Courtesy of the Local History Room, Fullerton Public Library COMMUNITY CALENDAR Page 13-15 % Fullerton Ob server FULLERTON’S ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWS • Est.1978 (printed on 20% recycledecycled paper)pa • Year 34 #13 • AUGUST 2012 Candidates Pull Papers for November City Council Election There will be three open city council seats in the Nov. 6, 2012 election. Current Mayor Pro tern Bruce Whitaker and new Councilmember Travis Kiger will be running for re-election. Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva is stepping down to run for the 65th State Assembly seat against incumbent Chris Norby. The last day to file for a council run is August 10th (or five more days if the Mayor decides not to run.) So far challengers include: Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo, Jane Rands, Barry Levinson, Matthew Hakim, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Rick Alvarez, Jan Flory and recently recalled Don Bankhead. For updated info see “Nov. Election” under Elections on the City Clerk’s page at 911 Audio & Transcript Released Over objections by the OCDA, Fullerton City Council unanimously voted to release the audio and transcript of the July 5, 2010, 911 call which brought police to the transportation center in search of Kelly Thomas. The Officer Tim Gibert and Corporal Eric Bridges acted professionally in preventing a homeless man from call from a Slidebar employee says that endangering him self and others by repeatedly walking into traffic. Meanwhile the Kelly Thomas Memorial OCDA Seeks Cell Kelly was pulling on car handles in the Concert was starting up at the Plaza. Photo by Josufi R. Fotography
[email protected] Phone Recordings of parking lot.