or ;T::. ; r ^ It ."

ATtrajce Daily Net Press The WsbUmt rorwaot of 0. B. Wontfesi Par Um Week bided May SSrd, 1»S9 Okauee of ■elwwoee ki evMdar nigtat, warm, i 12,925 'Hi. Tneoday ouauy, warm, be Mewiker of the Audit nhowein likely, fflgk sear M. Bureau of OIrenlattott Martche$ter^A City of VUlage Charm.,.

VOL. LXXVm , NO. 270 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1959 (Claaolfled AdrertMug au Page It) PRICE FIVE CENTS Forecast Says 11 Perish, Little/ Rock Permits More of Same 8 H urt in Segregated Classes —Until Friday Burke Says Red Subs Windsor Locks, Aug. 17 (A*)' Car Crash In Integrated School —Th« U.S. Weather Bureau Columbia, Mo., Aug. 17-(/P) at Bradley Field issued this — Two cara amashed head-on forecast today for the period laat niglit in a rending craah Aug. 18 through 22: • - By 4A0K MARGIN ^are Effle Jones, 17, Elsie Robinson that killed 11 peraona, a rec­ Able to Fire Ballisties The 5-day forecast for Connecti­ Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 17 and Estella Thompson, both'16. cut for the period Tuesday through ord toll for an automobile ac­ Jefferson Thomas, 16, is the only cident in Mi.saouri. (ff)— A brand new weapon Negro at Central High, scene of the Saturday calls for temperatures was unlimbered in the Little averaging 4 to 6 degrees above Eight others w'ere injured ip the 19.57 battle when Faubus u.sed Na­ two cars. Six of the- dead were Rock school battle today— tional Guardsmen to keep the Ne­ normal. The normal mean temperature adults and five were children. Naval Chief segregated classes in an inte­ groes out. The Guard was later fed­ Three other persons were shaken eralized and President Elsenhower for the Hartford area for this grated school. period is 71 degrees ranging from a up. They were in a third car that sent in paratroopers to enforce skidded into the wreckage eight School ofttclaU re-scheduled integration. normal high temperature of about elssses for Ann McLeod, one of 700 82 to a normal low temperature of miles east', of Columbia on U.S. Bares Data Thomas is one of the Negroes in­ Highway 40. white students at Hall High, so volved in the 1957 attempt at in­ around 59. she won't have to ait with any of One wrecked car was owned by tegration. Weather is expected to continue G. W. Eddy, White Hall. III., and the three Negro girls who inte­ The reaction of Segregationists warm and humid with scattered From Pho to grated Hall last week, the other by LeRoy Thompson. 31, this time has been much quieter, s h o w' e r 8 and thundershowers Richmond, Mo. Ann's father, Atty. John A. Mc­ although Everett Tucker Jr., school through Thursday followed by fair Officers struggled through the j, Wn.'shing'ton. .Aug. 17 i/P)- ■ Leod Jr„ Invoked a little-noted board president, complained yester­ and not quite as warm Friday and night trying to identify the vic­ Adm. Arlcigh Burke, ch'sf ( .“ k« '« state law to get segregated class­ day that the board had been har- Saturday. ' .<*' - ‘ ' tims. navkf np?rntioii,s. R"id tc:le r.. , es for his -daughter. School of­ rassed by Negro leaders. Segre­ Rainfall for the period is ex­ Bodies and personal belongings ficials agreed the law,. passed with gationists and the federal.govern­ pected to total on the average were so tangled and scattered it ' RuR.Ria |)i'ol)?bl.v h.-’s a batch of other segregation meas­ ment. about 1^ to 1 inch. was impossible to tell how many marines able to launch bei’-i' ure* in the 1958 special legisla­ “And we haven't had too much T h l»-n derstorms descended and who were in each car. - ' * ’ tic missiles. ture, was valid. The law says- no cooperation from the state . . ." on central New England late, yes­ The Injured In Boone County I The United 8 ales still ri tr.'Jy student can be forced to sit in the Tucker said in a televised interview terday. dropping more than a half Hospital were either hurt too badly I hiiilding the fir.st of 111 6ubni“ same classroom with a person of or were too young to help with ..... ' • tine* which will be abl' to another race. (ConMniied on Page Two) (Contlr <*d on Page Five) identifications. Polaris mlaailea An attorney for the National Slowly, by contacting relatives At a n"wv conference. Bur”?': Association for the Advancement at Richmond and in Illinois, the j.waa asked if Russian aubmarlncv of Colored People, Wiley Bran- Highway Patrol began writing the ; now are able to fire only tht slo“J.‘' ton of Pine Bluff, said the NAACP Preview for Eisenhower casualty list. j air-breathing missiles or t?*e would go to court to fight any at­ Tentatively identified as dead: 'swift, hfgh pro'Jectory b-llhttlO' tempt to segregate Negro students Bill Eddy Jr., 27, White Hall, 111. I missiles In class. He said the U.S. Supreme Mr. and Mrs. Gua Eddy, his par­ I He replied: Court had ruled in an Oklahoma ents. I "I think they probably have case that a Negro, once admitted France to Bid West Mrs. Jessie Thompson, Rich both." to an integrated gchool, could not mond, Mo. He added that the RuaalanS' be segregated withlA-the school. The highway patrol said the dead also included Thompson's have been doing a great deal of ' School board secretary Ted L. work in the submarine and Back Algerian Aims mother and six Thompson girls, all sile field. Burke did noT say Soto": Ivimb said McLeod's request was cousins. (Names not available). the only one received so far. He j The tentative list of injured: many Kallistir missile launchiliFl said he hoped not many others, L'lle Bouchard. France, Aug. 17^ Judy Eddy, 17, White Hall, submarines he thought RitMla' would follow. i might have. - (iPi—Premier Michel Debre saj^s critical. ‘Tf everybody insisted on using, Denise Eddy, 5. Until now, U.S. Navy offlelala this law, it certainly would be a France won't be pushed around by Unidentified girl. had suggested that Soviet eub- problem,” Lamb said. "But I think her Allies any more and will de­ I^eroy Thomp.son. martnes probably were capable of most people want to cooperate mand they back up her war in Al­ Four boys, all with last name of itondllng only the air breathing with the school board and We .ex­ geria all the way. Thompson — Rusty, about 5, mlasllss. Relatively slow, UieM pect that cooperation.” His speech sounded like a public WajTie, about 8. Roger, about 6, are essentially unmanned, robot- McLeod iniited other parents to preview of what President Charles and Vernon, about 7. controlled bombers which ean be take advantage of the law, which de Gaulle will tell President Ei­ 14 in One Car interceptod by some anti-aircraft has not ybt had a court test. senhower when the two confer In The patrol said information It Christmas in Auffust missiles. Ther* Is no known Hall I* one of two high school's private next month. pieced together indicated there Santa Claus visits the handicapped youngsters at Camp Hemlocks. Trumbull, nin by the Connecti­ counterweapon capable of Inter­ Integrated last week when public Debre spoke to his constituents were 14 persons in the Thompson cut Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc. The Yule celebration is sUged each summer as cepting balllstie missile*, though schools opened for the first time yesterday in this Loire Valley vil­ car and five In the Eddy automo­ the highlight of a 2-week stay for children aged Mx to 10, Santa gave presents to 47 handicapprd the' United States is working on sine* Gov. Orval Faubus closed lage in West Central France. bile. , youngsters thl* ytor. With Santa are Vlr^nia M. rfartney, Plalnvtlle; Brian Boston. Trumbull; tbs. problem. them after the bitter 1957 integra­ The premier, a faithful .support­ At Richmond, friends “ said Laura Wang (on Santa's-jlap i, Monroe; and Colleen Moriarty, Ridgefield. Santa Is 'T^oimbull post­ ' Air breatlng mlsallea ean be tion dispute. er of De Gaulle's goal of restoring Thompson, his wife, Jessie, 33, and man Hygh O'Neill. (AP Photofax). fired only from the aurface, Burke Tha three Negro girls at 'Hall the authority of France on the in­ eight of their children haid start­ said In answer to a question. Bal­ ternational scene, insisted 'this ed to St. Louis on vacation. The -crash occurred on a fl^ , listic m issiles-'can be launched , , , . - - - a - ,• ,.,^«unI" does not mean Franc* 1# doomed straight section of roqd in clear from submarines hiding well be­ Mim Seafood Hates Fish to stand atone within the western low the surface. alliance. weathe,-. Senator Offers Haiti Files Protest Burke said he thought It pos­ He said De Gaulle's policy "is The Highway Patrol quoted a ( Point Pleasant, N. J., Aug. sible that a, Russian submarine 17 (/P) — Susan Mlllstein, 19, reaction against the alliances witness as saying one car went off which, through our weakness, led on the shoulder, swerved back Package Plan sighted and ' photographed last was named Miss Seafood May near Iceland had mieelJe Princess Saturday and this to our subjection to foreign powers across the pavement and hit the which did not hesitate to oppose other one head-on. On Invader Force launching capability. He said it constituted her first j^public On Civil Rights was Impossible to determins from pronouncement; our e.ssential interests.” Commenting that Algeria had (Continued on Page Seven) photographs whether that eubma- (JP "I guess I should say I been "created by us, that is to By STA.VFORD BRADSHAW •of being taken up formally by the Washington, Aug. 17 Sen. bke fish but I just don't and say by Frenchmen from our soil," ministers. Their meeting is'sched­ Thomas C. Hennings iD-Mo) ap­ is according to whether we hold of that Negro republic by a small Hennings took the step as the or do not hold on to this old ter­ Heal Rift, Try band of revolutionaries. and menace the stability of a con­ stitutional government." committee called off a closed-door Biillelms ritory." The Haitian delegation said the meeting to debate the hotly fought "It u for remotivated France to nvadera, who terrorized a village His complaint noted that about civil rights issue. Hennirigs, not in­ from the AP Wires make her Allies understand that For Arab Unityjr,after landing Thursday, are be- 30 men with long beards and formed of the cancellation at the Adm. ‘Bull’ Halsey Dies; she has the right to demand all yieved to have come from Cuba. green uniforms, 'who were possi­ time, predicted the meetings would their most complete support for a Cairo. Aug. 16 i/P)—Restoration Haitian troops are hunting them. bly Cuban ■ revolutionaries, had amount only to "an exercise In fu­ DBA DUNE STORY DBfnXD cause which goes far beyond a of formal diplomatic relations be­ This was the first case of vio­ landed on Haiti's south coast. tility." .. , Albwiy, N.Th Atg[. 17 UP— people and a generation." tween Jordan and the United Arab lence formally brought to the at­ Mars said that, for the moment. The Senate met two hours earlier Gov. Nelaeii A. RoekefelW said Led Fleet Against Japs The United States in recent Republic has spurred new efforts tention of the conference, called Haiti is not accusing Cuba or any than usual, and it would have re­ today he bad SMt eoamittod 3 years has refused to give France to patch up quarrels splitting th% to discuss Caribbean tension. other government as the national­ quired unanimous consent for the himself to any thnetaMe for de­ ETshers Island, N.Y., Aug. 17 {/(•> the full backing she wants for her Arab world. Haiti's Foreign Minister I.ouis ity of the leaders has not been committee to work while Senate ciding whether to seek the Be- le- •- —d*re*ident Ehsenhower led the na­ Algerian policy. The Americans The final step in healing the Mars delivered the protest to For­ proved. was In session. There wasn't even publlcnn presldenttnl nomliia- tion todav in mourning the death have tried to take a middle road, breach ..between UAR president eign Minister German Vergara Cuban Premier Fidel Castro's a request for such I'onsent. No-time tlon. He thn* denied a report of P. Of F^eet Adm. William F. (Bull) hoping they won't offend the Gamal Abdel Nasser and King Donoso of Chile, chairman of the brother Raul was due In Santiago for a. future meeting w u set im­ two weeks sgo that he had fixed BC French too much and at the same Hussein of Jordan was announced conference. as the foreigr ministers of Latin mediately. an early November deadline for I'alsey, America an the United States -Halsey, 76, died here yesterday time trying not to anger the Asian yesterday. The foreigpi ministry Tlie,Haitian note, however, may Hennings offered his package in his decision. Rorfcefeller also of a heart attack while vacation­ and African nations who support said the UAR has approved Mo­ be referred to the Organization of argued final details of a compro­ the form o( a aeries of amendments told a news eonferenoo thnt pnh- ing. the Algerian rebels, hamet; el Sharlky as Jordan's new American States (OASi instead mise plan to calm the Caribbean. to a pending Senate bill on an en­ Ilc-opinlon polls would not he H* gained fame as the admiral , De Gaulle also want's' a voice ambassador in Cairo. A new UAR The younger Caatro's impact on tirely different subject, but aides Um only, fnctor In his deHslon. who ehasej the Ja,panese fleet to equal to those of the United ambassador to Amman will be the foreign r.’’inisters' talks - now said this was merely a device to Its death In the Pacific in World States and Britain in the decisions named soon. in their sixth day -was likely to have them printed and in the hands WIFR REPORTS KIDNAP tha War n. Shortly after the statement was be light. It was not ?ven rerlsin of the .Senate. Hia hope is to hook .Mexiro City, Aug. 17 (F— The' » of the Atlantic Alliance ■ even Eisenhower, who heard the news though France has pulled most of issued. Abdel Khalek Hasaouna. News Tidbits hf would appear before the con­ them onto some House-passed hill wife of aa American buaines*- of Halsey's death at Gettysburg- her troops out of Europe to fight secretary general of the Arab Culled trom AP Wires ference. However, it was undh- later. man was back at her Mexico Pa„ said he l.ad lost a warm per- in Algeria. League, took off for Tunis. stood In Havana that he was bring­ Hennings told the Senate he City home today and snying she r*« aonal friend, and the nation one of Hasaouna engineered the recon­ ing documents purporting to link adopted this approach reluctantly had been held by hldnn{iers for ciliation between Cairo and Am­ the Dominican Republic's dictator, and only because the civil rights M hour*. Mrs, Ofelln Peres Its "great natural leaders.” (Continued on Pag* Seven) Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower extend* "His LTeat personal contribution man. He was reported trying to CJeneraliasimo Rafael Trujillo, with issue has become entangled in-je^heperd, the mother of two chil­ end the feud between Nasser and quiet vUlt With her ailing 81-year- to the succes-sful campaigns in the old mother. Mrs. Elvira Doud, into dren, .-dtsappitored Inst Tneadny Pacific and the exploits of the Tunisian President Habib Bourgrii- (ConDniied on Page Five) (Continued on Pago Five) afternoon, ^ i c e said. Her hus­ ttli ba, who broke diplomatic ties with its fifth straight day at Denver. . . band, William Sheperd, is col­ I a gerces under his command are a C u rato r Says Police stand guard at a 2-story brilliant part of American military __ V the UAR last October and accused lection nuuwger for Srar* Roe- 3o- Nasser last .summer at the height West Side apartment building in buch of MexlM (IT.S. nddrese not ■IM hlrtory,'' said ESeenhower. Chicago where two small fires Only four men have held the of the Middle East crisis. He ac­ Less Leisure ... More Work Immediately available). PoUee to Faro u k Stole, cused Nasser p^plotting to assas­ were started a few hours after have not been aMe to qaeatlon I a _Btle of fleet admiral—a life rank. "three Negro families moved in. Mrp. Sheperd In detoll because "Halsey's death leaves Chester W. sinate him. ' ...... - Mid Hussein broke with Nasser last A 32-man teiyn from Civil her doctor has her under seda­ fWmit* as the only one surviving, Sold Tut Relic Aeronautics Board Inveatlgate* tion. Alt Berkeley, Oalif.,. N ^ itz said summer at the height of the Mid­ dle East crisis. He accused Nasser crash of 4-jet Boeing 707 at Calx Ike Feels Needs that Halsey "has left/for all of ua By JOSEPH E. OYNAX vertOM,'N. Y., Saturday... New PLUNGE KH-LN PROFESSOR a ahining example ot\ courage and of trying to overthrow him with Cairo. Aug. 17 (A*i—Selim Has- the help of the Communists. Haven Railroad investigations j Boston, Aijg. I7'(/P^A man Borvice.'' \ san, emergency —curator of the Nasser has cracked dow i on lo­ seek to determine cause of fire | Higher National Goals Identifled by poHee ss WtlUsm Secretarj' of the Navy William Egyptian Museum, has accuse'd ex- cal Communists during the last which bunted through portion of a j Rupert Mactonrln, fit, profes­ B. FYanke said in Washington King Farouk of pilfering the na­ year, and his relations with lhe_ 175-foot bridge over the Qiiinni- sor of economies at Msssschu- that Halse) "leavea a heritage of AUMIK.AL HAIJ4EY tion's antiquities and selling them Soviet Union have cooled because" piac River at Hamden. setto Instltato of Technology, By JAMES MARLOW He thinks we need something toppled to donth from the roof IrApiration to those now in the to collectors through a New York of Communist maneuvers against Richard Cardinal- Cushing of '(.\P News .Analyst) in thia country as an incentive to Navy ...” shop. Boston sa% "every foreign visitor of n Bock Bay hotel. A dlstiii- his Arab Nationalist followers In Washington, Aug. 17 (>Pi--Presi- get our minds on.accomplishment giilshed educator and auUiort Another grpat military figure of Has.san was once museum direc­ Iraq. of any rank who has come or will dent Eisenhower, v etching the and not on a shorter work week t)ie Pacific War, Gen. Douglas tor under the monarchy. He was come to this country from behind bom in Wellington, New Zea­ Orange Cloud The Arab League foreign mirJa- Soviet ni.sh to come sLreast of the and more leisure. land. .Mai'lsiirln has held a fun MacArthur, said, "He was one of named last week to investigate the tera meet in Casablanca Sept. 1. the Iron .Curtain is a master of United Stc.te8, feel* thia country We must attach more impor­ our greatest admirals, and his disappearance of a 33-century-old deceit."... .Segregationists in professorship at MIT since 1942, and officials hope Tunis and Cairo needs' apipe- driving urge to think tance, he thinks, to good, hard .and had.served with the Office name will always be associated From Nike-Asp scept«- of the Pharaoh Tut-Ankh- can end their feud by then. Short­ Memphis, Tenn., fear a Harvard- work and less to progress by with our great victory over Japan." Amen from a museum showcase. leas of leisure and money and riore hf Hclentiflr Research and De­ ly afterward the U.S. General educated Negro 'lawyer may win of worl, and achieven'ent. demagoguery or tryiitg to make velopment In W'nshingtnn. Washington, Aug. 17 (A*) — The He told the newspaper Akhbar Assembly starts Its annual ses­ a post on the City Commisoion m So,„_before ever setting out for $1 million. (Oontinned on Page Two) Sunday that Farouk, through a sion. The Arabs want to present a Thursday's municipal election, United States launched the first In dummy partner, sold Items in a Moscow'' later this year to rettirn On the short work wlfek^he re­ $142,000 CASH LOST united front there for discuaaion of making one of the moat imuaual Premier Nikita Khrushchev’s mid- calls wartime talks with a French IJberty, N. iY„ Aug. 17 UP— a aeries of new Nike-Asp research shop on New York's Sixth Avenue the Algerian war and the prob­ campaigns on record since no for several years before World War Septe ;iber visit here, Ehaenhow- professor who said the cause of A shipment nf $142,000 In cash .More Stale Areas rockets todaji#' It left a yellow- lems of the Middle Bast's one mil­ ■ Negro has ever won a city elec­ er's thinking is )>elng influenced France’s defeat in 1940 came was reported nrissing 'today. II. lion Palestine Arab refugees. orange cloud that wauf’vi.sible over Haasan did not identify the part­ tion. by the. Russians' efforts. from trying to match rf' French Joseph Herach, president of the Require Salk Shots much of the eastern seaboard. ner. name the shop or give its pre­ King Baudoin of Belgium He is very conscious of those 4-day week against Hitler's 7-day SiilHvan County National Baiak The rocket was fired from the cise location on the street New dances cha-cha In Saint Tropez efforts. This may be why earlier week. of Uhert)', said the money eras National Aeronautics and Space York now calls the Avenue of the (France) night club in gay night this year, in hi .State of the Union The President, remembering Ed­ turned over to the Post Office on — Hartford, Aug. 17 (,P) — As re­ Administration Station at Wal­ Roseiisolin Loses out but later lalmost came' to Message, he proposed creating a ports to the State Health Depart- Americas. ward Gibbon's "Decline and Fall Aug. 6 for shipment to a Federal lops Island' on Virginia's Eastern But he charged that a* many as blows with a photographer.. . The committee to suggest goals for of the Roman Empire, thinka ' 'Reoerve Rank In New York (3lty. mant today showed polio has Shore and emitted a lOO-mile Prom oter Permit •worst floods in living memory America. atruck 55 people in the state so 23,000 , items were taken from that we are too interested in sodium vapor trail beginning at an museum vaults and marketed for cause damage exceeding $75 mil­ ’"The President is now ready~al- leisure and pleasure. ! CONFEREI» GET LABOR BILL far this year, survey returns show altitude of about 50 miles. It was New York, Aug. 17 (/P)—The Washlnifton.. Aug. 17 i ^ —The nearly 150,000 school-age, chil­ the profit of the king, now In lux­ lion, Austrian authorities esti- thought he hasn't said so publicly- - That's a gloomy view for a topped by the large cloud that was urious exile in Monte Carlo, J^pna- State Athletic Commission today 'mate. to name this comnittee as .soon as President. It seems to be over-! .Senate today seat the House and dren Uve in towns where polio im­ yellow-orange In color. suspended the, promoter's license he can get private organizations Senate-peseed labor control bUla munization is now required for co. ' Cockpit warning signal indicat­ looking mie thing; ; | Nasa said the rocket had two "When I assumed direction of the of Rosensphn Enterprises, Inc., ing failure in ' the hydraulic sys­ to pay for its work. He doesn'.t Gibbon's criterion for judging) to oonJerence with (he House them. ~ objectives: and the m'atchmak'er's license of tem, causes Pan-American Air­ want the government to foot tlie civilization and piogreas was the | alter repeated assurance* from Dr. Mila Rindge «f the depart­ museum under the old regime I was 1. To dl^lermine wind direction fired s e V e r a I-times—each time Bill Rosensohn. , ” . ways jet airliner to return to Idle- bill. measure in which men's hgppln.ess | Dennicratic leaders that such ment said a 9-yeaA>ld' Westport and veloclty'^ver the wide range when I attempted, to put/ spme or­ Rosensohn promoted the Jupe''26 wild • Airport today shortly after JSsenhower is known to think is secured, and of that happiness legialatloa would be enactod this boy has been stricken with para­ covered by trt^yrail and cloud. der Into the existing cha

.j'vlE r "



MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCRIBSTER, OONM, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, kIns-Weet Funeral Home, liJ t B- pAoi roul Center St. The Bev. Percy M, Spur­ Forecast Says Burke Says Red Subs Obituary rier, associate minister of the Guard Notes Haiti Eiles Protest avoiding mletsikaa. nkle oan M, of not call ua to conform. Ma aaid ba South Methodist Church, will Of­ . . . HUutrl|ERtpr eourea, the greatest mistake ef all. L^s Leisure M ore W ork A Tboufhl for Todajr y# tharafora parfeet, m yOur Fath­ ficiate. Burial will be In East Cem­ VIore of Same er in heaven is perfect. Headquarters Co. o f the 2nd Two minor edmi^Iai of this ten­ bp tfea < etery. Eo^ttitts l|pralb Asnen. -Able fo Fire Ballistics There wUl •W’ calling IteUT*- Battle 'Oraup, 16Bth Inf., sUtloned On Invader Force dency have been noted lately. The. ■0 of Ohnrefeao Rev. Lawrence F; Almond Rbckville City Contril^Uons in hie memory In Manchester, will hold two drills T-tlntil Friday other day, ha suddenly form ulate South Methodist Chprdi Amesite be made to the Mancheeter Me­ this week, one tonight and the OK! MO. Ike Feel? U.S. Needs (Conlfanisg fratn Page One) preparxtlim of a draft treaty a Wf economy progrein to he eub- John Oxenham opea^worte: (OMritaned tram Steg* Dm ) morial HosplUl Building Fund. other Thursday, In preparation for which would five tha tnrem e f tew IT O fficial Dies the 2-w##k summer training pe­ (Contlnaed tram .Page One) muted te hie legislature next year. •'Tb every man there openeth 13 Pink Rosea rlne was able to launch miMlles the ahtl-Ca*tro conspiracy tb« Gu- to declarations oo human right*; a Senator Offers John ShaietM - riod at Camp Drum, N. Y. rssolutinn urging speed in put­ This made It seem that he Had be­ A Way, end Ways, end e Way. from, underwater — which would inch In plsce*. One-quarter of ban regime •ays it uncovered last Higher National Goals Richard Paul Hlllef, 67. chair­ John Shuleran, Dart Hill Rd., The company is scheduled to ting Into effect the Inter-Amm- come aware of political peril In his And the High Soul cUmhb the Norwich. Aug. IT UF)—A Aorai mean a balUstie missile firing South Windsor, died at Manchester Portland, Maine, was without week. H ||h w ay, n trihuta haa been placed Ano«y<> TNI man of the Rockville Board of leave Manchester Friday st 8 p.m. can e c o n ^ lc program adveeatad record this year, w h l^ was the ability. Package Plan Memorial Hospital last night, aftar pnwsr forr an hour whsn lightning The foreign ministers meanwhile tt«M «i th« (GentUiaad frain Pago'Oae) And the lW Soul gropea the moutly on the nearly forgOttatt CO. Fire Commlssfcners, died yester­ All uniU of the 43rd DIv. will by Braslilan Praaldent JuaceHno ceurageoua ona of increasing taxes dined to be Identified eald the "I think ^ lUiseians do have a long Illness. hit a transformer line. hammered out agreement on a set r qoM M ———« lengthy statement released yee- LOW, grave of Benedict Arnold's moth­ Thomas day morning at Manchester Me­ leave for Camp Drum at that KuMUchek, and a requedt for a missile submarines," Burke said He was born in Russia, Juite 24. of resolutions being presented this in order te |iay for state programs, whllt to Gibbon tha ffosdom by And in-between, on the miety er. morial Hospitsl after a short ill­ time. Thunderalorins . are expected in study of the poMlbttity of reduc­ terday reflected opUmlem by the In general. "I don't know how On Civil Rights 1887, and had been a resident of morning to the conference'* gen­ and now wants te gesture his way Americans would ha a mask of group that prlcea will be kept flats, Thirteen pink r&eea were put on MIM 224 JA 2-B7S0 ness. Bath drills wilt be taken up by central and northern New England ing military no*t*. progrOsa. clvilitatton. and happi- many they have,” South Windsor for the past IB again today and some may occur in eral committee. It was expected THB____ back to the suppeaedly popular side within reaaonabla boundi in the Tha rOSt drift to end fro. the grave of Hanna King Arnold He had served as siderman from company inspection followed v by The United Statea te ahalrinan IMi AMOCMMSSSSth^ m neaa. Saturday in thla city’s Old Colo­ While h e. thought' Red eub- (Conttaoed (ram Page One) the Fourth Ward for a number of years, where he was a potato grow­ aouthem New England, the Weath­ they would be signed at a final of the peace committaa at praa- monthi ahead. Price levele have But to eve’ry men there routine preparations for the niftvs conf. renc# session tomorrow. ef the governmental spending is­ 'Mul Blsenhower seams to have openth nial burial grounds. The Aorlst ■nxrines ftiight be able to launch terms and was president pro tern er. He was a member of the Ail er Bureau said. ent. Other members dr* VendMiate, been relatively atable for a year. the admiral suggested what he termed technical delaying Saints Russian Orthodox Church to the summer training site. Gear sue. varying vlewa on Rustia st vari­ A High Way, end e Low, who provldM the wreath said the of the City Council last year. will be packed and loaded, and the The key resolution would give Uruguay, El Salvador and Maxleo. 'S% Tha committeeman, .said )ha the abquraoy "might not be aS When Governor Rocksfeller found ous times. And every men decldeth' buyer paid eaah and left no identi­ tactics and a debate that shows At the time of hie death he wa* of Hartford. company's vehicles will be glven> The nation’s weather pattern the already existing Inter-Amerl- The committee’s finding* adU ha While at one time he ronelders group's main concern is to pro­ THIS IS THE HOUR! good asNiurs." He leaves his wife. Mrs. showed only minor changes today ran Peace nommittee of the OAB himself confronted uith< the Nixon mote economic growth. He laid The Way hla soul shall go." ty- no prospect of ending before Con­ a member of the Rockville Re­ final check. reported to the regular Intar- the 7-year plan -as the moral Mrs. Arnold was buried on Aug. It was ufiotear whether he was development Agenc.v. He served Dominks Shuteran; a son; William from tha' past sevaral days. temporary powers to study "meth­ American Foreign Mlidstars* Con­ .M l Mme* eiM at N. A 4. trip to Russia, end tha Cltenhower- stable prices merely are one We li>^ In a day when life puts gress adjourns. Shuteran of Wapplhg; two daugh­ At the Thursday night drill, the' equivalent of wqr ' and Is im­ 15. 17TB, while her son waa stUl referring to k^lstlc or air-breath­ the Town of Vernon aa a mem* It was w»cm and humid In ods and procedures to preXent ae- ference scheduled to be hold In lU rb« Khrushchev \islUng which sssmed pressed by the work it gets done, meant toward that 'end. When a premium on mediocrity. Bvbry- serving loyally in the American ing missiles (^both. The Navy^ls He said the committee Is no ters, Miss Ann Shuteran of Hart- men will be briefed on various many parts of the eastern half tlvltles originating abroad- de­ the cabinet committee on price safety precmutlona for the trip to Quito, Ecuador, next year. 'Julnv tUttava W - Na* partly attributable to It, he pro­ at anothar Urns hs notes that to one is expected to "conform." The forces in the Revolutionary war. Utill conduetingNinitlal firing tests nearer to reporting out a bill now ford and Mrs. Peter Jlovd of Glas­ of. the country and fairly pleasant signed to overthrow constituted T8rt..5»«o.M •tabllity for economic growth wae "Organisation Men” it the than It was at the start of the de­ and from the camp and for the Raul Castro said he waa going o r ceeded to take a dim view ef the increase production, the Commu­ It waan't until the next year that With its Polaris MUIstic weapon tonbury; and six grandchildren. in western sections. There was the government." nists must offer Incentlvee, like establlehtd in March, It waS be­ pMulsr image of suburban he took part In a plot to deliver bate. The funeral will be held at 1 time spent in ' training. Instnic- The aim 1* to prevent such to Santiago to convey tha good arlM whole thing. This was not tha view Which is (toolgood rar 1,300 mile usual threat of showers in many 1 of the (Tiiban people, durthg a extra pay. lieved Ite primary aim would be America. No one wants to be too the fortress at West Point, N. Y., range. He aaid backers of civil rights o’clock Wednesday afternoon at tion in ’ protection procedures will things as the Invasion of Panama ___ funa to find wayi of fighting infla­ areas during the afternoon and atoDover In Caracas teat night tte I tt Advaaea he took of pummlt diplomacy with There is, of course, an essential "bad —■ or too good. Yet Christ did ^ o the British. The submarine sighted\off Ice­ legislation form a majority of Ui# the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 also be ^ven. Instructors will be last April by about l(k) men, most­ tion. Lt. Joseph E. Vetrano, medical eveningi described the cdnferenc* a* "fqr- lOaa Taar •araa««aaa4aaaaaai*a Russia when Eisenhower was prac­ difference between Khrushchev's land seemed to be a " f a i ^ new' committee., but have been unable Main St., and in All" Saints Rus­ ly Cuban*, recent invasions of % Hontha a«aa«aaaaaaaaa««aaaa 7-year plan and any American An Interim report to the Presi­ to get a chance to bring the Issue sian Orthodox Church, Broad 8t„ platoon leader, and Lt. Alton Mor- A weak cold front moved east­ cic*!" and said hi* brotlwr te not KOItU^ aaaa**»a**a»ak*r*a«a ticing It once before. Rockefeller, type, Burke said, with a '^>air ward from the Pacific Northweat Panama last April hy about 100 interested In It. H* Mao deacrlhed goals thought up by a study com­ dent hy the group seven weeks to a vote. Hartford, st 2 o’clock. ThO Rev. ell. nen, mostly Cubansj recent In 'OfiC ' MOBtb a a •••a •••••• •*•«**••••* It would seem, was being careful (conning tower structure) ap­ into the Upper Great Lakes re­ the OAS a* "useless.^’ aWSAUT « . . • a a* aaa**aa a«a aaa mittee: ago contained repeated warnings "There te no hope the committee Michael Dlrga will officiate. Burial lyoadlng of equipment and final vasion* of Nicaragua from OosUi Slnrla Copy . to reserve his own posltiert so that. parently larger than other Soviet will act on any civil rights legisla­ details of the trip will be com­ gion, -dropping temperatures Into "Nobody In it realises or wtll One Is mandatory ln‘ a society against -inflation. subs of similar design. Will he in Wapping Cemetery. Rica and Wonduras, the Domini­ tion.’’ Hennings aaid. pleted Thursday night. the mid 60s and lower 60s In the deal with the real problem in ths Tha BareM rrUittns Ooiniiuy. tan., If ill.this summit diplomacy and where the state haa absolute con­ YesUrdSy's’ statement was the The admiral said he believed Friends may cali at the funeral can exmpHign against Csstro and .ataumaa ao rmaolal raapanalliAita tor "TTie amendments Hennings of­ home from 7 to 0 o’clock tonight Dakotas compared to the' 70s Caribbean and in all LsiUn Ameri­ tTpocrainlcal arrota aoMaMa in ad- togctheniesa ahouid fail or blow trol oyer the people and the I first in a aerlas outlining prob- the alee of the Soviet submarine Castro's against Trujillo. ca. which i* the economic problem,** aamalmianta aad othar raadlM *n**tar means of production, the other] lems of economic growth and blinds ,vou replace fered seek to': and tomorrow from 3 to .1 and 7 yesterday morning. Readings also The resolution balances this fire up. he could attack^ Nixon for ^‘BARGAIN” force remains at about 450 boats 1. Extend the life of the Civil dropped into the 60s near Lake he declared. la ftia Maaenaatar laaaliiii HaraM would have to be voluntary in a 1 price stability. Final recommen- , » ■ to 9 p.m. prevention agency urged by the having played a rols In It. Hs of all types, with older boats be­ Rights Ctentmlasion until Jan. 31 Me also rharged tha OAS "fre- Dtaniay adrartuna oloataa bourai free enterprise system. I datlons are expected lata this fall. At 8 o’clock tomorrow night, s Curator Say Superior. United States with provisions to would have done batter te eatabliih so often cost more over the years than Klrsch ing pulled out bf the fleet and re­ 1B61. ouentlv is used by certain people for Booddy^l o.m. VVMM. Khnishchev, for Instance, can. placed by new submersibles. requiem Mass will be said st the But in other areas east o f tfie meet demands by Cuba and Ven­ for their o>vn needs." He aeeerted For ruaaday-fl pm l*onM» his own calibre Immsdiatsly by order the Soviet steel production 2. Require preservation of local funeral home. Rockies it was warm and humid or Wadneaday—1 'IJiaatoy. U.S. Film Festival Blinds by Findell, Call MI S-4865 for estimates. Burke did not suggest that the voting records and ballots—for a 3- Farbuk Stole, ezuela for emphasis on strict ob­ that" Trujillo wanted the confer* for Thuraday-1 p in. W^naaday. praising Nixon for. his rols of dis­ capacity doubled and at tha same RuMlaps were providing atomic with temperatures in the 70s and servance of human rights And rep­ ence held to coincide "with the plet Fhr lYWay—1 p.m Ttawrtay year period in the case of records Mrs. Sadie N. Hafer tinguished service te his eeuntry. Urns not only can find a ready 17 isn ■w as 80s. In the West, fair weather and resentative democracy and eco­ to Invade CTuba.” For Saturday—J p m (rrjday market’ for every ounce of steelStratford. Aug. 17 ,(4h - -R S5- propulsion as well as posaible bal­ and an 18-month period in the Mrs. Sadie N. Hafer. 88. widow daaainad daadllna; 10:» 4 "v listic missile capabilities to the Masonahle temperatures prevailed. nomic. help for underdeveloped na­ Castro, who is commandsr in day of publlcatino aaeapt Safurdar— That would have been the big produced but decide where and for year-old Stratford man wants to case of ballots. Oscar G. Hafer, died last night st Sold Tut Relic The main belt of thunderstorms A reminder Uiat we're open until S P.M. en Mondays, Taosdsya same submarines, ss the United S. Require all local voting teats tion*. chief of Cubs'* armed forces, was -ram- ____ Teague play. what it shall be used. make this community the site of the home of her sister, Mrs. Mary during the nig(it extended from and (•'rldays. On those daya we offer a full 8 houra o f uninter- States is doing. to be printed or In writing. ' The reeolutiqn include* a "Dec­ accompanied by his wife and 40 Monday. Auguit IT No matUr what goals a Presl-, intemaUohai film-festival. ' A. Early, 48 Eldridge St. (Continued trem Page One) the Ohio river northward to ex­ laration of Santiago " which re- FINDELL MFG. CO. rnptod aarvloo, B A.M. to i P.M. Tbaao honre are espeeially con- But hd did say he believes the 4. Empower the attorney gen­ She was horn Oct. 18, 1870 in other*. proposes, the, chevron, supervisor of vsaloat for. saving or transaottag other flnaaeial businesa oa yqar Russians are building somq atomic eral to institute civil suits in de- treme southern., sections of Wis­ atate* the principle of noninter­ Churches And Polities Lancaster, Pa., and had lived for king was r.nquestionably the great consin and Michigan. Rain, hall He Defied The Book steel Industry Is free to 'ooreasej ^ correction in the local 485 E. MIDDLE TPKE., MANCHESTER way home trem werk, or white dolag some lato affomooa ehop- propelled submarines. segregatim and other constitu­ Rtoharil P. Hiller many years in Oklahoma before vention in each other* Internal Spoon* have been found te its capacity only as there •* system, said Saturday that If Russia is making such prog­ tional rights cases. eat thief of antiquities." and strong winds lashed Roches­ affair*: an order for a legal *t:idy •nrient Egyptian tombs (if 4J100 Rack in early Connecticut, when plBg. nmrsdays. ot course, the houra are extended right straight moving to Manchester about 15 Hassan ssiq that on one oc­ Admiral William^r. Halsey and formal InvlUUona wiU be sent to Venetian Blinds, Repairs, Repair Parts through to g, P.M. Manchsster Savings and Lonn, lOOT Main ress in siibmarinea, Burke was 5. Spell out a statement by Con­ her of the Board of Tax Review years ago to make-her home with ter, Minn., In a brief storm. Wind defining Intervention; an order for year* ago. General Douglas MacArthur shared the Congregational ministers Anal­ its product. asked, why did the Navy In its re­ gress that segregation is a viola- for several years and waa s can- casion he was fired when he dis­ gust* were clocked at 56 m.p.h. film producers and embassies this Street, neer Maple Street "Maneheeter’s OMest Flnaaeial la- her sister. She Was a member oi; covered nine museum pieces in the Krest dramatics of the Paclflc ly abandoned their open domina Elisenhower never precisely ex fall. If all works ^out, the first sUtnaen.’' ' quests for the new budget put tlon of the Constitution's Four- quate for reelectlon thl.s fall. the South Methodist Church, a life­ Widely scattered thunderirtornls tion of the political Ilfs of the state plaiiwd in his State' of the Union teenth^mendment which assures Bom in Hlllsvllle, Feb. 22, 1892, Farpuk’a Palace and sought to war; each of them had the flair for festival will be held late next heavier emphasis on the need for a long honorary member of the Mia- return them to the museum. also were reported from the Lower message just what goals he had in | new carrier than on Anti-Subma­ all persons, equal protection of the aionar.y Circle of the Methodist —primarily because the state it­ summer. he was the' son of the late Kos­ The museum’s regtetration of- Great Lakes region eastward to personal leadership; perliapa the mind. Presumably, he would let his rine Warfare (ASW) require­ law. « Church, and a member of the self Invited them to do so—they Chevron is president, treasurer, rnirr^iiinrTririinninnrr^ ... iii't~''rTfiisir'''fiiniRmmaiRiiaRmiiwiTiwi'OTimiiasinaaiiMRi«iwrriwiriwinirpiinirT^----n—mrrnrtu suth and Anna Richter Hiller. He •fice conceded last week that it southern New England and from ASP S*a*( Merktlt is Maechsitw . daring and original strategies used committee figure this out. and executive director of the ments? 6. Provide technical aid and as­ had lived in Rockville for about 4.1 werru. Texas and Oklahoma eastward to hy each o f them had their real discovered, or pretended to dis­ Hs said the committee would be Burke -replied there Is always sistance to communltea with segre­ Besides her sister, she leaves sev­ was unable to .locate about 25,000 Stratford International Film Fea- 935.MAIN ST.-MI 3-5171-OPEN 9 to 5:30-THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M.-CLOSED M O N DAYS years, residing at 7 Progress Ave., of more than two million items the Gulf States. A 20-year-old roots In the nature of the war that cover, that their opportunity to do concerned with living standards, tivai, ths sponsoring organlxatlon. the possibility of local, limited ag­ gation problems, the aid to be ad­ at the time of his death. eral nieces and nephews. youth and a l2-year-old boy were 261 Inad St. 5 116 I. Curisr $1. health, education, greater assur­ listed in its records. Some of these had to be fought, but In any rase good, and even their Influence on There is strong local support for gression where carriers planes ministered by the Department of He was employed in local tex The funeral will be held Wednes­ killed by lightning in a storm near ance of life, liberty .and oppor­ -N, would be needed. He said It takes Health, Education and Welfare. day afternoon at 3:30 at the’Wat- may be simply misplaced in the they put their own stamp not only public life Itgplf, had been in­ the idea, he said. 1 tile mills ss a loom fixer for many jumbled cerridors. Troy._N. Y. Five persons were tunities, and methods to meet such The project haa no ocinncctlon, three or four years to build a car­ 7„Make flight-across state lines years, and retired a year ago from kins-Weat Funeral Home, 142 E Injurerd. A plant watchman was on the mood of the war, but upon creased, rather than dlmlnlihed, by Hassan haa been instructed to goals, and what state, federal And with Stratford's famous American ' rier. less than that* to produce to avoid prosecution for bombing the Double B. Products Co. He waS Center St., with the Rev. Percy M killed by lightning at Decatur, OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY Its actual operation. TTiey were the severance of their direct con­ local governments ahouid be con­ A-SW. equipsoent. (Congress over­ a church, school, other buildings Spurrier, associate minister of the carry out the museum's first In­ Shakespeare Festival Theater. member of the "Veteran Volun ventory in 30 years. As a Mart. (t« III. men, and they accepted responsi­ nection with politics. cerned. Chevron said awards will be ruled the Navy and voteA more or vehicles a federal erhne. teer Firemen’s Assn, of Hartford, South Methodist Church, offici­ funds for ASW than was asked, 8. Provide facilities for the educa­ ating. Burial will be in East Cem­ has sealed off display cases and and FRIDAY 'til 9 P. M. made for the best film, best di- 1 Maple Grove Club, the Italian So­ bility for individual decisions In a Some such result may also be in I OOAIB U8TED completely changed the museum rector, and beat actor and ac- although It also approved a start tion of children of families in the cial Cl:ib and the Rockville Fish etery. way not always associated with the mipd of Pope John X X in, as he ‘ Washington, Aug. 17 ( ^ - A i on the construction of a second Friends may rail at the funeral staff. — trees. armed services In'sreas where pub­ and Game Club. modem war. likes actions which, aa they are special cabinet committee has WATKINS nuclear powered carrier. lic schools are closed because of home tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 Otl.er SQurce«r have suggested Hospital Notes He leaves his wife, Mrs. Ida The death of Admiral Halsey, for being interpreted in Italy, amount listed three economic, goals for Burke also said that man.v of desegregation issues. to 9 p.m. that Tut’s scepter,, which some HEAT FELLS Davis Hiller; a daughter, Mrs. Wil­ experts say would be worth , »3 instanoa, revlyas the controversy to removing ihe Vatican from any the nation. the Navy’s carriers are getting old The package Is the same one Vlaltfng hours: Aduit*—2 fo 8 The group headed by Vice Presi­ Bristol, Aug. 17 (Fi—Saturday’s and there Is critical need for re­ liam Young of Magnolia, N. Y-.; Paul Kobylewles million to another museum, and over b^i'of Ms t^Uea. In the bat­ direct role, in ttallan domestic-poll- 34.95 Hennings )iad submitted to the four grandchildren and several p.m.; Msternit.v—2 io .1 and 6:80 dent Richard M. Nixon set these oppresslvs heat caused soma 60 SEMI-ANNUAL placement. The ASW program is Judiciary Committee Friday In a Rockville— Paul Kobylewicz, 80, other missing items may have Chlidren's W’ard— 2 to tle o f L a ^ Giulf, when ha turned persons to collapae during a pa­ nieces and nephews. been taken when the displays were to 8 p.m, tics. objectives; ■ progressing, the admiral said closed door session which he said of 13 Vaasar St.. Rockville died at 7 p.m. north “»Way from the main battle One of the changes how in effect 1. Economic growth- a large rade and marching competition at Burke said the cost of the second The funeral will be heid tomor­ Rockville CTt^ Hospital early to­ shifted to the basement for safety produced only a hopeless stale­ row at 2 p.m. at the Ladd Funeral to. pursue what some have classed placss the Italian Catholic Action and expanding output of goods F-rlStorr Muary Field. The march­ HOME FlIRNISHiNG nuclear powered carrier would he mate. The bill stuck In committee day afler'a long illness. during the 'British-FrenCh-Israell and services. ers were taMng part in the 74th about 5380 million, compared with Home, 19 Ellington Ave., with the He waa born in Lithuania in 1870, attack on Suez in 1906. ADMITTED SATURDAY; Mr*. as merely a decoy Japanese fleet, covers only the first two of Hen­ niovement, an organisation of 2. Maximum employment op­ anni il ilel'* day of the Connecticut an estimated cost for the first nu­ Rev. Paul J. Bowman, pastor of the son Of Adam and Eva Tarow- fa c ia ls appealed to Interpol, Emma Russell. Westbrook: Donna oparaling In the aotUal hot>e that It CathoUe liyment under the collec­ nings’ points. Union Congregational Church of Tedford, 26 "P:itnam St.; Mrs. portunities in ths job that suits ^ifers and Drummers Asan. All the clear carrier, the Enterprise, of Sen. Kenneth B. Keating (R- ski Kobylewicz. the international police agency, would be able to draw him off from tive authority of the Italian Bish­ you best. victims vere readily revived, some 142.5 million. ficlating. Burial will be in Grove He leaves his wife, Julia Palozle for help and sent it photographs Margaret Caasedy. 228 Foster Hd. He said much of the difference In NY) told the Senate he endorses Hill Cemetery. South Windsor: Mr*. Esther Bar the main battle, he made a per-, op's Conference, in contrast to the 3. Reasonable price stability. at the field and others at Bristol SALE the move to bypass the committee. Kobylewicz: one son, Michael of of the missing items. A committee ' member who de- Hospital. cost could be attributed to the Frienda may call at the funeral ty, Thompaonvllle; Louts Giovannl- sonal, one-man decision, which past status of the Italian Catholic He said it offers the only chance Rockville; one daughter, Mrs. Er­ fart that the second carrier will home today from 2 to ,1 and 7 to 9 nest Richardson of Manchester and ni, 25 Eldridge St.-,^^ Austin Wilkie want into operation, and remained Action rnhyem^nt, which received have four reactors instead o f the "to substitute action for inaction. " p.m. Jr., 26 Knighton S i: Mr*. Jeanne Keating said he will offer other seven grandchildren. In effect until he was pressured.- Its .directives from the Vatican It- eight In the Enterprise. The second The funeral will be held Wednes­ Rockville-V ernon Nourle. 31 Columbui St.; Mr*. i factor is the difference in size of amendments of hla own. Cla.vton W. Wellea Beatrice At,klns, 137 Pearl 8t. b y ' hlgher-ups, into abandoning-It. ;aelf.' Id all other countries", the The bill to which the amend­ day at 8:15 a.m. a.t the Burke UF MANCHESTER Have fun grouping the two ships. The Enterprise will Clayton W. Welles, brother of Funeral Home, 76 Prospect St. f61- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mr*. He thought that, by pressuring him movement looks to Its own na- FLETCHER CLASS CO. Mltehell ments were offered is one by Sen. displace about 80,000 tons, while Mrs. Nelson S. Smith, 55 E. Middle lowed by a requiem Mass at 9 a.m. Cyclists Fined Susan Gaily, 78 WasBlngton St.; 1 I t to abandon the chase, the higher- tiodal hierarchies for its guidance. (Utstb the second carrier will be some­ John L. McClellan (D-Ark) which Tpke., died suddenly ■' Saturday Mrs. Rose Lanzano, 6 Ridgewood the .Tudiclary Committee had ap­ at ,St. J.oseph’a Church. Burial will jjps were depriving , hlnii of a Also, at an audience for some aoO IBS WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE the *18 open stock pieces! what smaller, nearer to the size night at his home on Saybrook be at St. Bernard's Cemetery. St.; Mrs. Arthur Patten, J95Unlven- Service To be filled. Charles Phelps was caller At the ZBA hearing, the Rev. K. Mra. Nellie N. PearKiin ther Hussey read the committal Fines were imposed as follows: mander who had the courage and of the Vatican's leaderahip ahouid Your Car Ejnar Rask told the board the Mrs. ’ "iHle Neville Pearson, 71, service at the grave In St. Joseph's try; Mrs. Leona Bleu. 451 Parker he. ‘ . ' for the bingo gam# pla.ved In the William C. Marsh. 37, of 359 East St.; Clarence Williams. Cooper the vitality to flglit his own kind flrehouee. proposed church would have room wife of William R. Pearson. 246 Cemetery, Poquonock. Middle Turnpike, Manchester, 515, HOUSE STEAK of war, and to defy the book, and for 200 parishioners and would be Oak St., died Saturday at Man­ Bearers were Ronald Finnegan, Lane, Coventry; James Lapp, Show Rehearsal Dates Set speeding; Edward C. Brown, 45, South Rd„ Bolton; Mrs. Stelia OPEN MONDAY Thru SATUROAY tO to 10 Mrs. Henry Skoog. director of constructed In traditional style on chester Memc rial Hospital, follow­ Jqmes Finnegan, William Finne- great for that reasoif. Rockville, 515, intoxication; Joseph Varrick, 171 High St., Rockville: “ Four Steps Forward” the benefit variety show, haa called a rise on the property which is lo­ ing a lingering illness. arid Stanley BrazauskI. A. Emertt^e British, FOR TUESDAY ONLY show will rehearaB"Tuesda.v night; and came to Manchester about 50 Llthuanian'Rosary Society said the A nolle was entered in the case Mrs, Margaret Sullivan, 122 Ben­ would h a n ^ the incident in which those in the second half ’ will re­ years ago. She Waa employed as Rosary at the funeral home, and a of Adelaide G. Brothers, ‘22, South ton St,: Mrs. Barbara ITiiel and Governor R oc^ ellar haS now delegation attended the qervices to­ son, 50 Duval St.; Mr*. Ruth it was - a llie d that one of the hearse Thursday; and s dress re­ O range Cloud a weaver at Cheney Bros, until Orange, N.J. on charge of recklesa become unhappy.nVer pubUaJlied re­ hearsal for the entire cast will be retiring about 10 years ago. She day. \ Drlggs,. 80 Cottage St. r Mrs. Jane famous' 'guards' at ' 'Buckingham NEW LOW PRICE driving. An intoxication charge ports that he v ^ id rety u p ^ polls held Sunday night. All rehearsals was a member'-of St. Mary’s Epis­ against William J. Burker-58. of Segda and son. East Hartford; in order to reach his owh dlgiislon Palace kicked g- tourist spectator, FLAVOR QUEEN will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will be From Nike-Asp, copal Church. 79 W. Main St., Rockville was dis­ Mrs. Patricia Falea and daughter, as to whether"to ^ a-'{iresldentiaJ and we have not bsen -dlaappointed. held in the Towq, Hall. Besides her'hu.shand, she leaves missed. 138 N. Elm S t; John "Farreli, 613 IB AB The official finding, for'*whlch I LOAF ".-•The-show will be held on.Aug. three brothers, David Nerille of Chute Fails, "" HospIteJ Notes Main S t; Mrs. Gloria Qakea an'd candidate. He-abould 1^. it .was (Continued f^m Paiv 'One) 34 and 26 at 8 p.m. in the Town Manchea ei, and Harry and Sam- Birth Saturday; A son to Mr. daughter, Bolton Notch Rd. Ext., a shallow thing.th sayj .even if it the offending guardsman was con­ Hail for the benefit of the War Me­ phone calls early this moriilng h**' Neville, both in Northern Ire­ *nd Mr*. Joseph Willla, RFD 2. A Bolton; Mrs,. Jean Crockett and were true, and, as we pointed out fined to his barracks, is that he did morial Fund. Tickets are now Pilot Killed 24.95 from people who had spotted the land;.and four sisters, Mias Mary son to Mr. and Mra. Jamea Tully, daughter. 80 Brook St, Wapping; here. It certainly was not the basis no kicking at all. ■BREAD available from Mrs. John Hutchin­ Neville, Mrs. Alice Pearson and Hi-Manor Park. Mrs. Roberta Bryce, 173 Irving son. strange cloud in the sky. The rock­ on which he sought his present What ha did do. In tha official V. 8. TOP CHOICE qU A U TY 100% BEEF et was launched at 5:18 a.m., and Mr*. E. Elliott, all of Northern New Boston, N. H., Aug. 17 (/f) Admitted Saturday: .Mary Kel­ St.; Mrsi Anna Whitcomb, Rocky YPF Plans Vermont Trip Ireland, and Mrs. M. Cossar of — An Air Force pilot was found ley. 34 Park Pi. Hill: Mrs. Doloree Sage, 466 W poet as governor of New York. finding, was to take "four stspa Members of the Young People's Ita trail . and cloud were visible about 30 minutes. Scotland. dead yesterday, '12 hour* after he Discharged Saturday: Mrs. Rob­ Middle Tpke.; Marcia Genovese, Ih e Rockefeller imeasinew ovw forward instead of one.” At the LEAN, FRESHLY Felloa'sbip of St. Peter's are in­ 2 lbs. Still more pieces and still another NASA cameras on the ground The funeral will be heljs' at 2 parachuted from a jet fighter ert Waite, 23 Mountain St.; Misa Thompaonville; Carol Clark, Com­ hie own statement was Oonri- particular point of hla routinl vited to gi, -on a trip to the D. o’clock tomorrow afternoon in St. plane which had run out of fuel. Julia Zalenakt. 55 Village St.; munity Y; Raymond Benson. 396 FRIED HADDOCK 8 pieces Raleigh grouping at $389. The ^ropleaf table, ' Benloh Crittenden residence in tracked the vapor. The data will b e . . „ , , pounded,' naturally enough, when where the incident occurred, tha collected by the Geophysics Corp. Church. -Burial Officajs said his parachute Mary Philbrick, 86 W. Main St. Hackmatack St; ,James Moynl- a favorite, opens from 42 x 28 to 70 Vsrrhont this weeHend. Those in­ - ' will be In East Cemetery. failed to o'Pen after he ejected Admitted yesterday: Stephen han, 153 Cooper Hill' St.; Mrs. Vice President Nixon Imirisdiately routine called for one step forward. terested in going are asked to noti­ Frlmds may call at the Holmes himselt from tha stricken plane. Bean, 41 Brooklyn S t; Mra. John Irens LockWood, East Hartford; JUST HEAT sew the opportunity It gave him; He took four, which landed'him inches. There’s a 69-inch efedenza fy Miss Penny Shorey, Bert Tay­ Ground BEEF He was Identifiefl as Capt. Rus­ Regan. Kelly Rd., John King, Peter Frazier, Box Mt. Rd., Bol­ AND SERVE and took pains to proclaim that his i4ght in the sidewalk realm o f the buffet, a Duxbury Windsor grm chair lor or D. Benton O lttenden of The yellow color of the giant 1 *0® .*^**‘* RFD I., s r I Group 3 8 9 - sell Nelson, '27, Big Spring, Texas, ton: Robert Arnold, Brandy. St, flare Is characteristic of burning own decision would not be baaed tourists. It Is possible that, as ha And five matching aide chairs. Hebron. Chaperones for the trip Discharged yesterday; Helen sodium. It waa set off by a ther- In liet) of flowers, friends are the father of three. He wa* ata- Bolton; Mrs. Eleanor Kochenbur- on anything like a poll. will be the host and Mr. and Mrs. asked to maike donations in her Geasay, RFD 1; Mr*. Louis Fisher, took his fourth step ,hls boot may ■ HEAVY WESTERN ECONO-BEEF Walter Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. mite device when the rocket ttoned at George AFB, Calif. A ger and son, Storrs. Ifew we are aupposed to under­ memory Co St. Mary’s Church Stafford Springs; Mrs. George have encountered some tourist Crittenden are leaders of tha reached an altitude of about 501 former resident of Boston, he was DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: _ JUICY, TENDF-R, DEUCIOVS Book of Remembrance. graduated from Boston Univer­ Devlin, 68 Grove Et.; Mr*. Anna stand that Governor Rockefeller •bln. youth groui;. miles. Bastek, 184 Union St.; Qsrleton Mrs. Mary Leinlng, 5 Carmen Rd.: will Indeed base-hla own decisloil This we can cope.eive—that one Bulletin Board . The. glowing color was main sity. Buckmlster, Longview St. Mrs. Edith Weiman, Green Lodge tained in part by light from the Sanford I. Benton Nelson wa* one of two flyers Convalescent Home; Dave Einbin- HONEYDEW MELONS on factors other than polls, and of those Buckingham Palana The Orange will meet at 8 to-, , Sanford, I. Benton, 84, 15 Lan- night at the Town Hall. Members rising sun striking the forced to quit .theif planes Satur­ der, 386 Porter,. St.; Charles Kizia, that la belatedly, more like a real worthies should msks a mistake vapor Rd., died at tha Manchester Vernoa and Tateottvtile news is ■RIB STEAKS Lb. ara advised to wear, rough clothes day night on a flight from Eg- handled through The Herald’s Long ,HiU Rd., South Windsor; eandidata, who might be worthy of -1. 1. II.,1.. 1 Memorial Hospital yesterday, fol- in counting his steps—and bs; pun­ and to bring a well-sharpened ap­ lln Air Force Base. La., to West- Rockville Bureau, 6 W Main St., Russell White, 45 Turnbull Rd.; C, EXTRA , the high office involved. ’ - ished with 10 days in barracks for i. ^ h ? t (h J°wing.a lingering illness. over Air Force Base, Mass. Thomaa Migllore, 8 Oxford St ' DEL MONTE FANCY, SWEET, JUICY 149. petite. « t Manchester, Jan. telephone TRemont 5-8188. LARGE SIZE 59 Perhaps the real lesson young bis loss ot.memory. But kicking? Barents interested in a co-opera­ set-tip having been taken over Ug. jgy^^ t^e son of the late San- The other flyer, Capt. Jamea Mrs. Katherine Polyanchek. 185 N Bockefeller needs to learn Is that. LE g r a n d e tive kindergarten are- invited to Harwood, also of George AFB, TEXTILE STRIKE IN JAPAN Main S t; Mrs. Eleanor Green and Never. Well, hardly ever. TOMATO 8«en«;y> ford N. and Mary Moyle Benton, Prkst eWeethe Is (hb nsisisshy **4 vldwlty ' In the big leagues, you use,.if you attend a meeting at 8 tonight In the National Advisory Commit- ^ graduate of Trinity Col- parachuted when his plane also Tokyo. Aug. 17 (dVSome 85,- daughter. North River Rd., Coven ran out of fuel. He wga uninjured. are really any good, just as genuine NECTARINES the elementary school. tee for Aeronautlce. It conducts I the class of 18tf7 and of the 800 textile, workers Struck for try; Mrs. Grace Duhalme, Hfebron JUICE The Regional 8 Board of Educa­ Nelson’s body was found by an higher wages today against nine Rd., Andover; Jamea ^ a n , 75 > an approadb as yoii may have used basic research and testing. In Philadelphia Textile Institute. He : mp «eMi setAMne « Mcne tion will meet at 8 tonight in the earlier stages than the operations I dtd experimental research In the Air Rescue team from Otis AFB, eotton and S3mtiietie eompanlea Jarvis Rd.; Mrs. Elizabeth Lath- ki opening your pphUcal cereer 19 Oz. OF which had searched all night for rop and daughter, 28 Talcott Ave., Ttis Ml Jumbo 81m Dea. 39c MANCHESTER RHAM High School library. at the Cape Canaveral rocket chemical dye Industry in that area produidng almiMt 70 per cent .of .The ehseer Rockefeller seema to 2 Cans launching station. for many years before returning to him. Japen’S textile eotput. It was the RockviUb; John ESsemore, 95 Ea- some to the big -league, the more FOR FRESCRIPTtON MaMheeter Bvexlxg Herald For one purpose o« another I Manchester 20 years ago when he Both planes crashed in isolated Rret atrike zteiw World War II ■ex St.; Joseph Roiirke, 49 Flower uper Markets Sqnahlne Oxford Crerae Sand. Aado^er eorraepondeaL Mrs. Paul some .9,600 roolce(s have been sent I retired. ■actions,, one near New Boston and by ths tcKtlls worhen union, ra- S t; Mrs. Antoinette Jantesewskl, Mgna there are that he ig^rytiig ^ D. PtaBaHeU, tetefritoM PUgrim 58 North SU Mra. Phyllis Tupper, PINI FHAIMACY Cheea-lt Oil ox. bex. c I Cookies 10 os. box 34.^5 up from Wiallops rinoe the Inatsl-1 The funera) will be held Wednea- the other at Lyndaboro, about six gardad as one o( tha moat mod* be careful, to play the ga n a Uke'a 19 29c 28.95 89.50 teUon w«a sot up te 1946. 1 day’ afternoon at 1 :^ at tha Wat- milaa away. 'asato te Jataa. . 84 Florence 8L li te oonoentrate on k DIUVIRY i - . . . - 4


CsB ^ ______BU G S B U N N Y OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith M A J O R H O O F L E DAILY CROSSWORD PU’/ZLE road from Boston to ths New York state border. Preview for. Eisenhower M dsy. Y m *!! do 1 School Board Meets 11 Perish, PoliM reported that a passenger in ptnraojr NHh n Maadljr, car carrying six persons— travsl- capoblo HFC — iMipg. Ho’e SB “aopert'’ in sr- IKUIA1R—-PU T5A i LCtMofUie away, causing driver Joseph Ac- Back Algerian Aims ,TM»/MAIMCOUR«»J _ "Little DOWN (choel ayatam should he required “ fa v o r s Iaiw fooling of eonfidoneo 15 IN TriE-tAKE/Sf yoU'LL Women" 1 SiBging voice to have polio tnoeulatlone ia ex­ Garrity strongly favors requir­ (OoaMnaed tram ” age Om ) ctipato, 83, of 478 Franklin Ave., bocauao .jroa'vo done n5PR0UT • rrcnch poet SLemb’s pected to tw Mttled by the Board ing the shots. He was one of Hartford, Conn., to lose control. oam M i wicn Afnstioii ■ (Ooattaaqd from Pago Ob«) ter U.B. fighter plaitM were er- ^F1N5^' and author, ‘Xssaya of Sdueation at a apetial meeUng those responsible for the recent Miss Burns died last night Bus oldoot coBooinor loan i ! ® ' I VIH.L STOCkl^WH'AT Victor---- - o f ---- " I. Phiinpe, SS, another psSMnger dered out of France becauM of company. \XCOtH.T)'DOTOA ' tonight at T:80. passage of the new State law back Into the front Mail. The Kd- Dibre termed the coming ex­ French demande to ahare in the • Xdiar 3 Charge along with Rep. David Barry, and dy cat* stopped on ths Rioulder and living st ths same Cblllnsvills ad­ r «T»AVC , 4 of Troy The meeting waa oaiiad by change of visits between Eissn- control of nuclear bomba they car­ ItiAKT NOW/ Allan----- others. ths *rhompson car paltsd on the dress, was taken to Bt. lAike's 1wWtr and Soviet P r.s m I s r II Succulent 8 Baibarian Chriatia MeCormlek, chairman, to Hospitel, Pittsfield, suffering from ry. 'Iliia ia prohibited by U.8. law. 8Dlsreat. SS Nicks ' 40 Akin eonaidar Atty. Harold Garrlty’a Town Director Theodore Pow­ pavement. Khrushchev a surprising develop­ French adentiete are Working on plant ell, who has been extremely active Ths third ckr, occupied' by Jer« concussion. Police reported four tm. ••M.% ML IS Two-toad 7 Pant SfPoasaasive fSAatariaks recommendnUon that the children ment and said: France's flrat atom bomb, end De in preaalng for the polio Inocula- ome J. Oanther, 80, Pilot Grove, other persons escaped injury. ISL lEvlcta pronoun 48 Slant muit have the inoculationa. "Who would have said only alx Gaulle wants them t o be let in on . sloth Uon requirement for school ehll- a l l e y O O P 14 Utaraiy 5 Daterminar SB fish sauce fODlapky Mo., hla wife and their daughter, years ago that visits by the ohisfa U.1I. nuoleer secrets. Life ineurmnee k mmthU e on oB ioaiu BY V. T. HAMLIN Garrity, a member of the board, drsn, is expected to attend to­ scraps of speed 38 Disunited fTBraesteen had been appointed a committee bumpiMl into the wreckage. TBi of stats Would b« carefully organ­ ot low group rote .•mcnmwKT.oo*! ML'.WHtr \ X PUNNO,OOf’...AMP MMk« 4! t VM3MPW.BO 38 Shield 48 Eaeciuraga night's mssUng.~ CDULP M \ vwtn iw LOOK ] 18 roolUhncss 10 Burden of one to analyM the legal reapon- Gantners were not hospitalised. More State Areas ised between Moscow and Wash­ a^iVB M« I IHO^ NtiTHt* er 11 Auricles SO Ground 80 Indigo If the board does decide that Union Notei Birthday >OU«KVU)l»A«MkM*t> '\ a«M«AW Ht«tW>0B ] OUrntMOK^t tb rM tf / Ut HAS OOCMhON ■17 Mongrel •ibiUUea and righta of the school Capt. J. A. 'Rerglund of the ington T 0»KWM«V^,ALUP>'_\CWW ------~ ------‘ i t ' 18 What book' If Chsmlcal 31 Coals sinsgiM polio shots should be required, the Highway ?atrot said the toll of 11 iow npout.' 38 Elector . BSParadiao board under a recently paased Require Salk Shots ‘T o avoid being crushed by ■n«* MIS sat.' publishtra compound children attending St. James' dead ia the worst in the patrol'4 sgreemenU between very great Union,* Aug. 17 (#1-With pa lOUSEHOLD FINANCE want SO Of birth 38 Staggered 88f!rwh State • law which permits school School would also receive the In radM, epeeohM ahd all the trim­ boards to rsquire the polio inocu- records for a t-car accident. He powers, a nation like Frahee must II Readlnasa oculstions.. (Continued from Page One) mings, ths town of Union hap psM Istions. This is an amendment to said the Oantner car did not fig­ ba in a position to make Itself SI Bows The Rt. ■ Rev. Magr. Robert Mi its 215th birthday. 1 1 1 r i r r r 10 r the State law permitting boards ure in the deaths. Berglund said s heard and understood.'' •UNCNIfnR fHOFMIM FAM AM SS Psnrod’s Doyle, director of the archdiocesan highway fiecldsilt Involving s carried on by the Old County The Elsenhower-Khrashchev ex­ The town was officially formed friend school system, has said that all Homeowners Assn, of Windsor in 1784. When the state's first 392 Midills Tumpiks Watt 54 Possesses r w track carrying soldiers during change is the ostensible reason for ths Catholic schools in the arch­ world War II killed sight persona- Locks to learn liow many boards the American president's visit to census was taken 82 years latar, ST Encounter if ( IT of education are now requiring Union had. s population of 500. Ind Pteer-MItchall 3-273I SB "---- ol Two diocese will conform to whatever Paris next month. He also will go CATCH O L i , Personal Notices decisions are made on polio by p o l i o , immunisation in their to London and Bonn to discuss Al- It [lopulation now, s town offielsl Sewn 10 •• 8 M«n„ Tm s , nn>«,— 10 It 8 W t4, M. CtUes” IT ii' eetimatsd Saturday, is about 810. 55 Number local boards of sducation. Car Crash Kills schools. I , ■ - Itsd policy prior to meeting the So­ 34 Burmese 11 n The State Board of Education At the end of lailt week, 18 com- viet premier. mountains In Memoriam will consider whether students at- munitiea or school districts had But even before the Washington- 36 Book — — n B & r la loving memora of our balov,d hua- tandtng State vocational schools 7 in Elkii, N. C. voted to make the Immunisation Moscow visits were arranged, El­ band and-Dad, George If. Waaamer, mandatory except where. religious senhower said he would like to talk • ■'T ST Aceommodsta who pasaad away Aug. 18. 1*68. will be required -to have the shots. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER sgaln ' r Also to bs considered at to­ Elkin, N.C., Aug. 17 (P)--Police or medical baqriers exist. personally to De Gaulle if any "er­ 'niTiiJ tt._ SB Exclsmation Auguit'brlriga sad memorlsa. night's meeUng is a report on the today were still trying to learh the This total has now. risen to 35, rand" should take him to Europe. IBHarb r Of our loved one gone to reel. - He made that comment at a Sweot Jeaua In your mercy.' .8340,000 renovation program for cause of s 3-osr crash tost Ulled according to Jean Berard, heading 41 Tboroughlaras Grant him etamai rest. the elementary schools, and the seven people and seriously injured the tearh making the survey. New news conference June 17, Just kf- PKISCILLA’8 POP BY AL VERMEER (sb.) >11 8603,000 renovation program for two others. towns in the list are; 5TE PPIN 5 4SLtgal mattars What would wa give If we could sav, IN M 3UR 11 Hello, Dad, In the aama old way. Barnard Junior High School. Ths head-on collision occurred Brooklyn. Killingley, Killing- ^SQUASHED, ON WWAJ B O O TS !! 44SaU V 1 To hear your voice, to see your amlle, worth, Plalnvllle, Trumbull and 48 Ancient Creek Frank Sheldon, chairman of the shortly after midnight Sunday, TO U ’RE 3f T M A T'S HI- h )T r r To eet and (elk with you awhile, board's subcommittee on building Westport. W M ERE 4BCheer though absent, you are always near, Police said one car apparently STEPPING] 88 Strike fltlll loved, and mleaed, and ever dear. and sites, has met twice with the crossed Into the wrong'' lane and In addition, some 45 other K E E P M Y T N boards of education are planning ON .'EM.' 84 Deaerted Hie lUe waa full of kindly, deeds, School Building Committee and skidded 137 feet beftfre the crash. \\ P O LLY- B6 United members of,the Board of Direc­ to take up the question of com­ \MO«S U- fr 18 • A helping hand to all In need. The accident - happened -oh a 87 Network A pleasant amlle, and, a heart of gold, tors. lAist week, the building com­ curve. Police said the car. that pulsory immunisation,soon. 88 Heap il No finer dad, this world could hqld. mittee recommended that toe Di- . Bsrard said this means 100 per 7^ a ir skidded was doing about 70 mllM BSMai^ Ths road Into ths sunssl. rectosg allocate 86,000 for archi­ an hour. A _ coroner ruled the cent ot the towne planning to take Is ona each nuiat tread. up the question o£_£(unpulaory im­ Although, It brings ue sorrow, i tect's and engineer's fses for the deaths wert sccldental. When a loved one goes ahead. elementary school renovation munisation soOn. He added that The dead were Identified as this means .100"per cent of the SH O R T R IBS BY FRANK O’NEAL program. sun there la comfort knowing. Thurman Wagoner,^ 2S; Noah towns answering so far have eith­ We win meet again soma dsjs Hear Reports Wagoner, 12, two i brothers from When glial and pain ars over. er required the immunisation for Also to be considered at tq- nearby Ronda; a,third brother. AiV dKitXOfiUlT And the eloudi have, rolled away, night's meeting is a report on per­ public school children or are con­ Garland, 21, of Elkin; theii* uncle, sidering taking up the matter in ■ver remembered by his loving family. sonnel by Superintendent of Ransom Wagoner, S3, of Elkin; Schools Arthur H. Illing. He will the very near future. m s, Uargarst Wassmer Raymond L. Miller, SO; his neph­ He noted that Atty. David Wil­ Yankee VJMAT Son, Lsonard Wassmsr and wife, report on the progress beiQg made ew, Vaughn Miller, 28, both of 00 SOU Cbrrlna Wasimer In filling the position of assistant son, Hartford County chairman of OrandohUdran, superintendent of schools left Elkin, and Isaac P. Spicer Jr., 17, the Nat‘«aal Foundation (against a new decorating scheme L 0 N 6 8 A M BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS TVIWK. Mr. and Mrs. William Boyce of Ronda. Connie Wassmer vaesnt when Raymond D. Stinch- polio) has said he i^ In favor of cf=me Preps WHOAM TOU^ aesr ASK TORS Leonard Wassmer Jr. field resigned to head the Wethers.^ both the hill allowing boards of will give your house AN* WHY IS MAW WORLD Margaret Wasimer field school system. The replace-' DIRK IN FREAK AOOlUKNT education to take the step. Pub­ ■ g ^ /MAW, CML6 I tiWi Great-grandchild. Master William Stockbridge, Maw., Aug. 17 (/T) styled for the boy about aSIN-TKOL-fH fifB / A fB B 5tT0ATlDST Boyce Jr. 'ment of 24'teachers who have re­ lic Act 588, and another, Public new heauty .... new life ^ fim fS T ^ CfMKlUftM/r ( I I B I Brother. William Wassmer and signed this summer from the local -y Patricia Burns, 28, of 33 Dunne Act 601, which authorises distribu­ to step Into a man’s shoes! family Ave., Collinsville, Conn., was dead listers, Mrs. William Bysn school system will also be re­ tion of state vaccine to local com­ today of injuries suffered In a munities for. needy Individuals. , A honsp is like • woman. A n«w paint col­ » a/T Mrs. Jamas Siilllran. ported. Here are the he-man shoes freak accident on the Massachu­ Both were passed by the recent or, like a new dress... a new roof color, Ilka In Memoriam setts Turnpike — high speed toll General Assembly. our experts take such care In loving msmory of Joseph Sinks Comic Return$ a new hat. . .new trim and door colors, like w)io passed away„,Avsvet 17. 1M8. In fitting to the very Nth a new^makcviip styling.'. .will make your Not till the loom le silent.— Nsw York UP)—Bert Wheeler, of degree, for a boy’s growing m Or the shuttles cease to fly. the old comic variety team of feet. Send him in, and see! house look yoong and attractive. ' rrs Win Qod unroll the canvas. Wheeler and" Woolsey, ia to por­ And explain ths reason why. Paint apceialists at The W . C. Glenney Co, ALU The dark threads ars as needful. tray a machine politician in "The Home From Vacation? «a^M .PKM . Tn the Weaver's ektllful hands. Gang's All Here." drama due on will advise on exterior decorating — show 8-/7 mm As the threads of sold and silver. Broadway next fall. 1 ' 1 to Por the pattern He has planned. Wheeler was last seen in "Har­ START ^ you Chi-Namel’s smart, refreshinK new col­ : v l , rY fl "M y husband works on ths railroad, my daughter works Wc. Bvsr remembered by his wife. vey." He made his mark at ors. They’ll show you this year’s current 1 Mrs. Henrietta BInke and family. comedian in seven editions of the YOUR HOME MILK JU D D S A I O N BV KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD In an offios, and Junior works on all of ua!" to o l favorites plus a prediction selected protip In Memoriam "Ziegfdld' Follies" aqd in "Rio DELIVERY FROM IJUPP WANPM9 DOWN APIMUY* Rita." His partner. Bob Woolsey, for the future. . .(Caravan, Mum Yellow, tWrHMTMnMQC^ tn sad sad Inving msmsry of m.v lisar a/r buiband who passed away Ausuit 17. died several years ago. 1 » M . Cascade Green and Caribbean Orange! •ni»aP«oypu«rr. XDBEvwsirmAaouiPie Whan Usa of lova are broken. Have a.consultation. . .it’s free. Bring seto> L i m E SPORTS B Y RO U SO N And a loved ona hsa tn part. Ctsr. WStIfaSiirill R leavaa a wound that never heals, cral snapshots of your house. Discover how TM WaHd lit*l| I r C rn wary aching heart. proper use of color piinimixes arehitectnral Though hia amilea have gone fortver. And hla hand I cannot touch. , Wilkie ■ < flaws, highlights a house’s good features. [>Eifnsr t win never loan aweet memorlea rtf the.one I loved eo much. ■edlv mined hy Ms Inving wife SPLIT RAIL FENCING Rdllh P, Fnrd. DAIRY par 2 roil aaetieiw In Memoriam IB rntmorY of Atb*rt who $ 3 . 5 0 BtiiiG BWBjr Aiiguit 17. 1990. ' St Mir yard AlwByp rdmAiiYbtrtrt by hi* loYln* Chestnut posts snd rails cut from selected timber B. C. brotW. BY JQHNNY HART IVinmas J. Ford. Til. Ml 34365 free of i unsound knot holes. Heavy galvanized BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE THKPtdaoren T H IN TI»Y TO RUN A U TM B anchor prevents ch'cckinif. We'il explain how to MSUALUiaiD WAVAaeHJND THE EAMCM* BBMOaB irC L O M m S ASK ABOUT OUR set the posts. Post hole digger for rciit. HIT TH* PAUU- VtHJ ! Mui 'jmimm NEW lU D O n I40IM1DJUMP Our New Hours Are: % itnoTHCMiay MILK FLAN 7:30 A.M> tiH 5:00 Fid>s-M enehiy thru Thuisdoy wrmoiNinTWB wnf WATKINS- 7:30 A.M . HN B:30 F.M ^-Fridoy WEST COUNTRY FRESH HOMOGENIZED 7:30 A.M . tlN Noaii— Soturdoy ( ^ 3 ‘Your Gnarantee>-Oiir 39 Fusaral SsrvlM ' EXPERT SHOE F im N O ! Y'ears O f Dependable - I - Service” ORMUND J. WEST, Director WILKIE DAIRY -+ 143 BAST CENTER ST. eiT .339 NORTH MAIN ST. •atelMll t-11N U WALKER S T . ^ 1 3-8395 V RAARLOW^ Shoe Dept., Main Floor, Rear MORiy MEEKLE BV DICK CAVALLi TEL. MI 9-52R3 MV FATHER l « A MICKEY FINN WEdUCTMOMO' 0 1 ':^ Manehtoter’s OMm i BY LANK LEONARD MIDUBNUWT •TAUNOH REPUBLICAN. r ' with Flaast FasiUltles UMM.WHATW OS-Stieat ParMag NOW NAM If Bstabllaksd 1874 ^ twr


NmUllMRTNUllNI The COAST LUMBER Corp. 1041 Dixwoll Ave Hamden, Conn samitmakim Special Installation Allowance! Time Limited! • J ■BBiahf.Mm.aiiL

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P A G 8 BIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, AUGUST 17. 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAW HESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY, AUCU9T 17, 1989 p a 6 b n ih b THE Mike Souchak Victor Herald Angle Wfinond^ McAdam Leaders with American Legiofi ■7 In Motor City Open EARL YOST Sports Editor

mother aa he mMtefed Meadow-* Tops Batters Detroit, Aur. 17 (/P)— Nowf Doug , Ford, playing on the W e d ile s d a y tilAt Mike Souchak haa de­ brook'a 6,816-yard layout, which courae where he won the 1963 Sunday ‘ haa a par of 35-S6— 71. MIke'i PGA crowq, flniahed atrong with Inclement Weather greeted me Routine day at the deak and at rided to become «jr1e of this idle aecond round .83 (led the courae rich for a few montha,perhapa rounda nt87 aiM 70 to gain a aec­ this a.m. and in between ahowers 2:30 I was on my way to Storrs to With Lofty .449 Mark record for 18 holea and hla win­ ond place tie wHh ■ U.S. Open I attended the. church of my choice lit in on the middle day of the en- aome of the other goifeta will ning total of 288 waa five atrokea titllat Bill Caaper Jr., who had a with my family . . . Planned to nual three-day Coaches' Clinic at be able to register a little better than Meadowbrook’a pre- final day 89. Each won <2,050. take In Morlarty's baseball gsme By PAT BOLDUC prom here and there. Big; Mike won vloua 72-hnle total. the University of Connecticut. . . . Art Wall Jr., the Maatera cham­ at Mt. Nebo and although the Amerloaii t


MANCHESTSB BVININO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY,' AUGUST IT, 1959 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1959 PAGE ELEVEN PAOSTBN T HooMhoM Goods 51 Houflcs for . 72 Resort Property for Sale 74 Buiiiion SenrIcM Off«r«d IS rUKRE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY afid SHORTEN Artidca For Sait 45 Roonui Wltlioat Board 59 ' . Hoosts tor Rant 65 Hot 1 for Sale 72 House* for Sale 72 YES! THERE IS A 969 TOU-AND TURdNPIKE-A de- ASHFORD LAKE—Cleared water CHAIN SAW work—trees cut Rea- TOP SOIlr-Poislbly the cle*ne*t jtO O U WITH Utohen privllegea. FOUR room nicely furnished home, STOP LOOKINO. If y « l have a ,*nd moat fertile delivered In this "SANTA CLAUS” rv family and need 7 rooms, j(ood Hghtflil 8 toomJlbme for the amall front lot. sandy beach, driveway, sonable rates. Call PI 9-7668 be­ 1 DON’T WANT IT Centrally locatad. Babies ac­ Available' Sept. 1 through June 30. Tie lAHL«OM*Wf JEAM4 B ut TM onitUTTONS are* this yaar. Place your order. cepted. Mr*. Doraay, 14 Arch St. Ideation, extra building lot in­ family interested in living in a ( Call Marion E. Robertson, Broker. CLASSIFIED tween 1:86 to 4:80 or any time m n t No Information by phone. See NBW CAPS OOD—Shed dorm er- xrr cusTOxiER Mrk-llke setting of V acre of MI 8-8953. j Saturday and Sunday, •WIVMWTMIOTI&UT eOULMT SOU JUST •L041 SbUt IQS') Leonard L Oigllo ft Sons, Bolton, Alice Clempet.1 Realtor, 843 Main oversized 24x86. Ceramic Ula bath, cluded. All Jhia for 816,900. Act The Baby Has >|I0U CAN’T r a y ‘fM LOOSE ONE WAtWil«uiltWiA 08 VIEA8INOIMD*., dall MI 8-‘7088. OETTING MARRIED PLSA8AMT large heated room, • today. Pbllbrick Agency, XO flowera and lawn. Cool screened YOU CAN HAVE IT St., Manchester. ameeite drive. Near Bowers School WlTMOtrr WNAVIlTE- (res parking on bua line. 146 r-complete for 815,400 '^iftrst de­ 9-8464. porch, attached garage, targe llv- Wkiitcd— Real ^ ta tu 77 advertising MokTENSEN TV. SpeetaUXMl RCA POWER MOWERS ”^ o r o ,• Jacob­ JUST BY TAKINO OVER Center 8t. MI 8-8002. Ing room and pro|»rty In Im- UNPAID BALANCE posit holds). R. F. Dimock Co., YOUR HOME? Fot telavialiv, aervlea.. Ml I8-4M1. sen, Yaxoo and Snapjling Turtle. Suburban tor Rent 66 Realtor. MI 9-5345. COVENTRY—Route «4A. 8 room macuiaie condition. Robert J. • SELLING Rm I and rotary. Also iKHn* mow­ Monthly Phyments pUgxSANT ROOM for a gentle­ custom built ranch. Utrga living prompt, afficlent. courteous serv- 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT DEPT. HOURS * Smith, Inc., 968 Main St. Xd 0 0 0 TYPEWRITERS - Repaired, rent­ er*. Part* and aervlc*. Gipltol 817.22 man, separata entrance. 144 ROOM RANCH, about 19 min­ room, modem kitchen, one-car 9-6241. ice and appraising without obliga-1 Been Named 8:1.'> A.M. to 4:.'I0 P.M. ed, sold and aervlced 479 E. Equipment Co., 38 Main St., Man- /» ROOMS NEW FURNITURE Hackmatack St. Call Xd 8-1616 or utes from Manchester, furnished garage. Lot 106x248. Phllbrick tion, call S. A. Beechlcr, Realtor. Middle Turnpike. Ml 8-3477. cheater. MI 8-7958. AND APPLIANCES OV 4-8680. or iinfumlshed. TR 5-2000 or TR HILLSIDE MANOR, Vernon — Agency. Xd 9-8464. 4-B-6 ROOM—Homaa for sal*. MI 3-6969 or Wesley R Smith. As- HAVE BEEN IN STORAGE • 2-6.M9. Starting price $11,600 and up For •ociate. Xd 9-8952. Member Multi­ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED A DVT. SUMMER SALE^-on fertile .tone UVINO ROOM jand bedroom, first Choose your own high wooded lot. EAW CENTER ST.— Two-family CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, MONTHS iTTvs- F o r your new Ranch, Split, or Co- further details call Chariss Las- ple IJatIng Service. MONDAY TTini FRIDAY 10:80 A.M.—SATtTRDAY 0 A.M. available all hours. Satisfaction ieaa loam. Al*o, sand stone, floor front, on bus line. Restau­ hmne, extra building lot. Good In­ perance, Xd 9-7630. Jor Lviw. daughter of A.l.C. and Mr*. JacW* Lee HMMr. I sold this to a young couple * % " ' ‘I lonlal R. P. DImock Co., Realtor, /WRe"" rOu'cONslrrERIN’G guaranteed. Call MI 9-1316. gravel fill. Ml 8-8603. months ago, but they are not get­ rants nearby. Free parking. M? garage. Inquire Bolton General ■ vrr a s-),* come. 170 foot frontage on East 10 Lakevlew Dr., Coventry. She wSa born Aug, 1 at XUnehghUr .1-5002. Store, Route 6, Bolton. MI 9-0617. ______Center Street plus gamge and AA ZONE. Custom 5'4 room ranch, SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparenu are Mr. And Xfra. ~ PLEASE READ YOUR AD METRO APPUANCE Service - DUAL CARBUERATOR. manifold, ting married. VI bam, 830,000. Shown by appoint­ built-in*, recreation room, awn­ We will appraise your pr9perly Albert R DeVoe. 10 lAkeview Dr.. Covent^'. and her paUmAl Repairs all makes of refrigera­ aluminum flywheel for 1941-1948 BLOND BEDROOM n e w l y DECORATED large beau­ ment only. Phllbrick Agency, S6i ings porch, plastered garage. free and without any obligation. grandmother 1* Mr*. Inra Honer. Cisco, 'rex. Sh* ha* thre# Ci»Mi8od or "Want Ad*” are taken over the phone a* a ron- Ford, Mercury also 1956 Ford LIVING ROOM SUITE tifully furnished housekeeping Summer Homes tor Rent 57 tors. freezers, washing machines, BOLTON—6 room oversized cape. Main St. Xd 9-8464. Reasonably priced. Carlton W. We also buy property for cash. brother*. J*ckie Lee Jr,. 3. Hal Wayne. 2, and Robert Dali, t. venlence. The ad\-ertlser *houtd read hi* ad the FIRST DAY IT dryers, range oil, gas burners. bumper, 1949 Plymouth bumper. 5-PC. DINETTE SET room for one person. 272 Main. Xd Hutchins. Xd 9-6133. Member Xfultlple Usting • • a * • COTTAGE—Lots of privacy, fire­ acre lot. Excellent condition. APPRARS and REPORT ERRORS in time for the nest ln*er- MI 9-0883. All work guaranteed. MI 9-9630 after 6 p.m. "Westlnghouae” Elec. Ref. 3-4071. COVENTRY LAKE - Two year- STANLEY BRAY. Realtor Patriela Ann. daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas H McCAr-' tion. The Herald I* re*pon»ih(e for only ONE Incorreet or omitted "Caloric" CombinaUon Range place. boat. Available last 2 weeks 815.900. The R. F. Dimock Co., 'round cottages. Good .inveatmsnt $10,900—Four room home In Man­ Realtors. MI 9-6245, BRAK-BITRN REALTY tan. 25.3 School St She was horn Aug 7 al Manchsstar Me- inneVtlon for any advertlaement and then onij. to the extent of a CliJ’rHBlSLINE pole*, all sizes In­ itOWlNG MACHINE, full size, 88. "Maytag” Waaher irURNISHED rooms with garage. of August, month of September. property. $8,600 for the 2. Call chester. City water and sewerage, MI 8-6273 “make Kood" Inaertlnn. Error* which do no^ le«»en the value of stalled. Old pole* reset. Alan chain Thayer high chair, 85 Bambury “ Enieraon” Television Set . For respectable gentleman. MI MI 9-7149. Marian E. Robertson, Broker. I d aluminum clapboards. Good loca­ mohal Hospital^ Har patema! grafplniothir ta Mra. Nora T. the advertlaement will not be corrected by "make rood” Inaertlon. saw. MI 9-13,53. •*Kl!ing set, size 3. excellent con­ “ Hoover” Vacuum 3.8958. vm 3-5988. tion. Phllbrick Agency. MI 9-8464. SBUJNG? BUYING? Trading? We McCarlan. 2.V1 %choo\ «ha haa thra# hmrh#rf IJ, dition, 86. MI 9-1092. ANDOVER — Waterfrtant cottage, ------— ------are Just about aold out bn listing* Petar, 12. anrt^fnni*. 22 montha; and two alatara, Kathla#n. 10, Also included Sealy inneraprlng all modern conveniencea. Avail­ MANCHESTER — New 5«4 room ST. JAMES’ PARISH—4 bedroom $14.900-6«4 ROOM single home, ex- p, , 1,^ and Tharaaa. 7^ • Mattress and Box Spring, "Alex­ YOrR cooperation W IIX Household Servlees SPORTY plaid golf bag. all acces­ ONE FURNISHED room. 136 Bis able Aug. 15-T.Abor' Day, Also ranch, basement garage. Choice -home, 2-car garage, ameaite cellent location oil heat, 3 extra j ,,]|, thing* over, • • • • • ander Smith” Rugs, Lamp*, location, built-in atove and oven, RE appreciated Dial Ml 3-2711 Offered 13-A sories, never used. Real bargain. sell St. month ol September. Call Xd drive, excellent condition. Priced lots included in this low; low hx your need* like * Hiisan (lerol, daughter of Mr. and Mr* Ronald E Miner, 48 Call MI 9-1683 after 6 p.m. Tables, Kitchen Cabinet^ Inlaid and - I 9-0980. ceramic tile bath, ameaite drive, to sell at $16,800. Paul J. Cor- price. 8. A. Beechlet, Realtor. Xd Ellsworth Mltt*n Schsller Rd. She waa horn Aug 5 al Manchester XtemortAl H6A- a few other articlea. ~ h a v e r e n t e d one room to a ! ______WEAVING of bums, moth holes completely la'ndacaped lot. 818,000. renti, Xd 8-5863. pilal Her fiiaiern*! grandparent* «r# Mr and Mrs. Clifford A. Trailers 8 A teacher. Can accommodate an- COTTAGE — Misquamicut, Rhode R. F. Di'mock Co. Realtor Xd 3-6969. Agency. Reallore. Member XdJI. --PerooBAl* S and tom clothing, hosiery runs, Free atorage until wanted. Free MI 3-69,30. Hammond. .5.3 Perkin* St . and her paternal grandfathae if 1 HAND LAWN mower, used very delivery. Free ae.tup by our own other. AH privileges. MI 9-62S8. Island. AH conveniences and pri- 9-5245. 881 s u m m it STREET-An attrac­ 118 PRINCETON STREET — An 7 -I fm A c tc handbags repaired, zipper re­ Chart** .1. Miner, 45 Srhaller Rd. She hue two sitter*. Laurie, i^ACUtJM c l e a n e r s repaired In 25 FOOT trailer. Bleeps 6, gas stove llUle, 816. MI 4-0651. reliable men. after 8. -- vate beach. Available Aug. 15 tive 7 room home offering excel­ outatanding eight room Colonial and electric refrigerator with a placement, umbrellas repaired, Notice 4. and Diane, 2. my own home ahop. Forty year* men’s shirt cojiars reversed and /9 MlOYmi dvg.. Phone for appointment, through September. Call MI 9-6856. IX lent living apace at a reasonable home located in one of Manches- factory experience. All make*, low toilet. 8400 Ml 8-7605. MAPLE ’"NkITCHEN set, maple replaced, Marlow's Little Mend­ cost. Four bedrooms. 2 baths, ler’a choice neighborhood*. I-arge i.iqroR rr.RMiT John Walter .Jr., »oii nf Mr *nd Mr* .lohn Rrhleldge. RoM rate*, free eatlmatea, free pickup cheat. ^ Dumer electric hot plate. SAMUEL ALBERT, Hartford, l a r g e f r o n t room near bath. — MANCHESTER—Main Street loca- living room w'ith adjacent porch, ing Shop. JUZ. CH 7-0358 modern kitchen with dining NOTu r. or arrucATioN • Ave.. Coventry. He «•*» horn Aug 5 at Mancheater MemorlAl and delivery. Mr. Miller, JA Service for 8 Candlewlck by Im­ Free parking 64 High St, Wanted to Rent - 68 tioh. Offered for first time on the space. 1 car garage, outdoor formal dining room, den and mod- This ___ is lo five notice th*l I. JOHN s m t . Auto Diivlns School 7>A perial Glasa Co. Call MI 8-8480. The above merchandise also on market, thia valuable site for either ------T, nf 134 fed»r Ridfe Drive, Hospital HI* matern*! grandparents are Mr and Mra. HOrAe# DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ TWO LARGE front furnished THREE BEDROOM IMPART- patio. Insulation, hot wkler heat, ern cabinet lichen i ouMoffi-. fli-T ... .ppiicaM"" Brooke, Coventry, end hi* paternel grandparent* are Mr. and pany doors and windows, custom sale at our Main atore In Waferturv business or residential rentals. casement windows, plus many plus four good sized bedroom*. ' ^aied Auit. 7. IM9. with the Uounr C»n- 25c WASH. 10c DRY—Do it ytmr- Painting— Papering 21 Help Wanted— Female .35 Help Wanted— Male 36 See It Day Or Night rooms.- Kitchen set, bedroom merit, home; .young executive and Ideal for office building or com­ Mr*. Frank Schltldge, 4.3,3 Gardner St, He h«* a brother, RoUert EARLY’S DRIVING School—stand work guaranteed. Call collect Wit- KODAK STARMATIC camera, set. refrigerator and atove. Adults. family will pay $120. Mr. Silber, other nice features. Schools, Bolton *ton<5 adorn* the front o f , .ml ComiHlMlon for * Re»i»iir*nt- aeif. i.ucky Lady. Self-Service ard and automatic dual controlled If you have no means of trans­ mercial use. Full price. $29,500. thla beautiful Colonial. D*ep lot Pierce, 12; and a slater. April. .3 limantlc HA 3-1196 PAINTING AND paperhanging. AVON’S Persian Wood. Exotic PART-TIMB work $3 an hour brand new. MI 3-6500. Apply Apartment 4, 10 Depot JA 8-0222, HA 3-7294. stores and bus are nearby. Quick It J llf|iior on the premises 9¥l V*ln Btreei. • « • • • Laundrv, il Maple St (acroaa cars. Class room Instructions for portation, I’ll send my auto for Call fhe'R. F. Dimock Co., Xd sale price, $17,800 with immediate afford* ample recreation apace. Mnnrhesier from Firat National Store Parking First mass work. Available now. scent of the Near East! Only one guaranteed. Must be neat appear­ Square. 9-5245. Ponn.v. daughter of Mr *nd Xtr* Harold Fit.zgeraJd. Tank#* 16-17 year olds. For day and TV SERVICE — Potterton’s. all you. No obligation. SINGLE engineer desires 8 room occupanev. Robert J. Smith, Inc., Handy to Bower* Scliooln *nd ’ 'high ' '■ Thf liiivlness Is o»-n»rt h.v Y * I»tl. evening appointments call Mr. makes. Highest quality guaranteed Fully insured. Call any time. of the famous line of cosmetics ing, able to Mee the public Avail­ Building Materials 47 school. Robert J Smith, Irtc.. Corporation of 840 M»in Street M*n- rooaan Rd.. Vernon. She w»* born Aug. 4 at Mancheater XI#* MI 9-6326. and toiletries produced by Avon. able 2 or 8 nights a week. Call unfurnished apartment in quiet 963 Main Street, MI 9-5241. rhfeter. »nrt will be conducted bv Early, MI 9-8875. work and parts, over 47 years' ex­ A—L—B— E— R-^T— ’S residential neighlxirhood. Write 96.3 Main Street, MI 9-5241. ■lOHN I. MttTTir. of 134 Ced*r Rid** morlal Hospital. Her meternel grandparents are Mr. and Mr#. T.OST—Tan shaggy haired mongrel perience. Famous for service since A wonderful ’ ’Earning Opportun­ TR 5-2444. 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD Apartments— Plats Kenneth Nelson. T*nk'eroo**n Rd . Vernon, and her patamAl dog. Name Skippy. Vicinity Sper­ IN AND OUTSIDE painting. Clean WEEKLY SAVINGS LIST Box N. Herald. $16,800—28 WOODBRIDGE St. - Dr.. Glsstonburv. •» MORTLOCK’S Manchester’s lead- 1931, Phone MI 9-4537 for best ity’’ to represent America’* larg­ l • * OPENvNIGHTS TILL 8 P.M. Tenements 6.3 MANCHHISTER—6 room Cape Cod, -Spacious older home. 8 rooms plus grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitzgerald. Plalited, MaIMI- ry Olen. Call MI 91108. thg driving school. 'Three skilled, service. workmanship. Free estimates. No est . cosmetic company can ^ SAT. 6 P.M. 3 or 4 bedrooms, good condition, Resort Property tor Sale 74 t>*jed All* in |968 ____ _ job too small. John VerfalUe, MI Western Framing, 2 unfinished. Easily converte She ha* a brother, Roland I-ee, 3, and twin slater*. Susan and courteous Instruetora. Class room yours If you call now. JA 8-6278. Salesmen Wanted 36*A loads 8114 per M’ 414 ROOM, fully furnished apart­ Farm and Land for Sale 71 excellent family home with large into a 2-famIly, 3-car garage. Lot Terri. I. FLAT FINISH Holland window 3-2521, SEWING MACHINE (last year'* yard for children. Selling under ANDOVER — Two room cottage, • • • • • AatomobnHi for Sale lA Instructions for 16, 16, 17 year BOOKKEEPER High school Dutch Doors, from $28.75 ea. ment. centrally located, heat ’n- 99x165. Marion E. Robertson, olda. Telephone Mr. Mortlock, shades, made to measure. All SALESMAN — 10% eommisalrai Tbmp. Pegboard 12c ft. model). Never used. Worth 8180. cluded. $90. Call Xd 9-6808. MANCHESTER—Approximately 80 FHA appraisaK Priced- at only Broker:-Xd 3-5953, ...... stone 'ireplace. Very private, graduate, will train. 5-day work selling ladlea glove# to J-etail f'.ore,v Scoil, son of Mr. and .Mr*. Carlton R Welsh. 33 CAI9* W _ d r e y o u b u y a u*ed car Director of Driver Education. metal Venetian blinds at a new Mahog. V'd Plywood 16c ft. Sacrifice. $35. Will take $2 week­ acres with 600 foot frontage on $12,800, R, F. DImock Go., Xd deep in woods. Beautiful settiilg: Bonds— Stocka Mortgages SI week. Apply in person, Mr. etores. References. Grimaud Im­ 9-5245. Court Cases terbiiry 'st. He waa horn Ang 7 at St Francis Hosptlal. - M »— aee>.porman Motor Sale*. Buick MI 9-7398. low price. Keys made while you Combination Doors, from $14.85 ea. ly. Ml 9-1381. t h r e e r o o m apartment at "The Wetherell St. Call Xd 3-1288 be- $14,900—SIX ROOXl Cape Cod In 2 acres on the bend of the river. haa three brother*, Carlton. II. Randall, 7, and Jeffrey. 4. walt..Marlow’a. Bourne, Bourne Buick, Inc., 285 porters, 1140 Broadway, , New Gables.” 118 Main St. Spacious t!ween 4-7. preferred Bower* School area. Up­ Owner will finance. Asking $4,500 • • • • • Sale* and Service. 28S Main IMPROVE YOUR CREDIT A Main St. Eixoctlc Wall Paneling, SINGLE BED with mattress and Street. MI 9-1571. Open evening*. LARSON’S Connecticut’s first It York a ty . ^ from 24c. ft. grounds Xd 9-5229 . 9-5 p.m. XI stairs bedroom* air-Zonditloned, or best offer I.4iwrence F Fiano, A Manchester man who said he FLbOR CIjEANING and waxing multitude ol monthly ae mnenta spring. Chest of drawer* to match, Broker. Xd 2786. Paul P. Fiano, Bruce George, aon of Mr and Mra George A D'AlteesandrO, censed driving school trained. MAIDS, A-1 New York homes. Live Knotty Pine Paneling 14c ft. nicely decorated, recently painted 8 pushed but did not hit a 15-vear- NEED A CAR and had your credit done evenlnga. Finest waxes, pro­ may be lumped into one second $40. MI 9-1732. DESIRABLE 4 rooms, heat, hot Houses for Sale 72 VERNON—New 5'4 room ranch, at­ exterior. S, A. Beechler Realtor. MI 3-0458. East Hartford. He wa* born' Aug 7 at .Manchester Memortsl Certified and approved, is now of in. To $220 monthly. Free room, Ceiling Tile -i- He R- old boy he found taking hi* wallet Hospital. His maternal grandparenia are Mr. and Mi*. OlcAT turned down? Short on down pay­ • fering classroom and behind fessional equipment. Dennia Kev- mortgage with payments of only /H e lp Wanted— ■Water furnished, $90. Call Xd tached garage. 1 acre lot. built-in MI 3-5969. was fined $20 in Town Court thia ing, MI 9 1805. board; fare advanced. Write Cedar Cloaet Lining 19tac ft. UNIVERSAL wringer machine. 4 9-1919 between 3 and 7. FOITR ROOM winterized house on stove and oven. $17,900. , R. F. L, Anderson, 93 West Center St . and hla paternal grandmother ment? Had a liepoBseaslon? Don’t wheel Instruction for teenagers. 822.25 for each 81.000 you need. Male or Female 37 Disappearing Stairway* 823.96 ea. morning on a charge of breach of give up! See Douglaa Motors, get MI 9-6075. Dial CH 6-8897 and ask Frank Gem Agency, 35 Lincoln, Roslyn years old. Looks like new. Xtl acre lot, artesian well. ,PI 2-7974 Dimock Co.. Realtors. Xd 9-5248. $16,500—OVERSIZED 6 room Cape is Mrii. Minnie D'Alesaandro, Eaat Hartford. Helghta, N. Y. 9-7546. Can be seen at 102 Henry GARDEN APARTMENT —Attrac­ after . the peace. • • « • • the lowdown on the lowest down Burke or Mrs. Carter liow Con­ WANTS 'School bus drivers. NOBODY —BUT NOBODY 6 in quiet residential location, this Rosensohn Loses George M. Krause. 39. of 642 and smallest payment* anywhere. PREPARE FOR driver’s test: Buildings—Contnetlnc 14 necticut Mortgage Exchange. 15 part-tim*. ‘Call MI 3-1408 or Xn UNDERSELLS NA'nONAL St. tive 4 rooms, second floor, '■omer xvin immaculately kept home is worthy Beyerly Sue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William I MeagtlAPi t' Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class­ Lewis St., Hartford. 3-4006. I Oxford, Middle Tpke.. West, $115. 6'2 ROOXl Cape Cod, »hed dormer, of vour consideration, also 2-car Hartford Rd., pleaded Innocent to Baxter St., Tolland. ?he waa born Aug ,3 at Manrheiter XI#- Not a small 'onn or finance com­ Help Wanted— Male 36 Pronioler Permit the charge, which w*» lodged pany plan. Douglaa Motors, 333 room. Three, Instructions. No wait­ ALL TYPES of caroentry work Stove and refriseraioi' parking. tile bath, fireplace, open stair­ 414 ROOM RANCH, like new. fire­ garage. S. A. Beechler Realtor. morial Hoapltai. Her maternal grandparenia *r# Mr. and XIM. done, alterations, dormers, roof­ NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. BRAND NEW twin size mattress, Resident Superintendent. MI 3-1809 case. Hot water oil heat, recrea­ against him on complaint of the Main St. ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ PART-TIME. Easo Service Center, RESPONSIBLE men and women 881 STATE STREET place ceramic tile bath, amesite Xd 3-6969. M. Banfleld, Olouceater, M aia. and her paternal grandfather 1# my.-PI 2-7249. ing, porches, etc. Call MI 9-6981. Help Wanted— Female 35 to drive school bus 7:S0-8';8O, ' never uaed, $12. Cali X(I 9-9429. tion room, porch. Shade tries, drive, attached garage, ftill pri> • (Continued from Page One) boy's parents. Thomaa Meagher. Gloucealer. She has a brother. T^oma* Bnie#, Few evenings plus weekends. Hon­ NORTH HAVEN. CONN. SIX ROOM duplex. Rent $80. No good condition. Charles Lesper- $11,900 R. F. DImock Co., Realtor, Judge Jules A. Karp, in decid­ t OLDER CARS, mechanics spe­ est, reliable. Experience helpful. 2;15-3:S0. MI 9-0852 after'6. MI CHeatnut 8-2147,__ 4'/4; and a sister, Beth Jeanne. 3. ANY KIND of canentry and cabi­ 3-2813. children or pets. Will be available ance. MI 9-7620. ’ MI 9.574s , District Attorney Frank Hogan’s ing the case, said Kraufce'a actions, cials, flxit yourself cars, always net work done. Honest and relia­ Before 6 p.m. MI 9-8198. a * * * _a good selection. Look behind our KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Musiciir Instruments 53 for Sept. 1. Call Xd 3-7516 after office both are investigating the whether pushing or hitting, were Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 ble workmanship. Call Roacoe 3:30. BUSINESS SITE on East Center XX THE BEST BUY UN TOWN Gleniia de#a. daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Robe^rt r>ockett» office. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. ’Thompson, MI 3-1896 for esti­ LATHE OPERATORS - Diamonds— Watches— GIBSON ELECTRIC guitar, ami.!!; promotional background of the wrong In. the circumatance*. 80 BriMk St., Wapping. She wa# born Aug. 11 at Manchester Opening in small department for Agents Wanted 37>A, St., 120 foo' frontage, piu? 8 room Krause, chief life guard at Globe mates Jewelrv 48 fler and case. Cost over 8300. Sell FOUR ROOMS with heat and WALKER ST. fight. Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparent* are Mr. and M nt 19,5« FORD Falrlane convertible, 1957 HARLEY sportster. Ix>oka like a key punch operator either full­ EXPERIENCED ONLY house, 4-car garage with 58 feet MANCHESTER-New 6 room Co­ Hollow pool where the Incident oc­ YOUR OWN business! Your own $150. PI 2-7415 after 6 p.m. lights, second floor. Xd 9-9904. 472 more frontage, Carlton W Hutch­ lonial. fireplace, built-in stove, oven Gen. Melvin KruUwitch, com- Robert Littlefield. Wealbrook. Maine, and her paternal grand* power steering. Clean. In ikcel- new, low mileage. Must sell. 166 BID We l l HOME Improvement time or part-time days. Good LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler, re­ minsion chairman, said the com- curred. *ald he pushed the boy onto lent condition, 81,200. Call TR To those qualified we offer good hours! Selling nationally kno’vn Keeney St. ins, Ml 9-5132. and dishwasher. $17,900. R. F. 6 Rooms parents are Mr. and Mrs. WlHiam Crockett. Mancheefer. W. Middle Tpke., MI 8-7043 or MI Co. Alterations, additions ga­ wages, modem alr-ronditloned of­ cushion shoes Is easy. 135 atylSs pairs, adjusts watches expertly 35 UPRIGHT PIANOS. Looking f. r mi^aipn took the action because of a bench so he would not run away • • » • « .5-1804 days. 3-6577. fice. pay with fringe benefits in pleas­ DImock Co., Realtor. Xd 9-5245. rages. Roofing and siding experts. ant surroundings. for entire family. Earn $80 . day Reasonable prices. Open daily. a good piano? Before you see me, MANCHESTER — Sturdy new six Must be seen to be appreciate a violation- of commission rule*. until police arrived. Matthew I,ewl*, son of Mr. and Mra. Donald R. PaquettA Aluminum clapboards a specialty. Apply Thursday eveninga. 129 Spruce look around and compare prices! FIVE ROOM duplex, couple only. loom Garrison Colonial. II hatha, In a terse statenient, Krulewitch Krause appealed the guilty 6nd- WANTED — Clean used car*. We commission. Experience unnecea- 4 XXI Thompsonviile. He was born Aug. 7 at ManchesUr Memorial buy, trade down or trade any­ Unexcelled workmanship. Easy Apply in per* an sary. Free catalog. Write Tan street. MI 9-4387. No other piano atore offers the Call between 5-7. MI ,3-5827. hot water heat, full insulation, 10^ Down said: ing and Judge Karp set bond for Hospital. Hi* matsrnal grandparenU are Mr. and Mra Louis J. Business Services Offered 13 budget terms. MI 9-6195 or TR Fir.st National Store.s, Inc. ners, 326W, Brockton, Mass. kind of upright and prices that I plastered walls, fireplace, paneled XCANCHESTER—New 7 room Co­ appeal at $50 thing. Douglas Motors, 333 Mdin. FOUR ROOMS, heat, hot water, "In view of public atalementa McMaster, Holyoke. Mas* ,, and hi* paternal grandparent* ar# 5-9109. Park and Oakland Avea. DEAN can offer, Open 9:30 a.m. to 10 wail, knotty pine cabineta. Large lonial, 1(4 bath*, breeieway - two made by William P. Rosensohn, The incident occurred July 30 East Hartford, Conn. Garden— Farm— Dairy gap for cooking, stove and refrig­ 4. - MI 3-6273 Mr. and Mr*. Slegefrold Paqiiette, HiMyoke. He has a brother. IMO FORD convertible, partially TAMKIR TREE Removal — land Situations Wanted— p.m., Mondays through Saturdays, shade trees. Call owTier and build­ car attached garage. Bullt-lns. Im­ the commission suspends the pro­ after, Krause said, he aaw a bo.v Marc Gregory, 2'n; and a aister, Hhlly Ann, 5. rnstomixed. Good rubber and top. MACHINE PRODUCTS, INC. Products 50 256 Market,,St., Hartford. erator. Phone Xd 9-5779, MI 9-4071 er. Xd 8-4880. mediate occupancy. $22,900. R. F. cleared, firewood cut. Insured. Female 38 between 6-7. - BRAE-BURN REALTY ■ moter's license of Rosensohn E3n- take the wallet front his coat which . • • • • • A Call MI 9-4851. Call MI 3-8712. Paul A. Ellison. RooflnR— Sfdlnc 16 165 Adams St. Dimock Co.. Realtor. Xd 9-5245. was hanging 'up in the Globe Hol­ TYPIST POSITION SHELL BEANS—Pick your own. $1 SIX ROOM Cape Cod house, 6 terprises, Inc., and the matchmak­ Kenneth Jeme*. son of Mr. and Mr*. Donald W. Chapman. 1968 FORD TUDOR Falrlane Vic­ WOMAN would like to take care of FOUR ROOM duplex, atove and er’s license of W illiam'P. Roaen-i low bathhouse. He waited until tha 371 Adams St. He ws* horn AUg. 13 at Mancheater Xlemorta! RAY’S ROOFING CO., shingle and Available in our claims depart­ TOOL OPERATORS basket. Next to the- Rosemount USED COXTMERCIAL type refrig­ finished. Full shed dormer, XXII toria, fully equipped. Will take RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make— built-up roofs, gutter and conduc­ pre-school child In licensed home. Bolton. MI 3-2365. eration unit. Call Xfl 3-8268. refrigerator funiished. Adult* sohn. boy was walking toward the door,' Hospital. Hla maternal grandparent* ars Mr. and Xfra. Lemuel MI 9-3687. breezeway. garage. Fruit, shade older Ford In trade, PI 2-7172. cars, amplifiers, phonographs ■ nd tor work; roof, chimney repairs. ment for young lady with good tjT>- EXPERIENCED ONLY only. Call MI 9-794‘5 between 7-8. trees. City utilities. Near schools ADAMS ST.—Three acres of com "An.v action on the revocation of he said, before stopping him W. Odell, 300 Lake St., and hi* paternal grandparents are Mr. changers. Over 47 years total ex­ FOR FURTHER information or mercial and induatrial land having On the stand, the bo.v, John Ray Hagenow. MI 9-2211; Ray Ing ability. To be trained in dicta­ TOMATOES picked in own con­ and church. Call owner after 4- appointment to see these homes these license* will await comple­ and Mr*. Walter Oockett, 4 West St. Ha haa a brother. Donald perience. 90,days guarantee on ail To t^ose qualified we offer good tainers. SOc peach basket. Angel MANCHESTER 4 room home on premises, $11,900. Ayers, of East Hartford, said Jackson. MI S-8325, phone work. Knowledge of medical IRONING DONE In my home. MI Wanted— ^To Buy 58 Xd 9-8896. rail Richard F. Dimock, Xd 9-6003. tion of investigation* now being W. Jr., 3; and a slater, Linda Susan. 8. FORD. 1957 Country sedan station work, Potterton’s. MI 9-4537. pay with fringe benefits in pleas­ Street, behind ABA Tool Co. GREEN MANOR I^hlibrick Agency, Xd 9-8$64. conducted.” Krause caught him from behind . • • • a • wagon, 81,195. Call MI 3-5215. COUGHLIN ROOFINO Company, terms helpful. Applicant must be ant surroundings. 3-4096. Robert D. Murdock. Xd 3-647^' WANTED TO BUY GARDENS VERNoJTm a NOTESTER line — Daniel G. Saunders. TR 5-2828. Asked what atatements by and hit him. Ayers admitted tak John Stephen, aon of Mr. and Mra. William F. Monk, 808 FTOOR SANDING and rsflniablni Inc. Aluminum stdlng, asphalt- high school graduate. Excellent PEACHES — Golden Jubilee for New 8 room ranches, 19x14 living BOWERS SCHOOL—Oistom J bed­ 1951 INTERNATIONAL H-ton pick­ Apply in person I WILL DO baby sitting in my Good used reaalable furniture, On West Middle Turnpike Barbara Woods, Xd 9-7702. Rosensohn were, referred to, a i ing the wallet. He aald he was Autumn St. He waa horn Aug. 4 at Hartford Hospital. He' haa Bpeciallxing In old floors. % asbestos roofing. Also aluminum, benefits, pleasant working condi­ canning or freezing, 8. Gambolati, room with fireplace, 3 spacious room ranch, fireplace, cellar, tempted when he saw a $1 hill ^ 4 " up truck, fully equipped, low mile­ 9-5760. licensed home. Pull or part-time, Route 85, Bolton. also small upright and spinet Just Off the Wilbur Cross beautiful condition, lovely lot with commission spokesman replied three brother*. William, 8, Timothy. 4. and Joseph. 3; and two galvanized or copper gutters and tions. For appointment call bedrooms, all modem kitchen with MANCHESTER — Beautiful three protruding from It. ■titera, Virginia, 6':*, and Ann-Marie, 1*4. age, good condition. 361 Hillstown leaders. Ml 8-7707. DEAN day and/or night. Tel. MI 3-7320. pianos. Parkway trees, assume 4(2% mortgage. that the statements were made by built-ins. Anderson windows, cit> bedroom ranch plu* garage, nice Roaenaohn in a signed article in Krause said there haa been a lot • * « • • Rd. MI 3-2901. M A M RUBBISH Remoyai Serv­ MACHINE PRODUCTS, INC. Household Goods 51 Near Manchester -Shopping Park­ I water, $16,500. Paul J. Correnti, Small cash, Onlv $15,500. Carlton ROOFING, SIDING, painting. Car­ Situntions Wanted— Male 39 Watkins Used Furniture ade and schools. location. Full price $17,500. Short W. Hutchins, Xd 9-51*2. the magazine Sports Illustrated of stealing at the Globe Hollow Debra Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Richard W. Freseli, ice. Full time. Residential, com­ LIBERTY MUTUAL MI .3-536.3. way out special this week, six 1950 PONTIAC, Chleftan, radio, mercial Industrial. Attics e^lars, pentry. Alterations and additions. 165 Adams St. Exchange ,314 . 4'4 room apartments are And also in the press. He declined bathhouse. He said as much as $75 Coo* Bay. Ore. She wa* born July 26 at Coo# Bay Memqrtal WATKINS USED i-oom U®. tiicc condition, ga­ heater, hydramattc, $110. Cali MI yards, lawn mewing high gxasa Ceilings. Workmanship guaran­ INSURANCE CO. BUILDER—Will do all kinds of 15 Oak Street now renting for immediate occu­ lEAST HARTFORD —For the family 410 1 XtANCHESTER Older 6 room I jg po(nt to an.v specific statement was taken from one perion. Small Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Erneet 9-6949. teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn TURRET LATHE operators able to repairs and new work. Carpentry, pancy. rage and outbuildings, four acres home needs some work Owner i ),y Rosensohn in these ar- er amounts of money a* well as Harrison, Mr*. Mabel Merritt, TECH WRITERS — Must have Reasonable. MI 4-0341, Bolton I-ake, waterfront,-3 bed­ pany and two-thirds was owned by STENOGRAPHER — Small East good exp. in Aircraft field. $6-8500. Spinet Desk, $30. ^ * 2 year old. one-car garage, $26,900. full cellar, shade trees, very con­ sistant Prosecutor Allan D. Thorn- .50 S. Alton St., and her paternal grandmother la Mra. C. E. Faloa, Hartford office. Shorthand and rooms, I 'i baths, mahogany lawyer Vincent Velella of New as. The boys’ parenU were In Millinery Dressmaking 19 CONSULTANT—Top level, PhD. "Live Stock— Vehicles 42 STORE FOR RENT, excellent l - , „ ... , Shown bv appointment Philbri^ venient location. Caill builder, Xfl ^Keenc.'N . H. She tea two brother*. John. 17, and Xlichael, IS; general office work, 35 hour week. MANCHESTER catlon 500 square ft., air-condi- paneled living room w‘th 7 - * Agency. '361 Main St.. XU 9-8464. 9-4291. York. court. and two sisters, Nancy, 15'4, end Sharon, 2t4.._ Salary open. JA 8-6608. Webs’er Must have answers a* to why and 15 OAK STREET tioned optional. Tel. MI 3-^1191. place, kitchen with all built-in- * -’ • Rosensohn held the contracts for The juveqile portion of the case • • • • • what should it be; in other words FOR SALE—7-year-oId Chestnut Excellent location, 7-room units and utility room off main ENGLEWOOD DRIVE— Immacu-! DUPLEX—Six rooms each side, DRESSMAKING and alterations. ft Webster, Inc. Gelding with tack. Gentle. Asking the return ' Johansaon-Patterson ! is being handl^ by juvenile, au- Doborsh Stewart, daughter of Dr, and Mrs. D. XI. Cald­ Call MI 9-9110. broad exp. in aircraft field. $15,- Open Thurs. evenings until 9 Colonial. Large living room, COXCMERCIAL business or office kitchen. Home ha.s a large'j |g(g g room cape, 4 bedrooms, I Two good heating plants. Nice bout but it also was disclosed' thorities. $20,000. $225, MI 4-0746. well .Ir.. Boulder Rd. She was born Aug. 8 at Xlanchoater Xte­ PART-’TIME work $2 an hour guar­ Closed Mondays fireplace, nice garage, large apace for rent. Up to 8500 square screened porch with sundeck over-1 tile kitche'h:'’ ceramic bath, alum-1 back yard. Extra lot. Clean and that he had assigned these rights A Manchester man accused of morial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Xtrs. anteed. Must be neat appearing, DESIGN ENGR.-G S. equip, ft comer lot, well landscape. feat.______Will_ _ sub-divide.______Main Street_____ looking the lake. I^ot is fully land-1 inum storms, may assume l ’ j% well kept. Shown by appointment. to Rosensohn Enterprises. committing risk of Injury to a mi­ Moving— ^Tracking— able to meet the public. Available Articles For Sale 45 J. Campbell Elder. .Montreal. Canada, and her paternal grand­ controls exp. Excel, sal. Thia house is very well con­ IxKtated near Center. Plenty of scaped. Home has forced not air ■ mortgage, excellent value $14,300, I-ois S. Berry, Broker. PI 2-6267. Only a few days ago the com- nor .child was sentenced to one parents are Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Caldwell Sr„ Bolton. She has a „ Storage 20 2 or 3 nights a week. Call MI MARKE’nNG MEN — Degree KITCHEN SET for sale. XU 9-9922. structed. parking Phone MI 9-,8229 or X fl' heat and if you are just getting Paul J. Correnti Xfl 3-5363 piisaion rejected Velella'a applica­ year in jail, execution auipended, TR 5-2144. ONE REFRIGERATOR, two 9x12 3-7444. ; married, this home ia ready to VERNON — Three vacant ranch brother," David, 6; and a sister, Candi, 4. pref. Exp. In Marketing field. Air­ wool rugs, one 20” boy’s bicycle. PRICE $17,500 tion to promote boxing at St. and wa* placed on probation for « • • • « AUSTIN A CHAMBERS Co; Local craft. $7.-$12,000. move right in, as the sale price SOUTH WINDSOR homes in Vernon. One of theae one year with the proviso that he moving, packing, storage. Lpw EDCPERIENCED sewing r MI 9-1042. FOR SALE—Rent. Equipped oda - jrirludea all furnishings. ApproxI might be what you have been Nicholas Arena. Susan Glady*. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Frodenek Oakae.. operators, 'day shift, 8 a.m.-4;30 TECHNICAL PUBLICA'nONS ahop, luncheonette, 133 Spruce St.,, mately $3,000 cash needed down, Meanwhile. Gilbert Lee Berkley, continue psychological treatment. Notch Rd-,, Bolton She waa bom Aug—12 at Xlanchaatar Me­ rates on long dlstanc* moves to 20” ROTARY mower, self-propelled Foster 81.--5 room Cape, large looking for. Shown any time. 48 states. MI 3-8187 -p.m. Night shift 6 p.m.-lO p.m. MAN—H.S. grad. Gather informa­ BOLTON NOTCH Manchester. Call EXport 9 6033,, Oall Xfl 3-8271 from 9-5. After 5 wooded lo t -$12,700. Owners will listen to offers. Ton­ a gambler,, made his second ap­ The accuaed, Leon J. Burni^ 51, morial Ijloapitel.' HeF paternal grandfather ia Frank OAkai, 61 Apply Kaklar Toy Co., 60 Hilliard tion and illustrations, ahlllty.^an $99.95 (reg. $139.95, discontinued pearance today before a New York of 135 Hilliard St , was arraited Hawtheifne St: She has two slaters, Jean Mary, 4. and Kath­ model). Marlow’s, 867 Main St. AREA Saybrook. i m I 9-8473. gren, Broker. MI 3-6321. “ Any­ MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ St. and layout material, work with Now SVa.Roem ASHFORD LAKE thing in real estate,” grand jury which is conducting a June 10 after citizens cojinpikiud leen Vera, 2. ] ing Company. Local and 'oni dla- tech, writer*. Sal, open' A former Older type home, 10 room*, I-ARGE PLEASANT atore, excel- MANCHESTER—We are offering general investigation Into profes­ of incidents at the Waddell School W • * • «. EARN EXTRA money—Sell Christ­ Air Force man gd. BOY’S 28” bicycle, $10. 22 skids for Ranch tance moving, packing and stor­ fork lift, $1.50 each. 7.50-20 tire. 2 acres, high elevation. lent for grocery, TV, or appliance i ,|,i, g room Cape in perfect con- 5 room shorefront cottage, nice ‘ 53 IJtKEWOOD Circle. South— A sional boxing. Berkley was ques­ playground. Burns' cate was con­ Jeanne Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Charles Nicholacm, age. Weekly van eervlce to New mas cards. Up to 100% profit. Built-In atove and oven, aalearoom. etc. Good size front dition on, bus line. Ideal for '*■ lot. seven room ranch home. 80 feet tinued during the past two months Resume. Moving and fee pd. MI 4-0867. $14,800 tioned first for,about 25 minutes Bolton Hill Rd.. Andover. She was born Aug. 8 at Manchester York Ml 3-6563. Experience unnecessary. Free Im­ ' large bedrooms, garage, windows. Call after 5, Ml 9-1680 ■ ured couple or large enough fbr', , . . . long, overlooking the reservoir last week. to allow him to consult with medi- \ Memorial Hoapltai. Her maternal grandmother la XIrs. Lucille print samples. Assortments on ap­ choire location, $17,600.- BARKER PERSONNEL 5- room ranch with firepl*:#, or Xa 9-8549. 99 Summer St. i family with one or two children, P*®'*- Yi- and country club area. Three bed­ District Allornev Hogan has said authorities, Michnak. Yonkers. N. Y., and her paternal grandmother la XIrs. MANCHESTER Package Delivery. proval. Write: Hycrest Card Co., full basement, garage. One * One has to go into this home to ontty ‘ “ P rooms, living room with picture that prior to the Patteraon-Johans-; The court nolled charges of *s- Light trucking'and package deliv­ ATRfl 3-5440 Ml 9-5938i oversized garage. Wall to wall I allegedly involved In a brief scuf­ pital. ' His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carrhlne Painting— Paoenng 21 Conn. State Employment Service, FULL-TIME and part-time after­ Quick sale to aettla estate. heat. air-conditioner. Suitable for mg Service. MI 9-4543,______carpeting, built in Hi-Fi compart- j fle with another youngster at a Napolitano Jr., Andover, and his paternal grandmother la Mra. noon grocery openings In Rock­ TEL. M l 9.0650 Large farm, nearly 1 mile ment, excellent cl^et space, full ■ gas station ^Thursday night. Nettie Segda. East Hartford. He has two slstera, Cheryl Lynn. 806 Main St., Manchester, or Wed­ AFTER 5 PJM. professional use, lawyer, doclor, giz.goo-Immaculato 6 room Cape, MANCHESTER THOMAS HARRISON Painting nesday only, Elk's Club Carriage ville. Apply immediately. Conn. frontage, 10-room home in denUat, etc. Immediacte occupan- d^ive, storms, cellar, attic storage and nicety' shaded' Publir Records Howard Phillips, of no certain 3*», and Brenda Lee, 16 montha. and decorating. Equippec . ard House, 9 N. Park St., .Rockville, State Employment Service. 806 fair condition. Nice bam, 40 4 room Cape $13,200 , ' address, arrested yesterday and- fully insured for- large and small Wanted ey. P. O, Box 84, Rockville. huge wooded lot, near bua, school, 9:30 a.m.-3;30 p.m. Main St., Manchester, or Wednes­ acres open land, artesian - ■ - shopping. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI 4 room Cape. 2 unfinished, $14,000 >*«» “ am St. MI 9-8241. charged with Intoxication, was jobs. Workmanship guaranteed day only, Elk’s CTub Carriage well. 6 room Colonial , $14,200 Warrantee Deed* sentenced to SO days in jail, exe­ with reasonable prices. (^11 MI­ MANAGER for. woman’s specialty Hpuae, 9 N. Park St., Rockville, Houses (or Rent 6 5 , _■______$9,900—b room ranch, combination AnSaldi Heights. Inc., to Charles S-4884. 6 room Colonial $14,200 storms, full cellar, large lot, trees. cution suspended, to allow him to Tibbits Citefr Town 8245 shop, experienced only. Apply In 9:30 a.m.-8:80 p.m. VERNON J.. IxSiira M, and Ctfarlee S. pick apples on a XfiddleAeld farm. 81 yrt. SEPTIC TANKS TOpL and New 6'/4-room ranch, large Attractive and well 6 r^m Cape 1.unfinished. $15.^' ^^^-dehlf^ekrousV person. Clear Weave. 'Manchester garage, 4 bedrooms, artesian RfXKVILLE—Near center. 5 room built 3 bedroom home on quiet Tarpinian, property on Teresa Rd. Phillips said he had a job on the PAINTING AND paperhanging. AND house, one floor, on Hartford bus 6 room Ranch $15,9M chrjton. W. Hutchins. MI Arthur and Alice Short* to Good clean workmanahip at rea­ Shopping Parkade. well, 2 7/10 acres, high op residential -street. Large living 6 room Ranch, many extras $16..300, 9.5J32 farm- beginning totnotrow-. Judge ’Tbs perfect back-to-school dress line. Oil heat. Furniihed or un­ room with fireplace, big kitchen, Rockledge area-lot $4,in. James A. in i’ Hilda A. ’Taya, prop­ for your a.erub. Tiny shirtwaister sonable rates. 30 years in Man­ SEAMSTRESS for cut apron*. GAUGE MAKER hill In beautiful pine grove. Karp told him the sentance would For. Research Center PLUGGEO SEWERS furnished. Available immediately. ceramic tile bath. Full basement. erty on N. Main St. be served it Phillips appeared' in with eontrosting cuffs, collar. chester., Raymond Flake. MI Average earnings $1.50 hour. Sim­ P. O. Box 29, Rockville. For Information about any of WEST SroE-^GamboUti ^bu^t- 6 9-9237. ’ ‘ . . Must be fully experi­ Iy)t 110x1.35, Asking $14,700, Good- room cape, fireplace, dormers, Hi»-man A. Behrend to the Zion court again. No. . 8246 wiU Patt-O-Rama-1* ple, easy. Canvassing not required. STORE COVENTRY these fine homes, call B)\’angeHca, Lutheran Church. If Connecticut is chosen a* the^slble location for this projoet How- You can create a colorful set of Machine Cleaned enced. Will pay top wage*. FURNISHED or unfurniahed. heat- child-Bartlett Realty Co. Ml 9-1642'. aluminum storms, 120'- frontage, Fines imposed were: ia aiSM 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8 yeans. Size EXTERIOR and interior painting. Write Novelty Aprons, Caldwell, U.A.C., property on High St. state in w’hlch a National Institute' ever I am glad to offer my support . Wtehen towels in a ‘jiffy’ by simp­ Arkansas. SepUo Tanbe, Dry Well*, Sewer We will interview between «d, knotty pine. Adults only. New j'^ m ES’ PARISH—8 room older THE LOMAS & NETTLETON bus, only '$14,500. Carlton W. Kenneth V. Anderson. 26, ,of 4, short sleeve, 2-1/8 yards of 86- ly pressing on these gay vegetable Ceilings refinished. Paperr. ’nangiijg. FOR RENT 0-12 and 2-5. 20 miles to Hartford. Large Anaaldi Heights, Inc., to Joseph for Atmospheric Research is to be , to any Connecticut loeaUon. Dbvl* inch; 3/8 yard contrast. 19 MAPLE ST Llaea Installed—Cellar Water­ brick home . . . well built. Bolton Rd. MI 3-6389 home, consisting of 8 rooms, plus CO. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. Coventry, following too cloaely. and fruit motifs, then embroider Wallpaper books. Estimates given. proofing Done. C. and Frances A. Muccio, proper­ built then Manchester would like ously w# wtll all benefit in some To order, send 36c in coins to; Call — APPLY — 11 rooms and bam. 140 acre*, alnkroom, lavatory, enclosed porch $12: Gennaro Debiaae, N , of Prov­ the day-name. Fully covered by Insurance. CH 9-6211 MANCHESTER CAPES ty on Teresa Rd. idence. R.I., piuting a red light. to be considered as a possible site, degree from it. If there is any ate Sue Ekimett, TTie Manchester Eve­ Edward R. Price. MI 9-1008. Manchftsttr approximately 60 clear. down. 5 bedrooms, full bath up. That’s the gut of a letter which siatance I can offer, p l e ^ don t ning Herald, 1160 AVE. OF Pattern No. 2743 haa hot-iron MeKINNEY CROS. Beautiful view, over 2,000 Modern heating system, one-car Evenings and Sundays 1— 6 rooms, breezeway and garage, In4x>rporatlon '4?lBrtUloate $0: Richard Woodbury', 28. of E* and S. Gage Co* Manchester Sand and Gravel Richard S. Tibbits, executive di-1 hesitate to let me know-." AMEBJOA8, NEW YORK 36, N.Y. transfer for day-names; color Savings and Loan Mitchell Dr., Manchester feet frontage. Notice of garage. In excellent condition. deep wooded lot. Storrs. failure to drive to the right, transfer for vegetable and fruit Saworog* Ditpotol Co. Mr. Handler—MI 9-7613. Co., manufacture, buy and sell rector of the .Town .Development Along.i'with • the letterTDbblta' For Ist-class mailing add 10c , 1007 MAIN ST. Phone MI 0-3258 « Price $16,900. Phllbrick Agenc,.', 2— 5 rooms, 4 finished, basement $18. and '.allure to carry an op­ motifs. ^ 1S0-1S8 Pearl St__ M l S-8SM MI 9-8464. ^ Mr. Gaffey—JA 3-0666. concrete, sand and other items:, erator's license, nolled; Americo Commiasion sent today to U S enclosed a copy of the T l ^ i re- for aach pattern. Print Name, NOTICE l a k e p r o p e r t y Public Hearing garage. Rep Emilio Q. Daddario. j ‘'entlV published brwhure. loven- Addreaa with Zone, Style No. and To order, send 25c in coins to; Mr. Booth—AD 3-8441. capital stock of $50,000 divided Bticcino, 54, of 166 Charter Oak A.Special Meeting of the elcC' Pursuant to Section 8-3 of the $9,200—CUTE 2 bedroom ‘; ranch 8 - 1,-arge 7 room. 6 finished, city into 500 shares, all common, with A few days ago Daddario said aj tory of Induatnal Site* and Manu- fliae. Anne Cabot, TTie Manchester Eve­ Waterfront cottage. S rooms, 1W8 Revision of the General St., allowing a dog to roam, $2, nt ning Herald. 1160 AVE. OF AMER­ tors, and those entitled to vote In , aluminum atorms. ameaite drive.' Xf ANCHESTER Walker St, ”’our water and sewer. par value of $100 each: commenc­ aiiggeation that Connecticut be the; factunng Space Ayallable in Man- The new fall A winter ’59 issue and porch, nice location, all' Statute* of the State o f Connecti­ Star Special, 8 room Cape Cod and keeping an unlicensed dog. ICAS, NEW YORK 86, t i .‘ Y- For meetings of the Eighth School ic large *reei. Carlton W Hutchins, j ing buainese with $1,000. William $2: and Joseph C. Reale, 58. of 160 site for auch an ihatitute ’cerlain-' •’healer, of Basic Fashion our fascinating Utilities District, will b., held in conveniences. ■ cut, notice i* hereby given that MI 9-5132 -)<• j with garage and aluminum aiding. BOLTON ly deserve* nerioua con.sider*llon;' , nearby girporta la also pattern book is ready now. Send Ist-clasa mailing add 10c for each the Zoning Commlaaion of the B., Alice F., and Lois S. Thornton, Charter Oak St., allowing a dog pattern. Print Name, Addreaa with the assembly hall of the Hollister PRICE $8,500 Owners Florida bound. Price re­ 1—5',X -room ranch. 2-car garage. incoriporatora. ' _ . . ' included. S6c today. Town of Coventry will hold a pub­ NEAT CAPE (X)D, 4 rooms, full ] duced. Features include vaatlbule. to roam, $2. _ ' 4 Favor* Project The plana Daddano ia studying zone and Pattern Number. St. School in the Town of Man- 2 - -6ta room atone ranch, basement Anaaldi Heights, Inc., deal and 'chester on Monday evening, Aug. .l-room cottage, 2 lots, near lic hearing on August 20, 1959 at basement^ wooded lot. Price only \ fireplace, copper plumbing, oil ''garage, 2 fireplaces, 2 acres, Eva R. rg4)ron, M, of Leomin­ Daddario. who is a member of were prepared by the Unl.verzlty Have you the ’59 Album con­ water and good road. 8:00 P.M. at the North Coventry $11,500 for quick sale. Robert B. ; heat, ameaite , drive, city water, hold real property, utpital stock ster. Mass., forfeited a ^ 5 bond th* House Science and Astronau- Committee on Atmospheric Re­ 17, 1959 at 7:30 P.M. for the fol­ view. of $50,000 divided into 5.000 taining many lovely designs and 6 lowing purposes. PRICE $2,500 " Grammar School In said Town, rel­ Anderson Agency, JA 8-0139. a.ewer. An excellent lot with trees. 1, for speeding; and Vincent H. ttc* Committee, haa been recorded search,' of which Dr, Thomas Ma­ Invitation to Bid free patterns? Only 25c a copy! ative jio the Amendment of Section Shown by appointment. Xn>6273,; * ‘ “e'itrM ^ ’ shares, all common, with par value Bond, of West Roxbuty, Mass., for­ a*' '’very much in favor" of the lone' of Travelers Insurance Co. is WE ARE HIRING! 6- room year»round home. S COVENTRY LAKE —Year 'round of $10 each; commencing business 1. To choose a moderator...... 15,1.1 of the Zoning Regulations of Brae-Burn Realfv, ' . ' , j feited a $35 bond for passing a project and haa commended Oon- staff director. Sealed bids will be received at car garage, aluminum storms, home, 4',i rooms, 2 bedrooms, ' 4-I-arge 7 room older home, atuc- with $1,500. Andrer/, Virginia and th* Office of the General Manager, 2. To see if the voters of the dis­ ■aid Town. tiafflc light. greiss for authorizing $.500,000 for Daddario said the institute could trict will appropriate an addi­ ameaite drive, 2 lets, lake Said Section ISa.l, in part, reads fireplace, extra lot, $6,900. PI A TREASURE co barn. 3-car garage, 1% Andrew Anaaldi, Jr., incorporat-J The coiirt auapended judgment planning_ 1 .study by the National 4 4 svn r> ) ; patterned along the lines of Town of ManchesUr, 41 Center St., • SEPTIC TANKS M Lathe Operators # Jig Bore Operators privileges. 2-8124. acres, view. Manchester, Conn., until August Invitation to Bid tional 82500 for removal of the CLEANED and INSTALLED as follows: ors. against J'amei H. Bidwell, 17, of Science Fouildalion. He haa been i gu^n gg those for old pipe line and regrading the "No building or structure shqll Completely captivating home, 6—Two homes: 1 large 6 room Miuniage Utcense* 86, 1959 at 2:00 P.M. for the Ex Sealed bids will be received at * PRICE $10,500 MANCHESTER, 78 Whitney Rd. combining modern comfort with old 156 Loomis St., charged with paaa- studying plans.,, including site health research in Bethesda. Md. tarior Painting at following loca the Office of the General Manager, right-of-way on Hartland Rd. 2 homes. 1—5-room year be erected, added to or atructural- Neat 5 finished room Cape Cod time beauty and charm. Price, ranch ain| a sm^j, 4 room 'Thomai William Healy Jr. of ing a traffle light. criteria. 33'rote Exchange 3. To see if the voters will appro! • SEW ERS M Milling Machine Operators # Toolmakers ly altered until a permit therefor ranch, hakement garage ‘ plus tloni: Town of Manchester, 41' Center MACinNE OI..EANEb round. Aluminum storms, ar- with garage, second floor unfin- j $t5,000. Hartford and Barbara Ann .Heck Benjai.iin Zielinski, 68, of 4 In his letter,Tibbits first com- A few montha ago. TthbitA Mary Cheney Library Street, Manchester,. Conn., until priate a sum of 81100 to redeco­ tsalan well, lake privlleges.- haa been Issued by the Zoning- iahed. Excellent enclosed porch' o»»irr.TT n ix large 2-car garage. of 34 Tower Rd., St. Bridget's Pearl St., was acquitted of a mehrts Daddario on behalf of .Man- wrote to the New York Stock Ex­ Whiton, library August 24, 1959 at 2:00 P.M. for rate the upper rooms and hall of • INSTALLATIQN . # All Around Machinists Aleo 3-room rental. Agent.” ' with heat. Large beautiful lot with , MADELINE SMITH, Realtor Church, Aug. 22. charge of intoxication; and An­ chester'a citizen'*, for his support change when it indicated it might Police Station, Including Fire the Firehouse. The proposed Amendment reads trees. Priced below FHA apprais- ^ MI 9-1642 - COVENTRY BOLTON LINE John Tanata of Glaalonbury ami drew O. Johndrow. 4^,. also of 4 for an atmospheric research cen­ consider moving. He suggested the fumlehing' of approximately 4. Any other business proper to PRICE $10,900 $1.3,000-Rout# 44. 6 room colonial, Bacape SPECIALIST a* followa: al. Quick occupancy'.' Phone MI Mildred Riker of Hartford, St. Pearl St., waa finad $10 on a sim­ ter in Connecticut laying "such a that if auch a move was made, 6,700 feet of Cast Iron Water pipe. come before said rneeting. - GOOD PAY . . . OVERTIME OPPORTUNITIES . . FRINGE lENEFITS Bid forma and apaclflcatlona are Bid forms and speciflcatioifs are “ No building or structure shalt 3-6273. Brae-Burn Realty, ' ROCKVILLE — Two' 2-apartment garage, fruit and shade trees, large James’ Church, Sept. 5. ilar charge. project would not only add to the Mancheater might be considered A# be erected, added to or etructural- garden, acre. •vallable at the Controller’s Of- available at the Controller’s Of- T he EIGHTH SCHOOL A S. J* PLOUFE houses, located in center of town. The ctciiirt eontiniiail to Aug. 31. BCientiflc progress of our - nation, a poeslble site. ' , Rot, 66 Center St., Manchester, flee, 60 Center St., Manchester, Ttftn M i Country ly altered, Intenially or externally, OPEN FX)R inspection—Mountain Good income. Price $20,900, Phil- Diesel-eleotric. loeitmotivea the case of Ernest C. Cramp, of but would contribute aubatantially The stock exchange finally-'dte Conn. . , UTILITIES DISTRICT until a permit thcrefpr has been is- Rd. In choice Rockledge aection. brick Ageitcy, Xfl 9-8464. For information and other liatinga Conn. David J. Marks, President' MAL TOPL & ENGINEERING CO. BUILDER and handled ab04.it 95 per cent of all Bolton, overweight commercin' ve- to . the econcoi ic development of | cided to stay whare It was but Tib­ Richard Martin Richard Martin Draiuaso Go. ■ued by the Zoning Agent.” 8 new individual custom built J. A. Volz, Clerk 291 ADAMS STREET REAL ESTATE beauUDil homes. 8-4 bedrooms. EAST HARTFORD — IxOW tax**, LAWRENCE F. FIANO United States rail traifle in the hi6le: And to Sept. 14 the cnae of Connecticut,, bits was assured that It such A Central Managsr General Manager ZONING OOXJMISSION Continuing. Tibbits says. "Na- move waa contemplatad at aeme Dated at Manchester, Conn., Uii* TeL n S-«8M ftaytUia TOWN OF COVENTRY finished recreation room, deluxe 1 Beautiful 4 room home. $11,500. S n t three morths of 1959, reports Thomas C. Han,' 19, .of'Coventry, j ARvt.No. IM ' AjjjpvL No. IM M l 9^143 xn $-2766 turtiily, I, am primarily Interested future dale, hla suggeeUtei would nth day o t Augugt, By Nathan L, Miller, features. Call Mr. Upman, JA ' This is a must see. E. E. Buahe^, BROKERS the Association of Amarican Rail- thaft of a nwter vehicle, under j > -: Chairman 3-8736. xn 9-1068. Paul P. Fiano XO t-4MU: $6,000 bend. In promoting X(anc)$eater aa a poo- receive conaideratlan. f , ' ■ r ; i Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paggstta Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ecabert 869 S. Main St., have returned and hla brothSr. Paul Ecabert, left S.3,9.36 Collected About Town from a two week* vacation trip this morning for their home in 8th District to Mexico City and vicinity. Clearwater, Fla., after spending For Menial Health 8«nlor Oirl Scout Troop 1 -will the summer with relatives here. Bmet tonigtit at 7 o'clock In the Manchester Grange will hold Its They will return via the Pocono Meets Tonight Mta. Final rSa. It of the Mamchester RobMni room of the Center annual mystery ride Wednesday Area Mental Health Aaaoclatton'a (t^WsMflsil Aovarttshii *■ Pag* ^9) Church. Detail* of the vielt of the evening. Cars will leave Orange The relocation of a long troubis- VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 271 (rOUHTEEN PAGES) MAN8HESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1959 PRICE FIVE CE7fT8 The following young people from hrst door-to-door Anance cam­ Scota coming: to Manchester next Hall at 7 o'clock. The next reg­ paign wvre announced today by •ome 8th District sewer main d»- week will be dlecuwert. ular meeting of the Grange will be the Church of the Naaarene left to­ ri^ to attend the youth institute Mrs. A. Hyatt Sutlllfe, president peiKk on the vote of district resi­ on Sept. 2. of the association. A total of 93,- / ______at North Reading, Mass.: Sally As- dents at a special meeting tonight Michael IV. Falkowaki. SA. pinwall, Nancy Craft, Patricia 986, the largest amount raised by Ike to Release USOG. son of Mr. and Mni. Joseph Army Pvt. Leon-rd G. Zwick, 22. the organisation in its 4-year his­ at the Hollister St. School. Carlson, Joan Locascio, Joyce District dirsetora will ask vot­ A. FalkowsHi. 68 Alton St., has son of Mr. and Mr*. John Zwick. 66 Weacott, Frederick Adamson, F,r- tory. Was contributed l»j Manches­ Polio Shots Required completed basic training at the Park St., la scheduled to complete nest McFall and Rlctyird Fish. ter residents ing residents to approve a 92,500 Basic Facts on Coast 'Guard Receiving Center, the hnai phase of his six months Mrs. Sut.iffe said that the Men- appropriation to augment the $3,- Cape May, N.J. Before entering active military training under the t ' Health Assn, is extremely Reserve Force* AVt- program Sal- Lakota Council, Degree of Poca­ 500 already on hand for the re­ the Coast Guard last May. he at­ hontas, will meet Wednesday night grateful to the community for Jta location of a section of trunk line Steel Walkout tended St. 'Vincent College, ba- iirday at Ft. Benjamin Harrison. generous support of the mental Ind. He will spend the remainder of at 7:80 in Odd Fellow* hall, A so- on Hartland Rd. trobe,' Pa. ciaywlll be held after the meeting. health program. She said ahe be­ At the same time, voter* will be EXPERT SERVICE For All Town’s Pupils his military service with the 4.7lst Washington, Aug. 18 (/T)— lieves such support la evidencje of asked to approve an appropriation- Finance Disbursing Section In Weal the community's deepening recog­ President Eisenhower and Hartford. About .80 delegates from the of 91.100 for repainting the up­ Secretary of I.Abor James P. Manchester -congregation. Jeho­ nition o' the Wtal need for a broad­ stairs interior of th* North End WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL Tho BfMird of Education! vah's Witnesses, returned home er mental health program. She firehouse. unanimously approved a plan I Mitchell decided ' today to AUTO The board of the Junior Century last night after atten/ling the d-day also expressed the organisation's FAMOUS MAKES ,make public bairic facts, be-1 I Club of Manchester will meet to'- Wright Fholn. Rock Island, III. The special meeting will get un­ last niffht which will require I "Awake Ministers District As- appreciation for the work done by derway at 7:80. mil hind the steel strike in hopes | OLLIE'S lO D Y ' morrow night at 8 o'clock at the sembl.v of Jehox’ah's Witnesses” in Ihe 400 volunteer canvassera in Washeva, Dryers, lUuigM, oFNOiX an'Children in the local school \ home of Mrs. Mario Frattaroli, fl'l Providence, R. I. Reginald Scrib­ the successful hind drive under Emanuel Intern The special voters* meeting was aystem, except in certain of -spurring negotiations and it W ELOm O ; Durant St. ner, 87 Birch St.., Is the presiding the chairmanship of Atty. Paul R. Roger Mackey will be the Intern called last Monday after directors R«fiigerators, Freexers, a settlement. opened the only bid on the project, HOIPOIM caaes, to be vaccinated against AUTO BODY and minister. Marie. ‘ at the Emanuel Lutheran Church Air CondlUonera. The information., gathered hy Money raised In the campaign a bid of 95,982 submitted hy the FRIGIDAIRE polio. Mitchell sa Eisenhower’s personal FENDER REPAIRS- The Army and Navy Auxiliary will be used for further mental this year. He will succeed Herman Anthony Dzen Co. At the annual Acting on a motioii made by fact finder, W’ill be made public for it COMPLCTE CAR will hold a card party tonight at 8 health education programs, com­ Frerichs, who has served as Intern district meeting June 24. voter* Our Ser\’ice Department la 8LACKST0RF Atty. Harold Oarrlty, the Board Thurada.v newapapen). o'clock at the clubhouse. munity projects, and support of at the church since Feb. 1. approved the allocation of >3.500 recognised as the largest in will put the plan into operation Mitchell .said the.v will cover i PAINTING for the project, all that was asked this area and is staffed with GENERAL ELECTRIC Sept. 10 and the first'vaccination wages, prices, productivity, prof­ the Conimunlly Child Guidance It ie expected that Mr. Mackey 1 ' LACQUEB and ENAMEb Member* of 'the WBA will meet Clinic! at the time. That sum was asked men whose training, skill win bs required by Oct. 1. A sec­ it* and a few related matters. and hi* wife and 1-year-old daugh­ WESIINGHOUSE ond vaccination must be given by TEL. » n 9-S02S In front of the Municipal Building ter will arrive in Manchester about by the district on the basis of and experience are unparal­ The secrelar'.' told a news con­ at 6:30 tomorrow night to go on a earlier estimates of the cost of the leled. WHIRLPOOL Nov, 1 and the third by the open­ ference the Information covers s SOS Seen Sept. 4. They will reside at 346 ing date of school in 1960. m.vstery ride. Further information Keeney St. job. Since then, directors sa.y, new XENMORL major pari but not sit of the facts Dam Split, ri's ^ may be obtained from Irene La- specifications for the job have Onl.v exceptions will be those he has been 'assembling from in­ Police Arrests While in Manchester. Mr. children who cannot be inoculated Palme or Grace Howland. Mackey will assist the Rev. C. bieen added. —j FREE OFFER! Family MAYTAG dustrial «n1’.000 be DAILY specified under State law. release of facts "is not intended as ' „ A fl.vtng rancher qrom Helena.. Mont.. Aug. 18 (/P)—-Earthquakes which hit th t fice. ahe cashed * check for >15.05 tion there, and received a bachelor submitted to district vole. 9 AJW. Datee Fit Salk Method j Intervention. We hope as a result Mont., was p r ^ Into PALMER GRADUATE Fuel Oil 13e gal. at King's Department. Store for of arts degree from Augsburg Col­ Directors, who advertised for to 9 PAI. of these background statistics that »*>rvlce by aiithorlHee to bring back Northwest from British Columbia to Wyoming laat night AOa goods purchased there, but the Garrity. who worked m any' lege. Minneapolis, in 1957, and also the Hartland Rd. bid more than NORMAN’S SAT. hours in drawing up the plan, ex-, 'the parties will bargain a little aeHal report "" tlie effects of ' early today left a mounting death toll over southw^tentMohi* check was returned with the nota­ "IN PRACTICE ^5 YEARS” attended the University of Minne­ two weeks ago. had hoped to see TILL t plained that the deadline date*’ harder'and reach a Settlement. ’ ; the. earthquake to the Hehgen ' tana, where the shocks were so severe a big dam war Range Oil 14e gal. tion the account had been closed. sota during the summers of 1954 the project completed by Septem­ Asked whellier he iiileipiets today. He Is Detnar The accused is due in court Aug. were chosen to fit in with the aged and a mountainside toppled into a river. and 1965, He has completed two ber. W5 HARTFORD ROAD Salk method *of vaccination which this as increased pleasure on indus­ Ta.rlor, tyhn made a flight Hirniigli WILUMANTIC OFFlfcE* , MANCHESTER OFFICE 24. She posted a >200 bond. year* at Augustana Semlnar.v, the .Madison Canyon with is brother, Sixteen deaths were reported. • - 854 MAIN STREET 119 CENTER STREET FREE 24 HOUR BURNER Other arrests, the charges and requires three shots, two a month try and labor. Mitchell said he Rock Island, III., and will return wouldn't inlerm'ei H «t "H- tiarth Taylor, and IValler Hwartr,, Phone HA 3-1400 Phone MI 9-7628 SERVICE court dates, are: there for hla final year in Sep­ apart, and the third, about seven- ,, II, also ranchers In .Montana's Reater- Six deaths were reported to Sheriff Uoyd Brook at VinfiniQ' Daniel P. Martin, 21. of H art­ tember. months later. He said he hope.* the facts will T,y|p,c,.t£le.ph„ned the City, by a helicopter pilot who flew over the acene. Th# Idalu) ford. operating a motor vehicle Since the last vaccination would clarify some of the i.ssues and in.- , ^„rtHafe«l Press, explaining. "I Boiler and Burner Cleaned 97.50 be given near the time when the. State Police in a radio broadcast said there had been eight with defective or Improper equip­ form the public on them. • thought you might he Interested.” deaths. A radio station executive who got into the Ar#A ment, Aug. 24. schools close, down, the opening The session with Mitchell was | . Another Shower date of school in 1960 was chosen : the major busine.ss Uelh on a list of i n,. [)F..MAR TAVMHl Map locates Hebgen Dam l|i he learned that two people -had been covered up hy A lAflde Alfred J. I..aFontaine, 4.3, of East Montana which was threat­ Hartford, operating without a as the third deadline. Me cautioned i engagements which brought Ei.sen-i __ •slide in the Madison River Canyon below the big slide AEML Ui« For Miss Riidaz tisat all the shots must he given | bower back to the White Hou.se forj -yilK; •» ened with collapse today af­ driver's Hcense,--Aug. 24,_ ter series of earthquakes I He theorized more might be dead in the debris. .,:' Your Edward J. Jablonski. 38"of New within the specified time to be ac­ a one-!re the trip by heiicoptei but Ddivorios ra n at Gettysburg changePi Sevan Two Chilean warplanes escorted : flame* aacaped alive. Another sharp tremor accom­ ference to us . . . h’s all in a OPEN DAILY running through the dam Indical-'or more gasoline storage tanks Badly burned and ahaking, Jim- panied by a senes of lighter jolta, h Tough as nails ). filling station while a truck which a fire originating in oil ator of Chile by President Jorge Ales- League had taken over Rio'.te.v’a Phone • I. .... 1- J°y*d a welcotpr-Telief frolni the| struck ,» schdolhoiise in New- contract vvith the Pirates and was being filled with gasoline. The age tanks during the 1961 flood IKE LOSES mTEBEST PLEA aandri. Dunng Ita stay in aantiago, ),iimld 90-degree weather that has niaiket. both in New Hampshire. A ruckus over tickets snd other spot t* on the Kansas side of an spread to devastata a mile square MI 3-1126 none of the Cubans waa allowed to I'.oiild pa.v him >.80,000. It still has Waahhigton, Aug. IS IE —The .plagued the area for the pgst. five ' Boston and Portsmouth. N.H.. 16 iTionliia tc go. financial arrangements ends in vie- ; Industrial area w'here Missouri and . area, Hooee Way# and Meam Commit' out of six days. Widespread scat­ reported highs of 9.8 degrees, two Shea also said that he had met tory for Demodriitic., National Kansas join.. lea today pigeonholed Preatdent' INTERIOR and EXTERIOR (OoBttnoed on Page Two) tered showers moved into the area degrees below tlie record for the Chairman Paul Butler and Loe An­ Mltchum said he did not know | (CoattmMd em Pag# Raven) Elaenhower’g requMt for ht* with New York Ma>xvr Robert geles will keep the 1900 party con­ but lots more PAINTING earlier than predicted. date, set In 1944 at Bo.ston. Spring- Wagner and the Board of E.sti- craaaed iotoreat ratee long- The.v kept temperature* in a field and Concord, N.H., reported mate ahd that thq city officials had vention . . . A possible break­ to m govemmani aoenrittea and comfortable PAPERHANGING more comfortable range. temperatures of 94. voted unanimously to build a new through in the search for a way to ' "E " and "H” aavtaigs bonds. Police Disarm A t/.S. Weather Bureau forecas­ harness an H-homb reaction fSr From Under the Arctic Ice The action eonstttutod a snrprto- While business in the resort park in Fliiamng Meadows, .site of peaceful purposes is repo'iled by % SPRAY PAINTING ter said the real break in the hot areas is reported booming, the the 1939 World Fair, when the Ing ravetaai of eOmmlttee ap­ spell will come when a cold' front the Naval Research Laboratory. | proval last week ef n bampromiaa QUAUTY 'WORKMANSHIP farmers were showing some con­ league gets into [operation. AUG. CARPET Man .with Gun moves Into New England with Rickey, a one-Llme catcher for Virginia .State Police launch new plan gruthv Mm PresMent 9- ^diuards cern.. . A AT FAIR PRICES clearing skies tqnight. Soviet Subs Could Bomb yaar temporary antbortty In Bruzers Cool, Dry Tomorrow (Conttr on Page Five) vict escapee* from Stafford County miao mtoe If he lound the na­ Fred C. Sturtevant Awaiting Wife Temperatures are expected to (Continbed an Page Flv#| prison camp . . . Head of Massa­ tional Intoreot raqnlred H. UMIr boy« afa hard on ^ho»s. btil ‘ 128 8. MAIN ST. - drop into, the mid-fiOs tonight with chusetts claim investigation (iMNa Bru/ars •m biiilt to it. Putnam, Aug: 18 idb—State and relatlvefy cool, dry air continuing ' agenc.v- says fraudulent auto acci­ Heart of U.S., Reds Say SATELLITE SHOT DELAYED CLEARANCE Top comfort ar^d axtrg rugg«d dual over most of the area tomorrow, i dent claims totaled 91 million dur­ Vaadenberg Air Fore* Base, Tel. Ml 9-2979 local police aurpriaed'and disarmed rty—th« CdwarNs t9«m ;h » t out* Candles Flicker on Broadway ing the past year in that state. GalH. Aug. 19 IE—An attempt to liAtt the most anergstir rough- Read Herald Advg. a burly man early today aa he sat ;A liiw squall with brief but' nscAs. Bring your boys in soon. waiting — with a ahotgOn — for violent Thunderstorms moved over r Vice-President Nixon says Presi­ Ixmdon, Aug. 18 ‘Ah -Moacow^ T ass' at the aame time quoted lauach ^ satelllto rocket Dis­ You'll Be Ama»ed At the hla wife to come-home. northern New England yesterday I dent Eisenhower can hold his own broadcast today a warning that that' I two otherntha>- >nti.Americananti-Ainerican article*articlaS coverer VI waa isoatpoaed today State Police Ofllcer Merrii Johil- afternoon and evening tiierupting | in forthcoming conference* with missiie-bearing Red submarines! from the government newspapar because of laidlselaa^ tecbaical Many Genuine Markdown* ann of the Danielson barracks.ahd power and eauaing damage in New | Power Failure Strikes Soviet Premier Khrushchev . . . could enter Hudson Bay from un- Izyestla and the defense ministiy difficulties. - i FURRIERS two Putnam Policeman arrived at Hampshire and'Vermont. i 851111am Aubertin, 27, 'of Mater- the Arctic ice and bombard mouthpiece, Red Star, the. Underwood Road home of 39- Central Vermont areas reported [ hurl* ptond* Innocent to partlcipa-; America.a - Izvestia denounced the United HAWAII DATE SET ROOM SIZE and WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING CHESTER'S and OESIONERS ting in what authorities csll a qq,p warning was printM in the IVaablngtoa, Aug. 16 1^6— ' .vear-old Gerard Daigle and spotted numeiroua trees blown over, tele­ Statee for continuing to oppose President Elaealiower will for- him in the bai^. phone and power lines knocked out 500 Manhattan Blocks >25.000 stolen car ring and ia bound , „g^.gl .„py^,gpgppf Soviet Fleet, and the seating of Red China In th* Remodel over to Superior Court, j ^.gg -pgrt of an umisuall.v heavy United Nations. niaily proelnim Hawaii aa the FROM NEW ENGLAND'S FAMOUS HiHLLS — A ’ friend Daigle' had com­ and several 'ouildings damaged aa 50Ui state at 4 gjn. Friday. The plained that he was beaten by the a violent atorm swept the area in ■ By M.ARK T. SHEEHAN ^trucks to Mount Sinai Hospital. MORE ■ i _ ! propaganda broadside released by "The People # Republic of China YOUR OLD FUR COAT Armstrong Rubber Co. iwi»fs tsss via its radio tranamittere. ^g able to exist and develop auc- proelamattoit earetnoay win be man for no apparent reason. hiidafternoon. New York, Aug. 18 (A>.- Lights Where nine poltg patients in iron _^_ _ ^ ______beM at the White House. Elsen­ INTO A NEW .Inhnson said Daigle's apparent An electrical storm accompan­ quarferiy dividend from 25 to 35 Thia came 24. hours after a cessfuUy - - without the United -- flickering off in hospital bperat-1'"'■>*« depended on auxiliary pow-ip^pi, , share on QIasa A and B Washington news conference of hower will return here from Ida purpose in,sitting in the barn with ied by fr^ilcnt Ughtning. heavy Nations.” Izvestia commented^ Oettyahorg. Pa~ (arm to rigu COMPARE and SAVE! • Cape • Stole the shotgun was to shoot hia wife, rains and hail hit New Hampshire ing rooms . ;. .E lev ato r service ' < common ^atock paylble Oct. 1... Adm. Arleigh A. Burke, chtjf of "But the United Nationa cannot with whom he had had an argu­ coastal areas in the early evening knocked out in huge apartment Subway, which have independent. oil wid gua ttrlkOe fimt diaoov- U.S. Naval Operations, raised the the proelamatloii. i • Jocket From buildings . . , packed subways. Pow'«>’ at”! were stopped when eig-; ery of nil in th# Yukon Territory, function effectively without *19 95 ment earlier. disrupting power, halting traffic possibility the Soviet Union al- Chine.” Call Ml 9-7218 or RoekvlUe TR ft-6929 with a sweating human cargo.' ''Rbie went out, began to crawl,; jg announced read.v has baltistic missile-flring NIKITA. DUE IN C9HINA When police arrlved at the scene, and Btarting several fires. aa tsr worker.* y-ik. Ie A >»•. laeiflxwith ma redW lanterns lAMrAWrXB sign- ' nr*Two white i A _ St. Louis policemen Red Star took Vice President they a.voided breaking into the 'P.'.e clt.v of Manchester. N.H., trapped in underground tunnels submarines. 'The United States lai WaahlagtoB. Aug. 16 ' 82 BURKE ROAD, ROCKVILLE nailed that the way was- clear in plain clothes say unruly crowd still...... working^ ...... on its. first ones. i Richardj , , M. Nixon to task for U.S. oftleial* ladirated today - For Free Eatlmate In Your Home. Daigle borne because, Johnson said, That was the picture as a sud­ CONVENIENT SHOPPING NIGHTS they feared Daigle might harmjiis den power failure struck Ihe heart ahead. ' of Negroes Interrufited their pur-: Asked if he believed the Ru#-J ''' . tooent Moa- there I* a atraag poaalbUlty TUES.. THIIRS,. FRI. OPEN to 9 P.M. three children if he were inside. of the cit.v. Aparlnient dwellers.. began to w.it of a youthful Negro purse giaiis have submarines able to I ^ ’ broadcast that,vIet in twoPremier Nikita S. Khnitii- Storm Edith The powfr failure hit thousands find out how it feels to climb stairs. I snatcher who escaped In the m ill-' launch ballistic as well aa older hwars the United States "did rhev may end hi, American h *■ MON., WED. SAT. OPEN to 5:.10 But then they saw him in, the And then darkness came, and ing crowd... Eleven Marines pa.v missiles. Burke said: * [not get a single acre of soil or a tour nbext montk with- a jet • if', . bam across the road and disarmed of buildings in a .800-block section I SCHOOL KXFKNfIBS? him. At 1^8ser Antilles of- Upper Manhattan, leaving half New Yorkers in the stricken area # stripe apiece for stealing the "I thiqk they probably have ■'hXle cent in reparations.” fUgbt to Cnmmniilst China by ‘'Connecticut’s Complete Carpet Specialty Shop” Johnson said Daigle's oldeat aon, a mllilon people without elevators, saw the errie spectacle of a city General's flag from the San Diego,' both." r *’ of Henry Hudson'a ex- .. -The USA cominue* to occupy PreeidenI FJaeahower h a a MANCHESTER clothes, books, tuition. Time (or an Okaj^ ready waa in, tow by that time. He i.i-n D , . ij . .u , o ------• - ' -.uozen. and complained because, | ploration of the Hudson River! .Soviet !• leel said “Thoae peopl* .(.-oinioaa-territory that ha* been rhangrd his Europenn trip ittaer-- I^ n ! Just csll us . , . ppon approval you MMong Wth trop cal atorm ^ ^ m oLt^rhoura after "a rt- with a laate for aggreaaion ahoitid Chinese from ti^e Imm.emortol ” ary an he will arrive in Bopa, Ixtans from said there were no shot* fired In season e iiiin iioptcai atorm l* moat 13 hoiiia after it went off. : warm. I ford lawyer Jon O. Newman aa his. remember the Arctic ocean la not f f S .. pick up your cash! Pay back in small month­ subduing Daigle. 'i Formoaiv is under the control Of West (iermany, at . 6:90 pan. ly installments you choose. 928 to 9600 now -moving more rapidl.v on The men;ury, „ waa J nea'Y 90 when .... Children, when they found the [ assistant in doing work on roada I ' inland lake.” Chianr Kal-ahek’s Chinese Na- Itonii time. Aug. 26, toialcug of . Daigle a^aa taken to the State slightly more northerly track.'! power. ^^nt off, and the humidity | television and radio seta wouldn’t and highway safety committee' some U.S. military lead- tionaliat*. Our manager likes say, "Your loan is okoyl" Police barracks gnd held pending 9 a.m. .kug. 27. This White Hotiao At 10:30 a.m, the ' storm was waa Hiiffocating. , work, enjoyed the novelty of see-| and federal-state relations com-: at* concede the threat of ntiodern .j, but a-m il- .In aanounrlag the change today. A looR of tIBO cofff9 SM.48 whoa repaid M further investigation. Johnaon.' in centered near latitude 16.2 north, Suddenly every intersection be- 12 coR99Cvf(vt mo4*Hily intlollmemi Sift.OS ooch. Ing candle flgmes flickering along i mittee of National Governor* Con- Soviet aubnVarines able to travel, acre# that U.S. mOhopolista said thla would pqrmlt Blaeii- L4.,4.s of the investigation, said longitude 61.6 w«at 6r aboiit 350 baine a traffic jam. Dugle admitted he planned to Broadwa.v, ^ .'t i ference.'. . , AFL-CIO chiefs meet: under the Arctic icg., The new*- placed under their control as ra- hower to get a full alght’a rest MA^CHC:STEB miles east aoutheaat of San .Tuan. Then the recovery began. In hoa- Bank vaults wouldn't cleee, and ! in Pennavlvanla ).o fry to get Con-1 paper deacribad these aa “forced ault of the Second World War” Red before aetOig out troan Bams for Ml 3-5103 983 Main Street, Manchester Shoot his wife. It waa moving weat, northwest pUala, emergency lights came on. SHOPPING PABKADE Daigle’s friend. M ichael._, extra guards were aaaigyied. A1 a | gcaa* to cut from Senate and | admiaaiona” that the .USSR could Star complainad. "And thla doea Loudon sad rarto. Ha wtll lauva Ample Free Parking at 17 miles an hour and waa e v Extra jsollre poured, into the area, radio station disc jockeys had a | Houaa labor control bill* the pro-1 r*tajiata' against attacks by U.t). not Include the hundred* mlli- here at 4 a.m, (EOT) Aug- 24k Open Wed., Thure.. f U «rl**i t«Mliv* Mini Wmf.. Aug. HMi.- . W# Rstarv* Th. kighf T, • iriec, 35, was not seriously hu atralghtened out' the traffic. Whan beateo by Daigle. vlaione to-which organised labor | auhmarinaa armad wjth Polan* i tarv baaag in doaanl of otner eoun- taking nir fram Aadru#a Air PREFERRED FINANCE (CdatoiuM *■ Pag# (toveti) Ppiica sent emergency generator (Ooattaoad a« Pag* Paw) objeeta most. . rocka|^ I tries.” - Ferca baaa; T»IPLE.g ITAMP EBDEMPnON O El^R —IM MARKET SQUARE. NEWINOTO?! ^ r 1