Sp eci cation of C amel l ia | a 128-bit Blo ck Cipher

y z y

Kazumaro AOKI , Tetsuya ICHIKAWA , Masayuki KANDA ,

z y z z

Mitsuru MATSUI , Shiho MORIAI , Junko NAKAJIMA , Toshio TOKITA

y z

Nipp on Telegraph and Telephone Corp oration, Corp oration

Version 1.0: July 12, 2000

Version 2.0: September 26, 2001


1 Intro duction 3

2 Notations and Conventions 3

2.1 Radix ...... 3

2.2 Notations ...... 3

2.3 List of Symbols ...... 3

2.4 Bit/Byte Ordering ...... 3

3 Structure of C amel l ia 5

3.1 List of Functions and Variables ...... 5

3.2 Pro cedure ...... 5

3.2.1 128-bit ...... 5

3.2.2 192-bit and 256-bit key ...... 6

3.3 Decryption Pro cedure ...... 6

3.3.1 128-bit key ...... 6

3.3.2 192-bit and 256-bit key ...... 7

3.4 ...... 8

4 Comp onents of C amel l ia 10

4.1 F -function ...... 10

4.2 FL-function ...... 10


4.3 FL -function ...... 10

4.4 S -function ...... 10

4.5 s-b oxes ...... 11

4.6 P -function ...... 15

A Figures of the Algorithm 16

B Test Data 22 1

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 2

C Software Implementation Techniques 22

C.1 Setup ...... 22

C.1.1 Store All Subkeys ...... 22

C.1.2 Subkey Generation Order ...... 23

C.1.3 XOR Cancellation Prop erty in Key Schedule ...... 23

C.1.4 Rotation Bits for K , K , K ,andK ...... 23


C.1.5 kl and kl Generation from k and k ...... 23

5 6 11 12

C.1.6 On-the- y Subkey Generation ...... 23

C.1.7 128-bit key and 192/256-bit key ...... 23

C.1.8 How to Rotate an ElementinQ ...... 23

C.1.9 F -function ...... 24

C.1.10 Keyed Functions ...... 24

C.2 Data Randomization ...... 24

C.2.1 Endian Conversion ...... 24

C.2.2 1-bit Rotation in Little Endian Interpretation ...... 25

C.2.3 Whitening ...... 25

C.2.4 Key XOR ...... 25

C.2.5 S -function ...... 26

C.2.6 P -function ...... 26

C.2.7 Substitution and Permutation ...... 27

C.2.8 Making Indices for s-b ox ...... 29

C.3 General Guidelines ...... 30

D Design Policy 30

E Design Rationale 31

E.1 F -function ...... 31

E.2 P -function ...... 31

E.3 s-b oxes ...... 32

F Version Information 32

G Ob ject Identi er 33

H Applications and Pro ducts 33

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 3

1 Intro duction

This do cument shows a complete description of the encryption algorithm Camel lia, which is a secret

key cipher with 128-bit data blo ck and 128/192/256-bit secret key.

2 Notations and Conventions

2.1 Radix

We use the pre x 0x to indicate hexadecimal numb ers.

2.2 Notations

Throughout this do cument, the following notations are used.


 B denotes a vector space of 8-bit (byte) elements; that is, B := GF (2) .


 W denotes a vector space of 32-bit (word) elements; that is, W := B .


 L denotes a vector space of 64-bit (double word) elements; that is, L := B .


 denotes a vector space of 128-bit (quad word) elements; that is, Q := B .

 An element with the sux (e.g. x )shows that the elementisn-bit long.

(n) (n)

 An element with the sux (e.g. x ) denotes left-half part of x.


 An element with the sux (e.g. x ) denotes right-half part of x.


The sux will b e omitted if no ambiguity is exp ected. See section 2.4 for numerical examples


of \left" and \right".

2.3 List of Symbols

 The bitwise exclusive-OR op eration.

jj The concatenation of the two op erands.

<<< The left circular rotation of the op erand by n bits.


\ The bitwise AND op eration.

[ The bitwise OR op eration.

x The bitwise complementof x.

2.4 Bit/Byte Ordering

We adopt big endian ordering. The following example shows how to comp ose a 128-bit value Q


of two 64-bit values L (i = 1; 2), four 32-bit values W (i = 1; 2; 3; 4), sixteen 8-bit values

i(64) i(32)

B (i =1; 2;::: ;16), or 128 1-bit values E (i =1; 2;::: ;128), resp ectively.

i(8) i(1)

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 4

Q = L jjL

(128) 1(64) 2(64)

= W jjW jjW jjW

1(32) 2(32) 3(32) 4(32)

= B jjB jjB jjB jj ::::::jjB jjB jjB jjB

1(8) 2(8) 3(8) 4(8) 13(8) 14(8) 15(8) 16(8)

= E jjE jjE jjE jj ::::::::::::::::::jjE jjE jjE jjE

1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 125(1) 126(1) 127(1) 128(1)

Numerical examples:

Q = 0x0123456789ABCDEF0011223344556677

(128) (128)

L = Q = 0x0123456789ABCDEF

1(64) L(64) (64)

L = Q = 0x0011223344556677

2(64) R(64) (64)

W = L = 0x01234567

1(32) 1L(32) (32)

W = L = 0x89ABCDEF

2(32) 1R(32) (32)

W = L = 0x00112233

3(32) 2L(32) (32)

W = L = 0x44556677

4(32) 2R(32) (32)

B = 0x01 ; B = 0x23 ; B = 0x45 ; B = 0x67 ;

1(8) (8) 2(8) (8) 3(8) (8) 4(8) (8)

B = 0x89 ; B = 0xAB ; B = 0xCD ; B = 0xEF ;

5(8) (8) 6(8) (8) 7(8) (8) 8(8) (8)

B = 0x00 ; B = 0x11 ; B = 0x22 ; B = 0x33 ;

9(8) (8) 10(8) (8) 11(8) (8) 12(8) (8)

B = 0x44 ; B = 0x55 ; B = 0x66 ; B = 0x77 ;

13(8) (8) 14(8) (8) 15(8) (8) 16(8) (8)

E = 0 ; E = 0 ; E = 0 ; E = 0 ;

1(1) (1) 2(1) (1) 3(1) (1) 4(1) (1)

E = 0 ; E = 0 ; E = 0 ; E = 1 ;

5(1) (1) 6(1) (1) 7(1) (1) 8(1) (1)




E = 0 ; E = 1 ; E = 1 ; E = 1 ;

121(1) (1) 122(1) (1) 123(1) (1) 124(1) (1)

E = 0 ; E = 1 ; E = 1 ; E = 1 :

125(1) (1) 126(1) (1) 127(1) (1) 128(1) (1)

Q <<< = E jjE jjE jjE jj ::::::::::::::::::jjE jjE jjE jjE jjE


(128) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 5(1) 125(1) 126(1) 127(1) 128(1) 1(1)

= 0x02468ACF13579BDE0022446688AACCEE (128)

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 5

3 Structure of Camellia

3.1 List of Functions and Variables

M The plaintext blo ck.


C The blo ck.


K The secret key, whose length is 128, 192, or 256 bits.

kw ;k ;kl The subkeys.

t(64) u(64) v (64)

(t =1; 2; 3; 4) (u =1; 2;::: ;18) (v =1; 2; 3; 4)

for 128-bit secret key.

(t =1; 2; 3; 4) (u =1; 2;::: ;24) (v =1; 2;::: ;6)

for 192-bit and 256-bit secret key.

Y = F (X , k ) The F -function that transforms a 64-bit input X to a

(64) (64) (64) (64)

64-bit output Y using a 64-bit subkey k .

(64) (64)

Y = FL(X ;k ) The FL-function that transforms a 64-bit input X to a

(64) (64) (64) (64)

64-bit output Y using a 64-bit subkey k .

(64) (64)

1 1

Y = FL (X ;k ) The FL -function that transforms a 64-bit input X to

(64) (64) (64) (64)

a 64-bit output Y using a 64-bit subkey k .

(64) (64)

Y = S (X ) The S -function that transforms a 64-bit input X to a

(64) (64) (64)

64-bit output Y .


Y = P (X ) The P -function that transforms a 64-bit input X to a

(64) (64) (64)

64-bit output Y .


y = s (x ) The s-b oxes that transform an 8-bit input to an 8-bit output


(8) (8)

(i =1; 2; 3; 4).

3.2 Encryption Pro cedure

3.2.1 128-bit key

Figure 1 shows the encryption pro cedure for a 128-bit key. The data randomizing part has an


18-round Feistel structure with two F L=F L -function layers after the 6-th and 12-th rounds, and

128-bit XOR op erations b efore the rst round and after the last round. The key schedule part

generates subkeys kw (t =1; 2; 3; 4), k (u =1; 2;::: ;18) and kl (v =1; 2; 3; 4) from the

t(64) u(64) v (64)

secret key K ; see section 3.4 for details of the key schedule part.

In the data randomizing part, rst the plaintext M is XORed with kw jjkw and

(128) 1(64) 2(64)

separated into L and R of equal length, i.e., M  (kw jjkw ) = L jjR .

0(64) 0(64) (128) 1(64) 2(64) 0(64) 0(64)

Then, the following op erations are p erfomed from r = 1 to 18, except for r = 6 and 12;

L = R  F (L ;k );

r r 1 r 1 r

R = L :

r r 1

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 6

For r = 6 and 12, the following is carried out;


L = R  F (L ;k );

r 1 r 1 r



R = L ;

r 1



L = FL(L ;kl );




1 0

R = FL (R ;kl ):




Lastly, R and L are concatenated and XORed with kw jjkw . The resultant

18(64) 18(64) 3(64) 4(64)

value is the ciphertext, i.e., C =(R jjL )  (kw jjkw ).

(128) 18(64) 18(64) 3(64) 4(64)

3.2.2 192-bit and 256-bit key

Figure 2 shows the encryption pro cedure for a 192-bit or 256-bit key. The data randomizing part


has a 24-round Feistel structure with three F L=F L -function layers after the 6-th, 12-th, and

18-th rounds, and 128-bit XOR op erations b efore the rst round and after the last round. The

key schedule part generates subkeys kw (t = 1; 2; 3; 4), k (u = 1; 2;::: ;24), and kl

t(64) u(64) v (64)

(v =1; 2;::: ;6) from the secret key K .

In the data randomizing part, rst the plaintext M is XORed with kw jjkw and

(128) 1(64) 2(64)

separated into L and R of equal length, i.e., M  (kw jjkw ) = L jjR .

0(64) 0(64) (128) 1(64) 2(64) 0(64) 0(64)

Then, p erform the following op erations from r = 1 to 24, except for r = 6, 12, and 18;

L = R  F (L ;k );

r r 1 r 1 r

R = L :

r r 1

For r = 6, 12, and 18, p erform the following;


L = R  F (L ;k );

r 1 r 1 r



= L ; R

r 1



L = FL(L ;kl );




1 0

R = FL (R ;kl ):




Lastly, R and L are concatenated and XORed with kw jjkw . The resultant

24(64) 24(64) 3(64) 4(64)

value is the ciphertext, i.e., C =(R jjL )  (kw jjkw ).

(128) 24(64) 24(64) 3(64) 4(64)


See section 4 for details of the F -function and F L=F L -functions.

3.3 Decryption Pro cedure

3.3.1 128-bit key

The decryption pro cedure of Camel lia can be done in the same way as the encryption pro cedure

byreversing the order of the subkeys.

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 7

Figure 3 shows the decryption pro cedure for a 128-bit key. The data randomizing part has an


18-round Feistel structure with two F L=F L -function layers after the 6-th and 12-th rounds, and

128-bit XOR op erations b efore the rst round and after the last round. The key schedule part

generates subkeys kw (t = 1; 2; 3; 4), k (u = 1; 2;::: ;18), and kl (v = 1; 2; 3; 4) from

t(64) u(64) v (64)

the secret key K ; see section 3.4 for details of the key schedule part.

In the data randomizing part, rst the ciphertext C is XORed with kw jjkw and

(128) 3(64) 4(64)

separated into R and L of equal length, i.e., C  (kw jjkw )=R jjL .

18(64) 18(64) (128) 3(64) 4(64) 18(64) 18(64)

Then, the following op erations are p erfomed from r =18down to 1, except for r = 13 and 7;

R = L  F (R ;k );

r 1 r r r

L = R :

r 1 r

For r = 13 and 7, the following is carried out;


R = L  F (R ;k );

r r r

r 1


L = R :


r 1


R = FL(R ;kl );

r 1

2(r 1)=6

r 1

1 0

;kl ): L = FL (L

r 1

2(r 1)=61

r 1

Lastly, L and R are concatenated and XORed with kw jjkw . The resultant

0(64) 0(64) 1(64) 2(64)

value is the plaintext, i.e., M =(L jjR )  (kw jjkw ).

(128) 0(64) 0(64) 1(64) 2(64)

3.3.2 192-bit and 256-bit key

Figure 4 shows the decryption pro cedure for a 192-bit or 256-bit key. The data randomizing part


has a 24-round Feistel structure with three F L=F L -function layers after the 6-th, 12-th, and

18-th rounds, and 128-bit XOR op erations b efore the rst round and after the last round. The

key schedule part generates subkeys kw (t = 1; 2; 3; 4), k (u = 1; 2;::: ;24), and kl

t(64) u(64) v (64)

(v =1; 2;::: ;6) from the secret key K .

In the data randomizing part, rst the ciphertext C is XORed with kw jjkw and

(128) 3(64) 4(64)

separated into R and L of equal length, i.e., C  (kw jjkw )=R jjL .

24(64) 24(64) (128) 3(64) 4(64) 24(64) 24(64)

Then, p erform the following op erations from r =24down to 1, except for r = 19, 13, and 7;

R = L  F (R ;k );

r 1 r r r

L = R :

r 1 r

For r = 19, 13, and 7, p erform the following.


R = L  F (R ;k );

r r r

r 1


L = R :


r 1


R = FL(R ;kl );

r 1

2(r 1)=6

r 1

1 0

L = FL (L ;kl ):

r 1

2(r 1)=61

r 1

Lastly, L and R are concatenated and XORed with kw jjkw . The resultant

0(64) 0(64) 1(64) 2(64)

value is the plaintext, i.e., M =(L jjR )  (kw jjkw ).

(128) 0(64) 0(64) 1(64) 2(64)

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 8

3.4 Key Schedule

In the key schedule part of Camel lia,weintro duce two 128-bit variables K , K and four

L(128) R(128)

64-bit variables K , K , K and K , which are de ned so that the following

LL(64) LR(64) RL(64) RR(64)

relations are satis ed:

K = K ; K = 0; for 128-bit key ;

(128) L(128) R(128)

K = K jjK ; K = K ; for 192-bit key ;

(192) L(128) RL(64) RR(64) RL(64)

K = K jjK ; for 256-bit key :

(256) L(128) R(128)

K = K jjK ;

L(128) LL(64) LR(64)

for any size of key.

K = K jjK ;

R(128) RL(64) RR(64)

Using these variables, we generate two 128-bit variables K and K , as shown in

A(128) B (128)

gure 8, where K is used only if the length of the secret key is 192 or 256 bits. First

B (128)

K = K is XORed with K and \encrypted" by two rounds using the constant values

L(128) R(128)

 and  as \keys". The result is XORed with K and again encrypted bytwo rounds

1(64) 2(64) L(128)

using the constantvalues  and  ; the resultantvalue is K . Lastly K is XORed

3(64) 4(64) A(128) A(128)

with K and encrypted bytwo rounds using the constantvalues  and  ; the resultant

R(128) 5(64) 6(64)

value is K .  is de ned as the continuous values from the second hexadecimal place to the


B (128)

seventeenth hexadecimal place of the hexadecimal representation of the ro ot of the i-th

prime. These constantvalues are listed in table 1.

The subkeys kw ;k ,andkl are generated from (left-half or right-half part of ) rotate

t(64) u(64) v (64)

shifted values of K , K , K , and K . The exact details are shown in table 2 and

L(128) R(128) A(128) B (128)

table 3, resp ectively.

Therefore by setting K = K , the 256-bit version is compatible with the 192-bit

RR(64) RL(64)


Table 1: The key schedule constants











 0xB05688C2B3E6C1FD 6(64)

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 9

Table 2: Subkeys for 128-bit secret key Table 3: Subkeys for 192=256-bit secret key

subkey value subkey value

Prewhitening kw (K <<< ) Prewhitening kw (K <<< )

L 0 L 0

1(64) L(64) 1(64) L(64)

kw (K <<< ) kw (K <<< )

L 0 L 0

2(64) R(64) 2(64) R(64)

F (Round1) k (K <<< ) F (Round1) k (K <<< )

A 0 B 0

1(64) L(64) 1(64) L(64)

F (Round2) k (K <<< ) F (Round2) k (K <<< )

A 0 B 0

2(64) R(64) 2(64) R(64)

F (Round3) k (K <<< ) F (Round3) k (K <<< )

L 15 R 15

3(64) L(64) 3(64) L(64)

F (Round4) k (K <<< ) F (Round4) k (K <<< )

L 15 R 15

4(64) R(64) 4(64) R(64)

F (Round5) k (K <<< ) F (Round5) k (K <<< )

A 15 A 15

5(64) L(64) 5(64) L(64)

F (Round6) k (K <<< ) F (Round6) k (K <<< )

A 15 A 15

6(64) R(64) 6(64) R(64)

FL kl (K <<< ) FL kl (K <<< )

A 30 R 30

1(64) L(64) 1(64) L(64)

1 1

FL kl (K <<< ) FL kl (K <<< )

A 30 R 30

2(64) R(64) 2(64) R(64)

F (Round7) k (K <<< ) F (Round7) k (K <<< )

L 45 B 30

7(64) L(64) 7(64) L(64)

F (Round8) k (K <<< ) F (Round8) k (K <<< )

L 45 B 30

8(64) R(64) 8(64) R(64)

F (Round9) k (K <<< ) F (Round9) k (K <<< )

A 45 L 45

9(64) L(64) 9(64) L(64)

F (Round10) k (K <<< ) F (Round10) k (K <<< )

L 60 L 45

10(64) R(64) 10(64) R(64)

F (Round11) k (K <<< ) F (Round11) k (K <<< )

A 60 A 45

11(64) L(64) 11(64) L(64)

F (Round12) k (K <<< ) F (Round12) k (K <<< )

A 60 A 45

12(64) R(64) 12(64) R(64)

FL kl (K <<< ) FL kl (K <<< )

L 77 L 60

3(64) L(64) 3(64) L(64)

1 1

FL kl (K <<< ) FL kl (K <<< )

L 77 L 60

4(64) R(64) 4(64) R(64)

F (Round13) k (K <<< ) F (Round13) k (K <<< )

L 94 R 60

13(64) L(64) 13(64) L(64)

F (Round14) k (K <<< ) F (Round14) k (K <<< )

L 94 R 60

14(64) R(64) 14(64) R(64)

F (Round15) k (K <<< ) F (Round15) k (K <<< )

A 94 B 60

15(64) L(64) 15(64) L(64)

F (Round16) k (K <<< ) F (Round16) k (K <<< )

A 94 B 60

16(64) R(64) 16(64) R(64)

F (Round17) k (K <<< ) F (Round17) k (K <<< )

L 111 L 77

17(64) L(64) 17(64) L(64)

F (Round18) k (K <<< ) F (Round18) k (K <<< )

L 111 L 77

18(64) R(64) 18(64) R(64)

Postwhitening kw (K <<< ) FL kl (K <<< )

A 111 A 77

3(64) L(64) 5(64) L(64)


kw (K <<< ) FL kl (K <<< )

A 111 A 77

4(64) R(64) 6(64) R(64)

F (Round19) k (K <<< )

R 94

19(64) L(64)

F (Round20) k (K <<< )

R 94

20(64) R(64)

F (Round21) k (K <<< )

A 94

21(64) L(64)

F (Round22) k (K <<< )

A 94

22(64) R(64)

F (Round23) k (K <<< )

L 111

23(64) L(64)

F (Round24) k (K <<< )

L 111

24(64) R(64)

Postwhitening kw (K <<< )

B 111

3(64) L(64)

kw (K <<< )

B 111

4(64) R(64)

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 10

4 Comp onents of C amellia

4.1 F -function

The F -function is shown in gure 5, which is de ned as follows:

F : L  L ! L

(X ;k ) 7! Y = P (S (X  k )):

(64) (64) (64) (64) (64)

See sections 4.4 and 4.6 for the S -function and the P -function, resp ectively.

4.2 FL-function

The FL-function is shown in gure 6, which is de ned as follows:

FL : L  L ! L

(X jjX ;kl jjkl ) 7! Y jjY ;

L(32) R(32) L(32) R(32) L(32) R(32)


Y = ((X \ kl )<<< )  X ;


R(32) L(32) L(32) R(32)

Y = (Y [ kl )  X :

L(32) R(32) R(32) L(32)


4.3 FL -function


The FL -function is shown in gure 7, which is de ned as follows:


FL : L  L ! L

(Y jjY ;kl jjkl ) 7! X jjX ;

L(32) R(32) L(32) R(32) L(32) R(32)


X = (Y [ kl )  Y ;

L(32) R(32) R(32) L(32)

X = ((X \ kl )<<< )  Y :


R(32) L(32) L(32) R(32)

4.4 S -function

The S -function is a part of F -function, which is de ned as follows:

S : L ! L

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

l jjl jjl jjl jjl jjl jjl jjl 7! l jjl jjl jjl jjl jjl jjl jjl

1(8) 2(8) 3(8) 4(8) 5(8) 6(8) 7(8) 8(8)

1(8) 2(8) 3(8) 4(8) 5(8) 6(8) 7(8) 8(8)

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 11


l = s (l );





l = s (l );





l = s (l );





l = s (l );





l = s (l );





l = s (l );





l = s (l );





l = s (l );




where the four s-b oxes, s , s , s , and s , are describ ed in section 4.5.

1 2 3 4

4.5 s-b oxes


The four s-b oxes of Camel lia are ane equivalenttoaninversion function over GF (2 ), which are

shown in tables 4, 5, 6, and 7. An algebraic representation of the s-b oxes is shown b elow:

s : B ! B


x 7! h(g (f (0xc5  x )))  0x6e;

(8) (8)

s : B ! B


x 7! s (x )<<< ;

1 1

(8) (8)

s : B ! B


x 7! s (x )>>> ;

1 1

(8) (8)

s : B ! B


x 7! s (x <<< );

1 1

(8) (8)

where the functions f ; g , and h are given as follows:

f : B ! B

a jja jja jja jja jja jja jja

1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 5(1) 6(1) 7(1) 8(1)

7! b jjb jjb jjb jjb jjb jjb jjb ;

1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 5(1) 6(1) 7(1) 8(1)


b = a  a ;

1 6 2

b = a  a ;

2 7 1

b = a  a  a ;

3 8 5 3

b = a  a ;

4 8 3

b = a  a ;

5 7 4

b = a  a ;

6 5 2

b = a  a ;

7 8 1

b = a  a :

8 6 4

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 12

g : B ! B

a jja jja jja jja jja jja jja

1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 5(1) 6(1) 7(1) 8(1)

7! b jjb jjb jjb jjb jjb jjb jjb ;

1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 5(1) 6(1) 7(1) 8(1)


2 3 2 3

(b + b + b + b )+(b + b + b + b )

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

2 3 2 3

=1=((a + a + a + a )+(a + a + a + a ) ):

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


8 8

= 0, where is an element in GF (2 ) that This inversion is p erformed in GF (2 ) assuming


8 6 5 3 238 6 5 3 2 4

satis es + + + + 1 = 0, and = = + + + is an elementinGF(2 ) that


satis es + +1 = 0.

h : B ! B

a jja jja jja jja jja jja jja

1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 5(1) 6(1) 7(1) 8(1)

7! b jjb jjb jjb jjb jjb jjb jjb ;

1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 5(1) 6(1) 7(1) 8(1)


b = a  a  a ;

1 5 6 2

b = a  a ;

2 6 2

b = a  a ;

3 7 4

b = a  a ;

4 8 2

b = a  a ;

5 7 3

b = a  a ;

6 8 1

b = a  a ;

7 5 1

b = a  a :

8 6 3

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 13

Table 4: The s-b ox s


This table b elow reads s (0)=112;s (1)=130, :::, s (255)=158.

1 1 1

112 130 44 236 179 39 192 229 228 133 87 53 234 12 174 65

35 239 107 147 69 25 165 33 237 14 79 78 29 101 146 189

134 184 175 143 124 235 31 206 62 48 220 95 94 197 11 26

166 225 57 202 213 71 93 61 217 1 90 214 81 86 108 77

139 13 154 102 251 204 176 45 116 18 43 32 240 177 132 153

223 76 203 194 52 126 118 5 109 183 169 49 209 23 4 215

20 88 58 97 222 27 17 28 50 15 156 22 83 24 242 34

254 68 207 178 195 181 122 145 36 8 232 168 96 252 105 80

170 208 160 125 161 137 98 151 84 91 30 149 224 255 100 210

16 196 0 72 163 247 117 219 138 3 230 218 9 63 221 148

135 92 131 2 205 74 144 51 115 103 246 243 157 127 191 226

82 155 216 38 200 55 198 59 129 150 111 75 19 190 99 46

233 121 167 140 159 110 188 142 41 245 249 182 47 253 180 89

120 152 6 106 231 70 113 186 212 37 171 66 136 162 141 250

114 7 185 85 248 238 172 10 54 73 42 104 60 56 241 164

64 40 211 123 187 201 67 193 21 227 173 244 119 199 128 158

Table 5: The s-b ox s


224 5 88 217 103 78 129 203 201 11 174 106 213 24 93 130

70 223 214 39 138 50 75 66 219 28 158 156 58 202 37 123

13 113 95 31 248 215 62 157 124 96 185 190 188 139 22 52

77 195 114 149 171 142 186 122 179 2 180 173 162 172 216 154

23 26 53 204 247 153 97 90 232 36 86 64 225 99 9 51

191 152 151 133 104 252 236 10 218 111 83 98 163 46 8 175

40 176 116 194 189 54 34 56 100 30 57 44 166 48 229 68

253 136 159 101 135 107 244 35 72 16 209 81 192 249 210 160

85 161 65 250 67 19 196 47 168 182 60 43 193 255 200 165

32 137 0 144 71 239 234 183 21 6 205 181 18 126 187 41

15 184 7 4 155 148 33 102 230 206 237 231 59 254 127 197

164 55 177 76 145 110 141 118 3 45 222 150 38 125 198 92

211 242 79 25 63 220 121 29 82 235 243 109 94 251 105 178

240 49 12 212 207 140 226 117 169 74 87 132 17 69 27 245

228 14 115 170 241 221 89 20 108 146 84 208 120 112 227 73

128 80 167 246 119 147 134 131 42 199 91 233 238 143 1 61

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 14

Table 6: The s-b ox s


56 65 22 118 217 147 96 242 114 194 171 154 117 6 87 160

145 247 181 201 162 140 210 144 246 7 167 39 142 178 73 222

67 92 215 199 62 245 143 103 31 24 110 175 47 226 133 13

83 240 156 101 234 163 174 158 236 128 45 107 168 43 54 166

197 134 77 51 253 102 88 150 58 9 149 16 120 216 66 204

239 38 229 97 26 63 59 130 182 219 212 152 232 139 2 235

10 44 29 176 111 141 136 14 25 135 78 11 169 12 121 17

127 34 231 89 225 218 61 200 18 4 116 84 48 126 180 40

85 104 80 190 208 196 49 203 42 173 15 202 112 255 50 105

8 98 0 36 209 251 186 237 69 129 115 109 132 159 238 74

195 46 193 1 230 37 72 153 185 179 123 249 206 191 223 113

41 205 108 19 100 155 99 157 192 75 183 165 137 95 177 23

244 188 211 70 207 55 94 71 148 250 252 91 151 254 90 172

60 76 3 53 243 35 184 93 106 146 213 33 68 81 198 125

57 131 220 170 124 119 86 5 27 164 21 52 30 28 248 82

32 20 233 189 221 228 161 224 138 241 214 122 187 227 64 79

Table 7: The s-b ox s


112 44 179 192 228 87 234 174 35 107 69 165 237 79 29 146

134 175 124 31 62 220 94 11 166 57 213 93 217 90 81 108

139 154 251 176 116 43 240 132 223 203 52 118 109 169 209 4

20 58 222 17 50 156 83 242 254 207 195 122 36 232 96 105

170 160 161 98 84 30 224 100 16 0 163 117 138 230 9 221

135 131 205 144 115 246 157 191 82 216 200 198 129 111 19 99

233 167 159 188 41 249 47 180 120 6 231 113 212 171 136 141

114 185 248 172 54 42 60 241 64 211 187 67 21 173 119 128

130 236 39 229 133 53 12 65 239 147 25 33 14 78 101 189

184 143 235 206 48 95 197 26 225 202 71 61 1 214 86 77

13 102 204 45 18 32 177 153 76 194 126 5 183 49 23 215

88 97 27 28 15 22 24 34 68 178 181 145 8 168 252 80

208 125 137 151 91 149 255 210 196 72 247 219 3 218 63 148

92 2 74 51 103 243 127 226 155 38 55 59 150 75 190 46

121 140 110 142 245 182 253 89 152 106 70 186 37 66 162 250

7 85 238 10 73 104 56 164 40 123 201 193 227 244 199 158

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 15

4.6 P -function

The P -function is a part of F -function, which is de ned as follows:

P : L ! L

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

z jjz jjz jjz jjz jjz jjz jjz 7! z jjz jjz jjz jjz jjz jjz jjz ;

1(8) 2(8) 3(8) 4(8) 5(8) 6(8) 7(8) 8(8)

1(8) 2(8) 3(8) 4(8) 5(8) 6(8) 7(8) 8(8)



z = z  z  z  z  z  z ;

1 3 4 6 7 8



z = z  z  z  z  z  z ;

1 2 4 5 7 8



z = z  z  z  z  z  z ;

1 2 3 5 6 8



z = z  z  z  z  z  z ;

2 3 4 5 6 7



z = z  z  z  z  z ;

1 2 6 7 8



z = z  z  z  z  z ;

2 3 5 7 8



z = z  z  z  z  z ;

3 4 5 6 8



z = z  z  z  z  z :

1 4 5 6 7


Equivalently, this transformation can b e given in the following form:

0 1 0 0 1 1


z z z

8 8




z z z


7 7



7! = P ;

. . .


. . .

@ . A @ . @ A . A


z z z

1 1



1 0

0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1


1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0




1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0



1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1


: P =


0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0



1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1



A @

1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 16

A Figures of the C amellia Algorithm


kw1(64) kw2(64)

L0(64) R0(64) k k k 1(64), 2(64), 3(64), L R k 0(64) 0(64) k4(64), k5(64), k 6(64) 1(64) 6-Round F

L1(64) R1(64) k 2(64) F -1 kl1(64) FL FL kl2(64) L R k 2(64) 2(64) k7(64), k8(64), k9(64), 3(64) F k k k 10(64), 11(64), 12(64) 6-Round L3(64) R3(64) k 4(64) F

FL FL -1 kl3(64) kl4(64) L4(64) R4(64) k 5(64) F k13(64), k14(64), k15(64), k k k 16(64), 17(64), 18(64) L5(64) R 5(64) 6-Round k 6(64) F

L18(64) R18(64)

kw3(64) kw4(64)


Figure 1: Encryption Pro cedure of Camel lia for 128-bit key

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 17


kw1(64) kw2(64)

L0(64) R 0(64) k k k 1(64), 2(64), 3(64), L R k 0(64) 0(64) k4(64), k5(64), k 6(64) 1(64) 6-Round F

L1(64) R1(64) k 2(64) F -1 kl1(64) FL FL kl2(64) L2(64) R2(64) k 3(64) k7(64), k8(64), k9(64), F k k k 10(64), 11(64), 12(64) 6-Round L3(64) R3(64) k 4(64) F

-1 kl3(64) FL FL kl4(64) L4(64) R4(64) k 5(64) F k13(64), k14(64), k15(64),

k16(64), k17(64),k 18(64) L5(64) R5(64) 6-Round k 6(64) F

FL FL -1 kl5(64) kl6(64)

k19(64), k20(64), k21(64), k k k 22(64), 23(64), 24(64) 6-Round

L24(64) R24(64)

kw3(64) kw4(64)


Figure 2: Encryption Pro cedure of Camel lia for 192-bit and 256-bit key

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 18


kw3(64) kw4(64)

R18(64) L18(64) k k k 18(64), 17(64), 16(64), R L k 18(64) 18(64) k15(64), k14(64), k 13(64) 18(64) 6-Round F

R17(64) L 17(64) k 17(64) F FL FL -1 kl4(64) kl3(64) R16(64) L16(64) k 16(64) k12(64), k11(64), k10(64), F k k k 9(64), 8(64), 7(64) 6-Round R15(64) L15(64) k 15(64) F

FL FL -1 kl2(64) kl1(64) R14(64) L14(64) k 14(64) F k6(64), k5(64), k4(64), k k k 3(64), 2(64), 1(64) R13(64) L 13(64) 6-Round k 13(64) F

R 0(64) L0(64)

kw1(64) kw2(64)


Figure 3: Decryption Pro cedure of Camel lia for 128-bit key

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 19


kw3(64) kw4(64)

R 24(64) L 24(64) k k k 24(64), 23(64), 22(64), R L k 24(64) 24(64) k 21(64), k 20(64), k 19(64) 24(64) 6-Round F

R23(64) L23(64) k 23(64) F FL FL -1 kl 6(64) kl 5(64) R22(64) L22(64) k 22(64) k18(64), k17(64), k16(64), F k k k 15(64), 14(64), 13(64) 6-Round R21(64) L21(64) k 21(64) F

kl FL FL -1 kl R20(64) L20(64) 4(64) 3(64) k 20(64) F k12(64), k 11(64),k10(64),

k 9(64), k 8(64), k 7(64) R19(64) L19(64) 6-Round k 19(64) F

FL FL -1 kl2(64) kl1(64)

k 6(64), k 5(64), k4(64), k k k 3(64), 2(64), 1(64) 6-Round

R0(64) L0(64)

kw1(64) kw2(64)


Figure 4: Decryption Pro cedure of Camel lia for 192-bit and 256-bit key

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 20

k i (64)

x 8(8) y8 z 8 z’ s1 8(8) x 7(8) y7 z 7 z’ s4 7(8) x 6(8) y6 z 6 z’ s3 6(8) x 5(8) y5 z 5 z’ s2 5(8) x 4(8) y4 z 4 z’ s4 4(8) x 3(8) y3 z 3 z’ s3 3(8) x 2(8) y2 z 2 z’ s2 2(8) x 1(8) y1 z 1 z’ s1 1(8)

S-Function P-Function

Figure 5: F -function

X (64) Y(64)

XL(32) XR(32) YL(32) YR(32)

kl i L(32) kl i R(32) 1 kli R(32) kl i L(32) 1

X YL(32) YR(32) L(32) XR(32)

Y(64) X (64)


Figure 6: FL-function Figure 7: FL -function

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 21

K L(128) K R(128)

Σ1(64) F

Σ2(64) F

K R(128)

K L(128)

Σ3(64) Σ5(64) F F

Σ4(64) Σ6(64) F F

K A(128) K B(128)

Figure 8: Key Schedule

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 22

B Test Data

The following is test data for Camel lia in hexadecimal form:

128-bit key

key 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10

plaintext 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10

ciphertext 67 67 31 38 54 96 69 73 08 57 06 56 48 ea be 43

192-bit key

key 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10

00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77

plaintext 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10

ciphertext b4 99 34 01 b3 e9 96 f8 4e e5 ce e7 d7 9b 09 b9

256-bit key

key 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10

00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff

plaintext 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10

ciphertext 9a cc 23 7d ff 16 d7 6c 20 ef 7c 91 9e 3a 75 09

C Software Implementation Techniques

This section describ es how to implement Camellia eciently in software. In most cases, an imple-

mentation can b e divided into two parts: setup including key schedule and data randomization, that

is, encryption or decryption. We rst describ e howto optimize the setup co de, and then describ e

howto optimize the data randomization co de.

This section describ es sp eci c techniques for 8-, 32-, or 64-bit pro cessors. However, a tech-

nique for 8-bit pro cessors may b e applicable to 32- or 64-bit pro cessors and a technique for 32-bit

pro cessors may b e applicable to 64-bit pro cessors. Other word sizes may need to b e considered.

We assume that you rst implement Camellia using the sp eci cation as it is. This section will

optimize the resulting co de.

Note that in this section \word" means the natural size of the target pro cessor. For example,

the words of IA-32 without MMX technology, IA-32 with MMX technology and Alpha are 32-, 64-,

and 64-bits long resp ectively.

C.1 Setup

C.1.1 Store All Subkeys

Store all subkeys into memory once you generate them if you have sucient memory, and use the

stored subkeys for data randomization.

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 23

C.1.2 Subkey Generation Order

You do not have to compute subkeys in order. For example, when you compute subkeys for a

128-bit key, rst compute the subkeys that only dep end on K , and then compute subkeys that


only dep end on K . You can save registers or memory for storing K .


C.1.3 XOR Cancellation Prop erty in Key Schedule

The key schedule of Camellia is based on the Feistel structure. Between the 2nd round and the 3rd

round, K is XORed to an intermediate value. This structure causes cancellations of K . More


precisely, the input of the 3rd round can b e computed by the following equations.


(left half ) = F (K  (right half );  )

LR 2

for 128-bit keys

(right half ) = F (K ;  )

LL 1


(left half ) = K  F (K  (right half );  )


for 192- and 256-bit keys

(right half ) = K  F (K  K ;  )


Using the ab ove equations, we can eliminate 3 and 2 XORs in L for 128- and 192/256-bit keys,

resp ectively, compared to the straightforward implementation of the sp eci cation.

C.1.4 Rotation Bits for K , K , K , and K


You do not need to keep K , K , K , and K , but you should keep their rotated values when


generating subkeys. You can generate subkeys by rotating the kept values byintegral multiples of

16  1 bits.

C.1.5 kl and kl generation from k and k

5 6 11 12

For 192- and 256- bit keys, you can use a word-oriented rotation to generate (kl ;kl )from(k ;k ),

5 6 11 12

since (kl ;kl ) equals (k ;k )<<< . This saves a few instructions compared to general rotation.

5 6 11 12 32

C.1.6 On-the- y Subkey Generation

You can generate subkeys on-the- y . All subkeys are one of the rotated values of K , K , K ,


and K . Thus, you rst generate K , K , K ,andK , and then rotate them to get the subkeys.


Refer Section C.1.4 for the rotated numb ers of bits for K , K , K ,andK .


C.1.7 128-bit key and 192/256-bit key

If your co de do es not need to use larger key sizes than 128 bits, you do not need to generate K .


That is, you can omit the computations for the last two F -functions.

C.1.8 How to Rotate an Element in Q

8-bit pro cessor. As stated in Section C.1.4, the rotation bits are integral multiples of 16  1.

Thus, you can rotate an element in Q by 16  1 bits by rotating 1-bit left or right followed by a

2-byte move.

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 24

32-bit pro cessor. Consider the use of a double precision shift instruction: shrd or shld if you

are programming on IA-32.

C.1.9 F -function

Key schedule includes F -functions, but the main usage of the F -function is for data randomization.

Refer to Section C.2.

C.1.10 Keyed Functions

Camellia has three keyed functions: bitwise XOR, bitwise OR, and bitwise AND. Consider the use

of a self-mo difying co de, if p ossible.

C.2 Data Randomization

C.2.1 Endian Conversion

Camellia prefers big endian. Thus, the co de for little endian pro cessors needs additional co de for

endian conversions.

The most straightforward implementation converts the endian when loading a register from


memory and storing a register to memory. Only FL- and FL -functions are endian dep endent.


More precisely, only the 1-bit rotation in FL-or FL -function is endian dep endent. This means

that you can convert endians just b efore or just after the 1-bit rotation with the appropriate subkey

generation scheme. Acombination of computing endian conversion and 1-bit rotation may increase

the p erformance of Camellia using this technique. Details are describ ed in Section C.2.2.

Some pro cessors have a sp ecial instruction for endian conversion. For example, IA-32 (after

80486) has bswap instruction. Use these instructions. However, do not use the byte swap technique

describ ed in [C98 , App endix A]. The technique reduces the co de size, but it is not fast, since the

memory load and store instruction incurs long latency.

As describ ed ab ove, the endian problem only e ects the 1-bit rotation of a 32-bit word. Thus,

we do not need full 64-bit word endian conversion.

The following are general metho ds to realize endian conversion for 32-bit register x. In the

following techniques, you can use either [ or  instead of + in the equations, and you can switch the

computational order b etween shifts including rotations and ANDs with an appropriate conversion

of masked constants.


x (x  )+((x \ 0xff00)  )+((x  ) \ 0xff00)+(x  )

24 8 8 24

The technique has high parallelism.

Minimum op erations without rotation.

x (x  )+(x  )

16 16

x ((x \ 0xff00ff)  )+((x  ) \ 0xff00ff)

8 8

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 25

Using rotations.

x ((x \ 0xff00ff)>>> )+((x<<< ) \ 0xff00ff)

8 8

Using SSE. New Intel Pentium family pro cessors including Pentium III has very e ective in-

struction for reordering data, which is called pshufw [I99 ]. 5 instructions including pshufw are

sucient to convert endian for 64-bit data.

C.2.2 1-bit Rotation in Little Endian Interpretation

As describ ed in Section C.2.1, we do not need endian conversion when loading and storing texts if


we can eciently implement 1-bit rotation in FL- and FL -functions.

Considering x as a 32-bit register that contains little endian data to be rotated by 1-bit. We

can compute 1-bit rotation by the following equation.

x ((2x) \ 0xfefefefe)+((x>>> ) \ 0xfefefefe) (1)


Of course, this technique requires an appropriate changes to subkey setup and other functions.

Note that + in Equation (1) can be replaced with [ or , and computing 2x can be done

by  , <<< or addition with x itself, and you can switchthe computational order b etween shifts

1 1

including rotations and ANDs with an appropriate conversion of masked constants.

Con rm whether your pro cessor has ANDNOT instruction, suchas pandn in IA-32 and bic in

Alpha. In this case, you do not need to prepare the constant, 0xfefefefe.

C.2.3 Whitening

The key additions kw and kw can be combined into other keyed op erations using the following

2 4


(x  k )  y = (x  y )  k;

(x  k )  l = x  (k  l );

(x  k ) \ l = (x \ l )  (k \ l ); (2)

(x  k )<<< = (x<<< )  (k<<< );

1 1 1

l ); (x  k ) [ l = (x [ l )  (k \

where x, y , k , l are bit strings. Adjust subkeys at setup to eliminate 2 XORs in L.

C.2.4 Key XOR

Using Equations (2), you can move key XORs to any place if the movement do es not go through


the S -function. For example, changing F -function computation P (S (X  k )) to P (S (X ))  k may

improve instruction scheduling.

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 26

C.2.5 S -function

8 8

s is de ned by the arithmetics in GF(2 ). However, do not compute GF(2 ) arithmetics; instead


precompute and hard-co de a table in your program, see Table 4 in the sp eci cation.

We strongly suggest that you also precompute and hard-co de s , s , and s tables in addition

2 3 4

to s ,ifyou have a sucient memory and 8-bit rotation is exp ensive. If you do not have sucient


memory, please compute s , s ,ands from lo oked-up values in s table using rotation.

2 3 4 1

If you have sucient memory, and cost of table lo okup is heavy as is true for Java, consider the

use of a two s-b ox combined table, for example (s (y );s (y )).

1 1 2 2

C.2.6 P -function

32-bit pro cessor. Let (Z ;Z )=((z ;z ;z ;z ); (z ;z ;z ;z )) b e the input of P -function and

L R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(Z ;Z )=((z ;z ;z ;z ); (z ;z ;z ;z )) b e the output of P -function.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


From Figure 5 in the sp eci cation, you can see that P -function can b e computed as follows.

Z Z  (Z <<< )

L L R 8

Z Z  (Z <<< )

R R L 16

Z Z  (Z >>> )

L L R 8

Z Z  (Z >>> )

R R L 8









The critical path of the new computation is long. We can mo dify the computation as follows.

Z Z <<<

R R 8

Z Z  Z Z Z <<<

L L R R R 8

Z Z >>> Z Z  Z

L L 8 R R L

Z Z  Z Z Z <<<

L L R R R 16

Z Z <<< Z Z  Z

L L 8 R R L

0 0




The critical path of the ab ove computation is decreased. It seems that the technique requires one

additional rotation, however, you can probably combine the rst step of the ab ove computation

and S -function without any additional cost.

8-bit pro cessor (orthogonal mnemonics). If the instruction in your pro cessor can XOR any

combination of registers and has sucient registers, you can compute P -function by using just 16

XORs using Figure 5 in the sp eci cation.

8-bit pro cessor (accumulator based). If your pro cessor is accumulator based, minimizing

the number of XORs is not always a good idea, since the computation may require register load

from memory and store into memory many times. The following computation is optimized for an

accumulator based pro cessor.


z  z  z  z  z z

1 4 5 6 7 8

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 27

0 0

z z  z  z  z

1 2 3

4 8

0 0

z z  z  z  z

2 7 8

7 4

0 0

z z  z  z  z

1 2 4

3 7

0 0

z z  z  z  z

1 6 7

6 3

0 0

z z  z  z  z

1 3 4

2 6

0 0

z z  z  z  z

4 5 6

5 2

0 0

z z  z  z  z

2 3 4

1 5


When indexing z costs many op erations, the following is useful.


 z  z  z  z  z  z  z  z

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


z   z  z

2 5



z   z  z

3 6



z   z  z

4 7



z   z  z

1 8



z   z  z  z

3 4 5



z   z  z  z

1 4 6



z   z  z  z

1 2 7



z   z  z  z

2 3 8


C.2.7 Substitution and Permutation

This section describ es how to eciently compute P  S compared to indep endently computing S

and P .

64-bit pro cessor. If your pro cessor has a suciently large rst level cache, use the technique


describ ed in [RDP 96 ]. The technique prepares the following tables de ned by equation (3).

SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y );s (y ); 0;s (y ); 0; 0;s (y ))

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

SP (y ) = ( 0;s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y ); 0; 0)

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

SP (y ) = (s (y ); 0;s (y );s (y ); 0;s (y );s (y ); 0)

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y ); 0;s (y ); 0; 0;s (y );s (y ))

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4


SP (y ) = ( 0;s (y );s (y );s (y ); 0;s (y );s (y );s (y ))

5 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5

SP (y ) = (s (y ); 0;s (y );s (y );s (y ); 0;s (y );s (y ))

6 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6

SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y ); 0;s (y );s (y );s (y ); 0;s (y ))

7 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7

SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y );s (y ); 0;s (y );s (y );s (y ); 0)

8 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8

Next, compute the following equation:



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SP (y ) (z ;z ;z ;z ;z ;z ;z ;z )

i i

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


This technique requires the following op erations.

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 28

#ofTable Lo okups 8

#ofXORs 7

Size of Table (KB) 16

If the rst cache of the target pro cessor is mo derately large, replace a few of tables de ned by

equation (3) with the tables b elow.

SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y ))

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y ))

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y ))

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y );s (y ))

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Then, mask the necessary byte p ositions. This technique requires the following op erations if you

use only tables of equation (4).

#ofTable Lo okups 8

#ofXORs 7

# of ANDs 8

Size of Table (KB) 8

When implementing this technique on Alpha architecture [C98], and if the number of registers is

insucient for storing constants for masking op eration, use zap or zapnot instructions.

If your pro cessor can eciently copy half bits of a register to the other half, for example,

punpckldq/punpckhdq or pshufw instructions in IA-32 [I99 ] which are realized after Pentium with

MMX technology and Pentium I I I, resp ectively, prepare SP , SP , SP , and SP de ned in equa-

1 2 3 4

tion (3). Then, compute the following equation:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(z ;z ;z ;z ;z ;z ;z ;z )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )   (SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y ));

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 8 2 5 3 6 4 7

where  denotes the op eration that copies the rst 4 bytes to the last 4 bytes. This technique

requires the following op erations.

#ofTable Lo okups 8

#ofXORs 7

#of  s 1

Size of Table (KB) 8

32-bit pro cessor. [AU00 ] shows ecient implementations of Camellia-typ e substitution and

permutation networks. One of the technique prepares the following tables de ned by equation (5):

SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y );s (y ); 0)

1110 1 1 1

SP (y ) = ( 0;s (y );s (y );s (y ))

0222 2 2 2


SP (y ) = (s (y ); 0;s (y );s (y ))

3033 3 3 3

SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y ); 0;s (y ))

4404 4 4 4

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 29

Then, compute as follows:

D SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )

1110 8 0222 5 3033 6 4404 7

U SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )

1110 1 0222 2 3033 3 4404 4

0 0 0 0

(z ;z ;z ;z ) D  U

1 2 3 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(z ;z ;z ;z ) (z ;z ;z ;z )  (U>>> )


5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4

This technique requires the following op erations.

#ofTable Lo okups 8

#ofXORs 8

# of Rotations 1

Size of Table (KB) 4

[AU00 ] also shows an implementation that is suitable for a pro cessor in which rotation is very

costly. The technique prepares the following tables in addition to tables de ned by equation (5):

SP (y ) = (s (y ); 0; 0;s (y ))

1001 1 1

SP (y ) = (s (y );s (y ); 0; 0)

2200 2 2

SP (y ) = ( 0;s (y );s (y ); 0)

0330 3 3

SP (y ) = ( 0; 0;s (y );s (y ))

0044 4 4

Then, compute as follows:

D SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )

1110 8 0222 5 3033 6 4404 7

0 0 0 0

(z ;z ;z ;z ) D  SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )

1110 1 0222 2 3033 3 4404 4

1 2 3 4

0 0 0 0

(z ;z ;z ;z ) D  SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )  SP (y )

1001 1 2200 2 0330 3 0044 4

5 6 7 8

This technique requires the following op erations.

#ofTable Lo okups 12

#ofXORs 11

Size of Table (KB) 8

C.2.8 Making Indices for s-b ox

You can make an index for s-b oxby simply using shifts and ANDs. However, several pro cessors have

sp ecial instructions for making an index, for example, movzx in IA-32 [I99 ], extbl in Alpha [C98].

movzx is a fast op eration in P6, but it can b e used only for the two least signi cant bytes. A

straightforward implementation uses eax, ebx, ecx, and edx registers for storing (L ;R ), and 2

r r

rotations are used for making indices; 2 rotations are used for recovering byte order in the registers

every round. However, you can remove 2 rotations for recovering byte order every round if you

prepare rotated tables. Note that the byte order in registers returns to a natural order every 4 rounds.

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 30

C.3 General Guidelines

This section describ es general guidelines. The guidelines are useful to optimize Camellia as well as

other blo ck ciphers. Please refer to the optimization manuals for each pro cessor.

Avoid misaligned data accesses. Almost all pro cessors p enalize misaligned data access. Align

data to the word b oundary.

Avoid partial data accesses. Most pro cessors have a function to access a smaller part than word

size. However, this function may cause a p enalty. Do not access partial data, even if you do

not need full size of word and you have sucient memory.

Be careful of the size of the cache. If the program or its data exceeds the size of the cache,

the sp eed of the program will signi cantly decrease. Lo op unrolling and table expansion are

go o d techniques to sp eed up the program, but do not exceed the size of the cache.

Use intrinsic functions. Several compilers supp ort intrinsic functions. For example, when you

use Microsoft Visual C++ 6 compiler on IA-32, and declare \#pragma intrinsic( lrotl)"

and use \ lrotl", the compiler generates rotation instructions in assembly language. Refer

to the manual of the compiler that you use for details.

Measuring precise sp eeds is dicult. The running time of your co de dep ends on many fac-

tors: cache hit misses, OS interrupts, and so on. Furthermore, the cryptographic prop erties,

for example, the numb er of blo cks to b e encrypted, also e ect the running time.

A few pro cessors have an instruction to get the time stamp. For example, IA-32 (after

Pentium) has rdtsc [I99 ] and Alpha has rpcc [C98 ]. It is a go o d idea to use the time

stamp counter for measuring sp eeds, but you should not directly apply these instructions to

out-of-order architectures such as P6 and EV6.

If you want to measure sp eed precisely, consult good guideb o oks. For example, if you use

Pentium family pro cessors, refer to [F00 ].

D Design Policy

This pap er presents a 128-bit blo ck cipher called Camel lia, which was jointly develop ed by NTT

and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration. Camellia supp orts 128-bit blo ck size and 128-, 192-, and

256-bit key lengths, and so o ers the same interface sp eci cations as the Advanced Encryption

Standard (AES). The design goals of Camellia are as follows.

High level of security. The recent advances in cryptanalytic techniques are remarkable. A

quantitative evaluation of security against powerful cryptanalytic techniques such as di erential

[BS93 ] and [M94 ] is considered to be essential in designing any

new blo ck cipher. We evaluated the security of Camellia by utilizing state-of-art cryptanalytic

techniques. Wehave con rmed that Camellia has no di erential and linear characteristics that hold


with probability more than 2 . Moreover, Camellia was designed to o er security against other

advanced cryptanalytic attacks including higher order di erential attacks [K95 , JK97], interp olation

attacks [JK97, A00 ], related-key attacks [B94 , KSW96 ], truncated di erential attacks [K95 , MT99],

b o omerang attacks [W99 ], and slide attacks [BW99 , BW00 ].

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 31

Eciency on multiple platforms. As cryptographic systems are needed in various applica-

tions, encryption algorithms that can b e implemented eciently on a wide range of platforms are

desirable, however, few 128-bit blo ck ciphers are suitable for both software and hardware imple-

mentation. Camellia was designed to o er excellent eciency in hardware and software implemen-

tations, including gate count for hardware design, memory requirements in smart card implemen-

tations, as well as p erformance on multiple platforms.

Camellia consists of only 8-by-8-bit substitution tables (s-b oxes) and logical op erations that

can be eciently implemented on a wide variety of platforms. Therefore, it can be implemented

eciently in software, including the 8-bit pro cessors used in low-end smart cards, 32-bit pro cessors

widely used in PCs, and 64-bit pro cessors. Camellia do esn't use 32-bit integer additions and

multiplications, which are extensively used in some software-oriented 128-bit blo ck ciphers. Such

op erations p erform well on platforms providing a high degree of supp ort, e.g., Pentium I I/I I I or

Athlon, but not as well on others. These op erations can cause a longer critical path and larger

hardware implementation requirements.

The s-b oxes of Camellia are designed to minimize hardware size. The four s-b oxes are ane


equivalent to the inversion function in the nite eld GF(2 ). Moreover, we reduced the inversion

8 4

function in GF (2 )toa fewGF(2 ) arithmetic op erations. It enabled us to implementthe s-b oxes

by fewer gate counts.

The key schedule is very simple and shares part of its pro cedure with encryption. It supp orts

on-the-key subkey generation and subkeys are computable in any order. The memory requirement

for generating subkeys is quite small; an ecient implementation requires ab out 32-byte RAM for

128-bit keys and ab out 64-byte RAM for 192- and 256-bit keys.

E Design Rationale

E.1 F -function


The design strategy of the F -function of Camellia follows that of the F -function of [KMA 98].

The main di erence between E2 and Camellia is the adoption of the 1-round (conservative) SPN

(Substitution-Permutation Network), not the 2-round SPN, i.e. S-P-S. When the 1-round SPN is

used as the round function in a , the theoretical evaluation of the upp er bound of

di erential and linear characteristic probability b ecomes more complicated, but the sp eed under

the same level of \real" security is exp ected to b e improved. See Section 6 for detailed discussions

on security.

E.2 P -function

The design rationale of the P -function is similar to that of the P -function of E2. That is, for

computational eciency, it should b e represented using only bytewise exclusive-ORs and for secu-


rity against di erential and linear cryptanalysis, its branchnumb er should b e optimal [KTM 99].

From among the linear transformations that satisfy these conditions, we chose one considering

highly ecient implementation on 32-pro cessors [AU00 ] and high-end smart cards, as well as 8-bit pro cessors.

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 32

E.3 s-b oxes


As the s-b oxes we adopted functions ane equivalent to the inversion function in GF (2 ) for

enhanced security and small hardware design.


It is well known that the smallest of the maximum di erential probability of functions in GF(2 )

6 8

was proven to b e 2 , and the smallest of the maximum linear probability of functions in GF(2 )

6 8

is conjectured to b e 2 . There is a function ane equivalent to the inversion function in GF(2 )


that achieves the b est known of the maximum di erential and linear probabilities, 2 . Wecho ose

this kind of functions as s-b oxes. Moreover, the high degree of the Bo olean p olynomial of every

output bit of the s-b oxes makes it dicult to attack Camellia by higher order di erential attacks.

The two ane functions that are p erformed at the input and output of the inversion function in


GF (2 ) complicates

F Version Information

Camellia has b een prop osed in the following activities, where the prop osed sp eci cation is exactly

the same as the sp eci cation describ ed in this do cument.

Pap ers

 Technical rep ort of IEICE,

K. Aoki, T. Ichikawa, M. Kanda, M. Matsui, S. Moriai, J. Naka jima, and T. Tokita, \Camel-

lia { A 128-bit Blo ck Cipher", Technical Rep ort ISEC2000-6, The Institute of Electronics,

Information and Communication Engineers, 2000. (in Japanese).

 International Workshop SAC 2000

K. Aoki, T. Ichikawa, M. Kanda, M. Matsui, S. Moriai, J. Naka jima, and T. Tokita, \Camellia:

A 128-Bit Blo ck Cipher Suitable for Multiple Platforms | Design and Analysis |," In

Selected Areas in , 7th Annual International Workshop, SAC 2000, Waterlo o,

Ontario, Canada, August 2000, Pro ceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2012, pp.39-

56, Springer-Verlag, 2001.


 ISO 18033



The followings were submitted as -Drafts.

{ J. Naka jima and S. Moriai,\A Description of the Camellia Encryption Algorithm"

{ S. Moriai,\Addition of the Camellia Encryption Algorithm to TLS"

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 33

G Ob ject Identi er

ti er of Camellia is describ ed in the Internet-Draft, A Description of the Camellia

The ob ject iden “

Encryption Algorithm The following is extracted from the do cument.


The Ob ject Identi er for Camellia in Cipher Blo ck Chaining (CBC) mo de is as follows:

 128-bit key length, CBC mo de

id-camellia128-cbc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

f iso(1) member-body(2) 392 200011 61 security(1)

algorithm(1) symmetric-encryption-algorithm(1) camellia128-cbc(2) g

 192-bit ke length, CBC mo de

id-camellia192-cbc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

f iso(1) member-body(2) 392 200011 61 security(1)

algorithm(1) symmetric-encryption-algorithm(1) camellia192-cbc(3) g

 256-bit key length, CBC mo de

id-camellia256-cbc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

f iso(1) member-body(2) 392 200011 61 security(1)

algorithm(1) symmetric-encryption-algorithm(1) camellia256-cbc(4) g

H Applications and Pro ducts

Camellia can be used for all applications of symmetric blo ck ciphers. In particular, it is suitable

for secure communications and authentication.

Camellia can b e implemented eciently on a wide range of platforms, including software imple-

mentations on 32-bit/64-bit CPUs and low-end/high-end smart cards, and compact and high-sp eed

hardware implementations on ASICs and FPGAs.

Most of the information ab out applications of Camellia can b e found at http://www.security.



[A00] K. Aoki. Practical Evaluation of Security against Generalized Interp olation Attack.

IEICE Transactions Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sci-

ences (Japan),Vol. E83-A, No. 1, pp. 33{38, 2000. (A preliminary version was presented

at SAC'99).

[AU00] K. Aoki and H. Ueda. Optimized Software Implementations of E2. IEICE Transac-

tions Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (Japan),

Vol. E83-A, No. 1, pp. 101{105, 2000. (The full pap er is available on http://info.

isl.ntt.co.% linebreak[3]jp/e2/RelDocs/).

[B94] E. Biham. New Typ es of Cryptanalytic Attacks Using Related Keys. Journal of Cryp-

tology, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 229{246, 1994. (The extended abstract was app eared at


Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 34

[BS93] E. Biham and A. Shamir. Di erential Cryptanalysis of the .

Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelb erg, New York, 1993.

[BW99] A. Biryukov and D. Wagner. Slide Attacks. In L. Knudsen, editor, Fast Software

Encryption | 6th International Workshop, FSE'99, Volume 1636 of Lecture Notes in

Computer Science, pp. 245{259, Berlin, Heidelb erg, New York, 1999. Springer-Verlag.

[BW00] A. Biryukov and D. Wagner. Advanced Slide Attacks. In S. Vaudenay, editor, Advances

in Cryptology | EUROCRYPT2000,Volume 1807 of Lecture Notes in Computer Sci-

ence, pp. 589{606, Berlin, Heidelb erg, New York, 2000. Springer-Verlag.

[C98] Compaq Computer Corp oration. Alpha Architecture Handbook (Version 4),

1998. (You can download the manual from Compaq's technical do cumentation

library: http://www.support.compaq.com/alpha-tools/documentation/current/


[F00] A. Fog. How to optimize for the Pentium microprocessors, 2000. (http://www.agner.


[I99] Intel Corp oration. Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual (Volume 2: Instruc-

tion Set Reference), 1999. (You can download the manual from Intel's develop er site:


[JK97] T. Jakobsen and L. R. Knudsen. The Interp olation Attack on Blo ck Cipher. In E. Bi-

ham, editor, Fast Software Encryption | 4th International Workshop, FSE'97,Volume

1267 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 28{40, Berlin, Heidelb erg, New York,

1997. Springer-Verlag.

[K95] L. R. Knudsen. Truncated and Higher Order Di erentials. In B. Preneel, editor, Fast

Software Encryption | Second International Workshop,Volume 1008 of Lecture Notes

in Computer Science, pp. 196{211. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelb erg, New York,



[KMA 98] M. Kanda, S. Moriai, K. Aoki, H. Ueda, M. Ohkub o, Y. Takashima, K. Ohta, and

T. Matsumoto. A New 128-bit Blo ck Cipher E 2 . Technical Rep ort ISEC98-12, The In-

stitute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 1998. (in Japanese).

[KSW96] J. Kelsey, B. Schneier, and D. Wagner. Key-Schedule Cryptanalysis of IDEA, G-

DES, GOST, SAFER, and Triple-DES. In N. Koblitz, editor, Advances in Cryptology

| CRYPTO'96, Volume 1109 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 237{251.

Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelb erg, New York, 1996.


[KTM 99] M. Kanda, Y. Takashima, T. Matsumoto, K. Aoki, and K. Ohta. A Strategy for Con-

structing Fast Round Functions with Practical Security against Di erential and Linear

Cryptanalysis. In S. Tavares and H. Meijer, editors, SelectedAreas in Cryptography |

5th Annual International Workshop, SAC'98, Volume 1556 of Lecture Notes in Com-

puter Science,pp. 264{279, Berlin, Heidelb erg, New York, 1999. Springer-Verlag.

Copyright NTT and Mitsubishi Electric Corp oration 2000-2001 35

[M94] M. Matsui. Linear Cryptanalysis Metho d for DES Cipher. In T. Helleseth, editor,

Advances in Cryptology | EUROCRYPT'93, Volume 765 of Lecture Notes in Com-

puter Science, pp. 386{397. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelb erg, New York, 1994. (A

preliminary version written in Japanese was presented at SCIS93-3C).

[MT99] M. Matsui and T. Tokita. Cryptanalysis of a Reduced Version of the Blo ck Cipher E2. In

L. Knudsen, editor, Fast Software Encryption | 6th International Workshop, FSE'99,

Volume 1636 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 71{80, Berlin, Heidelb erg,

New York, 1999. Springer-Verlag. (Japanese version was presented at SCIS99.).


[RDP 96] V. Rijmen, J. Daemen, B. Preneel, A. Bosselaers, and E. De Win. The Cipher SHARK.

In D. Gollmann, editor, Fast Software Encryption | Third International Workshop,

Volume 1039 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 99{111. Springer-Verlag,

Berlin, Heidelb erg, New York, 1996.

[W99] D. Wagner. The Bo omerang Attack. In L. R. Knudsen, editor, Fast Software Encryption

| 6th International Workshop, FSE'99, Volume 1636 of Lecture Notes in Computer

Science, pp. 156{170, Berlin, Heidelb erg, New York, 1999. Springer-Verlag.


 C.2.7 The equation to calculate using only four tables, SP , SP , SP , and SP , has be

1 2 3 4


 Section D,E,F,G, andHhave b een added.