Nypan Big City Nypan Big City
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1 The Greeting 6:53 All compositions by Øyvind Nypan 1 The Greeting 6:53 All compositions by Øyvind Nypan 2 You Old Tasmanian Devil You 6:50 Øyvind Nypan guitar 2 You Old Tasmanian Devil You 6:50 Øyvind Nypan guitar NYPAN NYPAN 3 Close To The Sun 6:44 Ben Wendel sax 3 Close To The Sun 6:44 Ben Wendel sax 4 Come What May 4:03 Taylor Eigsti piano BIG CITY 4 Come What May 4:03 Taylor Eigsti piano BIG CITY 5 Kung Kong 4:44 Joe Martin bass 5 Kung Kong 4:44 Joe Martin bass NYPAN 6 Shallow Water 6:48 Justin Faulkner drums NYPAN 6 Shallow Water 6:48 Justin Faulkner drums 7 Starfall 4:49 7 Starfall 4:49 8 Grasstopper 6:57 8 Grasstopper 6:57 BIG CITY CITY BIG Total Time: 47:48 CITY BIG Total Time: 47:48 Recorded January 5th, 2017 by Tom Tedesco at Tedesco Studios, New York Recorded January 5th, 2017 by Tom Tedesco at Tedesco Studios, New York Mixed and mastered by Morgan Nicolaysen at Propeller Mastering, Oslo Mixed and mastered by Morgan Nicolaysen at Propeller Mastering, Oslo Produced by Øyvind Nypan Produced by Øyvind Nypan Executive producer Odd Gjelsnes Executive producer Odd Gjelsnes Front cover photo by Ronny Østnes Front cover photo by Ronny Østnes Cover design by design holtmann Cover design by design holtmann This recording was supported by The University of Agder and Kristiansand kommune This recording was supported by The University of Agder and Kristiansand kommune Big thanks to Ben Wendel, Taylor Eigsti, Joe Martin and Justin Faulkner for participating Big thanks to Ben Wendel, Taylor Eigsti, Joe Martin and Justin Faulkner for participating on this record. on this record. Mats Nypan, Jeanette Lotfi, Sissel Nypan, Lars Nypan, Eva Nypan, Jostein Gulbrandsen, Mats Nypan, Jeanette Lotfi, Sissel Nypan, Lars Nypan, Eva Nypan, Jostein Gulbrandsen, Losen Records LOS 198-2 198-2 LOS Losen Records Per Harald Ottesen, Øyvind Nyvoll, Odd Gjelsnes, Petter Wettre and my students 198-2 LOS Losen Records Per Harald Ottesen, Øyvind Nyvoll, Odd Gjelsnes, Petter Wettre and my students at The University of Agder. at The University of Agder. https://www.facebook.com/nypanmusic/ https://www.facebook.com/nypanmusic/ © 2018 Losen Records www.losenrecords.no info losenrecords.no LOS 198-2 © 2018 Losen Records www.losenrecords.no [email protected] LOS 198-2 @ All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication, All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication, public performance and broadcasting of the music public performance and broadcasting of the music on this CD is a violation of applicable laws. Made in EU. ISRC: NO2NJ1898 7 090025 831980 Ben Wendel Taylor Eigsti Joe Martin Justin Faulkner on this CD is a violation of applicable laws. Made in EU. ISRC: NO2NJ1898 7 090025 831980 Ben Wendel Taylor Eigsti Joe Martin Justin Faulkner guitarist Øyvind Nypan had for a long time time long a for had Nypan Øyvind guitarist Faulkner and saxophonist Ben Wendel, Wendel, Ben saxophonist and Faulkner what I got, but even if these tunes are not not are tunes these if even but got, I what guitarist Øyvind Nypan had for a long time time long a for had Nypan Øyvind guitarist Faulkner and saxophonist Ben Wendel, Wendel, Ben saxophonist and Faulkner what I got, but even if these tunes are not not are tunes these if even but got, I what about? Answer: Because the Norwegian Norwegian the Because Answer: about? contact bassist Joe Martin, drummer Justin Justin drummer Martin, Joe bassist contact intricate melodies. A blowing session is is session blowing A melodies. intricate about? Answer: Because the Norwegian Norwegian the Because Answer: about? contact bassist Joe Martin, drummer Justin Justin drummer Martin, Joe bassist contact intricate melodies. A blowing session is is session blowing A melodies. intricate Obvious question: How did this record come come record this did How question: Obvious That question answered, Nypan went on to to on went Nypan answered, question That standing around trying to learn and handle handle and learn to trying around standing Obvious question: How did this record come come record this did How question: Obvious That question answered, Nypan went on to to on went Nypan answered, question That standing around trying to learn and handle handle and learn to trying around standing preferred studios in New York, says Nypan. Nypan. says York, New in studios preferred rather than a record session with five guys guys five with session record a than rather A Dream Come True Come Dream A preferred studios in New York, says Nypan. Nypan. says York, New in studios preferred rather than a record session with five guys guys five with session record a than rather Nypan Big City True Come Dream A so I wanted to know which were his his were which know to wanted I so with five guys really playing together together playing really guys five with so I wanted to know which were his his were which know to wanted I so with five guys really playing together together playing really guys five with move, to impossible to next are Pianos – and that I hoped for a blowing session session blowing a for hoped I that and move, to impossible to next are Pianos – and that I hoped for a blowing session session blowing a for hoped I that and contacted by was the pianist Taylor Eigsti. Eigsti. Taylor pianist the was by contacted some fairly uncomplicated compositions, compositions, uncomplicated fairly some contacted by was the pianist Taylor Eigsti. Eigsti. Taylor pianist the was by contacted some fairly uncomplicated compositions, compositions, uncomplicated fairly some musicians before. The first one that he he that one first The before. musicians Terje Mosnes June 2018 2018 June Mosnes Terje emphasized that I intended to bring along along bring to intended I that emphasized musicians before. The first one that he he that one first The before. musicians Terje Mosnes June 2018 2018 June Mosnes Terje emphasized that I intended to bring along along bring to intended I that emphasized Photo Mats Nypan Photo Photo Mats Nypan Photo never met or even spoken with any of the the of any with spoken even or met never A Dream Come True had I e-mails, my In preparation. for time never met or even spoken with any of the the of any with spoken even or met never time for preparation. In my e-mails, I had had I e-mails, my In preparation. for time than expected, says Nypan. He had had He Nypan. says expected, than I am very happy with this album as it is. it as album this with happy very am I professionals who don’t have too much much too have don’t who professionals than expected, says Nypan. He had had He Nypan. says expected, than I am very happy with this album as it is. it as album this with happy very am I professionals who don’t have too much much too have don’t who professionals things turned out to be less complicated complicated less be to out turned things them as bonus tracks but I have to say that that say to have I but tracks bonus as them I knew that these guys are very busy busy very are guys these that knew I things turned out to be less complicated complicated less be to out turned things them as bonus tracks but I have to say that that say to have I but tracks bonus as them I knew that these guys are very busy busy very are guys these that knew I – When I finally started to pull the strings, strings, the pull to started finally I When – stylistically. Maybe eventually I’ll release release I’ll eventually Maybe stylistically. off the cuff. Which was fine with me, me, with fine was Which cuff. the off – When I finally started to pull the strings, strings, the pull to started finally I When – stylistically. Maybe eventually I’ll release release I’ll eventually Maybe stylistically. off the cuff. Which was fine with me, me, with fine was Which cuff. the off to do with quality, they just didn’t fit in in fit didn’t just they quality, with do to Obvious question: How did this record come about? – Some of the tunes I had sent right themeverything inplayed advance,they basically to do with quality, they just didn’t fit in in fit didn’t just they quality, with do to basically they played everything right right everything played they basically for the session. session. the for two songs from the album has nothing nothing has album the from songs two advance, others I brought with me, but but me, with brought I others advance, for the session. session. the for two songs from the album has nothing nothing has album the from songs two advance, others I brought with me, but but me, with brought I others advance, finding the right studio and setting a date date a setting and studio right the finding on that day, and my reason for dropping dropping for reason my and day, that on Answer: Because the Norwegian guitarist Øyvind others I brought with me, but in basicallythem sent had I tunes theythe of Some – finding the right studio and setting a date date a setting and studio right the finding on that day, and my reason for dropping dropping for reason my and day, that on – Some of the tunes I had sent them in in them sent had I tunes the of Some – Establishing contact with the musicians, musicians, the with contact Establishing five hours that we had at our disposal disposal our at had we that hours five Establishing contact with the musicians, musicians, the with contact Establishing five hours that we had at our disposal disposal our at had we that hours five Main problems: Funding the project.