or ;T::. ; r ^ It ." ATtrajce Daily Net Press Run The WsbUmt rorwaot of 0. B. Wontfesi Par Um Week bided May SSrd, 1»S9 Okauee of ■elwwoee ki evMdar nigtat, warm, i 12,925 'Hi. Tneoday ouauy, warm, be Mewiker of the Audit nhowein likely, fflgk sear M. Bureau of OIrenlattott Martche$ter^A City of VUlage Charm.,. VOL. LXXVm , NO. 270 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1959 (Claaolfled AdrertMug au Page It) PRICE FIVE CENTS Forecast Says 11 Perish, Little/ Rock Permits More of Same 8 H urt in Burke Says Red Subs Segregated Classes —Until Friday Windsor Locks, Aug. 17 (A*)' Car Crash In Integrated School —Th« U.S. Weather Bureau Columbia, Mo., Aug. 17-(/P) at Bradley Field issued this — Two cara amashed head-on forecast today for the period laat niglit in a rending craah Aug. 18 through 22: • - By 4A0K MARGIN ^are Effle Jones, 17, Elsie Robinson that killed 11 peraona, a rec­ Able to Fire Ballisties The 5-day forecast for Connecti­ Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 17 and Estella Thompson, both'16. cut for the period Tuesday through ord toll for an automobile ac­ Jefferson Thomas, 16, is the only cident in Mi.saouri. (ff)— A brand new weapon Negro at Central High, scene of the Saturday calls for temperatures was unlimbered in the Little averaging 4 to 6 degrees above Eight others w'ere injured ip the 19.57 battle when Faubus u.sed Na­ two cars. Six of the- dead were Rock school battle today— tional Guardsmen to keep the Ne­ normal. The normal mean temperature adults and five were children. Naval Chief segregated classes in an inte­ groes out. The Guard was later fed­ Three other persons were shaken eralized and President Elsenhower for the Hartford area for this grated school. period is 71 degrees ranging from a up. They were in a third car that sent in paratroopers to enforce skidded into the wreckage eight School ofttclaU re-scheduled integration. normal high temperature of about elssses for Ann McLeod, one of 700 82 to a normal low temperature of miles east', of Columbia on U.S. Bares Data Thomas is one of the Negroes in­ Highway 40. white students at Hall High, so volved in the 1957 attempt at in­ around 59. she won't have to ait with any of One wrecked car was owned by tegration. Weather is expected to continue G. W. Eddy, White Hall. III., and the three Negro girls who inte­ The reaction of Segregationists warm and humid with scattered From Pho to grated Hall last week, the other by LeRoy Thompson. 31, this time has been much quieter, s h o w' e r 8 and thundershowers Richmond, Mo. Ann's father, Atty. John A. Mc­ although Everett Tucker Jr., school through Thursday followed by fair Officers struggled through the j, Wn.'shing'ton. .Aug. 17 i/P)- ■ Leod Jr„ Invoked a little-noted board president, complained yester­ and not quite as warm Friday and night trying to identify the vic­ Adm. Arlcigh Burke, ch'sf ( .“ k« '« state law to get segregated class­ day that the board had been har- Saturday. ' .<*' - ‘ ' tims. navkf np?rntioii,s. R"id tc:le r.. , es for his -daughter. School of­ rassed by Negro leaders. Segre­ Rainfall for the period is ex­ Bodies and personal belongings ficials agreed the law,. passed with gationists and the federal.govern­ pected to total on the average were so tangled and scattered it ' RuR.Ria |)i'ol)?bl.v h.-’s a batch of other segregation meas­ ment. about 1^ to 1 inch. was impossible to tell how many marines able to launch bei’-i' ure* in the 1958 special legisla­ “And we haven't had too much T h l»-n derstorms descended and who were in each car. - ' * ’ tic missiles. ture, was valid. The law says- no cooperation from the state . ." on central New England late, yes­ The Injured In Boone County I The United 8 ales still ri tr.'Jy student can be forced to sit in the Tucker said in a televised interview terday. dropping more than a half Hospital were either hurt too badly I hiiilding the fir.st of 111 6ubni“ same classroom with a person of or were too young to help with ..... ' • tine* which will be abl' to another race. (ConMniied on Page Two) (Contlr <*d on Page Five) identifications. Polaris mlaailea An attorney for the National Slowly, by contacting relatives At a n"wv conference. Bur”?': Association for the Advancement at Richmond and in Illinois, the j.waa asked if Russian aubmarlncv of Colored People, Wiley Bran- Highway Patrol began writing the ; now are able to fire only tht slo“J.‘' ton of Pine Bluff, said the NAACP Preview for Eisenhower casualty list. j air-breathing missiles or t?*e would go to court to fight any at­ Tentatively identified as dead: 'swift, hfgh pro'Jectory b-llhttlO' tempt to segregate Negro students Bill Eddy Jr., 27, White Hall, 111. I missiles In class. He said the U.S. Supreme Mr. and Mrs. Gua Eddy, his par­ I He replied: Court had ruled in an Oklahoma ents. I "I think they probably have case that a Negro, once admitted France to Bid West Mrs. Jessie Thompson, Rich both." to an integrated gchool, could not mond, Mo. He added that the RuaalanS' be segregated withlA-the school. The highway patrol said the dead also included Thompson's have been doing a great deal of ' School board secretary Ted L. work in the submarine and Back Algerian Aims mother and six Thompson girls, all sile field. Burke did noT say Soto": Ivimb said McLeod's request was cousins. (Names not available). the only one received so far. He j The tentative list of injured: many Kallistir missile launchiliFl said he hoped not many others, L'lle Bouchard. France, Aug. 17^ Judy Eddy, 17, White Hall, submarines he thought RitMla' would follow. i might have. - (iPi—Premier Michel Debre saj^s critical. ‘Tf everybody insisted on using, Denise Eddy, 5. Until now, U.S. Navy offlelala this law, it certainly would be a France won't be pushed around by Unidentified girl. had suggested that Soviet eub- problem,” Lamb said. "But I think her Allies any more and will de­ I^eroy Thomp.son. martnes probably were capable of most people want to cooperate mand they back up her war in Al­ Four boys, all with last name of itondllng only the air breathing with the school board and We .ex­ geria all the way. Thompson — Rusty, about 5, mlasllss. Relatively slow, UieM pect that cooperation.” His speech sounded like a public WajTie, about 8. Roger, about 6, are essentially unmanned, robot- McLeod iniited other parents to preview of what President Charles and Vernon, about 7. controlled bombers which ean be take advantage of the law, which de Gaulle will tell President Ei­ 14 in One Car interceptod by some anti-aircraft has not ybt had a court test. senhower when the two confer In The patrol said information It Christmas in Auffust missiles. Ther* Is no known Hall I* one of two high school's private next month. pieced together indicated there Santa Claus visits the handicapped youngsters at Camp Hemlocks. Trumbull, nin by the Connecti­ counterweapon capable of Inter­ Integrated last week when public Debre spoke to his constituents were 14 persons in the Thompson cut Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc. The Yule celebration is sUged each summer as cepting balllstie missile*, though schools opened for the first time yesterday in this Loire Valley vil­ car and five In the Eddy automo­ the highlight of a 2-week stay for children aged Mx to 10, Santa gave presents to 47 handicapprd the' United States is working on sine* Gov. Orval Faubus closed lage in West Central France. bile. , youngsters thl* ytor. With Santa are Vlr^nia M. rfartney, Plalnvtlle; Brian Boston. Trumbull; tbs. problem. them after the bitter 1957 integra­ The premier, a faithful .support­ At Richmond, friends “ said Laura Wang (on Santa's-jlap i, Monroe; and Colleen Moriarty, Ridgefield. Santa Is 'T^oimbull post­ ' Air breatlng mlsallea ean be tion dispute. er of De Gaulle's goal of restoring Thompson, his wife, Jessie, 33, and man Hygh O'Neill. (AP Photofax). fired only from the aurface, Burke Tha three Negro girls at 'Hall the authority of France on the in­ eight of their children haid start­ said In answer to a question. Bal­ ternational scene, insisted 'this ed to St. Louis on vacation. The -crash occurred on a fl^ , listic m issiles-'can be launched , , , . - - - a - ,• ,.,^«unI" does not mean Franc* 1# doomed straight section of roqd in clear from submarines hiding well be­ Mim Seafood Hates Fish to stand atone within the western low the surface. alliance. weathe,-. Senator Offers Haiti Files Protest Burke said he thought It pos­ He said De Gaulle's policy "is The Highway Patrol quoted a ( Point Pleasant, N. J., Aug. sible that a, Russian submarine 17 (/P) — Susan Mlllstein, 19, reaction against the alliances witness as saying one car went off which, through our weakness, led on the shoulder, swerved back Package Plan sighted and ' photographed last was named Miss Seafood May near Iceland had mieelJe Princess Saturday and this to our subjection to foreign powers across the pavement and hit the which did not hesitate to oppose other one head-on. On Invader Force launching capability. He said it constituted her first j^public On Civil Rights was Impossible to determins from pronouncement; our e.ssential interests.” Commenting that Algeria had (Continued on Page Seven) photographs whether that eubma- (JP "I guess I should say I been "created by us, that is to By STA.VFORD BRADSHAW •of being taken up formally by the Washington, Aug.
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