Criminal Defense Lawyers Only. Defensepros Is the Only Internet Powerhouse Designed by Criminal Defense Lawyers for Criminal Defense Lawyers

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Criminal Defense Lawyers Only. Defensepros Is the Only Internet Powerhouse Designed by Criminal Defense Lawyers for Criminal Defense Lawyers Web CDLP Hits the Beach July 20-21 , 2000 Radison resort South Padre Island-(210) 761-6511 Hotel Room Rate: $135.00 - Hotel Cut off Date: June 19,2000 An appllcation for 13.5 Hours MCLE (2.25 hours Ethics Credit*) is 1 Thursday, July 20,2000 pending 1 &30 Registration 11:30 Coping with Cop Created Crime Stephen R. Glassroth 9:00 Preperation for the Child Sexual Montgomery, Alabama Abuse Case 12:15 Lunch Richard Rodriguez, Harlingen 1:30 Motions for New Trial 9:45 Current Parole Developments Joseph A. Connors, Ill, McAllen William T. Habern, Riverside 2:30 Ethics and the Death Penalty* I Cynthia Hujar Orr, San Antonio 1 10:30 Break 3:15 Break 10:45 immigration Laws for Criminal Practitioners 330 Dealing With Grievances* Richard L. Prinz, Houston Ana Lisa Gaaa, Rio Grande City 415 Motions Practice 11:30 Use of Expert Witnesses Chris Flood, Houston Ronald P. Guyer, Houston 5:00 Adiourn 12:15 Lunch CDLP Hits the Beach 1:30 Opening Statements Please complete and send this registration form by mail to: CDLP 600 West 13th *Austin. Tx 78701- 1705 William P. Allison, Austin or by fax to (512)469-9107 Name 2:30 Ethics Bar Card # Robert A. Jones, Houston Address Clty, State, Zlp 3:15 Break Phone Fax E-mail 3:30 Voir Dire Lariy Sauer, Austin Please check all that apply Registration Fee: 415 Federal Criminal Income Tax 9 Current TCDLA Member $200.00 J.A. Tony Canales, Corpus Christi Q Non-Member $275.00 Q Judges $89.30 5:00 Reception Can't Attend? Buy the book includes shipping and tax $89.30 Friday, July 21,2000 Update your membership or join and get the seminar at the member price. 9:00 Kung Fu Stratagies and the Act of 0 New Member $75.00 Trfai Renew Membership $150.00 Daniel E. Monnant, Wichita, Kansas Q Early Registration ends July 7 after that date olease add $50.00 8:45 'Cross Examination your Total Michael P. Haskel 0 Check inclosed 0 Charge My 0 Visa Q American Express 10:30 Break 0 Mastercard a Discover Name on Card 10:45 Smart Weapons and Card Number High Tech Demonstrative Evidence Exp. Date E.X. Martin, Dallas Please call randy at 51214780514 or check out our web site - for informatloni CDLP programs are supported by a grant Scholarships Avaliable from the Court of criminal appeals Megaage Editor's Comment Director's Perspective Federal Corner Robert C.Hintm, Jr. John Carroll D'Ann Johnson F.R. (Buck) Files, Jr. 6 8 10 12 On the Cover I L~LA'sNew rmsruent, Ruuwt b. Hinton I On the Federal Sentencing Coidelines for Nlethamphetamine 18 Texas Convicts Trapped in ;I Baffling Legal Maze I by Uavld Hargrove I Jury Nullifications in Capital Cases ( by Clay S. Conrad ~ustyDuncan rnotos Criminal Justice News Surf the Web Significant Decisions Motion of the Mo Summer Fun New Members Li President. Robert C. "Bob" Hioton, Jr. DaIIos \ President-Elect Betty Blackwell Austin v 1 ~intVice-president ark G. DanielForl Worh Second Vice-president .Cynthia Hnjar Orr Son Antonio Weasurer Daniel W. Hnrley, Jr. Lubbock Secretary. Randy Wilson Abllene Editor-In-Chief Voicefor the DeJ2ASe John Carroll Sun Anfonio Editor, Significant Decisions Report Cynthia Hampton Aurlin Immediate Past President. Michael P. Heiskell Ft. Worth Amicus Curiae Ron Goranson, Co-Chair 214-651-11211214-953-1366(fax) Ell1 Harris, Co-Chair 817-332-55751817-335-6060 (fsx) Death Penalty. Cynthia Hujar Orc 210-226-14ti31210-226-8367 (fax) Hall of Fame. Frank Jackson, Co-Chriir 214-871-11221214-880-0443(fax) Clifton "Scrappy" Holmes, Co-Chair 903-758-22001903-758-7g64 (fax) Lawyers Assistance. Rick Eagcn, Go-Chair 940-566-1001l940-757-9878(fax) Dan Hnrley, Co-Chair 806-770-07001806-763-8199 (fax) Stanley G. Schneider, Co-Chair 713-951-95551713-951-9854 (fax) Legislative. Keith Hampton 512.476-84841512-476-9309 (fax) Bill Eabern .SpeeialLlasonlCorrections 409-594-21231409-594-9100 (fax) David O'Neal .Special LiasonlPrison Watch 409-437-52681489437-5293 (fax) Memborsbip .Randy Wilson, Co-Chair 800-588-46781915-677-6129 (fax) Bennie House. Co-Chair 713-688-33981713-680-0804 (fax) Lydia Clay-JacIcson Co-Chair 409-760-28891409-756-0901 (fax) Verse1 Rush Co-Chair 940-767-75671940-723-9972 (fax) Mentor Carslyn Denero 512472-13531512472-1316 (fax) Women & Minarlty Defenders I Women .Katherine Scardino 713-520-52231 713-520-5455 (fax) Minorities Lydia ClayJackson 409-526-11711409-756-0901 (fax) Managing Editor. D'Aon JohnsOd Feature Articles Editor Greg Westfall 500 W. Throckmorton #I801 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Production Assistant. Rose Valenzneia, TCDLAIHQI~~Office 5121478-2514 Layout & Design Monica Isabel Martinez, MPress, Inc. 5121389-0J40 Assislnnt Feature Articles Edilora Cynthia H. Orr 290OTower Life Bidg. San .\nmnio,'l'exas 78205 2101226-1463 [email protected] W. Regan Wynn 120 W. 3rd Ste. 300 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 8171336-5600 --- -.- &ice for I@ Defense (ISSN 0364-2232) is published monthly, except for JanuaryIFebmary and I~~lylAugust,which arc bimonthly, by tltc Tenas Criminal Defcnse Lawyers Associalion Ine., 600 West 13th Street, Austin, Texas 78701. Printed in the USA. Basic subsription rate: $36 per year when rceeived as n benefit of TCDLA men~bership.Non-member subscriptions: $75 annually. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Yoce for the Defernee 600 \Vest 13th Slrcct, Austin, Tcras 78701. Yoicefor the Defnse is published to educate, tmiu and support attorneys in the prac- tice of crin~inaldefense law. Please send all feature articles to Gmg Westfall, 500 \V. Throck~norlou,111801, Fort Worth, Texas 76102-7414, 8171336-5600. Please send all other materials for publications to John Carroll or D'Am Joltnson at thc TCDLA home office, 5121475-2514, fx 512t469-9107 or cwail at djohn- [email protected]. Statements and opinions published in the %ice are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of TCDLA. No material may be rcprintcd without prior approval and proper credit to the magazine. 02000 Tcxas Criminal Defensc Lawyers Association. THE PURPOSES OF TCDLA To p~otectc~ncl illsure iby ~uleof iaw tliosc incliviclu~ lights ~uurnlrteed by llie Texcli c111d Federal Consfilulior?siri criniinol cases: to resist tihe constant efforts whicl? ale now being niude to curtoil such lights: to encourage cooperalion lbetween lowyels engaged in liie lu~tliernnceof suclr ol?jectivei through ei~ucaliol?cdprograms and other assistarrce: and th~oughsuch cooperatio~l,education und ass is^ tcuice to promote justice cmcl lhe comn-icn goocl. VISIT THE TCDLA WEBSlTE @+Pjuly/A~g~&t 2000 - Voice 5 teaching our Footsteps Turning towards the Horizon by Robert C. "Bob" Hintn~~,Jr. s this phenomenal and fasci- review of the conception, gestation, of "lonocent Persons in Pnson, The nating Association enters its birth and early development ofthis mag- Need for Innocence Protection a thirtieth year, it is absorbing nificent entity we now mewith pride, Legislation and Fommt~onof h6Texas to re-trace its enonnous foot- appreciation and respect. The product of Iimocence Network". Barry Scheok, our steps. Enonnous, hecause they were left their efforts will be displayed at the own Edward Mallett, the incoming by the colossal titans of our profession. "Members' Party" in June, 2001. FIO~I NACDL President, outgoing TCDLA Phil Burlman, Em& Maloney, Emmett the Iilming I have been privileged to President Michael Hciskell, Bill Allison Colvin, Tony Friloux, Warren Btunettt observe to this polntJ can assure you it and others met the media in a very pro- George Gilkerson, Chaley Butts, will be a "block-buster"! ductive conference which garnered wide Weldon Holcon~h, Stuart Rillad, Bob Cynthia &Jar OK absolutely stuns and concentmted coverage about tbis Jones, Charley McDonald, topic of moat importance. George Milner, Jr., Roy Congratulations, Cynthia, on Minton, Richard Haynes, yet another job done with Travis Shclton, Vince Perini, super-human exceIlence. Cliff Brown, Tam Sharp, Betty Blackwell and Mark Charles Tessmcr, Doug Daniel prodmed what has to Tinker, Don Wdson, Roy have been thc very finest Banem, to name but a few, "Rusty Duncan Criminal Law decided in 1971 it was time Seminar" ever! Knowing that for crimiual defense lawyers Betty, Mark, Cynthia, Dan to have a statc-wide pres- Hurley and Randy Wilson ence. They set upon the task constitute our chain of OE- to establish an assmiation of cers allows me to sleep professionals which would soundly at night. Eyen a have a voice to he heard in "Red-Headed Wildman" can't tlle legislature, and the criun- render things unsalvageable nal courts throughout this in the face of this roster of vast state. They sought to champions! protect andensure the consti- As president, I have two tutional rights of citizens major goals. The first is to acwsed, to educate and assist grow the membership to 3000 criininal defense lawyers, and thereby to me. I am beginning to hcliwethat she is by June, 2001. The second is to pmvide promote justice and tbe common good. super- human, some bionio creation of the snpporl for KelthHampton and AUen Weldon Holcomb, Geo~geGilkerson, the Goldstein laboratory of magic! She Place to have the nmst effective legisla- Judge Frank Maloney and Voice Editor- must ham no need for sleep or other tlve effort ever. W~thyour help TCDLA in-Chief John Carroll ham accepted the human escapes, as she obviously works can achieve these goals. Please, go out challenge of Co-chairing the "30th 24 over 7 by 521 Cynthia organized, of your way to sign np now members. Anniversary Commttlee". This scripted and orehestrated a very excel- Be available to go in Anstin to help Committee is charged with the respond lent and effective press conference on Keith and Allen.
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