SS&H Journal THE UNIVERSITY LHg.UG S46 OF QUEENSLAND LIBRARY Semper floreiHr; £003 x^ Received on: 04-11-03 SEMPER FLOREAT ENDGAME EDITION 2003 Contents: Indigenous people have been, often violently, dispossessed of their land EDITORIALS and culture. They remain some of the most marginalised in our society. STUFF There can be no social progress without recognition of the Injustices Dream Job in the Last Stalinist State 6 suffered by Indigenous Australians. A Test not Primarily of Speed 7 Interview with John Birmingham 8 Dude, Where's my haggis? 11 The End 12 SEMPER FLOREAT Inconceivable: A life without music 13 THE UQ UNION NEWSPAPER Whinge for a whinge, More Whinging, and Whinge 14 Aunty Jan: I Need a Man 16 Unleash the Gimp 19 Editors: David Lavercombe Shona Nystrom UNION STUFF Jim Wilson Arts Editor: Sofia Ham What you need to know and do when you vote. 20 What student politicians mean when they say 21 Polling places and times 21 Telephone: 3377 2237 President's report 22 Facsimile: 3377 2220 Resignation 25
[email protected] Annual Budget 26 Paying the Printer _ 26 27 Semper Floreat Offices Red Room Incident 27 Union Complex Idle Threats 'Yes' campaign 28 The University of Queensland On being defamed, and Mojo mumbo jumbo 29 St Lucia, 4067 How to Succeed in the UQ Union 30 Quotes from the year 34 The views expressed in Semper Floreat do not necessarily reflect OTHER STUFF those of the editors, the UQ Union, or The University of Queensland. To my friends in the Ministry of Truth.