What We Heard Coming Together to Improve Health and Wellness on the West Side
What We Heard Coming Together to Improve Health and Wellness on the West Side JULY 2017 UPDATE Prepared By: Rush University Medical Center University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System Cook County Health and Hospitals System Presence Health with support from Civic Consulting Alliance West Side Total Health Collaborative Timeline JANUARY 2017 APRIL 2017 JULY 2017 West Side Convening Presence Health “What We Heard” report newly updated at Malcolm X College joins collaboration with Community Conversations learnings DEC 16 JAN 17 FEB 17 MAR 17 APR 17 MAY 17 JUN 17 JUL 17 AUG 17 SEP 17 OCT 17 NOV 17 DEC 17 DECEMBER 2016 MARCH 2017 APRIL – MAY 2017 AUGUST – DECEMBER 2017 Rush, UI Health, and “What We Heard” 21 Community Conversations Planning Committee will meet to determine the vision, goals, CCHHS begin collaboration report is published held throughout the West Side and governance of the West Side Total Health Collaborative Dear Colleagues, On January 10, 2017, stakeholders from various sectors and organizations who work, live, and congregate on the West Side of Chicago came together for an initial conversation to discuss the idea of a West Side Total Health Collaborative. The notion is simple: bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to address health and other inequities on the West Side. However, we humbly recognize that elevating equity and closing the health disparity gap is no small feat. For this very reason, we invited a broad collective of residents, Larry Goodman, MD healthcare providers, educators, government leaders, businesses, Chief Executive Officer grant makers, community-based organizations, members of the faith Rush University Medical Center community, and others to come together to hear from one another on how to make the West Side Total Health Collaborative a reality.
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