Martín S K ILLS Salamanco Design & Markup HTML5, CSS, SASS, Figma, Adobe XD FullStack Web developer Python I'm a backend and fullstack Typed python, 2.x, 3.x web developer passionate Javascript about learning and creating. ECMAScript6, Typescript, Node.js Django  Django-REST, Django-graphene, GeoDjango, etc. martin.schere.salamanco@gma React & React Native Context API, Functional components, PWA, Apollo, Axios  https://martin-schere- Databases PostgreSQL, MySQL, PostGIS Deployment S OC IA L , DigitalOcean, , Amazon EC2 N ETWORKS Version control  @martín-schere- Github, Git 754a311b2/  @MartinSchere PERS ON A L PROJEC TS

Borges 1885 website re-design LA N G UA G ES Re-designed Borges1885's website with React, improving UI/UX and German renovating the backend compleatly. Spanish - Github - Live demo English Waitline Waitline is a dual virtual-queue app that eliminates waiting times, improves H OB B IES customer experience and promotes social distancing. Python and Django teacher - App for sellers Taught Python and - App for customers Django to high school - Backend (Github) students Realtool Created a youtube Realtool is a SAAS app that helps real estate investors such as landlords channel and uploaded a manage their properties, calculate mortgages, see similar listings and more free django course useful tools. - Source code (Github) - Live demo


Software engineer - Remote - From May 2019 to May 2020 Automated tasks such as video uploads, entry corrections and media management. Saved a monthly expense of US$150 from the company by implementing a system to replace mailing services, switching providers and optimizing database use.


Secondary school Pestalozzi Schule - Buenos Aires, Argentina - From March 2000 to October 2017
