ISSN 1059-1249 The Magic Lantern Gazette A Journal of Research Volume 26, Number 1 Spring 2014 The Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada 2 Above: Fig. 3 and detail. Right and below: Fig. 5 Color figures (see interior pages for complete captions) Cover Article 3 Outstanding Colorists of American Magic Lantern Slides Terry Borton American Magic-Lantern Theater P.O. Box 44 East Haddam CT 06423-0044
[email protected] They knocked the socks off their audiences, these colorists did. They wowed their critics. They created slides that shimmered like opals. They made a major contribution to the success of the best lantern presentations. Yet they received little notice in their own time, and have received even less in ours. Who were these people? Who created the best color for the commercial lantern slide companies? Who colored the slides that helped make the best lecturers into superstars? What were their secrets—their domestic and foreign inspirations, their hidden artistic techniques—the elements that made them so outstanding? What was the “revolution” in slide coloring, and who followed in the footsteps of the revolutionaries? When we speak of “colorists” we are usually referring to The lantern catalogs offered hundreds of pages of black and those who hand-colored photographic magic lantern slides white images—both photographs and photographed illustra- in the years 1850–1940. Nevertheless, for two hundred tions—to be used by the thousands of small-time showmen years, from the 1650s, when the magic lantern was in- operating in churches and small halls.