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Ecf^A RZ^D YZXY Z : UZR * - RNI Regn. No. MPENG/2004/13703, Regd. No. L-2/BPLON/41/2006-2008 $%&'$()*+, .&.& /.'01 22%$3! .52 4!*"62!401"#4*&3..3* "431/31 .3/0!#812$ &/2&/!&13"$4 *05&21." 41#/040!4 #/1.04/ *454" 4#37&22*&34O".3&3.3&! .3/4.!1 /5.34&.6095$. # "-). $$ :; < " 3 #/ 0 0 11/12123 )+)-42 !" # $%&' !! (Q *+ &% goods export market (16.0 per ($129 billion), said Alyssa Ayres “The list of US asks has cent share) after the European from CFR. been pretty static all through- Union (EU, 17.8 per cent), “The United States for two out. Not to say that any of these and third largest goods import years now has set out in stone things are easy for India to do, 13$.3/0 supplier (6.3 per cent) after pretty clearly the things that but the United States to my China (14.6 per cent) and the they wanted to see to try to get knowledge didn’t change the he talks between the EU 28 (10.2 per cent). an agreement, and it’s basical- goalposts just because we now TSupreme Court-appointed “The Trump ly then on India’s doorstep on consider India to be a middle- interlocutors and the Shaheen Administration takes issue with whether they want to take income country. The things Bagh protesters yielded partial the US trade deficit with India, those steps,” said Rick Rossow, that we wanted to see happen results on Friday, the third day and has criticised India for a Wadhwani Chair in US-India to get this trade agreement have of the negotiation, as the pro- range of ‘unfair’ trading prac- Policy Studies at the Center for been pretty static all through- testers agreed to open the par- tices,” the CRS said. Strategic and International out, no matter how difficult allel road if the SC can guar- # $ % & “Indian Prime Minister Studies think-tank. they are,” he said. antee their security at the ' & $ Modi’s first term fell short of protest site. many observers’ expectations, The interlocutors — senior interlocutors that the police they claiming that they will as India did not move forward advocates Sanjay Hegde and had first barricaded the road protect us if the parallel road is with anticipated market open- Sadhana Ramachandran — on parallel to the sit-in site, and opened?” ing reforms, and instead New Delhi: American resumed talks with the pro- then they occupied the paral- Another woman protester increased tariffs and trade President Donald Trump's testers on the third day on lel road erecting “India Gate”. said, “When several adjoining " restrictions,” it said. daughter Ivanka, son-in-law Friday evening. The Delhi Police admitted roads are open, why are they “Modi’s strong electoral Jared Kushner and a galaxy of A woman protester said, that initially they had blocked insisting us to move from this $"/0121 his commencement address, mandate may embolden the top US officials will be part of “We want in writing that if the road opposit to the sit-in road? This is not the only road Trump indicated that the talks Indian Government to press the high-level delegation there is a single incident of road for safety and security of connecting Delhi to Noida.” ays ahead of his India visit, on this might slowdown if he ahead with its reform agenda accompanying him during his attack or firing, the police offi- the protesters. “We barricaded Ramachandran said, DUS President Donald did not get a good deal. with greater vigour. Slowing visit to India on February 24 cials, from the SHO to the the parallel road to ensure “When we checked on the Trump on Thursday said the “Maybe we’ll slow down. economic growth in India rais- and 25, official sources said. police commissioner, should be security to the protest site. If the roads, we noticed that you two countries could make a We’ll do it after the election. I es concerns about its business The US has already shunted out. Home Minister road is opened to commuters, (protesters) were right. Many “tremendous” trade deal. think that could happen too. environment,” CRS said. announced that First Lady Amit Shah has said the NRC is we will ensure double security roads are open, which were “We’re going to India, and So, we’ll see what happens... But As per a fact sheet issued Melania Trump will be part of not coming soon, so ask him to to the protesters,” the police blocked by the police. I am very we may make a tremendous we’re only making deals if by the Council on Foreign the delegation. The other top issue a circular, saying they are official said. upset to say that the Noida- deal there,” Trump said in his they’re good deals because Relations (CFR), trade in goods officials who will accompany not bringing the NRC now. We As the interlocutors called Faridabad road, which was commencement address at the we’re putting America first. and services between the two the US president are Treasury want the Supreme Court to the police to the spot to discuss opened on Friday, was again Hope for Prisoners Graduation Whether people like it or not, countries from 1999 to 2018 Secretary Steven Mnuchin, pass an order on our security the matter with the protesters, closed by the police. Whoever Ceremony in Las Vegas. we’re putting America first,” surged from $16 billion to Commerce Secretary Wilbur if the road adjoining the protest a woman stood up and told the has done this is now answerable Trump, accompanied by Trump said. $142 billion. Ross, National Security Advisor site is opened.” mediators, “The Government to the Supreme Court.” First Lady Melania Trump, is Bilateral India-US trade in India is now the United Robert O’Brien and Energy Hegde said, “Today is thinks women are uneducated. The restrictions are a “con- scheduled to travel to goods and services is about States’ eighth-largest trading Secretary Dan Broulliette. Shivratri. If somebody uses a All of us are educated women scious” decision of the Noida Ahmedabad, Agra and New three per cent of the US’ world partner in goods and services Trump will arrive in cuss word, it becomes a bless- who know what we are fight- Police and are continuing as it Delhi on February 24 and 25. trade. In a recent report, the and is among the world’s largest Ahmedabad on February 24 for ing today. It is your right to ing for. The students from is, Deputy Commissioner of Ahead of the visit, there Congressional Research Service economies. India’s trade with his less than 36-hour trip to speak. Speak up. Say everything Jamia Millia Islamia, who were Police (Noida Traffic) Rajesh S have been talks about India and (CRS) said the trading rela- the United States now resem- India. From Ahmedabad, he you want to say. Let us take a teaching us more on CAA and told PTI. He added that the day, the United States agreeing on tionship is more consequential bles, in terms of volume, the will travel to Agra before arriv- joint decision for all the affect- NRC, are being beaten up. If the Delhi Police decides to lift a trade package as a precursor for India — in 2018 the United US’ trade with South Korea ing at the national Capital for ed parties here.” the police could not stop the the restrictions, “We will also to a major trade deal. During States was its second largest ($167 billion in 2018) or France the main leg of the visit. The protesters told the men who fired at us, how are do it on our side”. # $%% #) &' $ ( *+, &/2 Leader of Opposition Gopal 405./ 13$.3/0 After the meeting, Uddhav Bhargav and some others too said, “I had a good discussion ithin hours after reports of reacted sharply to this order. he United States is prepar- gainst the backdrop of his with the Prime Minister over WMadhya Pradesh Health Public Relations Minister Ting to sign a deal with the Asimmering differences on issues concerning Maharashtra. department issuing orders for PC Sharma was the first to react Taliban on February 29, build- a host of issues with the I also discussed the CAA, NPR !" forceful sterilisation for males, on the issue accepting that there ing on an agreement on reduc- Congress and the NCP, and NRC with the PM. No one the State Government swung was something wrong claiming ing violence across Maharashtra Chief Minister needs to fear about the CAA. 13$.3/0 into action and removed the Health minister Tulsi Silawat Afghanistan, Secretary of State Uddhav Thackeray met Prime The NPR is not going to throw National Health Mission direc- would look into the matter. Mike Pompeo said Friday. Minister Narendra Modi and anyone out of the country,” he map prepared by the tor Chhavi Bhardwaj and the The order might be a human “Upon a successful imple- Congress president Sonia Uddhav said. TVishwa Hindu Parishad controversial order was also error and no employee would be mentation of this understand- Gandhi on Friday, his first He also denied that there (VHP) some 30 years ago for withdrawn. forced into any sterilisation tar- ing, signing of the US-Taliban visit to Delhi after taking up the was any friction among the building a grand Ram temple Taking cognizance of low get, Sharma claimed. agreement is expected to move reins of the State. constituents of the Maha at Ayodhya could be altered male sterilisation figures in However, as the controver- forward,” he said in a statement Uddhav’s son Aditya Aghadi, while asserting slightly to raise the height of the Madhya Pradesh, the NHM had sy snowballed into major con- released after visiting Saudi Thackeray, who is a Minister in that the Maharashtra proposed structure from 125 ordered health workers to either troversy, Health minister Tulsi Arabia.
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