Pomfret and Thompson Recreation Departments Sponsor: BOSTON RED SOX VS TAMPA BAY RAYS FRIDAY—5/30/14 DIVISION RIVALRY A great rivalry between two American League East Opponents. Join Pomfret & Thompson Rec. for a fun day at the “PAAHHK”! (underLocation: 18 must Fenway be accompanied Park—Game by an adult. Time ) 7:10 FEE: pm $83.00 p.p. for Pomfret & Thompson residents & $86.00 p.p. for other towns or credit card payment (Thompson only). If you wish to pay Grand Stand Section 26 online by credit card, you must register in Thompson at $86.00 p.p. (3rd base side—under the roof) go to: www.thompsonrec.org . Includes 3rd base side Grandstand seats and coach bus transportation. All checks to mailed and made out to: SCHEDULE Pomfret Rec. Dept., 5 Haven Rd, PDeparture A R T U R E LEAVE Pomfret Center, CT 06259 4:30 pm Pomfret Community School Parking Lot 860-974-1423 or
[email protected] 7Arrive : 0 in Boston TTIMETime on your ownON before YOUR the game OWN No refunds for trips GAGame begins! Bus leaves for home 20 minutes will be given unless we have a wait list and a 7:10 pm after game ends replacement can be found.. Participants Name Address Home Ph. # Cell Ph. # Email Address If you need more space to add member of your party, please use the back side of this form. ______# of participants @ 83.00 each = Amt. Pd. _________ on check # ________ ______# of participants @ 86.00 each = Amt. Pd. _________ on check # ________ Emergency contact name and PH # number for this party ____________________________________________________________ (relationship to you)_________________________________.