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EXCLUSIVE PICTURE STORIES COVERING the TOP SHOWS and HEADLINERS RADIO ALBUM F«U A-* Iesisssl ;V^ • EXCLUSIVE PICTURE STORIES COVERING THE TOP SHOWS AND HEADLINERS RADIO ALBUM f«u a-* iesiSSSL ;v^ • ^ w - r\ t- *■ if w J. ■ li fc / 5; ni v TV TO DAY Video's new stars on parade m V: * i \\ n: Ti v \ MARIE WILSON heshos been playing the samesome wide-eyed, scatterbrained goof since 1936 when those original three men climbed on a hor~e.horse. It looked like she woswas getting type-cost.type-cast. She was. As a mottermatter of fact, she was so well type-co:ttype-cast they threw o0 plot oroundaround thothe character and modemade it one of the most popular personalitiespersonolitic'i Inin radio. My Friend IrmoIrma rang the bell on the Hooper check-upcheclc-up so often last season, it Ylaswas bound to send a large group L / of Hollywoodsmen scurrying madly into their conference rooms wondering whether they hodhad tokentaken fh'nfhis dumb blonde too lightly. K And so it camecome to pass that Marie Wilson parlayed Friend N. IrmaIrme from CBS into the celluloids. You'll be seeing HelHal Wellis'Wallis' movie version of this L fast-movingfast.moving radio show very Soon,soon, with boyfriend AI,Al, roommate Jane, Professor C SovU Kropotkin andend Mrs.Mrs, O'Reilly's boardingbo~rdin9 house all transported intact to the screen. Thrown inin for good measure, and good measure it is.is, are those other radio jesters, Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin.Martin, RADIO ALBUM Mt~~(l~~ FEATURES Cover by O. C. Sweet, 15 ysorsyean afat Wistful Vista (Fibb.r(Rbbor McGMcGee.. & Molly)Molly)... 4 courtesy of Newsweek MagazineMagozine Big Time forfor GildersleevoGildenl....... 8 Radio Album Reports: Meet Phillips H. lord. 10 Program listings are Radio Album Reporfs: Meet Phillips H. Lord 10 It's a Great Day IDoris Day) . 12 subject to changechonge without notice It's q Great Day (Doris Day) 12 EEveningening StarsStan _.. 14 Lifelif. Begins At EightyEighty. 16I. Charles D. Saxon insideInside Groucho.Graucha . 18 editorial director GrabloGrable Keeps You in Suspense 20 Grand Ole OpryOpry. 22 Miriam RacburnRaeburn Candid CameraCamero presents: The Man InIn thethe TrunkTrunk.... 24 associate editor associate editor This tsis Your Life..life . 25 Gordon Reekie One Touch of Murder IBig(Big Town}Town) 2.26 art editor People Are Funny.Funny . 282B 30)0 YearsYean Before The MikeMike (Amos{Amos 'n''n' Andy). ... 30 Fernando Texidor No Hearts And Flowers (Against The Storm) 32 art director Archie Goes To Work (Ed Gardner) .. 34 Keeping Up WahWith JuniorJu~ior Miss . 363. RADIO ALBUM MAGAZINE,"Vol.MAGAZlNf.~Vol. 1. No.No.6, 6, Pandemonium For Two (Martin and lewis). 38 foil,Fall. Ocf.-Dot^Oct.-OK.. 19"9.1949. PublislMdPublished quor.quar- Pandemonium For Two (Martin and Lewis)., 38 t.rly.terly. CopyrightCopyrieht 194919..9 by Dell PublishinePubllihinq Studio Snaps..........Snaps 50 Co.,Co.• Inc.Inc. Executiveb.cutl.... andond edllorioleditorial offices 261 Fifth Ave.,A...... N. Y. 16.16, N. Y. G.ore'Geofije T. Bing CrosbyCrosby. 5151 Delocorte,Delacor1e. Jr.,Jr.. President;Presidenlj Helen M.yer.Meyer, Vice-president)Vice-President; Albert P. Oelocorte.Delocorte, Vlce­Vlce- President. SingleS'ne1e copy price 15c in U. S. TV TODAY A. and Canada;Canodo; subscriptionwbKription price 60c TV TODAY per yeary.ar inin U. S. A. andOM Conodo.Coaodo; for.ienforeign subscriptionwbKl"iplion pricepl'iee 90e90c per yeor.year. Entered This isis Arthur GodfreyGodfrey. 40 osas second classdau matter_Iter May 2",24, 19"8,1948, ata l 42 therM postpent officeoMce ato( Ne.New York.York, Ne.New Yon.York, Toast Of The,he Town 42 voder""d.r theth. Act of March 3, 1879. Pub-Pub­ Olsen And Johnson 44 lishedItJhed simultaneously.i..lto"~y in the DolllinionDominion of ConodaCanada...... Memationalt_tion.;.. copyrightcop.,..i1Iht ._edsecured The Goldbergs. 45 under the provisionsp<'omioM of the Revis.dRevised e-­Con- venlionvention forf'Of theIh40 ProtectionProt.ction of WeroryLiterary OMand Mr. 1.I. MaglnationMagination ... 464b ArtisticMillie Works.Work.. The publisher ocuptiaccepts 1\0no Kukla, Fran and Ollie ... 47 r.sponsibilityresponsibility for thetIM returnretvnl of uunsolicited...olicit.d contributions.cOl\trib"'~. Printed in lhethe U. S. A. Charting TV's top talent. 48 5^ I \ V Top levellevel comedy is born of strictly seriousserious debate.debate. Above:Above: TheThe JadJack BennyBenny scriptscript conference.conference. Remarks:Remarks: o~oyokay forfor broadcast.broadcast. 15wukJ(&t[5 <5 wistful vista wistful vista j* ■• WhenWhen Molly heard the door squeak, she knew what was goioggoing toto happen.happen. SheShe wailed.waited. The crash was louder thanthan usual. ButBut thethe silencesilence thatthat followedfollowed waswas longerlonger than usual, and that was most disturbing. ItIt sentsent Molly outout ofof thethe kitchenkitchen toto findfind herher husband. He was lying in bis customary place on thethe floor.floor. SheShe couldn'tcouldn't seesee him,him, hutbut she knew hebe was there. Everything he'd cat:efullycarefully storedstored inin thethe hallhall closetcloset waswas onon toptop I93i:1936: For gaggog photos, Jim and MarionMarian of him. The pile of paraphernalia moved. "Some"Some day I'veI've gotgot toto getget aroundaround toto fixingfixing donned baby bonnets to celebrate theif"their first year as Fibber McGee and Molly. that closet," said Fibber McGee earnestly. It'sIt's getting SOso hehe sayssays itit moremore earnestlyearnestly every year. But deep down inside their sense of comedy,comedy, FibberFibber McGeeMcGee andand MollyMolly know that if he ever does gelget around to fixingfixing anyl'hing,anything, somesome 20,000,00020,000,000 listenerslisteners willwill hebe mortified. And life at 79 Wistful Vista might never hebe thethe same.same. WheoWhen thethe McGeesMcGees first moved to Wistful Vista in 1935, they weren't quilequite suresure justjust howhow lifelife wouldwould be,be, 11 or bowhow long they'd stay. But as programs passed, theirtheir HooperHooper ratingrating soared.soared. NowNow it's so high, Mr. Johnson's W""Wax nearly hreaksbreaks hishis neck lookinglooking upup atat it.it. WithWith theirtheir sponsor in this position, thethe Jim Jordans.Jordans, as FibberFibber McGeeMcGee andand Molly,Molly, couldcould wellwell afford to have their 15th anniversary cake thisthis yearyear andand eateat it,it, too.too. AndAnd whenwhen thethe lastlast piece of icing was gone, they could retire toto theirtheir EncinoEncino ranchranch untiluntil broadcastbroadcast time.time. Here, they live "quietly-aquietly—a featfeal which isis possible because Marian keepskeeps thethe closetsclosets locked. Despite her precautions, however, accidents dodo happen.happen. TakeTake thethe timetime JimJim decided to clean the inside of thethe car 'Withwith thethe vacuumvacuum cleanercleaner insteadinstead ofof thethe whiskwhisk broom and Mac, their redr.ed setter had chosen thatthat very dayday toto catchcatch fortyforty winkswinks inin thethe rearreal' seat. It took Jim several hours toto get Mac'sMac's redred hairhair outout ofof thethe cleaner.cleaner. AndAnd toto make mattersmallers worse, the indignan{indignant Mac wouldn'twouldn't speakspeak toto blmhim forfor days.days. "Blamed"Blamed me,"tne," 1937: Fibber's closet becamebecome a hit in said Jim, amazed. "Like'ILike the timetime Marian caught berher hand inin thethe washingwashing machine.machine."1f show's early years. Listeners wanted toto see thethe contents—socontents-so the McGees obliged. If incidentsincidents like this seem to show Jim's resemblance toto Fibber, it'sit's onlyonly becausebecause they'rethey're so much alike-alike. And through it all, Marian, samesame asas MollYIMolly, cancan alwaysalways bebe foundfound stand­stand- ing by—withby-with loyal heart and cryptic remark. This has beenbeen aa habithabit sincesince theirtheir wed­wed- ding in Peoria, Illinois, lllinois, in 1918, when Mariao--standingMarian—standing very nearnear by~wasby—was heardheard toto remark, "I do." After their marriage, thethe Jordans'Jordans' ventureventure intointo radioradio waswas inevitable.inevitable. This was because they liked to eat and, forfor Jim, moneymoney didn'tdidn't growgrow onon anythinganything butbut microphones.micropbones. He'd tried being a machinist's helperhelper onlyonly toto findfind behe wasn'twasn't cutcut outout forfor it. Then be had a Bingfling at carpentry. That careercareer waswas cutcut shortshort thethe dayday hehe fellfell 1 from an attic through the living room ceiling. For aa fleetingfleeting momentmoment behe thoughtthought things couldn't be worse. Things were awful. He landedlanded onon hishis boss.boss. NextNext behe attackedattacked a jobjob selling vacuum cleaners. He met some charming people andand cleanedcleaned dozensdozens ofof rugs. Finally,Finally. after a tiring demonstration, hehe cartedcarted hishis wareswares backback toto thethe companycompany and announcedannounced he was entering the insurance business. Between policies,policies, hehe andand MarianMarian entertained at Peoria's civic affairs. And whenwhen a locallocal booking agentagent mentionedmentioned thatthat <• more - 1939: MarianMarion {above(above with Jim, Jr.) en­en- route to Hollywood to resume role osas Molly. Illness kept her away o·lmostalmost 2 yrs. r After fifteen years, 4.} * Jim and Marian Jordan - V- f- f X \ Havehave something better than their top Hoopera+ing—Hooperating- , * - a grubstake in 20,000,000 , V ; < American hearts tK- lI . j 19040:1940: The McGees, who once played alloil roles, celebrate their Sf+!5th onniversaryenniversory withwith theirtheir cost.cost. 1941?1941: RKO Studios luredlured Fibber and Molly
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