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Compiled by UNA Rn.S Index Compiled by UNA Rn.s Abingdon, Akx 0(, 159 ikdr, 87, 92 Abingdon. I 2. hO ik('SIf')-,. Sam .• 210 Abb<) , III> 7, 129-30, 132, 142, 160, IS} B(,lIson. 2<J-33. 86... 7. 90 ablHlI or. ~t :Ethe/wold, 126 Ikorn\\ did, St., 91 O~'tar. 112 Bert' Frrrers, J)t'\..'on, 170 miIlMf'r. 86, 88 lkrinsfidd. 60. 179 ~t Hd('n ·~. 92 Ikrrid Prior. 16-7 , £lf~I\.t, nu~(' uf SI FridC"swid(', 74, 82<1, 96. 103 Benld S.llome 26-7 :[UhtrC". t"aldhrman. 11:1 Bicnler. 86-7 .t:.lfsigC". 129-30. 1+2 Biddendt'n. Krnl. 173-4 .£scC'-; hurh ru L'fhnli\:lon Castlt' B;n 'y, 72, 71>-7. 80-5, 'II 3,99. 110, 119. 125. 127 .£S("\{. bp. (:If l)oC'(h("Sltf. 151 Th()mbll~ in. 7'l.. 77,85,91 3. 110 £tht'lh.tld, kiol{ uf ~It"rc- id. 90 Birinll'l. St., 69. 87 .£lhdl~rI . klfll.!; uf W(,~lIf'X, 192 Six, 29-31. 198 101 .£II11'lhcard kin~ of \\'(,llS(,X . 87 80m", PaJ-de·(:dlais. H. 119-27 .E:thdm.rr, f'ald«.rman. (XI Lon .. •£thdrrd I. kin't. 192 animal. .. 6, R. 59. 68 :Elhdrt'd II. killl{. 79,80,89-90. 116 human, 16-53 ..S6-8, bO-3. 187· 9, 193-1 .£liwbl'ln, ('aldorman. 119. 112 bone arl('factll. 15, 50. 5ti. 67 . Eth('iy,uld. ~I. 126 Braml!."\,. HallloS. 201 £tll("lwulf, killl( of '\-('ss('x. 112 brassrs. Illonulll('ntal, 213 air phutograph"" 2.7 :JQ. 40. 13l- l, 139 Br('ro(Jn-on-lh~·llill, Lt'il'S, 87 agricuhurr, 110- 112 bridg('S,86, 182. 18t AJcheslrr.23 1,28-<1, llil 2. 18~ Bri~hlwdl Balch.. in, 26 ,\Idred, mmlj/n, 130. 112 Brighlwrll-cum·~olwell. 23-5, 28. lrt aiJo ~Iacknf') ,\Id\ulrth, Bt'ru. 159-60, 170 ,n Alfred , king. 191 3 Brill. Bucks, 113 Algar. 'kin~ of l..tic~sler ', 72. 7-1, 76. 81-3, 94-5. BmlOl, SI ~Iark ·s. 170 97 9, 102 HI6-a British \1u5t'um. 186-7. 190. 192 AnC"a<;It'r. I.inn.. 69 Bronze A~r rrmams. 2. 6-8, II. H. 18. 20. 22, 39. Anglo-SJ.'(on rem.lin'i. 85-9. 129--13. 18 ..... 5. fit abo 61 5, 133, In ("(1111 .. ptlll~f) Burford. 1%. IClg arm()ur. 151 :1..155.161. 16.>-6. 171 Bu~hlt'" , \\'m . lord. 176. 2lr2 .\scott. 2s.-~1 Burgrro, kmg of ~lerria. 191 \shhur. 130. 132-3. 137, 1lt)... 1 BUlri . W"It('r lord of Bom\ , 123. 125 \stOIl (;Iinlon. 211 \lIrrbuf). J)t'an, 206 (:antrrbul)' AUgUlllln~ . SI .• ofCanltrbul). % archbp. or, J 17. 207 catht'dral. 169 Bampton. 76-7. 91-8. q(~·2. 98-9, 109. 120. 157 s('(' (,f, 88 Banbury. ~aol, 210-11 Cardin. cd.~IIt'. IW dt'pul) ~oler. :210 Cartrr,John. plan by, 153 markel platt 210 Cassinglon. 61 mayor, 210 Calhrrin(', ~I., 79, 101 2, 115 BaJl~()r bp. uf. Humphrf'v Humphr('}:..205 caust\\.d.y. 2. 7. 8, 11,25.33 Barron. l)r. 2Ub Crcil)-" SI .. 79, 101 ·2. 115 barrOM.2. II H. 18.20-22,80. 131 1 136-7, 1(11 Chadlington. II 12.2()...1 Batrman, Elit ..... C"ountrn. 173 Chalford, Old. II 12 8alh \\('II~ , hI" of Juhn \\\nn(', 208 chapt'h.• 69,90-1 130. 138 Baulkin~ . 130. 1.. 0-2 Chari bur. I 86-8 216 I~DEX Charles. 'i'ic .. Lancaster Herald , 155. 1$7-9, 162-3 Edwardr-s, J., Princi pal of Jesus. 206 Chrrtscy.87 Edric. 132, 142 Chrrwdl. Ri\.'cr, 88. 90-1 Edward the Elder, king, 112 Chihcrns, 88 Edward Ihe Confessor, king, 142 ChiplX'nham. WillS, 19·t effigifS. medieval, CholK-y,25 Slone. 145--6. 148, 15(}...6(), 163-72 Christian burials, 69 woodt" ll , 146--7, 160-3, 165-6 Circnct"Slcr. Glas, 194 Eleanor. queen of Henry II, 165 CiS$3, \\'(,5t Saxon printt, 88 Elizabeth I, queen, 201 ·3 ("oins, ROOM" , 23, 25. 31-"2 Elsfidd,90 Anglo-.Saxon, 92, 186-8, 190-1 Ely, bp. of, G,of, 117· 18 Colt-gran', Wm., 18&-90. 192-4 enclosures. 209 Colmrr, Thos., Fdlow of Brascnose, 204 £I1StOI1(:, 11 - 12 Complon Beauchamp, 134-6, 140--2 Sit lIardwdl Evenlodc, River, 18,20-22 Cookc, Rob., Clarcncc3ux King of Arms, 162-5 Evesham, battle of, 165 CoojXr, J ohn. r«:tor of Six. 201 Ewelme.31-2 Cornwrll, 158 Eynsham, 8&-8. 90, 92 Cotswolds. 11 . 18. 22. 88 abb<y of, 90 Cowley. 89 Crickladc, Robt of, prior or Oxford, 80, 101, 116 hringdon minster. 86 Crocker End, 30-- 1 Fawler in Kingston Lisle, 130, 132, 137- 43 Crowmarsh Gifford, 157 fidd sys l("ms Culham, 181-5 ~ltic. 132-7. 139, I tI Curbridge, 61, 66 mrdieval, 135-6. 133-9. 141 cunus, 1-8, 65 Flanders, cult of English saints in . 126 Cultcslowc, 89-90 Fleet ~1arston , Bucks, 29 Cuxham,26 fimts, 6--1, 13--22,25,30,39, 137,142, 179 Fontevraud, Abbey of, Maine et Lo ire. 164-5 Danbury. Essex , 170 fords, 29, 86. 88 Dant's, 79, 116 fU Qlso Viking Forest Hill. 90 Oa~i s, Samuel, 186-7, 192 Frid("gis, abbot ofSI Bertin's, 127 d"ches, 2 7, 26, 30, 39, 42-5, 63--9, 92, 134, 181, Fridrswide, St .. 71 - 127 183-1 miracles of, 76-9, 83, 91, 94-5. 99--102, 1Q9. 113, Dldan. king, father of St. Frideswide, 72, 71, 7!>, 11 5-- 18, 121 82-3,81·9,92,9·' , 96, 102 7 relics of. 80, 93, 11 6-19 Diuma, St ., 87 translation of, 11 7-19 Domesday Book, 82, 90, 130, 132, 13 7--8, 141 ,,<II of, 17. 83, 85, 110, 127 Dorchestcr-on-Thames, 39 Frtnch cult of, 119-27 Abb<v, 69, 86, 14>-8, 150--72 Stt also t£.lfgiva. Algar, Didan, S.lfrida abbot of. 151 Frid("swide. 51 ., monastel) of, 73--5, 78-9, 85 6, 88, bishopriC of, 87 93, 97, 105, 11 3 bishop of, .£sc:wig, 154 Frideswide. St., priory of, 73. 81,89, 126 ("emclerics, 3.>-69 archives of, 82 cursU! at. 8 canons of, 83. 85, 90. 11 6-17 roads 10, 23-33, 181--84 prior 01. Philip. 117- 18 Dorset cursus, 8 Rob. of Cricklade , 80. 101, 116 Dragon Hill. Uffin~ton, 133. 136 Wimund. 73 Drayton, 1 -8, J.t2 Frithu~)" th , Wes t Sa"on, (Iuctn, 87 Drayton St Leonard. 27--8 Frithuric, sub-king, 87 Dropshorl in Lillie Frithu,,"old . sub-king, 87 Brickhill. Bucks, 29 Gardn tr, Robt. (Banbury deputy gaoler), 210 Eadburh, Sc, 87 Gaol Act , 1823,210 f.adgar, bp. of LindS('y, 82 George I. king, 207 Eadgifu, wire or.-\.Ifsige. 129--30, \4 2 George, prince regtnt, 175 Eadrr-d. king, 129, 142 Germanic settlers, 38, 85 su also Anglo-Saxon Earsham. orfolk, 20 1 remains Edgar. king, 130. 132. 141-2 glass. tained, 198-201 Edington. battle of, 191 Glastonbury Abbey. 132 Edmund, kill~ . 130 Glouccstcr, 16>-6. 194- Edmund Crouch bad., 171-2 Gloucester Cathedral, 1·1&-8, I~l, 168-9. 172 l'IlLX 217 God.stow nunnrry. 91 2 hiU(nrb. 129-3f1 133--1 136-7, 140-1. 195 w Goldsmith. 0, 173 pottt'J) ~OH'mmf>nt ('()unn) of KIIl~ 117· 8 Jt'TPOlllt Ablx-). Kilkrnm., Lirr. 1f.iO Lord K~pcr , 207 John. kjll~, 165. 168 Parliamt'ru, tU7 Isabella. wift' of. 165 G~at ~Iih on, 26, 21'1 J uwt'n, B .• ~1.lSIcr (lr Ballinl. 111 Grt'('n Down IU Kin~~lon \\'arrrn no""l1 Grt'y uf Cod nor. 157 Km~sl on I.isi<". 130--5. 137-8. 140-1 iU Grt'~ 01 Rothrrlield hwlcr in. Ram Hill in, E\'(' de. 158 KII1~5ton \\'Mrt'n Down, 135, 137, ItO Ha""lst dr, 157-8 KUlI( 10nc WlIlslow. I.J() Ruh. dt', 1.';7-8 Kni~hl~ . IG-8. 150- 5.1.'>8. IbO Willtrr s. of. 158 Knilthton. I to Rub. s. o( Waltt'r, 158 .Jnhn s. of Rob., 1)8 Lankhills III Winchntrr, 51, 56. 58, 66-8 \\'ahrr dr, .Ibp. of York , 157-8 Ltthlade-, ('un us. 8 Gre-~ .. uf RUlhin. 157 ('m('t('r), 67 uc, Ric. CId.rt'nctau'I:, King of Arms, 15.>--7 :l{X) Haarirm, Hulland, uict'Slcr, 82. 90; $" 41so .. \lII;.lr Haih's .\hoc\ , Glo)., lilt. 168-9 Lti~h.un·Std, fusc" 19-1 Hall, Dr, ~IOj'I('r of Pcmbmkc. 175 Ld;md.John. 152,3. )60 Hampp, Je,. 01t'r(h.1I1I. 201 u- :\('\t', )'I'(rf, I i5 Harroun, Jamt's. hllnw of.Jc·'lUs. 206 I.('wknor. 63 Hardw ('11 in CUmpll>ll Bt'auchamp. 136-7. 139, Lhu~d. EdWJrd, ltl>-4) 1\(;2 Lithhdd ilnd (;OHnlr\ hp. of, \\'01 Lloyd. :lO5 call1p.134.137.111 I.id1tcJllt'. II 12 H.dthcld 8m.ltl Oak. Lsscx. 171 l.inff)ln, 81 Hawkins. Edwdrd. of Unt ~tus,. 186-7, 190. 1~~2 hps of. n. 82. I'H. 197. 203-~ IIe-adin~lOn . qo I..ind.s('\', hp. of. E.ddw;ar. 82 Heamc, I"'hu~ .. :lOti Lillic 80('klull. Bucks. ,,, 1)f()Ir.thof( in H(,dlhn)lt·, IIrnr.... rr(lur of Bi:t\., 201 LUllc ~tih oll. 26. 28. 212 Hrnlr}-on·Th.llllrs. 2·1. 26, 28 32 LillI<' Trw, 188--9 Hrnn I kin~. 89. Ihn LI\'('f)XHlI.
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