X Headquarters of Loretto Nuns’ New Province 5 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic? Press Society, Inc., 1952—Permission to Reproduce, Except on Mother Marie Lourdes Named First Provincial Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Denver I has been named the headquarters of one of headquarters in Kansas City, Mo. Mother M. Edwarda, "They came to Denver itj 1864 and opened St. Mary's c the three newly created provinces of the Sisters of former Superior General of the Sisters of Loretto, has academy, at the iilvitatiod of the Rev. Joseph P. Mache- V ] Loretto at the Foot of the Cross. This decision was been appointed Mother Provincial of Our Lady of Sor­ beuf, who became Vicar Apostolic of and a reached at the general chapter of the sisters held July rows province, and Mother M. Januarius of St. Joseph’s. Utah in 1868 and first Bishop of Denver in 1887. I 16 at the Loretto mother-house, Nerinx, Ky., but the Details of setting up the three provinces are Itill Besides Loretto Heights college and St. Mary’s acad­ a DENVER CATHOUC news has just been released. The Denver province will being worked out. emy, the sisters, teach in seven parochial schools in the be known as the Sacred Heart province. Mother Marie 'The Sisters of Loretto, a-natTve American congre­ Archdioceise of Denver. ‘ r ] Lourdes, former superfor of Loretto academy, Kansas gation, had their beginning on June 29, 1812, when 1,065 Professed Sifters t City, Mo., has been appointed Mother Provincial.- the Rev. Charles Nerinckx conferred the veil on three The Catholic Directory for 1952 gives the follow­ i Mother Marie Lourdes is no stranger in Denver, hav­ young women in St. Charles’ church, Hardins Creek, ing statistics for the Sisters of Loretto: Professed sis* c ing been principal of the preparatory department of Ky. The sisters have played a great role in the educa­ ters, 1,065; novices, 56; and postulants, 32? Their A I REGISTER Loretto Heights college prior to its closing in 1940. tional work of the Church, and have carried their work schools are listed as two senior colleges, one junior col­ E She iS expected to arrive in Denver some time this month. into 10 states and to the missions of China. lege, 23 high schools, and 77 grade schools, and they i The other provinces are Our Lady of Sorrows with ' The Sisters of the Loretto came to the Southwest are represented in five archdioceses and 14 dioceses, as i VO L XLVIll. No. 16 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 DENVER, COLO headquarters in St. Louis, Mo’., and St. Joseph’s with in 1852, entering Santa Fe on Sept. 26 of that year. well as the missions of China. g ■V 1 r Funeral Dec. 5 for Mrs. John Dower, / d Nuns Make Great Advance in 20 Years t t + + + + - f Beloved Benefactress of Archdiocese 0 u Third Large Benefaction Mrs. John L. Dower, be­ I To Be Mother-House of Nuns ii loved benefactress and noted d CatKoiic laywoman of Den­ I Received Within Decade ver, died in St. Joseph’s hos­ I pital early Wednesday morn ing, Dec. 3. She had recently un­ By Sisters of S t Francis dergone an emergency appendec­ tomy. A daughter of Mr. and The gift of the Modern Woodmen of America sani­ Mrs. J. K.' Mullen, pioneer Colo­ rado Catholics, Mrs. Dower was tarium, valued at $2,325,000, to the Poor Sisters of St. known for her generous munifi­ Francis Seraph is the latest step in the amazing prog­ cence to many charitable and ress that has been made by the nuns since the Denver religious projects, especially in province of the congregation was established 20 years ago. the Archdiocese of Denver. In those days, in the depths of Archbishop Vehr the depression, it was question­ his wife Elizabeth. The sisters op- Will Officiate able whether some of the insti­ perate the institution, housed in tutions operated by the Fran­ buildings that were the first Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will ciscan Sisters would be able to home of Regis (then Sacred officiate at the Solemn Pontifical continue. Today the same sisters, Heart) college in Colorado, under Funeral Mass Friday morning, who on Oct. 15 dedicated a new the name of Mt. Elizabeth re­ Dec. 5, in the Cathedral at 10 $1,50Q,000 college in Albu­ treat. It was dedicated Oct., 4, o’clock. The officers of the Mass querque, N. Mex., are climaxing 1944, after extensive remodeling. will be the Very Rev. Monsignor an unprecedented two decades In the same year on May 29, Elmer J. Kolka, assistant priest; of expansion. 1943, the Oakes home in North the Rt. Rev. Monsignors Johif R. The gift comprises a 1,400- Denver, said to represent an in­ Mulroy and John P. Moran, acre tract, including '27 struc­ vestment of more than $2,000,- deacons of honor; the Rev. Fred­ tures, which was formerly known 000, was sold to the sisters by erick McCallin, deacon of the as the Modern Woodmen of t^e Protestant Episcopal Church Mass; the Rev. Thomas Doran, America sanitarium. The prop­ for $67,500. The property, at subdeacon; and the Very Rev. erty is a few miles north of Colo­ 2825 W. 32nd avenue, included Monsig;nors David Maloney and rado Springs. a chapel which alone was valued Walter Canavan, masters of cere­ Trustees of the estate of Mrs. at more than the purchase price. monies. Marguerite S. Davis, late wife of The sisters named the property Perhaps dearest to Mrs. Dow­ Blevins Davis of Colorado St. Joseph’s convent, and trans­ er’s heart of all her benefactions Springs, made the gift to the ferred the mother-house of the to the Church was Camp Santa sisters. Mrs. Davis, who died in Western province there from St. Maria, a summer camp that Mr. 1948, had inherited millions from Anthony’s hospital. A novitiate and Mrs. Dower gave over for her first husband, James S. Hill, and a school for aspirants was the use of underprivileged chil­ son of a pioneer American rail­ also set up there, and across the dren under the supervision of road builder. Mr. Davis inherited street, at 33rd avenue and Eliot Catholic Charities in 1930. The most of the estate, and the rest street. Mother of Grace hall camp, expenses of which were was left for the trustees to dis­ houses the retired members of paid, by Mrs. Dower, has cared pose of for charitable purposes. the community. for more than 8,000 children in •The nuns were among a dozen Spacious as the buildings of its years of operation. She was beneficiaries named for the $2,- St. Joseph’s convent are, the affectionately known to the 750,000 remainder of the estate. (Turn to Paget — Column t) children as the '“Lady in Blue.’’ AUo received by the nuns it The camp is crowned by a giant the magnificent Trianon estate statue of Christ the Redeemer, of Mr. Davis at Broadmoor, Hugo and Missions believed to be the second largest ^ M rs , Johii L Dower ;j . statue of Christ in the world. Colorado Springs. The 60-room ' 'Lii. marble building is surrounded Born in Denver, Mrs. Dower at­ the Mullen charity' foundation, Surviving an a aoBf lYank L. tended Catholic schools, including they have been respo](6ih]«^ by beautiful landscaped Udd $415 toB um SOME OF THE BUILDINGS of the top photo is the central portion of the administra­ I^ttemer; two sisters, Mrs. Ella grounds, and has long been a 1 Loretto Heights college. She was many benefactions, known and Mullen Weekbaugh, and .Mrs. tion building, and the bottonT photo shows another married in 1905 to Prank L. Tet- showplace of the West. John ’Two contributions made to the Modem Woodmen sanitarium which will view of the administration group of buildings unknown, to the Church. Oscar Malo; and two grandchil­ W. Metzger, former attorney Guardian .Angels’ burse in the become the mother-house of the 'Western province temer, who died in 1912. Many Benefactions dren, Sharon and Elaine Tette- of the Poor Sisters of St. Francis Seraph of the of the sanitarium. (See aerial view on page 3.) Mr. Dower, who died June 26, mer. All are of Denver. general and Democratic candi­ past week brought the fuiid’s The J. K. Mullen heirs have date for governor in the 1952 Perpetual Adoration are shown above. In the —(Photos by Stewart’s, Colorado Springs) 1943, shared with Mrs. Dower in given SL Cajetan’s church, con­ The Rosary will be recited for total to $953.50. The burse money many of her benefactions. He vent, and school in Denver, on Mrs. Dower at 8 p.m. Thursday, electiofit, \cted as intermedi­ came to Denver in 1920, and ary in the transacUons. is earmarked for the education the site of the first mill owned Dec. 4, in the family residence, of seminarians for the priest­ married Mrs. May Mullen Tette- It is understood that Mr. by Mr. Mullen; the Mullen home 896 Pennsylvania street. The hood. In addition, S t Anthony’s Self-Sacrifice Foundation of Building, mer three years later. He became for the aged, the Mullen home family asks that, instead of Davis, who is not a Catholic, was parish, Hugo, and missions in­ a Papal Knight of St. Gregory in mainly instrumental in obtaining for boys, large building projects flowers, contributions be sent to creased its own burse by the 1942 for his outstanding work at St. Joseph’s hospital, the Ave St. Joseph’s hospital,,one of Mrs. the bequest for. the sisters. Other sum of $415. for the Church. Dower’s favorite charities. charitable organizations received Maria clinic, which has cared for Donors to the Guardian St. Catherine's Dedication Speaker Says Mrs. Dower and her sisters, more than 20,000 patients since substantial amounts, but the Mrs. Oscar Malo and Mrs, Ella major share went to the nuns. Angels’ burse were as follows: + + + Parishioners of St. Catherine’s parish in North Den^ its dedication in 1934; .the Malo Anonymous, Denver, $10, and WeekbaUgh, received the Pro Ec- memorial gym at Cathedral high New Secretary of Labor Third Sizable Gift N.N., Denver, $25. ver joined in a threefold expression of gratitude on clesia et Pontifice medal in 1942. school, the lodge and chapel at The Modern Woodmen sani­ Through their’ administration of The Hugo-and-missions dona­ New Parish to Be Thanksgiving day, Nov. 27, for the dedication of their Camp St. Malo, and have contrib­ Cousin of Msgr, Mulroy tarium is the third Sizable gift uted to many other major works received by the Sisters of St. tions were announced by the Rev. magnificent new $350,000 church, the deferred silver Francis Pettit, pastor, as fol­ jubilee of their pastor, the Rev. Dr. D. A. Lemieux; and Tabernacle Society of the Catholic Church in Colo­ Martin P. Durkin, who ha* Francis in recent years. In 1943 Started Next June rado. They also gave the $500,- been named the new Secretary the late Frank Kirchhof, presi­ lows: St. Anthony’s Altar and observance of the national holi­ Rosary society, Hugo, $25; Our In addresiing the clergy fol­ to glorious fruition this year and 000 library at the Catholic of Labor by President-elect dent of the American National day, honoring God for His many Meeting Postponed Eisenhower, is a cousin of the bank, purchased the historic Hill- Lady of ’Victory Catholic Ladies’ lowing the dedicatory Mats at benefactions to the country. conceived the completed build­ University of America in Wash­ sodality, Limon, $50; Knights ing group that now embraces the In respect to the memory of ington, D. C. Rt. Rev. Monsignor John R. Mul­ crest inn at Morrison and gave the new St. Catherine of Siene A capacity attendance, includ­ of Columbus, Limon, $25; St.\Jo. church, Denver, on N o t . 27, new church, the parish rectory, Mrs. John L. Dowor, the meet­ Mrs. Dower in 1951 was the roy, -Denver archdiocesan direc­ it to the sisters for use as a home tor of Catholic Charities and for aged persons, in memory of seph’s Altar and Rosary soctBty, Archhfthop Urhari J. Vehr an­ ing more than 120 Monsignors and the modern cafeteria lo­ ing of tho Tabernacle society second recipient of the Joseph P. Deertrail, $10; St. Gertrude’s so­ nounced that it i> intended to and priests, was present for cated in what was the basement scheduled for Dec, 5 in the Machebeuf medal, awarded an­ pastor of Holy Ghost parish. ciety of St. Gertrude’s parish, open the parish in June for church for several years. home of Mrs. Ella Mullen nually by Loretto Heights' col­ Married and the father of the dedication ,by Archbishop three children,' he succeeds Mau­ Strasburg, $5; Joseph Elpers, which property was purchased Urban J. Vehr and the Solemn Both the Archbishop and the Weekbaugh has been post­ lege to a laywoman for outstand­ All-Farochial Play Strasburg, $250; and Albert El lest summer at W, 52nd ave­ speaker of the occasion, the Rt. poned to Dec. 12. The place ing service to the Catholic rice Tobin, also a Catholic. Mr. Mass sung by Father Lemieux. Durkin is a daily communicant, pers, Strasburg, $50. nue near Pecos street. The Also present, was a large dele­ Rev. Monsignor Francis W. will be announced next week. Church in the West. Advent is the time of sacrifice new parish will draw upon gation of nims from the Sisters Walsh, P.A.', of New York city, Scheduled Jan. 14 and penance in preparation of St. Catherino’s parish for part of St. Joseph, who teach in the paid high tribute to the gener­ Big-Time Operator is the title the coming of the Infant Shvior of Jts torvitoVy, as well as upon parish school, and from other ous and self-sacrificing parish­ Hierarchy Honors Veteran Editor of the ninth annual All-Parochial on the Feast of the Nativity. An St. Patrick’s. It will serve the con^egations. ioners of St. Catherine’s, who play, written and produced by the admirable self-sacrifice is the Chaffee Park and Chaffae Park Unanimous approval of the brought the ambitious building Rev. Donald A. McMahon, assist­ foregoing of some personal pleas­ Heights section. completed superstructure, under program to' a successful conclu­ On Silver Jubilee of 'National Register' ant ac Annunciation parish, Den­ ure or purchase in order to con­ Property for the new parish, construction since May, 1951, sion, with less than $100,000 in­ ver. The play will be staged in tribute something to the educa­ which will be named in ; honor was voiced by all. Particular debtedness. The Archbishop todk the Denver City auditorium tion of priests in the archdiocese. of the Guardian Angels, con­ tribute was extended by the special recognition of the fact Wednesday night, Jan. 14, 1953. Gifts to the Guardian Angels’ sists of approximately five Archbishop to John K. Monroe, that the building was begun in In a slight departure from the burse may be sent to Archbishop acres. Its purchase was an­ the Denver architect,! who 16 the depths of the g;reat depres­ All-Parochial productions of pre­ Urban J. Vehr, 1536 Logan nounced July 3. There is a years agro laid the plans brought sion of the ’30s and that he had street, Denver. never expected to see its com­ vious ' years, Big-Time Operator small house on the property. - f + + deals, with university students, pletion in his day. though it is written for a high That the new St. Catherine’s school-level cast Also differing Dedication Mass at St. Catherine's stands complete today is evi­ with past presentations, the 1953 dence of the tremendous growth play will not be a musical. experienced in Denver since the Sixteen students from eight war. St. Catherine’s parish itself Denver Catholic high schools will now has more than 1,000 fam­ take the roles in Father McMa­ ilies and 531 children in its hon’s play. The schools repre­ school. In the church attendance sented are Cathedral, St. Francis survey; conducted last May the de Sales’, Regis, S t Joseph’s, Mt parish was found tq have a regu­ Carmel, Annunciation, and Holy lar Sunday Mass attendance, Family high schools, and St. second only to that of the Ca Mary’s academy. ^ thedral parish, averaging 3,320. Tickets for the 1953 All-Paro­ Assisting in the dedication chial play will be on sale at the ceremonies were: Deacon, the May company box office, Denver, Rev. Forrest Allen; subdeacon, soon after Christmas, and all the Rev. Joseph Bean of Shel­ seats will be reserved, it was an. ton, Neb.; masters of ceremonies, nounced by the Rev. Robert V. the Very Rev. Monsignor Ber­ Nevans of S t Francis’ parish, nard J. Cullen and F acers John business manager. There will be a Anderson and Herbert Banigan matinee performance the after of the parish staff. The Rev. noon of Jan. 14 for the sisters and William V. Powers and the Rev. grade school children of the city. (Turn to Page H — Column 1) Returns Are Reported Archbishop to Preside In Mission Collection At Cathedral 40 Hours' Returns in the collection for Archbishop Urban J. Vehr the Society for the Propagation will officiate at the solemn of the Faith, taken up in the closing of Forty Hours’ devo­ churches of the Archdiocese of tion at the Cathedral Monday, Denver on Nov. 9, have been an­ Dec. 8, the Feast of the Im­ nounced by the Chancery office maculate Conception. T h e THREE OF THE SIX MEMBERS met in Denver for the silver Jubilee Dec. 3 atid 4. "rhe climax of the 25th anniversary is being as follows: services will begin at 7:45 p.m. of the Hierarchy who honored the DENVER PARISHES Archbishop Vehr will speak. . Regis­ marked Thursday morning at a Solemn Mass Cathedral ...... 11.088.99 Tha Forty Hours’ will open ter on the occasion of the silver jubilee of the in the Holy Ghost church, Denver, kt 10 o’clock. All Saints* ...... 100.60 Archbishop Vehr is presiding at the Mass. Bishop AnnuDcUtlon ...... 106.00 Saturday morning, Dec. 6, in a National Edition^ie shown above with the editor- BleMed Sxcrament ...... ™ 610.00 Mass at 9 o'clock. Bishop in-chief. In the picture, left to right, front row, Thomas K. Gorman, Coadjutor of Dallas and Chrlft the King...... 601.26 Charles Qninn, C.M., of St, are Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, president of the Episcopal chairman of the NCWC Press depart­ Holy Family ...... 220.00 ment, is preaching the sermon in the Mass. A Holy G host...... 760.00 Thomas* seminary will delivar Catholic Press Society, Inc., publishers of the Most Precious Blood ...... 26.00 the sermon at the evening Register; and Bishop Mark K. Carroll of Wichita, business meeting of the diocesan editors is be­ Holy Rosary ...... 88.00 THIS VlflW from the choir loft of the gation, and the extraordinary representation of services Saturday and^ Sunday president of the Advance Register; and back row. ing held in conjunction with the jubilee cele­ Mother of God ...... 881.98 Bishop Hubert M. Newell of Cheyenne, president bration. Besides the National Edition, the Register Our Lady of M t Carmel..... ' new St. Catherine of Siena church, Den­ clergy and religious sisters that attended the evenings at 7:45 o’clock, ac­ Our Lady of Lourdes ...... ceremony. An idea is given ^>f the beautiful and cording to the Very Rev. Mon­ of the Wyoming Register; and the Rt. Rev. Mon­ serves 32 archdioceses and dioceses with separate 8t. Anne's (Arvada) ...... 8'2.25 ver, during the Solemn Mass coram Archiepit- spacious interior of the new church, which was signor Walter Canavan, pas- signor Matthew Smith, qditor. 'Visitors from al) editions. The combined circulation is well in (Turn to Page 9 — Column S) copo, shows the sanctuary, part of tha congre- dedicated Nov. 27.— (Photo by Smyth) tort over the nation and editors of the diocesan editions excess of 800,000.—(Repwter photo by Smyth) ______/ ' % t ■■ V>V'. \ 1

PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4205 Thursday, December 4,1952 Dr. G. J. Group in Welby SchaeubleSisters Get $2,235,000 Optometrist • • (Continued From Page One) the buildings is also taxed. These convent in Denver, and Mt Makes Wans for Specialist grounds 'hre very limited. In the two deficiencies will be remedied Elizabeth retreat in • Morrison, lOUS For Visual at the new site. conduct S t Francis’ hospital in summer when many sisters come Mother M. Basilia, who was Colorado Springs and teach in Eye Care from schools conducted by the Provincial when the mother- Our Lady of Lourdes and S t Youth' Activities coihmunity in four states, for house was set up at St.Joseph’s Mary Magdalene’s grade schools Gifts 638 Empire Bldg. KE. 5840 special courses, the capacity of Welby.— (Assumption Parish) convent, is now president of the in Denver. They also conduct hos­ —The Welby Community Chest College of S t Joseph on the Rio pitals in Omaha, Lincoln, Colum­ committee, which was started Make Christmas Bright, with gifts Grande, Albuquerque, where in bus, Grand Island, and Kearney. last fall and reorganized as the October two new buildings valued Neb.; in Emjfgria, Kans., a n d for your “Family Tree,” Why rack Hoffman TV Welby Youth Recreational asso­ your brain w ith, that bother-some at 11,500,000 were dedicated. Gallup, N.'Mex.; orphanages in ciation-, met Nov. 28 to plan the Mother M. Reginalds is the pres­ Albuquerque, N. Mex., and Lin­ youth activities for the year. question—“What can I get for and Zenith^ TV ent Provincial. coln, Neb.; parochial schools in Josephine Serravo is president, Nebraska and ’'Kansas, and Mother, Dad, Sister Sue or Brother The Poor Sisters of S t Francis Gosper Ferrero is vice president Pat?” Just follow thie crowd to Seraph of the Perpetual Adora­ parochial and mission schools in and secretary, and Father Austin tion were founded in Olpe, West­ New Mexico, Di Benedetto, O.S.M., is treas­ Clarke’s, the store that stocks gifts phalia, Germany,, in 1860. Their The Catholic Directory for urer. for everyone in your family! Come in work in the U. 8. began with 1952 gives the following statistics There will be supervised and use our Lay-Away Plan, (IlllSIC , Ac. ■founding of St. Elizabeth’s hos­ for the Western province ‘of the basketball, square dancing, and pital in LaFayette, Ind., in 1875. sisters: Professed sisters, 433; baseball for sixth, seventh, and 1522 California St. — AC, 1635 .Six of the sisters arrived in Den­ novices, 16; postulants, 11; and eighth grade boys and girls of /, ver in 1883 to staff the newly aspirants, 11. ' Assumption, Kline, Washington, Band‘ In.trumenti—Piano.—Organ.— Radio.—Record. built Union Pacific hospital Acce..orie. Among other Catholic institu­ Mapleton, and Retreat Park ^ T n e i h c h , — j which later became St. Anthony’^ tions that shared in the estate, ac- schools. Square dancing will be jedhih. On March 19, 1932, St. Anthony’s taught by Marie Badding every hospital became the mother- cording to reports, are the Cister­ Make Mother happy by giving her Saturday morning from Janu­ a new Rosary! house of the newly established cian abbey of Spencer, Inc. ary to April, inclusive,' from 9 to Won’t Dad be proud to carry his Western province of the sisters, Crystal Rosaries ....$4.10 to $19.00 (Trappists), $50,000; the St. 11 o’clock for fo.urth graders to Fine China Madonnas which have new sterling Rosary to Church. with Mother M. Basilia as the Francis’ .sanitarium for cardiac eighth g;raders, inclusive. first Provincial, unparalleled originality in form, children, Roslyn, N. Y., $10,000; Beginning this week, basket­ and a beauty of pastel coloring The sisters, besides St. Anth-land St. Vincent’s hospiUl, New ball practice will be held in As­ that places them far in the lead. Black sterling rosaries-with Coca MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY ony’s hospital and St. Joseph’s I York city, an unspecified sum. sumption school gym for boys Priced from $4.50 to $60.00 beads and Loc-Link chains. Priced of the sixth, seventh, and eighth $5.50, $6.95 and $8.75 grades, from 3:45 to 5:45 p.m. every Thursday. Likewise, every INSURANCE SINCE 1897 Family Relations Is Topic Friday, beginning this week, the ^ girls from grade six, seven, and £ j w i f l £ / L - eight will practice from 3:15 to If brother Pat serves Mass he’ll Gas and Electric Bldg. TA. 1395 5:15 p.m. Joe Rossi will coach at want to wear an altar boy’s medal ^ S iit B A . Of Lecture at Walsh Hall Assumption on Thursdays and and chain...... $1.25 Fridays. Other chains and medals as Jow as (St. Jamet’ Parish, Denver) hostess at the December meeting There will be a reg;i.stration 75c Give sister Sue a Hummel figur­ The Rev. Lucius Cervantes, of the St. Madeline Sophie circle. Key to Heaven Prayerbooks $1.50 S.J., of Regis college will speak The food shower for the sis­ fee of 25 cents per child for ine to place on her bedside table. on “Family Relations’’ on Thurs­ ters will be held on Sunday, Dec. square dancing for the entire sea­ to $5.50 Our selection includes: Wayside day evening, Dec. 4, in the Walsh 14. This food shower is spon­ son, and 50 cents per child for Young Men’s Guide $3.75, $6.50 Shrines, angels, Madonnas, and Memorial hall, 13th and Newport sored every year by the PTA, and basketball. several others. On the first Friday, Dec. 5, Heavy sterling chains with com­ all parishioners^ are asked to have We still have a small selection joHnson a part in it.^ Masses will be at 6 and 8:15 bination medal and rose bud medal STORAGE s moumc CO. o’clock. Confessions will be heard of Hummel .3.5 with three subjects...... $4.40 before each Mass, and devotions Figurines .... I to Catholic Girls Manual and Sunday to the Sacred Heart will be after Missal ...... $3.50 to $6.75 M.OC/*£ dk £0/%/C D£%WAIV€E the 8:15 Mass. Hummel Nativity ,75.00 Golden Women The Welby Knights of Colum­ G roup ...... MOVIIVO bus received Communion to­ gether Nov. 30 in the 8 o’clock 'Mass to honor the 100th anni- You Are Invited to Visit For the Safety of Your Goods Set Communion 1 versary of the birth of the order’s founder, the Rev. Michael OUR BOOK DEPARTMEINT Use Johnson Service on Every Move J. McGivney, and the completion of the 70th anniversary of the AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN LINES, INC. On December / It is replete with the best, screened literature, • MOVING WITH CARE EVERYWHERE" order’s institution. Golden. — (St. Joseph’s Par­ Pat’s Place donated $47 to the as recommended by Catholic reviewers. Give STORAGE - PACKII^G - SHIPPING ish)—The Altar and Rosary so­ Good Shepherd building fund. the important new books of Spiritual Reading ciety and all the women of the and Biography. Consult us with your book Phone PE. 2433 Denver 221 Broadway parish will receive Communion Assignments Sunday, Dec. 7, in the 8 o’clock C/IRDS problems. Mass. The Altar and Rosary so­ For Mission^ ciety met Dec. 3 in the parish Good Shepherd mixion in a hall. Hostesses were Mmes. Rex few weeki wiil be lerviced Buy your Christmas cards now. We have the cards you prefer to 0. Toll, Joe Kovacich, and Doy from Ml Carmel church of send. Cards of true distinction. Prompt service, from our huge Neighbors. Members of St. North Den ver, because it was Agnes’ circle were gruests. In found 'impossible to send a stocks. place of the customary gift ex­ fourth priest to Welby. Our change, each guest brought a Lady of Sorrows mission in Rev. Lucius Cervantes, S.J. 50-cent gift which can be used Eastlake was returned to the STORE HOURS in th^ kitchen of the parish hali charge of St. Catherine’s st^ets. Anyone interested in Mmes. Sam Bolitho, Peter Ho- parish in North Denver. NOW TILL Jam es Clarhe^^. hearing Father Cervantes is wel­ kanson, and Joe Kovacich are in The PTA will sponsor another CHRISTMAS come to attend. The lecture is charge of the altars and sanctu­ bake sale this Saturday, Dec. 6, *The West’s Largest Church Goods Supply House” being sponsored by the St. James ary for the month of December. from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m., and DAILY 9:00 a.m. PTA, In charge of the flowers for the Sunday, Dec. 7, after each of the till 5:30 p.m. The PTA will serve the first months of December, January, Masses. Baked goods will be Established 1902 1633 Tremont Place Friday breakfast for the chil­ MONDAY 9:46 a.m. and February are Mrs. William available on Saturday in the till 9 p.m. dren. Mqsses on first Friday Green and Mrs. William Wagen- rectory and on Sunday in the TAbor 3789 '* Denver 2, Colo. will be at 6:30, 7:30, and 8:30. bach. vestibule of the church. Proceeds Sacred Heart devotions will be The Holy Name society met of this bake sale will be used to held on Friday Evening at 7:30. Dec. 3. This CTOup plans to at­ purchase janitor supplies for the The eighth grade mothers have tend nocturnal adoration in Holy school. volunteered for the lunchroom Ghost church Dec. 4 from 12 to This month’s first Friday for the month of December. 1 o’clock. breakfast servers will be Antoi­ Mrs. Cudmore thanks those Masses on Dec. 8, the Feast nette Labriola, Catherine Croce, who participated in the car pool of the Immaculate Conception, and Ann Brienza. Last month’s for the sisters during the course will be at 6:30, 7. and 8 o’clock. committee consisted of Lucy of lectures at Regis. Those tak­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nash and Domenico, Lucy Di Giacomo, ing part in this during the past daughter, who have been living Jennie DomanicO, and Mary week were Mmes. James Sullivan, in the John Polosky residence Rossi. for the past year, left this week George Cross, M. K. Koning, The Altar-Rosary society will Richard Needham, and George to make their home in Chicago. While residing in the parish, Mr. sponsor a games party Saturday, Wafer. Dec. 13, at 8 p.m. in the gym­ The St. James Men’s club will Nash' was active in the Holy 4-DAY SPECIALS Name .society, and Mrs. Nash was nasium. A special prize will be meet on Wednesday evening, Dec. given away, and 15 regular 10, in the Walsh Memorial hall. a prominent worker • for St. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MONLAY Agnes’ circle. games -will be played. Cake, cof­ The boys of the football teams fee, and refreshments will be and their fathers will be the St. Ann’s circle met Dec. 2 in the home of Mrs. Harlan Short available. Also, a large Maple- guests of the Men’s club at dinner crest turkey will be displayed. to be served at 6:30. Following This group has completed a large collection of bandages for There will be special games for the dinner there will be suitable special gifts. entertainment for the boys. All the American Cancer society. men of the parish are invited and Mrs. Margriret Giesing, who The following are cleaning the WHITE SHIRT urged to attend. W. P. Cud underwent emergency surgery in church this month: Philomena more, Jr., the recently elected St. Joseph’s hospital Nov. 18, is Nuoci, Beverly Nuoci, Mary Co- vice president, will preside at this expected home tni week. villo, and Betty De Luzio. meeting. Baptized Sunday were John Raymond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ragar, with Robert Beautiful Schuemaker and Mary Elizabeth Nationally advertised Gregor as sponsors; Alexis Anne, daugter of Mr. and Mrs. Elliot and W. Wagner, with Harry and famous labels at the Betsy Schnidle as sponsors; Toni Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Decorative Mrs. Charles J. Schnoor, with lowest price in Robert and Colletta Chimside as sponsors. 7. ' Masses on Monday, the Feast DRAPERIES years for this of the Immaculate Conception, • SAVf TIME wiil be at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 o’clock. FOR 4-day event. • SAVE SHOVELING Mrs. Kenneth Beebe will be • SAVE YOUR MONEY ' The Denver Catholic CHRISTMAS • SAVE YOUR HEALTH Res:Ister Get a pair of General Winter- Published Weekly by the $ 2 * 6 5 Cleats on your rear wheels and Catholic Press Society, Inc., Have Yoar Windows Glow With Cheer . . d rive through unplowed 938 Bannock Street, Denver, CHOOSE DRAPERIES FROM OUR LARGE" AND Colo. DECORATIVE SELECTION OF . . . plain, striped streets, up snowy driveways, Subscription; $2.00 P e r and printed fabrics—styles for modem and traditional. away from icy, rutted gutters. Year Sold in combination with You may make your own or have them made and in­ General Winter-Cleats’ 320 The Register, National Edi­ stalled by our expert workmen. deep, sharp-edged cleats dig­ tion, in Archdiocese of Den­ ver. Special Christmas Values in to snow, slush,-mud.. .give Entered as Second Class 3 Over 1,200 regular $3.50 Shirts you the traction you need to Matter at the -Post Office keep your car on the m ove/ Denver, Colo. ATTRACTIVE PRICE GROUPS Superb qnaUty w hite shirte in a wide choice of regular And on dry pavement, they Reg. 2.98 and new style collars that are guaranteed to last the roll smoothly! See us for a 3,000 yards [pair today. COLORADO of SPECIAL life of the shirt. Neck sizes 14 to 17—Hsieeve lengths Drapery and Slip 9 8 32 to 35. CONVALESCENT Cover Fabrics Yd. ■'■4. 1 > HOME , Reg. 3.98 ■ s Reasonable Rates 5,000 yards Gift Boxes FreeV . / 8U So. Lofm P E 7138 Print!, including popular SPECIAL antique satins and bark A 9 8 * Write or call M ia Joanne to shop tor you , . . TA, 5258 Complete Line of cloth. faY d. Nancy Ann Storybook Dolls Reg. 4.98 And her latest 18 in. 5,000 YARDS PORTRAiT^DOLLS excellent (Irapery fabrics. SPECIAL Friday . Thursday Priced 116.86 to 164.86 including some hand prints Q 9 8 and and A.B.C. Doll Hospital and linens. W Yd. ' Saturday Monday 1611 Artpshas, Denver I MA. TI17 Ail Qrdan PUcad by Dae. 10 Daliv«rad for Cbrittmaa houra , hours Joe Kavanaugh, Inc. Dr. D. C. Werthman 9:50 a'.m. 9:.50 a.m. 30 Yeara in Some Location and Associate F. H. LOECHNER CO. to to Locally Owned and Operated ~~ Dentist* Fine Floor ("overings, Draperies and Slip Covers 5 :3 0 p .m .' JhjL W jcuiLSioJU L 9 :0 0 p.m. PLATES 7501 EAST COLFAX AVENUE , FR. 3008-DE. 2049 Tth.at Lincoln TA. 1261 FREE PARKING AREA k 606 IStlt Straat 1206 IStli Street % eL KEyitone 8721 TAbor 8761 TKulvday, December 4.. 1952 Office, 93 8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4205 PAGE THREE

Aerial View of , Sanatarium/ Donated to Nuns Priest Tortured by Reds Going Back to Missions By R ev. R obert E. K bkbisen Reds as a feeble means of fur­ believes, for it systematically The Christian leaders, of IF IT IS'POSSIBLE to see in thering the impression among the breaks down all resistance'” and course, are always the first to the eyes of a man the sufferings people that they enjoy “religious finally redue'es its victims to a suffer under the Reds. They just he Has known, and seen, the eyes state of “dispirited automatism.” disappear, or are brought up be­ freedom.” ^ of Maryknoll Father Mark Ten- , Asked how a thoroughly Cath­ fore a cowed citizenry.and "con­ Expelled from China in Novem­ nien seflect mental anguish, olic mission could be so quickly victed” on false charges. Ct physical , and feat for a ber of 1951, the missioner had ♦ * * overwhelmed by an ism contra­ nation that has been method­ spent 23 years in the Far-East­ QUESTIONED AS TO ically enslaved by tbe Commu­ dictory to everything Christian, 1 ern field of Church activity. He whether the Chinese Nation­ a nists. Father Tennien, whose was imprisoned by the Reds in the veteran missioner stated: E latest book. No Secret is Safe, March of 1951, and was held for “My flock was bold at first—in­ alists had defeated themselves a has become a best-seller in less three months, in which time he dignant at the'invasion of god­ before the Reds took charge. than six weeks by force of its suffered greatly from malnu­ lessness. But even the strongest Father Tennien said: “Partly.” n factual account of Red tactics trition. Fearing he would die, heart begins to quail when a man He explained that the Nation­ 1 m China, lectured Dec. 3 in the Communists placed him un­ knows not when he will be taken, alist troops were too ill equipped Phipps auditorium, Denver,. un­ der house arrest, and kept him or tormented, or imprisoned, or and not well enough organized il der the patronage of the Arch­ under full-time guard until they killed by a ruthless victor.”. The to cope with the relentless • c bishop’s guild. exiled him. Reds would come. Father Ten­ machine of Red power. The lack After several more speaking * * * nien recalled, at any hour of the of aid from outside, too, had b engagements in the U.S., Father “NO SECRET IS SAFE” is night to institute a search—say­ its effect on Chiang Kai-shek’s n Tennien will go to Hong Kong in Father JTennien’s first-hand ac­ ing nothing, just methodically failure. il January to assist Archbishop count of how Red tactics were making the rounds of the house. The hope of the free world, il Anthony Riberi, Papal Nuncio to actually employed during and And then they would leave. One beyond spiritual revitalization. China. g after the gradual enslavement never knew when they would Father Tennien stated, is to V “The spiritual reconstruction of a nation. Because the book is come next, or what would happen strengthen all forces that are I of China cannot be effected un­ based on his notes, taken in the when they arrived. opposed to the Reds. r der the Reds—except indirectly,” course of a period of attempted Father Tennien told the writer, + when queried about his ■view of Communist indoctrination of the d the future of the hapless Far- priest, it has the force of un­ ti exaggerated reality. *■ Eastern land. “Indinectly,” he Its first edition, 9,000 copies, Missionary's Memoirs 1i explained, “through the suffer­ 0 was published Oct. 20 of this, ings, the misery, the martyrdom year, the book had its second u —in a word, the expiation—of 1 printing (8,000 copies) Nov. 16. The buildings, on more than 1,400 acres of land, will adapt them­ the Chinese faithful.” Father Tennien’s publishers, Far­ il THIS IS AN AERIAL VIEW of the Modern Wood­ Direct ministration to the d selves well to use as a mother-house, novitiate, and school lor the rar, Straus & Young, Inc., New men sanitarium near Colorado Springs, which has been Catholics of China, the veteran York, have just informed him P training of nuns. The view in the photo is toward the east. A few of I bequeathed to the Franciscan Sisters for use as a mother-house. The missioner lamented, has been that the book will go into its third grounds, at one time contained many small wooden huts for the the minor buildings, and most of the land, are not shown.— (Photo rendered impossible by the Com­ printing in December. The Dou­ e by Stewart’s, Colorado Springs) v V housing of tubercular patients, but most of these have been removed.' munists, or at least can be per­ bleday Book club alone ordered formed only on a very limited 5,000 copies of No Secret ii^Safe scale. Even the native Chinese for its book-of-the-month selec­ priests, who are given a little tion. Night Adoration Scheduled dt Holy Ghost Dec. 4 more latitude than “foreigners,” must go about their tqsks in a Father Tennien stands in awe ALL NIGHT ADORATION by the various parishes are as fol­ Lady of Grace, St. Theresa’s (Au­ ? to 4 o’clock. Assumption “semi-underground” manner, i. of the intricate methods used by the men of the parishes in the lows : , rora) ; (Welby), Sacred Heart, St. An­ the world-wide Red machine in 12 to 1 o’clock, Annunciation, thony’s, St. Louis’, St. Mary’s e., by wearing civilian clothes, Denver area will be held in Holy 9 to 10 o’clock. Holy Ghost, working as laborers and in.other its policy of enslavement. How Ghost church this week on the S t Elizabeth’s, All Saints’; St. Francis de Sales’, Mother of (Littleton), Mt Carmel; gradually, yet efficiently, the God, St. Joseph’s (Golden): jol^s, and hoping to escape the eve of the First Friday, Dec. 4. 10 to 11 o’clock. Cathedral, 4 to 5 o’clock, S t Ignatius suffocating web of Red es- Communists take over a land, the The Rev. William J. Gallagher, 1^0 2 o’clock,, Ble.ssed Sacra­ priest declared. In his book, as St Joseph’s (C.SS.R.), S t Mary Loyola’s, S t Catherine’s; pionagei moderator of the Nocturnal Ado­ ment, Holy Rosarx, St. Joseph’s 5 to 6 o’clock, S t John’s; Pre­ * * * well as in his Denver lecture, the ration society, issued the follow­ Magdalene’s, St Cajetan, St (Polish); MaryknoUer showed the many ing statement: Bernadette’s, Our Lady, of Vic­ 2 to 3 o’clock, St.-Philomena’s, sentation, St James’, St. Rose FATHER TENNIEN is speak­ tory; ing of no alien subject when he restrictions the arriving conquer­ The adoration will be a spirit­ Our L ^ y of Lourdes, St. Pat­ 6f Lima’s, Christ the King, Sts. ors imposed on the Chinesp pop­ ual preparation for the celebra­ 11 to 12 o’clock, S t Vincent rick’s, St. Anne’s (Arvada), Holy Peter and Paul’s, St. Patrick’s touches on the matter of Red ulace. The conquerors them­ de Paul’s, St. Dominic’s, Our Family; (Fort Logan). espionage. His own assistant, a tion of Christmas, the birthday Chinese priest in the Diocese of selves had been subjected to Rus­ of Our Divine Lord, and a most lyuchow, was forced by the Com­ sian indoctrination for many fitting way for Catholic men to years before they started to ex­ begpn the season of Advent. Was Slave Laborer Under Nazis munists to report daily on Father Tennien’s activities. The tend Redism to their unfortunate For all Catholics the Holy Eu­ countrymen. assistant, of .course, told Father * * * charist is the center, the heart, Tennien of the odious duty, but THE RT. REV. MONSIGNOR GREGORY SMITH, the core of them religion. How­ Ukrainian Artist Will Sing in Denver had to continue at least a good THE CHIEF POLICY of the pastor of St. Francis de Sales' parish and director of the ever, to the Catholic men who Commies, Father Tennien rue­ Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the Archdiocese of are members of the Nocturnal semblance of the game of cat By J ack E lsn er tory, he continued his studies in In 1946 he continued modem and mouse for the Red author­ fully observed, is their constant Denver, and the Rev. Mark Tennien, M.M., examine a copy of Adoration society the Eucharist stress of terrorism, which in­ Father Tennien’s book. No Secret Is Safe. Father Tennifen told a is even more a sublime guide SOME UKRAINIAN FOLK the Viennese music conservatory. language study, including Ger­ ities. ♦ * * man, Russian, and English at the cludes physical as well as mental capacity audience in the Phipps auditorium Tuesday evening, because they have made special songs, never heard before in Den­ Of the seven priests in “THERE,” MR. KUCHAR University of Heidelberg and re­ his own Diocese of Wuchow, torture. The mental anguish is Dec. 2, of the Red brutalities in China, which he suffered at first promises to adore Christ in the ver, will be included in a con. Blessed Sacrament of the altar. said, “ I got my first chance as ceived a diploma of interpreter, ■Father Tennien said, three' are by far the worst, the missioner hand. » * * cert to be given by -a Ukrainian a tenor soloist in the conserva- corresponding to a master’s de­ still in prison and the rest are SINCE THE FEAST of Christ­ emigrant, Roman Kuchar, in the gree. under “house restriction,” i.e., mas means so much in our spirit­ Woman’s club, 1437 Glenarm Mr. Kuchar, who has been solo­ the people can see them and at­ We are waiting to see yon at ual life we should prepare our place, Saturday, Dec, 6, at ist in the Catholic churches in tend Mass , in their house. The hearts and souls now during Ad­ 7:30 p.m. Boulder while attending the uni­ small concession, the Mary- vent. Then when we kneel be­ Mr. Kuchar, who in 1951 was versity, formed the choir for the knoller explained, is made by the 3125 EAST COLFAX fore the crib on .Jesus’ birthday granted a scholarship at Colo­ Ukrainian Rite congfregation in Where you won’t have we will gladly sing with the an­ rado university for the comple­ Denver, with the aid of the Rev. Postal Workers Plan gels Glory to God in the Righ- tion of the training of his tenor Dmytro Blazejowskyj. long to wait to see *st. Peace on earth, good will to voice, was graduated in the * * * men. Communion on Dec. 7 spring of 1952 after years of po­ IN HIS CONCERT on Satur­ During the nocturnal adoration litical persecution and inter;, day, Mr. Kuchar, who is leaving Three hundred postal work­ of the Blessed Sacrament we will rupted studies. from New York Dec. 10 for Eu­ ers, members of the Postal receive the grace to begin our He began his musical training rope, where he ■will gdve con­ Communion group of the Den­ spiritual lives again. We will be 'at the State Conservatory of certs in Germany and France, ver Postal Workers, will at­ filled with fresh zeal and'eour-: will sing, besides the Ukrainian tend the annual Communion age; and above all we will learn Music in the Ukraine at Lviv, OPTICIAN that the heavenly life can be and frequently had to hide be­ folk songs, operatic arias by Mass in Holy Ghost church, Mascogni, Puccini, Bizet, and a Denver, Sunday, Dec. 7, at (FORMERLY WITH SYMONDS-a’t KINSON) begun here on earth. By the fore the war broke out between power of the Holy Eucharist we song by a friend, the composer 8:15. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor 3125 EAST COLFAX can obtain tranquility, happiness, Germany and the Soviet Union. Kudryk, which is dedicated to John R. Mulroy, pastor of and glory and we can learn to His country was occupied at that Mr. Kuchar. Mr. Kudryk was Holy Ghost parish, will offer DENVER, COLORADO sing with the angels the joy of time by the Soviet. When Ger­ murdered in a Soviet concentra­ th e Mass. Father Fabian BIL BURNETT FRemont 5374 WALT SAPORT the beautiful love of God. many took over occupation, Mr. tion camp. Another Ukrainian Joyce, O.F.M., will be the fea­ As usual Confessions tvill be Kuchar continued his studies emigrant, Tatjana Lepkyi-Juz- tured speaker at the breakfast FREE PARKING IN REAR EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT heard all'during the night. Mass until he was taken to Germany wiak, ■will accompany Mr. Ku­ to be held in the K, of C. hall will be celebrated at midnight as a slave laborer. He worked in char. following the Mass. Holy Communion will be dis­ industrial factories in Austria, tributed every hour after mid­ but succeeded in getting to night. Vieniia where, in the evening Roman Kuchar THE HOURS ASSIGNED to after his day’s work in the fac­ tory’s clfcmber music depart­ ment. At the same time I was singing in St. Stephan’s Cathe­ dral and Alterchenfelder Kirche." With the approach of the So­ viet army, Mr. Kuchar left the city, and after several months of traveling under trying condi­ tions, contacted the U. S. forces and joined the entertainment or­ ganization for U. S. troops. He also sang leading parts in the Ukrainian National Opera com­ pany in Munich. Former Ruth Sloan BOULEVARD Wilfileceive Veil Of Carmelite Nun Presents Sister Alana of the Heart of Jesus, who is the former Ruth Sloan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Sloan, 4528 Utica street, Denver", will receive the black veil in a solemn veiling cereitjony Saturday, Dec. 6, in the public chapel of the Dis- The Story calc^ Carmelite Nuns’ San Diego, Calif., monastery. The ceremony will take place CRIB SETS after a Solemn Mass, coram Pontifice, at which the Most DOMESTIC and IMPORTED Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego, will pre­ Complete Line of side. Bishop Buddy, from whom Sister Alana received Christmas CHRISTMAS CARDS the garb of the Discalced Nuns in 1948, will bestow the black 21 Beautiful Cards, 0 0 veil. Boxed ...... The Rt. Rev. Monsignor John Moran, pastor of St. John tho Evangelisja’ parish, Denver, See our wonderful selection of Religious Gifts was to hava been celebrant of ON'KFEL (DIAL 950) AT for Christmas Giving the Mass, but will be uhable to attend. , IF YOU WISH, USE OUR LAYAWAY Sister Alana will pronounce her final vows in a private ceremony before the Conven- (.onipirtr l.inr of Rcligiout Article* for CKurch .and Homr , tual Mass on Friday, Dec. 5. 4:40 p.m. Every Weekday The ceremony of the veiling follows the final vows and com­ A. I*. and V u , pletes the novitiate training. Sister Alana’s ifemily and friends from Denver will be n il lu II (aooiis present for tbe ceremony,- and 606 14th St. Between Caliiornio & Welton TA 8331 they will be able to tisit with her in the speak-room the t\^o. days following the . ceremony.' ST. FRANCIS DE SALES FALL FESTIVAL V , - / SPONSORED BY THE PARISH SOCIE'i:iES TWO BIG NIGHTS - THURSDAY AND FRIDAY-DEC. 13-14


y ■ 1 PAGE FOUR O^ice, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4205 Thursday, December 4,1952

Loretto Grads Qualify as Registered Nurses FOR THE FIRST NOV TIME

At the price of a spinet piano » Enjoy the traditional ton,a and radiant beauty of tbe MINSHALL-ESTEY ELECTRONIC ORGAN in zanr SEVEN JUNE GRADUATES of Loretto Heights erly of IValsh, Colo. A total of 22 seniors received, their bachelor Trade in Yont ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH college passed the licensing examinations taken in Cali­ of science degrees in nursing in the 1952 graduation class. The CHURCH OR HOME Old Pitno fornia to qualify as registered nurses. They are Misses Mary Lou clinical units of the Loretto Heights division of nursing are at St. Styles available for the Cnmc in end HEAR iU treniendoas Daniels of Denver; Georgia Sanders,'Denver; Jean Garvis, Jeffer- ranzi and zrandeur. . .. , SEE it, Patronise These Friendly Firms Anthony’s hospital in Denver and Glockner-Penrose hospital In largest church or the beautr and compactnesa. . , . PLAY s»n, S.'- Dak.; Eleanor Grays, Pueblo; Wilma Shadley, Denver; It. and “fear' its (laxibilitT. LEARN, Joan Shaklee, Arvada; and Mrs. Wilburta Toelbert Shaffer, form­ Colorado Springs. smallest chapel! abant oar immadiata deliTarr, and tarnia. Open^Sundays, 9 to 1 PLUMBING Week Days 7 to 7 BRICKEY & MOLLOT 'Lamp Post' Announces Staff Appointments Frank Mallot, Owner (Holy Family High School, Shop, SP.:iO> Rm., 8P. tl2] + + + + + Hawes Food Store * Denver) + + •+ Remodeling, Repairing Booker Hawet — GayU llawea The Thanksgiving issue of the Contest Winner IMMONS A Bi-Low “Store . or New Work FHA Pinancinz (IS 8. Pearl Editors of Yearbook Lamp Post announced the 1952- Quality Meats - 1953 Vtsfa staff appointments. M u s ic C o. • With Sister Charlesana as mod­ Groceries LEN'S Pharmacy erator, Pat Burger and Bob Mar- ofNvn t. caoitADO . Freih & Frozen Fruits chese, seniors, will edit the an­ 84 So. Broadway f SH. 1789 and Vegetables L. C. FEHR, Prop.. nual. Assisting them will be June Louisiana and Clayton Member St. Vincent de Paul’a Pariah Hut* your Doctor Phono Bernard, Barbara Bugg, Pat Du­ Denver’. Muiic Center—In tire Heart of the Miracle Mile SP. 5717 T r Ot Your Proscription-' rant, Mary Lou Grisenti, Colleen 2707 Ee Louisiana RA. 3739 M a d d o X, Kathleen Mulligan, Store Open 9 A. M. Till 9 P, M, Monday and Friday At Looislana and South Clayton Joyce Ricotta, Barbara Riley, Ce­ cilia Smith, Pat Wagner, and Pat Young. Business managers are Washington Park Mkt. The firms listed here Julia Romano, George Thensen, We Photograph Anything Anywhere Red & White Food Stores deserve to be remembered and Tom Wright. BILL HUGHES, Prop. Ninety students sponsored, b'y when you are distributing their moderator, the Rev. Joseph The Mile-High Photo €o. Complete Food Service your patronage in the dif­ Koontz, enjoyed a skating party ° KODAK FINISHING at Homewood Nov. 30. This is the •598 South Gilpin ferent lines of business. first activity of the Ski-Skate 320-22 Seventeenth KEyatone 6114 Denver “It’a Smart to Be Thrifty** club this season. Art Instructor Talks at Assembly CATHEDRAL PARISH n O N M E BRAE William Joseph, art instructor W. Glenn of the Junior at Loretto Heights college and These Friendly Firms Deser^ Your Patronage Denver university, addressed the Chamber of Commerce an ­ Shopping Center juniors and seniors at an assem­ nounced Dec. 1 that Kathleen bly Dec. 2, and the freshmen and Mahoney (above), senior, was sophomores Dc. 3, .ort Church the winner, of the Voice of De­ O'Dell Cleaners art. Mr. Joseph illustrated his mocracy contest in the city. The Ed Brennan, Prop. CONOCO PRODUaS talk by showing appropriate contest, sponsored by the Junior 607 E. 18th CH. 1027 « Preisser's Red & White slides. Mr. Joseph, painter and Chamber of Commerce, the Na­ Skirts Cleaned & Pr...... 50C PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED ' tional Association of Radio and Men’s Trousers Cl. & Pr. 50C Lcbrication. Car Wadhing* BattcrUi sculptor, stressed the fadt that FOR AND DELIVERED Recharged, Tire Valcanixing church art should not onty be Television Broadcasters, and the Alteration. & Repairing Grocery and Market Radio-Television Manufacturers’ Laundry Service Colfax at Downing Denver BONIVIE BRAE decorative but especially pur- KEyatone 3217 FANCY MEATS, VEGETABLES, AND poseful._ He cited St. Thomas’ association, is open to 10th, 11th, COIVOCO SERVICE QUALITY GROCERIES seminaiy chapel as one of the and 12th grade students. The re­ Free Delivery SPmce 4447 724 So. University PE. 9909 best examples of the good in cording of Kathleen’s script will 2331, E. Ohio Ave. (So. Univ. and Ohio) church art in this vicinity. be sent to the state contest, the DOYLE’S Practice for the Christmas no^ winner of which goes into the vena, to be held Dec. 13-21, was national entry. Kathleen is fhe PHARMACY PAT BURGER AND BOB MARCHESE, seniors at The Particular Druggist begun this week. Both alumni and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. COlfskstOCOtM t 4 Holy Family high school, Denver, have been named members of the senior class will Mahoney of 6075 West 38th, 17lh AVE. AND GRANT SOETB GAYLORD editors of the Vista, yearbook, for 1952-53. constitute the choir this year. Wheatridge, and has attended KE. 5987 FREE DELIVERY Holy Family high school the past Shopping District four years. She is the president of the N.F.L. and active in the No Down Payment Young People Plan Ice Skating Party student council, choir, Pep club, Motor Overhauling Free Prompt Delivery Spanish club, Ski-Skate cliib, Body & Fender Repairs GAYLORD Shoes for the Family (Ypuilg People’t Confederation) social are Patricia Falk and Con­ cis’ school. Each person will be A Tailored Seat Covers sodality, and CSMC. Motor Tune-up • CLEANERS Weatherbird and Trimfoot The Young People’s Confed­ nie McGowan. The ride will begin asked to bring a contribution of Used Cars at Glasier’s barn, and afterwards staples, caqned goods, or cash to WINES - BEER PICKUP * DELIVERY Shoei for Children eration of Presentation, St. X-Ray Pitting Dominic’s, and St. Francis de the party will be held in St. Fran- be used for Christmas baskets for Cathedral Motors CORDIALS a needy family. _ JOE GXFFNEY, Prop. We G i v e ^ ^ Green Stamps Sales’ parishes met Nov. 20 in St. Pupils Named 1731 Loran KE. 8138 Sendel Shoe Store Francis de Sales’ cafeteria. Plans Orphanage Aid Society, A contest for a permanent s ’ _ COMPLETE LINE * PE. 13S0 • 102S So. Gaylord were made for an ice skating name for the club will be held 1023 So, Gaylord RA. 5087 party Sunday, Dec. 7, at Home- Annunciation Branch, soon. A special committee is The firms listed here MART wood parkf in Deer Creek canyon. drawing up a constitution for the To Honor Rol deserve to be remembered AHERN'S\^ The firms listed here BONNIE BRAE The party will leave from Presen­ Plans Christmas Fete confederation. when you are distributing MEMBER OF ST. PHILOMENA’S deserve to be remembered tation church grounds, W. Sev­ The next business meeting will PARISH enth and Julian street, at 1 your patronage in the dif­ when you are distributing JEWELRY The annual Christmas games be held Wednesday, Dec. 17, in At St. James' 333 Eait Colfax TA. 3304 o’clock. St. Dominic’s hall at 8 o’clock. Del Diedrich, Prop. party sponsored by the Annunci­ (St. James’ School, Denver) ferent lines of business. your patronage in the dif­ Plans are also being made for The Sadie Hawkins social spon­ The honor roll for the second period ferent lines of business. Guaranteed Repairing a combination sleighride and ation branch of St. Vincent’s Or­ sored by the confederation Nov. includes: Grade Eight—Gertrude Moser, Christmas party on Saturday, phanage Aid society, will be held class leader., average 90 per cent; Rob< 1 1048 So. Gaylord. 15 in Presentation hall was a big ert Kuhl, Michael Learned. Mark Rein* SP. 6026 Dec. 20. The cochairmen for-this Thursday, Dec. 11, starting with success. Prizes were awarded to ecke. Sandra Carlile. Mary Ellen Dunn, Phyllis Reagan and Jerry Jac­ Judith Gau, Joann Rich, Mary Kay Mobiloil « Ponnzoil - Mobilgat 1092 So. a dessert luncheon at 1:30 p.m., Kottenstette, Mary Kay Noll, and Pa­ Lubrication & Washing Sf. Joseph's Hospital which will be followed by cards. ques for the best Daisy Mae and tricia Ortell; ^ Expert Cleaning and Repairing Tune Up - Clutch & Brake Mrs. George T. Smart will be L’il Abner costumes. Grade Seven—Mary E%n Kukar, re S i BOB'S IGA chairman, a n d Mrs. Margaret class leader, average 90 per cent; F-y - . > N u rs e s ' Sodality to Further information about con Jerry Morrow, Patricia Brennan, Bar­ So. Gaylord Service Denman, cochairman. federation activities and member­ bara Jorgensen, Marilyn Kohler, Erma The following will be host­ ship may be had from John Tam- Marie Seih; Burke's Cleaners SUPER IVIARKET Receive New Members esses: Mmes. Edward Connell, Grade Six—Patrick Backus, class Center and Garage burello, AC. 0397. leader, average 90 per cent; Michael Meats - Groceries - Vefeteblea ! Pat Powers, Frank Wilson, Mich­ Sullivan. John Wilhelm, Gary Boyd, 1001 So. Gaylord SP. 6443 Bettor Quality for Leu (St. Joieph’i Hospital School of ael Cullen, Henry Grimm, A. E. Marla Kay Artzer, Maureen Cudmore, Burke's Broadmoor Cleaners ■ ^ Nursing, Denver) Perrian, Harry Branch, Harry Diane Day, Patricia Edwards, Maria Guild Will Meet Dec. 6 ' Grover, Carol Smith; The Rev. Joseph O’Malley, as­ Tavlor, Ralph Stockwell, William Grade Five, room 6—Nancy Calve, sistant pastor of St. Philomena’s Dolan, James Bible, P. Thomas’, At St. Francis’ School class leader, average 91 per cent; Den­ 712 So. Pearl TWO 26 E, l l l h Ave. church, will be the guest speaker B. F. Telman, and Miss Mar­ nis Baumgartner, David Anderson;, PE. 8485 SHOPS MA. 7442 St. Joseph’s guild will meet Grade Five, room 6—Katherine Wolf, at the annual sodality reception garet Cassidy. KEENE SUPER MARKET The special feature of the Saturday, Dec. 6, in St. Francis class leader, average 90 per cent; Jeft- of new members'at St. Joseph’s de Sales’ high school library, rey Knudsen, Charles Neumann, Susan hospital school of nursing. This party will be a beautiful afghan. Glowes, Laura Lee Kinttele. Marcia 1093 S. Gaylord FrediKeene, Prop. RA. 0902 Friends and members are urged Denver, at 2 o’clock. Hostesses Murphy, Mary Theresa Remesch, Joan reception is held eacl\ year on to attend. Anyone wishing tick­ will be Mmes. E. Cummings, E. Schmitz, Sharon Seib, Karen Whalen; store Hours: 8 to 6:30 Mon., Tues., Wed. Dec. 8, the Feast of the Immacu­ ets should contact any of those Daley, G. Eppich, M. Halter, Grade Four—Virginia Watson, class 8 to 7:30 Thurs., Fri. & Sat. late Conception, and is preceded leader, average 91 per cent; Mar^ ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH named above or call EA. 14lS. P. Mulligan, and A. Wren. Jeanne Straw, Thomas Trainor, Loretta. by a formal banquet. New can­ Twinning. Donald Zielinski; • Nationally Advertised Foods didates for the sodality at the Grade Four, room 4—Catherine Cold, Patronise These Friendly Firms school of nursing will be pre­ Mary Jo Huggins, Michael Mestek. • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Regis High Plans Comedy Marilyn Martina. Michael Mestek; sented by Miss Jane Mounwin, Grade Three (Sister Charity's room) • TOp Grade Meats — Sea Foods — Poultry prefect, and received by the Rev. •Sue Ellen An|[elo8, Class L.; Marilyn Temptation Theodore Haas, director of the Breit. Donald Uoucet, Paul Golden. Alameda Drug Store It's Keene Super Market for the Keenest Buys in Town Marilyn Guiry, Richard Hughes, Ste­ V. O. PETERSON, Prop. sodality. phen Learned; . On Nov. 24, 28 sodalists were Grade Three: (Sister Rose Christine's Cut Rate Drags § ja L ^ A £ W f L enrolled in the Handmaids of the room)—Gail Manaiil. class leader, av­ erage 90 per cent: Mary Mahoney. Fountain Service Sundries H gal. “Picnic Pack” Blessed Sacrament, sponsored by Paula Marvel, Kathleen Peterson, Your Business Appreciated the Eucharistic committee, of Margo Quaratino. Nancy Roberson, A Q c Aaaorted . which Miss- Bernice Merlino' is Marjorie Schmitz, Carol Taleck, Judith Alameda & So. Broadway 510 Flavor. ST. JAMES' PARISH chairman. Tarbell, Jeffrey Thompson, Victoria Watson; Please Patronise These Friendly Firms Students participated in the Grade Two, (Sister Rose Christine's CONOCO PRODUCTS Broadway Creamery recent clothing drive and several room)—William Barnes, class leader, boxes ^f clothing were sent to average 90 per cent; Ellyn Baumann, Lubrication - Delco Batteries 66 So. Broadway Sp. 266.5 Diane Beckman, Robert Brookman, Jan­ WALT BADGER Says: Now is a good the St. Vincent de Paul society. ice Brown, Diane Calve. John Campbell. Car Wa.«ihing James De Belle, Judy Derringer; 1 • Grade Two, room 2—Tnomas Wolf, time to have yonr drapes class leader, average 91 per cent; James Fahey, Fred Gau. Kevin Knudsen, W. A. (Dutch) THOMAS cleaned before the holidays. Thomas Mulroney. James Stroud. Chris­ Alameda & Logan PF.. 9840 tine Finneran, Marianne Glover. Pa­ tricia Woznick, Carol Hansen, Dorothy FALBY'S I Hinton. Cecilia Huggins. Geraldine Jan­ sen, Carol Schmitt. Kathleen Soran, Associated Gleaners Judy Vagnino, and Nin-a Wasinger. BUCHANAN’S Paint & Hardware 6736 E. Colfax Pickup and 61. Sacrament Students Christian Bros. Wines “ Try Falbfs FirsP' DeHwnr Survicu EA. 3462 All PopnUr Betn To See Christmas Movie Wt Deliver \ 32 Broadway PE. 2940 ! PE. 1777 377 So. Bdw7 ! (Blettnd Sacrament School, Open Friday and Saturday THE REGIS HIGH SCHOOL drama players will Denver) The film Miracle of Sith Evening! ST. JOHN'S PARISH present the hilarious Broadway comedy George Wask- Street,- starring Edmund Gwenn, ington Slept Here Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 6 and 7, at 8:30 p.m. New Fashion Patronise These Friendly Firms and produced by Universal-Inter­ in the' Horace Mann auditorium, Denver. Seen discussing the produc­ national, will be shown to the en­ f«« MORE SOLE •» '« * « tion with Richard D. Lord, S.J., director of dramatics at the high tire student body of the Blessed school, are, left to right, Frank Sferra, Ray Teel, John Meek, and Sacrament school in the school Cleaners & Dyers Carlin's Mobil Service QUALITY MEATS Permanent Waving yjartt-iis’*® John Lanson. The drama setj which will be used for the first time auditorium on Tuesday after­ BOB CARLIN 4 FANCY GROCERIES a Specialty in the play, was built’by high school students. Admission to the noon, Dec. 9. Expert Work; (Member Sb Praneia De' Stlee' Pariah) " _Complete Line of ' P o l N l ^ r r o t play will be 50 cents. Mary Ellen Logan will begin Fast Service' Lubrication ^ FROZEN FOODS My Lady Edith basketball coaching this week for Walking . . . Steam Cltaning ^ TROUTMAN’S ) the girls in the sixth, seventh, 530 E. Alameda SP. 0079 Pickup & Delivery ~ (v Beauty Shoppe WITH CUSHION CREPE SOLES Women of St. Vincent's and eighth grades. 10033 E, Colfax • j4uroro 82 Circle Drive Market Minnit Ktucict, U(t. t In the Crusade for Freedom 1st & Logan, SP. 9930 2422 E. 6th Ave. "WR. 8071 2804 E. 6th Ave. EA. 0788 These marvelous soles drive 120 girls from Blessed Sac­ Invited to Party Dec. 8 rament school will participate by cushion the shocks, lessen distributing literature in the Forget-Me-Not Flower Sho^^ noise, insulate against (St. Vincent dc Paul’* Parith, Joyet,' O.F.M., will ba tba neighborhood. tpeakar. Flowers for All Occasions * ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH wet and cold, are flexible Danver) ^ The Altar and Rosary society HNS Fiona Free City Delivery — RA. 1818 ... and best o f all, they Patronise T ^se Friendly Firms will hold a Christmas party in Parley Dec. 10 LOYOLA PARISH wear like a rhino’s hide. the new parish hall on Monday The Holy Name society v^ill Patronise These Friendly Firms 285 South Downing Street See our sturdy, cute evening, Dec. 8, at 8 o’clock. meat Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 8 Texaco Products Betty & Bob's p.m. in the new parish hall. A SAVE TIME TRADE AT HOME Poll-Parrot shoes with There will be an exchange of motion picture, with a narrator, Lubrication ' Tire's Beauty & 50-cent gifts. All women of the Rocky Fiori and Joa Hayea , Washing Accessories cushion crepe soles. on the Crusade for Freedom will MONTEREY GIFT SHOP Barber Shop parish are invited to attend. be shown. This is a very timely Rocky’s Pharmacy, Inc. There will be entertainment and subject and will be of great in­ 172 SOUTH BROADWAY Joe & Andys Specializing in F Your Convenient The Bonnie Shop refreshments, terest. After the Short business VASES - PLANTERS - PICTURES - FIGURINES SERVICE STATION Permanent ^ y St, Vincent de Paul'* PTA meeting, a social period will be Druggist THE NEW CEDARWOOD POTTERY Waving J 751 So. Univoruity P t 8273 will meet on Tuaiday, Dae. 9, devoted to cards. All men of the Proacriptiona Liquor BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS — STATIONERY 12th & Clayton FR. 9826 EA. 4722 a»2 E. 12tk Avs. and many ether nnaaaal Gift! , ^ at 2i30 p.m. Fathar Fabian parish are invited. I7th and Raco EAat 99(7 wed ■A ■I \ f 1

' i'

Thursday, December 4,-1952 Office, 9 3 8 BonnocW Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER ' ' Telephone, Keystene«4205 \ PAGE FIVE /{ Christ, King PTA to Hold Food Sale Big Christmas Pageant Scheduled by St. Francis' Glee Club (Cbrht th* King Pari>k, DenTer.) itipeaker. Father Forsyth l ie be i^ d at 6:30 and 8:30. Mrs. Christ the King PTA will con­ cussed the many problems fac­ Arthur Steinke wiiLbe in charge (St. Fraacit de Salei’ High A sextet number, “Sweet Vera Jacques, Delores Jones, Ur­ The Latinists held a Christmas sodality.' The Rev. Arthur Dre- duct a food sale after Mass, ing the Catholic youth of today of thei breakfast for the school School, Denver) Mary,’^ is a tribute to the Virgin sula Denny, Kathryn Smith, Jean party in the school cafeteria Dec. sen, assistant pastor of St. Vin­ commencing with 7:30 and'end- who are attending non-Catholic childrra after,the 8:30 Mass. The glee club, under the direc­ Mother;of the Child) sung by Kottensette, Rita Mooney, and 3. Christmas carols were sung in cent de Paul’s parish and one of tion of Mrs. Jo Nokkes Lasham, Joan Pepper, Kathleen Martin, Sheila Eddy, will sing “Sleep Latin during the party. injf with the 12:15, Sunday,,Dec. universities and colleges. Masses on Monday, Dec. 8, the the instructors of religion at St. is preparing one of the largest Rose iRichardson, Charla Dene Holy Babe.” The freshman girls Mother M. Tarcisia, Provin­ Francis’, will deliver the sermon. 7. ,A11 goods will be home pre­ iTh* -nleting of th* Men’s Feast of the Immaculate Con­ programs ever assembled for the col paired and will consist of Ties, club, scheduled for the second Crain, Colleen Welch, and Caro­ will sing the first verse of “0 cial Superior of the Sisters of Monsignor Gregory Smith, pastor wi. ception, will be said at 6, 6:45, 8, introduction of the Christmas lyn Oliver. The favorite Christ­ Holy Night,” in French, and the St. Joseph of Carondelet, and cakes,- cookies, donuts, rolls, cof­ Wednesday of the month, has and 9:30. of St. Francis’, will bless the 1 season. The faculty and student mas carols -will be sung by the glee club wHt sing the second her assistant. Sister Lillia Ma­ medals, and, by the request of fee cakes, baked beans, etc. been postponed to Friday, Banns of marriage have been body are to be the ^ e sts of the ap The PTA incurred a heavy Dec. 12. chorus; “Adeste Fideles’’ will be and third verses in English. The rie, visited classes in the high the prefect, Shirley Van, will re­ De announced for the first time be­ singers on Dec. 19, m thd'school sung by Ronnie' Brothers, Den­ freshman glee club is under the school Wednesday morning. ceive the candidates into the so­ obligatioq, in the installation of Mrs. C. W. Jackson has been auditorium. The glee club will atl the book rental system this past chosen the new captain for Our tween John Ch'&rles Lockard of nis Donnelly, Mike Cummings, direction of Mrs. Eleanir Lef- On Friday, Dec, 5, the new dality. The service -will close with open the program with a candle­ , Bernard Stebenne, fingwell. The chorus will then students of St. Francis de Sales’ Benediction of the Blessed Sacra­ September. As the proceeds from Lady of Guadalupe circle. Five Holy Angels’ parish, Des Moines, light procession down the aisles nn this sale will be applied bn that new members, Mmes. William la., and Mary Shirley Danielson and Louis Langfield. The chorus sing, “Bells ' of Dreamland,” will be received into Our Lady’s ment. Baker, L. M. Dunham, Laivrence of Christ the King parish, Den­ to the stage. The soft strains of will then sing “Hark the Herald “What Can This Mean?” “C%rol indebtedness, the -parishioners “Silent Night’’ will fill the hall. Angels Sing’’ and “Angels We th; are urged to co-operate. Culbertson, W. D. MacDonald, ver. More than 100 girls, accompa­ of the Bella,” and the “Cheru­ and Miss Jean Coughlin, will be Circle meetings scheduled for Have Heard on High.’’ Joan Pep­ bim Song.” in) Donors are asked to bring their nied by the members of the boys’ per -will then sing the solo “Lull­ CO contributions to the school on taken into this circle at its next next week are Our Lady of Fa­ ensemble, will open the pageant Latin Clubs, Meet' Saturday afternoon or evening meeting. tima, a luncheon in the home of aby,’’ and the Triple Trio, Bar­ ONOFRIO Vi in song with “0 Come, Em­ bara Axtell, Betty Stromsoe, I The monthly meeting of the by until 8 o’clock, or on Sunday The Rev., Bernard Ryan, Mary- Mrs. Heyman Seep, 70 Eudora manuel’’ a n d “Whence Comes Stellae Clariores and Stella Cla- mi morning before all the Masses. knoll Missioner for the past seven street, Friday, Dec. 5: St Fran­ This Rush Of Wind?’’ Dorothy Inventory at Library rae Latin clubs, under the di­ CABLE ily Anyone wishing to make a dona- years in Chile, was the guest ces Cabrini, a Christmas party in Jordan is narrator of the story rection of Sister Angelita Cyril, isl tipp, but unable to make delivery, of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and the home of Mrs. Joseph Mor- that bepns with the prophecies The first complete inventory was held Dec. 1. The theme of LESTER BETSY ROSS is asked to call the president of Mrs. Barney Lynch, during the rone, 6160 East Quincy street, concerning the birth of Christ, of the Denver Public library’s the meeting was the Roman holi­ gr the PTA, Mrs. James Cudmore, past two weeks. Father Ryan, the eveiOTg Of Wednesday, Dec. ve and includes a prologue for each book stock to be taken in 12 years days. Patricia Guerin told of the KRAKAUER Bi EAi 6524, and she will arrange to who has been a Maryknoll Mis­ 10; St.^Patrick’s circle, an even­ succeeding hymn. The story of Roman Saturnalia, and Nora Jac­ have the contribution picked up. sioner in various South Ameri­ ing of bridge in the home of will be completed in December. ra ✓ the Annunication, Bethlehem, the ques spoke on the Roman carni­ can countries since his ordina­ Mrs. Ff-ank Wieck, 95 Dexter Shepherds, the Manger, the Wise The library and all branches will val. Entertainment was provided MEHLIN & SONS The titters will hold an open tion, was on his way to his homr street, Wednesday, Dec. 10; St. de house in the school' hall on Men, and the heavenly “Gloria be closed from Dec. 19 through by Sue Mulligan, who played the Home of Quality Pianos in Chicago. He expects to be in Hilarion, a canasta luncheon, in Excelsis’’ will be unfolded by Dec. 26 to complete the inventory. “Hungarian R h a p s o d y.” The to: Sunday afternoon, Dec. 14, the U. S. until next June, when -with Mrs. Louis Cabela, hostess 1803 Broadway M.\ 8.385 th from 2 to 5 o’clock. All parents Dorothy and sung by the glee The library will be -reopened to jfToup sang Christmas songs and he will receive another assign­ in her home, 1131 Hudson, club. the public on Saturday, Dec. 27. Acro«> from th* Cotmopblitee Hotel of are inrited to inspect the ment. Thursday, Dec. 11; St. Joseph’s, hymns. ul. class rooms to see what their In preparation for the first a bridge luncheon in the home of Hi children are doing and the FViday, there -will be'a Holy Hour Mrs. Paul Wright, 651 Fairfax, is progress they are making. in the church Thursday evening, with Mrs. E. J. McCabe cohbs- d( The Altar and Rosary society Dec. 4, from 7:45 to 8:45^ Con­ tess, Thursday, Dec. 11; and S t pr met Nov. 28. The Rev. Charles fessions will be heard in the John’s, a'bridge luncheon, Mrs. Li Forsyth, O.S.B., chaplain of the afternoon from 4 to 5:30 o’clock Munroe Tyler, hostess in her ei N e ^ a n club at the University and it the evening from 7:30 to home, 323 Jersey, Thursday, Dec of^ Colorado, Boulder, was the 9, Masses on Friday, Dec. 5, will 11. JOE ONOFRIO St. Mary's Students Give Gift to Aged c (St. Mery’* Academy, Denver) and the evening closed with danc­ Mary Earley was hostess to Marie Therese, Walsh, chair­ ing at the Aviation club. the staff of Smart Talk Nov. 30 Nothing But The Finest man of a Student Council com­ St. Mary’s will be represented for a page “make-up” party. mittee, collected sacrifice money at the press convention to be Pages, art work, and pictures from the students in order to held at Loretto Heights college were planned for the Christmas Opea Moaday & Friday Till 8:30 P.M. present a Thanksgiving day fruit on Dec. 8 by staff members of issue, which Will be published on basket to the aged at Mullen Smart Talk and Saimarac. Dec. 19. home. Mrs. Elmer Vogt arranged I the fruit basket. JOE JOE, JR. Barbara Bromstead, sopho­ Cathedral Sodality Plans more, was chosen “Queen’s Teen” for the coming month by a vote of all the sodalists of Our Lady. Reception of Members Joan Vecchio, senior, and Kay (Cathedral High School, Denver) Baca and Mary Ann Dunn, count­ Braun, junior, will have parts in SodalisU; who have been on a ing’the number of Masses and the Denver All-Parochial high six-week probationary period be­ Communions for the Holy Fa­ school play, entitled B. T. 0. fore entering Our Lady’s sodality ther to be submitted to the mag­ CBS-COUIMBIA ANNOUNCES (Big Time Operator), to be given will be received at the 8 :30 Mass azine, Queen’s Work, and Anne in January. tomorrow attended by the stu­ Wefeh, the Fighting 69th. Members of the Sodality of dents in the Cathedral. Each home room has an Ad­ Our Lady are preparing a spirit­ A sodality assembly will follow vent 'WrealHi, blessed by their ual bouquet as a Christmas gift in the gym where Father Henry respective Religion priests. 'While for our Holy Father. J. Foley, S.S.S., of Holy Ghost' the ceremony of the lighting the The members of the junior parish, will speak on the Holy Advent candle is performed in class had a progressive dinner on Eucharist and its importance the i;oom, advent prayers are recited over the P.A. system. NEW TV SET ENGINEERED Nov. 28. The courses were served the students. The pledge of the In the homes of different girls, Fighting 69th, a promise made Reading the advent prayers are by the students to uphold the the four class presidents, fresh­ Sixth and Ninth Commandments, man Ronald Felk, sophomore Pat will be renewed. Moran, junior Jim Noel, and senior Jack Graeber. Acknowledged will be the This year both grade and high Knights and Handmaids of the school have undertaken the acti­ Blessed Sacrament, those stu­ vity of selling Catholic Christ­ dents who received Our Lord mas cards. Sister Thomas Mir­ weekly. FOR BEST DENVER RECEPTION! iam, freshman homeroom teach­ Two triduums will be made er, is in charge of the drive. by the students Dec. 6, 7, and 8 Cards are $1 per box and about for the Holy Father and the 1,000 boxes have been sold- Fighting 69th. Mass, Communion, At the Longmont speech festi­ work, prayer, and recreation will val Dec. 6, Cathedral delegation be offered up for the Holy Fa­ will be made up of Judy Bagnall, ther’s intentions and/to petition Exd«siv« CBS P$w0f-Troii Our Lady for ideals in upholding John Warder, and Bob Sutton in the Fighting 69th and to bless extemporaneous speaking; Pat ClMSsis Supor-Powarad to and protect our new President­ Golden, Mary Friel, and Clarence elect, the honorable Dwighl? Ei­ Sturdevant, impromptu speaking; Bring Yoo Stndio-Sliarp senhower, humorous declamation, Joan West, Dorothy Collicott, and Bo- Pictures in Your Home! Serving on the committee for bette McLain; and dramatic de­ the triduums are Mary Lou C de clamation, Anne Welch, Sara ATTENTION, DENVER Smith, and Harry Cronin. VIEWERS: Read what four French Air Cadets . Roger Seick will give an GBS-Columbia TV set owners oratorical declamation, Hans —living in different parts of Dorweiler,. original oratory; ra­ Invited to Party dio speaker, Roger Seick, Harry Denver’s “fringe” reception Cronin, and Francis Jacobucci; area —nave to say about the At Loretto Heights poetry, Regina Lowery, Joan Mc­ studio-sharp pictures and Donald, and Lucy Ogaz; debate, trouble-free performance they* Students in the French depart­ an affirmative and negative enjoy with America’s most ad­ ment at Loretto Heights college team; and spectators, Dolores vanced TV set! will have a chance to practice Marquez, Rose Marie Reyes, and the u ^ of that language at a Donald Kohler. party Friday, Dec. 5,' in the ' Presenting^ lower.: lounge of Machebeuf hall. FrencK cadets from Lowry Air "Christmas Belle' Force base and French students at Colorado School of Mines have Wheatridge Sale Hollyberry red and indigo blue Pima broadcloth pinafore over been invited. There will also be matching polka dot broadcloth interpreters present in ca.se the dress. 4 ^95 language difficulties become too Planned Dec. 6 Sizes 3 to 6x ....,...... ■ ■ great. There will be dancing to (St*. Peter and Paul’* Pari*h, Can be ordered in sizes French records from 8 to 12 p.m. Wheatridge) 7 to 10 ...... 18.95 During tht party cakes and The monthly bake sale spon­ cookies donated by the students sored by the Altar and Rosary will be served with cokes. This is society will be held this Saturday, •bcdil-belle shop the first party of thist nature to Dec. 6, at the Wheatridge Realty be sponsored by the French club office. All parishioners are asked and is under the direction of the Tb« Covoliar 6403 EastTT m a e Colfax A I f B V ' to contribute to this sale. Baked French club president, Dede goods will be picked up, if nec­ 7V4»di pktara At Locust Brenner. essary, if a call-is placed to Ar­ vada) 584. The Men’s club will meet to- qjght, Ddc. 4, at 8 p.m. in the We Proudly Offer assembly room. They will receive In Time of Sorroib corporate Communion in th e 7 o’clock Mass on Sunday, Dec. 7. I Fair Prices Newly Remodeled Chapel They invite all of the men of the New Organ Cadillac Motor Cars parish to join them, and to stay Tha Madania for the breakfast afterward, Ladv Attendant Abundant Parking served by the Theophilus club. TVAk Ii {detere Baptized recently was Cynthia Services From the Residence , Jo Anne, daughter of Mr. and CBS... Greatest Name In Home Entertainment. • • Mrs. Edward Dubravac. Godpar­ ents were Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi­ Develops America’s Most Advanced TV Sett nand Wolf. Hackethal and Noonan Two weddings were solemnized Stvdio-Sharp Pktwresl TrouWe-Free PerformcHKel 1449-51 KalamaTh Mortuary MAin 4006 in the parish Nov. 29. Before a Nuptial Mass at 10 o’clock, Mari­ Bavariy M k h In k CIS Ts Da U l CBS for the years ahead. . . anne Joan Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Jones, be­ V-Mi jk tm alone-^withi its leadership ia Eaginaared By CIS-Calwahia came the bride of Robert John- television, radio broadcati, means you’ll never be satisfied ;son of Worthington, Minn. At­ electronics research -could de­ with less! See the new CBS- J. J. CELLA INSURANCE tendants were Bob Wathen and Agnes L. Wichita. velop a television receiver like Columbia TV sets at your Marie A. Celia Jack J. Celia In a candlelight cere­ this! A new kind of ’TV set dealer now. Check perform­ mony at 7 p.m., Donna "Fisher bringing you the same, exciting ance, price, cabinets. Segjdt .11 exchanged vows with John Bar- 'Insurance of All Kinds' zlowski of Lowry air base. Rich­ real-life pictures in your home yourself why far-and-away the Tlw Fvturo. 21-iach picture. A magnificent, ard Sutterly and Patricia Batty IlMBreadwoy that the engineers transmit greatest value in tdevisioo to­ triumph of contemporary cabinetry,! ^43 Tears of Dependable Service in the Field where were best man and maid of honor from the TV studio! That's day is p ro tK ffy tagged . . v cxecutod m sdect, «oa)h>giaaied Ened.cak. respectively. Both marriages why a.tolevision today, and CBSChhtMHs’t Dependability is Essential were witnessed by Father Rob­ ert G. McMahon, pastor. J On Saturday, Dec. 6, sacristy 1120 Security Bldg. mh u c»uf. Phone KE. 2633 workers will be Kit Merkl, Kai Merkl, and Betty Secord.; Prices as low as $199.95 1953 Bazaar at Regis Dependable Life and Disability Policies for Protection ^ f Family, Home and Earnings. Planned for May 7-9 At the first meeting of the year, A Home Company Serving Denver and the held^ the past week, the Regis bazaar committee set the dates Rocky Mountafn Empire - for the 1953 annual bazaar at Joe Onofrio Music Co. the college on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 7-9. , *^HOME OF TELEVISION- UNITED AMERICAN Conducting the meeting was Ray Dillon, who is this year’s LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY bazaar chairman. Mr. Dillon an­ Member of St. Catherine's Parish nounced that the next meeting 1805 BROADWAY MA. 8585 1717 California St, Denvar CH. 6S3S of the executive Committee will be held Friday evening, Jan. 9, at 8 o’clock in the college. t -V r , [

PAGE SIX Office/938 Banneck Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4205 Thursday, December 4,1952 Court Benefit on Dec. 5 Hogan-Tucker Rites ■i Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ho­ !- EWtirm To Aid Hospital Patients gan were mar­ ried in a double- Court St. Rita 625, C. D. of A., is sponsoring a card party ring ceremony for Friday evening, Dec. 5, in the clubhouse, 1772 Grant street, Oct. 11 in All Denver. Proceeds from the party will be for the charity and Saints’ church, I Ui!?.'? M ^t.-KasiPiTRLfk philanthropic fund. It will assist the women who visit the girls Denver, with at the tuberculosis hospitals to provide modest gifts for the the Rev. Harley patients for Christmas. Mrs. Celeste O'Day is chairman, FE, 4920, and her committee consists of Misses Ida Callahan, Anne Schmitt offici­ McLain, Geraldine Neville, Elizabeth Sheeby, Elsie Sullivan, ating. Mrs. Ho­ and Margaret Sullivan; and Mmes. Mary Conway, Janey Cory, gan is the for­ Alice Harrington, Katherine Harrington, Abby Milner, Mar­ mer Mary Rita garet Price, Olive Rank, Maude Raedel, Elizabeth Salmon, Mar­ Tucker, daugh­ guerite Tauer, and Mary Zaiss. ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. The meeting in December of Court S t Rita will be held in Tucker of Den­ the clubhouse on Thursday, Dec. 11, at 7:30'p.m. This will be ver. She is a a Christmas party, with a light program, carol singing, and the graduate of St. social hour honoring the golden jubilee class. Hostesses will be Mmes. Therese Berg, Louise Brown, and Elizabeth Salmon, Francis de and Misses Teresa Feeney and Emms Grant. S a 1 e s’ high school and was employed by the r r r m T T T Mutual Life In- ♦ Christmas Party Dec. 14 surance c o m- pany of New LOU ANNE MOORE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. York. Mr. Ho­ F. R. Moore, 1315 S. Logan street, Denver, was married Slated by Nurses' Counci gan is B grad­ Oct. 18 in St. Francis de Sales’ church, Denver, before the Rev. uate of St. Vin- Julius Fecher, to Richard E. Poison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee (Archdioceian Council to be given to the Dominican c e n t’s high Poison, 3415 Osage street, Denver. The bride was attended by of Catholic Nuriei, Denver Sisters of the Sick Poor fpr use in school in Perryville, Mo., and the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan Dorothy Schwinolt, maid of honor, and Florence Brady and Joan Chapter) their work. The sick room sup­ of Perryville. He has served in the navy for the past two years. Nielson; the bridegroom was attended by Ronald Brothers as Catherine Scharping; chairman' plies may consist of new or used Mrs. Rosanna Jensen, sister of the bride, was matron of hono^ and '■ best man, and Albert Piro and Ralph Sugar. The couple attended of the program committee, an­ clothing or bedding, rubbing al­ Paul McBride was best man. Mrs. Mildred Young was the btides- ^ St. Francis de Sales’ high school and will make their home in San nounced that plans are being cohol, soap', or bath powder. maid and Vickey Lou Young, the flower girl. Harvey Jensen*. ■* CHALLENGER formulated for the annual Christ­ Members bringing children are brother-in-law to the bride, was usher. Diego, Calif.— (Photo by Smyth) ______mas party Dec. 14 in the Mercy asked to bring gifts for them Following a breakfast in the Olin hotel a reception was given ' hospital nurses’ home from 3 to be placed on the Christmas in the bride’s home. to 4:30 p.m. Each member is tree. Refreshments will be served After a wedding trip to St.^Louis, the couple are living in | COFFIE Woman Senator Aids Nun asked to bring a can of food and entertainment furnished. Alameda, Calif., where Mr. Hogan is stationed.— (Arthur Lord Freshness and Quality plus an article for the sickroom Three Join Lee photo) In Book on U. S. Politics Nursing Group Kiddies’ Cwistmas Party Planned by Knights Regis Guild Attends The Mother of Perpetual Help Women in general, Catholic “Why is it women fail to win The annual Knights of Colum­ Fred Deard, Bud Nolan, Frank guild volunteer nursing group bus, council 539, kiddies’ Christ­ Scheer, and Ralph Kramer. Danc­ women in particular, will wel­ office on the local level? '52 Memorial Mass has three new members: Julia come with special interest a Would you vote for a woman mas party will be held Monday, ing will be under the direction • HARDWARE The Regis guild sponsored the Weisengoff, Ruth Libowski, both Dec. 22, at 7 p.m. A show, Santa of Miss Cavallo. Stage settings publication soon to come out president? What reform would of the Denver General staff; and McMnrtry and Lowe’s Paints that deals with women in public you like to see accomplished annual Memorial Mass for the Claus’ Fairy Latid, will be pre­ are under the direction of Ralph deceased members and relatives Bernice Gottram of Mercy hos­ sented uhder the direction of Sporting Goods - Appliances life, more specifically. Women during the next administra­ pital. Six.member? of the guild Kramer. Admission to knights Who Have Been Elected to Con­ tion?” on Nov. 30. The Rev. Robert La­ Lecturer Charlie Young. He will and their families will be by paid- Admiral & Stromberg-Carlson'TV kes, S.J., who came to Denver for have donated 36 hours of nursing be assisted by Jack Monckton, up traveling cards. gress. Sister Anne Regis, Col­ Senator Smith is a member the funeral of his father, was the service to four patients In S t Open PHONE FR. 0200 — WE DELIVER Sundays lege of St. Teresa, Kansas City, of the Cathedral parish and a celebrant. Joseph’s hospital, Denver Gen­ ««««cie«tc«tc4C((icic(ci«4etrc«cicEici(!ctc«4c««ict14 to SAVE 1/3 ON YOUR MEAT BILL Catholic woman, Mrs. Eudochia 21, the date of the annual $095 For Dinner Dance Christmas party. 17th avenue, V.N.A. was called Bell Smith, for answer. to Phoehix, Ariz., because of the Senator Smith wrote Sister Jack Udick is home from the Complete Processing Service for Are Changed to Dec. 6 hospital and on the road to re­ critical condition of her daugh­ Anne Regis, “I am glad to see covery. ter, who was injured in an auto­ Velveteen Legging Lockers and Home Freezers such an important topic in such The Paramount club dinner mobile accident. capable hands, for women have dance will be Saturday of this Mr. Eyre is still quite ill. ^ week, Dec. 6, instead of Dec. 13 Mrs. Catherine Smith Flynn, Sets, matching caps yet to make good in the higher 354 S. Washington, announced Sizes 1-2 c& 3 >j g 9 5 offices of government. And as originally announced. The af­ We Sell Top Quality Meats fair will take place in the Argo­ Sacred Heart Alumnae the birth of a girl, Mary Kath­ any assistance at this time is leen, in S t Joseph’s hospital. Reg. $19.75 - Now Limited number of Locker? available now naut hotel, beginning at 7 p.m. more valuable than you per­ The program will include speak­ Plan Luncheon Dec, 5 Mrs. Fred Leyba of 323 Quit- haps realize.” The question­ ers of renown, an orchestra, a man has returned to work after Boys' Dress Twill KING'S FRIGID FOOD BANK naires include such topics as good dinner, and superb enter­ All members of the Colorado surgery. tainment. Members and friends Alumnae of the Sacred Heart E. A. Foy, father of Pauline Pants Sizes 4 to 10 ^2®* Mr. and Mrs. A. A. King (Members of Cathedral Parish) of the club are invited to attend, are urged to attend the luncheon McGinleyj underwent surgery in the Denver'Country club at Nov. 30. 2041 So. University Blvd. PE. 3§33 particularly new members and Lone Ranger Shirts Fresh others who wish to joip and meet 12:30 p.m. on FridSy, Dec. 5. In Bright $ '| 69 the requirements for member­ The guest will be the Rev. BBB Turkeys ship—40 or more, single (unmar­ Carl Krueger, S.J., of Regis col­ Good shepherd Society ried or widowed), and practical lege. After the luncheon a busi­ Jeans and Small ‘Whites Catholics. Tickets may be secured ness rneeting will be conducted Plans Christmas Party with Mrs. John T. Stoddart, Jr., With gay plaid lining $059 from members or at the door. Sizes 2 to 8 ...... WILLIAM HENRY For informatoin call Mrs. Robin­ presiding. Members are asked to The Good Shepherd Aid lo- son, president, CH. 1055 or Mr?. present any ideas they may have cietjr will hold a Chriitmas RA. 6060 Located at Mullen Desmond, DE. 1940. on the various projects of the party in the home of Mri. Gilei Mri. Peter Jonke Home For Boys grou^. Immediately after the F. Folejr, 1960 Grapo «traet, The annual election of officers meeting, they will proceed to the Toys & Games for the ensuing year will be held Denver, on Tueiday, Dee. 0, Fort Logan chapel of St. Joseph’s hospital at 1 p.m., at which time a lun­ at the next meeting of the club for Benediction. Those needing Use our Lay-away The Beer That in Loyola hall, 23rd and York cheon will be lerved by the 4276 S0.D0WmNflF CaU SU. 1-0774 Only transportation from the Country hottesA. Father William Mul- Open street, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m. Instal­ Tuei. & Sat. Evea. “Where Children Reiia" Made Milwaukee Famous lation of officers will be held the club to the chapel should con­ cahy, pastor of tho new Cure second Tuesday in January, 1953. tact Mrs. E. G. Sliney after the D’Ars parish, will be tho guest MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CD. Regular meetings are held each luncheon. speaker. second and fourth Tuesday of PAUL L. SCHMITZ & CO. jRobert M. — Paul V. — M. T. Murray; the month in Loyola hall at 8 p.m. Committee Heads Named Certified Public Accountants Scaff Brother. BAKERIES Betrothal Told PAUL L SCHMITZ, CLEMENT A. BUECHE They Gain In Favor ‘‘The Finest Only’’ At Board Meeting of CCW AND VINCENT N. SCHMITZ Announce So Good Is Their Flavor 1 87 So. Broadway (Denver Deanery, Archdiocesan tion; and Miss Lee Matties, legis­ 753 So. University Council of Catholic Women) lation. The Formation of a Partnership Sold at Leading Grocers 1 The appointments of four com­ It was decided that a speakers’ 1550 Colorado Blvd. bureau composed of women con­ At a New Address mittee chairmen were approved versant with the functions of the 1749 PENNSYLVANIA STREET . when the board members of the Denver deanery would be ad­ Denver deanery met Nov. 25. vantageous from a standpoint of Denver 3, Colorado Ready to Eat Whole The chairmen are Mrs. Charles acquainting affiliates and repre- December 1,1952 Phone Tabor 1393 Kurtz, civil defense; Mrs. Paul sentatives with the work of the ^ Fried Chicken $ 2 .5 0 1 Fitzgerald, co-operation with Denver deanery. Mrs. George A. Catholic Charities; Mrs. Albert Schwartz was asked to head this BAKED HAM Riede, family and parent educa­ Whole or by Slice committee. Assorted Salads Mrs. William Augustine an­ Holy Ghost Altar Unit nounced that Christmas parties Home-Made Pies would be held on Friday, Dec. 19, in the Little Flower center at Sets Yule Fete Dec. 10 3 o’clock, and in Vail center at 4 HUMMEL'S o’clock. Denver's Leadini Ctterers A Christmas party sponsored Mrs. James B. Kenny spoke of lEB HOT SOY STEAK CHIILITOS BAKBECUE W0BCHE8TEBSHIBI and Delicatessen by the members of the Holy th e' annual Christmas party BAtICE SAUCE |AUCE SEBBAKBS SAUCE SAUCE ^311 £. Seyenth Aye. K£. 1966^ Ghost Altar and Rosary society given in the Infant of Prague Condiment. - Reli.he. - Sauce. .Open Sundays & Weekdaj^ Till 7:30i will be held Wednesday, Dec. 10, nursery, which this year will Prepared and Packed by SCAFF BROTHERS, La Junta, Colo. ► CLOSED MONDAYS in Holy Ghost hall, Denver. A I on Sunday, Dec. 21, from 2 to’4 committee consisting of Mmes. o’clock. An invitation to the Mary Thornberry, Blanche Brad­ three parties is extended to all ley, and Christine Van Vranken who are interested. Mr. and Mrs. James J. will be in charge of arrange­ ments. A dessert luncheon will be The date of the next general Coursey, Sr.,, of 2542 Irving meeting will be Jan. 19, and a -K Roxbury Almond Clusters street, Denver, announce the en- served at 1 p.m. followed by evds. There will be special board meeting is scheduled for gageraenet of their daughter, Jo­ Feb. 24. ann Marie (above), to Joseph J. prizes and a prize for each table. M NVIR INDUSTRUl RINK ■K Roxbury Chocolate Covered The flvci area chairman Itave Matelich of Seattle, Wash. Miss The society will meet Dec. 8 at planned meetings of their com­ y ------CIORCI B. ROCK. RrasMiiil . Coursey was graduated in 1950 Cherries which time officers will be elec­ mittees for the first week in De­ >1534 CoUfomio M. Vgp - c . r* Phone MAin 3)59 < . from Holy Family high school in ted for 1953. The meeting will cember. Denver. Mr. Matelich is a junior be preceded by a luncheon for Nineteen members of the - > -K Roxbury Satin Mix at Washington State college, and members at 12:30. board and the spiritual director, is a member of the Phi Kappa Besides other prizes, there will the Rev. William J.. Monahan, fraternity there. The wedding be a ham and a basket with a attended the meeting, at which BREWED WITH PURE •¥ Roxbury Orange Sticks will take place in Denver but no complete dinner. Miss Margaret Sullivan presided. date has been set as yet. Roxbury Swedish Mints Eaves-Carson Nuptials ROCKY MOUNTAIN BERG'S Irene Carson, 29 Broadway PE. 1441 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John SPRING WATER Christmas is a time when you want to have plenty of your ^m ily’s ATTENTION Carson of 3440 Lafayette, was Churches-Schoolt-Lodges married in An- favorite candies around the house. And, of bourse, you’ll want to Gift Buyeri, Etc. nunciation . - '.'Pi CHRISTMAS CANDIES church, Denver, Nov. 13 to Wil- fill your Children’s stockings wit^delicious candy. Safeway has SpMitl pricM. I t Ibi. or mart Hard Candiea — CanM — Belli, etc. 1 i a m John Eaves, so n of BOXED CHOCOLATES Mr. a n d Mrs. a big assortment of all your favorites, and at a price that won’t Pete Rupp, 3527 1, 2, 3, 5-Ib. boxes Lafayette. The strain your already Christmas-weary budget. You’ll find that Rev. James Ahern officiat­ ed in the double­ Roxbury candy is as delicious as it is economical. S0CCUUST3 n MDTY MkSTOD ring ceremony. The bride was MARY AMNE given i n mar­ BAKERIES riage by l\er fa- ther. Doris All Butter Maes and Bob CAKES Maes attended for th e couple as Wedditixi and matron of hon­ Partieo or and best ■ 601 8. Broadway—PE. 692B man, r e s p e c- 1024 8. Gaylord 25 Broadway tively. A wed­ '■I PEarl 721S SPruca 7412 05 W. Girard Encl'w'd 8U. 1-1068 ding breakfast SAFEWAY lew was held at 3527 Liaiayette. Alter a snort weaaing tnp, Mr. md Mrs. Eaves are residing at 1126 Clarkson. M9S-M eossi csgJAlLT. OOlOlu. moBABO. n t n .

IL i'* Thursday, December 4,1952 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone; Keystone 4205 PAGE SEVEN

/ Legion Planning Gift Drive Step forward . .* The Denver district j^mei ing a city-wide appeal to all Den­ Court St. Rita Initiates Golden Jubilee Class in Satin and Chantilly Lejrion and the Leg:ioh~»^Qary verites to send a remamberance (Catholic Daughteri of America) 4- + + + . are beginqinr this sveek;^ ^ h t for a veteran in the hospital.” Members of the golden lace with net. . . annual Gifte for HospitalHed Gifts dr cash are welcome, and jubilee class of Court St. so fabulous it has become Veterans drive. ' . all presents will be gift-wrapped C. D. of A. Guests at Banquet Tom FitzGerald, Denver dis­ by the auxiliary women. They Rita ‘625 received into the a tradition in itself— col trict American Legion com­ will be delivered to the veterans court Sunday afternoon, each year it makes mander, who heads the veterans in hospitals on Christmas eve. Nov. 30, are Mrs. Elsie M. wii more brides more 1 gift program, said that letters of Contributions may be sent to: Ball, Mrs. Irene Bickett, Mrs. api request for gifts have been Gifts for Hospitalized Veterans, Beulah Bills, Mrs. Octavia Bills, beautiful. De mailed to Denver businessmen American Legion Memorial Mrs. Nell Bonino, Mrs. Pearl R. att and other past contributors. “In building, 1370 Broadway, Davis, Mrs. Sadie Flock, Mrs. Mail Order Inquiries Invited addition,” he said, “we are mak Denver. Isabel! Fisher, Mrs. Marie V. Aik to M6 our Gorman, Mrs. Margaret A. Goiiard waiitnipoinff Hagan, Mrs. Frances E. Kear­ undenarfn«iiu ney, Miss Agnes M. Kucler, Mrs. Loraine F. Lombardi, Mrs. A beautiful collection Maude J. Luttrell, Mrs. Marie of Cocktail Dresses Mahoney, Mrs. Hattie H. Porter, Mrs. Thereso Renaud, Mrs. B. Yvonne • Rohan, Miss Frances Steffes, Miss Mary Shinnick, and Mrs. Florence Tucker. AT THE SPEAKERS’ TABLE at the J. Vehr, Mrs. Mary L. Roh^n, grand regent; ' Finer Services At the banquet in the Terrace C. D. of A. banquet were, left to right, Monsignor Fraheis P. Cawley of Grand Junction, room of' the Brown Palace hotel above, Monsignor John R. Mulroy, Miss Cather­ and Miss Sabina O’Malley of Grand Junction.— in the evening, Mrs. Mary L. ine McNulty, state regent; Archbishop Urban (Register photo by Turilli) for Catholic Families Rohan, grand reg^ent, presided. Miss Catherine Maloney, vice re­ gent, welcomed th^ class into the court, the response for the class 1 Library Society Lists 2 8 Hew Members The firm has served the •i being n^ade by Mrs. B. Yvonne Rohan. ‘ Archbishop Urban J. (Catholic Information and McConaty, Mrs. William Kurth, man Harvest, Theophane Ma­ Vehr, guest of honor, spoke on Library Society, Denver) Mrs. Louis E. Harrington, needs of Catholic familier the expansion of the Church' in guire, C.P.; Safeguarding Mental Denver and its suburbs and in Mrs. Hazel Campbell, librarian Amelia Riedel, Katherine Cough­ Health, R. C. McCarthy, S.J.p otha* Colorado cities, and the of the Catholic Information and lin, Viola Stritt, Tim Reedy, E. and The Emancipation of a since 1890. Our chapel, with Library society at 625 19th B. Coughlin, D. F. Vallero, Freethinker, Herbert Ellsworth work of women’s organizations in street, reports the following connection with the expansion. Aubrey Holestne, and Mrs. T. C. Cory. its lovely murals provides members for the past week; Naquin. A business meeting of the The Rt. Rev. John R. Mulroy, a The following books were do­ friend of the court for many Helen A. Rummerfield, A1 membership committee was held Cortes, Jeannette Ryan, Jeanne nated by Mary Ellen Wise of 524 Nov. 28 at Holy Ghost hall-with altogether suitable sur­ years, commented on its history, Banahan, Mrs. R. Stubbelefield, Pearl street: Personality and A and made an appeal for the jun­ Joseph Learned presiding. Mrs. Leta M. Vale, Mrs. Ralph F. Successful Living, James A. Twenty members were present — 515 Sixteenth Street (Next to Paramount) < r roundings for Catholic iors and for the needs at Mont- Taylor, Herbert* W. Leibman, Magner; Alms for Oblivion, rita, junior camp at Nederland. despite the severe weather. Fa­ Henry Berte, Dr. Leo Conway, George Carver; Miss Warren’s ther Francis Syrianey, spiritual funerals. Also appearing for the juniors Frank Usick, Mrs. K. J. Bertram, Son, Elizabeth Jordan; Molders were Miss Anne Limacher, state moderator, was also present. A < K Katherine Stauter, Frank of Opinion, edited by David Bul- chairman of the membership junior chairman; Mrs. Jane Mc­ Dechant; DR. JAMES P. Donald, Denver junior chairman; man; Too Small a World, Theo­ committee will be appointed by Maj. Lois K. Grant, Mrs. J. R. dore Maynard; Road from the president in the near future. and the Rev. Frederick D. Mc- Mosier, Edward H. Wurtz, Jim Olivet, Edward P. Murphy; Hu- GRAY Compare Our Insurance Plan Calliri, junior chaplain. Past Mrs. Katherine Harsh and grand regents present at the ban­ Mrs. Howard Sleeper, chairman Optometriit With Any Other Offered quet were Mrs. Mary J. O’Fallon, of volunteer librarians, have VISVAL CARE valiant first grand regent of Week's Mission Opens spent each Monday morning EYES EXAM imn Court St. Rita and first state since May cataloging the books VISVAL TRAimiSG regent; Miss Anne Fallon, Mrs. at the Catholic Information and Official Extension Art Calendar for Kate K. Miller, Mrs. Mabel Mc­ Library center. Library hours Optometrist 1953 now Available. Call at Our Farland, and Mrs. Louise Brown. . At St. Elizabeth's Dec. 7 are Monday and Saturday from Mrs. Anne Sullivan, member of 12 noon to 5 p.m.; Tuesday, 212-li Colo. Bldg., 1615 Calif. St. Office for Your Copy, (St. Elizabeth’* Pariah, Denver) will be given also for the grade the court, gave several lovely school children. On Wednesday Thursday, and Friday from 3 to Phone for Appointment vocal solos, accompanied by A one-week mission will 8 p.m.; and Sundays from 11 open at St. Elizabeth’s at 2:30 there will be the bless­ TA. 8883 Frank^ Graboski. Mrs. Miller led ing of all children who have been a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The library is the group singing with Mrs. church Sunday, Dec. 7. It baptized but have not as yet re­ closed on Wednesdays. Myrtle L. Ross, accompanying. will be for men and women, ceived their First Communion. Loretto Sullivan, volunteer Mrs. Sabina O’Malley, of Court married and single, froin Thursday ■will be a day of adora­ librarian, is spending her vaca­ Mt. Holy Cross, Grand Junction, tion, which will begin after the tion in Kansas City, Mo. delegrate to the national golden high school age on. Fathers Dec­ lan A. Madden, O.F.M., and 8 o’clock Mass and come to a Everett Billington, husband of jubilee convention at Lake Placid close at the evening devotions. in July, 1952, gave highlights Mark D. Breen, O.F.M., will be Marguerite Billington, Lafay­ Horan & S on Chapels the missionaries. Father Dec­ The mission will come to a close ette, has been ill at home for the of the convention, enumerating Sunday afternoon, Dec. 14. KEyston* 6297 KEystone 6298 many of the works accomplished lan has been assigned to the past seven weeks. Mrs. Billing­ by the national organization dur­ mission band working out of’ The Altar and Rosary so­ ton is one of the volunteer 1527 Ctavaland Pl«ct ing the 50 years of its existence St. Elizabeth’s for the past few ciety will meet Tuesday, Dee. librarians at the Catholic Rental —millions of dollars to religious, years and Father Mark is a new­ 9, at I p.m. The annual Christ­ library, located in the Clarke charitable, and philanthropic ac­ comer to the West, but he has mas party will be held. Church Goods house, 1633 ART METAL tivities, especially the Society for been preaching missions, re­ The meeting of the Parent- Tremont. the Propagation of the Faith. treats, and novenas for the past Teachers’ assocation will be Individuals interested in serv­ OFFER THESE OUTSTANDING ADVANTAGES..> Accompanying Mrs. O’Malley to few years in the East. /' postponed one week because of ing as a volunteer librarian by The evening devotions will be donating four hours’ service RA6T0AY GENERAL TIRE CO. Denver was the Rt. Rev. Mon­ the mission. At the last meeting • New Mellow.Gray finisk... signor Frank B, Cawley, chap­ at 7 :45 and will last approxi­ Father Edward Leyden addressed every month may get in touch mately one hour, during which attractive' and does not ab­ lain of Court Mt. Holy Cross, and the meeting. He told of the with Mrs. Howard Sleeper, chair­ sorb light. in former years chaplain of time there will be an instruction, school problems becauso of the man of volunteer librarians, DE. GENERAL TIRES Court St. Rita, and Mrs. Bertha the Rosary, sermon, and Bene­ increase of the number of chil­ 598F. Mrs. Campbell, librarian, • • Planned drawer arrango- Peters, past grand regent of diction. The Masses during the dren. The children entertained has been assisting the publicity ments for maxinnim con­ General Batteries Court Mt. Holy Cross. The sub­ week will be 6, 7 and^S, followed the parents under the direction chairman, Mrs. Earl F. _ Baker, venience and efficiency. ject of the talk by Miss Cath­ by. a short instruction. A mission of Sister Michael. Mrs. Qualteri for the past two months ■with the a Glare-free Artobn top*. > Kraft Recapping publicity for the organization. G E N E R A L i erine McNulty, state regent, gave a pantry shower with the a Easy gliding and ball­ Kraft Inspected member of ' Court St. Theresa, Polio Fund Fashion help of her committee. The sis­ St. Thomai Aquinai Circla bearing roller suapenatoo SQUEEGEE Glenwood Springs, was “Nuggets ters are grateful for the shower. Mrs. Doris Jay, 2251 Forest, drawers. Used Tires from Fifty Golden Years.” Miss Show Set for Jan. 19 Sister Maureen has taken over will be hostess for the meeting McNulty spoke briefly of the his­ the duties as second grade of the St. Thomas Aquinas circle tories of the affiliated courts in The March of Dimes fashion teacher. Sister Ann was trans­ Tuesday, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m. Mem­ Let us demonstrate the superior features G.T.A.C. Easy Pay 1401 W. Colfax KE. 520.t Colorado. show -will be held Jan. 19 in the ferred to the school in O’Neill. bers are requested to briflg a o f Art Metal Mainliner Desks, Mrs. Ann Sullivan was the Denver theater. Catholic women 50-cent gift for an exchange of soloist, accompanied by Frank of Denver, realizing the real char­ Christmas presents between the Groboski. ity and assistance given by the St. Anthony's Nurses' members. BUSINESS FURNITURE CO. EVERGREEN GRAVE BLANKETS National Foundation for Infan­ The father of Anne Kombal, tile Paralysis to those who need Yule Party on Dec. 10 1337 E. 11th avenue, is critically 1334 Champa AL 6268 Meeting Slated Dec. 7 the care and financial support, ill. Particularly well made, heavy Evergreen Grave Blanketf. are again responding to the call By Queen's Daughters for assistance in this work. Sub­ The St. Anthony hospital Painted to order or etpecially decorated. scriptions to the fashion show nurses’ alumni Christmas party The Queen’s Daughters will may be obtained from the follow will be held Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. in A Chriatmaa wreath aaya "Merry Chriatmaa*' throorhout tha meet Sunday, Dec. 7, at 3 p.m. ing: the nurses’ residence, Denver. entira aaaaon. All iltea, either plain or decorated. Packed to in the home of Miss Loretta Mmes. Frank Albi, ER 2058; All members are urged to come mail or czpreae if detired. Loughran. The hostesses will be John P. Akolt, Sr., FR 3960; and bring a $1 gift Mmes. Byrd Hesselbine, • Anne C. A. Freudenstein, EA 4357; Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien, Larre aelection of Christmaa treea. All aiioa. Painted, froeted Curtis, Ann Tagan, and Mary Lito Gallegos, EA 6703; G. Gus- Jr., the former Lucy Kanak, are and Snow Flocked and Fireproof Treea a epedalty. McAboy, and Misses Loretta hurst, DE 3729; 0. H. Hence- the parents of a boy, Kevin Pat­ Loughran, Ida Kerwin, and mann, PE 6622; James B. Ken­ rick. Eulalia Barock. ney, EA. 4681; T. J. Morrissey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kaiser, The program will be “Christ­ EA 3401; Paul Murray, FR 4752; the former Barbara Toole, are McCOY & JENSEN mas Customs in Other Lands.” A. Rossi, Hazeltine 195; George the parents of a girl. Members are requested to bring Smart, EA 1415; J. Leonard Swi- The annual spaghetti dinner 2799 North Speer Blvd. GL. 4288 small gifts such as scarves and gert FR 0416; James T, Tierney, held in S t Anthony’s dining costume jewelry for the Holy FR 1610; and Fred H. Thomp­ room was a success. All who Ghost center. son, PE 8661. helped are thanked. DENVER Al Bennett Guild Sets Christmas Breakfast (Archbishop’a Guild) ness meeting will be held after A Christmas party is planned Final plans are being the breakfast in order that each for Dec. 10 by the Our Lady of Men's Clothing Dept. committee may report on tjieir Sorrows circle. Catherine Me- NATIONAL made by'Helen Kinkel, chair­ various activities. Fadden will be the hostess. Rogers-Peel man of the entertainment Each circle is asked to turn The Our Lady of’ Fatima cir­ committee and her cochair­ jn its contribution at this meet­ cle will meet Dec. 6 in the home Society Brand man, Sylvia Keller, for the ing to help buy candy for the of Nellie Nixon. ScoLsdale guild’s annual Christmas break­ poor children who visit the vari­ A special meeting of St. ous social centers at Christmas CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW OPEN Brayton fast that will be served in St. Teresa’s circle will be held in Francis de Safes’ cafeteria, 235 time. the/home of Frances Schmidt, S. Sherman street, Sunday, Dec. The Infant of P ra ^ e circle 3051 S. Race street. A new 7, following the 9 o’clock Mass will meet jointly with St. Anne’s inember of the circle is~Virginia in St. Francis de Sales’ church. circle in the home of Mrs. Ed­ Hunt, sister of Mrs. Poltera. Select the plan that best fits your THE mflV CO. The Mass will be offered by ward Scheunemann. All linens Members of St. Thomas More’s and overall^ will be collected at circle will celebrate their Christ­ needst Start Saving Now 2ND FLOOR Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, who will be guest of honor at the this meeting. St. Anne’s circle mas party with a dinner on Dec. Christmas meeting. A short busi- will have 25 dolls for the Santa 10. Deposit Every Receive Next Claus shop. Mrs. Elmer Lee will be the Other Week November Mre. Olive Robertson will en­ hostess to St. Joseph’s circle on for a happier tertain the Blessed Martin circle Dec. 10. Avis Dade, a former 4 on Dec. 8. Members will have member who lives in Los Ani­ $ .50 $ 12.50 their Christmas party at this mas, will be in town indefinitely 1 .0 0 25.00 Christmas meeting. because of the serious illness of 2 .0 0 The Mystical Rose circle will her father, Mr. Ford. 50.00 meet Dec. 4 in the home of Helen _ The Immaculate Conception 4.00 100.00 In 1953! Kinkel. Members will exchange circle will . ___ meet____ Dec. 6 in the 6 .0 0 gifts and assemble the layette, home of Cecelia Garland. 150.00 1 0 .0 0 250.00 16th at Stout TA. 1211 + + + + ' + 2 0 .0 0 500.00 ']Ar • • • or to meet first-of*the- , Plan Event Dec. 7 ' Club Aeceunti may be opened now -h n ' through Fobmory 6, 1953 year taxes, annual insurance Last payment due October 26, 1953 premiums, other payments!

Tammis Keefe’s hoeus-^oens hanfiieis Clever Christmas gift for the discriminating woman! Colorful linen hand- MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ' kercliiefs with hand roiled edges, novel magician printl Set of tyo in their own harlequin gift box ...... (fa AC. 2661 - , ^ Corner 17th & Chompa • HELEN KINKEL (left) and Sylvia Keller are com­ '.t # * Neusteters, Street Floor • pleting plana for the annual Chriatmas breakfaat of Member Federal Depoiit Insurance Corporation ; > tbo Archbiahop’i guild, which will be held Sunday, Dee. 7.

...... ■■vZ-fc--::/ . ' ' r 1

PAGE EIGHT Office,*93$ Bannoek'Sfreef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4205 Thursdoy, December 4,1952 Trinidail Grinders Capture First State Championship + + + + + + Torrid Basketball Campaign State Trophy Presented Cathedral Succumbs Lackey Gathers One In Visualized for Catholic Preps

By Carl Balcerak The Bulldogs, who played a As Crowd Shivers A preview of the basketball practice game against Strass* burg on Dec. 2. will onen B y D on K l e n e teams in the Denver Catholic regular season play against A little extra speed and drive, a tremendous cocap­ high school league gives evidence Mullen’s Mustangs Jan. 4. tain combination, and some pretty fair breaks boosted of'a hotly contested 1952-53 season, and strong competition Regi» Looks Strong the Crimson Tigers of Holy Trinity to a smashing 30-13 for the 1951-52 champions, tjie Phil Antonelli, who played victory over Cathedral the past Sunday afternoon. The St. Joseph Bulldogs. with the fabulous Regis Rangers of 1949, takes over as head win gave Holy Trinity high school its first Catholic state Despite the loss of ^oe Wedow, coach of the Raiders with the championship. high-scoring ace of the past departure of Robert Shana­ Although the Tigers clearly year’s squad, the Bulldogs will overpowered and outplayed Cobe guard by Manzanares midway in display an experienced array of han, S.J., who is pursuing fur­ ther theological studies at S t Jones’ Blue Jays, the scoring the first period. The second came hoopsters. Don Eagle and Jim punch demonstrated by both one play later after Ed Lackey’s LeFevre, all-state selections in Mary, Kans, , Antonelli guided the past year’s “B” squad to a teams held a reqord - breaking interception of a Cathedral pass. 1952, are top prospects. Jim 12-1 record. Replacing him as throng of .3,500 spectators glued, Gene Gagliardi sprinted 61 yards Owen, George Koenig, Larry freshman coach is Joe Erra' or possibly frozen, to their seats around right end to score unmo­ Spahn, Butch Nobles, Jerry mouspe. until the final gun. -The tempera- lested. Koch, and Norval Davis are the Antonelli will build his attack twe dropped below zero, but ex­ The final first-hal:^ score was around the versatile Bob Mass- citement was at fever pitch by registered shortly after Frank Bob Burns also has some prom­ man, Jim Drinkard, and Tom the early minutes of the final Schiavone had ising prospects in Ronnie De- quarter as Cathedral jabbed over been ruled out Lage, Larry Sweeney, Ron Mar- Duggan, the mainstays of the past season’s runner-up Raider its second score to trail, 18-13, of bounds on cely. Sonny Casey, and Jim Col­ after an 18-0 Trinity lead at quintet. Also returning to the the 24, forcing lins. Raider lineup are John Mulligan, ^THE KNUTE ROCI^NE TROPHY, symbolic of the half time. • , Cathedral’s fiery second-half Cathedral t o Bulldogs to Host Tourney Gene Sakala, John Meier, Leo state Catholic high school championship, is presented lose the ball on St. Joseph’s will play host in Scheur, and John Fischer; Coach rally was thwarted a few plays downs. The Antonelli has a trio of fine pros­ by Tom Gargan, president of the Denver Notre Dame club, to the later, however, as Tiger Cocap­ pre-league tournament to be cocaptains of the" victorious Holy Trinity Tigers of Trinidad, Holy Trinity held'in the Bulldog gym on Dec, pects in John Dickson, Jack Pe- tain Emilio Manzanares recov­ team drew a 5, 6, and 7. The other three datto. and Danny Porecco. Emilio Manzanares (behind the trophy) and Gene Gagliardi, ex­ ered a Jay fumble just 19 yards treme right. The Rev. F. L. Sebastiani, superintendent of Holy five - yard pen­ teams who will participate in the The Raider* will play Ft. from pay dirt. After three-plays alty to their 19 tourney are St. Francis’, Holy Lupton Dec. 5, arid open in Trinity high school, is at thie extreme left. The Tigers were guided had failed to gain, Manzanares PESTY ED LACKEY, a Tiger from Trinidad who' tossed a wobbly, end-over-end for backs in mo­ Family’s Tigers, and Mullen league competition Jan. 9, to their first state title by Coach Latuda, shown standing tion, and then got in the Denver Cathedral Blue Jays’ feathers all aft­ high. againit Annunciation. between his two star backs.— (Photo by Smyth) pass to Gene Gagliardi, the other Gene Gagliardi Gagliardi, run­ ernoon, pulls in a stray Jay pass, one of two Lackey interceptions, Trinity cocaptain. who dashed ning behind close-packed inter­ on the Cathedral 27-yard line. Ron Cito (46) hurries up too late over to put the Tigers ahead. ference, boomed over right guard to make *he catch. Lackey’s alert defensive play helped the Tigers liivitational Tourney 24-13. for 81 yards and a score. to a decisive 30-13 victory over Cathedral the past Sunday and Gagliardi then punted to Ron the first state Catholic high-school championship for Holy Trinity. Regis' Ollie Is Talented Cage Coach Cito, who returned from the 15 For Cathedral, three consecu­ To Open .Cage Season to the 25. From that point Ca­ tive recoveries of Holy Trinity By Don Klene Midwest conference champion- fumbles by Joe Ciarelli did much sljip, suffering but one loss—a thedral drove 66 yards to the A good cook will often admit Trinity nine, only to Iqse posses­ to kindle the second-half f ir e ­ Catholics Spark Pioneers that a savory dish could well re­ 14-0 defeat at the hands of The first pre-season in'vita- works. . (This same team in­ tional tournament, sponsored by sion as Gagliardi intercepted on “If Frank Leahy hears about Denver university’s speedy plays wing on the.D, U. team and sult from the quality of the in­ the one-yard line and returned to gredients in use, but seldom is flicted a 7 to 0 defeat upon St. Joseph’s high school, will be this, he’ll snatch that boy up 1953 hockey edition, laden with who attended De La Salle college Greeley in another nonleague played Friday, Saturday, and the Trinity 24. to trail his ball carriers,” com­ Catholic stars from Canada and in Oakland, Ont.; George Moo­ she so rash as to make a definite On this Jay drive, made pos­ prediction. contest.) Sunday, Dec. 5, 6, and 7, in the mented one pressbox scribe. the Northeastern part of the ney, a goalie from Montreal who ■ Following a four-year period sible by the running of Cito and The first recovery was made attended the Catholic high sch6ol St. Joseph high school gym. Sixth three completed passes by Cata­ U. S., -will tangle again tonight, Coach “Ollie” Olson, master as head coach of basketball, and Gallapago, to inaugurate the on the Holy Trinity 46. The en­ Dec. 4, with the University of in that city; Wajt Morin, a let-_^ chef of Regis’ hard court con­ lina, End Paul Lamb executed suing series of end runs (capital­ football, and baseball at Mac- 1952-53 Catholic high school bas­ one of the prettiest finger-tip Toronto Blues, one of the finest ter winner as goalie in the 1950-' coctions, is equally cautious in alester college, St. Paul, Minn., ketball season. ized on by both teams throughout sextets in Canada, at the D. U. 51 season, wlio is from Woon-“ foretelling the season’s outcome •“Ollie” received a commission catches of the season for a gain the game) carried to the three for his Buzz Boys. The Holy Family, St. Erancis, of 20 yards. arena. socket. R. I.; Willis ‘Peanuts” (Lt. JG) in the navy in August,' Mullen high, and St. Joseph cage from where Horan powered over The first game of the two-tilt O’Leary, center, who attended; If the genial Swede’s past With one-half minute remain­ on a quarterback sneak. Schia­ 194'3. He was assigned to the teanq? will participate. The win­ ing to be played and with thd series was played last night in St. Mary’s Boys’ high school record is indicative, however, Iowa pre-flight in Iowa City, la., ner will be awarded the Invita­ vone drove over right guard for the arena, and another tough there; John Pbpenuik, defense- local cage fans may look for­ Blue Jays desperately attempting the extra point. where he served 10 months as a tional trophy. to score on passes, Mike Cuccia contest is in store for this eve­ man from Regina, Saskatchewan; ward to another season of basketball director, and the re­ Following is the tourney sched­ Ciarelli’s second recovery was ning. ' and Craig Robertson, center, sparkling play. The past year snuffed out the Jays’ final threat made on the Tiger 34, but three maining 20 months of his navy ule: with ah interception. Among the Catholics on the whose home town is Toronto, and the Buzz Boys “mixed it up” ac­ career as an instructor in the plays later his mates fumbled Friday, Dec. 5: 7 p.m., Mullen On the following play Man­ and lost possession to Holy Trin­ D. U. team are Mel Mullen, a who attended St. Michael’s col­ cording to Coach Olson’s recipes “survival department.’-’ vs. St. Francis’; 8 p.m.. Holy sophomore from Ontario who lege there. ’ K for a record of 19 ■wins against Black Hills Teachers’ college zanares again passed to 'Gagli­ ity. 'The Tigers, in turn, ran four Family vs, St. Joseph's. ardi to rocket the score to a plays and fumbled with Ciarelli eight losses. in Spearfish, S. Dak., claimed Saturday, Dec. 6: 7 p.m., Holy Included in their victory cap “Ollie’s” talents upon his return final 30-13. All five extra­ recovering again, almost on the Family v*. St. Francis’; 8 p.m., point kicks failed for the Tig­ same yard marker. were the top spot in the Enid, to civilian life. In two years his Mullen high vs. St. Joseph’s. Okla., invitational tourney and teams (playing in two leagues, ers. This time the Jays hung onto DO YOU WANT A 1953 TV SET? Sunday, Dec. 7: 2 p.m., Mul­ Holy Trinity’s first-half lead the ball and encompassed the 33 third place in the NAIB pre- the Montana Dakota conference, len V*. Holy Family; 3 p.m., St. Christmas tourney in which they and the State College confer­ came as the result of 39, 61, and remaining yards, mainly on the 'Ollie’ OUoa Francis’ vs. St. Joseph’s; 7 p.m., 81-yard runs by Manzanares and strength of an end run by Schia- S p a c ia L jA a d n - m . knocked off Springfield teachers ence) won three pennants in 3rd and 4th place playoff; 8 p.m., Gagliardi. The first score came'vone from the 30 to the 16 and of , winner of the football, three in basketball, and firsf and second place playoff. on a 39-yard burst over right Horan’s pitchout to Catalina, who coveted NAIB tourney the pre­ “Ollie” paced his high school two in track. Use your old piano, radio, musical instruments, vious spring. mates with four monograms With a varsity squad a v e r t­ miiMBiiiimiiimiifii ■iiiiwtiiiiHimiBiifminmmiiMiiiiiHnMiHiiiiwiiiimimaimMMmitHiiiiiiwitimiiHaiiNmiiiin turned .right end from five yards each in football, basketball, and out for the score. Horan’s jump sewing machine, tools . . . or what have you —- Bom in Wheaton, 111., in 1912, ing nearly six feet, two inches pass for the extra point failed. track. In addition he was named in height and with an exception­ as a Down Payment Balance on Bank Terms all-conference as a' center in ally promising freshman crop, All of Cathedral’s backs basketball; he garnered the this year’s Buzz Boys should SiMinsL SidsdiqhiL played well the past Sunday, Call or Come in—We will make you the Capitol Office state championship in high offer Coach Olson a real chal­ with the flashy performance* jumping; and he was named all- lenge. of freshman Fullback Joe Cat­ . best deal in Denver! Supply Co, state in football as a fullback. alina, and sophomore Halfback Currently on their first road Ron Cito particularly gratify- 1530 Broadway AL 45^6 Stars at Northwestern trip, the Buzz Boys ■will open Holy Trinity’s Tigers made “The sisters’ cooking is the their season Friday night, Dec. 5< ii^ to Blue Jay follower*. Office Suppliet & Furniture Under Coach Dick Hanley at full use Sunday afternoon of answer. Good substantial meals For Holy Trinity it would be Northwestern university the star against powerful Creighton uni­ Fullback Gene Gagliardi, who served the same time evhry difficult to' single out any one Skyway Radio & Television Co. athlete alternated between full­ versity in Omaha, Neb. twice “exploded” with atomic day, boys in bed and up at reg­ player for plaudits, since all the back and quarterback for a three- From Omaha, the Ranger* energy, scattering Cathedral ular hours . . . nothing like Tigers sparkled in victory. Gag­ C. F. Ortiz, Prop. (Member Mother of God Parish) Title Insurance year varsity football career and will go on to play Ha*ting* col­ tacklers like boWling "pins, as he hoarding school for making liardi, however, looks to be one of three years of all-conference .ac­ lege, Dec. 8; Kan*a* We*leyan ambled 61 and 81 yards for TDs. men out of boys.” the outstanding prep backs in the 711 East 6th Ave. . KE 1898 is the modern method of ob­ claim. While at Northwestern univer*ity, Dec. 10; Kama* In spite of the 17-point spread state on the strength of his show­ taining protection against any “Ollie” also captained the track State Teacher*, Dec. 11; Ne- in score, from where we sat Ca­ Parents might note that the ing the past Sunday and over the defect in the Title of your squad. bra*ka State Teacher*, Dec. thedral and Holy Trinity ■were A.bbey will have 35 vacancies season. real estate. 12; South' Dakota univer*ity, In his first actual coaching rt unevenly matched. This after June 1. 4- + + . And provides duties, while studying for a mas­ Dec. 15; and Ha*ting* college frozen fan’s impression is that COLORADO KNITTING MILLS ter’s degree at Boston univers­ again on Dec. 17. The team the difference between the SECURITY ity, Coach Olson directed the will open at home on Jan. 5 Tigers and the Biuejays was Top Coach, Star Honored 1434 Welton St, Denver KE. 2443 university’s freshman football in the Denver auditorium Holy Trinity’s ability to explode squad and performed as assistant against Kansas Wesleyan in without warning. Wh«rt athlttM Bweaters ar« made. We make award track mentor. the first of three doublehead­ •weatcri for all leadint ichoola, colleges, fraternitioo, The Tigers probed Cathedral’s and have all of the official achool colors,. Oar awaatcra From 1936-39 “Ollie” served ers in which the Bankers share line, tested the ends, and felt will hold tbeir shapa and will oat-wear othar awcat- as director of physical education the double bill. out the aerial route. 'Without ex­ era priced a great deal higher. Yoa will enjoj wearing at Carleton college, Northfield, a sweater particalarly designed for 70a. Come in and ception, the scores came as sud­ ace oar aeleetion of fine ekl aweaters and ladlca Minn. His 1936 team won the denly as winter descended^ on iweatera. Bax diract from Colorado Knitting Mills Property Mullen Mustangs Clip Denver last week. and tarb. Owner Apparently, the hot Tigers Rosaries I Eleven From Santa Fe “iced” the game not a little like With all of the scoring tallied Jack Frost has “iced” the Mile High city, and both “icings” were Insures Marketability Diamonds-Watches in the last five minutes of play, the revitalized Mullen Mustangs obvious at frozen Regis stadium repeated their upset performance the past Sunday. * Jewelry KMYR’s sportscaster, Bill SotefuCtooM, that revolutionized standings in Reed, perched atop the stadium J h s L jiik . the Denver Catholic High School press box to bring the play-by- league a couple of weeks ago, play to armchair fans. At least he THE MOST PERSONAL PEN IN ALL THE WORLD '^uahanissL Qo. this time with a 7-6 victory over had no repetition of last week’s St. Michael’s of Santa Fe, N. difficulty with frosty press box SUNDMAN'S Mex.: No other pen makes so personal a gift Stat« Wid« Tltl« Service Watchmakers and Jewelers St. Michael's scored first on windows. Found; One advantage of a as an Esterbrook. From the world’s ITllCalifornia KE 1251 59 South Broadway a 20-yard pass after the Mus­ team arriving at Regis in a char­ tang* had fumbled on their tered bus. During the halftime, largest sele(;tion of point styles you can iMlMHtMiMdtkDllMlMtkMtS own 20. The Mullenites coun­ the Tigers retired to their well- choose the point precisely right for the L tered with a 35-yard pass from heated Greyhound bus. The tired way they write—the exact point-for Ibarra to Segengerger, com­ Biuejays clustered coldly at the pleted in the end zone. northwest corner of the unheated •AWARDS FOR THE outstanding coach and player their kind of writing job. FIRST ANNUAL PRE-SEASON With only two minutes re­ gridiron. maining in the game, Ibarra in the Catholic High School football league in 1952 -were ST. JOSEPH'S HIGH SCHOOL knelt to hold for a kick. Instead, 'What makes Canon City Ab­ presented at the half-time of the Cathedral-Holy Trinity game to Bersano snapped directly to Mul- bey teams rugged? Cobe Jones (center), noted mentor of the Cathedral Blue Jays, and holland, poised for the kick, and Here’s the answer given by Eloy Mares (left), oUtstanding backfield star for the Annuncia­ INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT the Mullen standout tossed a sur the Very Rev. Jerome Healy, tion Cardinals. Both are shown holding their trophies, presented prise strike to Padilla, who O.S.B., president of the South­ by a group of Denver appliance stores. At the right, the Rev. ST. JOE’S GYM — SIXTH & GALAPAGO snared it from a huddle of de­ ern Colorado Parochial league, Owen McHugh, assistant pastor at the Cathedral parish, cradles fenders in an angling, circ and prior and vice president of the Knute Rockne trophy, subsequently given to the Holy Trinity Dec. 5, 6, 7—Friday, Saturday & Sunday catch to win for Mullen. the Abbey:______Tigers, 1952 state Catholic champs.—(flegfster staff photo) Teams in Tournament St. Francis ' '' Holy Family Junior'Parochial Loop Trophies Mullen St. Joseph's Double Elimination

Adults $1.00 Good for 3 nites 70 Broadway Students 7Sc F A 8 game* RA. 4658 £d. Pepper Member Precioui Blood Pariih

A m e r i c a i v C y c l e A y RUBBERS-BOOTS GALOSHES Bikes & Trikes Vnlcsnised anil Repaired Lay-Away Now! ROY SYSTEM S, 1901 South Broadway PE arl 3180 Broadway at inrinfton BP« 4161 ‘|i 6 6 Why Pay More?99 Dfe Fe A. Smith Optometrist (Trademark) Wm. W. Myer Drug Stores Ford Optical Co. COMPANY Eyee Examined * Visual Cara ADVERTISED IN Individually Styled Glasses Colorado Owned Stores Commercial Products Co. Englewood 800 SanU Fo Dr. DON CINNOCCO of the St. Catherine Catherine lightweights (right), admire the three 1558 Broadway 30 South Broadway ) 15th and California Wildcat Midgets (left), Danny Owen of beautiful cups presented by the Rev. Jamas 1707 Lawrence St. TA. 2990 LIFE 3933 W, Colfax Curtis'& ISth St. 17th' & Tremont TA bor 1295 the St. Joseph’s Bulldog heavyweights (second Moynihan, league director, to the three city-wide miwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiniyiwiiiiituyoiiiiiiH from right), and George Fallagrady of the St. Junior Parochial championship teams. Thursday, December 4,1952 Office, 93 8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4205 RAGE NINE Lady, of Fatima Club Plans MISSION COLLECTION RESULTS GIVEN Institute for Religious (Continued From Page One) Burlinaton ...... 10.00 ^ n g e ly —Mission of Rifle ... 8.87 St. Anthony’s ...... 44.13 Brighton—St. AuguitiSe'* ..... Rifle—4t. Mary’s (Craig) 11.16 Sacred Heart ■ ______24.89 Brush—St. Mtrg’i ...... Roggen—^aered’Heart ...... 19.00 k First Saturday Luncheon in Presentation ...... ____ 197.87 Calhan—St. Michad’s ...... Sheridan' Lake— Mission of St. Cajetan’a ...... ______28.80 Casetde— (Mission of Sterod Cheyenne Wells ...... 1.80 Heart, Colorado Spring!) .... 10.77 Steamboat Springs— To End WRegis Dec. 6 Si. Bernadette’s ______... 143.66 St. Catherine’s 583,00 Castia Rock—St, Francis’ Holy Name ...... 23.16 Holy Ghost Hall on Dec. 6 St. Dominic’s ...... 394.39 (Elbert) ...... 10.00 Sterling—St. Anthony of The final session in the R ^is At the same time. Father Mat- St. Elizabeth’s ...... 237.90 Central City-yAsaumptlon ' Padua’s ...... ____ 201.86 (Idaho Springs) ...... St. Francis .de Sales’ ______... 690.00 t.2S Stoneham and Briggsdali college Institute for Religious tione also announced that a (Our Lady of Fatima Club, Mr. ■ McEnery thanked the Cheyenne Wells- St. Ignatius Loyola’i ...... 48.26 St. John’s ...... 60.00 will held Saturday, Dec. 6^ at “special session” for high school Denver) daughter of Anthony DiGicamo, St. James’ ...... 750.00 Sacred Heart ______15.(0 Str&sburg—^(Mission of Hugo) 6.58 1 p ji. in,'the Regis chapel and English teachers will be held Sat­ In honor of the Feast of the Welby, for the donations of St. John the Evangelist’s.... 426.00 COLORADO SPRINGS— Stratton—St. Charles’ __ .... 138.52 approximately 200 nuns from the urday afternoon, Dec. 13, in St. Joseph’s (C.SS.R.) ___ ... 197.60 Corpus Christ! ...... 286.10 Superior—St. Benedict’s Immactdate Conception on Dec. beads she gives to ^he rosary- Dirine Redeemer ...... „ 218.00 Loyola hall on the Regis campus. St. Joseph’s (Polish) ...... 35.00 (South Boulder) ____ Deni!;pr area are expected to 8, Mrs. R. H. Luckenbach, 2380 makers every week. Several of St. Leo the Great’s ...... 60.02 Sacred Heart ...... i...... 111.50 Victoi— St. V ictir’s ______8.26 attetid, This session, he pointed out, the stores in Denver are giving St. Louis’ (Englewoofd) ...... 208.98 St. Mary's ...... 185.21 W elby—Assumption S. Monroe, board member of Our Pauline chapel (Broadmoor) 100.00 ...... ;___ 19.00 6.12 M. this final session, two lay­ will be in the form of a prelim­ St. Mary Magdalene’s Lady of Fatima club, will furnish their broken beads and jewelry (Edgewater) ...... 176.00 Our Lady of Guadalupe 10.91 Wray—St. Andrew’s ...... 10.00 men, both professors on the inary meeting to lay the ground­ and cook the lunch for the Oiir to the rwary-makers. In the past St. Patrick's ...... 118.10 Craig—St:, Michael’s 66.00 Yuma—St. John’a (Akron) _ R e ^ faculty, will conduct a work for a general session slatad Lady of Fatima First Saturday week the Ascension circle was Sts. Peter and P^l'a _____ 228.00 Cripple Creek—St. Pet^a ... 1.26 Catholic Daughters of thre«-hpur session on “Counsel­ for the second semester. Father S t Phiiomena's ...... a...... 260.00 Crook—St. Peter’s (liiff) 25.01 America ...... a...... 10.00 Luncheon club, which will be unable to meet because of lack of S t Rose of Limg’s ...... 91.66 Deer Triil— (Mission of H u io \ 0.51) DENVER— ing and Guidance.” Opening the Ervin A. Stauffen, S.J.f head of held Saturday, Dec. 6, in Holy rosary supplies. Anyone who has St. Therese’s (Aurora) ____ ... 286.00 Eagle—St. Mary’s ...... 12.00 Good Shepherd mission Elbert—Sacred Hearts,...... 10.00 (Mission of Assumption— conference will be Fred Vafti the English department at the Ghost hall, 625 19th street, at broken beads, old beaded bags, St. Vincent de PanI’s ...... 380.00 college, win be chairman of the PARISHES OUTSIDE DENVER Erie—St. SchoIastiea’]( _____ Welby) ...... 1.00 Vallcenburg. He will be followed 12:45 p.m. or broken rosaries is asked to Akron—St. ^seph'f .... 8.00 (Lafayette) Regia college— ...... 21.12 by John Flannigart. Both these session Dec. 16. The luncheon committee, com­ mail them to Daniel McEnery, Aspen—St. Mary’s ...... 12.40Estes Park—Our Lady of the St. Anthony’s hospital ...... 29.63 men are graduates of Holy Fam­ In the past week at the session 1065^Logan. Boulder—rSacred Heart ...... 171.12 Mountains (LoTeland) ...... 22.07 COLORADO SPRINGS— posed of the board of directors, Boulder. South—SacHd Evergreen—Christ the King Glockner-Penrose hospital... 35.00 ily ^^igh school and both are fin- on “Teaching the Mass,” 224 sis­ requests early reservations. Last The parents of Mrs. Henry G, H^rt of Mary ...... 15.77 (Gdden) ...... 70.28 Miss Caroline Baker ...... 6.00 islniig work on their doctor’s de> ters attended to bring the total month 30 persons came who did Smith, club board member, are Flagler—St. Mary’s ______. lO.lO Rev. Walter Steidle ...... 25.00 g r ^ at the University of-^Den- attendance for the first four ses- Fleming—St. Peter’s _____ 120.00 Rev. Fenneis Ksppes ...... 10.00 not have reservations. The lunch­ both patients in the DePaul hos­ FOBT CpiiLINS— Rev, John Canjsr __ 10:00 vert. The sessioh'-win close wlHi .Mons to 961. eon is $l'for adults and 25 cents pital, Cheyenne, Wyo. K. of C. Club to Hear Holy FamUy.______.... 21.00 Rev. John Regan ______16.00 Be^iediction of the Blessed- :I88C- for children. Reservations should . St. Joseph’s ...... 175.00 ramebt at 4:15’.b’eloek. Helen McGinn, 518 E. 18th C. U. Football Mentor Fort Ldgsn—St. Patrick’s, _ tO.05 Bishop Sheen Telecast avenue, who is confined to her Fort Lupton—8t. William’s Archdiocesan Sodality ^j^thar Douis G. Ma^tione,' ^.J.', home on crutches owing to an Marshal Wells, head line coach (PlsttevUie) ____ ;...... deah- b f Regia college and direc- Over KFEI^TV Dec. 4 at Colorado university, will be Fort Morgan—St. Helsna’s top.'i)f„the institute, announced accident, has made more than Fountain— (Colorado Springt Sponsors Boby Shower The first of the “Life It 100 rosaries since she was in the speaker at/the meeting of —St. Paul’s) ...... th ii'^ eek thbt the Second series Worth Living” telecatti by structed July 1. This month she the K. of C. Friday luncheon Frederick—SL Theresa's A baby shower was Weld re­ ofT^y^itUtes is tentatively sched- Bithop Fulton Sheen will be ...... 1.00 27.70 has 30 completed for the mis­ club Uec. 5. Mr. Wells was head Georgetown—Our Lady of cently in Presentation hall by ule^^jfor the Saturdays of Lent. shown in the Denver area this line coach for four years at Min­ 6.00 H e^ld that at present a survey sions. Mrs. Frances Layne, 348 Lourdes’ ...... city-wide members of the Arch­ evening, Thursday, Dec. 4, S. Logan, who was instructed by nesota university before coming Glenwood Springs— diocesan Sodality union. The gifts is ^ h g run among the sisters to from 10:30 to 11 o’clock over to coach the Buffaloes. He will St. Stephen’s ...... 190.00 debejinine< when they would ^station KFEL-TV, channel 2. Mr. McEnery and Mary Jean, Golden—St. Joseph’i ...... (5.00 were presented to the infants and turngd in 17 rosaries. Mrs. Chris­ speak on the past season at Colo­ Grand Lake—St. Anne’s toddlers aj; the Infant of Prague prdC^ the second series in the The program, which will ex­ rado and prospects for the fu -Kremmling ...... nursery. Among the gifts re­ Lea|ep 'season. The survey, how- tend over a 26-week period, is tina Cronin, 1375 Fillmore, who GREELEY— is taking instructions from Mrs. ture. Eugene Kottenstetter wiH ceived were 72 diapers, 24 shirts, evj^\wjll not be.completed;for a being sponsored by the Ad­ be chairman of the day. The Pri- Our Lady of Peace ...... we«ik b r so. ' v . ,. ' miral Telsvition corporation. Daniel McEnery and Mary Jean, St. Peter’s t...... $25 in cash, six nightgowns, two turned in five rosaries. day luncheon club meets every Holyoke—St. Pitrick’s ___ ..... dresses, two slips, one knitted week in the K. of C. home, 16th Hugo—St. Anthony’s ...... coat, one sack, four cans of baby The‘rosary which was given and Grant street, Denver. All Idaho Springs—St. Paul’s ...... N O W SHOWING away by. the Assumption rosary- liiff—St. Ciatherine’a ...... powder, two rattles, two bars of Amusemenfs-Dining Catholic men are invited to at­ Julesburg—St^ Anthony’s soap, and pne bottle of oil. Any­ makers of St. Louis’ parish, tend. Kit Carson—St. Augustine’s... one who was unable to attend can Englewood, was won by Bob Kremmling—St. Peter’s ___ Keenesburg and Roggen— still send gifts. There is always Recreotion Berglund. Thirty-six dollars was Mass Hours on Dec. 8 Holy Family*. a great demand for such items collected by the project, and the Lafayette—St. Ida’s 20.00 for these little ones. proceeds will be sent to the In Downtown Churches LEADVILLE—,LE— M-G-M s GREAT SEA DRAMA Annunciatioa ...... 66.36 National Rosary-Makers, Louis­ Monday, Dec. 8, the Feast of St. Joseph’s ...... 87.00 ville, Ky. the Immaculate Conception, is a Limon— (Mission of Hugo) .... 16.00 PLYMOUTH Kelly Kreller, instructor, met holy day of obligation. The* Mass Littleton—St. Mary’s .... . 97.69 ADVENTURE hours Dec. 8 in Denver downtown Longmont—St, John For Your Dec. 1 with the group at St. Vio' the Baptist’s ...... Ci.’ and the PTA will attend the 8:16 Sudholt, EA. 7118; Mrs. Edwwd I at a substantial (discount. i asking YOll and 399 other Cath­ Wadsworth, PR. 0706; Mrs. John Ladies! Does Your Hair Vos, EA. 1958. olic families to’each give us just The Man’i club will meet Not for twenty years hove you tasted such Dee. 18 in the (cboel audi­ * . ^ one good quilt or blanket. Suit You Completely? torium. Membert are expected ^wonderful creams, such taste-tempting fruits, and nuts, feature candies Whether it does to bring'a'gift not to oxeeed ' That, we know from experience, 25 cents in value. Jodapb E. like our Truffles, Frenchmint, and Mija. or does not, you Barry will praaide. Will enable us to care for folks may be hSp^er There will be no PTA meeting with it if yuu get in the month of December. You give the finest when you give Baur's and you can give Hour's this year at great who will be coming to us this acquainted with Cub Scout pack 124 met with Winter who have practically no Joseph T. Winck- Dens 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the gchool savings. ler’s Hair Shap­ auditorium and these cubs were bedding and who do not even ing Salon at 1270 initiated: Bobby Bdl, Harry Cook street. Intemann, David Place, Doug­ It's easy; it saves time and m<5ney. Simply coll Baur's "Firm Order" department at enjoy the Comforts of furnace To introduce the quality and las Babcock, , Bobby Burnett, individuality of the Winckler Marty Ryan, Louis .Bruno, Paul Main 0151 for full details. If you wish,, ask to have a representative heat. Prisinzano, Donald Goetz, Andy Permanent Waves, prices are re- call on you with samples and price lists. duMd to readers of The Reg­ Burke, Bill (Jurry, and Mike Please. . . won’t YOU be among ister. Our permanent waves have Goetz. Den 4 conducted the initi­ the 400 sharing in this Vincen­ that soft and natural curl." ation. Cali today and do your Christmas shopping the'easy, economical Baur's Prices also reduced on expert A theater party was held Dec tian effort to provide bedding 1 in the Bluebird theater for way. Phone'M A in 0151 or write Baur's of Denver, 1512 Curtis Street. hair shaping and hair styling. the faithful altar boys who served for the needy? >1 If your hair has been dam­ during the past summer and fall aged by top many permanents, program. Our number is CHerry 5503 from home permanents, too dry, St. Anthony’s club will meet in or by strong rinses, we can help the home of Mrs. R. C. Meek, Jr., 'I you to correct it in a scientific at 2612 E. 11th avenue Friday, SINCE 1872 ■i manner, ' Dpe. S, at 1:30 p.m. / ■3 Mrs. Winckler, a scalp special­ The Sts. Cyril and Methodius ist, personally supeiwises all club will meet this Thursday, S t. (tinaifd. dsL fiauL Dec. 4, in the home of Mrs. > i scalp work. Only the best of supplies are used. George E. Williams, 746 Eliza­ beth street, at 1 p.m. .JOSEPH T. WINCKLER OF DENVER DOWNTOWN UPTOWN MAY CO. Sudvatfs, £uhsaiL (Formerly vllh Aniel Eeiuty Salon) \ The St. Dismas club will meet 11270 Cook St. I FL 3168 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1512Curtia/ 'I6th and denarm' 1628Curtts\, I (Member of St. Philomena'a Pahtb) Edward Wadsworth, 1070 Detroit ▲dT, street, Saturday tvtning, D a o . t. ’V^.Vkr'y r.l»j- v7" ^L.s.m mi*' \

PAGE TEN Offict, 93 8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4205 Thursday, December 4,1952 St. Joseph's Parish Plans Weddings at Mother of God Parish (Mother of God Pariih, Denver) air for a one-':^ek trip to the morning in adorationAsefore the Four weddings were solem­ Hawaiian islands. The trip is a Blessed Sacrament in the Holy 2-Week Mission in Lent nized in t h e Mother of God reward by the Bendix corpora­ Ghost church. In order to pro­ church in the past week. tion for selling 60 television sets. vide, transportation for everyone, (St. Joieph’t Rademptoriit seph’s hospital with a broken arm On Friday morning, Wanda The Nocturnal Adoration so­ the men are asked to meet in the Pariih, DanTer) ., . and bruises received in a fall in Louise Wakeman, daughter of ciety will spend the hour from rectory at 11:45 o’clock Thurs­ In the closing dafs of the 28th her home last Sunday.; Rick Mc- Mr. and Mrs. William Wakeman, 12 midnight to 1 o’clock Friday day night. I annual novena, Father Paul Nicholas of 80 Fox street is also and David Collins, son of Mr. and Schwarz, C.SS.R., pastor, an­ a patient in Mercy hospital and Mrs. James Collins, were married. nounced that he has engaged will undergo major surgery in Witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Ju­ two prominent Redemptorist mis­ the very near future. lius Ruder. The Rev. John Regan sionaries to preach a two-week William Baricroft of 651 Gala- witnessed the ceremony and of­ mission during the first- two pago street has recovered suffi­ fered t h e Nuptial Mass. The weeks of Lent, Feb. 22 to March ciently to be returned to his young couple are both recent con­ 8. They are the Rev. Paul Bau- home. His _pfiest-son. Father verts of Father Re^n. — dry, C.SS.R., of Our Lady of John Bancroft, left Thanksgiv­ On Nov.. 29 Louis Lopez, son Perpetual Help church, Kansas ing day, after spending several of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lopez, City, Mo., and the Rev. John days with his father and rela­ and Carol Borrer, daughter of Glennon of the Redemptorist tives. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Borrer, were mission house in Glenview, 111. Class Rings married before a Nuptial Mass. The first week will be for the To Be Blessed Father Regan witnessed the cere­ women and the second week for The Parent-Teachers’ associa­ mony. Attendants were Joann the men. The last mission at St. tion has several attractive events deSabato and Albert Gurule. Joseph’s was five years ago and in the making for the current Also on Nov. ^ Father Regan Father Schwarz is of the opinion officiated at the marriage of Pe­ month. Starting with ' Friday, Sue Tangney, an angel; Maureen McMahon, St. that Lent would be a good time Dec. 5, the seniors will be pres­ '■“ANGELS’?* AND “SAINTS” combined ter Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. for it. Cecilia; Maureen Stevens, an angel; Theresa Mc- Charles Gilbert, a n d Barbara ent at the 9 o’clock Mass, and in a music program at St' John’s school, Gil,l St. Thomas Aquinas; and Karen Heper, St. Taggart, daughter of Mr. and Rosalie Agnes Salas, daughter their class rings will be blessed of Mr. and Mrs. Sisto Salas, was Denver, honoring S t Cecilia, patron of muaic. Clare; and seated are Brian McMahon,' St. Mrs. Lloyd C. Taggart. Witnes­ after the Mass and a breakfast These fourth and fifth grade pupils presented ses were Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Bur­ baptized Sunday by Father Mc- will be served to them in the hall Augustine; Mark Earley, S t Ambrose; Sue Ellen Keever. Ernestine and Larry Va- their pageant for the students on Nov. 26. Those Woehl and Susan Heper, angels; Patrick Ken­ gess. ' under the direction of the senior participating, with the characters they repre­ ^ o z were sponsors. room mothers, Mmes. Lee Miller ney, S t Francjs of Assisi; and William Easton, On Dec. 1, Francis J. Sasek, sented, &T/, standing, left to right, Irene Zalewski, St. Francis Borgia. Also participating was Bonnie son of Mf. and Mrs. John Sasek, Father James Sullivan will and Ruth Sexton, but Mrs. John S t Brigld; Marie Driscoll, S t Gregony; Mary McNeive. and Lourdine C. Revering, daugh­ close the two-week mission in Berger will fill in for the latter, + + + + + ~ - f + ter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rever­ Sacred Heart Cathedral, Pueblo, who is tinable to be present. Par ing, were married before Father on Sunday, Dec. 14. ents of the seniors will serve. Regan. George A. Rothweiler, Father Frederick Mann, one of The December meeting has been On Feast of Immaculate Conception Jr., and Theresa Cavanaugh were the assisting priests at St. Jo­ postponed-until Dec. 1'7, at which the attendants. seph’s, and also chaplain at Den­ time Mrs.* Jo Noakes Lasham of ver General hsspital, returned the faculty will present a pro­ Confaiiioni will be heard on Monday from Wilmette, 111., gram. Christmas parties for both 7 Masses Scheduled at St. John's Thuriday afternoon from 4 where he visited his 84-year-old schools are also planned and o’clock to 6 o’clock, and in tho father. sponsored by the ' PTA. For (St. John’i Parish, Denver) burga’s circle in her home on ter, John 0. Rae, Roy G. Atkin­ eveninf from 7:30 o’clock to Mrs. Grace Donovan of 452 the high school it will be a dance, St. John's will have seven Thursday, Dec. 4. After luncheon son, and J. Prout. 9 o’clock in preparation for Fox street is a patient in St. Jo- on the evening of Dec. 21, and Masses on Monday,,Dec. 8, Feast Therese Ellen, daughter of Mr. Pint Friday. Maiiei on Friday the group will play bridge. and Mrs. James W. Tomlin, was will be at 6:30 o’clock and 8 again the senior room mothers of the Immaculate Conception and Members of the Altar and Ro- will be in charge, with the PTA a holy day of obligation. A special baptized Nov. 30 by Monsignor o’clock. sary society in charge of the care John P. Moran. Robert Dillon officers as hostesses and the early Mass will be offered at 5:15 The Reparation society will ob­ • T Jw e ’s very Rttle mystery os to wiry Hw other room mothers will do the for those who must be at work of the altars and sanctuary in and Rosemary ’|'omlin were the serve the first Saturday by spend­ serving honors. They include early. Other Masses will be at 6, D ec^ber are Mmes. Louis Kos­ sponsors. ing one hour in prayer before Streamliner “CITY OF DENVER” Is such a top Mmes. Harold Beck, V. O’Con­ 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 o’clock. There the Blessed Sacrament in honor favorite with travelers. For a quiek, easy nor, R. McNicholas, Lee Miller, will be no noon Mass. of Our Lady of Fatima. Carter, R. Sexton, Mary Ward, Masses on the first Friday, Dec. Benediction of t h e Blessed solution — fust ride it overnight to Denver and Sedlmyer. There will be sev­ 5, will be at 6, 7, and 8 o’clock Ail Saints' Altar Society Sacrament is held each Sunday . . . Pullman or Coach. eral special guests of honor. The with a special children’s Mass at afternoon at 5 o’clock. officers and the Sisters of Mercy 8:30.'All-day Exposition of the John Vroman, an adult con­ And if you think H’s a crime to serve meals thank the members and the peo­ Blessed Sacrament will be held To Elect Officers DeclO vert, was baptized Sunday by Fa­ ple of the parish for their gen­ on Friday closing with evening ther Regan. John F. Quinn, Jr., so tempting - so generous — that you’H TOM WALKER PIANOS erosity in the recent shower devotions at 7:30. Confessions (All Saints’ Parish, Denver) With approximately 450 people was the sponsor. wont to call for help, then put the finger RepreeenUtive of Kimball, Sohmer, given the sisters. Cash, canned will be heard Thursday afternoon The Altar and Rosary society in attendance, the Thanksgiving Christmas Cord Project Kohler, Campbell and Jeese French Piinoe goods, and miscellaneous articles and evening will elect officers on Wednes­ games party is considered to have on the chef. He's the man whodurrnit. C. G. Conn Connsonata The Altar and Rosary society Electronic Organ were received in good numbers. The Holy Name society wishes day, Dec. 10, at 8 p.m. in the been a success. The party, held’ parish hall. Flans will be made Nov. 17, was under the auspices is selling Christmas cards and Fine Reconditioned Pianoe The servioei being held to thank those parishioners who wrappings after all the Masses nightly and afternoons for the for the decoration of the church of the Men’s club; refreshments 1345 S. BROADWAY/ SPruoe 7864 patronized the parish Thanksgiv­ every Sunday until Christmas The “ City of Denver" slidA smoothly 28th annual public novena, in ing dance and gift presentation at and for the erection of the Christ­ were served by the Altar and mas creche. An amendment to the Rosary society. The society will meet Thursday, honor of Our Mother of Per­ the Silver Glade of the Cosmopol­ Dec. II, in the church basement out of the Union station at 5:00 pm constitution will also be read Masses Monday, Dec. 8, will Attention - Brides to Be petual Help, and being con­ itan hotel Nov. 28. Presentations following the recitation of the (MST), glides into Chicago at \P:05 Nothing will “dress up” the ducted and preached by the were made to John Monaghan, and voted upon; this amendment be at 6:15, 6, 7, and 9 o’clock. would change the regpilar meet­ Rosary in the church at 1:15 am ICST). ' Church more for your wedding Rev. Robert, Hanlen, have Mrs. Eileen Garrow, and Ken Confessions are heard on Satur­ o’clock. This meeting ■will fea­ than one of Wagn.r’i White drawn capacity crowds at al) ing date from the first Wednes­ days from 3:30 until 6:30, and Cooper. Those who have returns day of each month to the second ture a Christmas party ■with a 25- Aitle Cloth Runneri, laid down three services daily. At the to make for the dance are urged from 7:30 until 9. cent gift exchange. Each mem­ Returning— leaves Chicago 500 pm, the aisle for the Bridal Party Monday evening service, at 8 Wednesday. The reaswn for the The following babies were bap­ to send them in as soon as pos­ amendment is to avoid conflict ber is also asked to bring a can arrives Denver 8:30 am. to walk on, from the door to o’clock. Father Hanlen will sible. tized this week: Mary Ellen, of food to be jllaced in a basket the altar. give a special blessing to all with the meetings of St. Francis daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John The fifth grade room mothers, de Sales’ PTA which many of to be given to some needy family Fof inioraiatiM, rum atiom and HekoN, Mt W« alas Forniah Sidawalk Cuioplae the babies in attendance. The A. Dunn, the sponsors were Mr. Mrs. B. E. McNally and Mrs. the women desire to attend. This on Christmas. A musical pro­ •f pboiM Wi alia aaa eata a Maat raaardlai at iroar solemn close will take place Clair Dulin, will be in charge of will be an important meeting to and Mrs. John J. Hennessy; Rob­ gram will be presented by two aatira wadtla, aa ptnaamili rtaardi. at the services on Monday, ert Stanley, son of l)Ir. and Mrs. St., the first Friday breakfast for the which all women of the parish members of the society, Mmes. CITY TICKET OFflCI, 535 1 7 * — I lk Available only through your own Dec. 8, the Feast of the Im­ school children. Wendell K. Riutzel, the sponsors James Mooney and Leonard A. . Kiyiton* 4141 — Dvnvor. maculate Conception. The Pa­ are cordially invited. local florin at reasonable cost, Mrs. Edward Zalewski will The Holy Name society and were Lonnie and Barbara Kaber- Tangney. pal Blessing will be imparted* head the committee for the annual lein. Robert Andrew, son of Clifford Welch left Nov. 27 by at the closing services and also Men’s club will mhet Tuesday, CARL A. WA6NER MF6. GO., INC. PTA Christmas party this year. Dec. 9, at 8 p.m. in the parish Mr. and Mrs. John A. McDonald, the individual -blessing. Mrs. Robert Sonnen will enter­ the sponsors were John B. Rob­ Christmas Tree Lot hall. All men o f the parish are erts and Marguerite Smith; and UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD tain the Lady of Fa^ma circle invited. Mack Switzer and Don Stein- this week. James Leland, son of Mr. and All former members of Our Mrs. Paul B; Rodden, with John kamp of St. Philomena’s parish, f^omJ of fit SlrmmluuM Mrs. Vincent M cV ^h enter­ Lady of Perpetual Help circle Denver, will have a Christmas tained St. Mary’s circle members L. Rodden and Margaret Mary WSWiilliMiliiiMiiMW Before you buy, find out tehy: should be present at an evening Hughes as sponsors. tree lo); at the corner of First with luncheon and bridge re­ meeting Thursday, Dec. 11, at and University boulevard. cently. the home of Mrs. Nicholas Jami­ The following will be altar After comparing all instruments St. Anthony’s circle members son, 2356 S. Irving. The circle boys on all the Sundays of De­ were guests of Mrs. Louis Koster will be reorganized at this meet­ cember: 6 o’clock Mass, Albert most churches choose for a bridge luncheon Dec. 1. ing, and a captain will be chosen. Thyfault; 8 o’clock Mass, Bryan Mr. and Mrs. John Cutshaw The Den Mothers and Planning Dompierre and Gerald Choui- will be hosts to St. Ignatius’ circle conjmittee of the Cub Scouts will nard; 10 o’clock Mass, Richard the Hammond Organ! members on Sunday evening, Dec. meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. Anderson and George Moore; 11 7. 8, in the rectory. o’clock Ma8^ John Griego and Members of St. Rose’s club met The wofitien of the parish are Henry, Gallegos. The following at the Tiffin for luncheon and invited to join the Altar and Ro­ will serve on' Monday, Dec. 8: bridge Dec. 3. sary society at Holy Communion 6 o’clock, Albert Thyfault; 7 Mrs. J. A. Beckman will be in the 8 o’clock Mass Sunday, o’clocVJBck Lang; and 9 o’clock, hostess to members of St. Wal- Dec. 7. Wesley Ducharme. Presentation PTA Plans Sale Dec. 7 (Praiantation Pariih, Denver) nual Christmas sale spon­ tias and Mary Estrada as spon­ Handmade gifts will be on sale sored by the Presentation Par- sors; Ronald Andrew, son of Mr. ent-Teyhers’ association and is and Mrs. Robert D. Riley, with after all the Masses Sunday, one 01 the association’s im­ Eugene and Maria Archuleta as Dec. 7, at the church. The gifts portant money-making projects sponsors; and Gloria Maria Di­ will be a part of the an- for the year. All items tO be anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs on sale have been made by mem­ Daniel Lo^z, with Esquipula bers of the PTA. Included among Gallegos and Guadalupe Marquez the gifts will be embroidered pil­ as sponsors. low cases, crocheted doilies, pot Rosaries for children are now Precious Blood holders, and dish towels. Mrs. being;sold after all the Masses Michael Ruscetta and Mrs. Lu- by the Junior Altar and Ro­ eient Barry have been in charge sary society, The small rosaries Parish Plans 3 of plans for the sale and other now available sell for 20 cents. members of the PTA will assist The society also has other ro­ Church Mo^/—pri'c* on as saleswomen. saries for sale which are suitable Potiuck Luncheon as gifts for Christmas. For most churches a new organ represents a sizeable invest­ Masses Dec. 8 Sunday, Dec. 7, the women of The PTA will have an potiuck the pariidi will receive Commun­ ment. That is why most churches investigate thoroughly, (Molt Preeioui Blood Pariih, luncheon Wednesday, Dec. 10, at ion in a group in the 8 o’clock and find that no other instrument in the world combines so Deqver) 1 p.m. in the parish hall. Room Mass. many practical advantages with music of such rich, beauti­ Arrangements have been made mothers will notify each member Masses on first Friday will be ful tone .as does the Hammond Organ. And that is why more fop members of the Most Pre­ what item of food she is to bring. at 6:30 and 8:15. Confessions churches buy the Hammond Organ. cious Blood parish to have their Gifts will- be exchanged, the will be heard on Thursday from own Masses on the'Teast of the value of whidh should not exceed 3:30 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. See and hear the Hammond Organ before your church Immaculate Conception, Dec. 8. buys. Check these points of superiority: 76 cents. The third g;rade pupils’ The Credit union will meet Fri­ The Rev. John P. Donohoe, C.M., mothers will have charge of day, Dec. 5, at 8 o’clock in the • Hundreds of rich, beautiful church tones. has announced that three Masses serving the lunch. A short busi­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry will be held at 6:30, 7, and 8. As ness meeting will follow the Keenan, 611 Knox court. • Ease of installation; requires no structural changes. on Sunday, the use of the Lady of • • luncheon and those members who Our Lady of Fatima and Our • Ease of playing; anyone who can play a keyboard Lourdes classroom has been pro­ will not ^be able to attend both Lady of the Holy Rosary circles cured for Mass. instrument can play this organ acceptably in a very are urge’d to come in time for will join forces for a potiuck short time. Men h> Meet Dec. 8 , -the meeting at 2 o’clock. luncheon Thursday, Dec. 11, at An important Men’s club meet­ Mr. and Mrs. William Law are 1 o’clock in the parish hall. An • Music of cathedral quality; the exclusive "reverbera­ ing is also coming up Dec. 8. A the parents of a fifth son, Daniel exchange of gifts will be made tion" control of the Hammond Organ provides cathe­ nominating committee will be Christopher, bom Nov. 24. and the afternoon will be spent dral quality-in even the smallest church. elected at the meeting which vrill Baptized recently were Robert playing cards. • low-cost maintenance; the only organ in the world be held in the Lourdes classroom Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Anna Dugger and Mrs at 8 p.m. This committee will se­ Gerald Gamble, with James and Pete Elkler ■will have charge of that never needs tuning service, seldom needs any lect candidates, for the first per­ Della Sais as sponsors; John An­ cleaning the church for the .attention. manent officers of the organiza­ drew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer month of December. e Lowest priced complete two-manual-and-pedal tion. Erlbacher, -with John and Rose The regular raaeting' of the See our church organ In the world. Members of the parish are Erlbacher as sponsors; Kathleen Sodality of Our Lady hai been urged to make reservations with Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. poitponed from Dec. 10 until Father Donohoe by calling RAce Delbert Clark, with Robert and Tuesday, Dec. 16, and tenta­ Traditional Holiday starthg ef 7580 for the Vincentian novena Louise Clark as sponsors; Susan tive plans are being made Ttsere's e compUte line ef I-monual-end-pedal to be held Dec. 11 through Dec. Patricia, daughter of Mr. and for a combination meeting and HAMMOND ORGAN 19 at S t Thomas’ seminary. The Mrs. William Jackson, -with Ma- Christmas party. Merry-Go-Round . . V novena is composed of Psalms MUSIC’S MOfT GLORIOUS VOICE *1305 and hymns taken from the lit­ (for th« Spinet Modtt, not urgy of Advept and will be sung Mortuary to Sponsor Radio Gifts for Men and Women •bows) Ineludinf Federti by the students. The ceremony Us rebitod to cburebM lasts only one-half hour, and there is no better'way to prepare Show on Origin of Carols >• * for Christmas. Smart email gifte for prized packages under the Chriitmoi tree. There can be no finer, more deeply appreciated MEMO­ Plain for.th* pariih Cbriit- So that the radio public may better understand the meaning Beautifully wrapped free of charge. Included ore silver bar occei- RIAL for your Church than your gift of a Hammond mai party, which will b* held of Christmas, the Boulevard mortuary is broadcasting a musi­ Organ. We welcome an opportunity for discussing com­ Dee. 12 in the Lourdei hall, are cal program together with commentary on the origin and his­ soriei, unusual gifts for men, jewelry, puree accessories, jeweled plete details with you. wall under way. . Dancing, tory of Christmas cgrols. The program is broadcast each week­ eardi, and refreihmenti are day over KFEL (dial 960) at 4:40 p.m. dog collars, matching.rhinestone belts, bracelets and necklaces, ,iehadulad and everyone in the It is interesting to note that every Christian country and jewel .boxes, fitted traveling cases, dressing table accessories, pariih ii invited to the firit race of people have contributed to this program. Some of the loeial function since last lu m - old, obscure, and lesser known but eoually beautiful carols have writing desk accessories. mer’i picnic. Admission will be as much to offer as the more popular ones. ' 60 cents per person. In the program, which will extend to Christmas day, will be found the Italian and French, which are fundamentally Cath­ TheChas.E. WEILS MUSIC In the past week Father olic, having their oririn in the Church or the people. Then there is first floor— Montaldo*s Donohoe baptized Martin William the Anglo-Saxon with its simple folksy style, the heavy 'Teu­ 1629 CALIFORNIA Si. NBC BLDG. Rponey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wjl- tonic, and the strange Oriental strains, which are seldom heard. liam P. Rooney and Steven Bryan . The Boulevard mortuary has announced that it will con­ Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. tinue to broadcast, in the coming year, a series of programs Clifford JohnioB. of interest to the Catbolie people of Denver.

.^'4; vTliursday, December 4,1952 Office, 93 8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 420S PAGE ELEVEN

Archbishop W ill Confirm 130 at Loyola Parish Dec. 9 Watch for Opening (Loyola Parish, Danver) + + + + ' + + + rh One hundred ten chil­ dren and 20 adults will re­ Date Pn Our ceive the sacrament of Con­ Soda I i sts G i ve C loth i ng firmation on Tuesday, Dec. 9, in Loyola church at 7 :30 For Korean Refugees p.m. Archbishop Urban J, Vehr Delivery will instruct and question those Buy the Beautiful who are to be confirmed, and Bishop Bernard Sullivan, S.J., Cavalier Chest will confirm the class. The chil­ Service dren in the class will wear red gowns, the boys red ties, and the Mott Complete Service In the West girls white collars and red beanies. Practice for the chil­ dren and adults and their spon­ 1 MEAL OR 2,000 sors will be' held at 3 o’clock on Sunday, Dec. 7, in the church. The members of ‘the Holy Name society will hold a brief meeting following the Confirma­ tion services on Dec. 9. Results of the recent games party will be Ml. lAYMSKB, announced, and plans for the Citirlfl’i Mintiw, January meeting will be made. roraerl; of tto Larry Razal, Harold Berderick, "Tod of th# PoriT’ and Lourdes Valdez were awarded gifts for disposing ^of RESTAURANT the most tickets for the games parties. The two leaders were 1578 S Broadway SNOW FURNITURE CO. given plaques of the Blessed Recommended by A. A. A. / Mother and the Sacred Heart, Gourmet—A. M., H. A. Ed Snow, member of St, Louii Parish and two rosaries were given for SH. 2474 third place. 3353 Si Broadway SU 1-7819 The Altar society will meet at OPEN EVENINGS 1:30 on Tu'esday, Dec. 9, in the school. -Mrs. Manning Powers and Mrs. Matt Saya will serve the refreshments. Members are asked to note the change in the time of the meeting. SntHUHUILOR The PTA will continue to dis­ play Christmas cards, wrappings, I54-3 LARIMER - ALpine 3422 P etc., in, the church basement. A good selection is still available. The weekly games party is held in Loyola hall each Wednes­ CHERAMY day at 8 o’clock. Square dancing is held each APPROXIMATELY 1,000 PIECES of one or more items of clothing. This project of Friday evening at 8:30 o’clock clothing- were brought to school Nov. 21 the Children’s sodality and the Junior sodality was in the school basement. by the children of Loyola school, Denver. Admis­ to assist in the current clothing drive for Korean A novena in honor of the Im­ sion to the sodality meetings held that day was refugees. ' ’ maculate Conception will close on Monday, Dec. 8, with novena prayers being recited after each Mass from Nov. 30 to the closing date. Fifty-two children from the sixth, seventh, a n d eighth grades will be received into the sodality following the 8 o’clock Mass on Dec. 8. A party for the new sodality THE BIG 16 OZ. members will be held on Wed­ FAMILY SIZE nesday, Dee. 10, at 2 o’clock. The Rev. James Meehan, S.J., SPECIAL co-ordinator of the Jesuit mis­ sions, spoke to the children of the fifth to eighth grades Nov. $ 1 0 0 25 concerning mission activities I aim lea of the Jesuits. Breakfast will be served to the school children following the 8 o’clock Mass on Friday, Dec. 5. Mrs. Joseph Frawley, chairman .of first Friday breakfasts, will, be assisted by other members of the PTA.

Your skin deserves sure profess U65 Parents tion . guard it with Cheramy • WE WON'T LET YOU BUYl Skin Balm, an unusual prepani* tion which combines the rich­ ANY PART FOR ONE FULL YEAR ness of a cream with the non­ Are Enrolled in stickiness of a lotion. Sinks offtr yo« buy your m w television set from Vakn. Who deeper into the pores... smooths more effectively because it con- but Volos d aw to give you a fuH one yeor's worrontyT taifis Emolline No. 7*. Excellent Cathedral PTA for all over skin care. Economi­ (Cathedral Parish, Denver) cal for family use at this special A pantry shower was presented preieetioBu low price. for the Cathedral nuns by the • WE W ON'T LET YOU BUY AN P'TA at its meeting Monday, Dec. D & F Cosmetics 1. Home-canned fruits and vege­ A N T E N N A ! Verias gives you a FREE outdoor on* Street Floor tables and an assortment of , gro­ cery staples were attractively dis­ tenna with ANY TV CONSOLE - - FREE Indoor antenna played on tables before the stage with any table model! Where but VALAS eon you get of Oscar Malo hall where the meeting was held. An imitation so many free "extras"? fireplace bearing 25 small Christ­ mas stockings for the sisters was arranged beside the food dis­ play. Mrs. John Cassells, shower • WE W ON'T LET YOU PAY A chairman, made the brief speech D aN V Eat HOST 1741 Tromont PI. of presentation. Mrs. Cassell’s PENNY TILL NEXT YEAR,(.ri«. 404 14th St. cochairman was Mrs. Robert down J raoaaEssiVB Phillip. prefer to)! Nothing, not even a penny, <25 B. 17th Ato. f Mrs. Marshall M. Reddish, payments due until 1953. 404 E. 11th At*. president, conducted the business .1I4T-4I Mirket 418 E. 14th At*. meeting. Mrs. Joseph Capra, TAhor 4171 membership chairman, announced that the drive held Sept. 29 to • WE W ON'T LET YOU PAY A Oct. 10 resulted in 100 per cent parent membership in the PTA. P E N N Y F O R E X T R A S ! Vdos GIVES YOU She said 1,265 parents had been BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH enrolled. free delivery, free adjustment, free Instnietlon, free homo The high school glee club, di­ demonstration PLUS oil the extras obovel And Volos WILL Patronise These Friendy Firms rected by Forrest Fishell, pre­ sented renditions of “Come Y,e BE HERE TOMORROW to’bock up the sets thot we seH Lofty, Come Ye Lowly,” today— Volos with 12 years electronic experience for “Heaven’s Eternal King,” and more thon 16,000 satisfied customers. “r/t« Sign “Wreathe the Holly, Twine the That Sells" Bay.” , Wkat the DE.42M Sister Frances Eleanor’s first BSufio For To| Multi Prln graders presented a Christmas REALTOR lilt Yeir. Pniirti program featuring two poems •Ilf CAST With oi and a song and rhythm version of Tioctor Ordcts, *. AT KIARMIT “Silent Night” and “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.” In the at­ W E W O N’T LET YOU BUY ANY SET BUT THE tendance roll, the first graders had the most parents present. B E S T A T V A L A S - because we carry only the top notionoily known Ross Variety Store Another attendance bonus, a tele- Always a Better Deal at chron clock donated by Mrs. Jean mokes! Valas is a franchised dealer for NOTIONS - INFANT WEAR Halpin, was presented to Sister Hardware • Toy* Rose Genevieve. 2214-16 Kearney . Mrs. William Kelty, circle D£. 4488 chairman, announced that three circles are meeting and that a A d m i r a l fourth is being formed. She in­ vited all mothers interested in DUMqm THELMA KASSON meeting other PTA members to BEAUTY SALON contact her. Mrs. Jean Jaoobucci Assured by $ 2876 Colorado Blvd. head room mother, reported that Hair Styling her committee is preparing paper PHILCO R C A V i c t o r Registered Pharmacists Permanent fFaving Santa Claus favors for the annual PHONE DExUr 1188 grade school Christmas party 475 S* Broadway * .. SH* 2461 Yom doctor's presoripllon will Thelma Kaason O’Connor, Owner Dec. 19. She asked for volunteers b* correctly diipensed ot Pork to help in this project. Prior to the party ,each Cathedral child Colfax at Downing . . . AL* 4869 t RUl Druq Company . . . 8 req- will be asked to donate one Istsrsd pharmadits to lervs Fairfax Hardware Christmas tree ornament for the r^you, huge Christmas tree. (Colfax at Fairfax) Mrs. Reddish called attention mtiiiMiiiiiiimHitiiitiiiiiiiiiMifliiiiiiiiiifliii^^^ . Ws proudly ocknowledgs 100 HARDWABE, GLASS, PAINTS to the display of Catholic boola OPEN ,, ,p*r esnt oecsplanc* by th« HOUSEHOLD ITEMS and literature on display in the medtcol proisstion. due to fait FR. 272S~ S022 E. Colfax lobby, and said the purchase of Watch for opening of Valas' North Denver store SOON H. L. Rinehart, Prop. any of these books would aid the EVENINGS pricei, prompt eervice, and Cathedral PTA since the pub­ . unqueetioned occurocy. lisher would allow a commission at 3901 Tennyson 11 * e YOU ALWAYS oh each book. Many of these, both stores open I 'Far Dixtinctlv* Prises for Bridge especially the children’s books, Parties and all other occdsiont— SAVE AT would make excellent Christmas VlidT o u t OIFT DIPARTMINT gifts. Mrs. Reddish also reported that 48 new books had been do­ North Denver*s most complete television center! Sundays 1 p.m. to 9 p.m* SIMMONS. DRUG nated to the high school library by an anonymous donor. 2868 Colo. Blvd. i FR. 2614 Mrs. Reddish announced that FREE PARKING the Rev. Lucius Cervantes, S.J., J o i n € . would he guest speaker at the L- >/- ‘ ' I January meeting of the PTA. Scholl This will be a night meeting, and mothers are urged to bring the Fin e s t Cathedral fathers to this meeting. MEATS AND As a spiritual bonus to all PTA V The firm* listed h*re d**erv* to GROCERIES : f! hi^r*meiBber*d when you ere dit- members, a High Mass will be Valas has the largest television display in the Rocky Mountain Empire triS^tinx your patronage \ 2811 P airfu oiHetei Jqr them at 7:45 o’clock fmat EBW.af bUalMtt. PB. 27M Jan.- IL'' *

I ■ PAGE TWELVE Office, 93 8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephonej^Keystone 4205 Thursday, December 4,1952

w m m 'w w w w m ^ w w w w w w * t ‘ Mrs. Moy Keotjiig Dolls at St. Francis' Bazaar ► Those ‘^After Work*^ Headaches dioquioAcaMt. Qtt (pOCB, Arm usually the result of eye strain. In the stress of Succumbs After these busy days, the ayes mrp often forced to accomplish their work in spite of hidden defects. Their reyenge is .a ' MARY LOUISE O’BRIEN, 42, of A native of Denver, be was bom splitting headache that keeps you from getting proper rest. 3061 St. Paul. Wife of Leo E. O’Brien; born Oct. 12, 1878, and attended the 12 Years'. Illness mother of Shirley Ann and Thomas public and parochial schools in Denver Our skill and modern science is at your service. Michael O’Brien of Denver; daughter of and spent most of his life as a traveling Mary Tierney of Lewiatown, Mont.; sis­ salesman. For 20 years prior to his Mrs, May Keating, wife of ter of Henry L. Tierney of Ramsey, retirement 16 years ago, he traveled Stephen P. Keating, Jr., of 2C47 Mont., and Mrs. Elnora Banek of Lewis- in Wyoming for the National Biscuit Dahlia street, died Dec. 1 after town, Mont. The Rosary wilK be re­ company^ a lingering illness of 12 years. BROS. cited at 8^0 p.m. Dec. 4 in the Boule­ He was a member of th^ Old Timers vard mortuary chapel. Requiem club and Elks lodge 17. In addition to her husband, she KEystone 7651 will .be celebrated at 9 o’clock Dec. 5 in Survivors are two sisters, Mrs. is survived also by her mother, 1550 California Loyola church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Mamie McGintie of Denver and June Mrs. William Kennedy. m r m Boulevhrd mortuary. Nugent. Better Vision u J ^ Good Service MARY A DE SYLVA, 42, of 511 Requiem High Mass was celebrated Mrs. Keating was bom in St. for Every Age V p t O t n e t f i S t S At Right Prices Champa. Wife of Charles De Sylva; Dec. 2 in Holy Ghost church, Olinger Louis, Mo., on July 17, 1900, and mother of Roberta De Sylva and Sally mortuary. attended Catholic schools through Martinei, Denver: and sister of Lucy GLASSES INDIVIDuiiLLY STYLED Duran, 'Los Angeles, Calif.; Emma AMICO A. COLAIANO high school. She came to Denver Luccero, Grace Gallegos, Ernie Abeyta, Amieo A. (^olaiano, 46, a Denver in 1932 and was employed by L a^ and William Abeyta, Denver. R^uiem restaurant operator, died Nov. 24 in Peter Berkley of the Lainson Mass was celebrated Dec. 1 in St. St. Anthony^ hospital. He was a n a ti^ Cajetan’s church. Interment Mt. Olivet. of Denver. studio until her marriage in the Capitol mortuary. Survivors include hit wife, Mary; Cathedral to Stepherf P. Keat­ CHARLES O’MAILIA, 60. of 703 DeU- daughter, Marlene; and sister, Mrs. ing, Jr., in September of 1934. ware. Father of Mary House, Denver: Mary Ctnda, all of Denver. s. W h y , Mildred Slater. Eilein Brouilette, and Requiem High Mass was celebrated 'The Keatings have been mem­ Helen Moya, all of Los Angeles, Calif.; Nov. 29 in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel bers of Blessed Sacrament parish and h l^ ^ e r of Mrs. Regina McPike and church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boule­ since 1935, and Mrs. Keating, A L L P O L I S H Mrs. May C. Pankerson, Denver; and vard mortuary. who was a life member of the Mrs. Eilein Jphnson, ^ n Francisco. Altar and Rosary society, took MRS. SALLY GRAND displays a few away by the PTA-sponsored doll booth at the S t assures perfect Requiem Mass^was celebrated Nov. 29 WILLIAM DAVIES Francis de Sales’ parish societies bazaar Dec. 12 in St. Joseph’s chnfcb. Interment Mt. William Davies, long-time Denver an active part in parish affairs of the more than 100 dolls to be given Olivet. Capitol mortuary. painter, died N o t . 28. He was 78. He until her illness became acute. and 13.-^(Photo by Turilli) g ran ite MRS. KATHERINE BREWER, 76. was bom in England in 1880 and came late of Denver. Mother of Mrs. Cathe­ to the United States when he was 26. She. was chairman of the Easter + + + Every square inch of surface of oar Bain- rine ‘Eberly, Denver; Mrs. Merle He was a member of the Painters’ Monday ball in March, -940, and bow Granite Monuments is highly pol­ Thomas, Portland, Ore.; and George union. served as parish correspondent ished. This is assurance of qualky gran­ Domme, Spearville, Kans.; sister of Mr. Davies is survived by his wife, Mary Goeti, Denver, George Ellendorf, Sophia of Denver, and two brothers in for the Denver Catholic Register ite. The stock must be sound or small Chicago, 111.; also survived by 19 grand­ for a number of years. She also Annual Bazaar Wales. • cracks will show and mar the smooth children; and 22 great-grandchildren. Requiem High Mass was celebrated served m vice president of the finish. In quarrying the hard Rainbow granites, multiple driHs separate The Eosary will be recited at'S p.m. in Dec.''2 in Holy Ghost church. the Civic Center chapel Dec. 6. Re- Altar and Rosary society. huge blocks from the quarry without the sh / . ' i

V' Thursday) 0tet|id>er 4,1952 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Teleohone, Keystone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN liiiiinm II M ill! II "W*l Immaculate Conceptfon Bulwark of the World^s Freedoms -J \ (R sqidJtojdaldu By Rev. Johni B. Ebel the protection of the Catholic Church. The A UNITED PRESS dispatch this week pre­ strongest fortresses are always attacked first in dicts, in view of the anti-Jewish tone of the re­ war. ^ cent purge trials in Czecho-Slovakia, that the Those who have unkind words to say of Matthew Ricci, Model for Chinese 2.700.000 Jews behirfd the Iron Curtain face a the Catholic Church, especially those who ac­ By Paul H. Hallett dors of tributary kingdoms was not to leave until his death reign of'terror designed to eliminate them as a cuse her of being an enemy of freedom, would THIS SAME YEAR that they kept waiting in rooms 28 years later. distinctive minority. The item adds, significantly, do well to meditate upon the situation behind marks the fourth centenary of “more fit for cattle than for On Nov. 12, 1603, Ricci’s that the new pattern is regarded as a sign that the the Iron Curtain. There the Catholic Church is the death of St. Francis Xavier - men.” Ricci himself regarded an eirtry into China as “hu­ companion wrote to the Gen­ Communists "have subjugated the Catholic fighting the battle of freedom for all—Protes­ registers four centuries since eral of the Jesuits: “With the the birth of the greatest Ori­ manly impossible,” but already Church and its leaders in Soviet satellite coun­ tant and Jew as well as Catholic. Once the lead­ the broad outlines of his method ■ contempt of the Chinese for tries so thoroughly that the secret police and ers of the "Church are beaten into subjection, ental missionary who came aliens that exists we could not after him, Matteo Ricci (1552- of conquest were appearing: 'people’s courts’ can now turn their attention to the Reds turn on Protestants and Jews, for they 1610). Xavier was the Moses Through study of the lan­ in 100 years have hoped for of China; he died on- its very guage, the cultivation of the the prestige that we have had the jews.” have lost their chief defender. edge. Ricci was the Josue, who , company of scholars and ma­ in this court.” The secret of Th^ Bishops of the U.S., in a statementWs- EDMUND BURKE, great Irish patriot gistrates, sympathy for every­ Ricci’s success, besides divine sued after their annual meeting, asked very point­ not only entered the Celestial grace, was his respeht for Chi­ (1729-1797), ja'id in 1795: "It is a great tnith Kingdom but conquered the thing Chinese, and the utiliza­ edly: "If Catholic Bishops, priests, and laymen . . . that if the Catholic religion is destroyed by affections of many of its lead-i tion in the interests of the nese customs ,and institutions. e'rs. His work became the apostolate of the sciences of He was the first missionary to arc the first on the enemies’ lists of proscription, the infidels, it is a most contemptible and ab­ seedbed of the modern Chinese Europe. adopt a Chinese name: Li-Ma- is it not because our Holy Church today, as al­ surd idea that . . . any Protestant Church can IT WAS TO TAKE 18 years Tiu (Ri [Ricci] Mattheo). He ways, stands "TH a bulwark against those who missions. Might not Ricci’s wrote in Chinese and knew survive that event.” Th:^t is why every time a honored place among the Chi­ before he was able to reach would destroy religion and the practice of jus­ Protestant spreads slander against the Catholic nese stimulate the hope that his goal, Pekin, the capital. Chinese literature thoroughly. some imitation of his methods Marches and counter-marches, He was able to make a map of tice and charity among men? Is it not because Church, he is really striking a blow against his THE FEAST of the Immaculate Conception, which will break the spiritual walls bouts of illness, shipwrecks, the world that was the marvel the Church is the most pojverful defender, own faith. Every time a non-CathoIic minister originated in the East in about the eight century, is attacks of brigands, popular' to the Chinese, whose science of which we are now so vividly even today studies his contri­ against the new barbarism, of all the gains of gives a sermon attacking the Catholic Church, celebrated by the Church on Dec. 8. The Western Church in England conscious between the White riots, imprisonments—they be­ 2.000 years of Christian civilization? Is it not he weakens the strongest support of his own set his way as they did that of bution to the geography of began to observe the feast in the 11th century, and it was puS on man and tlfe Chinese, the because the Church, faithful to its divine com­ Church's freedom. the calendar of the Universal Church in the 14th century. The Southeast Asian, and the Negro St. Paul. But on Jan. 24, their country. He introduced painting of Mary under the title of her Immaculate Conception of South and Central Africa? 1601, he won admission to the into China Western mathe­ mission, is the uncompromising custodian of the It is more and more evident every day, in Emperor’s presence by virtue matics and becime the ambas­ truth, which saves and sets men free?” shown above was executed by the Spanish artist .Murillo, and comes On Aug. 7, 1582, Father sador of European music and the garish light of the bitter, conflict between from a collection in the Del Prado museum, Madrid. Matthew Ricci landed at Portu­ of the fame of his marvelous LESS THAN TWO WEEKS later comes, good and evil that is shaking the world, that Although the feast did not originate until the eighth century, guese Macao, to find a China clock,.^which made sounds by art. He composed more than itself. For three days he and 2tf works in . Chinese, besides from behind the Iron Curtain itself, confirma­ the Catholic Church is the greatest defender of the doctrine of Our Lady’s unique holiness was held from the as closed to him as it had been a dictionary. A year after his earliest ■ages of the Church, as writings of the Fathers prove. The to the dying Xavier 30 years his companion ta qght the tion of the Bishops’ assertions. First the leaders right and justice and freedom. And every blow before. The Chinese, wrote Ric­ mathematicians of the court death an imperial decree con­ of the Catholic Church had to be eliminated by dogma was formally defined' by Pius IX Dec. 8, 1854. fided to the missionaries the cast''by bigotry or hatred apinst the Catholic ci, regarded all foreigners as how to wind it and make it go. persecution, imprisonment, and death. Then the Church is an attack upon the basic God-given “barbarians, savages, devils,’’ The Emperor gave him a reform of the Chinese cal­ The Denver Catholic Register and their own country as the monthly pension and desired endar. y Reds turn on the Jews, who had been, really, in rights of mankind. head of the world. Ambassa­ him to live at Pekin, which he THIS SCIENTIFIC ACTIV- President...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. ITY was always subordinate Editor...... Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., Jour.D., Litt.D., LL.D. to the winning of souls. Ricci’s Managing Director...... Monsignor John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Ph.D. map of the world gave him an Man Without God Will Destroy Himself City Editor...... f...... Rev. John B. Ebel, M.A., Litt.D. Fair Play Works opportunity to draw attention Associate Editors—Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A., LittD.; Linus GUEST REGISTORIAL ' henceforth a 11 generations one thing for this man, and to the Pope, who lived in By Rev. Owen McHugh shall call me blessed.” Riordan, Ph.D.; Rev. Robert Kekeisen, M.A., Litt.D.; Paul Hallett, celibacy and was elected by that thing for another. Inevi­ Litt.D.; Jack Heher, B.A., Litt.M.; Frank Morriss, B.S., LL.B., Both Ways OUR MODERN WORLD in Man’s pride destroyed this tably it meant despair, for the the wisest and most venerable virtue and with it man’s dig­ mind must seek truth, and Litt.M.; Edward Mack Miller, Litt.M.; Art Editor, Leo Canavan, ^y Linus M. Riordan, Ph.D. cil of Churches, even though members of Christendom. As­ its rejection of Christianity M.F.A. has necessarily repudiated at nity as a human person and when its attainment is denied, FAIR PLAY is the proud his son is a convert to Ca­ tronomy brought up the ques­ a child of God. In his plan frustration results. A man will tholicism. the same time the complexus Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. boast of , and yet it tion of the Creator of the uni­ of Christian virtues which de­ to construct a world without either end up in a complete in-' ______This Paper Printed Entirely by Union Labor J s strange to find out how NO REFLECTION is in­ verse. The missionary’s trea­ velop the follower of Christ. God, the modern man has un­ difference which will never many Americans forget this tended on .any of these per­ tises on ethics furnished start­ In draining Christianity from wittingly organized a world bring contentment, or he will Published Weekly by national axiom whenever some­ sons because of their Church ing points for spiritual guid­ man and his against man. In recognizing find himself running about in thing pertaining to the Cath- affiliation. They all have im­ ance. In 1677 a successor of society, the no authority above himself, circles hopelessly seeking the THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY,line.) Ricci, Ferdinand Verbiest, man has reduced himself to a , I 938 Bannock Street, 1 \)lic church , arises on the na­ pressive records in business World has pre­ answers that he can never at­ tional, or even the interna­ and their patriotism is without made the first steam-operated sented us with level below the brute animal. tain by himself. 'Telephone, KEystone 4205 P.O. Box 1620 tional, scene. question. Neither is this meant vehicle run for an hour in a hollow man, For it WEIS only in their sub­ Pekin and anticipated Watt jection to the will of God that THE THIRD VIRTUE This thought was brought in any way as a criticism ■of bereft of all which our modern world lacks Subscription: to mind when President-elect their selection to such high by 90 years, This too was spiritual val­' man and his society found $1.00 per year in Archdiocese of Denver’. Eisenhower named spme of Cabinet posts. Likewise this is done in the name of winning ues, lacking freedom. Once this was abol­ is charity or love, the virtue $1.50 per y^ r Outside Archdiocese of Denver. the members of hfs Cabinet not an appeal for Catholics in prestige for spreading Chris­ personal diji- ished man became the prey of which perfect* the superna­ last week. He announced the the Cabinet. It is merely a tianity. At Ricci’s death the nity, a crea­ accident and chance, the blind tural life of man, the virtue Canada, $2.25 a year l>er subscription. Chinese Christian community forces of an irrational world. 'selection of Ezra Enos Bensen reflection on human nature, ture of chance which loses sight of self in it* Foreign countries, including Philippines, $3.00 a year. as Secretary of Agriculture. numbered 2,000; 50 years a n d circum­ It is only in the spirit that and in particular the, human man rises above his piaterial concern for the good of others. It is interesting to recall nature of some Americans, later it included 100,000 and stance, a life- With the breakdown of society Thursday, December 4, 1.952 a greater proportion of intel­ 1 less machine. surroundings. As a purely ma­ that Mr. Benson, as one of the who get horribly excited every terial being h« is but an in­ into a conglomeration of iso­ directors of, the Mormon time a Catholic receives a gov­ lectual figures than at any Modern athe­ lated individuals, m a n lost time since. ism'is not an accident. Nor is significant cog in a tremen­ OFFICIAL! ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER Church, is known as one of the ernment post or the question dously large and heartless' uni­ sight ef his obligation not only “apostles” of that Church, and of a U.S, Ambassador to tbe After the period of Jesuit it the atheism of the compla­ in social justice hut in social The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. cent man who finds in the de­ verse of matter. Without de­ We confirm it as the official publication of the .Archdiocese. in that capacity he might be Vatican comes up, but who, influence in the 17th century, pendence upon God, man’s charity as well. The extreme compared in Church rank to a paradoxically, see nothing contempt once more ensued in nial of God a certain conveni­ individualism with which we Whatever appears, in its columns over the signature of the Or- ence. It is not something nega­ God-given rights disappear and diri'ary or those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared Cardinal of the C&tholic wrong in a high official of any the relations between Chinese he becomes the victim of a are infected has made man Church. other religion being in a gov­ add Europeans. Western sci­ tive. The atheism of a man like withdraw into his shell «nd has official. Karl Marx is something posi­ "might-makes-right” philoso­ NOW THERE has been no ernmental post. Why must the ence was often employed for phy which in the end will de­ resulted in the extreme selfish- We hope The Register will be read in every home of the gain or for subjugation. The tive and organic. Rather than ness'that plagues our living as Archdiocese. outcry for separation of spirit of American fair play a pure denial of God, it is the stroy him. In his pride, man Church and State in Catholic on the part of too many Amer­ primary end of reaching the has sought absolute freedom social beings. When man loses We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste setting up of a false god in sight of his need to love God in the children of the archdiocese for the ;>eading’ of The pulpits or in Catholic papers icans apply to everyone but Chinese soul through culture opposition and in-place of the or rather a complete lack of over the appointment of a Mor­ Catholics? A man’s patriotism was too often lost sight of. restrictions and has ended up and his fellow man for the Register. , ^ The reconquest of China will true One. sake of God, covetousness for . « URBAN J. VEHR, mon Church official to a high is not adversely affected by In a sense the philosophy of the slave of economic and po­ government post. But imagine his Church affiliation. not be easy for us; the first litical forces, the bond servant the things of this world fol­ Jan. 29, 1942 Archbishop of Denver Marx is more of a spiritual na­ lows. “What is there in it for the outbursts that would have conquest, was not easy for ture than that liberal philoso­ of his own passions, the pris­ Ricci and his companions. But oner of all the other dehumsm- me?” “Let each man watch come forth from many Ameri­ If we knew the full score of phy which our Western world out for himself,” “the survival Forty Hours' Devotion cans had a priest or a Bishop, prayers that go before the if his method of xlove and re­ has inherited. It w ^ against izing elements that are slowly ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER spect is followed, and if but steadily stifling him. What of the fittest,” are only catch let alone a Cardinal, been •throne of God, we would be the false bourgeois culture that phrases that betray the ideals Week of Dec. 7, Second Sunday of Advent named to a post in any Presi­ inspired by the numbers and UNESCO and other interna­ paid lip service to the Chris­ irony! If the proud liberal of Denver, St. Roie Residence tional organs subordinate a the 19th century could only of th e individualistic self- dent’s cabinet! kinds of people ^ho send tian God and then evaluated seeker. And because man will Colorado Springs, St, Mary's church John Foster Dulles, the new them; we would want to program of scientific and cul­ the whole of life from purely see the product’of his rank Crook, St. Peter’s church optimism now! not love, the abuses that re­ Secretary of State, holds a unite our prayers to theirs.— tural advance to spiritual material and godless principles sult will be remedied by a love­ high post in the Federal Coun- Loretta Young. values. China should be won. that the absolute and totali­ THE SECOND VIRTUE less, de-personalized, all-cm- CATHOLIC RADIO and TV 100 tarian system arose. Man can­ that the modern world lacks bracive State that in turn will not mock God for long. God and which stands so in the generate abuses too horrible to Station KOA SACRED HEART PROGRAM does not have to send down fore is that of faith. By faith imagine. here is not meant a vague ASK AND LEARN—Sunday, —Sunday, 6:45 a.m.*, and 11 The AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK thunderbolts from above nor If St. Paul would tell of the 8:30 a.m. must He open the earth to subjective feeling that makes p.m. ' swallow the disobedient) In the a man feel good and that enemies of the cross of Christ CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, of Denver very nature of things man will varies from one person to whose end is destruction (Phil- 12 noon. Station KTLN destroy himself by his own another. Faith is rooted in ippia,ns ill), and would tell this FR. JOHN ORDINAS, C.R.— hand> And his destruction will the intellect of man. It en­ weeping, what would he do to- Station KFKA, Greeley day? AfterAft all, he was spread­ Sunday, 7:15-7:30 a.m. * be just as complete. As has ables a man to accept objective AVE MARIA HOUR—Sunday, truth on the words of God re­ ing a gospel that was new to a been said, when Christianity pagan people who deeply felt 12:30 p.m. Station KBOL, Boulder disappears its virtues neces­ vealing, whether that truth be sarily vanish at the same time. especially comfortable or not. the need of redemption. What 'Station KFEL SACRED HEART PROGRAM One cannot remain without the The man of the Renaissance, would he do today with nations AVE MARIA HOUR—Sunday, Every weekday at 7 a.m. irs other. Those virtues which though essentially a Christian, that are supposedly Christian, 5:30 a.m., and 11:30 p.m. opened the doors for skepti­ that have heard the whole characterized a Christian soci­ story of Christianity? Would ROSARY FOR PEACE—Sun­ Station KFEL-TV ety stand out in the awesome­ cism when he neglected God in LIFE IS WORTH LIVING— JUST ness of their absence from his concept of life. It was not he despair? I think not. Un­ day, 8:15 p.m. doubtedly he would be shaken Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, our modern world, namely, long later that man proudly as­ FAMILY THEATER—Wednes­ humility, faith, and charity. serted he would accept as by the enormity of the task. day, 8:30 p.m. Thursdays, 10:30 p.m. GOOD HUMILITY is a basic vir­ true only that which he could Being a Christian, however, he tue. Without it the other Chris­ see, only that which fell would know that no matter COMMON tian virtues a r e impossible. under the scope of his mind. how dark the picture, Chris­ Through humility man recog­ Such things as supernatural tianity will stand dnd it will nizes hLs true worth, realizes '» mysteries must be discarded as once again vivify society. Its SENSE his position in the scheme of relics of another age since they virtues will again take hold of Hear reality. This virtue does not could not be examined under the hearts and minds of men imply absolute worthlessness the eye of a mier^cope or and will reform the institutions TO but on the contrary insures reached (by the deductionsdWtio of a of human society. Those ring­ man’s greatness. Mary/in her mathematician’s pad. ing wo'rds of Paul must be our ASK and LEARN Magnificat recognizes her low­ Ip his exaltation of the hope. “Our citizenship is in liness in the sight of God and human intellect man soon lost heaven from which also we immediately foretells the fame confidence in that intellect and eagerly await a Savior, Our of her name that will be sung found himself caught in the Lord Jesus Christ, who will KOA throughout all time. “My soul inescapable trap of his own refashion the body of our low­ doth magnify the Lord and my subjective being. Add to this liness, conforming it to the yjirit hath'rejoiced in Go8 my the fact that man had lost body of His glory, by exerting Savior. Because He hath re­ sight of the value of authority, the power by which He is able 8:30 garded the lowliness of His and faith became something to subject all things to Him­ self.” EVERY SUNDAY MORNING The AMERICAN WAY handmaid, f o r behold from subjective, the truth meaning Questions on religion submitted by the radio audience answered on the archdiocesan broad­ The Lady Who Stumped St. Thomas cast. By R ev. R obert E. K e k e is e n of Mary, was principally (Mn- formation in the womb of her Booklet on Catholic Church available free of THE IMMACULATE CON- cerned about the time in which mother. cost to all inquirers, CEPTION — the dogma of the ‘ the Immaculate Conception THE DOGMA OF THE was effected by divine power. WRITE TO Stebdy savers always get ahead. They know absolute sinlessness of the Vir­ Immaculate Conception was ASK AND LEARN, Station K0.4 gin Queen of Heaven—was one The doctrine teaches, and contained, at least in germ, taught even in those times, in the teachings of the Patris­ Denver 2, Colorado the feeling of satisfaction a growing Savings doctrine that put the great St. Account can bring. They know that each Thomas Aquinas and his eru­ that Mary at no time knew tKe tic writers of the Church in the dite cohort of scholars at a loss taint of sin. But how, St. ' very beginnings of Christian­ deposit they make is a step nearer financial for explanation. Not that the Bernard asked, could the ity. In fact, the Feast of the Virgin be free from sin even MAin 5314 ^ security. Don't let your income be all out-go. Angelic Doctor ever refused Immaculate Conception was belief to- this beautiful truth before she existed as a human celebrated widely, though not ( Save part cf every pay check and see how —held at least implicitly from being? Again, no question of yet universally, from the the fact, but of the circum­ much happier you'll be. Open your account the Church’s earliest days; but eighth century. It is interest-- he was so loyal to the fact stances. ing that the faith of the com­ F. J. KIRCHHOF tomorrow at THE AMERICAN NATIONAL of the universal redemptive IT WAS FOR DUNS SCO- mon people, implicitly sanc­ merits of the Savior, and so TUS (1266-1308), the Fran­ tioned by the Pontiffs of the strict in the interpretation of ciscan Doctor Subtilis, to make ages, was surer, less hampered Construction Co. FREE PARKING this basic teaching, that h e'' the clarifying distinctions. by scholarly problems,, in this found it difficult to see pre­ Though some maintain that matter than the' discussions of right next door cisely how the Bpotless Mother this intellectual analyst was the most eminent theologians. BUILDERS^ 'ef Christ was preserved intact often guilty of a sort of ami­ It is an ancient saying: He has 'from all stain ef evil. There able iconoclasni, he certainly# not God for his Father who was question, in 'th e School­ contributed greatly to the has not the Church for Jiii We Appreciate Your Patronage men’s debates about the Im­ understanding of Mary’s Mother. It can be said-with maculate Conception, not of unique privilege in the divine equal truth: He has not the 700 Lawrence St. , Denver, Colo. the fact, but of the manner. sc^me. Scotus answered the Church for his Mother who has Christ died for all, and outside dimculty of St. Thomas by not Mary also as his Mother. ESTABLISHED i m the merits of Christ none is showing that the merits of 'The faithful have known, from saved. Mary partook (even •' Christ must have been ap­ the very first, that Mary and eminently) of the merits of plied to Mary’s stainless soul sin are two contradictory T'le American Fixture Go. her Divine Son. But how were preservatively; that is, instead terms, absolutely incompatible NATIONAL BANK these merits Applied to Mary’s of actually freeing Mary from with each either. The theolo­ Msaafsetarsrs ef THE soul if she never knew sin, sin (for she never had sin), gians knew this too, but many and so could not be said pre­ Christ’s qjerits kept sin from of them were in hot water _ Church Pews and Altars * AMERICAN of Denver cisely to have been freed from her soul in the very first in­ when they tried to explain it. Church Furniture' ; \ sin? t stance. St. BernanFs question A difficulty found among the myriad mysteries of God Bank, Office, and Store Fixtures 17TH AND LAWRENCE STREETS It is indeed an intriguing of “when” was given response chapter in the history of Cath­ in this manner by the Francis­ should never shake faith; Millvoork of All Kinds olic dogmas when the student can theologian: Mary was pre­ rather a knotty problem in Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation finds another gp-eat son of served from sin from the mo­ connection with a divine fact F. J. Kirclihof. Pres. _ MA^'0168 Mary also confused in regard ment of perfect conception, that should but increase one’s ad- C. F. Stahl, Vice Pres. V >1236 Arapahoe Su ; to her prerogative of sinTess- is, from the first moment her 'miration of, and reverence for, Denver, Colo. ' Hear “MR. PRESIDENT” starring Edward Arnold — KVOD; S P.M. — Wed. \ ness. St. Bernard, than whoiy soul was united to her body, the sublimity and depth of the no on* wrote more inspiringly ia the procass of the body’s Divinity.

.V S' ■ 1 ^ iiL ‘ ,3-' - V ' 'r

■fr” ' ’ ■ ■■ ^ ■ : '' Thursday, December 4,1952 PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 93 8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4205

nimnfiMiitmimHiiiHmiiH Parish Sacrifice Lauded Nativity Novena at Holy ■Family Parish NORTH DENVER NEWS Family Parish, Denver) The Holy Family Men’s club Communion in a group on Sunday 'he fourth annual Christmas will sponsor a , special Christmas in the 7:30 o’clock Maas. By Dedication Speaker novena will be held in Holy Tam- party on Saturday evening, Dec. Baptized ou Sunday, Nov. 30, ily church beginning on Saturday 13, immediately after the Christ­ were Beverly Jean Head, the in­ mas novena devotion. The re­ fant of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin (Continued From Page One) | Built of light tan brick with an evening, Dec. 13. It will conclude Sunday evening, Dec. 21. The ex­ ceipts of this special party will Head, and sponsors were Beverly George Forquer, O.P., were ornate stone trim set off by a Archbishop Dedicates New Church cellent response of the people to help defray the expenses of the Anne Head and Thomas Martelon. chaplains to the Archbishop, The roof of dark red tile, the' lines of the building command at­ this spiritual preparation for Christmas dinner to be served Christine Doris Larson, infant Rev. B. John Paolazzi, als,lso on Christmas has been most gratify­ by the men to the choir and visit­ of Mr. and Mrs. James Larson, St. Catherine’s staff, directed dir tention from bypassers along the heavily travried Federal boule­ ing, and it is hoped that all who ing priests at the close of the was also* baptized. The sponsors the parish’s large mixed choir in possibly can will again avail Christmas novena on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lar­ Dobici’s Missa Solemnis in D, vard. themselves of this spiritual op­ evening,' Dec. 21. The next son. \ with additional works by Mozart, The interior of the spacious church provides the latest in portunity. The Rev. James B. meeting of the Men’s club will Sadler, and Haydn. Hamblin, chaplain of Mercy hos­ be held in the school hall on Church Seats 750 modern facilities and _ is dis­ tinguished by a set of incompa­ pital, will preach each evening. Wednesday evening, Dec. 10, at The beautiful Lombard Ro­ Deyotiona; will be held each eve­ 8 p.m. manesque church, Located on the rable pure white marble statues, ning at 7:45. including a magnificent crucifix On Nov. 26, Father Joseph corner of W. 42nd avenue and Koontz TMeived Mr. and Mrs. Federal boulevard, is built to ac­ above the main altar. The altars. Communion rail, pulpit, bap­ Robert Wommack into the commodate 7B0 Mass-goers. It ^YC at Mti Carmel Church. The sponsors for Mr. and ■" % is dominated by a 60-foot tower tismal font, and other fixtures 4 Mrs. Womack were Mr. and Mrs. at the southwest corner and the are of Italian Botticino marble Put your dollars to south exposure, running from of light gray. The ohiirch has 44 John Wilson. The couple received stained glass windows, valued at Elects 4 Officers the sacrament of Confirmation work where they will the church on the corner to the (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Dec. 1. rectory in the middle of the $12,000 and impotted from work the hardest. . . block, provides an unequaled ex­ Italy. Two triptych windows in Parish, Denver) The members of the Altar and panse of -attractive architecture. either transept show scenes from At the December meeting of Rosary society will meet Thurs­ the Young People’s club the fol­ earning a high rote of the life of St. Therese, the Little day afternoon, Dec. 4. The meet­ ^iCtCVVtCtStCIMtCICICICtpetCtCtPCWCJ Flower, and of St. Frances lowing officers were elected: 4% interest. Xavier Cabrini. Each serves as President, Ray Pepe; vice presi­ ing will be preceded by the reci­ sc;„. I — a backdrop for a marble statue dent, Dan Carbone; secretary, tation of the Rosary in the church Ptiddn cop/Fof ivrp/M of the respective saint. A large Frances Brienza; treasurer, Ma­ at 1:15, followed by the business •*9t $250,000.00 1 i; S Fine Jewelry at rose window, over the main rie Piccone. Plans were made for and social meeting in the school y entrance, features St. Catherine a Christmas party to be held hall. This will be the annual y y of Siena, the patroness. The Sunday, Dec. 21, in the rectory. Christmas party meeting with REPUBLIC y electric fixtures are of bronze Plans were also discussed to exchange of gifts among the y and glass and the ceiling fea­ make up Christmas baskets for members. Officers and commit­ LOAN CO. I ^ y Lower Prices tures hand-painted panels with the needy, a yearly project of the y tee members will act as hostesses 1636 Glenarm • Denver, Colo. liturgical desi^s. The floor of club. for this meeting. The members of tilablUhsd 1925 I Famous Name Brands 1 Mt. Carmel high school will h-' the sanctuary is of terrazzo and the society will receive Holy y the body of the church has act as host to the Catholic Stu- |iiiiiiiiiii»iiiiiiiiiiiiiNiioiiilini!liiiiiiliiiiiilitlliiiiiiliwuiiiiiiiimiiiH[ii’iiiiiiiniiitimiiitiiii'iiiiiiiiiii band, under the direction of Mr. nier, O.P., of St. Dominic’s president, Mrs. Levi J. Saindon, Salee, will perform for the first church. At the presentation, Mr. to make the recommendations time this year. One of the main Brocks mdhtioned that this num­ for officers for the coming year. features of this meeting will be ber of awards is the highest num­ They were Mmes. Frank N. the reviewing of classroom dec­ Scheer, chairman; P. W. Conboy, ber obtainable. William Hirtzell, and Bart Finn. orations and the choosing of the Cub Scouts are reminded that best decorated classroom. The- committee’s recommenda­ if they did not bring their dona­ tions for officers will be sub­ tion of canned goods to this mitted to the meeting. Other SHOP W ITH US AND SAVE!! meeting, that they should bring nominations will be made from 25e ChrUtmu Vfrtp Paper Complete ulth Tap. Seah and BIbbon ------,------13i them by Saturday, Dec. 6, to the floor by any of the members 10c ChriiUnal Seall ------J* lOe* ChrliUoM Tap ------either Mr. Grout at 4344 Byrant present. The outgoing officers 15e While Tltiue Paper ------iO* street or to Mr. Jones at 4282 will be hostesses and will serve lopo and Oltta for tha whole (amllr. We write mooej orden. Open eeanlngi end tandayi Grove street. the luncheon. Mrs. Levi Saindon 52nd AVE. VARIETY STORE The dake donated by Mrs. R. will be chairman. 1851 W. 52nd AVE. SLendale ^ 3 8 Cito was given to James Hein­ Before the business meeting the rich. recitation of the Rosary and Benediction will be held. After Again this year, tha Cub ward, in the auditorium, the Very Scout, will make a Christmas Rev. Joseph I. Reardon, O.P., will crib to be displayed at the give the concluding talk in his Christmas party. According to preliminary plans, the party sbries of three discussions regard­ will be beld on Friday evening, ing a current popular book. A Dec. 19, in the new cafeteria. membership drive will be made The planning meeting for of­ during January by the ficers of the pack will be held officers. at 8 p.m. Dec. 10 in the home of Communion Day Dec. 7 Mrs. J. Botero, 4519 Bryant The members of the society will street. receive Communjon Sunday, Dec. Father Herbert Banigan and 7, in the 7:30 Mass and will re­ Your Plumber_L_F For______Yean * the officers of. the Holy Name main after the Mass for their society thank the workers, the customary group prayers. Ed O'Connor, Sr. Ed O'Connor, Jr. donors of 63 turkeys, five hams, The sodality is planning 3030 W. 44th Ave. GL. 4323 and numerous other prizes, in­ three-day Mass celebration for the Holy Father in connection New york Prelate with the general sodality plan of a spiritual Christmas touquet CAMEO c « . Dedication Speaker to Pius XII. The Masses will be on Dec. 6, 7, and 8. Linoleum— Asphalt, Rubber & Plastic Tile— Wall Covering Confessions will be heard Thursday, Dec. 4, in the afternoon Estimates Complimentary at 4 and in the evening at 7:30 for the first Friday 2555 W. 29th Are. GR. 9535 Masses on Friday will be at 6:30, 7, and 8, with distribution of (iommunion before the 6:30 Mass. In the evening the Holy ST. CATHERINE'S PARISH Hour, to be held from 7:30 to 8:30, will be conducted by the Patronize These Friendly Firms Rev. W. H. Albertson, O.P. On Saturday, Dec. 6, Fatima devotions will be held after the 7 and 8 o’clock Masses. For thf ParchMc On the holy day, Monday, Dec. or Sale of Your YOUR 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Property—Call CLEANERS Owned by Pinochle Club in Derby Paul and Foiter Bruno JOHN snd BERTHA McBRIDE 3659 W. 44th Ave. GL. 3686 GLcndsI* 8502 1716 TEJON ST. Holds Farewell Party LAMP SHADES \ Derby.— (St. Catherine’s Par­ We have the largest selection of COMPLETE PAINT JOBS ish)—St. Catherine’s new ver­ sion pinochle club had an infor­ Lamp Shades in Denver. Com­ Body & Fender Repair Complete Mechanical Repair* mal farewell get-together Nov. 30 in the home of Mary and pare our prices. Lamp Shades of H A N K ’S AlJTO B O D Y The Rt. Rev. Monsignor John Kaiser honoring Isabell and 38lh Perry GR 0142 Barney Rubell, who are soon 'the latest styles . , . that will Francis W. Walsh, P.A leaving the Derby community. Electrical Fixtures Owned and operated by all Catholic Per.onnel pastor of St. Gabriel’s parish, Anyone desiri^ to purchase We have a complete selection of compliment your home. ' Riverdale, N. Y., is shown deliv­ Christmas cards is urged to pur­ Electrical Fixtures for the home. ering the sermon at the Solemn chase them soon, for there are They make ideal Gifts. ‘ Mass comm Archiepiseopo Uiat only a few boxes left. ’These followed the ’dedication of the cards can be purchased either be­ STORE HOURS- HOLY FAMILY PARISH new St. Catherine church. Den fore or after Mass in the vesti­ ver, Nov. 27. Monsignor Walsh bule of the church. TREE DECORATIONS Monday and Friday till 9 p.m. Patronize. These Friendly Firms , was pastor of S t Vincent de New confessionals are being Paul’s parish, Denver, when the Tues., Wed., and Thurs. till 7 p.m. built and installed in the church. g ne Rev. D. A.. Lemieux, present pas­ First Friday and first Satur­ Saturday till 6 p.m. tor of St. Catherine’s, was an 'Light Bulbs, Tree Light Sets. Be sure to Expert Watch Repair day Masses will be offered at see these wonderful new decorations. BLALACK'S assistant there. — (P h,o t o by 6:30 o’clock. Diamonds Smyth) STANDARD SERVICE On Dec. 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Masses VIC JOHNSON 4^th Tennyson GR. 9908 will be offered at 6, 7, and 8 Jewelry 8 A H Grten Stamps o’clock. J ST. DdMINICS Jacke Ruggi, who underwent 4318 Tennyson GR, 9557 Lubrication • Tiret • Batterie* Patronize These Friendly Firms surgery, is home and feeling better. Rose Appelhans is better WASINGER’S ELECTRIC after being ill in he^ home this The firms listed here , CORN FED MEATS Whittaker past week end. Helen K. and Roy F. Wasinger deserve to be remembered POULTRY AND FISH Mary Ann Younger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William when you are distributing TEINIVYSON iPharmacj Younger, was baptized Nov. 30 Sales • Repair • Service V your patronage in the dif­ in St. Catherine’s with the Rev. Meat Market! *‘The Friendly Store” Dominic ,M. Albino, O.S.M., of­ 3156 W. 38th Ave. GLeSidale 8946^ ferent lines of business. 4016 Tennyson GR. 0443 Prescription Specialists ficiating. Fred Younger and Jo­ W. 32nrl and Perry GL, 2401 sephine; Sewald were sponsors.

1 i Thursday, December 4,1952 Office, 938 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 42dS PAGE FIFTEEN To Assist at Christmas Cheer Party Aurora Society Plans Christmas Party (St. Theret«’t Pariih, Aurora) Smith ks sponsors by proxy, and being the proxy; Charles Michael, Q ^ The Altar and Rosary society Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Manille as infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Les­ ^ t ^ o lo r a d o lUprings ^ will meet on Thursday, Dec. 11, acting sponsors; ter F, Pasquale, with Clifford at 8 p.m. in the parish hall. There Carl Allen, infant of Mr. and Frances Cunningham as will be a Christmas party at this and Mrs. Dwight P. Jaszkqwiak, sponsors; Teresa Marie, infant meeting and the guest speaker with Allan P, Jaszkowiak and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. D. CROUCH - I for the evening will be the Rev. Norma B. Swartzbaugh as spon­ A. Pearce, with John J. Roach C. D. O’BRIEN ; James Rasby of Christ the King sors by proxy, Katherine. Rhodes and Claudia Roach as sponsors. M a T rea lty parish. The women of the Altar and Rosary society and the children REALTOR of the parish will receive Holy ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH Communion in the 7 o’clock INSURANCE - LOANS Mass on Dec. 7, the first Sunday Please Patronise These Friendly Firms of the month. ! V The Men’i club will meet on QUALITY APPAREL Ute Theater Bldg. Monday, Dec. 8, at 8 p.m. in OPE]\ ’TIL MIDNIGHT EVERY NIGHT the parish hall. IN COLORADO SPRINGS Colorado Springs, Colo. SINCE 1872 A games party will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m. in the NORM'S TEXACO SERVICE Kiowa and Tejon Street* MAIN 1898 parish hall. A combination waffle NORM ENGBLOM. Prop. THE ANNUAL Christmas Cheer and W, M. Mahoney. The hostesses will be Mmes. iron and grill has been added to Tixk. .n4 Flriitoa. Pro4ieti SPEER BLVD. AT BANNOCK V. J, Connor, M. J. Cunningham, J, Rosenbach, the special prize, which already Libriutl.n and WaiNIni TABOR 9222 party and program of the Dominican Sarah Kemme, Walter Wade, and S. W. Puksta. consisted' of an electric perco­ Sisters and Friends of the Sick Poor Aid society Mrs. A. J. Bonino, entertainment chairman, lator, an automatic toaster, and THE MURRAY DRUG CO. WILLIAM C. CRARON will be held Sunday, Dec. 14, from 2:30 to 5:30 reports an excellent program is being arranged for $20. There will be some turkeys. The firms listed here- Carolyn'$^leaner$ ■•In 8tm—116 E. PIkM Puk—MAlii 144 Optometrist p.ra. in Corpus Christi convent, 2501 Gaylord the afternobn. The sisters and Mrs. A. D. McGill, Square dancing will continue deserve to be remembered 748 Fo* Street Plortk Stnr*—832 Tilon—MAI* 189 street, Denver. The sisters will be present during president of the society, extend an invitation, to weekly on Thursday evenings Phone CHerry 2832 121 North Ttjon 8t. starting at 8 p.m. in the parish Professional Pharmacy the entire afternoon to greet the guests and their all to attend this party for an enjoyable afternoon. when you are distributing Quality Dry Cleaning PHONE MAIN 6662 many friends. ^ The silver offering will be used to purchase food hall. John Tunis is in charge and your patronage in the dif­ SOI No, Tejon MAin 10S8 COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. The following officers of the society will serve for the Christmas baskets, which the sisters dis­ wijl instruct the beginfiers. / We Pick Up and Deliver as chairmen: Mmes. A. D- McGill, Wallace Webb, tribute to the sick-poor and the needy. Our Lady ,of Lourdes circle ferent lines of business. met with Jean Pobar in Novem­ OariHd aad Opiratad by 8111 AlalM, Get Baur’s (of Denver) P C. E. Sward, J. V. Berger, A. J. Catlett, S. Sferra, The group shown above will assist at the Membtr of St. Jneph'i Farlih Pete Beroni E. Werner, R. L. Kurtz, John Schlereth, E. J. Christmas Cheer party. They are, left to right, ber. Francis Hutchison will be Candy and Ice Cream at P P Farniture Shop Dermody, and H. L. Harrison. The following Mmes. J. M. Harrington, Phil Clarke, William M. the new chairman and Roberta L UPHOLSTERING. women have been asked to pour: Mmes. M. _J.l Mahoney, M. J. O’Fallon, Sister Mary Albert, Lamers is a new member. Johnson-English ^ RE-UPHOLSTERING AND O’Fallon, Giles Foley, T. C. McElroy, J. M. Har­ superior; and Mmes. E. Gibbons, T. C. McElsoy, Coming circle meetings are REPAIRING rington, E. Gibbons, John Demmer, J. E. Doherty, and John Demmer. Ave Maria circle on Thursday, Recommended Firms Slip CoTcri and DrapertM Dec. 4, with Marjorie Rhed; Our Drug Co. Hade to Order Lady of Perpetual Help circle on LENTHERIC Toiletrief ' Furniture Made to Order ‘ 24-22 So. Wahiatch Are. MAin 6309 4 Monday, Dec. 8, with Peg Kelly; Tejon at Bijou Bt. Phone 1406 Scouts' Rite in Park H ill Church Dec. 7 Mother Cabrini circle on Wednes­ for AUTO day, Dec. 10, with Merle Horrell. The Heyse Sheet (Bietied Sacrament Pariah, “f/ Four ISeedi Are Electrical ter, 2809 Larimer street, and to Mmes. James Cummings and Masses on Monday, Dec. 8, Denver) Vail Community center, 1904 W. John Eby. Call Main 939” Metal and Roofing the Feast of the Immaculate Wirinr—Fixturea and Repalra • INCORPORATED The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Har­ 12th avenue, for distribution. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roche SERVICE old V. Campbell will officiate Conception, will be at 6:30, HEATING ROOFING The centers have a combined are the parents of their fourth 7:30, 9, and 10 o’clock. SHEET METAL Sunday afternoon, Dec. 7, at 4 registration of about 500 chil­ boy, Michael Patrick, born in Berwick Electric Co. Baptized recently were Kath­ J. 0. BERWICK K l 80. NEVADA o’clock when 27 Brownies and 21 dren. Toys and books for both Mercy hospital on Thanksgiving Phone: MAin 692 Girl Scouts will be invested. The boys and girls from the ages of day. leen Marie, daughter of Mr. and Colorido Springi, Colorado Mrs. Francis P. Fox, sponsored Eat. 1868 exercises will close with Benedic­ two to 11 would be welcome. Mrs. Richard F. Genaro was Sales & Service tion of the Blessed Sacrament. Each year a Christmas party is baptized Nov. 30 b y . Father by Niel T. Fox and Lorene & Relatives and friends are invited. given at both centers, at v^ich Borer, with Mrs. Elizabeth Mes­ Simms, with Martha Wolf as We Repair All IHake§ ^ ZECHA ADAMS ^ time Archbishop Urban J. Vehr senger as her sponsor. Mrs. Ge­ proxy; David Casey, son of Mr. ^ Conoco Service Station ^ On Sunday morning in the 8 and Mrs. Donald E. Gardner, Major Motor Overhaul — Body — Paint — Wheel Alignment o’clock Mass when the members is the honored guest. naro will make her First Com­ and Balance — Electrical — Batteries & Tire* of the Altar and Rbsary society Father Borer wishes to state munion on Sunday, Dec. 7, with sponsored by Edward Hodapp I I tHEtS-L that the participation of any of and Sharon Gardner; Gary Rich­ SEE OUR LARGE USE CAR'DISPLAY BEFORE YOU BUY and the PTA receive corporate her husband and three of her O W ol... Communion, they will be joined the Girl Scout troops or Brown­ daughters also receiving. The ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray ies, who so desire, would be ap­ Genaros are the parents of six Tittes, sponsored by Helefi Hol- by all the Girl Scouts and lendeck and John J. Kennedy; Brownibs. preciated. Friday, Dec. 19, has girls, the eldest a high school WILLIAMS-NASH INC. I Nevada Are. at Cache la Poudr. ^ been designated as the deadline freshman, and the youngest born Mark Wayne, son of Mr. and First Saturday devotions in Mrs. Eugene P. Wagner, spon­ 2030 So. University — SH. 2781 honor of Our Lady of Fatima for the collection of toys. on Nov, 14 in St. Joseph’s hos­ For the third consecutive year, pital. sored by Lauretta Borun and (Formcrlr Univeraity P»rk Garaite) ' “Peak Quality Floicprs” will begin Saturday morning, Girl Scout troop 173, with a mem­ Nut Sale Planned Arthur Sauer. FROM Dec. 6, following the 8:15 Mass, bership of 18 intermediate Girl Baptized Nov. 30 were Ste­ when the Blessed Sacrament will The annual project sponsored phen Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. be exposed for public, all-day Scouts, has adopted the Infant of by the Mothers’ auxiliary of Boy The Pike*s Peak Prague nursery as its community Dean C. Copeland with Melvin adoration. The recitation of the Scout troop 145 is the sale of Hodapp and Anabelle Hodapp as De Soto-Plymouth Floral Co. project. This year, under the deluxe packaged nuts, priced Rosary and prayers of repara­ leadership of Mmes. Dean Huff­ sponsors; Catherine Therese, in­ Service I ltd N. Tejon Stroct Phono HAIn 699 tion will be offered hourly for from $1.25 for the 12 ounce ^ man, A. G. Topil, and Glen Wil­ Freeztainer to the two-pound fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. world peace and the conversion son, the girls are making wooden Clayton H. Hansen, with John All Late Model Used Cars of Russia until 9 o’clock in the plastic box at $3.25. Caffrey and Matilda Connors as evening, when the devotions will pull toys for the babies. The girls Orders may be taken up to Carry 5,000 Mile Guarantee Main 10070-H Main 3729-R will deliver the toys to the nurs­ sponsors; Janet Catherine, infant close with .Benediction. and including Dec. 10. To place daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ Factory Trained Mechanics on All Chrysler Made Cars nieBEERTTial LARRY JERRY ery before Christmas. orders or for more detailed in­ Madden Plumbing Co. Scouts Work Two Christmas projects among formation, those interested are mond Hoag, with Mr. and Mrs. On Christmas Projects the Blessed Sacrament school asked to call Mrs. John Mueller, Roy Reno as sponsors; Jeanne ifade Milwaukee Famous PLUMBING CONTRACTOR children have been announced. Patricia, infant daughter of Mr. PLUMBING REPAIRS Under tire sponsorship of the EA. 8142; Mrs. A. G. Topil, FR. GRIFFITH MOTORS, Inc. JOE KEKEISEN GAS WATER HEATERS Sister Marie Bernarde’s split 1556; Mrs. Elvin Gull, Ft,. 3050; and Mrs. Arthur J. Matthews, Phene Hlln 12604-8 827 W Colerido An. Rev. Anton J. Borer, S.M.B., fourth and fifth grade rooms are with Herman T. Fikes and Linda scout chaplain, the boys in Cub Mrs. H. E. Pachoud, EA. 2133; 2770 No. Speer Blvd. GR. 3313 making attractive Christmas or any mother of a Boy Scout. LEGAL NOTICE Scout pack 23, Boy Scout troop place cards, to be distributed to 145, and Explorer post 145 have The meeting of the Neighbor­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT various charitable organizations. hood club on Thursday, Dec. 4, AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP BUCK SPORTING begun Christmas projects which The children in the split sixth at 1 o’clock in the home of Mrs. ESTATE OF MATTIE LLEWELLYN, Aley Drug Co. will gpve joy to those less for­ and seventh grade rooms, taught DECEASED. tunate. The boys in troop 145 Herbert Leibman, 2030 Eudora, No. 96261 GOODS CO. PRESCRIPTION by Sister Patricia Jean, have will be the occasion of the in­ Notice if hereby given that on the 2Srd RADIO SERVICE DRUGGISTS will bring toys to the meetings designated the Little Flower So­ day of December, 1952, I will present to "EverTthinf tor Everr Sport” in the next few weeks, and will stallation of new officer^. the County Court of the City and County A Complete v.^ervice 'for Car or Home Radio* ' Phone” Main 930 Phono Main 260 112 So. Tojon St. cial center and Vail Community Boy Scout troop 145 will hold of Denver, Colorado, ray accounts for repair them as a patrol project, center as the recipients of their and the boys in Explorer post its board of review Friday eve­ final settlement of the administration of We Will Serve You Best 19 NO. TEJON ST.' COLORADO SPRINGS Christmas project. They will ning, Dec. 5, at 8 o’clock. Boys said estate, when and where all persons 145 will also co-operate. in interest may appear and object to gather such items as granulated are requested to appear with them, if they so desire. The Cub Scouts in pack 23 are sugar, brown sugar, cocoa, choc­ signed application cards. Notice is also hereby given that there JAME§ MOTOR CO. working in their dens on a simi­ olate, white Karo syrup, canned The field trip on Monday, Dec. has been filed in said estate a petition 1278 Lincoln Dodge & Plymouth Sales & Service KE. 8221 lar project. The toys, games, and asking for a judicial ascertainment and milk, flour, and margarine, which 8, for Explorer post 145 is part determination of the heirs of such de­ books thus gathered will be given will be used at the two centers of the vocational program ceased. and setting forth that the namee. FORT COLLINS to the Little Flower Social cen- for cookie and candy making. planned for the Explorer unit. addresses and relationships of all persons, who are or claim to be heirs of said New Circle Organixed The boys are asked to bring their deceaaed, so far as known to the peti­ apprentice cards. tioner, are as follows, to-wit: Thomas E. Lourdes Parish The organization of H»ly Trin­ At the perpetual Sacred Heart Llewellyn. 8381 Rowena, Los Angeles, ity circle has been announced by novena devotions on Friday, Dec. Calif., son: John Llswellyn, 3381 d'r e ilin g m o t o r s Rowena, Los Angeles. Calif., son: and the circle chairman, Mrs. J. Vin­ 5, Father Borer will continue his Vetrice Flaming Morgan, 115 E. Buena Units Plan Party cent Connor. It met Nov. 28 in explanation of the third promise Vista, Santa Fe. N. M., daughter. Buick and G M C Trucks the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Accordingly, notice is also hereby given Elder. The other members in­ that upon tbs date aforesaid, or the day 230 South College Ave. Phone 2500 St. Margaret Mary. These devo­ to which the hearing may be continued, Denver) clude Messrs, and Mmes. Albert tions, which begin at 7:30 with the Court will proceed to receive and hear Vandenberg, C. J. Parslow, and the recitation of the Rosary, proofa concerning the heirs of such de­ A card party is planned for ceased. and. upon the proofs submitted, John S. Schnittgrund. Mrs. Elder close with Benediction. will enter a decree in said estate deter­ is .captain, and Albert Vander Masses on Monday, Dec. 8, the mining who are the heirs of such de­ For all your Beauty Work Fort Collins Federal berg is treasurer. Members will Fe’ast of the Immaculate Concep­ ceased person, at which bearing all meet, on the third Friday evening tion will be at 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, persons claiming to be heirs at law of Call Savings and Loan Assn. such deceased may appear and present BEST PLACE IN TOWN FOR of each month. 9, and 10 o’clock. their proofs. LINCOLN-MERCURY SERVICE La Varra Beauty Salon 146 North Csllcfc* AT.nii* Other circle meetings in the Confessions in preparation for ANDREW WYSOWATCKY, Fort Collins. Colorado parish will be St. Cecilia’s on Administrator. Ws art “LInealn-Mintry Haadatarfan.” Oar .aehanlii, tala, lab«r->ayla| taitafr-dnllHS first Friday and first Saturday First Publication November 20, 1962 ■dalpmint, know year car Inildi aad oat and art ready to itnle. It ailekly tad 110 West Oak S t SAVINGS - INVESTMENTS Tuesday evening, Dec. 9, in the will be heard ’’’hursday after­ Last Publication December 18, 1962 Ibartaihly. Sh at today—and itery thirty dayi—for eoeplita ebtekap and nHiiitry *trk. Port Collins, Colo. Phons 391 HOME LOANS home of Mrs. Kathleen Eldridge, noon, Dec. 4, from 3:30 to 6 and NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE KUMPF MOTOR CAR CO. 1465 Cherry street. The annual in the evening from 7:30 to 9. I2th and Acom* ALpln* 2831 Christmas dinner party given by ESTATE OF WILLIE L. TAYLOR, Walter Wenzinger, SP. 6705, Blessed Sacrament parish mem­ also known as William L. Taylor, DE­ and Mrs. Heni^ Tramutt, RA. St. Gerard’s circle will be held bers of the Nocturnal Adoration CEASED. P h o n e 3 7 2 SHINN PHARMACY 3997, are chairmen in charge, in the Sky Chef Monday evening, society are asked to be in Holy No. 95818 Dec. 8, at 6:30. St. Gerard’s Ghost church Friday morning, Notic* is hereby given that on the 17tb ILETfmgumaeii/«m . and will receive reservations. _ day of November, 1962,. letters of admin­ “Your Parish Drug Store” This party is, planned prim­ circle has two new members, Dec. 5, from 1 to 2 a.m. istration were issued to the undersigned Balmer & Collins Phones 92-93 as Adminialrator c.ta of the above arily for the entertainment of named estate and all persona having Mortuary Northern Hotel Bldg. the parishioners and to enable elaims against said ^U te are required to CHRYSLER-PLtMOUTH them to get acquainted with file them for allowance io the County UPTOWN M oron co . , Lyle B. Collin* Tyler Hays The Store with a Smile other persons in the parish. Al­ Mission Is in First Week Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado, within six montlu from said 1908 BROADWAY CH.5626I tar linens need replacing, and date or said ylaims will be forever barred. the new books for the school ANDREW WYSOWATCKY. must b e ^ i d for. This will be At Parish of Annunciation Administrator c.t.a. First PublicationIon November 20, 1952 SCRIVNER’S the las^^pportunity to get to­ Last Publleatloif December 18. 1952 gether as a group before Lent. (Annunciation Parish, Denyer) maculate Conception, Masses will VIC HEBERT INC. GROCERY & MARKET Th« Altar «ociety will meet The women’s mission is being be at 5:15, 7, 8:30, 9:30, and conducted this week by Fathers 10:45 (High Mass). Staple and Fancy Groceries Wedneiday evening at 7:30. The Sacred Heart club will Complete ' 3660 Downing “Northern Colorado’s Leading It i> cuitomary at this meet­ Leo Malone, O.F.M., and Raphael 'Sine* 1918 152 W. Mountain Ave. L. McDonald, O.F.M., both of meet in the home of Mrs. T. S. Department Store” ing for the members to bring CHEVROLET canned food and staples for the Franciscan Western Mission Carr, 3335 Josephine street, band. A large number of women Monday, Dec. 8, at I p.m. are just a pantry shower for the rec­ On Dec. 5, the first Friday, tory. have been attending Masses and Motor Overhaul evening services. The number of the PTA will serve breakfast for The Rocks of Lourdes men are AH work by our Fort Collini those attending has been fluctu­ the children in the hall. Mrs. one of asking for volunteers to decorate ating between 400 and 500. At Heronama is ip charge. FACTORY-TRAINED In the shrine for Christmas. Satur­ Party Slated Dec. 18 Laundry and Dry Cleaning day, Dec. 6, will be the first least 600 women are expected to MECHANICS! ACE GILLETT work day. All men are urged to be regular attendants the latter The Altar and Rosary society’s tke 125 East Mountain Phone 225 help in this-project for the par­ part of the week. annual Christmas party will be Denver.... ish. - The mission Masses are at 6, held Thursday, Dec. 18, at 1 p.m. CAFE 8, and 3 o’clock. The children's in the hall. A turkey dinner with many tilings we do mission is being conducted daily all the trimmings will be served, Firemen Investigating from 10i:30 to 11 in the morning. and 25-cent gifts will be ex­ BLYTHE - HOLLOWELL and The evening devotions start at changed. Proceeds of the party complete in our PAINT 6. "O'MEARA Mortuary 7:30 p.m. will purchase the flowers for the Possibility of Arson Wednesday afternoon at 3 altars'during the holidays. Telephone 390 COFFEE SHOP o’clock all the mothers of the Election oC, officers will be ALL WORK GUARANTEED BODY SHOP MEANS In Fire at All Saints' parish will bring their little ones held after the party. EASY TERMSI Corner Oliva and Maton to church for the blessing of PTA Social Dec. 10 Denver fire investigators babies. The -PTA will hold its Christ­ NVrO'STpLDEST CHEVROIH DEALfR FORD!" are checking the possibilities All the children of the parish mas party Wednesday afternoon, of arson in the blaze that de­ will receive Communion on Fri­ Dec. 10, at 1:30 p.m. in Hagus CAPITAL stroyed part of the Commun­ day- morning, Dec. 5, At the 8 hall. A short business meeting f3th and ion rail in All Saints’ church. o'clock Mass on Friday, they will will precede the annual exchange GREELEY Dec. 1. ) receive the Papal blessing and of 25-cent gifts. Plans for the Broadway^ The fire was first discov­ renew their baptismal vows. This silver tea and pantry shower for ered by a woman who went in will enable them to gain two the nuns will be discussed at the TA b o r 5191 th e' church to pray a^t about plenary indulgences. meeting. A musical and talent CHEVROLET The firms listed here 1314 Acoma 2:30 p.m. The blaze, however, Exposition of the Blessed Sac­ show will also be arranged. Mrs. The finnt listed here deserve to C L i N T ’ S had already burned itself out, 455 Broadway PEarl 4641 RADIATOR SERVICE deserve to be remembered rament will take place at the Helen Sawazhki is the chairman. be remembered when you ere die* “Denver's largest Ford Dealer^ when she noticed the results. 8 o’clock Mass on Friday morn­ Mrs. Walter O’Brien is chair­ tributing your patronage to the dif* C1e*nin( ■ Repslrinc - R*-Corlng when you are distributing The fire burned the Commun­ ferent lines of business. NEW AND USED ing. The Blessed Sacrament will man of the grade school Christ- your patronage in the dif­ ion cloth and about 25 feet of A meating of tho newly- ' 1823 Nlntli A t * . Plwa* 111 be adored all d ^ long, - ^ ferent lines of business. the railing, with damage esti­ Saturday evening, as part of formed Booitar cinb will be Guaranteed Repair Work r Grc*l*7. Cola. mated at $100. The loss is cov­ held Thuriday evening. Dee. 4, AURORA J i the mission 'services, there will ered by insurance. be a special HJarian devotion. in the Card’s elnh, after the ON ALL MAKE CARS Capt. W. W. Lindsey of the women’s mission will ter­ miition lervicei. Only Skilled Mechanic* Work.on Your Car 'Seery's Standard Fire Prevention bureau said minate Sunday afternoon at 3 The parents of the boys on the Complete Overhaul and Tune-Up Greeley Grocery the possibility of arson is be­ o’clock. The men’s mission will football and basketball (both PURSE BROS. Brake Relining — Electric Service Service ing investigated since there open at 7:30 p.m. It is expected grade and high school) teams are GOOD USED CARS ' Vegetables — Groceries was no one in the church and' that the number of men who will especially u r ^ e d to attend. GROCERY & MARKET Easy Terms — iSo Red Tape Meats Sth Ava. a 12th St. Ph. 2986 vigil lights were not burning attend the mission will equal that Alumni and friends of the boys GROCERIES — MEATS — FRUITS near the rail. He said there of the number of women in at­ interested in promoting the ath­ VEGETABLES LOUIS W. NUANEZ Atlas Tires - Wash • Grease Dave Staub Auto Service Phan* 181 762 8th At*. had been reports of minor tendance this week. letic program in Annunciation I76S E. Celfaa At*. Ph. Aeror* 128 Batteries • Accessories thefts in the church recently. I Monday, the Feast of the Im- schools ar« invited. 2725 W. 29th Ave at Speer GE. 0505 m m

PAGE SIXTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Tele|)hone, Keystone 4205 Thursday, December 4,1952 k! I I Littleton Parish Ballet With Denver Symphoiiy For the Fine§t I omemaker’s H The Lillian Cushing Ballet Cleaning and Repairing I •will appear with the Denver I Department Society to Hold Symphony as featured soloists, ORIENTAL and DOMESTIC I on Tuesday'Tu evening, ■ “Dec. 16, at I PatTonixB Thete Reliable and Friendly Firnu 8:15 o’clock. This cbmbination ■ I proved so popular last spring at RUGS a Christmas Sale the symphony’s closing family concert that the board of direc­ Littleton.— (S t Mary’s Par­ tors decided to invite Miss Cush­ Call KIiMBCLIAxVS J. A. JOHNSON & SON ish)—The Altar and Rosary so­ o c m ing to present again her beautiful 2630 E. 3rd 'EA 8361 " B ^ Schramm Eitablished 35 Years ciety will meet in the school hall ballets■ iTl under - Mr. Caston’s . musi­ Composition Roofing Thursday afternhon, Dec. 4, with cal direction, only this time to Alto Wall to Wall Cleaning in the Home • Gutters • Sheet Metal Tile Roofing Mmes. Elmer Cordova and Henry do j;he concert as one in the • Gas Furnaces M. Olson as hostesses. Follow­ Roof Repairing re ^ lar series in order that all • Gas Conversion Burners ing the business meeting, Mrs. subscribing members might see 4020 Brighton Blvd., CH. 6563 J. Y. Lagae of Castle Rock will the charming girls and boys in 88 Psontylvania RA S6S7 present a book review of The their well trained ensembles and Foundling, by Cardinal Francis solos. Electrical Contracting & Repairing Spellman. All women of the par­ Added to the opera ballets ish are cordially invited. On Sun­ which have been presented in CURTAWS CAREFULLY CLEANED day, Dec. 7, the members of the the pifet at the Central City Altar and Rosary society, to­ Opera festivals will he the bril­ EARL J.S^OHMINGER And Returned Same Size gether with the women of the liant “Waltz of the Snowflakes,” Special Care Given to parish, will receive Holy Com­ which is taken from the scene Elocfric Compaay munion in a body in the 8 o’clock in Tchaikovsky’s famous “Nut­ Licensed and Bonded TABLE LINENS Mass. cracker Suite” where CUra ai>d Member National Electrical Contractors Ass'n. BLANKETS LAUNDERED The following infants were the Prince are on their way to WITHOUT SHRINKAGE baptized in St. Mary’s church the Kingdom of Sweets. As might 1178 Stoat AC. 5733 Work Called For and Delivered by “the Rev. Frederick D. Mc- be expected, it is mainly light Callin Nov. 30: Denise Marie, in­ and airy in character, HATHAWAY'S fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nancee Heimbecher JOHIVS(-]RA^ILLE FLOORINGS Lloyd G. Chavez, who was bom To Be Featured CITY LACE CLEANERS on Nov. 8, with Mr. and Mrs. Asphalt Tile 2625 East 3rd Ave. DE 6891 Nick Trujillo as sponsors; Marie Featuriurfd in the program is A long lived, low priced flooring for Schools, Therese, infant daughter of Mr, Nancee Heimbecher. She will apap- Hospitals, Churches, Residences. and Mrs. William R. Heckethorn, pear as soloist in several of the who was born on Nov. 16, with ballets and will be partnered in Terraflex John Heckethorn and Betty Cot> the Pas de deux from the last act of the “Nutcracker Suite” One of the toughest, longest wearing floor ter as sponsors; and Richard coverings ever developed; grease proof. Acid IT'S CHCAPIR THAN YOU THINK/ Alan, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. by Warren Banze. It is in the Edwin Sanborn, who was born tradition of the great adagios proof; unaffected by alkalis. Brilliant colors on Oct. 12, with Frank Carbrey of the “Swan Lake” and “Sleep­ Free Estimates | Descriptive Literature Free Venetian Blinds and Marie Hahndorf as spon­ ing Beauty” ballets. sors. .0 Little Nancy McCarthy, daugh­ Cleaned and Repaired for the Holidays ter of Dr. and Mrs. William Mc­ Building & Maintenance Co. St. Mary’s Altar and Rosary Carthy, is the youngest member 1863 WAZEE ST., DENVER KE. 2371 Call for Estimate society is again following its an­ of the Corps de Ballet. This is nual custom of sponsoring a Nancy’s first appearance with the A C m V iN m A N BLIND LAUNDRY Christmas gpft sale. This year Nancy McCarthy, a itudent in the .eventh grade at Bleated Cushing school presentations. She the sale will be held in the school Sacrament school, is to appear with the Lillian Cushing ballet and has studied under Miss Cushing AComa 041S 2326 Curtis St. after all of the Masses on Sun­ Denver Symphony. " for the past four years. Pickup & Delivery Service day, Dec. 7, and will feature such Maintenance of All Type Floors items as fancywork, aprons, and novelties. . All parishioners are Satisfaction Guaranteed urged to give their support to Cure D'Ars Parish Organization Grows 26 Years Experience— Day or Night Service I Stove and Furnace Parts this worthy project. Still Available The adult choir of St. Mary’s (Cure D’Art Parish, Denver) The 21st circle, St. Joseph’s, will ba at 6 and 8 o’clock. Pa- | parish, which has recently been CHALLENGER FLOOR SERVICE GAS FURNACES T h e contagious* enthusiasm was organized Dec. 3. The mem­ riahioneri arc reminded that ' reorganized, will sing for the bership is as follows: Mrs. R. C. there will be two Masiei at Carl E. Rush, Mgr. Sales & Service The Geo. A. Pullen High Mass at 10 o’clock each shown by the members of the new Cure D’Ars parish in sup­ Sills, captain: Mrs. P. W. Stauter, the Tower theater on Sunday, EA. 4008 1533 E. 7lh Ave. c o m p a n y Sunday in St. Mary’s church. On treasurer; and Mmes. Guy Smith, Dac. 7, at 7:30 and 9:45. Sunday, Dec. 7, the “Asperges” porting the organization of the •1333 Lawrence Street Men’s club and the Altar and Ro­ D. G. MacHendrie, William Two infants were baptized by TABOR 1321 DENVER, COLO. will be- sung for the first time, Henry, S. R. Hadoph, Thomas during which the priest will con­ sary society, which are the back­ Father Mulcahy Nov. 30, Deidre m bone of any parish, and the over­ Watters, and Charles Bailey. Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Extermination Service The firms listed here fer his blessing on the people. Because of the Christmas holi­ John F. Harper, with Thomas • INSTALLATIONS v whelming response of the women days, the work of organizing cir­ Rats, Mice, Roaches, Bed deserve to be remembered WESTERN in the parish to the circle proj­ O’Brien and Anita Hamson as .Bugs, Clover Mites, Termitas • SERVICE DAYor NIGHT WINDOW & HOUSE ect, are gratifying to the pastor, cles will be temporarily sus­ sponsors, and Cornelius David, when you are distributing the Rev. William J. Mulcahy. pended until after the first of son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius S. CLEANING CO. the year. Any parishioner who is Denver Pest Control your patronage in the dif­ Saran-Styled The announcement again this Moynihan. The sponsors were WE CLEAN interested in joining a circle is Michael Moynihan and Mary C. SP 4673 17 5 4 S. Bd’wy. ferent lines' of business week of four new circles brings invited to phone the circle chair­ Windows ^ Walls the total number of circles in the Jones, with Howard Hunker and K U ^ a m man, Mrs. Howard G. Glienke, Donna Farley acting as proxies. Woodwork" Wall Paper ‘ 'Sweet Sue' parish to 21; they are bridge, FL. 0913. canasta, pinochle, and sewing Eleven circle meetings are GAS BURNER CO. Floors (Washed & Waxed) groups. This remarkable record Father Mulcahy hat made scheduled in the parish as fol­ 260 BDWY. . RA. 2871 FREE ESTIMATES has been achieved in the short arrangementi for two Maitet lows: St. James’ circle in the FULLY INSURED Sleeps Serene period of six weeks under at the Tower theater on Mon­ home of Mrs. Emile Anderson, the leadership of Mrs. Howard G. day, Dec. 8, the Feast of the 3021' Poplar, on Thursday eve­ STORM SASH Residential & Commercial (St. Rote of Lima’. Pariih, Glienke, circle chairman. Those Immaculate Coifception, a holy ning, Dec. 4; St. Anthony’s, a Work Denver) who have directly assisted her in day of obligation. The Mattes luncheon meeting ' Wednesday, For All Type Windows 1032 18th MAin.1556 St. Ann’s circle displayed this work are Mmes. Joe Godwin Dec. 10, at 12:30 in the home of “Sweet Sue” after the Masses on Austin, Charles Corey, James Mrs. Victor Hpbert, 3011 Dahlia; Sunday. “Sweet Sue” is an all­ Monahan, and William Lombardi. Swansea Parish St. John’s, a luncheon in the A & A Storm Windows plastic- doll, about 18 inches tall, home of Mrs. Paul Crawford, THE BEST IN LUGGAGE with glassene sleeping eyes and Two of the four latest circles, Of All Kindt - all of which were formed in Mrs. 3030 Holly, on Wednesday, Dec. 2722 Wett 2nd Ave. F.H.A. Terms Phone PEarl 2683 lashes; and her lovely Saran hair Plans Dance Dec. 6 10, at 12:30; Our Lady of Fat­ may be washed, combed, and set Glienke’s home, were organized Nov. 24. St. Gregory’s circle, ima, a luncheon on Wednesday, in a variety of hair styles. She (Our Lady of Grace Parish, Dec. 10, at 12:30 in the home of will be on display till Christmas with Mrs. Charles CaparbNis cap­ Danvar) tain and Mrs. John Martin as Mrs. Charles R. Freer, 2901 Cler­ week. Square dancing will begin mont; St. Miry’s on Monday eve­ treasurer, has a totel member­ Saturday at 8 p.m. A new asphalt Ett. 1878 Sunday will be Communion day ship of 10. The other members ning, Dec. 8, in the hpme of Mrs. FIREPLACE j 1S44 B*wbj for the Altar and Rosary society are Mmes. L, A. Leiker, Joe tile floor will be put into use Clement A. Bueche, 2891 Kear­ and for *11 the women of the Malpiede, Harry Cahill, Norbert Saturday, Dec. 6. ney; Guardian Angel, Tuesday parish. Jasso, Phil Doekner, Charles The games party will be held evening, Dec. 9, in the home .of FIXTURES The schedule of Masses for Walker, Sam Greco, and F. J. Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. On Mrs. Ann Hayden, 2901 Holly; Friday evening devotions will be Infant of Prague on Wednesday BAS AND ELECTRIC LOGS Dec. 8, Feast of the Immaculate Malone. They held their first Curtain and n ex Scteeiu, Griter, Conception, will be 6:30 and 8 meeting in the home of Mrs. held at 7:30 immediately after evening, Dec. 10, in the home of Andironi and Ftre Seti, In ^ (Inlihcn, DRAPERS o’clock. Caparo, 3570 Newport, on Dec. 3 choir practice. Mrs. Ray Barker, 1966 Ironton; TU* u d Marble for All Usee St. Christopher’s, Tuesday eve­ The Holy Name society will On the same evening, St. James’ Mr4. Heffernan and her circle, a pinochle group, chose daughter, Mary Ann, will visit ning, Dec. 9, in the home of Mrs. . HEATILATOR FIREFLACES meet Monday, Dec. 8, in the par­ William J. Finneran, 2440 Pon­ UPHOLSTERY. ish hall at 8 p.m. All the men of Mrs. Donald Seidler as captain, her son, Leo, in South Dakota. DENVER MARILE & TILE CO. and Mrs. Donald Nolan, treas­ Mrs. Heffernan will not return tiac, St. Marie de Goretti’s, 2885 926 W. 6ih Ave__MA. 4507 the parish are invited to attend; Ivy; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 1110 s tilt St. Ett. 1891 Fkent MA. 1484 ir KE. 1881 a program has been planned. urer. The membership includes until March. Mmes. Joseph Rupp, Elden Kar Baptized were Michael Edward Monday evening, Dec. 8, in the Upholstery, Repairing The Altar and Rosary society Harr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil home of Mrs. E. G. Macoskie, thanks the women of the parish lin, John Susman, Emile Ander­ Modernizing son, and Herbert Staut. They liam Harr; Christine Louise San- 2990 Magnolia; and Our Lady of who donated baked goods for the will meet the first Thursday of dovaL daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lourdes, Tuesday evening, Dec. Lumber Yard successfullDakc sale the past Sun­ every month. S. Sandoval; Donald Anthony 9, in the home of Mrs. George All work guaranteed. Terms day. Mrs. William Sconzert, McNamara, 2811 Pontiac. On Nov. 28, a beginners’ Birge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo 1810 So. Josephine if desired. Evening calls. chairman, thanks all who helped Birge; and Cynthia Marie with the sale. bridge circle was organized. It No Obligation will be called St. Rita’s, with Mrs Herrera, daughter of Mr. and PE. 2435 Baptized recently by Father Jack Gray as captain, and Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd Herrera. • Barry Wogan were Dennis Paul, Louis Kusek as ^treasurer. The Marriages in the week were son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pa­ other members are Mmes. Jo­ those of Donald Fourcade and dilla, with Samuel and Stella seph McEvoy, Joe Romero, E. C Harriet Barker, Robert Suther­ Johnson as sponsors; and Law­ Faulds, Joseph W. Walsh, An­ land, and Dorothy Beall, and Vic­ LINEN and TOWEL rence Pratt, with James and Pa­ drew Tratynek, and H. K. Lyells tor Zink and Lucy Randolph. K R 1 § tricia Harris as sponsors. They will meet on ^he second News for the Register may be Monday of every month and Mrs. left at the rectory or may bo RENTAL SERVICE Priest Visits Parents James Monahan has gp-aciously called in to Maryjane at AL RE-UPHOLSTERING 7556. The Rev. James S-. Kittleson agreed to teach bridge. FOR EVERY BUSINESS of Miles City, Mont., spent makes Your Old Thanksgiving day with his par­ FVRm tVRE ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kit­ Club to Hear tleson, 1526 Ivy street, Denver, Better Than Yew! DENVER TOWEL SUPPLY CO. in Blessed Sacrament parish. Ike's Bodyguard Davenport a* Low at 1220 Arapahoe TA. 3276 GENUINE $ C O .5 0 Pres-t»-Logs and Chair 0 No dirt • No spsrkg Finest Materials . . . Expert • No soot • No iraoke Prefect your family against Workmanship Each log barns 2 hoars or mors colds and other winter ail­ 'Os ments. The best insurance is Kris Upholstery Co. Pitch Pinon, Apple a warm home with a con­ stant temperature that elimi­ Fine giving Room Furniture, and Cedar Logs nates drafts and chills. Rely Custom Made COMPLETE ROME FURNISHINGS a 14" to 38" lengths on the steady warmth of t553 PLATTE ST. • Chsrcoal Briquettes glowing G>al heat to insure l A B O R a m s Fireplace Coal healthful comfort all winter GL. 3641 . GL. 3642 s Kindling—Slabwood long. DUST-PRUF Slok6r Coals Call your CHS retailer to­ X SUPREME COAL CO. SPICK AND SPAN DILIVSRY 864 B. Broadway PE. 4678 day, and learn why Coal is S best for your home. Learn of its dependaoility and safety —how it prpvides whole- u ^MoGiandeTiieli& CERTIFIED CHEMICAL house heat for all members SECOND AND SANTA FE •TABOR 2211 PRODUCTS, INC. of the family. V* I Are you prepared for win­ Building Maintenance MEMBERS OF the St. Thomas University club ter with a full Coal bin? Supplies will be treated to one of the timeliest topics of the year Order today from your CHS at the Dec. 10 meeting, according to Aldo G. Notarianni, program retailer! COMfORT WITH THS... Brushes - Toilet Tissues chairman. Thomas B. (Tommy) Golden (left, above) will relate Paper Towels some of his experiences as personal guard to President-elect Dwight Complete Janitor Needs D, Eisenhower during the recent campaign. Mr. Golden was with aA-Jo44^ ICRANE *TWENT^” 1180 Kalamath Street the general from June 15 until the day after election when the new president left for his Georgia vacation. S m m c s Phones TAbor 0103 According to Mr. Golden, one of his greatest thrills was meet­ Specialising in Quality Plumbing for (mtrqsney i«rvie» on your TAbor 0104 ing (Cardinal Francis Spellman of New York at the A1 Smith and Heating Repairs Memorial banquet Mr. Golden will reepunt his visit through Cardi­ Cost hotting oquipmont, call your F j k M i Shingles nal Spellman’s beautiful residence, as well as his meeting with C H S rotoilor, or Rabbi Silver, his 10-day “holiday” withjke at Fraser, Colo.; and his S LA H ER Y 'IT Rose of Lima Parish troubles in restraining thousands of enthusiastic supporters across COAL • For Beauty • For Economy *^For Long Service the country. Put them over your old roof for extra, intalation and raiiit- Mr. Golden traveled about 48,000 miles with Ike on the & COMPANY ance against sleet, snow, cold and summer heat. “whistle-stop” tour, and he was at the general’s side from 6:30 Phone Convenient Terms if Deiired Perry's Cleaners every morning until his charge retired late each night. Plumbing and Heating Call for Free Estimate Good Cleaning A native Denverite, Mr. Golden is a detective assigned to the Contractors criminal division of the Denver Police^ department. He has been, AL 9112 JOHN J. CONNOR, Pruident Green Stamps with the department for 17 years. He is a, member of St. James' ROBERT F. CONNOR. Vice Proldcnl A WESTERN ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Picknp and Oelivary parish, is married, and has five children. OF DENVER 1726 MARKET STREET Equitable Building ' CHerry 6651 2027 W. Alameda RA. 985^ Following the meeting, which will begin promptly at 8 p.m. In. PHONE MAIN 7127 6r.7128 the Knights of Columbus home, there will be a social in the loung^

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