“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, 54/05
(“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, 54/05 ) Based on Article IV. 4. a) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bosnia and Herzegovina Parliamentary Assembly, at the session of the House of Representatives held on 19 July, 2005 and session of the House of Peoples held on 28 July 2005, adopted the following LAW ON PROTECTION OF SECRET DATA CHAPTER I - GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 (Scope of the Law) This Law shall regulate common bases of a single system of designation, access to, use, keeping and protection of secret data from unauthorized disclosure, destruction and abuse within the competence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, entities and other levels of government structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina pertaining to public security, defence, foreign affairs or intelligence and security activities, declassification of such information, and security clearance procedure and issuance of security authorization to access secret data. Article 2 (Application of the Law) Provisions and arrangements of the Law on Protection of Secret Data (hereinafter: the Law) shall apply to all institutions, bodies, legal entities and citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and shall be observed by state and entity bodies, holders of public offices, bodies of local administration, administrative bodies at all other levels of the government, economic and other organizations and institutions which in the exercise of their own legal authorities produce, have access to and use such data, as well as employees in such bodies, organizations and institutions. Article 3 (Application of the Law on other legal and physical persons) (1) Contractors who perform construction and other works, service agents for IT and other equipment as well as suppliers who have been provided with such information in performance of their work shall also be obliged to comply with this law.
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