Merry Christmas from ALL of US At
A2 — LETTERS TO SANTA Jasper, Ala., Tues., Dec. 24, 2019 Carbon Hill Santa Let- Hill Elementary School. Hill Elementary School. good girl! This year for mas I would like a hover- they are sad. I want to ters 2019 For Christmas, I would For Christmas, I would Christmas I would like a board, and a RC car. All give my friend MCCoy a really like to have a bas- really like to have good big Elsa castle, a cotton My Love, Oliver Sellers play car. I want a Frozen Carbon Hill Elementary ketball that lights up and grades, new clothes, My candy maker, and a toy Two Castle for Christ- Darlene Couch/ a basketball goal to put Life Doll with clothes, Elf on the Shelf. Thank Dear Santa, mas. I want a diary with Leah Thomas outside Thank You. shoes, living room ,and You! All My Love, Jess- I have been a very good a lock on it. How do you Pre-K kitchen stuff. Thank lynn Edwards boy! This year for Christ- squeeze down the chim- Dear Santa, My name You. mas I would like a bear. ney? Dear Santa: is Alivia Anderson . I am Dear Santa, All My Love, Slader Love, My name is in 3rd grade at Carbon Dear Santa, My name I have been a very White Chloe Lane Bankston and I have been Hill Elementary School. is Raleigh Brown. I am good boy! This year for a good boy and I would For Christmas, I would in 3rd grade at Carbon Christmas I would like Dear Santa, Dear Santa, like a racing car, a new really like to have some Hill Elementary School.
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