the photo of the air crash at Tengah 8/7/1957... I was at school at Tengah that day and witnessed the whole accident.. it remains in my memory forever.. penny

Penny Maddock [email protected]

7 June 2011

Not been on the website for a while but great to see some old names. Been out of the Service since 2004 can't believe how time has flown. Sad to read about the death of Les Chapman, he was a character. I arrived at RAF Upavon in 1981 as a young LAC and Les was a long serving SAC. He knew every trick in the book!!! Those who served with us at that time will know what I mean. He fixed everybody's car in the crash bays :-). I have fond memories of sitting for long hours in the field at Depford Down and eating the ""fry ups"" that Les produced. Les was also responsible for my first car purchase - a white triumph dolomite that carried 11 people around the camp one night. You could get away with it in those days. Finally, this memory always makes me smile - Les working in the bays all night to repair the MK 8 wheel arch after ripping the gate post out passing the guardroom. I never laughed so much, the welding gear was out and there was no evidence in the morning to the anger of the orderly sergeant. He was fuming that Les could do that. His words were ""you bloody well can't do that :-("" - well it was too late!!!! RIP Les you looked after me when I was wet behind the ears.

Glen Mattinson [email protected]

25 May 2011

Looking for Fire Section members who were at MPA Fire Section when RAF Stanley closed and moved up to MPA in 1986 for possible reunion in 2012, please contact Gordon Smudge Smith at [email protected]

Gordon Smith [email protected]

25 May 2011

Hello all, please feel to contact me either by mail or facebook.

Phil "Digger" Barnes [email protected]

24 May 2011

Looking for the following who were at RAF Port Stanley Fire Section in 1986. Fred Woods, Paul Steel, Eddie Calvert, Andy Philips, Phil Digger Barnes, Liam Rippon, Chris Rickard, Jim Barrow, Igor Ingram.

Any information to:

Gordon Smith [email protected]

15 May 2011

To Patrick Carroll

I tried to e mail you but the mail was returned as invalid address, can you please mail me as I was at Abingdon 69/70

Ron Brown [email protected]

14 May 2011

Anyone out there remember me, I was at Abingdon from 1968-1971

Patrick Carroll [email protected]

9 May 2011

To all members, with the last issue of Flashpoint a voting slip was enclosed ref to Reunions ie to keep at the present two a year or to reduce the Reunions to one a year, at this present time out of 500 plus voting slips that were sent out only a 100 have been returned, the cut of date is the end of this month. For those members who have not yet sent their slip in can you please fill them in and send them to the Chairman Gordon Smith ASAP

Thanks Garry Hatchell General Secretary

[email protected]

29April 2011

Hi to all.

I have just received a letter to day, from a old flame, that a number of people are looking for me. ref message left 25 August 2009, 15 September2010 & 20 September 2010. My mobile number is 07713627848. Would Simon Farmer Ex RAF police & Lin please call me. If any one else wants to chat it would be nice to chat to you as well.


Chris R Barker

Chris R Barker [email protected]

25April 2011

Hi does anyone remember Taff Jones and Andy from the Fire Section RAF Nocton Hall 1966 and know how to contact them they were at my wedding Dec 1966


Sue Williams [email protected]

23April 2011

Thank you for another good flashpoint always good to read and remember. I was sad to hear of the death of alec Bramley. He was my F/Sgt at RAF Brawdy 1977,until the arrival of J F Knight. Anyway would any members in south Wales be interested in attending a carnival and armed forces event in Aberdare, the weekend after armed forces day? if so please contact me on 07746568444.or my home nos. If you have a vintage or in service fire truck you will be more than welcome. Also you can contact me on my facebook wall.

Best wishes.


Ian King [email protected]

23April 2011


I am trying to locate 2 firemen, Steve Harrison and Mal Ray who served in RAF Masirah sometime over the tears between mid 1971 to mid 1973. If anyone with any info on their whereabouts now or how I might get in touch with them could contact me, I'd be very grateful.


Vic Nugent [email protected]

15 April 2011

The latest edition of Flashpoint, the Association magazine is in the post along with the details for the next reunion, any member who does not receive it by the end of the month please contact the membership secretary to confirm your membership status.

Gordon Smith

Chairman [email protected]

3 April 2011

Hi All, just noticed my old email address is on the site if anyone wants to get in touch I'm on [email protected]

Eddy Bell [email protected]

3 April 2011

Still No 1 site, always getting better, I always have great memories looking through the good times we enjoyed, keep it up,

John I.

John Irwin [email protected]

21 March 2011

Just like to thank every one who welcomed me and the wife at our first reunion and hopefully see you at the next one

Ian "Taff" Birkin [email protected]

17 March 2011

Just joined, hope to make contact with old mates. Hemswell, Catterick, Bassingbourne, Fairford, 1966-1970. Also N.A.A.F.I. Germany 1971- 1974.

Les "Scouse" Herbert [email protected]

21 February 2011

Hi everyone who knows me served @ Coningsby Waddington Swinderby Bruggen between 1980-1992 hope you are all well!

Stephen "Jacko" Jackson [email protected]

20 February 2011


I would like to remind any members visiting the Site that Subscriptions for Financial Year 2010/11 were due on the 1st Sept 2010,There are a lot of members in arrears at this time who are receiving Flashpoint, which THEY have not paid for. If you are not sure on your payment status email, or call me or the treasurer our details are in FLASHPOINT


John Hanley Membership Secretary

19 February 2011

Hi to all asbestos aces. I am looking for assistance in contacting the following Association Members:

Pete Manley (781) Bob Evans (803) Trevor Pearce (43) Colin Nixon (752) Ron Mason (56) Ian Sabiston (572) John Ballantyne (253) James Stevens (504)

Hope you can help


John Hanley Membership Secretary

19 February 2011

Many thanks for the support with a proud farewell to Roy Friel at his Funeral on 10th February. Seeing the Standard flag and faces from RAF & Defence fire services association done him proud and eased the pain in the family to know the RAF family ROY brought his own family up with was there to support us and his friends on the most difficult and saddest day of our lives. He passed away on the 31st January 2011 after a long illness.

R.I.P x x

Jean Friel [email protected]

17 February 2011

Chick Bebb started my nickname at Gaydon after I did a tour in Australia (now my home) Fantastic site really enjoy it! Will look up my old pics regards to you all

Allan "Bluey" Evans [email protected]

16 February 2011

(For Brian Bailey)

Hi Brian,

The last time I saw Dave was at West Drayton in 1975. I was told he was with the BAA fire service at Heathrow. There is a chance Bill Creaser might know more. I will email Bill to see if he can help track him down.

Cheers Neil

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

16 February 2011

Roy Friel passed away 31/01/2011. His funeral was 10/02/2011, it was nice to see some of our members attending. I am going to miss him at our reunions!!!

Ben "Zacc" Zaccardelli [email protected]

8 February 2011

I am looking for David Lambourne who served with me at Masirah 1972

Brian "Bill" Bailey [email protected]

8 February 2011

Would like to make contact with old friends/mates


Eddie Lynagh [email protected]

6 February 2011

Hi Guys, Have just renewed my membership after not being well for some time, but am now reasonably fit and well . Have been in touch with old colleagues and have been keeping myself up to date with our site. Regards to all who remember me. Its a great site

Alan Wardle BEM [email protected]

31 January 2011

So sorry to read about Baz Bennett. He told us to paint our rubbish bins green so the Russians could not find us. He will be sadly missed.

Pip Piper [email protected]

16 January 2011

Appeal for names:

Please look at this pic in Finningley section http://www.rafanddfsa.co.uk/Fin1.jpg and let us know who the footballers are.

George "Scouse" Edwards [email protected]

16 January 2011

Great site would like to become member

Ian "Taff" Birkin [email protected]

11 January 2011

So sorry to read of Bazs death. Served with him at Marham in the late seventies, a true gentleman who will be sadly missed.

John Stott [email protected]

8 January 2011

Just found site and seen a few names i know would like too catch up with any one who knows me from Brize Cranwell, Swinderby, Northcoates

Ian "Taff" Birkin [email protected]

8 January 2011

Are there any members who served on HM The Queens Flight Helicopter Support Unit. Please get in touch and if you have any pics of the Bedford RL made by Marshalls of Cambridge.

Cheers Neil

Neil "Gurney" Slade [email protected]

23 December 2010

Would all Association members please ensure that the address logged with the Membership Secretary is current and correct.

This request is due to the number of posted items, Flashpoint etc. being returned due to "Not Known at this address".

Many thanks all the best for 2011

Gordon Smith

Chairman [email protected]

22 December 2010

So Sorry to hear that Baz Bennett has passed away, I had the honour of working with him for over 5 years at Marham, and I fondly remember the laughs both on and off duty that we all had, please accept both myself and Stew bell's condolences at this very sad time.

Richard "Trotsky" Czykita [email protected]

19 December 2010

Sorry to hear of the passing of Bas Bennet. He was on my crew for a period of time at RAF Marham, there was no doubt that he was a true character and I remember a lot of laughs with him. Liz my wife and I send our condolences to Anne.

Stephen Harrison [email protected]

18 December 2010

So sad to hear of the loss of Baz Bennet. Remember him giving a lesson on charging the 45Kg BCF. He refilled it and said that's how you do it lads. Well me being a joker kept making a hissing noise and Baz thought there was a leak bless him, took ages before he realised it was me. He saw the funny side. Rest in peace mate.

Paul "Reg" Metcalf [email protected]

16 December 2010

I am writing a story recalling the crash of Harrier XZ992 which happened while I was on duty 29th Nov 1984 while at RAF Stanley. Although I can recall most of the incident from my perspective I would like any of my lads on the crew at the time to contact me with any info. Also is anybody in contact with Andy Devine?

Hope you can help, Thanks

Stephen Harrison [email protected]

16 December 2010

Good photos for the Autumn 2010 edition. I dont remember having a six pack like those young firefighters, maybe as I look down the muscles I had have now sadly slipped. Any old Brize Norton boys from 1973 to 1977 where are you all ?

Tony "Pug" Humphries [email protected]

7 December 2010

Dear Sirs,

Following a recent enquiry I placed with you seeking contact info on 2 Fire Service lads who served with us on RAF Masirah in 1971/1972, namely Bob Brierley and Colin Murphy, may I just say thank you to all who replied to my enquiry.

As a result of contacts made to me by your members regarding them, we are now in contact with both Bob and Colin and both will be attending our proposed reunion in October, 2011.

May I just impose on your patience once more and ask that if any of your members know of or have contact with a fireman called Dave Lambourne, would you please let me know or, alternatively, let him know that we are searching for him. He served in RAF Masirah with us in '71/'72.

Again, thank you all for your help to date. It is much appreciated.

Vic Nugent

[email protected]

30 November 2010

Can anyone help me out by contacting Graham Bebbington and kindly ask him to give me a call or drop me a text.

I have stupidly wiped all my contacts off my mobile while setting up a new phone.

Great site by the way, keep up the good work.

Regards to all who know me.

Mark "Geordie" Wilson [email protected]

26 November 2010

Hello there,

I hope you can help. I am trying to trace ex Sgt Terry Monaghan, who I believe retired in 2009. Through these pages, I believe that he has moved to Perth in W.Australia.

If anybody is in contact with him, please could you ask him to contact me, Ian CARRUTHERS from Chester, , @ [email protected].

Thank you

Ian Carruthers

22 November 2010

A big thanks to Ron Brown again, for organising the associations participation in this years remembrance day parade at the cenotaph in London To those members that have never been on the Parade- You just don't know what you're missing. Ron Does a great job and the sound of Mike Clapton's rich Gloustershire accent echoing down Whitehall will be hard to forget. But listen...... We were outnumbered by Snowdrops and Rocks!! Come on lads; lets make it 100% next year. It's like sex...Once you've done it you will want to go back for more!

A merry Christmas from Brian Ford and the Wootten Bassetteers

Brian Ford [email protected]

20 November 2010

I have just viewed the site found it very interesting

ex RAF Fireman served 59/64 at Bridgenorth, Sutton On Hull, Catterick, Stafford, El Adem (worked on TEARS) & Leconfield.

Pleased to hear from anyone who know me

John "The Admiral" Fleet [email protected]

19 November 2010

Dear Sirs,

We are a group of 22 airmen who served together in RAF Masirah in 1971/1972 who have recently got back in touch with each other with a view to meeting up sometime late next year or early 2012.

Currently our group comprises mainly Air Traffic Control Asst's, Commcen telegs and wops, some electricians and one or two other trades.

We are seeking to make contact with 2 firemen who shared our block (Cunnington Block) accommodation at that time. We think both were SAC's but, being 40 years ago, we could be wrong about their ranks. One of the lads was Bob Brierley (I may have the spelling of his surname wrong) and the other lad was Colin Murphy.

Could I ask through your website if any of your members knew either of these lads during their RAF career and if so, do they have any contact with them nowadays or know how contact might be made with them.

We would be very grateful for any help your members could give us to locate either or both of these fire service man

Thank you,

Vic Nugent

[email protected]

19 November 2010

Trying to find old mates from the RAF Fire Service who would have known me as Stan, joined in 1969 and left in 1993. Was stationed at Scampton (twice), Waddington, Saxa Vord, Tongeron, Biggin Hill, Hereford. it would nice to hear from old friends and maybe meet up.


Graham "Stan" Mellor [email protected]

16 November 2010

So very sorry to hear of the passing of John Arnold. He was a great boss down Port Stanley. Gave us all a laugh, many happy and fond memories.

Rest in peace John.

Paul "Reg" Metcalf [email protected]

8 November 2010

Just been given this site I served on the crash rescue 1956/58 RAF

Ernest Haynes [email protected]

8 November 2010

Just scrolling through the obituaries and read of Tom Turners passing. Tom was an Old SAC who I remember from my time at Oakington as a shiny bright new LAC and being taken under his wing. A big man in lots of ways and its upsetting to note he passed away without family.

Archie Carter [email protected]

8 November 2010

Dear Sirs

I was looking for information about the crash landing of a at Kenley in the 1950s and found a link to your website.

I remember seeing and actually playing on this crashed plane as a boy. Do you have any information you could reveal to me about it? What happened?

Thank you.

David Reynolds [email protected]

6 November 2010

Graeme Bennett, Andy Forsyth, where are you??

Gary Bishop [email protected]

2 November 2010

To Whom It May Concern,

I am a retired member of the 106th New York Air National Guard Crash Fire Rescue in the and while doing some research on a model aircraft a from a Squadron that no longer exists I thought to see what type of equipment the RAF Fire Service uses. So I pulled up your site and found it to be very informative and well done. Keep up the good work.


James W.Gledhill Tsgt. Retired

United States Air Force

James W.Gledhill [email protected]

30 October 2010

Would any member wishing to attend this years parade at the Cenotaph on Sunday 14th November please send a SAE ASAP I still have a small number of tickets available, address is in Flashpoint.

Ron Brown Parade Organiser

[email protected]

Ron Brown [email protected]

28 October 2010

Hi. I am Roger (Grahams son). I am trying to find any fire rescue crew who were based at RAF Watton between 1953 and 1956 who might remember my father Graham (BILL) Woolley, a butchers son from Ashbourne Derbyshire. Any help would be greatly appreciated. He is convinced all his old mates will be gone.

Roger Woolley [email protected]

28 October 2010

I have just attended my first reunion at the Leicester Marriot and I would like to send my thanks to all the organisers for all the hard work in arranging this event.

My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the day and look forward to the next one.

Many thanks Phil

Phil "Whiskers" Cowley [email protected]

23 October 2010

Could someone please let me know the whereabouts of C Thistlewood a member of the association.

JJ association Mem Sec

John Hanley [email protected]

23 October 2010

Looking for last known whereabouts of Ken Devine, RAF KHORMAKSAR AND UP COUNTRY AT ATAQ 1961/62

Martin "Mick" Smith [email protected]

20 October 2010

WO Jim Barron


I have only found out about Jims death on my birthday 13.10.10. I played cricket with Jim at St Ives in Cambs in the 80s we had some great times around the cricket team Me Tricky, Parcel, Hedley, Cause,r Don Jamesy, Errington and many more.We had a few tours and so many memories.

His first Century at St Ives he was so proud his dad was there to see it he told me after the game I looked who was in next and saw Tricky and he said no I will stay,I had a certificate made for him celebrating his maiden century he loved it.

Me and Parcell went to watch play at Ramsey and stayed on for a drink with him and Jim thought he could stay with Tricky and Parcell and he tried but we escorted him home leant him up against his door and knocked and left him the door opened and Jim fell in he did tell us he was in trouble.

When he was in the middle of the Atlantic Islands on duty we sent him a Certificate to be Godfather of my Daughter Ellie, who he saw a couple of years later he tried to pick off what he thought was a bit of chocolate which was a spot she did cry.

There are so many nice things I could say about Jim and there so many people who knew him could say it would be never ending.

My final thoughts are for Jackie and Jims Family it will be great miss for them and his many many friends.

Many thanks if you print this on his page.

Best regards Ken Trick

[email protected]

20 October 2010

Looking for Mel Wilshire last known at ystrad south wales, we where at Ta qali Malta early 60s

Derek "Archie" Moore [email protected]

20 October 2010

Hi there nice site.

I worked on lots of fire vehicles whilst in the RAF. Can anyone help me find Billy Wallace my 'lost' friend from Ascension and Honington in the mid 90's


Phillip Kewley [email protected]

20 October 2010

remember me, yrs 1956-1968.RAFManby,Strubby. now in Canada.

Bob "Bex" Bissell [email protected]

20 October 2010

Hi to all,

Just had a 20yr basic course reunion. V.V drunk. There were a few we couldn't get hold of. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Craig TODHUNTER, joined in 1990, not sure where he went. If so can you please drop me a line at the email below


Tony LA

Tony La-Planche [email protected]

29 September 2010

Just come across website and seen a few names i know

Richard "Cookie" Cook [email protected]

25 September 2010

So Sorry to hear about John Young's wife! Please pass on both myself and Stew Bell's deepest condolences, our thoughts are with him at this sad time

Richard "Trotsky" Czykita [email protected]

20 September 2010

Following my request for any info. on Chris Barker I saw a picture of an old friend, Phil Evans at Chivenor in 1989 along with the following guys.

If any of you know where Phil is perhaps you could ask him to get in touch if he has any info to offer as he was at RAF Northolt and knew of Chris Barker.

In the picture were:-

Ian Baker, Gil Weeks, Andy Barnes, Mick Jones, Jimmy Dunn, Dave Hales, Phil Evans

Front Row: Karl Crocker, Eddie Donnelly, Simon George, Mark Jones, Martin Hollyman

Lyn [email protected]

18 September 2010

Just to say hello to those i knew at Wyton and Catterick in the late 70s early 80s if anyone would like to get in touch i would love to hear from you.

Trevor "Willie" Wilson [email protected]

17 September 2010

Please get in touch if you know me

Keith Gibson [email protected]

15 September 2010

Anyone know of the whereabouts of Chris Barker. I know him at RAF Northolt around 1982-3(?) He has family trying to find him having lost touch some years ago.

Please let me know.

Lyn [email protected]

7 September 2010

Would like to hear from anyone who remembers me. Served 1966-75. Hemswell, Catterick, Saint Morgan, Hamala, West Drayton, Gibraltar and Brize Norton.

Rodney Webb [email protected]

2 September 2010

Hi, as an ex techy I enjoyed your site thanks. Noticed the Wildenrath memories section had a pic called Tornado prang ,89. Here's the story! I recall being on a VC ten waiting on hold at the end of the runway for GT (one our 20 Sqn Tornados) to land before we could go for a 2 week holiday to Goose bay. However just before touch down there was a spurious input to the tailerons and the aircraft landed on its nose wheels! Both wheels shot of in different directions as the axles snapped, and the aircraft pogo'd down the runway on the nose leg until it folded back, and the aircraft skidded down the runway on its nose belly and main wheels. when it stopped the canopy went up and the growbags exited the cockpit faster than the wheels exited the nose gear! Needless to say, we all had a lovely night in the transit block and went nowhere that day! 20 Sqn were based at Wildenrath at that time as Laarbruch runway was being redone over 4 months. It was in march 1987 I seem to recall, 2 months before my return to Halton for further brain washing. I recall the front of VC10, occupied with 20 Sqn aircrew was very quiet while the back half with the ground crew was later interviewed to find out who cheered and laughed! Hope that's been of use! Mike Preston, ex RAF rigger, now Air New Zealand spanner monkey many miles from Wildenrath.

Mike Preston [email protected]

Thanks for that Mike 

27 August 2010

Many memories of my days with the RAF Fire Service. Joined in 89 and left for sunny in 2000. Coltishall, Saxa Vord & Northolt. would love to hear from anyone who remembers me or if anyone knows where Stu Turner (Saxa mid 90's) may be. If anyone is in the St. Pete/Clearwater area on holiday, look me up & and I'll buy the first round.

Lee "Elsie" Edmonds [email protected]

26 August 2010

Time getting on. Lots of guys still not listed. Would love to hear from anyone who did Catterick 77,around Oct-Dec during fire strike, Machrihanish 77-79,Wittering 79-80,RAFASU 80-81,Akrotiri 81-84, Marham 84,Jeddah, KAIA 85-86,and anyone ex Dallah Fasco or Wackenhut KSA.

Alisdair Stewart [email protected]

20 August 2010

I have just been reading the latest mag and saw the photo sent in by spike lynch of fire crew at RAF Alhorn2nd taf I was there in 58 until 61 It brought back some good memories I will try and find some photos to send

Cheers R C

Keep up the good work

Roy Catlow [email protected]

9 August 2010

I am looking for the following who all served at Fire section RAF Coningsby late 70's early 80's can you help.

Alan Kaye, Trevor Line, Jim O'Hara, Tony Watts, Stevie Webster, Chris Pownell, Mick King, Derry Dune, Ray Hunt, Larry Dunnit, Andy Waterworth, Jimmy George, Frank Porter, Alan Stamp

Any information on any of the above please email the Association Chairman Gordon Smith.

Gordon Smith [email protected] Chairman

24 July 2010

I would like to contact Bob [Gus] Guscott; I've mislaid your email address hope to get in contact again.

Keith "Bart" Simpson [email protected]

15 July 2010

Posted to Butterworth Malaysia Between 1967 and 1971 with the RAAF loved every moment. RAF fire crew taught me everything.

Great website.

Gary "Gaza" Haseldine [email protected]

5 July 2010


Can any member recall a Meteor Crash landing at RAF Kenley in 1956?

Any detail would be gratefully received.


Ray Hooton [email protected]

27 June 2010

Looking to find out were Tommy Farrell lives. If you're reading this Tommy, please get in touch with......

Kevin "Bambi" Pateman [email protected] Mem No: 372

4 June 2010

I would like to inform members that there are two jobs going in fire safety in hospitals; they are in the Scunthorpe / Grimsby area. I have been informed that anybody looking for a job keep looking on the NHS Job site, where they will be posted in the near future of any other information you can contact me on 01302 796197 or 07876560783

Gordon Ayles [email protected]

29 May 2010

Looking at six wheel appeal site come across photo of old sarum, name of fireman in photo is Keith Taylor, could somebody tell Archie Sutherland, or give me contact details.


Alan "Big Al" Beasley [email protected]

27 May 2010

Waterbeach. Christmas Island 56/57. Oakington 57/62. Bruggen 62/64. Liverpool/Merseyside F.B. 33 years

Peter "Scouse" Carter [email protected]

25 May 2010


Thanks to all who responded to my request for input. Please keep your pictures and stories coming.

Many thanks


[email protected]

25 May 2010

Happy Memories

The time i served in the R.A.F Fire Service was 1955 to 1959 it was a memorable time for me as i was just before my eighteenth birthday when i volunteered, serving in Aden at Steamer Point and Cyprus in Nicosia that was after my square bashing at Padgate and trade training at Sutton on Hull. and ending my service at Middleton St George, Darlington.

Why didnt i sign on well i dont know wish i had now but they where good memories, I did consider it but with no guarantee of going back oversees i was thinking of going into the civvy fire service for which i did.

Well I am still in contact again with some of my commrades i served with in Nicosia, I have some photos i will send you with some of the more pleasent times we had as you know we where at the time under threat by the EOKA terrorist and of course the invasion of Suez which according to any information is not in any book or accountable history apart from a mention of it happening, one book i have on the RAF Squadrons is that there is not one mention of the squadrons we had on Nicosia apart from transport which i agree was mainly an International Airport at the time but we did have Hunters Venoms Meteors and Canberras there as well and i can asure you we had our fair share of incidents not only aircraft crashes but terrorist incidents as well plus the internal expantion of troops both British and French armies. I am going back to Kirenia in fact this August and from pictures i have seen it has changed but not all that much, obviously i am not expecting to be like the place i left fifty two years ago but just to be going back will bring memories back to me. I shall look up some photos for you in due course

Brian Pickering [email protected]

25 May 2010

Lost Friends

Hi, I am trying to locate personnel who were at RAF El- Adem in 1961- 1963, RAF Gan 1995, and Wildenrath 1977- 1980.

John (Chalky) White [email protected]

10 May 2010

Would all Association members please check to ensure that there membership subscriptions are up to date, members who's subscriptions have lapsed will not continue to receive the Association magazine or details for the reunions. Many thanks.

John Hanley Membership Secretary via Chairman Gordon Smith.

7 May 2010

Does anyone know where I can get a good second hand lightweight pump?

Adrian Tearl [email protected]

25 April 2010

Gents. On the 28th of April 2010, Green Watch Swindon and I will be doing a sponsored walk from Swindon Fire Station to St Marys Fire Station in Southampton. This is in aid of the families of the two brave Firefighters that lost their lives. If you would like to sponsor me then please contact me so I can give you the information on how to do it. Thanks in advance for your kind donations, we are aiming to complete the 70 miles (or so) within 24 hours.

Richard "Taff" Whiting [email protected]

25 April 2010

I have a very close friend who was in Aden etc when Mad Mitch was was there former Merchant Seaman and RAF Fire Crew his name is Robert Gills would anyone know of him and how best to direct both he nad yourselves to link up

Kind regards


[email protected]

25 April 2010

I haven't had much contact with old members of the mob. But i would just like to send commisserations to all members families i may or not have known. Could anyone tell me if Colin Whiteley is still with us, All the best to everyone Keith S.

Keith "Bart" Simpson [email protected]

15 April 2010

Wildenrath 63-66

Wittering 66-69

Macrihanish 69-72

Anyone stationed above on these dates please get in touch - Ronnie

Ronnie "Jock" Rhind [email protected]

11 March 2010

Is there anyone out there that can help me trace the whereabouts of the following RAF Fire Services Association who have dropped below the . 253 John Ballantyne.824 Chris Davies (RAF )902 Terry Gormely,262 Darren Fowler,107 Michael King,877 Simon Allsop, 849 Thomas Eddleston,775 Christopher Thistlewood,9RAF Benson) 871 Stephen Walker BFPO 57 ,894 Michael Rowlands BFPO 57,891 Nigel Burgess (Manston)915 Shane Allen (Brize) These members have probably forgotten to let me have their changes of address. Thanking for your help.

John Hanley

Membership Sec

For the Association

John Hanley [email protected]

2 March 2010

Is there anyone out there who knows the location of Christopher Thistlewood. Last known Sgts Mess RAF Benson.

If you view this message Christopher we keep getting your Flashpoint Magazine returned

regards JJ

John Hanley [email protected]

27 February 2010

Anyone out there remember me, I was at Valley Ta kali, Henlow Khormaksar & Abingdon

Derek "Archie" Moore [email protected]

25 February 2010

I would like to say thank you to everyone who have posted photos on the Fylingdales site mick rich etc my dad (Doug Upton) who served as a fireman there for 35 years died last Saturday and to come to this site and look at photos of him brought a smile to my face.

Thank you

Vicki Kilpatrick [email protected]

25 February 2010

I found your sight by accident, was hoping to find pictures of my Dad SAC Dennis Costello, I know he was at Cranwell late 50's and then Gan early 60's St Mawgan late 60's Cyprus early 70's and finished at RAF Abingdon mid 70's If there is any one out there who remembers him I would love to speak, write, or even e-mail them.

Thanks Steve Hodkinson/Costello PS Brilliant web site by the way!!!

[email protected]

23 February 2010

Thanks to Bob Bailey I have just found the site (Excellent). I left the RAF Fire Service after 24yrs on Commissioning. I am still serving and maintain contact with some of lads from various tours

Dominic "Splash" Godwin [email protected]

21 February 2010

for Noel Spencer

I served with you at RAF Wyton 63/68 Please could you make contact with me


Dave "Geordie" Proud [email protected]

16 February 2010

Is there anyone out there who was at Wildenrath when W/O Jack Killeen and myself were there, 1958-60. And also at St Mawgan when W/O Jack Killeen and myself were there too, 1963-65.

Ron "Paintbrush" Newsome [email protected]

11 February 2010

I've recently returned from a holiday with my brother and his wife who live and work in Dubai. During the holiday I was able to visit the Aviation Museum located in the old RAF Sharjah Air Traffic Control Tower The museum is called a aviation museum but its really a RAF Sharjah museum containing lots of interesting RAF Sharjah photographs and memorabilia. The two museum curators were charming guides who appeared very pleased to receive visits from ex RAF Sharjah personnel. I have promised to send them my collection of RAF Sharjah photographs and if anybody out there has any RAF Sharjah photographs or tales from their time at RAF Sharjah I would certainly welcome them and send them on to the museum

Many thanks

George Edwards [email protected]

11 February 2010

Message for Dennis McCann - just found the site - would be nice to hear from you

David Woodall [email protected]

8 February 2010

Does anyone know the whereabouts of John and Gisella Pursey ex RAF Wildenrath 1958-60 and Bill Grundy ex RAF Aldergrove?

Ron "Paintbrush" Newsome [email protected]

7 February 2010

H All, I have just been up to London to assist a company in recruiting senior experienced personnel for some vacancies in the Middle East.The job type is for people who enjoy the paper work side of our business writing procedures, policies etc. If you are able to fit into one of the following job titles or know some one who does please contact Mr G Rowlands [email protected] The vacancies are for =Mgr HSE Regulations/Legal,Regulation Developement Analyst x2,Climate Change Protocol Analyst, Head HSE Treaties Analyst,MGR HSE Technical & Supervision,HSE Engineer, MGR HSE Business Strategies (operations & Development), Media Coordinator,Specialist Clean Energy.

Best Regards

Stevie Stevenson [email protected]

2 February 2010

Now moved from Northolt to Cyprus. Just like to thank the association for advertising the Memorial Fund and for the kind donations already received. Even though I have moved, the address for the cheques should still be sent to the address advertised.


Martin "Taff" Harris [email protected]

2 February 2010

A great new site enjoyed reading it. the lay out is great, the photo lay out fantastic. For anyone who remembers me Iwas in Strubby 56/59 Habbanya 59/61 Manby61/63 Wildinrath 63/66 Waddington 66/68

Idwal "Moe" Morris [email protected]

28 January 2010

Fantastic job of the new look site.. enjoyed pointing out familiar faces to the wife.. great memories of great times and great mates came flooding back. Bloody well done!

Mark "Geordie" Wilson [email protected]

25 January 2010

Does any of the members know Colin Brown middle initial could be A, Served in the RAF fire service from July 1952 to July 1956,After Sutton on Hull was at RAF Lyneham until late 1953 then posted to RAFLuqa Malta G.C.Was last seen in the 1960s by one of our members (David Frost) working in a shoe shop in Guildford Surrey If anyone knows Colin or where I can contact him contact me Terry Wright mem.65 through the association or by e mail on [email protected]

Terry Wright [email protected]

24 January 2010

Fantastic, joined the association and got Pat Thomas's number. Chatted last night for the first time in about 25 years, thank you,

All the best to all,


Paul "Reg" Metcalf [email protected]

19 January 2010

Not yet but in the post,

Bloody marvellous site, been looking for about 3 years and saying must join. Well application in the post. Look forward to getting to know old friends and reading the flashpoint magazine.

All the best to all Reg

Paul "Reg" Metcalf [email protected]

19 January 2010

Hi all you out their, its good to see some old names, if you want to get in touch fill free, i will look forward to hearing from you.

Regards Ken.

Ken Godfrey [email protected]

18 January 2010


I would like to here from anyone who served with my father Malcolm Lowson who passed away in June 2005, I know he did his training at Sutton on Hull and went on to El-Adam.

I know a few of his friends and there are quite as few photo’s but anything new would be appreciated as me and my mother always sit and discuss those years especially when she receives the Flashpoint magazine.

Carl Lowson [email protected]

16 January 2010

Job Vacancies

A major retail company in the uk is looking for 2 area Fire Safety Advisors. Military personnel preferred, with NEBOSH General and Fire desirable. Areas are; 1. Midlands to Northern Border 2. Scotland. Job to start in April 2010 with wage of approx 30K, car and benefits.

If interested please contact Paul Morris by email: [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

15 January 2010

Land Rover Series 1 Aircraft Rescue Tender 86 inch 1954-58

I would like to ask if anybody out there has any photos of the above that I could copy. They are for a restoration project that is due to start in the near future. An ex military 86inch Series I Land Rover has been obtained for the purpose of recreating one of these vehicles, but I could do with some good shots of these in service.

Many thanks.

Gordon Smith [email protected] Chairman

14 January 2010

I was stationed at the following:- Waterbeach 56, Christmas Island 56- 57,Oakington 57-62, Bruggan 62-64 Liverpool/Merseyside Fire Brigade 33 years.

Love to hear from old pals

Peter "Scouse" Carter [email protected]

7 January 2010

I noticed in list of units that Steamer Point was not covered. I have several pictures of Steamer on disc. Would it be of use to you?

Ron "Paintbrush" Newsome [email protected]

Webmaster Reply: Yes Please Ron, send anything you've got to [email protected]

3 January 2010

Hi all ,

Still trying to get my email address right . Below is the right one

Bennie Zaccardelli [email protected]

30 December 2009

To all those Firefighters I worked, drank and had great times with, at the following locations between Jan 2, 1977 and June 27,1987 at RAF Cranwell, Rudloe Manner, Ascension Island, Kinloss any other detachments I served at please contact me at:

[email protected] or [email protected]

It would be great to catch up with old friends.

Alan Cartledge [email protected]

13 December 2009

What a surprise to see so many names from the past. So many great memories. My application to join on the way.

Arthur "Spike" Lynch [email protected]

6 December 2009

Just wanted to give a new email address. Now using [email protected] and not [email protected]. Still think this is a great site. Have made contact with three people that I served with in the 70's. Unbelievable. Also in the middle of reading ""Out of the blue"" by George Edwards. A must read for all of you ex and current Firemen. Guaranteed good reading

John James [email protected]

4 December 2009

WO Stewart McMahon is retiring from the RAF Fire Service after 38 years service!! To celebrate this illustrious career, we are having a Top Table luncheon at RAF Akrotiri WO & Sgt's mess to ensure he has a great send off. Date - 18 February 2010

For more details or to confirm attendance, please contact:

Simon Marsh - [email protected] Malcolm 'Baz' Barrett [email protected]

We appreciate it's a long way to come, but it would be great to get all his old buddies out here!!

Simon Marsh - [email protected]

29 November 2009

I'm interested in getting in touch with any one who knows or knew of SAC. Douglas (Taffy) Pritchard he served at RAF Shawbury as a fireman in the late 50's onwards, he was married to Angie and had a daughter Amanda. Any info on his where abouts would be great.


Sheila Evans [email protected]

29 November 2009

Love the site: the beauty of the www: a picture of Paul's bar, Antrim 1963....where else would I have found that? Did any of your guys know Eamon Kearney? A friend of mine in the Antrim fire station who was killed in action at Aldergrove c.1983.

Steven Moore [email protected]

Received by email from Steven...... can't you set up a PayPal link? much more likely to get money from the likes of me during a late night browse. Keep up the good work.

That said, I will try to send a cheque.

29 November 2009

Looking to renew my RAF fire service blazer badge ,1959. please advise . Also check my membership and let me know. much obliged

Martin "Mick" Smith [email protected]

26 November 2009

Last working day in RAF on 18 Dec then onto Gas Engineering, please get in touch if you have worked with me, possible top table in Mar10

Paul Morris [email protected]

24 November 2009

Hi trying to find a painting or print of a green goddess army fire engine for my fathers xmas can you help with contact son where to go many thanks Neil

Neil "nealy" Linton [email protected]

24 November 2009

Just to inform you all of a change of email address due to some kind person hacking on. great site,


Frederick 'Devon' Irwin [email protected]

17 November 2009

Stationed; Oakington: Christmas Island and Bruggan. 1955 to 1964

Peter "Scouse" Cater [email protected]

12 November 2009

Dear All,

I am compiling history on RAF Luqa + Hal Far Fire stations-Any help anyone?


Robert "Vulcan Camileri [email protected]

10 November 2009

FAB in london march with all the ex men hope to be their next year god bless you all

Kevin "Smiler" Meeson [email protected]

10 November 2009

Realy pleased i found this site look forward to more buying defo

Keith "Gibbo" Gibson [email protected]

30 October 2009


if anybody knows the whereabouts of Sandy Clark or Phil Cooper ex Church Fenton 80/86 please send an e mail many thanks

Paul "Gilbert" Harding [email protected]

30 October 2009


Are you able to send me contact details for Brian Ford (59) worked with him at RAF Fairford and would like to establish contact.


John Trew

[email protected]

28 October 2009

I would just like to say to those involved with the last reunion how much my wife and I enjoyed ourselves. Many thanks to all those involved and we shall be at the next one.

Best Regards

Dave & Diane

Dave "Stevie" Stevenson [email protected]

26 October 2009

Please look at www.254sqn.org.uk

Ian "EJAN" King [email protected]

21 October 2009

I am trying to trace an ex RAF Fireman who served at Waddington or Scampton in the early 1970s. His surname was Carty. He had a daughter the same age as my daughter called Julie Carty. I was a RAF Police Dog Handler stationed at Waddo and the Carty family lived near us in the Quarters Waddo & Scampton shared near the Army Barracks off Burton Road.If you can help please email me. If you ever need to track down a RAF Policeman from your past!!! then our website is excellent for that, just tap in RAFPA that will take you there. Another blast from the past i would like to contact is Chick Bebb. Thanks

Kevin Hunt [email protected]

21 October 2009

I would just like to thank the many people who have contacted me since I contracted leukaemia. I have now had a bone marrow transplant and am on the mend. Hoping to go back to work in November 2009. ex Northolt, Binbrook, North Coates, AFCENT and Brawdy.

Mark (Taff) James [email protected]

15 October 2009

Hi to all my old R.A.F. PALS

Jack (Ticker) Whitaker [email protected]

10 October 2009





Gordon Ayles [email protected]

8 October 2009

Hi there I joined the RAF June 24th 1952 after Sutton on Hull served at RAF Duxford Oct 1952 until July 1953 was posted to RAF Watnall From there went to El Hamra Egypt in transit awaiting posting to RAF Luqa Malta arrived there Oct 1953 until April 1956.While there was attached temp.to AHQ Valletta and RAF Ta Kali. The worst air crash while at Luqa was the Scottish Airlines York crashed on take off near the Zurrieq 50 killed no survivors that was Feb 18th 1956 to this day Malta's worst air disaster. Quite a few of my old Luqa pals are members and I look forward twice a year to meeting up with them at our reunions

Terry Wright [email protected]

7 October 2009

Just came across this great site, my details:

Joined RAF Fire Service age just 17 September 1967. First posting after training at Swinderby and Catterick was RAF Coltishall 1968, then went for driver training RAF St Athan and Catterick. Posted to RAF Sharjah but spent a week in transit RAF Bahrain then on to Sharjah for 12 months 1968 to 1969. Then to RAF Brize Norton 1969 to 1971. Back to the gulf to RAF Masirah for 9 months October 1971 to 1972. Then back to Brize Norton and demob 1973.

Ted Smith [email protected]

1 October 2009

Just joined and would love to hear from anyone I have worked or drank with over the years! all the best Keith

Keith Gibson [email protected]

24 September 2009

Hi Guys finally left the Fire Service after 31 years (how long) and now living in Perth Australia, drop me a line anyone who knows me, and keep me up to date on all the gossip

Terry Monaghan (Email address withheld)

21 September 2009

I am trying to contact anyone who knew a Cpl John Playford who has unfortunately passed away a number of years ago. Any info would be greatly received. Thanks in anticipation. Dave S

Dave Starkings [email protected]

14 September 2009

I am putting together a Falkland Island RAF Fire Service folder which will be available at reunions. So far I have received personal recollections of their Falkland experiences from Wayne Davies Mike Goupillot John Miller Steve ( Silver Fox) Harrison Mike Traynor & Steve Davey. If you have a tale to tell of your time at Stanley or MPA please forward. I would particularly welcome tales from those who were the first to arrive at Stanley.

George Edwards [email protected]

14 September 2009

Just to let you know my new email address and the memories page is fantastic lots of familiar faces weird seeing one of mal ray after all these years

Mick Fishburn [email protected]

14 September 2009

A great site have used it many times, but never contacted it, because I can't remember who I owed money to! I am in contact with quite a few (ex) firemen. Served from 1965 to 1994. I would like to make contact with Rob Jones ex Maastricht, or any one else that would wish to contact me.

All the best to you all, from Malcolm Bulloch from Kirkintilloch, reading gas meters and pornography, your starter for five and no conferring!

Malcolm 'send me a memo' Bulloch [email protected]

14 September 2009

Hi, i am writing about your shop page. I think you would gain a lot more sales from your shop page, if you were to add photos to the products. Then people would be able to see what they are buying. Many Thanks.

Nathan [email protected]

(See message dated 28 July, still waiting for pics from shop)

14 September 2009

Just left the Fire Service, anyone who knows me please feel free to drop a line

Rob Cook [email protected]

14 September 2009

1982-1988.Started at Waddington and left via Honington with posting to Belize x2.Ascension Island.Port stanley.A twelve month stint at Catterick.West Drayton.shut in 1988.and finally finished at Honington after PVRing.Left the service in 1988 and the same year started my training with East Sussex Fire Brigade.Promoted in 1993 and posted as a Leading Fireman to Brighton.1999 i moved back to Eastbourne.Married for the last seventeen years with two girls.Life`s good.Looking forward to retiring in 2017.Please feel free to drop me a line. Jacko

Andy 'Jacko' Jackson [email protected]

14 September 2009

Just left the Fire Service, anyone who knows me please feel free to drop a line

Rob Cook [email protected]

14 September 2009

I very much enjoyed the updated site, a job well done I would say

Michael 'Nobby' Clark [email protected]

28 August 2009

I'll be away on holiday from tomorrow until 13 September so there will be no updates between now and then. Thanks again to all who've send pics etc, please keep them coming.

Cheers Dave


28 August 2009

Any survivors of fire sections, Christmas Island, 1964 and Seletar fire section1964 / 1966?

Photos or memories greatly received…

Mike Murphy [email protected]

25 August 2009

My name is Simon Farmer and I am an ex-RAF Police NCO, (1974 to 1984) I have, on behalf of a third party, agreed to find a member of the RAF Fire Service and I am seeking the help and assistance of your members to do this. I can assure all your members that it is not to the detriment of the gentleman concerned, if anything, just the opposite. Little is known of the man other than his name, Christopher or Chris Barker. I understand he served at RAF North Coates, Lincolnshire in the mid 1980s. I have no idea of length of service, he may still be serving, or rank attained. The information I have is that he would now be in his mid to late 40s. I would only put the relevant parties in touch with each other if both were in agreement. Many thanks for any assistance you can give.

Simon Farmer [email protected]

25 August 2009

Thanks to all who've been sending pics for the Memories page, keep them coming. A special thanks to Geoff Varley who went to the time trouble and expense of sending prints to me. Please take time to view the Memories page and keep sending more of your old photos.

Cheers Dave


25 August 2009

Hi guys, I am the webmaster for The RAAF Fire Service in Australia http://georama.com.au/RAAFFireService and could you some help. During the 1960's the RAF Fire Service was stationed at Edinburgh and Woomera in South Australia. I'd like to add a page paying homage to these blokes. If anybody has pics and names etc please get in touch. Thanks, Chas. Ashes to ashes Arrgh- bloody Poms:)

Chas Adlard [email protected]

22 August 2009

Great work, this site gets better and better, especially for us old timers, brings back many great memories, many thanks to all involved

Frederick 'Devon' Irwin [email protected]

12 August 2009

Hi, I have just found this site. I served as a fireman at RAF Kenley 1956 until it was closed down. Any old Kenley men out there..? I live in Canada now.

John Gibbs [email protected]

12 August 2009

I am trying to contact Mr Wiles mem N0 897 and A Mr Draper mem No 353 association business.

Membership Sec Fireservices assoc

John Hanley [email protected]

7 August 2009

Hi guys, Mem Sec here, does anybody know the where abouts of Tom eddelston mem 849,and also Prem lal Mem 663,they have dropped below the radar,need to contact ref Membership etc.

* To all paid up members,please let me know if you did not recieve your Summer Copy Of FLASPOINT.

Thank you from Mem Sec

John Hanley [email protected]

5 August 2009

Joined a while ago, proud to be a member, great site, anyone, 59 to 68, give me a shout, John I.

Frederick 'Devon' Irwin [email protected]

2 August 2009

Does anyone know the where abouts of Brian Humphrys (Humph)Would be in his 70s now. Served Kerton Linsey, Aden, Salalah & Lynham 1957- 62

Michael 'Nobby' Clark [email protected]

2 August 2009

I think that the link speaks volumes. Whether still serving or moved on to pastures new, I firmly agree that TG8 is up there with the best in the world.

http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/DefenceNews/MilitaryOperatio ns/RafFirefightersInBastion.htm

Simon 'Marshy' Marsh [email protected]

30 July 2009

Hi lads does anybody remember me from days of old? well 1983-1991 served Marham odiham,cyprus, valley & good old 617 sqn lossie also with 9 sqn ali-al in kuwait 1990-1991 do you remember the good old days at Manston do they still have the fire school there? haven't been there since 1983 so quite a while ago someone said it is now east kent airport is this right? well carry on corp

Ian 'Top Cat' McPhee [email protected]

28 July 2009

Served at Scampton, Saxa Vord, Marham, Cranwell, MPA, and further 9 years with the DFS at Kemble and Linton-on-Ouse, still trying to contact Dave Oliver (Ollie) who served with me at Scampton and Cranwell, anyone know his whereabouts? still an excellent site will join soon! Best wishes to all who knew me.

Richard 'Trotsky' Czykita [email protected]

28 July 2009

Regarding request for pics of shop items, I've spoken with John and hope to get something done about it in the next month or two.

Dave (webmaster) [email protected]

28 July 2009

Very good site a bit slow in places though would it be poss to include pictures of the items for sale in the shop for clarity on the web site.

Does anyone know the where abouts of Dave 'dinger' Bell who served with me @ ali-al in Kuwait in 1991 we were there with 9 squadron with tornado gr3's hope full of contacting him some time I am now living in Devon by the seaside & it's pouring down ahh what a summer! many thanks Ian

Ian 'Top Cat' McPhee [email protected]

26 July 2009

Good luck Terry Monaghan, great doo. Great to see some faces from the past.

Andy McDonnell [email protected]

23 July 2009

Hi to all .just to let you know A T C sqn 254 aberdare south wales.has the association on its web site

Ian "EJAN" King [email protected]

19 July 2009

Very good site will be joining the association in due course

Ian 'Top Cat' McPhee [email protected]

12 July 2009

Served in the service between 1980-2002 at Cottesmore, Bawdsey, Wildenrath with a 13 year tour at Coningsby in the middle. Found this site by accident and although I have had no contact since leaving it was great to see some names from those crazy days.

Please anyone who knows me your more than welcome to get in touch it would be nice to talk of those days.

Ian 'Smudge' Smith [email protected]

6 July 2009

If there are anybody interested there is a Fire Safety job going at Doncaster Royal Infirmary Hospital you can contact me on 01302 796259 / 07876560783

Gordon Ayles [email protected]

5 July 2009

Hi all,


John Hanley [email protected]

2 July 2009

Hi all,

I was a fireman from 1977 to 1990 at various locations home and abroad, if anyone feels like emailing about old times please feel free.

Eddie Bell [email protected]

28 June 2009:

Hi to all who remembers me, served RAF Fire Service 1979-1986 Brize Norton, Marham, Belize, Ascension, Queens Flight, short stint in Saudi, then AFDFS/DFS 1987-2006 Menwith Hill, Linton-on-Ouse, Dishforth, Topcliffe, Church Fenton numerous detachments now medically retired feel free to drop me a line.

Stew (Dinger) Bell [email protected]

23 June 2009:

I am finally calling it a day after 31 years in the RAF Fire Service and I would like to invite all who would like to join me for a farewell drink and to make sure I do actually leave lol. The venue is the Sgt Mess RAF Benson on the 23 July 09 12.00 in the Bar, please reply to EM or contact Sgt Jock Gibson 01491 837766 Ext 7310 accommodation is available on first come first served. Looking for Scouse Yates, Steve Briggs, Fergie, Tommy Farrell, Jeff Brown, Kev Pateman, mark brothers and loads more I can't remember I have worked with over the years, for those I forgot I apologise, would love to see you all for a drink, so come and be merry and send me on my way to Oz......

Terry Monaghan (Email address withheld)

Mem No: 568

19 June 2009:

Very very sad to hear about former colleague and mate, Kev Cook. Does anyone have any funeral details please?


fergie [email protected]

Look forward to hearing from anyone who knows me, I served in the RAF Fire Service from 1967- 1972 stationed at Swinderby, Catterick, Brize Norton 1967-1969, RAF Gan 1969 1970, RAF Abingdon 1970- 1972.

Allan (Ringo) Starr [email protected]

If anyone out there has some photos of the facilities & vehicles used at RAF Wyton circa 1976, it would be fantastic! I was in the USAF Fire Protection/10th CES at RAF Alconbury during this time and we had an exchange of firefighters between our bases. I learned a lot & enjoyed it! Thank you to all & many blessings!

Art Bailey [email protected]

17 June 2009:

The site is coming on real well, I thought Ron did a great job but I'm sure he will be pleased how its turning out

Mick (Yorkie) Hayward [email protected]